diff --git a/ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ✤ⵙ✻ⵙЭЄⵙᗩⵙߦⵙറⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙറⵙߦⵙᗩⵙЭЄⵙ✻ⵙ✤ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ/ⵙᗱᗴᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴߦᗩᙏⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴᗯꖴᴥᗱᗴᗝⵙ옷✤∷ⵙᗝꖴⓄᙏᕤᕦꖴᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᴥᗩᗱᗴИNꖴᙁⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙᙁꖴИNᗱᗴᗩᴥⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕꖴᕤᕦᙏⓄꖴᗝⵙ∷✤옷ⵙᗝᗱᗴᴥꖴᗯᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᙏᗩߦᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗱᗴⵙ/XHG.⠀ⵙᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙ✤ⵙᗩⵙᗯⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙߦⵙᗩⵙᙏⵙ◯ⵙ∷ⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙᗝⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙᙏⵙᕤᕦⵙꖴⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᗯⵙꖴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙ✤ⵙᗩⵙᗯⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙИNⵙꖴⵙᙁⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙᙁⵙꖴⵙИNⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗯⵙᗩⵙ✤ⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙꖴⵙᗯⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙꖴⵙᕤᕦⵙᙏⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙᗝⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙ∷ⵙ◯ⵙᙏⵙᗩⵙߦⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗯⵙᗩⵙ✤ⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕⵙ⠀.GHX b/ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ✤ⵙ✻ⵙЭЄⵙᗩⵙߦⵙറⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙറⵙߦⵙᗩⵙЭЄⵙ✻ⵙ✤ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ/ⵙᗱᗴᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴߦᗩᙏⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴᗯꖴᴥᗱᗴᗝⵙ옷✤∷ⵙᗝꖴⓄᙏᕤᕦꖴᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᴥᗩᗱᗴИNꖴᙁⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙᙁꖴИNᗱᗴᗩᴥⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕꖴᕤᕦᙏⓄꖴᗝⵙ∷✤옷ⵙᗝᗱᗴᴥꖴᗯᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᙏᗩߦᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗱᗴⵙ/XHG.⠀ⵙᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙ✤ⵙᗩⵙᗯⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙߦⵙᗩⵙᙏⵙ◯ⵙ∷ⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙᗝⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙᙏⵙᕤᕦⵙꖴⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᗯⵙꖴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙ✤ⵙᗩⵙᗯⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙИNⵙꖴⵙᙁⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙᙁⵙꖴⵙИNⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗯⵙᗩⵙ✤ⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙꖴⵙᗯⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙꖴⵙᕤᕦⵙᙏⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙᗝⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙ∷ⵙ◯ⵙᙏⵙᗩⵙߦⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗯⵙᗩⵙ✤ⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕⵙ⠀.GHX index 9c4d2a4a..b2a66ccc 100644 --- a/ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ✤ⵙ✻ⵙЭЄⵙᗩⵙߦⵙറⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙറⵙߦⵙᗩⵙЭЄⵙ✻ⵙ✤ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ/ⵙᗱᗴᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴߦᗩᙏⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴᗯꖴᴥᗱᗴᗝⵙ옷✤∷ⵙᗝꖴⓄᙏᕤᕦꖴᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᴥᗩᗱᗴИNꖴᙁⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙᙁꖴИNᗱᗴᗩᴥⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕꖴᕤᕦᙏⓄꖴᗝⵙ∷✤옷ⵙᗝᗱᗴᴥꖴᗯᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᙏᗩߦᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗱᗴⵙ/XHG.⠀ⵙᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙ✤ⵙᗩⵙᗯⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙߦⵙᗩⵙᙏⵙ◯ⵙ∷ⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙᗝⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙᙏⵙᕤᕦⵙꖴⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᗯⵙꖴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙ✤ⵙᗩⵙᗯⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙИNⵙꖴⵙᙁⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙᙁⵙꖴⵙИNⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗯⵙᗩⵙ✤ⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙꖴⵙᗯⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙꖴⵙᕤᕦⵙᙏⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙᗝⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙ∷ⵙ◯ⵙᙏⵙᗩⵙߦⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗯⵙᗩⵙ✤ⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕⵙ⠀.GHX +++ b/ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ✤ⵙ✻ⵙЭЄⵙᗩⵙߦⵙറⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙറⵙߦⵙᗩⵙЭЄⵙ✻ⵙ✤ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ/ⵙᗱᗴᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴߦᗩᙏⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴᗯꖴᴥᗱᗴᗝⵙ옷✤∷ⵙᗝꖴⓄᙏᕤᕦꖴᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᴥᗩᗱᗴИNꖴᙁⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙᙁꖴИNᗱᗴᗩᴥⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕꖴᕤᕦᙏⓄꖴᗝⵙ∷✤옷ⵙᗝᗱᗴᴥꖴᗯᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᙏᗩߦᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗱᗴⵙ/XHG.⠀ⵙᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙ✤ⵙᗩⵙᗯⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙߦⵙᗩⵙᙏⵙ◯ⵙ∷ⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙᗝⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙᙏⵙᕤᕦⵙꖴⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᗯⵙꖴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙ✤ⵙᗩⵙᗯⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙИNⵙꖴⵙᙁⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙᙁⵙꖴⵙИNⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗯⵙᗩⵙ✤ⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙꖴⵙᗯⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙꖴⵙᕤᕦⵙᙏⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙᗝⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙ∷ⵙ◯ⵙᙏⵙᗩⵙߦⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗯⵙᗩⵙ✤ⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕⵙ⠀.GHX @@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ - -20593 - 9144 + -783 + 1071 - 0.8645373 + 0.05 @@ -109,6 +109,106 @@ + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 6116e56f-bb9b-42fd-89b2-cf0bc1ed4832 + 5f513605-0735-49e6-b18d-ffa4cb8767f2 + cbd7db17-df94-42a2-9378-242bd58a25cd + 997d42d0-a16e-4592-ab73-d0220de8e306 + e6683ed7-1684-4990-a6ab-ae6131f28adc + 9aa05b78-9b1b-481e-b891-1520ce53cb48 + b2439f52-87fa-49aa-b479-850c9bec3b6b + d21c43d5-0aff-4ae6-8549-f14fd1ebbc5e + 40b7b889-6b25-4b5b-b6b7-5a0a648374ef + 48b21847-e3f3-4b64-8b26-95f35cbf51c7 + 94b8fbfe-c474-4046-9362-d72526aef313 + 7210b3f9-b197-40bb-82f3-615e3afcf2ab + 4f6b126b-b02a-4b3d-86b8-51a32e221090 + dc4d2198-eeba-4a67-a01c-4d0452f29e7b + ad466afb-e775-4c24-9667-79b7f4dc8b82 + d04335b8-ce25-4db3-a0a2-51dc890dff0b + c2b434a8-d814-4402-a6d7-fbca9da1ad92 + a1b83d2d-ec13-49c2-a123-f4dbb1ed8b0c + 7ff08cd5-37fe-4200-9160-d3112ce9d725 + 5b57847a-6771-4935-907d-41a49351c834 + 3f3833f2-e87a-474c-8f65-c79f0a489b3d + 396d4a2e-5744-4940-b523-f4f8b3503cbb + 6a690171-9883-468f-b0a5-ab0a63496b0f + 96d75e82-411b-4eb3-8dd0-de9f9fa4aec4 + b699cb9f-2657-4cd2-bde8-7e20a0de15ae + 1941a7b8-b001-4272-95f8-d302fb35e8e4 + 7243dc9a-cb8f-4f1f-82e4-4957edb2d705 + 9c8ee9a7-8be0-4bb1-bbd3-0f0d8b1c33c9 + 7bf4467c-3f5f-4ef3-89dc-71992b56e798 + 13408244-80f0-4090-9640-fed1006b1281 + ab88d891-784a-4bb4-ad29-ceb2582441ad + 454865aa-4f4e-4052-bba1-5691f27ed7e4 + f1da01d3-2baf-4452-9d9d-af616f39bf8f + 0653ad4b-4064-4ce5-810d-eb8eda78c244 + 470106ad-2e83-46d0-84b2-dd73a6dc3481 + ec7f412e-a3cc-4742-b7c1-a0b12242de0d + 59f26ffd-b137-4bce-8e82-00d039ae8e42 + c2597d02-e4d0-4075-a746-1dd75007c681 + 0b9eb758-b67c-409f-8efe-afb42624ff62 + a6c065f2-152a-4b87-9865-5856f9ca0408 + 2c50866a-38cc-483b-a20b-35af8b84620e + b4348960-9117-489d-bfc8-2ba3b33e231d + c0ef27d0-02ea-459f-a5b4-3bcbe315e601 + efef31e9-fb9f-42df-967d-66b5298ba02f + f52c6740-04e5-413d-861d-5eeeb836d30a + 8dddddbc-e6db-46bc-8464-f36e94a06852 + ae533b58-489a-4e97-9cfb-c50b3f8210e8 + a405642e-c05f-4c35-af58-624b91546cfc + 2f24c037-10ba-40cd-93a3-47ef31321016 + 5702cab5-e3e0-4167-9e9d-78d518317827 + c3cb2df8-02e1-4948-b1ea-cabd9ac2ba5c + 3e434464-7104-47c0-aa8a-9e4b2a7b5e6b + 3fc3b9fd-0755-4ae0-81e8-0ef4231129b9 + b9e30768-5cfc-448c-bddf-a40122cc1cf1 + 86a74b32-8581-4bb2-8951-aee56c07d7bc + 7c387e0e-7b47-43a1-a696-6f65cb63e432 + ffff9ce8-ea85-45e0-8455-edc2e9a0c02b + 772ffbba-1684-46e6-b635-c1bbc5a95b78 + 126ace9e-ef2d-46d1-b50a-4b43b1276aed + ec304de3-1378-4608-80bc-e8033b983494 + 59452311-1d0e-4ee9-998a-fbd7576f1115 + 6ca7c051-330e-4b2e-9f0a-b10a6085efd3 + 10230d81-259d-4b0d-b63c-931f135f8202 + b10d5a6e-a3c5-4e75-8b20-e41ebcc5acca + a1a57847-af07-47e1-9f94-e9a27cbdee8b + 8154f650-7946-4948-84c8-a52136b90863 + 3c8c873d-8079-4d7b-9c47-16f83ce6a793 + cfeb52a9-e928-4a18-85d9-901d16762cfc + 511597c9-33f2-492e-9708-a472f3d74a21 + cd20794f-d63a-4cc1-824e-7264389bbd2b + 7d9faef3-72e1-402c-8864-7f01f01cf204 + 56e3c796-11fa-42de-b53a-4b4fc9e6fb6c + 09a55390-033c-454a-84b3-77a5f2fa9edf + a438a5b8-7570-41ab-88da-a2a18d04caac + eb3b632b-d811-4098-a58e-68358f971ee7 + cfedb059-6851-4c52-9642-910cf8c3fe36 + 76 + ad5bf815-cc55-4b4d-8273-7e99a147021b + Group + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -166,7 +266,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -193,7 +293,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -337,7 +437,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -422,7 +522,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -515,7 +615,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -598,7 +698,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -674,7 +774,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -755,7 +855,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -822,7 +922,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -895,7 +995,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -944,7 +1044,7 @@ - + dd8134c0-109b-4012-92be-51d843edfff7 Duplicate Data @@ -1146,7 +1246,7 @@ - + fb6aba99-fead-4e42-b5d8-c6de5ff90ea6 DotNET VB Script (LEGACY) @@ -1344,7 +1444,7 @@ - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -1380,7 +1480,7 @@ - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -1657,7 +1757,7 @@ - + e64c5fb1-845c-4ab1-8911-5f338516ba67 Series @@ -1837,7 +1937,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -1882,7 +1982,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -1927,7 +2027,7 @@ - + a4cd2751-414d-42ec-8916-476ebf62d7fe Radians @@ -2013,7 +2113,7 @@ - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -2056,7 +2156,7 @@ - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -2099,7 +2199,7 @@ - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -2134,7 +2234,7 @@ - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -2299,7 +2399,7 @@ - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -2533,7 +2633,7 @@ - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -2569,7 +2669,7 @@ - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -2707,7 +2807,7 @@ - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -2793,7 +2893,7 @@ - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -2831,7 +2931,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -2862,7 +2962,7 @@ - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -2900,7 +3000,7 @@ - + 3581f42a-9592-4549-bd6b-1c0fc39d067b Construct Point @@ -3099,7 +3199,7 @@ - + 71b5b089-500a-4ea6-81c5-2f960441a0e8 PolyLine @@ -3232,7 +3332,7 @@ - + afb96615-c59a-45c9-9cac-e27acb1c7ca0 Explode @@ -3392,7 +3492,7 @@ - + 1817fd29-20ae-4503-b542-f0fb651e67d7 List Length @@ -3480,7 +3580,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -3674,7 +3774,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -3869,7 +3969,7 @@ - + b464fccb-50e7-41bd-9789-8438db9bea9f Angle @@ -4034,7 +4134,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -4079,7 +4179,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -4132,7 +4232,7 @@ - + 0d77c51e-584f-44e8-aed2-c2ddf4803888 Degrees @@ -4218,7 +4318,7 @@ - + 9df5e896-552d-4c8c-b9ca-4fc147ffa022 Expression @@ -4315,7 +4415,7 @@ - + e64c5fb1-845c-4ab1-8911-5f338516ba67 Series @@ -4515,7 +4615,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -4560,7 +4660,7 @@ - + 7376fe41-74ec-497e-b367-1ffe5072608b Curvature Graph @@ -4714,7 +4814,7 @@ - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -4757,7 +4857,7 @@ - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -4987,7 +5087,7 @@ - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -5170,7 +5270,7 @@ - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -5339,7 +5439,7 @@ - + 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves @@ -5474,7 +5574,7 @@ - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -5704,7 +5804,7 @@ - + b464fccb-50e7-41bd-9789-8438db9bea9f Angle @@ -5892,7 +5992,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -5945,7 +6045,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -5981,7 +6081,7 @@ - + 0d77c51e-584f-44e8-aed2-c2ddf4803888 Degrees @@ -6067,7 +6167,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -6120,7 +6220,7 @@ - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -6206,7 +6306,7 @@ - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -6359,7 +6459,7 @@ - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -6589,7 +6689,7 @@ - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -6805,7 +6905,7 @@ - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -6917,7 +7017,7 @@ - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -7030,7 +7130,7 @@ - + ccc7b468-e743-4049-891f-299432545898 Curve Middle @@ -7116,7 +7216,7 @@ - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -7334,7 +7434,7 @@ - + b464fccb-50e7-41bd-9789-8438db9bea9f Angle @@ -7522,7 +7622,7 @@ - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -7685,7 +7785,7 @@ - + 934ede4a-924a-4973-bb05-0dc4b36fae75 Vector 2Pt @@ -7894,7 +7994,7 @@ - + 429cbba9-55ee-4e84-98ea-876c44db879a Sub Curve @@ -8007,7 +8107,7 @@ - + ccfd6ba8-ecb1-44df-a47e-08126a653c51 Curve Domain @@ -8145,7 +8245,7 @@ - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -8257,7 +8357,7 @@ - + d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf Construct Domain @@ -8411,7 +8511,7 @@ - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -8627,7 +8727,7 @@ - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -8857,7 +8957,7 @@ - + 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves @@ -8992,7 +9092,7 @@ - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -9035,7 +9135,7 @@ - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -9070,7 +9170,7 @@ - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -9235,7 +9335,7 @@ - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -9469,7 +9569,7 @@ - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -9505,7 +9605,7 @@ - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -9643,7 +9743,7 @@ - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -9729,7 +9829,7 @@ - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -9767,7 +9867,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -9798,7 +9898,7 @@ - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -9836,7 +9936,7 @@ - + 3581f42a-9592-4549-bd6b-1c0fc39d067b Construct Point @@ -10035,7 +10135,7 @@ - + 71b5b089-500a-4ea6-81c5-2f960441a0e8 PolyLine @@ -10168,7 +10268,7 @@ - + afb96615-c59a-45c9-9cac-e27acb1c7ca0 Explode @@ -10328,7 +10428,7 @@ - + 1817fd29-20ae-4503-b542-f0fb651e67d7 List Length @@ -10416,7 +10516,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -10611,7 +10711,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -10806,7 +10906,7 @@ - + b464fccb-50e7-41bd-9789-8438db9bea9f Angle @@ -10971,7 +11071,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -11016,7 +11116,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -11069,7 +11169,7 @@ - + 0d77c51e-584f-44e8-aed2-c2ddf4803888 Degrees @@ -11155,7 +11255,7 @@ - + 9df5e896-552d-4c8c-b9ca-4fc147ffa022 Expression @@ -11252,7 +11352,7 @@ - + e64c5fb1-845c-4ab1-8911-5f338516ba67 Series @@ -11452,7 +11552,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -11497,7 +11597,7 @@ - + 7376fe41-74ec-497e-b367-1ffe5072608b Curvature Graph @@ -11651,7 +11751,7 @@ - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -11694,7 +11794,7 @@ - + 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box @@ -11870,7 +11970,7 @@ - + db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box @@ -12034,7 +12134,7 @@ - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -12146,7 +12246,7 @@ - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -12258,7 +12358,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -12311,7 +12411,7 @@ - + 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box @@ -12487,7 +12587,7 @@ - + db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box @@ -12651,7 +12751,7 @@ - + d93100b6-d50b-40b2-831a-814659dc38e3 Rectangle @@ -12938,7 +13038,7 @@ - + cae9fe53-6d63-44ed-9d6d-13180fbf6f89 1c9de8a1-315f-4c56-af06-8f69fee80a7a @@ -13548,7 +13648,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + fb6aba99-fead-4e42-b5d8-c6de5ff90ea6 DotNET VB Script (LEGACY) @@ -13746,7 +13846,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -13782,7 +13882,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -14059,7 +14159,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e64c5fb1-845c-4ab1-8911-5f338516ba67 Series @@ -14239,7 +14339,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + a4cd2751-414d-42ec-8916-476ebf62d7fe Radians @@ -14325,7 +14425,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -14368,7 +14468,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -14398,7 +14498,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -14467,7 +14567,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -14510,7 +14610,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -14545,7 +14645,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -14710,7 +14810,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -14944,7 +15044,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -14980,7 +15080,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -15118,7 +15218,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -15204,7 +15304,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -15242,7 +15342,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -15273,7 +15373,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -15311,7 +15411,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3581f42a-9592-4549-bd6b-1c0fc39d067b Construct Point @@ -15511,7 +15611,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 71b5b089-500a-4ea6-81c5-2f960441a0e8 PolyLine @@ -15644,7 +15744,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + afb96615-c59a-45c9-9cac-e27acb1c7ca0 Explode @@ -15804,7 +15904,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 1817fd29-20ae-4503-b542-f0fb651e67d7 List Length @@ -15892,7 +15992,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -16087,7 +16187,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -16282,7 +16382,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b464fccb-50e7-41bd-9789-8438db9bea9f Angle @@ -16447,7 +16547,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -16492,7 +16592,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -16545,7 +16645,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 0d77c51e-584f-44e8-aed2-c2ddf4803888 Degrees @@ -16631,7 +16731,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9df5e896-552d-4c8c-b9ca-4fc147ffa022 Expression @@ -16728,7 +16828,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e64c5fb1-845c-4ab1-8911-5f338516ba67 Series @@ -16929,7 +17029,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -16974,7 +17074,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 7376fe41-74ec-497e-b367-1ffe5072608b Curvature Graph @@ -17128,7 +17228,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -17171,7 +17271,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -17401,7 +17501,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -17584,7 +17684,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -17753,7 +17853,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves @@ -17888,7 +17988,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -18000,7 +18100,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -18113,7 +18213,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -18331,7 +18431,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b464fccb-50e7-41bd-9789-8438db9bea9f Angle @@ -18519,7 +18619,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -18737,7 +18837,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -18900,7 +19000,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 934ede4a-924a-4973-bb05-0dc4b36fae75 Vector 2Pt @@ -19109,7 +19209,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ccfd6ba8-ecb1-44df-a47e-08126a653c51 Curve Domain @@ -19247,7 +19347,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 429cbba9-55ee-4e84-98ea-876c44db879a Sub Curve @@ -19360,7 +19460,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -19472,7 +19572,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf Construct Domain @@ -19626,7 +19726,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -19856,7 +19956,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -20072,7 +20172,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves @@ -20207,7 +20307,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -20243,7 +20343,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box @@ -20419,7 +20519,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box @@ -20583,7 +20683,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -20696,7 +20796,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -20808,7 +20908,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -20920,7 +21020,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -20973,7 +21073,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -21025,7 +21125,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -21077,7 +21177,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -21129,7 +21229,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 Scale @@ -21340,7 +21440,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -21376,7 +21476,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -21489,7 +21589,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -21542,7 +21642,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -21611,7 +21711,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -21654,7 +21754,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -21689,7 +21789,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -21854,7 +21954,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -22088,7 +22188,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -22124,7 +22224,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -22262,7 +22362,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -22348,7 +22448,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -22386,7 +22486,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -22417,7 +22517,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -22455,7 +22555,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3581f42a-9592-4549-bd6b-1c0fc39d067b Construct Point @@ -22655,7 +22755,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 71b5b089-500a-4ea6-81c5-2f960441a0e8 PolyLine @@ -22788,7 +22888,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + afb96615-c59a-45c9-9cac-e27acb1c7ca0 Explode @@ -22948,7 +23048,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 1817fd29-20ae-4503-b542-f0fb651e67d7 List Length @@ -23036,7 +23136,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -23231,7 +23331,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -23426,7 +23526,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b464fccb-50e7-41bd-9789-8438db9bea9f Angle @@ -23591,7 +23691,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -23636,7 +23736,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -23689,7 +23789,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 0d77c51e-584f-44e8-aed2-c2ddf4803888 Degrees @@ -23775,7 +23875,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9df5e896-552d-4c8c-b9ca-4fc147ffa022 Expression @@ -23872,7 +23972,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e64c5fb1-845c-4ab1-8911-5f338516ba67 Series @@ -24073,7 +24173,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -24118,7 +24218,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 7376fe41-74ec-497e-b367-1ffe5072608b Curvature Graph @@ -24272,7 +24372,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -24315,7 +24415,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -24372,7 +24472,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 Scale @@ -24583,7 +24683,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -24619,7 +24719,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -24655,7 +24755,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -24691,7 +24791,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -24860,7 +24960,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -24896,7 +24996,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -24948,7 +25048,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -24991,7 +25091,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -25048,7 +25148,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -25278,7 +25378,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + fad344bc-09b1-4855-a2e6-437ef5715fe3 YZ Plane @@ -25389,7 +25489,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -25542,7 +25642,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -25594,7 +25694,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -25747,7 +25847,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -26024,7 +26124,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 7376fe41-74ec-497e-b367-1ffe5072608b Curvature Graph @@ -26178,7 +26278,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -26221,7 +26321,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9abae6b7-fa1d-448c-9209-4a8155345841 Deconstruct @@ -26359,7 +26459,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3581f42a-9592-4549-bd6b-1c0fc39d067b Construct Point @@ -26557,7 +26657,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 934ede4a-924a-4973-bb05-0dc4b36fae75 Vector 2Pt @@ -26742,7 +26842,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -26769,7 +26869,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -26932,7 +27032,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box @@ -27105,7 +27205,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box @@ -27269,7 +27369,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -27381,7 +27481,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -27493,7 +27593,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 290f418a-65ee-406a-a9d0-35699815b512 Scale NU @@ -27803,7 +27903,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -27965,7 +28065,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box @@ -28138,7 +28238,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box @@ -28302,7 +28402,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -28414,7 +28514,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -28526,7 +28626,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 290f418a-65ee-406a-a9d0-35699815b512 Scale NU @@ -28836,7 +28936,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -29113,7 +29213,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 7376fe41-74ec-497e-b367-1ffe5072608b Curvature Graph @@ -29267,7 +29367,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -29310,7 +29410,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -29472,7 +29572,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -29508,7 +29608,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -29677,7 +29777,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves @@ -29812,7 +29912,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 290f418a-65ee-406a-a9d0-35699815b512 Scale NU @@ -30120,7 +30220,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -30282,7 +30382,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3cadddef-1e2b-4c09-9390-0e8f78f7609f Merge @@ -30501,7 +30601,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box @@ -30678,7 +30778,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box @@ -30842,7 +30942,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d93100b6-d50b-40b2-831a-814659dc38e3 Rectangle @@ -31129,7 +31229,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -31241,7 +31341,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf Construct Domain @@ -31396,7 +31496,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -31484,7 +31584,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -31522,7 +31622,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -31575,7 +31675,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -31602,7 +31702,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -31690,7 +31790,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -31728,7 +31828,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -31781,7 +31881,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -31808,7 +31908,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -31896,7 +31996,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -31934,7 +32034,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -31987,7 +32087,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -32014,7 +32114,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -32102,7 +32202,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -32140,7 +32240,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -32193,7 +32293,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -32220,7 +32320,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -32308,7 +32408,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -32346,7 +32446,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -32399,7 +32499,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -32426,7 +32526,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -32514,7 +32614,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -32552,7 +32652,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -32605,7 +32705,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -32632,7 +32732,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -32668,7 +32768,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -32704,7 +32804,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -32740,7 +32840,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -32776,7 +32876,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -32812,7 +32912,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -32848,7 +32948,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -32884,7 +32984,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -32920,7 +33020,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -32955,7 +33055,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -33120,7 +33220,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -33354,7 +33454,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -33392,7 +33492,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -33530,7 +33630,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -33616,7 +33716,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -33654,7 +33754,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -33699,7 +33799,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -33812,7 +33912,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -33936,7 +34036,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -33981,7 +34081,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -34166,7 +34266,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -34254,7 +34354,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -34292,7 +34392,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -34416,7 +34516,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -34601,7 +34701,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -34654,7 +34754,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -34884,7 +34984,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -35161,7 +35261,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -35391,7 +35491,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -35668,7 +35768,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -35721,7 +35821,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -35756,7 +35856,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -35921,7 +36021,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -36155,7 +36255,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -36192,7 +36292,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -36330,7 +36430,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -36416,7 +36516,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -36461,7 +36561,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -36574,7 +36674,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -36619,7 +36719,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -36659,7 +36759,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -36747,7 +36847,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -36785,7 +36885,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -36909,7 +37009,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -36954,7 +37054,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -37139,7 +37239,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -37369,7 +37469,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -37646,7 +37746,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -37699,7 +37799,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -37734,7 +37834,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -37899,7 +37999,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -38133,7 +38233,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -38169,7 +38269,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -38307,7 +38407,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -38393,7 +38493,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -38438,7 +38538,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -38551,7 +38651,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -38591,7 +38691,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -38679,7 +38779,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -38714,7 +38814,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -38759,7 +38859,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -38847,7 +38947,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -38885,7 +38985,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -39009,7 +39109,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -39054,7 +39154,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -39239,7 +39339,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -39469,7 +39569,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -39746,7 +39846,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -39799,7 +39899,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -39834,7 +39934,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -39999,7 +40099,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -40233,7 +40333,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -40269,7 +40369,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -40407,7 +40507,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -40493,7 +40593,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -40538,7 +40638,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -40651,7 +40751,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -40691,7 +40791,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -40779,7 +40879,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -40867,7 +40967,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -40904,7 +41004,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -40992,7 +41092,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -41030,7 +41130,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -41154,7 +41254,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -41199,7 +41299,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -41384,7 +41484,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -41614,7 +41714,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -41891,7 +41991,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -41944,7 +42044,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -41979,7 +42079,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -42144,7 +42244,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -42378,7 +42478,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -42414,7 +42514,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -42552,7 +42652,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -42638,7 +42738,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -42683,7 +42783,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -42796,7 +42896,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -42836,7 +42936,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -42924,7 +43024,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -43012,7 +43112,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -43100,7 +43200,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -43135,7 +43235,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -43300,7 +43400,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -43534,7 +43634,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -43570,7 +43670,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -43708,7 +43808,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -43794,7 +43894,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -43832,7 +43932,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -43877,7 +43977,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -43990,7 +44090,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -44114,7 +44214,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -44299,7 +44399,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -44352,7 +44452,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -44582,7 +44682,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -44859,7 +44959,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -44908,7 +45008,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -45070,7 +45170,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -45106,7 +45206,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -45142,7 +45242,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -45304,7 +45404,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers @@ -45515,7 +45615,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds @@ -45602,7 +45702,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -45638,7 +45738,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -45674,7 +45774,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -45836,7 +45936,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -45872,7 +45972,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -46034,7 +46134,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -46196,7 +46296,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -46232,7 +46332,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers @@ -46443,7 +46543,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds @@ -46530,7 +46630,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -46761,7 +46861,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -46992,7 +47092,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -47223,7 +47323,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -47454,7 +47554,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -47685,7 +47785,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -47916,7 +48016,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -48086,7 +48186,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -48122,7 +48222,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 8cc3a196-f6a0-49ea-9ed9-0cb343a3ae64 XZ Plane @@ -48232,7 +48332,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -48394,7 +48494,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -48563,7 +48663,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -48598,7 +48698,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -48763,7 +48863,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -48997,7 +49097,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -49033,7 +49133,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -49171,7 +49271,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -49257,7 +49357,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -49295,7 +49395,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -49340,7 +49440,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -49453,7 +49553,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -49577,7 +49677,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -49622,7 +49722,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -49807,7 +49907,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -49895,7 +49995,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -49933,7 +50033,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -50057,7 +50157,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -50242,7 +50342,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -50295,7 +50395,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -50525,7 +50625,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -50802,7 +50902,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -51032,7 +51132,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -51309,7 +51409,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -51362,7 +51462,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -51397,7 +51497,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -51562,7 +51662,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -51796,7 +51896,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -51832,7 +51932,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -51970,7 +52070,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -52056,7 +52156,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -52101,7 +52201,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -52214,7 +52314,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -52253,7 +52353,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -52294,7 +52394,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -52456,7 +52556,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -52492,7 +52592,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -52528,7 +52628,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -52759,7 +52859,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -52990,7 +53090,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -53160,7 +53260,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -53196,7 +53296,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 8cc3a196-f6a0-49ea-9ed9-0cb343a3ae64 XZ Plane @@ -53306,7 +53406,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -53468,7 +53568,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -53637,7 +53737,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box @@ -53813,7 +53913,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box @@ -53977,7 +54077,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -54066,7 +54166,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -54178,7 +54278,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -54371,7 +54471,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -54424,7 +54524,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box @@ -54600,7 +54700,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box @@ -54764,7 +54864,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -54853,7 +54953,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -54965,7 +55065,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -55158,7 +55258,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -55211,7 +55311,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -55324,7 +55424,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -55377,7 +55477,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -55420,7 +55520,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6f93d366-919f-4dda-a35e-ba03dd62799b Sort List @@ -55577,7 +55677,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -55663,7 +55763,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -55716,7 +55816,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -55752,7 +55852,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6f93d366-919f-4dda-a35e-ba03dd62799b Sort List @@ -55909,7 +56009,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -55995,7 +56095,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -56031,7 +56131,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -56084,7 +56184,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -56197,7 +56297,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -56250,7 +56350,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -56443,7 +56543,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -56636,7 +56736,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -56679,7 +56779,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3cadddef-1e2b-4c09-9390-0e8f78f7609f Merge @@ -56838,7 +56938,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box @@ -57014,7 +57114,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -57049,7 +57149,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -57214,7 +57314,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -57448,7 +57548,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -57484,7 +57584,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -57622,7 +57722,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -57708,7 +57808,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -57746,7 +57846,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -57791,7 +57891,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -57904,7 +58004,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -58028,7 +58128,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -58073,7 +58173,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -58258,7 +58358,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -58311,7 +58411,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -58541,7 +58641,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -58818,7 +58918,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -58857,7 +58957,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -59088,7 +59188,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -59176,7 +59276,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -59212,7 +59312,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ab14760f-87a6-462e-b481-4a2c26a9a0d7 Derivatives @@ -59504,7 +59604,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -59540,7 +59640,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -59576,7 +59676,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -59619,7 +59719,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -59914,7 +60014,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -60034,7 +60134,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -60329,7 +60429,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -60449,7 +60549,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -60744,7 +60844,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -60864,7 +60964,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -61159,7 +61259,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -61279,7 +61379,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -61574,7 +61674,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -61694,7 +61794,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -61879,7 +61979,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 71b5b089-500a-4ea6-81c5-2f960441a0e8 PolyLine @@ -62012,7 +62112,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + afb96615-c59a-45c9-9cac-e27acb1c7ca0 Explode @@ -62172,7 +62272,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -62209,7 +62309,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -62262,7 +62362,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6f93d366-919f-4dda-a35e-ba03dd62799b Sort List @@ -62417,7 +62517,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -62503,7 +62603,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -62696,7 +62796,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -62727,7 +62827,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b1bd8b2-47a4-4aa6-a471-3fd91c62a486 Dot Display @@ -62885,7 +62985,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -63180,7 +63280,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -63300,7 +63400,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -63335,7 +63435,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -63500,7 +63600,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -63734,7 +63834,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -63773,7 +63873,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -63911,7 +64011,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -63997,7 +64097,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -64035,7 +64135,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -64080,7 +64180,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -64193,7 +64293,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -64317,7 +64417,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -64362,7 +64462,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -64547,7 +64647,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -64600,7 +64700,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -64830,7 +64930,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -65107,7 +65207,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -65152,7 +65252,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -65187,7 +65287,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -65352,7 +65452,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -65586,7 +65686,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -65622,7 +65722,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -65760,7 +65860,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -65846,7 +65946,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -65884,7 +65984,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -65929,7 +66029,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -66042,7 +66142,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -66166,7 +66266,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -66351,7 +66451,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -66404,7 +66504,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -66634,7 +66734,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -66911,7 +67011,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -66960,7 +67060,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -67191,7 +67291,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -67422,7 +67522,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -67510,7 +67610,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -67546,7 +67646,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ab14760f-87a6-462e-b481-4a2c26a9a0d7 Derivatives @@ -67838,7 +67938,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -67874,7 +67974,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -67910,7 +68010,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -67953,7 +68053,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -68248,7 +68348,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -68368,7 +68468,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -68663,7 +68763,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -68784,7 +68884,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -69079,7 +69179,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -69199,7 +69299,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -69494,7 +69594,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -69614,7 +69714,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -69909,7 +70009,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -70029,7 +70129,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -70214,7 +70314,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 71b5b089-500a-4ea6-81c5-2f960441a0e8 PolyLine @@ -70347,7 +70447,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + afb96615-c59a-45c9-9cac-e27acb1c7ca0 Explode @@ -70507,7 +70607,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -70544,7 +70644,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -70597,7 +70697,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6f93d366-919f-4dda-a35e-ba03dd62799b Sort List @@ -70752,7 +70852,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -70838,7 +70938,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -71031,7 +71131,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -71062,7 +71162,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b1bd8b2-47a4-4aa6-a471-3fd91c62a486 Dot Display @@ -71220,7 +71320,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -71515,7 +71615,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -71635,7 +71735,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -71671,7 +71771,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box @@ -71848,7 +71948,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -71884,7 +71984,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -71920,7 +72020,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -71956,7 +72056,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3cadddef-1e2b-4c09-9390-0e8f78f7609f Merge @@ -72142,7 +72242,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + cae9fe53-6d63-44ed-9d6d-13180fbf6f89 1c9de8a1-315f-4c56-af06-8f69fee80a7a @@ -72752,7 +72852,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + fb6aba99-fead-4e42-b5d8-c6de5ff90ea6 DotNET VB Script (LEGACY) @@ -72950,7 +73050,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -72986,7 +73086,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -73263,7 +73363,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e64c5fb1-845c-4ab1-8911-5f338516ba67 Series @@ -73443,7 +73543,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + a4cd2751-414d-42ec-8916-476ebf62d7fe Radians @@ -73529,7 +73629,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -73572,7 +73672,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -73602,7 +73702,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -73832,7 +73932,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -74015,7 +74115,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -74184,7 +74284,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves @@ -74319,7 +74419,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -74431,7 +74531,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -74544,7 +74644,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b464fccb-50e7-41bd-9789-8438db9bea9f Angle @@ -74732,7 +74832,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -74950,7 +75050,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -75113,7 +75213,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 934ede4a-924a-4973-bb05-0dc4b36fae75 Vector 2Pt @@ -75322,7 +75422,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ccfd6ba8-ecb1-44df-a47e-08126a653c51 Curve Domain @@ -75460,7 +75560,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 429cbba9-55ee-4e84-98ea-876c44db879a Sub Curve @@ -75573,7 +75673,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -75685,7 +75785,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf Construct Domain @@ -75839,7 +75939,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -76069,7 +76169,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -76285,7 +76385,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves @@ -76420,7 +76520,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -76456,7 +76556,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box @@ -76632,7 +76732,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box @@ -76796,7 +76896,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -76909,7 +77009,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -77021,7 +77121,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -77133,7 +77233,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -77186,7 +77286,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -77238,7 +77338,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -77290,7 +77390,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -77342,7 +77442,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 Scale @@ -77553,7 +77653,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -77589,7 +77689,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -77646,7 +77746,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -77799,7 +77899,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -77851,7 +77951,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -77887,7 +77987,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -78182,7 +78282,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -78302,7 +78402,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -78338,7 +78438,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -78568,7 +78668,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + fad344bc-09b1-4855-a2e6-437ef5715fe3 YZ Plane @@ -78679,7 +78779,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -78714,7 +78814,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -78879,7 +78979,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -79113,7 +79213,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -79149,7 +79249,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -79287,7 +79387,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -79373,7 +79473,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -79411,7 +79511,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -79456,7 +79556,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -79569,7 +79669,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -79693,7 +79793,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -79738,7 +79838,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -79923,7 +80023,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -79976,7 +80076,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -80206,7 +80306,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -80483,7 +80583,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -80528,7 +80628,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -80563,7 +80663,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -80728,7 +80828,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -80962,7 +81062,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -80998,7 +81098,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -81136,7 +81236,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -81222,7 +81322,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -81260,7 +81360,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -81305,7 +81405,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -81418,7 +81518,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -81542,7 +81642,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -81727,7 +81827,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -81780,7 +81880,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -82010,7 +82110,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -82287,7 +82387,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -82336,7 +82436,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -82567,7 +82667,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -82798,7 +82898,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -82886,7 +82986,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -82922,7 +83022,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ab14760f-87a6-462e-b481-4a2c26a9a0d7 Derivatives @@ -83214,7 +83314,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -83250,7 +83350,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -83286,7 +83386,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -83329,7 +83429,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -83624,7 +83724,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -83744,7 +83844,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -84039,7 +84139,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -84159,7 +84259,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -84454,7 +84554,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -84574,7 +84674,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -84869,7 +84969,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -84989,7 +85089,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -85284,7 +85384,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -85404,7 +85504,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -85589,7 +85689,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 71b5b089-500a-4ea6-81c5-2f960441a0e8 PolyLine @@ -85722,7 +85822,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + afb96615-c59a-45c9-9cac-e27acb1c7ca0 Explode @@ -85882,7 +85982,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -85919,7 +86019,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -85972,7 +86072,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6f93d366-919f-4dda-a35e-ba03dd62799b Sort List @@ -86127,7 +86227,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -86213,7 +86313,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -86406,7 +86506,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -86437,7 +86537,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b1bd8b2-47a4-4aa6-a471-3fd91c62a486 Dot Display @@ -86595,7 +86695,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -86890,7 +86990,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -87010,7 +87110,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -87046,7 +87146,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -87082,7 +87182,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -87118,7 +87218,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3cadddef-1e2b-4c09-9390-0e8f78f7609f Merge @@ -87304,7 +87404,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -87392,7 +87492,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -87430,7 +87530,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -87554,7 +87654,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -87739,7 +87839,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -87969,7 +88069,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -88246,7 +88346,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -88299,7 +88399,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -88334,7 +88434,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -88499,7 +88599,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -88733,7 +88833,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -88770,7 +88870,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -88908,7 +89008,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -88994,7 +89094,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -89039,7 +89139,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -89152,7 +89252,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -89192,7 +89292,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -89228,7 +89328,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -89264,7 +89364,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -89495,7 +89595,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -89531,7 +89631,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6f93d366-919f-4dda-a35e-ba03dd62799b Sort List @@ -89688,7 +89788,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -89774,7 +89874,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -89827,7 +89927,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -89863,7 +89963,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6f93d366-919f-4dda-a35e-ba03dd62799b Sort List @@ -90020,7 +90120,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -90106,7 +90206,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -90142,7 +90242,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -90195,7 +90295,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -90308,7 +90408,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -90361,7 +90461,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -90554,7 +90654,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -90747,7 +90847,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -90790,7 +90890,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -90878,7 +90978,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ab14760f-87a6-462e-b481-4a2c26a9a0d7 Derivatives @@ -91170,7 +91270,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -91465,7 +91565,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -91585,7 +91685,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -91621,7 +91721,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -91657,7 +91757,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -91820,7 +91920,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 934ede4a-924a-4973-bb05-0dc4b36fae75 Vector 2Pt @@ -92029,7 +92129,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -92082,7 +92182,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -92312,7 +92412,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -92589,7 +92689,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -92820,7 +92920,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -93050,7 +93150,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -93327,7 +93427,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -93558,7 +93658,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -93727,7 +93827,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 290f418a-65ee-406a-a9d0-35699815b512 Scale NU @@ -94035,7 +94135,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -94197,7 +94297,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -94233,7 +94333,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3cadddef-1e2b-4c09-9390-0e8f78f7609f Merge @@ -94421,7 +94521,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -94457,7 +94557,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -94493,7 +94593,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -94529,7 +94629,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -94565,7 +94665,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -94601,7 +94701,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -94627,7 +94727,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -94652,7 +94752,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -94728,7 +94828,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + cae9fe53-6d63-44ed-9d6d-13180fbf6f89 1c9de8a1-315f-4c56-af06-8f69fee80a7a @@ -95338,7 +95438,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + fb6aba99-fead-4e42-b5d8-c6de5ff90ea6 DotNET VB Script (LEGACY) @@ -95536,7 +95636,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -95572,7 +95672,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -95849,7 +95949,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e64c5fb1-845c-4ab1-8911-5f338516ba67 Series @@ -96029,7 +96129,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + a4cd2751-414d-42ec-8916-476ebf62d7fe Radians @@ -96115,7 +96215,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -96158,7 +96258,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -96188,7 +96288,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -96418,7 +96518,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -96601,7 +96701,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -96770,7 +96870,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves @@ -96905,7 +97005,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -97017,7 +97117,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -97130,7 +97230,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b464fccb-50e7-41bd-9789-8438db9bea9f Angle @@ -97318,7 +97418,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -97536,7 +97636,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -97699,7 +97799,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 934ede4a-924a-4973-bb05-0dc4b36fae75 Vector 2Pt @@ -97908,7 +98008,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ccfd6ba8-ecb1-44df-a47e-08126a653c51 Curve Domain @@ -98046,7 +98146,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 429cbba9-55ee-4e84-98ea-876c44db879a Sub Curve @@ -98159,7 +98259,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -98271,7 +98371,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf Construct Domain @@ -98425,7 +98525,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -98655,7 +98755,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -98871,7 +98971,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves @@ -99006,7 +99106,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -99042,7 +99142,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box @@ -99218,7 +99318,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box @@ -99382,7 +99482,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -99495,7 +99595,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -99607,7 +99707,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -99719,7 +99819,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -99772,7 +99872,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -99824,7 +99924,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -99876,7 +99976,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -99928,7 +100028,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 Scale @@ -100139,7 +100239,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -100175,7 +100275,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -100232,7 +100332,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -100385,7 +100485,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -100437,7 +100537,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -100473,7 +100573,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -100768,7 +100868,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -100888,7 +100988,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -100924,7 +101024,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -101154,7 +101254,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + fad344bc-09b1-4855-a2e6-437ef5715fe3 YZ Plane @@ -101265,7 +101365,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -101301,7 +101401,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -101464,7 +101564,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 934ede4a-924a-4973-bb05-0dc4b36fae75 Vector 2Pt @@ -101673,7 +101773,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -101698,7 +101798,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -101867,7 +101967,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -101902,7 +102002,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -102067,7 +102167,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -102301,7 +102401,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -102337,7 +102437,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -102475,7 +102575,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -102561,7 +102661,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -102599,7 +102699,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -102644,7 +102744,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -102757,7 +102857,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -102881,7 +102981,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -102926,7 +103026,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -103111,7 +103211,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -103164,7 +103264,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -103394,7 +103494,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -103671,7 +103771,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -103716,7 +103816,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -103751,7 +103851,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -103916,7 +104016,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -104150,7 +104250,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -104186,7 +104286,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -104324,7 +104424,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -104410,7 +104510,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -104448,7 +104548,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -104493,7 +104593,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -104606,7 +104706,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -104730,7 +104830,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -104915,7 +105015,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -104968,7 +105068,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -105198,7 +105298,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -105475,7 +105575,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -105524,7 +105624,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -105755,7 +105855,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -105986,7 +106086,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -106074,7 +106174,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -106110,7 +106210,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ab14760f-87a6-462e-b481-4a2c26a9a0d7 Derivatives @@ -106402,7 +106502,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -106438,7 +106538,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -106474,7 +106574,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -106517,7 +106617,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -106812,7 +106912,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -106932,7 +107032,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -107227,7 +107327,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -107347,7 +107447,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -107642,7 +107742,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -107762,7 +107862,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -108057,7 +108157,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -108177,7 +108277,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -108472,7 +108572,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -108592,7 +108692,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -108777,7 +108877,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 71b5b089-500a-4ea6-81c5-2f960441a0e8 PolyLine @@ -108910,7 +109010,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + afb96615-c59a-45c9-9cac-e27acb1c7ca0 Explode @@ -109070,7 +109170,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -109107,7 +109207,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -109160,7 +109260,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6f93d366-919f-4dda-a35e-ba03dd62799b Sort List @@ -109315,7 +109415,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -109401,7 +109501,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -109594,7 +109694,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -109625,7 +109725,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b1bd8b2-47a4-4aa6-a471-3fd91c62a486 Dot Display @@ -109783,7 +109883,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -110078,7 +110178,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -110198,7 +110298,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -110234,7 +110334,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -110270,7 +110370,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -110306,7 +110406,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3cadddef-1e2b-4c09-9390-0e8f78f7609f Merge @@ -110492,7 +110592,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -110722,7 +110822,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -110999,7 +111099,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -111230,7 +111330,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -111306,7 +111406,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + cae9fe53-6d63-44ed-9d6d-13180fbf6f89 1c9de8a1-315f-4c56-af06-8f69fee80a7a @@ -111916,7 +112016,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + fb6aba99-fead-4e42-b5d8-c6de5ff90ea6 DotNET VB Script (LEGACY) @@ -112119,7 +112219,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -112155,7 +112255,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -112432,7 +112532,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e64c5fb1-845c-4ab1-8911-5f338516ba67 Series @@ -112612,7 +112712,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + a4cd2751-414d-42ec-8916-476ebf62d7fe Radians @@ -112698,7 +112798,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -112741,7 +112841,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -112771,7 +112871,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -113001,7 +113101,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -113184,7 +113284,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -113353,7 +113453,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves @@ -113488,7 +113588,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -113600,7 +113700,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -113713,7 +113813,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b464fccb-50e7-41bd-9789-8438db9bea9f Angle @@ -113901,7 +114001,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -114119,7 +114219,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -114282,7 +114382,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 934ede4a-924a-4973-bb05-0dc4b36fae75 Vector 2Pt @@ -114491,7 +114591,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ccfd6ba8-ecb1-44df-a47e-08126a653c51 Curve Domain @@ -114629,7 +114729,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 429cbba9-55ee-4e84-98ea-876c44db879a Sub Curve @@ -114742,7 +114842,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -114854,7 +114954,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf Construct Domain @@ -115008,7 +115108,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -115238,7 +115338,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -115454,7 +115554,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves @@ -115589,7 +115689,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -115625,7 +115725,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box @@ -115801,7 +115901,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box @@ -115965,7 +116065,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -116078,7 +116178,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -116190,7 +116290,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -116302,7 +116402,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -116355,7 +116455,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -116407,7 +116507,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -116459,7 +116559,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -116511,7 +116611,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 Scale @@ -116722,7 +116822,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -116758,7 +116858,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -116815,7 +116915,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -116968,7 +117068,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -117020,7 +117120,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -117056,7 +117156,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -117351,7 +117451,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -117471,7 +117571,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -117507,7 +117607,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -117737,7 +117837,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + fad344bc-09b1-4855-a2e6-437ef5715fe3 YZ Plane @@ -117848,7 +117948,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -117884,7 +117984,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -118047,7 +118147,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 934ede4a-924a-4973-bb05-0dc4b36fae75 Vector 2Pt @@ -118256,7 +118356,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -118281,7 +118381,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -118450,7 +118550,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -118485,7 +118585,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -118650,7 +118750,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -118884,7 +118984,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -118921,7 +119021,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -119059,7 +119159,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -119145,7 +119245,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -119183,7 +119283,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -119228,7 +119328,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -119341,7 +119441,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -119465,7 +119565,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -119510,7 +119610,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -119695,7 +119795,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -119748,7 +119848,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -119978,7 +120078,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -120255,7 +120355,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -120300,7 +120400,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -120335,7 +120435,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -120500,7 +120600,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -120734,7 +120834,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -120770,7 +120870,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -120908,7 +121008,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -120994,7 +121094,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -121032,7 +121132,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -121077,7 +121177,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -121190,7 +121290,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -121314,7 +121414,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -121499,7 +121599,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -121552,7 +121652,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -121782,7 +121882,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -122059,7 +122159,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -122108,7 +122208,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -122339,7 +122439,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -122570,7 +122670,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -122658,7 +122758,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -122694,7 +122794,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ab14760f-87a6-462e-b481-4a2c26a9a0d7 Derivatives @@ -122986,7 +123086,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -123022,7 +123122,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -123058,7 +123158,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -123101,7 +123201,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -123396,7 +123496,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -123516,7 +123616,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -123811,7 +123911,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -123931,7 +124031,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -124226,7 +124326,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -124346,7 +124446,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -124641,7 +124741,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -124761,7 +124861,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -125056,7 +125156,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -125176,7 +125276,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -125361,7 +125461,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 71b5b089-500a-4ea6-81c5-2f960441a0e8 PolyLine @@ -125494,7 +125594,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + afb96615-c59a-45c9-9cac-e27acb1c7ca0 Explode @@ -125654,7 +125754,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -125691,7 +125791,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -125744,7 +125844,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6f93d366-919f-4dda-a35e-ba03dd62799b Sort List @@ -125899,7 +125999,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -125985,7 +126085,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -126178,7 +126278,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -126209,7 +126309,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b1bd8b2-47a4-4aa6-a471-3fd91c62a486 Dot Display @@ -126367,7 +126467,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -126662,7 +126762,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -126782,7 +126882,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -126818,7 +126918,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -126854,7 +126954,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -126890,7 +126990,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3cadddef-1e2b-4c09-9390-0e8f78f7609f Merge @@ -127076,7 +127176,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -127306,7 +127406,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -127583,7 +127683,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -127814,7 +127914,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -127845,7 +127945,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -127875,7 +127975,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -127909,7 +128009,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -128078,7 +128178,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 290f418a-65ee-406a-a9d0-35699815b512 Scale NU @@ -128386,7 +128486,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -128548,7 +128648,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -128584,7 +128684,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -128617,7 +128717,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -128847,7 +128947,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -128883,7 +128983,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -128919,7 +129019,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -128955,7 +129055,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -128991,7 +129091,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 361790d6-9d66-4808-8c5a-8de9c218c227 Quad Sphere @@ -129153,7 +129253,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -129213,7 +129313,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -129355,7 +129455,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 14df22af-d119-4f69-a536-34a30ddb175e 6a051e83-3727-465e-b5ef-74d027a6f73b @@ -129562,7 +129662,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 5576ff9f-99f7-4611-aa42-dcc4b6c621ac 6a051e83-3727-465e-b5ef-74d027a6f73b @@ -129745,7 +129845,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c2b99ede-3050-483d-ab90-35a1548d2d22 6a051e83-3727-465e-b5ef-74d027a6f73b @@ -129899,7 +129999,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 1268d35e-8912-45c1-9642-0b29ec4f1ff9 6a051e83-3727-465e-b5ef-74d027a6f73b @@ -130141,7 +130241,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -130194,7 +130294,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dc8abb5a-5a92-4148-8118-b397929d7bb3 6a051e83-3727-465e-b5ef-74d027a6f73b @@ -130436,7 +130536,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aa365407-8e36-4400-b1a7-46cde5b21de6 6a051e83-3727-465e-b5ef-74d027a6f73b @@ -130591,7 +130691,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 60e7defa-8b21-4ee1-99aa-a9223d6134ff Mesh Brep @@ -130733,7 +130833,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2e74876b-33f9-4262-9791-cf53466a63e3 6a051e83-3727-465e-b5ef-74d027a6f73b @@ -130887,7 +130987,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c2b99ede-3050-483d-ab90-35a1548d2d22 6a051e83-3727-465e-b5ef-74d027a6f73b @@ -131041,7 +131141,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2e74876b-33f9-4262-9791-cf53466a63e3 6a051e83-3727-465e-b5ef-74d027a6f73b @@ -131195,7 +131295,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c2b99ede-3050-483d-ab90-35a1548d2d22 6a051e83-3727-465e-b5ef-74d027a6f73b @@ -131349,7 +131449,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -131385,7 +131485,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 439a55a5-2f9e-4f66-9de2-32f24fec2ef5 Plane Surface @@ -131598,7 +131698,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + de131812-96cf-4cef-b9ee-7c7031802751 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 @@ -131688,7 +131788,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -131922,7 +132022,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -132128,7 +132228,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -132335,7 +132435,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 84627490-0fb2-4498-8138-ad134ee4cb36 Curve | Curve @@ -132504,7 +132604,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -132558,7 +132658,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9abae6b7-fa1d-448c-9209-4a8155345841 Deconstruct @@ -132696,7 +132796,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -132729,7 +132829,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 079bd9bd-54a0-41d4-98af-db999015f63d VB Script @@ -133012,7 +133112,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 06953bda-1d37-4d58-9b38-4b3c74e54c8f File Path @@ -133069,7 +133169,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + a8b97322-2d53-47cd-905e-b932c3ccd74e Button @@ -133101,7 +133201,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -133335,7 +133435,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -133541,7 +133641,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -133749,7 +133849,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -133983,7 +134083,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -134189,7 +134289,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -134397,7 +134497,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -134450,7 +134550,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -134503,7 +134603,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -134733,7 +134833,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -135010,7 +135110,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -135175,7 +135275,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -135313,7 +135413,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -135399,7 +135499,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -135633,7 +135733,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -135667,7 +135767,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -135901,7 +136001,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -136107,7 +136207,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -136315,7 +136415,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -136368,7 +136468,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -136578,7 +136678,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -136621,7 +136721,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -136745,7 +136845,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ae4835db-ae71-4361-8536-1a5e50386819 1c9de8a1-315f-4c56-af06-8f69fee80a7a @@ -137081,7 +137181,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -137124,7 +137224,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -137167,7 +137267,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -137210,7 +137310,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -137375,7 +137475,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -137513,7 +137613,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -137599,7 +137699,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -137833,7 +137933,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -137921,7 +138021,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -138155,7 +138255,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -138361,7 +138461,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -138569,7 +138669,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -138622,7 +138722,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -138852,7 +138952,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -139129,7 +139229,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -139294,7 +139394,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -139432,7 +139532,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -139518,7 +139618,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -139752,7 +139852,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -139786,7 +139886,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -140020,7 +140120,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -140226,7 +140326,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -140434,7 +140534,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -140487,7 +140587,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -140697,7 +140797,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -140740,7 +140840,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -140864,7 +140964,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ae4835db-ae71-4361-8536-1a5e50386819 1c9de8a1-315f-4c56-af06-8f69fee80a7a @@ -141200,7 +141300,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -141243,7 +141343,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -141286,7 +141386,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -141329,7 +141429,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -141494,7 +141594,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -141632,7 +141732,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -141718,7 +141818,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -141952,7 +142052,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -142040,7 +142140,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 Scale @@ -142058,13 +142158,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23520 + 23532 -9535 154 64 - 23604 + 23616 -9503 @@ -142083,13 +142183,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23522 + 23534 -9533 67 20 - 23565 + 23577 -9523 @@ -142109,13 +142209,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23522 + 23534 -9513 67 20 - 23565 + 23577 -9503 @@ -142162,13 +142262,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23522 + 23534 -9493 67 20 - 23565 + 23577 -9483 @@ -142208,13 +142308,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23619 + 23631 -9533 53 30 - 23647 + 23659 -9518 @@ -142234,13 +142334,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23619 + 23631 -9503 53 30 - 23647 + 23659 -9488 @@ -142251,7 +142351,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -142269,13 +142369,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23528 + 23540 -9579 138 44 - 23596 + 23608 -9557 @@ -142294,13 +142394,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23530 + 23542 -9577 51 20 - 23557 + 23569 -9567 @@ -142321,13 +142421,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23530 + 23542 -9557 51 20 - 23557 + 23569 -9547 @@ -142377,13 +142477,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23611 + 23623 -9577 53 20 - 23639 + 23651 -9567 @@ -142403,13 +142503,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23611 + 23623 -9557 53 20 - 23639 + 23651 -9547 @@ -142420,7 +142520,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves @@ -142438,13 +142538,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23538 + 23550 -9623 118 44 - 23601 + 23613 -9601 @@ -142465,13 +142565,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23540 + 23552 -9621 46 20 - 23564.5 + 23576.5 -9611 @@ -142491,13 +142591,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23540 + 23552 -9601 46 20 - 23564.5 + 23576.5 -9591 @@ -142538,13 +142638,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23616 + 23628 -9621 38 40 - 23636.5 + 23648.5 -9601 @@ -142555,14 +142655,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group - + 3 255;255;255;255 @@ -142571,7 +142671,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve b630f7d1-c62b-402a-9331-0c51bea0d9a6 b88ef717-0ff9-4ddf-9a8f-7f4612e3a4a1 27b98faa-8ccb-4e3b-ac88-0ba2431258a9 - 3 + 8274dddf-0112-4145-8e19-78c169f58389 + 4 402d3181-86c4-41a4-863b-f5833122eff8 Group @@ -142582,7 +142683,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -142615,7 +142716,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -142643,14 +142744,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23444 - -9825 + 23484 + -9843 250 20 - 23444.87 - -9824.834 + 23484.87 + -9842.834 @@ -142658,7 +142759,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -142676,14 +142777,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23554 - -11170 + 23546 + -11188 125 64 - 23604 - -11138 + 23596 + -11156 @@ -142701,14 +142802,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23556 - -11168 + 23548 + -11186 33 20 - 23574 - -11158 + 23566 + -11176 @@ -142728,14 +142829,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23556 - -11148 + 23548 + -11166 33 20 - 23574 - -11138 + 23566 + -11156 @@ -142774,14 +142875,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23556 - -11128 + 23548 + -11146 33 20 - 23574 - -11118 + 23566 + -11136 @@ -142821,14 +142922,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23619 - -11168 + 23611 + -11186 58 20 - 23649.5 - -11158 + 23641.5 + -11176 @@ -142848,14 +142949,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23619 - -11148 + 23611 + -11166 58 20 - 23649.5 - -11138 + 23641.5 + -11156 @@ -142875,14 +142976,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23619 - -11128 + 23611 + -11146 58 20 - 23649.5 - -11118 + 23641.5 + -11136 @@ -142892,7 +142993,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -142910,14 +143011,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23560 - -11046 + 23556 + -11064 106 64 - 23624 - -11014 + 23620 + -11032 @@ -142934,14 +143035,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23562 - -11044 + 23558 + -11062 47 20 - 23587 - -11034 + 23583 + -11052 @@ -142985,14 +143086,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23562 - -11024 + 23558 + -11042 47 20 - 23587 - -11014 + 23583 + -11032 @@ -143036,14 +143137,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23562 - -11004 + 23558 + -11022 47 20 - 23587 - -10994 + 23583 + -11012 @@ -143082,14 +143183,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23639 - -11044 + 23635 + -11062 25 60 - 23653 - -11014 + 23649 + -11032 @@ -143099,7 +143200,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -143117,14 +143218,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23560 - -11238 + 23556 + -11256 106 64 - 23624 - -11206 + 23620 + -11224 @@ -143142,14 +143243,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23562 - -11236 + 23558 + -11254 47 20 - 23587 - -11226 + 23583 + -11244 @@ -143193,14 +143294,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23562 - -11216 + 23558 + -11234 47 20 - 23587 - -11206 + 23583 + -11224 @@ -143243,14 +143344,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23562 - -11196 + 23558 + -11214 47 20 - 23587 - -11186 + 23583 + -11204 @@ -143289,14 +143390,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23639 - -11236 + 23635 + -11254 25 60 - 23653 - -11206 + 23649 + -11224 @@ -143306,7 +143407,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 84627490-0fb2-4498-8138-ad134ee4cb36 Curve | Curve @@ -143324,14 +143425,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23538 - -11302 + 23536 + -11320 146 64 - 23599 - -11270 + 23597 + -11288 @@ -143349,14 +143450,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23540 - -11300 + 23538 + -11318 44 30 - 23563.5 - -11285 + 23561.5 + -11303 @@ -143376,14 +143477,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23540 - -11270 + 23538 + -11288 44 30 - 23563.5 - -11255 + 23561.5 + -11273 @@ -143404,14 +143505,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23614 - -11300 + 23612 + -11318 68 20 - 23641.5 - -11290 + 23639.5 + -11308 @@ -143431,14 +143532,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23614 - -11280 + 23612 + -11298 68 20 - 23641.5 - -11270 + 23639.5 + -11288 @@ -143458,14 +143559,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23614 - -11260 + 23612 + -11278 68 20 - 23641.5 - -11250 + 23639.5 + -11268 @@ -143475,7 +143576,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9abae6b7-fa1d-448c-9209-4a8155345841 Deconstruct @@ -143493,14 +143594,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23547 - -11366 + 23543 + -11384 132 64 - 23594 - -11334 + 23590 + -11352 @@ -143518,14 +143619,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23549 - -11364 + 23545 + -11382 30 60 - 23565.5 - -11334 + 23561.5 + -11352 @@ -143544,14 +143645,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23609 - -11364 + 23605 + -11382 68 20 - 23644.5 - -11354 + 23640.5 + -11372 @@ -143570,14 +143671,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23609 - -11344 + 23605 + -11362 68 20 - 23644.5 - -11334 + 23640.5 + -11352 @@ -143596,14 +143697,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23609 - -11324 + 23605 + -11342 68 20 - 23644.5 - -11314 + 23640.5 + -11332 @@ -143613,7 +143714,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -143645,7 +143746,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -143663,13 +143764,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23517 + 23538 -9990 141 64 - 23583 + 23604 -9958 @@ -143688,13 +143789,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23519 + 23540 -9988 49 20 - 23553 + 23574 -9978 @@ -143716,13 +143817,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23519 + 23540 -9968 49 20 - 23553 + 23574 -9958 @@ -143762,13 +143863,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23519 + 23540 -9948 49 20 - 23553 + 23574 -9938 @@ -143809,13 +143910,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23598 + 23619 -9988 58 20 - 23628.5 + 23649.5 -9978 @@ -143836,13 +143937,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23598 + 23619 -9968 58 20 - 23628.5 + 23649.5 -9958 @@ -143863,13 +143964,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23598 + 23619 -9948 58 20 - 23628.5 + 23649.5 -9938 @@ -143880,7 +143981,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -143898,14 +143999,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23543 - -10390 + 23556 + -10406 106 64 - 23607 - -10358 + 23620 + -10374 @@ -143923,14 +144024,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23545 - -10388 + 23558 + -10404 47 20 - 23570 - -10378 + 23583 + -10394 @@ -143975,14 +144076,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23545 - -10368 + 23558 + -10384 47 20 - 23570 - -10358 + 23583 + -10374 @@ -144026,14 +144127,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23545 - -10348 + 23558 + -10364 47 20 - 23570 - -10338 + 23583 + -10354 @@ -144072,14 +144173,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23622 - -10388 + 23635 + -10404 25 60 - 23636 - -10358 + 23649 + -10374 @@ -144089,7 +144190,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -144107,13 +144208,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23527 + 23540 -10054 137 64 - 23597 + 23610 -10022 @@ -144132,13 +144233,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23529 + 23542 -10052 53 30 - 23557 + 23570 -10037 @@ -144159,13 +144260,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23529 + 23542 -10022 53 30 - 23557 + 23570 -10007 @@ -144185,13 +144286,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23612 + 23625 -10052 50 20 - 23638.5 + 23651.5 -10042 @@ -144211,13 +144312,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23612 + 23625 -10032 50 20 - 23638.5 + 23651.5 -10022 @@ -144237,13 +144338,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23612 + 23625 -10012 50 20 - 23638.5 + 23651.5 -10002 @@ -144254,7 +144355,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -144272,13 +144373,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23539 + 23552 -10118 114 64 - 23579 + 23592 -10086 @@ -144297,13 +144398,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23541 + 23554 -10116 23 60 - 23554 + 23567 -10086 @@ -144323,13 +144424,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23594 + 23607 -10116 57 20 - 23624 + 23637 -10106 @@ -144349,13 +144450,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23594 + 23607 -10096 57 20 - 23624 + 23637 -10086 @@ -144375,13 +144476,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23594 + 23607 -10076 57 20 - 23624 + 23637 -10066 @@ -144392,7 +144493,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -144410,13 +144511,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23546 + 23559 -10146 100 28 - 23595 + 23608 -10132 @@ -144435,13 +144536,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23548 + 23561 -10144 32 24 - 23565.5 + 23578.5 -10132 @@ -144461,13 +144562,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23610 + 23623 -10144 34 24 - 23628.5 + 23641.5 -10132 @@ -144478,7 +144579,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -144520,7 +144621,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -144538,13 +144639,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23539 + 23552 -10326 114 44 - 23611 + 23624 -10304 @@ -144563,13 +144664,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23541 + 23554 -10324 55 20 - 23570 + 23583 -10314 @@ -144590,13 +144691,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23541 + 23554 -10304 55 20 - 23570 + 23583 -10294 @@ -144616,13 +144717,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23626 + 23639 -10324 25 40 - 23640 + 23653 -10304 @@ -144633,7 +144734,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -144651,14 +144752,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23524 - -10454 + 23537 + -10470 144 64 - 23598 - -10422 + 23611 + -10438 @@ -144676,14 +144777,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23526 - -10452 + 23539 + -10468 57 20 - 23556 - -10442 + 23569 + -10458 @@ -144702,14 +144803,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23526 - -10432 + 23539 + -10448 57 20 - 23556 - -10422 + 23569 + -10438 @@ -144748,14 +144849,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23526 - -10412 + 23539 + -10428 57 20 - 23556 - -10402 + 23569 + -10418 @@ -144794,14 +144895,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23613 - -10452 + 23626 + -10468 53 20 - 23641 - -10442 + 23654 + -10458 @@ -144820,14 +144921,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23613 - -10432 + 23626 + -10448 53 20 - 23641 - -10422 + 23654 + -10438 @@ -144846,14 +144947,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23613 - -10412 + 23626 + -10428 53 20 - 23641 - -10402 + 23654 + -10418 @@ -144863,7 +144964,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -144881,14 +144982,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23533 - -10538 + 23546 + -10554 125 84 - 23600 - -10496 + 23613 + -10512 @@ -144907,14 +145008,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23535 - -10536 + 23548 + -10552 50 20 - 23561.5 - -10526 + 23574.5 + -10542 @@ -144933,14 +145034,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23535 - -10516 + 23548 + -10532 50 20 - 23561.5 - -10506 + 23574.5 + -10522 @@ -144979,14 +145080,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23535 - -10496 + 23548 + -10512 50 20 - 23561.5 - -10486 + 23574.5 + -10502 @@ -145025,14 +145126,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23535 - -10476 + 23548 + -10492 50 20 - 23561.5 - -10466 + 23574.5 + -10482 @@ -145071,14 +145172,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23615 - -10536 + 23628 + -10552 41 26 - 23637 - -10522.67 + 23650 + -10538.67 @@ -145097,14 +145198,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23615 - -10510 + 23628 + -10526 41 27 - 23637 - -10496 + 23650 + -10512 @@ -145123,14 +145224,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23615 - -10483 + 23628 + -10499 41 27 - 23637 - -10469.33 + 23650 + -10485.33 @@ -145140,7 +145241,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -145158,14 +145259,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23537 - -11652 + 23546 + -11634 125 64 - 23587 - -11620 + 23596 + -11602 @@ -145183,14 +145284,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23539 - -11650 + 23548 + -11632 33 20 - 23557 - -11640 + 23566 + -11622 @@ -145210,14 +145311,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23539 - -11630 + 23548 + -11612 33 20 - 23557 - -11620 + 23566 + -11602 @@ -145256,14 +145357,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23539 - -11610 + 23548 + -11592 33 20 - 23557 - -11600 + 23566 + -11582 @@ -145303,14 +145404,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23602 - -11650 + 23611 + -11632 58 20 - 23632.5 - -11640 + 23641.5 + -11622 @@ -145330,14 +145431,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23602 - -11630 + 23611 + -11612 58 20 - 23632.5 - -11620 + 23641.5 + -11602 @@ -145357,14 +145458,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23602 - -11610 + 23611 + -11592 58 20 - 23632.5 - -11600 + 23641.5 + -11582 @@ -145374,7 +145475,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -145392,14 +145493,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23531 - -11716 + 23540 + -11698 137 64 - 23601 - -11684 + 23610 + -11666 @@ -145417,14 +145518,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23533 - -11714 + 23542 + -11696 53 30 - 23561 - -11699 + 23570 + -11681 @@ -145444,14 +145545,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23533 - -11684 + 23542 + -11666 53 30 - 23561 - -11669 + 23570 + -11651 @@ -145470,14 +145571,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23616 - -11714 + 23625 + -11696 50 20 - 23642.5 - -11704 + 23651.5 + -11686 @@ -145496,14 +145597,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23616 - -11694 + 23625 + -11676 50 20 - 23642.5 - -11684 + 23651.5 + -11666 @@ -145522,14 +145623,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23616 - -11674 + 23625 + -11656 50 20 - 23642.5 - -11664 + 23651.5 + -11646 @@ -145539,7 +145640,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -145557,14 +145658,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23543 - -11780 + 23552 + -11762 114 64 - 23583 - -11748 + 23592 + -11730 @@ -145582,14 +145683,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23545 - -11778 + 23554 + -11760 23 60 - 23558 - -11748 + 23567 + -11730 @@ -145608,14 +145709,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23598 - -11778 + 23607 + -11760 57 20 - 23628 - -11768 + 23637 + -11750 @@ -145634,14 +145735,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23598 - -11758 + 23607 + -11740 57 20 - 23628 - -11748 + 23637 + -11730 @@ -145660,14 +145761,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23598 - -11738 + 23607 + -11720 57 20 - 23628 - -11728 + 23637 + -11710 @@ -145677,7 +145778,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -145695,14 +145796,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23531 - -11844 + 23548 + -11826 122 64 - 23611 - -11812 + 23628 + -11794 @@ -145720,14 +145821,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23533 - -11842 + 23550 + -11824 63 20 - 23574 - -11832 + 23591 + -11814 @@ -145747,14 +145848,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23533 - -11822 + 23550 + -11804 63 20 - 23574 - -11812 + 23591 + -11794 @@ -145799,14 +145900,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23533 - -11802 + 23550 + -11784 63 20 - 23574 - -11792 + 23591 + -11774 @@ -145845,14 +145946,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23626 - -11842 + 23643 + -11824 25 60 - 23640 - -11812 + 23657 + -11794 @@ -145862,7 +145963,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers @@ -145880,14 +145981,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23560 - -11503 + 23551 + -11492 115 64 - 23615 - -11471 + 23606 + -11460 @@ -145905,14 +146006,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23562 - -11501 + 23553 + -11490 38 20 - 23582.5 - -11491 + 23573.5 + -11480 @@ -145932,14 +146033,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23562 - -11481 + 23553 + -11470 38 20 - 23582.5 - -11471 + 23573.5 + -11460 @@ -145981,14 +146082,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23562 - -11461 + 23553 + -11450 38 20 - 23582.5 - -11451 + 23573.5 + -11440 @@ -146030,14 +146131,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23630 - -11501 + 23621 + -11490 43 30 - 23653 - -11486 + 23644 + -11475 @@ -146056,14 +146157,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23630 - -11471 + 23621 + -11460 43 30 - 23653 - -11456 + 23644 + -11445 @@ -146073,7 +146174,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds @@ -146091,14 +146192,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23552 - -11439 + 23548 + -11428 122 28 - 23616 - -11425 + 23612 + -11414 @@ -146117,14 +146218,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23554 - -11437 + 23550 + -11426 47 24 - 23579 - -11425 + 23575 + -11414 @@ -146143,14 +146244,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23631 - -11437 + 23627 + -11426 41 24 - 23653 - -11425 + 23649 + -11414 @@ -146160,7 +146261,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers @@ -146178,13 +146279,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23538 + 23551 -10282 115 64 - 23593 + 23606 -10250 @@ -146203,13 +146304,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23540 + 23553 -10280 38 20 - 23560.5 + 23573.5 -10270 @@ -146230,13 +146331,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23540 + 23553 -10260 38 20 - 23560.5 + 23573.5 -10250 @@ -146279,13 +146380,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23540 + 23553 -10240 38 20 - 23560.5 + 23573.5 -10230 @@ -146328,13 +146429,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23608 + 23621 -10280 43 30 - 23631 + 23644 -10265 @@ -146354,13 +146455,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23608 + 23621 -10250 43 30 - 23631 + 23644 -10235 @@ -146371,7 +146472,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds @@ -146389,13 +146490,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23535 + 23548 -10218 122 28 - 23599 + 23612 -10204 @@ -146415,13 +146516,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23537 + 23550 -10216 47 24 - 23562 + 23575 -10204 @@ -146441,13 +146542,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23614 + 23627 -10216 41 24 - 23636 + 23649 -10204 @@ -146458,7 +146559,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -146476,13 +146577,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23556 + 23568 -10190 82 44 - 23587 + 23599 -10168 @@ -146501,13 +146602,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23558 + 23570 -10188 14 20 - 23566.5 + 23578.5 -10178 @@ -146528,13 +146629,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23558 + 23570 -10168 14 20 - 23566.5 + 23578.5 -10158 @@ -146554,13 +146655,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23602 + 23614 -10188 34 40 - 23620.5 + 23632.5 -10168 @@ -146571,7 +146672,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -146589,14 +146690,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23576 - -11547 + 23568 + -11536 82 44 - 23607 - -11525 + 23599 + -11514 @@ -146614,14 +146715,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23578 - -11545 + 23570 + -11534 14 20 - 23586.5 - -11535 + 23578.5 + -11524 @@ -146641,14 +146742,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23578 - -11525 + 23570 + -11514 14 20 - 23586.5 - -11515 + 23578.5 + -11504 @@ -146667,14 +146768,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23622 - -11545 + 23614 + -11534 34 40 - 23640.5 - -11525 + 23632.5 + -11514 @@ -146684,7 +146785,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -146718,7 +146819,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -146748,7 +146849,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -146766,14 +146867,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23528 - -11908 + 23537 + -11890 144 64 - 23602 - -11876 + 23611 + -11858 @@ -146791,14 +146892,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23530 - -11906 + 23539 + -11888 57 20 - 23560 - -11896 + 23569 + -11878 @@ -146817,14 +146918,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23530 - -11886 + 23539 + -11868 57 20 - 23560 - -11876 + 23569 + -11858 @@ -146863,14 +146964,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23530 - -11866 + 23539 + -11848 57 20 - 23560 - -11856 + 23569 + -11838 @@ -146909,14 +147010,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23617 - -11906 + 23626 + -11888 53 20 - 23645 - -11896 + 23654 + -11878 @@ -146935,14 +147036,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23617 - -11886 + 23626 + -11868 53 20 - 23645 - -11876 + 23654 + -11858 @@ -146961,14 +147062,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23617 - -11866 + 23626 + -11848 53 20 - 23645 - -11856 + 23654 + -11838 @@ -146978,7 +147079,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -146996,14 +147097,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23537 - -11992 + 23546 + -11974 125 84 - 23604 - -11950 + 23613 + -11932 @@ -147022,14 +147123,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23539 - -11990 + 23548 + -11972 50 20 - 23565.5 - -11980 + 23574.5 + -11962 @@ -147048,14 +147149,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23539 - -11970 + 23548 + -11952 50 20 - 23565.5 - -11960 + 23574.5 + -11942 @@ -147094,14 +147195,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23539 - -11950 + 23548 + -11932 50 20 - 23565.5 - -11940 + 23574.5 + -11922 @@ -147140,14 +147241,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23539 - -11930 + 23548 + -11912 50 20 - 23565.5 - -11920 + 23574.5 + -11902 @@ -147186,14 +147287,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23619 - -11990 + 23628 + -11972 41 26 - 23641 - -11976.67 + 23650 + -11958.67 @@ -147212,14 +147313,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23619 - -11964 + 23628 + -11946 41 27 - 23641 - -11950 + 23650 + -11932 @@ -147238,14 +147339,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23619 - -11937 + 23628 + -11919 41 27 - 23641 - -11923.33 + 23650 + -11905.33 @@ -147255,7 +147356,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -147276,14 +147377,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23461 - -11090 + 23589 + -11080 40 16 - 23481 - -11082 + 23609 + -11072 @@ -147291,7 +147392,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -147309,14 +147410,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23572 - -11090 + 23568 + -11124 82 44 - 23603 - -11068 + 23599 + -11102 @@ -147334,14 +147435,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23574 - -11088 + 23570 + -11122 14 20 - 23582.5 - -11078 + 23578.5 + -11112 @@ -147360,14 +147461,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23574 - -11068 + 23570 + -11102 14 20 - 23582.5 - -11058 + 23578.5 + -11092 @@ -147407,14 +147508,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23618 - -11088 + 23614 + -11122 34 40 - 23636.5 - -11068 + 23632.5 + -11102 @@ -147424,7 +147525,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -147445,14 +147546,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23317 - -12117 + 23589 + -10342 40 16 - 23337 - -12109 + 23609 + -10334 @@ -147460,7 +147561,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -147478,14 +147579,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23573 - -12795 + 23548 + -12753 122 64 - 23653 - -12763 + 23628 + -12721 @@ -147503,14 +147604,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23575 - -12793 + 23550 + -12751 63 20 - 23616 - -12783 + 23591 + -12741 @@ -147530,14 +147631,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23575 - -12773 + 23550 + -12731 63 20 - 23616 - -12763 + 23591 + -12721 @@ -147582,14 +147683,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23575 - -12753 + 23550 + -12711 63 20 - 23616 - -12743 + 23591 + -12701 @@ -147628,14 +147729,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23668 - -12793 + 23643 + -12751 25 60 - 23682 - -12763 + 23657 + -12721 @@ -147645,7 +147746,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e87db220-a0a0-4d67-a405-f97fd14b2d7a Linear Array @@ -147663,14 +147764,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23743 - -9750 + 23540 + -9687 138 64 - 23811 - -9718 + 23608 + -9655 @@ -147688,14 +147789,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23745 - -9748 + 23542 + -9685 51 20 - 23772 - -9738 + 23569 + -9675 @@ -147714,14 +147815,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23745 - -9728 + 23542 + -9665 51 20 - 23772 - -9718 + 23569 + -9655 @@ -147764,14 +147865,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23745 - -9708 + 23542 + -9645 51 20 - 23772 - -9698 + 23569 + -9635 @@ -147811,14 +147912,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23826 - -9748 + 23623 + -9685 53 30 - 23854 - -9733 + 23651 + -9670 @@ -147838,14 +147939,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23826 - -9718 + 23623 + -9655 53 30 - 23854 - -9703 + 23651 + -9640 @@ -147855,7 +147956,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves @@ -147873,14 +147974,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23753 - -9794 + 23550 + -9731 118 44 - 23816 - -9772 + 23613 + -9709 @@ -147899,14 +148000,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23755 - -9792 + 23552 + -9729 46 20 - 23779.5 - -9782 + 23576.5 + -9719 @@ -147925,14 +148026,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23755 - -9772 + 23552 + -9709 46 20 - 23779.5 - -9762 + 23576.5 + -9699 @@ -147972,14 +148073,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23831 - -9792 + 23628 + -9729 38 40 - 23851.5 - -9772 + 23648.5 + -9709 @@ -147989,7 +148090,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -147997,7 +148098,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 1 + 3 255;255;255;255 @@ -148015,7 +148116,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -148033,14 +148134,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24067 - -9571 + 24741 + -9567 144 104 - 24151 - -9519 + 24825 + -9515 @@ -148058,14 +148159,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24069 - -9569 + 24743 + -9565 67 20 - 24104 - -9559 + 24778 + -9555 @@ -148106,14 +148207,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24069 - -9549 + 24743 + -9545 67 20 - 24104 - -9539 + 24778 + -9535 @@ -148154,14 +148255,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24069 - -9529 + 24743 + -9525 67 20 - 24104 - -9519 + 24778 + -9515 @@ -148202,14 +148303,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24069 - -9509 + 24743 + -9505 67 20 - 24104 - -9499 + 24778 + -9495 @@ -148248,14 +148349,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24069 - -9489 + 24743 + -9485 67 20 - 24104 - -9479 + 24778 + -9475 @@ -148294,14 +148395,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24166 - -9569 + 24840 + -9565 43 100 - 24189 - -9519 + 24863 + -9515 @@ -148311,7 +148412,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -148328,21 +148429,22 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + - 23806 - -9541 + 24480 + -9537 82 44 - 23874 - -9519 + 24548 + -9515 + true - + Geometry to preview true 280b0b94-e4c9-49d3-be51-fb9f416cb25d @@ -148350,21 +148452,23 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false d5feaf5c-6bbf-42cc-9171-b7e67a719cda - 1 + b38f56f5-e7c4-4ce1-9aab-625b61060e09 + 2 - + - 23808 - -9539 + 24482 + -9535 51 20 - 23835 - -9529 + 24509 + -9525 + true @@ -148381,17 +148485,18 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + - 23808 - -9519 + 24482 + -9515 51 20 - 23835 - -9509 + 24509 + -9505 + true @@ -148430,7 +148535,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -148457,7 +148562,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -148471,7 +148576,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Colour Picker false - 255;94;94;94 + 255;176;176;176 0 @@ -148479,8 +148584,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23889.27 - -9672.848 + 24566.77 + -9665.137 180 310 @@ -148491,7 +148596,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -148509,14 +148614,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24064 - -10134 + 24711 + -10254 144 104 - 24148 - -10082 + 24795 + -10202 @@ -148534,14 +148639,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24066 - -10132 + 24713 + -10252 67 20 - 24101 - -10122 + 24748 + -10242 @@ -148582,14 +148687,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24066 - -10112 + 24713 + -10232 67 20 - 24101 - -10102 + 24748 + -10222 @@ -148630,14 +148735,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24066 - -10092 + 24713 + -10212 67 20 - 24101 - -10082 + 24748 + -10202 @@ -148678,14 +148783,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24066 - -10072 + 24713 + -10192 67 20 - 24101 - -10062 + 24748 + -10182 @@ -148724,14 +148829,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24066 - -10052 + 24713 + -10172 67 20 - 24101 - -10042 + 24748 + -10162 @@ -148770,14 +148875,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24163 - -10132 + 24810 + -10252 43 100 - 24186 - -10082 + 24833 + -10202 @@ -148787,7 +148892,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -148806,19 +148911,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23833 - -10104 + 24480 + -10224 82 44 - 23901 - -10082 + 24548 + -10202 - + Geometry to preview true b5ee1e43-5eea-45be-bf24-ba8eb86a9451 @@ -148826,20 +148931,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false d8675c5d-9431-4928-92b4-25cec3601397 - 1 + aa34f11b-05c5-453d-b5ba-61b80e7f53b3 + 2 - 23835 - -10102 + 24482 + -10222 51 20 - 23862 - -10092 + 24509 + -10212 @@ -148859,14 +148965,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23835 - -10082 + 24482 + -10202 51 20 - 23862 - -10072 + 24509 + -10192 @@ -148906,7 +149012,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -148933,7 +149039,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -148955,8 +149061,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23915.94 - -10234.03 + 24566.71 + -10349.02 180 310 @@ -148967,7 +149073,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -148985,14 +149091,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24051 - -10551 + 24711 + -10634 144 104 - 24135 - -10499 + 24795 + -10582 @@ -149010,14 +149116,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24053 - -10549 + 24713 + -10632 67 20 - 24088 - -10539 + 24748 + -10622 @@ -149058,14 +149164,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24053 - -10529 + 24713 + -10612 67 20 - 24088 - -10519 + 24748 + -10602 @@ -149106,14 +149212,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24053 - -10509 + 24713 + -10592 67 20 - 24088 - -10499 + 24748 + -10582 @@ -149154,14 +149260,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24053 - -10489 + 24713 + -10572 67 20 - 24088 - -10479 + 24748 + -10562 @@ -149200,14 +149306,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24053 - -10469 + 24713 + -10552 67 20 - 24088 - -10459 + 24748 + -10542 @@ -149246,14 +149352,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24150 - -10549 + 24810 + -10632 43 100 - 24173 - -10499 + 24833 + -10582 @@ -149263,7 +149369,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -149282,19 +149388,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23820 - -10521 + 24480 + -10604 82 44 - 23888 - -10499 + 24548 + -10582 - + Geometry to preview true 30e316a4-87d5-405c-84be-3be2aac0078f @@ -149302,20 +149408,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false f524abc3-9d5c-49b0-880c-87d212d1cf59 - 1 + 6fc5e698-7232-4859-8b5f-a9a2963ed883 + 2 - 23822 - -10519 + 24482 + -10602 51 20 - 23849 - -10509 + 24509 + -10592 @@ -149335,14 +149442,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23822 - -10499 + 24482 + -10582 51 20 - 23849 - -10489 + 24509 + -10572 @@ -149382,7 +149489,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -149409,7 +149516,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -149423,7 +149530,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Colour Picker false - 255;181;181;181 + 255;222;222;222 0 @@ -149431,8 +149538,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23903.34 - -10649.45 + 24568.05 + -10727.48 180 310 @@ -149443,7 +149550,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -149464,14 +149571,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23582 - -11422 + 23589 + -11400 40 16 - 23602 - -11414 + 23609 + -11392 @@ -149479,7 +149586,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -149507,14 +149614,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23482 - -10978 + 23484 + -11000 250 20 - 23482.25 - -10977.88 + 23484.93 + -10999.37 @@ -149522,7 +149629,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -149552,7 +149659,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -149570,14 +149677,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23575 - -12358 + 23546 + -12345 125 64 - 23625 - -12326 + 23596 + -12313 @@ -149595,14 +149702,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23577 - -12356 + 23548 + -12343 33 20 - 23595 - -12346 + 23566 + -12333 @@ -149622,14 +149729,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23577 - -12336 + 23548 + -12323 33 20 - 23595 - -12326 + 23566 + -12313 @@ -149668,14 +149775,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23577 - -12316 + 23548 + -12303 33 20 - 23595 - -12306 + 23566 + -12293 @@ -149715,14 +149822,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23640 - -12356 + 23611 + -12343 58 20 - 23670.5 - -12346 + 23641.5 + -12333 @@ -149742,14 +149849,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23640 - -12336 + 23611 + -12323 58 20 - 23670.5 - -12326 + 23641.5 + -12313 @@ -149769,14 +149876,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23640 - -12316 + 23611 + -12303 58 20 - 23670.5 - -12306 + 23641.5 + -12293 @@ -149786,7 +149893,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -149804,14 +149911,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23581 - -12230 + 23556 + -12210 106 64 - 23645 - -12198 + 23620 + -12178 @@ -149828,14 +149935,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23583 - -12228 + 23558 + -12208 47 20 - 23608 - -12218 + 23583 + -12198 @@ -149879,14 +149986,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23583 - -12208 + 23558 + -12188 47 20 - 23608 - -12198 + 23583 + -12178 @@ -149930,14 +150037,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23583 - -12188 + 23558 + -12168 47 20 - 23608 - -12178 + 23583 + -12158 @@ -149976,14 +150083,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23660 - -12228 + 23635 + -12208 25 60 - 23674 - -12198 + 23649 + -12178 @@ -149993,7 +150100,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -150011,14 +150118,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23581 - -12422 + 23556 + -12409 106 64 - 23645 - -12390 + 23620 + -12377 @@ -150036,14 +150143,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23583 - -12420 + 23558 + -12407 47 20 - 23608 - -12410 + 23583 + -12397 @@ -150087,14 +150194,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23583 - -12400 + 23558 + -12387 47 20 - 23608 - -12390 + 23583 + -12377 @@ -150137,14 +150244,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23583 - -12380 + 23558 + -12367 47 20 - 23608 - -12370 + 23583 + -12357 @@ -150183,14 +150290,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23660 - -12420 + 23635 + -12407 25 60 - 23674 - -12390 + 23649 + -12377 @@ -150200,7 +150307,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 84627490-0fb2-4498-8138-ad134ee4cb36 Curve | Curve @@ -150218,14 +150325,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23559 - -12486 + 23536 + -12473 146 64 - 23620 - -12454 + 23597 + -12441 @@ -150243,14 +150350,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23561 - -12484 + 23538 + -12471 44 30 - 23584.5 - -12469 + 23561.5 + -12456 @@ -150270,14 +150377,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23561 - -12454 + 23538 + -12441 44 30 - 23584.5 - -12439 + 23561.5 + -12426 @@ -150298,14 +150405,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23635 - -12484 + 23612 + -12471 68 20 - 23662.5 - -12474 + 23639.5 + -12461 @@ -150325,14 +150432,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23635 - -12464 + 23612 + -12451 68 20 - 23662.5 - -12454 + 23639.5 + -12441 @@ -150352,14 +150459,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23635 - -12444 + 23612 + -12431 68 20 - 23662.5 - -12434 + 23639.5 + -12421 @@ -150369,7 +150476,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9abae6b7-fa1d-448c-9209-4a8155345841 Deconstruct @@ -150387,14 +150494,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23568 - -12550 + 23543 + -12537 132 64 - 23615 - -12518 + 23590 + -12505 @@ -150412,14 +150519,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23570 - -12548 + 23545 + -12535 30 60 - 23586.5 - -12518 + 23561.5 + -12505 @@ -150438,14 +150545,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23630 - -12548 + 23605 + -12535 68 20 - 23665.5 - -12538 + 23640.5 + -12525 @@ -150464,14 +150571,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23630 - -12528 + 23605 + -12515 68 20 - 23665.5 - -12518 + 23640.5 + -12505 @@ -150490,14 +150597,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23630 - -12508 + 23605 + -12495 68 20 - 23665.5 - -12498 + 23640.5 + -12485 @@ -150507,7 +150614,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -150541,7 +150648,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers @@ -150559,14 +150666,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23581 - -12687 + 23551 + -12645 115 64 - 23636 - -12655 + 23606 + -12613 @@ -150584,14 +150691,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23583 - -12685 + 23553 + -12643 38 20 - 23603.5 - -12675 + 23573.5 + -12633 @@ -150611,14 +150718,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23583 - -12665 + 23553 + -12623 38 20 - 23603.5 - -12655 + 23573.5 + -12613 @@ -150660,14 +150767,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23583 - -12645 + 23553 + -12603 38 20 - 23603.5 - -12635 + 23573.5 + -12593 @@ -150709,14 +150816,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23651 - -12685 + 23621 + -12643 43 30 - 23674 - -12670 + 23644 + -12628 @@ -150735,14 +150842,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23651 - -12655 + 23621 + -12613 43 30 - 23674 - -12640 + 23644 + -12598 @@ -150752,7 +150859,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds @@ -150770,14 +150877,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23573 - -12623 + 23548 + -12581 122 28 - 23637 - -12609 + 23612 + -12567 @@ -150796,14 +150903,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23575 - -12621 + 23550 + -12579 47 24 - 23600 - -12609 + 23575 + -12567 @@ -150822,14 +150929,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23652 - -12621 + 23627 + -12579 41 24 - 23674 - -12609 + 23649 + -12567 @@ -150839,7 +150946,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -150857,14 +150964,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23600 - -12731 + 23568 + -12689 82 44 - 23631 - -12709 + 23599 + -12667 @@ -150882,14 +150989,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23602 - -12729 + 23570 + -12687 14 20 - 23610.5 - -12719 + 23578.5 + -12677 @@ -150909,14 +151016,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23602 - -12709 + 23570 + -12667 14 20 - 23610.5 - -12699 + 23578.5 + -12657 @@ -150935,14 +151042,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23646 - -12729 + 23614 + -12687 34 40 - 23664.5 - -12709 + 23632.5 + -12667 @@ -150952,7 +151059,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -150986,49 +151093,6 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - - - 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 - Digit Scroller - - - - - Numeric scroller for single numbers - fb0056af-adf1-475c-84fb-ce0ac84320cb - Digit Scroller - - false - 0 - - - - - 12 - - 9 - - 2.000 - - - - - - 23515 - -12285 - 250 - 20 - - - 23515.72 - -12284.61 - - - - - - - b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b @@ -151050,14 +151114,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23524 - -12264 + 23589 + -12226 40 16 - 23544 - -12256 + 23609 + -12218 @@ -151083,14 +151147,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23593 - -12274 + 23568 + -12270 82 44 - 23624 - -12252 + 23599 + -12248 @@ -151108,14 +151172,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23595 - -12272 + 23570 + -12268 14 20 - 23603.5 - -12262 + 23578.5 + -12258 @@ -151134,14 +151198,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23595 - -12252 + 23570 + -12248 14 20 - 23603.5 - -12242 + 23578.5 + -12238 @@ -151181,14 +151245,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23639 - -12272 + 23614 + -12268 34 40 - 23657.5 - -12252 + 23632.5 + -12248 @@ -151219,14 +151283,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23727 - -12526 + 23589 + -12553 40 16 - 23747 - -12518 + 23609 + -12545 @@ -151262,14 +151326,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23506 - -12159 + 23484 + -12146 250 20 - 23506.89 - -12158.75 + 23484.63 + -12145.09 @@ -151295,14 +151359,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24287 - -11563 + 24711 + -11630 144 104 - 24371 - -11511 + 24795 + -11578 @@ -151320,14 +151384,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24289 - -11561 + 24713 + -11628 67 20 - 24324 - -11551 + 24748 + -11618 @@ -151368,14 +151432,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24289 - -11541 + 24713 + -11608 67 20 - 24324 - -11531 + 24748 + -11598 @@ -151416,14 +151480,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24289 - -11521 + 24713 + -11588 67 20 - 24324 - -11511 + 24748 + -11578 @@ -151464,14 +151528,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24289 - -11501 + 24713 + -11568 67 20 - 24324 - -11491 + 24748 + -11558 @@ -151510,14 +151574,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24289 - -11481 + 24713 + -11548 67 20 - 24324 - -11471 + 24748 + -11538 @@ -151556,14 +151620,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24386 - -11561 + 24810 + -11628 43 100 - 24409 - -11511 + 24833 + -11578 @@ -151592,19 +151656,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24056 - -11533 + 24480 + -11600 82 44 - 24124 - -11511 + 24548 + -11578 - + Geometry to preview true b3656a59-def9-48cc-9b5a-207081b13ceb @@ -151612,20 +151676,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 3ac9f2bf-372e-46a2-ba9f-e78c0092fb7f - 1 + d710bde3-b8c8-4492-a48b-bfecb0b2a210 + 2 - 24058 - -11531 + 24482 + -11598 51 20 - 24085 - -11521 + 24509 + -11588 @@ -151645,14 +151710,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24058 - -11511 + 24482 + -11578 51 20 - 24085 - -11501 + 24509 + -11568 @@ -151741,8 +151806,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24139.51 - -11661.28 + 24566.26 + -11730.53 180 310 @@ -151771,14 +151836,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24148 - -11940 + 24710 + -12014 144 104 - 24232 - -11888 + 24794 + -11962 @@ -151796,14 +151861,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24150 - -11938 + 24712 + -12012 67 20 - 24185 - -11928 + 24747 + -12002 @@ -151844,14 +151909,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24150 - -11918 + 24712 + -11992 67 20 - 24185 - -11908 + 24747 + -11982 @@ -151892,14 +151957,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24150 - -11898 + 24712 + -11972 67 20 - 24185 - -11888 + 24747 + -11962 @@ -151940,14 +152005,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24150 - -11878 + 24712 + -11952 67 20 - 24185 - -11868 + 24747 + -11942 @@ -151986,14 +152051,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24150 - -11858 + 24712 + -11932 67 20 - 24185 - -11848 + 24747 + -11922 @@ -152032,14 +152097,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24247 - -11938 + 24809 + -12012 43 100 - 24270 - -11888 + 24832 + -11962 @@ -152068,19 +152133,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23917 - -11910 + 24479 + -11984 82 44 - 23985 - -11888 + 24547 + -11962 - + Geometry to preview true 169c9904-1127-4c21-adb8-dbbe172cef5b @@ -152088,20 +152153,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 000adaa0-8d51-4d6b-b031-fa3a0c9fd404 - 1 + aee25dc5-f36c-4a32-86e8-d8e4f4c209ed + 2 - 23919 - -11908 + 24481 + -11982 51 20 - 23946 - -11898 + 24508 + -11972 @@ -152121,14 +152187,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23919 - -11888 + 24481 + -11962 51 20 - 23946 - -11878 + 24508 + -11952 @@ -152209,7 +152275,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Colour Picker false - 255;176;176;176 + 255;214;214;214 0 @@ -152217,8 +152283,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24001.47 - -12038.14 + 24566.93 + -12109 180 310 @@ -152247,14 +152313,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24129 - -12457 + 24710 + -12566 144 104 - 24213 - -12405 + 24794 + -12514 @@ -152272,14 +152338,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24131 - -12455 + 24712 + -12564 67 20 - 24166 - -12445 + 24747 + -12554 @@ -152320,14 +152386,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24131 - -12435 + 24712 + -12544 67 20 - 24166 - -12425 + 24747 + -12534 @@ -152368,14 +152434,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24131 - -12415 + 24712 + -12524 67 20 - 24166 - -12405 + 24747 + -12514 @@ -152416,14 +152482,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24131 - -12395 + 24712 + -12504 67 20 - 24166 - -12385 + 24747 + -12494 @@ -152462,14 +152528,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24131 - -12375 + 24712 + -12484 67 20 - 24166 - -12365 + 24747 + -12474 @@ -152508,14 +152574,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24228 - -12455 + 24809 + -12564 43 100 - 24251 - -12405 + 24832 + -12514 @@ -152544,19 +152610,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23898 - -12427 + 24479 + -12536 82 44 - 23966 - -12405 + 24547 + -12514 - + Geometry to preview true c8d52c6d-7a5f-4007-912a-4075bc65c023 @@ -152564,20 +152630,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 3fb1ee0e-a726-4301-9605-9b352e0c8c70 - 1 + d72811e7-588f-4d7b-a419-ae2922a0dbf5 + 2 - 23900 - -12425 + 24481 + -12534 51 20 - 23927 - -12415 + 24508 + -12524 @@ -152597,14 +152664,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23900 - -12405 + 24481 + -12514 51 20 - 23927 - -12395 + 24508 + -12504 @@ -152685,7 +152752,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Colour Picker false - 255;230;230;230 + 255;232;232;232 0 @@ -152693,8 +152760,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23983.83 - -12553 + 24569.15 + -12659.48 180 310 @@ -152723,14 +152790,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23568 - -12859 + 23537 + -12817 144 64 - 23642 - -12827 + 23611 + -12785 @@ -152748,14 +152815,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23570 - -12857 + 23539 + -12815 57 20 - 23600 - -12847 + 23569 + -12805 @@ -152774,14 +152841,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23570 - -12837 + 23539 + -12795 57 20 - 23600 - -12827 + 23569 + -12785 @@ -152820,14 +152887,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23570 - -12817 + 23539 + -12775 57 20 - 23600 - -12807 + 23569 + -12765 @@ -152866,14 +152933,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23657 - -12857 + 23626 + -12815 53 20 - 23685 - -12847 + 23654 + -12805 @@ -152892,14 +152959,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23657 - -12837 + 23626 + -12795 53 20 - 23685 - -12827 + 23654 + -12785 @@ -152918,14 +152985,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23657 - -12817 + 23626 + -12775 53 20 - 23685 - -12807 + 23654 + -12765 @@ -152953,14 +153020,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23582 - -12943 + 23546 + -12901 125 84 - 23649 - -12901 + 23613 + -12859 @@ -152979,14 +153046,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23584 - -12941 + 23548 + -12899 50 20 - 23610.5 - -12931 + 23574.5 + -12889 @@ -153005,14 +153072,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23584 - -12921 + 23548 + -12879 50 20 - 23610.5 - -12911 + 23574.5 + -12869 @@ -153051,14 +153118,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23584 - -12901 + 23548 + -12859 50 20 - 23610.5 - -12891 + 23574.5 + -12849 @@ -153097,14 +153164,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23584 - -12881 + 23548 + -12839 50 20 - 23610.5 - -12871 + 23574.5 + -12829 @@ -153143,14 +153210,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23664 - -12941 + 23628 + -12899 41 26 - 23686 - -12927.67 + 23650 + -12885.67 @@ -153169,14 +153236,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23664 - -12915 + 23628 + -12873 41 27 - 23686 - -12901 + 23650 + -12859 @@ -153195,14 +153262,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23664 - -12888 + 23628 + -12846 41 27 - 23686 - -12874.33 + 23650 + -12832.33 @@ -153230,14 +153297,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24180 - -12837 + 24710 + -12946 144 104 - 24264 - -12785 + 24794 + -12894 @@ -153255,14 +153322,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24182 - -12835 + 24712 + -12944 67 20 - 24217 - -12825 + 24747 + -12934 @@ -153303,14 +153370,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24182 - -12815 + 24712 + -12924 67 20 - 24217 - -12805 + 24747 + -12914 @@ -153351,14 +153418,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24182 - -12795 + 24712 + -12904 67 20 - 24217 - -12785 + 24747 + -12894 @@ -153399,14 +153466,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24182 - -12775 + 24712 + -12884 67 20 - 24217 - -12765 + 24747 + -12874 @@ -153445,14 +153512,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24182 - -12755 + 24712 + -12864 67 20 - 24217 - -12745 + 24747 + -12854 @@ -153491,14 +153558,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24279 - -12835 + 24809 + -12944 43 100 - 24302 - -12785 + 24832 + -12894 @@ -153527,19 +153594,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23949 - -12807 + 24479 + -12916 82 44 - 24017 - -12785 + 24547 + -12894 - + Geometry to preview true e68fbf64-426b-41ac-a5f4-21b9c00f12c2 @@ -153547,20 +153614,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false de32db1a-5de2-4844-8793-726fa0046670 - 1 + 43359767-6567-4a74-87e0-e26e4d8b7a10 + 2 - 23951 - -12805 + 24481 + -12914 51 20 - 23978 - -12795 + 24508 + -12904 @@ -153580,14 +153648,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23951 - -12785 + 24481 + -12894 51 20 - 23978 - -12775 + 24508 + -12884 @@ -153668,7 +153736,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Colour Picker false - 255;166;166;166 + 255;207;207;207 0 @@ -153676,8 +153744,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24036.57 - -12931.47 + 24569.27 + -13037.94 180 310 @@ -153706,14 +153774,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23581 - -13772 + 23546 + -13744 125 64 - 23631 - -13740 + 23596 + -13712 @@ -153731,14 +153799,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23583 - -13770 + 23548 + -13742 33 20 - 23601 - -13760 + 23566 + -13732 @@ -153758,14 +153826,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23583 - -13750 + 23548 + -13722 33 20 - 23601 - -13740 + 23566 + -13712 @@ -153804,14 +153872,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23583 - -13730 + 23548 + -13702 33 20 - 23601 - -13720 + 23566 + -13692 @@ -153851,14 +153919,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23646 - -13770 + 23611 + -13742 58 20 - 23676.5 - -13760 + 23641.5 + -13732 @@ -153878,14 +153946,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23646 - -13750 + 23611 + -13722 58 20 - 23676.5 - -13740 + 23641.5 + -13712 @@ -153905,14 +153973,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23646 - -13730 + 23611 + -13702 58 20 - 23676.5 - -13720 + 23641.5 + -13692 @@ -153940,14 +154008,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23575 - -13836 + 23540 + -13808 137 64 - 23645 - -13804 + 23610 + -13776 @@ -153965,14 +154033,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23577 - -13834 + 23542 + -13806 53 30 - 23605 - -13819 + 23570 + -13791 @@ -153992,14 +154060,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23577 - -13804 + 23542 + -13776 53 30 - 23605 - -13789 + 23570 + -13761 @@ -154018,14 +154086,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23660 - -13834 + 23625 + -13806 50 20 - 23686.5 - -13824 + 23651.5 + -13796 @@ -154044,14 +154112,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23660 - -13814 + 23625 + -13786 50 20 - 23686.5 - -13804 + 23651.5 + -13776 @@ -154070,14 +154138,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23660 - -13794 + 23625 + -13766 50 20 - 23686.5 - -13784 + 23651.5 + -13756 @@ -154105,14 +154173,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23587 - -13900 + 23552 + -13872 114 64 - 23627 - -13868 + 23592 + -13840 @@ -154130,14 +154198,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23589 - -13898 + 23554 + -13870 23 60 - 23602 - -13868 + 23567 + -13840 @@ -154156,14 +154224,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23642 - -13898 + 23607 + -13870 57 20 - 23672 - -13888 + 23637 + -13860 @@ -154182,14 +154250,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23642 - -13878 + 23607 + -13850 57 20 - 23672 - -13868 + 23637 + -13840 @@ -154208,14 +154276,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23642 - -13858 + 23607 + -13830 57 20 - 23672 - -13848 + 23637 + -13820 @@ -154243,14 +154311,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23575 - -13964 + 23548 + -13936 122 64 - 23655 - -13932 + 23628 + -13904 @@ -154268,14 +154336,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23577 - -13962 + 23550 + -13934 63 20 - 23618 - -13952 + 23591 + -13924 @@ -154295,14 +154363,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23577 - -13942 + 23550 + -13914 63 20 - 23618 - -13932 + 23591 + -13904 @@ -154347,14 +154415,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23577 - -13922 + 23550 + -13894 63 20 - 23618 - -13912 + 23591 + -13884 @@ -154393,14 +154461,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23670 - -13962 + 23643 + -13934 25 60 - 23684 - -13932 + 23657 + -13904 @@ -154460,14 +154528,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23572 - -14028 + 23537 + -14000 144 64 - 23646 - -13996 + 23611 + -13968 @@ -154485,14 +154553,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23574 - -14026 + 23539 + -13998 57 20 - 23604 - -14016 + 23569 + -13988 @@ -154511,14 +154579,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23574 - -14006 + 23539 + -13978 57 20 - 23604 - -13996 + 23569 + -13968 @@ -154557,14 +154625,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23574 - -13986 + 23539 + -13958 57 20 - 23604 - -13976 + 23569 + -13948 @@ -154603,14 +154671,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23661 - -14026 + 23626 + -13998 53 20 - 23689 - -14016 + 23654 + -13988 @@ -154629,14 +154697,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23661 - -14006 + 23626 + -13978 53 20 - 23689 - -13996 + 23654 + -13968 @@ -154655,14 +154723,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23661 - -13986 + 23626 + -13958 53 20 - 23689 - -13976 + 23654 + -13948 @@ -154690,14 +154758,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23581 - -14112 + 23546 + -14084 125 84 - 23648 - -14070 + 23613 + -14042 @@ -154716,14 +154784,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23583 - -14110 + 23548 + -14082 50 20 - 23609.5 - -14100 + 23574.5 + -14072 @@ -154742,14 +154810,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23583 - -14090 + 23548 + -14062 50 20 - 23609.5 - -14080 + 23574.5 + -14052 @@ -154788,14 +154856,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23583 - -14070 + 23548 + -14042 50 20 - 23609.5 - -14060 + 23574.5 + -14032 @@ -154834,14 +154902,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23583 - -14050 + 23548 + -14022 50 20 - 23609.5 - -14040 + 23574.5 + -14012 @@ -154880,14 +154948,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23663 - -14110 + 23628 + -14082 41 26 - 23685 - -14096.67 + 23650 + -14068.67 @@ -154906,14 +154974,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23663 - -14084 + 23628 + -14056 41 27 - 23685 - -14070 + 23650 + -14042 @@ -154932,14 +155000,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23663 - -14057 + 23628 + -14029 41 27 - 23685 - -14043.33 + 23650 + -14015.33 @@ -154967,14 +155035,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23579 - -13340 + 23546 + -13336 125 64 - 23629 - -13308 + 23596 + -13304 @@ -154992,14 +155060,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23581 - -13338 + 23548 + -13334 33 20 - 23599 - -13328 + 23566 + -13324 @@ -155019,14 +155087,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23581 - -13318 + 23548 + -13314 33 20 - 23599 - -13308 + 23566 + -13304 @@ -155065,14 +155133,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23581 - -13298 + 23548 + -13294 33 20 - 23599 - -13288 + 23566 + -13284 @@ -155112,14 +155180,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23644 - -13338 + 23611 + -13334 58 20 - 23674.5 - -13328 + 23641.5 + -13324 @@ -155139,14 +155207,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23644 - -13318 + 23611 + -13314 58 20 - 23674.5 - -13308 + 23641.5 + -13304 @@ -155166,14 +155234,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23644 - -13298 + 23611 + -13294 58 20 - 23674.5 - -13288 + 23641.5 + -13284 @@ -155201,13 +155269,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23585 + 23556 -13212 106 64 - 23649 + 23620 -13180 @@ -155225,13 +155293,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23587 + 23558 -13210 47 20 - 23612 + 23583 -13200 @@ -155276,13 +155344,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23587 + 23558 -13190 47 20 - 23612 + 23583 -13180 @@ -155327,13 +155395,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23587 + 23558 -13170 47 20 - 23612 + 23583 -13160 @@ -155373,13 +155441,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23664 + 23635 -13210 25 60 - 23678 + 23649 -13180 @@ -155408,14 +155476,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23585 - -13404 + 23556 + -13400 106 64 - 23649 - -13372 + 23620 + -13368 @@ -155433,14 +155501,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23587 - -13402 + 23558 + -13398 47 20 - 23612 - -13392 + 23583 + -13388 @@ -155484,14 +155552,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23587 - -13382 + 23558 + -13378 47 20 - 23612 - -13372 + 23583 + -13368 @@ -155534,14 +155602,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23587 - -13362 + 23558 + -13358 47 20 - 23612 - -13352 + 23583 + -13348 @@ -155580,14 +155648,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23664 - -13402 + 23635 + -13398 25 60 - 23678 - -13372 + 23649 + -13368 @@ -155615,14 +155683,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23565 - -13468 + 23536 + -13464 146 64 - 23626 - -13436 + 23597 + -13432 @@ -155633,21 +155701,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Curve A Curve A false - 9be0f8bf-6700-4da6-b5a7-18e4cbda9561 + 07c6be9c-1865-4f6e-b3e7-6fbe16621dd3 1 - 23567 - -13466 + 23538 + -13462 44 30 - 23590.5 - -13451 + 23561.5 + -13447 @@ -155667,14 +155735,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23567 - -13436 + 23538 + -13432 44 30 - 23590.5 - -13421 + 23561.5 + -13417 @@ -155695,14 +155763,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23641 - -13466 + 23612 + -13462 68 20 - 23668.5 - -13456 + 23639.5 + -13452 @@ -155722,14 +155790,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23641 - -13446 + 23612 + -13442 68 20 - 23668.5 - -13436 + 23639.5 + -13432 @@ -155749,14 +155817,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23641 - -13426 + 23612 + -13422 68 20 - 23668.5 - -13416 + 23639.5 + -13412 @@ -155784,14 +155852,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23570 - -13532 + 23543 + -13528 132 64 - 23617 - -13500 + 23590 + -13496 @@ -155809,14 +155877,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23572 - -13530 + 23545 + -13526 30 60 - 23588.5 - -13500 + 23561.5 + -13496 @@ -155835,14 +155903,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23632 - -13530 + 23605 + -13526 68 20 - 23667.5 - -13520 + 23640.5 + -13516 @@ -155861,14 +155929,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23632 - -13510 + 23605 + -13506 68 20 - 23667.5 - -13500 + 23640.5 + -13496 @@ -155887,14 +155955,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23632 - -13490 + 23605 + -13486 68 20 - 23667.5 - -13480 + 23640.5 + -13476 @@ -155939,49 +156007,6 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - - 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 - Digit Scroller - - - - - Numeric scroller for single numbers - 19d6f8c2-9695-482c-8394-beb47a4ae036 - Digit Scroller - - false - 0 - - - - - 12 - - 9 - - 2.000 - - - - - - 23522 - -13265 - 250 - 20 - - - 23522.37 - -13264.73 - - - - - - - - b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -156002,14 +156027,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23528 - -13246 + 23589 + -13228 40 16 - 23548 - -13238 + 23609 + -13220 @@ -156017,7 +156042,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -156035,14 +156060,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23597 - -13256 + 23568 + -13272 82 44 - 23628 - -13234 + 23599 + -13250 @@ -156060,14 +156085,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23599 - -13254 + 23570 + -13270 14 20 - 23607.5 - -13244 + 23578.5 + -13260 @@ -156086,14 +156111,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23599 - -13234 + 23570 + -13250 14 20 - 23607.5 - -13224 + 23578.5 + -13240 @@ -156133,14 +156158,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23643 - -13254 + 23614 + -13270 34 40 - 23661.5 - -13234 + 23632.5 + -13250 @@ -156150,7 +156175,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -156171,14 +156196,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23728 - -13508 + 23589 + -13544 40 16 - 23748 - -13500 + 23609 + -13536 @@ -156186,7 +156211,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -156214,14 +156239,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23513 - -13139 + 23484 + -13148 250 20 - 23513.54 - -13138.87 + 23484.54 + -13147.87 @@ -156229,79 +156254,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - - - b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b - Relay - - - - - 2 - A wire relay object - a6e10ebd-e0ab-4e29-97f1-044227b4c69a - Relay - - false - 07c6be9c-1865-4f6e-b3e7-6fbe16621dd3 - 1 - - - - - - 23310 - -13345 - 40 - 16 - - - 23330 - -13337 - - - - - - - - - - d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 - Curve - - - - - Contains a collection of generic curves - true - 9be0f8bf-6700-4da6-b5a7-18e4cbda9561 - Curve - Curve - false - a6e10ebd-e0ab-4e29-97f1-044227b4c69a - 1 - - - - - - 23399 - -13371 - 50 - 24 - - - 23424.18 - -13359.79 - - - - - - - - + 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers @@ -156319,14 +156272,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23591 - -13644 + 23551 + -13636 115 64 - 23646 - -13612 + 23606 + -13604 @@ -156344,14 +156297,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23593 - -13642 + 23553 + -13634 38 20 - 23613.5 - -13632 + 23573.5 + -13624 @@ -156371,14 +156324,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23593 - -13622 + 23553 + -13614 38 20 - 23613.5 - -13612 + 23573.5 + -13604 @@ -156420,14 +156373,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23593 - -13602 + 23553 + -13594 38 20 - 23613.5 - -13592 + 23573.5 + -13584 @@ -156469,14 +156422,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23661 - -13642 + 23621 + -13634 43 30 - 23684 - -13627 + 23644 + -13619 @@ -156495,14 +156448,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23661 - -13612 + 23621 + -13604 43 30 - 23684 - -13597 + 23644 + -13589 @@ -156512,7 +156465,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds @@ -156530,14 +156483,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23583 - -13580 + 23548 + -13572 122 28 - 23647 - -13566 + 23612 + -13558 @@ -156556,14 +156509,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23585 - -13578 + 23550 + -13570 47 24 - 23610 - -13566 + 23575 + -13558 @@ -156582,14 +156535,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23662 - -13578 + 23627 + -13570 41 24 - 23684 - -13566 + 23649 + -13558 @@ -156599,7 +156552,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -156617,14 +156570,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23610 - -13688 + 23568 + -13680 82 44 - 23641 - -13666 + 23599 + -13658 @@ -156642,14 +156595,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23612 - -13686 + 23570 + -13678 14 20 - 23620.5 - -13676 + 23578.5 + -13668 @@ -156669,14 +156622,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23612 - -13666 + 23570 + -13658 14 20 - 23620.5 - -13656 + 23578.5 + -13648 @@ -156695,14 +156648,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23656 - -13686 + 23614 + -13678 34 40 - 23674.5 - -13666 + 23632.5 + -13658 @@ -156712,7 +156665,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -156746,7 +156699,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -156776,7 +156729,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -156794,14 +156747,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24280 - -13533 + 24710 + -13753 144 104 - 24364 - -13481 + 24794 + -13701 @@ -156819,14 +156772,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24282 - -13531 + 24712 + -13751 67 20 - 24317 - -13521 + 24747 + -13741 @@ -156867,14 +156820,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24282 - -13511 + 24712 + -13731 67 20 - 24317 - -13501 + 24747 + -13721 @@ -156915,14 +156868,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24282 - -13491 + 24712 + -13711 67 20 - 24317 - -13481 + 24747 + -13701 @@ -156963,14 +156916,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24282 - -13471 + 24712 + -13691 67 20 - 24317 - -13461 + 24747 + -13681 @@ -157009,14 +156962,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24282 - -13451 + 24712 + -13671 67 20 - 24317 - -13441 + 24747 + -13661 @@ -157055,14 +157008,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24379 - -13531 + 24809 + -13751 43 100 - 24402 - -13481 + 24832 + -13701 @@ -157072,7 +157025,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -157091,19 +157044,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24049 - -13503 + 24479 + -13723 82 44 - 24117 - -13481 + 24547 + -13701 - + Geometry to preview true e08ca326-7fc8-4dcf-a4d1-98e844b2d26e @@ -157111,20 +157064,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 04430615-b956-4e98-bb65-283369083f24 - 1 + 8a0e203d-b0a7-4288-a9d5-46cb0065af21 + 2 - 24051 - -13501 + 24481 + -13721 51 20 - 24078 - -13491 + 24508 + -13711 @@ -157144,14 +157098,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24051 - -13481 + 24481 + -13701 51 20 - 24078 - -13471 + 24508 + -13691 @@ -157191,7 +157145,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -157218,7 +157172,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -157232,7 +157186,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Colour Picker false - 255;219;219;219 + 255;224;224;224 0 @@ -157240,8 +157194,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24137.32 - -13627.54 + 24569.62 + -13844.48 180 310 @@ -157252,7 +157206,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -157270,14 +157224,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24242 - -13952 + 24710 + -14131 144 104 - 24326 - -13900 + 24794 + -14079 @@ -157295,14 +157249,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24244 - -13950 + 24712 + -14129 67 20 - 24279 - -13940 + 24747 + -14119 @@ -157343,14 +157297,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24244 - -13930 + 24712 + -14109 67 20 - 24279 - -13920 + 24747 + -14099 @@ -157391,14 +157345,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24244 - -13910 + 24712 + -14089 67 20 - 24279 - -13900 + 24747 + -14079 @@ -157439,14 +157393,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24244 - -13890 + 24712 + -14069 67 20 - 24279 - -13880 + 24747 + -14059 @@ -157485,14 +157439,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24244 - -13870 + 24712 + -14049 67 20 - 24279 - -13860 + 24747 + -14039 @@ -157531,14 +157485,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24341 - -13950 + 24809 + -14129 43 100 - 24364 - -13900 + 24832 + -14079 @@ -157548,7 +157502,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -157567,19 +157521,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24011 - -13922 + 24479 + -14101 82 44 - 24079 - -13900 + 24547 + -14079 - + Geometry to preview true 2ec09d8f-f780-453d-9814-4d74d56b9e78 @@ -157587,20 +157541,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false e1c5e7b9-ed46-456f-a0d2-4364b09e4e28 - 1 + 0e4f7a23-b1fa-4180-abed-86db13df360c + 2 - 24013 - -13920 + 24481 + -14099 51 20 - 24040 - -13910 + 24508 + -14089 @@ -157620,14 +157575,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24013 - -13900 + 24481 + -14079 51 20 - 24040 - -13890 + 24508 + -14069 @@ -157667,7 +157622,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -157694,7 +157649,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -157708,7 +157663,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Colour Picker false - 255;128;128;128 + 255;199;199;199 0 @@ -157716,8 +157671,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24100.46 - -14046.04 + 24570.04 + -14222.95 180 310 @@ -157728,7 +157683,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -157746,14 +157701,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23602 - -14957 + 23546 + -14937 125 64 - 23652 - -14925 + 23596 + -14905 @@ -157771,14 +157726,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23604 - -14955 + 23548 + -14935 33 20 - 23622 - -14945 + 23566 + -14925 @@ -157798,14 +157753,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23604 - -14935 + 23548 + -14915 33 20 - 23622 - -14925 + 23566 + -14905 @@ -157844,14 +157799,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23604 - -14915 + 23548 + -14895 33 20 - 23622 - -14905 + 23566 + -14885 @@ -157891,14 +157846,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23667 - -14955 + 23611 + -14935 58 20 - 23697.5 - -14945 + 23641.5 + -14925 @@ -157918,14 +157873,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23667 - -14935 + 23611 + -14915 58 20 - 23697.5 - -14925 + 23641.5 + -14905 @@ -157945,14 +157900,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23667 - -14915 + 23611 + -14895 58 20 - 23697.5 - -14905 + 23641.5 + -14885 @@ -157962,7 +157917,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -157980,14 +157935,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23596 - -15021 + 23540 + -15001 137 64 - 23666 - -14989 + 23610 + -14969 @@ -158005,14 +157960,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23598 - -15019 + 23542 + -14999 53 30 - 23626 - -15004 + 23570 + -14984 @@ -158032,14 +157987,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23598 - -14989 + 23542 + -14969 53 30 - 23626 - -14974 + 23570 + -14954 @@ -158058,14 +158013,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23681 - -15019 + 23625 + -14999 50 20 - 23707.5 - -15009 + 23651.5 + -14989 @@ -158084,14 +158039,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23681 - -14999 + 23625 + -14979 50 20 - 23707.5 - -14989 + 23651.5 + -14969 @@ -158110,14 +158065,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23681 - -14979 + 23625 + -14959 50 20 - 23707.5 - -14969 + 23651.5 + -14949 @@ -158127,7 +158082,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -158145,14 +158100,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23608 - -15085 + 23552 + -15065 114 64 - 23648 - -15053 + 23592 + -15033 @@ -158170,14 +158125,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23610 - -15083 + 23554 + -15063 23 60 - 23623 - -15053 + 23567 + -15033 @@ -158196,14 +158151,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23663 - -15083 + 23607 + -15063 57 20 - 23693 - -15073 + 23637 + -15053 @@ -158222,14 +158177,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23663 - -15063 + 23607 + -15043 57 20 - 23693 - -15053 + 23637 + -15033 @@ -158248,14 +158203,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23663 - -15043 + 23607 + -15023 57 20 - 23693 - -15033 + 23637 + -15013 @@ -158265,15 +158220,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL - + Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.} + true c79304f8-3095-425e-8778-c30b8fb41c7b Line SDL Line SDL @@ -158282,14 +158238,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23596 - -15149 + 23548 + -15123 122 64 - 23676 - -15117 + 23628 + -15091 @@ -158307,14 +158263,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23598 - -15147 + 23550 + -15121 63 20 - 23639 - -15137 + 23591 + -15111 @@ -158334,14 +158290,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23598 - -15127 + 23550 + -15101 63 20 - 23639 - -15117 + 23591 + -15091 @@ -158386,14 +158342,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23598 - -15107 + 23550 + -15081 63 20 - 23639 - -15097 + 23591 + -15071 @@ -158432,14 +158388,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23691 - -15147 + 23643 + -15121 25 60 - 23705 - -15117 + 23657 + -15091 @@ -158449,7 +158405,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -158481,7 +158437,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -158499,14 +158455,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23593 - -15213 + 23537 + -15187 144 64 - 23667 - -15181 + 23611 + -15155 @@ -158524,14 +158480,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23595 - -15211 + 23539 + -15185 57 20 - 23625 - -15201 + 23569 + -15175 @@ -158550,14 +158506,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23595 - -15191 + 23539 + -15165 57 20 - 23625 - -15181 + 23569 + -15155 @@ -158596,14 +158552,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23595 - -15171 + 23539 + -15145 57 20 - 23625 - -15161 + 23569 + -15135 @@ -158642,14 +158598,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23682 - -15211 + 23626 + -15185 53 20 - 23710 - -15201 + 23654 + -15175 @@ -158668,14 +158624,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23682 - -15191 + 23626 + -15165 53 20 - 23710 - -15181 + 23654 + -15155 @@ -158694,14 +158650,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23682 - -15171 + 23626 + -15145 53 20 - 23710 - -15161 + 23654 + -15135 @@ -158711,7 +158667,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -158729,14 +158685,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23602 - -15297 + 23546 + -15271 125 84 - 23669 - -15255 + 23613 + -15229 @@ -158755,14 +158711,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23604 - -15295 + 23548 + -15269 50 20 - 23630.5 - -15285 + 23574.5 + -15259 @@ -158781,14 +158737,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23604 - -15275 + 23548 + -15249 50 20 - 23630.5 - -15265 + 23574.5 + -15239 @@ -158827,14 +158783,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23604 - -15255 + 23548 + -15229 50 20 - 23630.5 - -15245 + 23574.5 + -15219 @@ -158873,14 +158829,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23604 - -15235 + 23548 + -15209 50 20 - 23630.5 - -15225 + 23574.5 + -15199 @@ -158919,14 +158875,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23684 - -15295 + 23628 + -15269 41 26 - 23706 - -15281.67 + 23650 + -15255.67 @@ -158945,14 +158901,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23684 - -15269 + 23628 + -15243 41 27 - 23706 - -15255 + 23650 + -15229 @@ -158971,14 +158927,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23684 - -15242 + 23628 + -15216 41 27 - 23706 - -15228.33 + 23650 + -15202.33 @@ -158988,7 +158944,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -159006,14 +158962,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23600 - -14525 + 23546 + -14529 125 64 - 23650 - -14493 + 23596 + -14497 @@ -159031,14 +158987,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23602 - -14523 + 23548 + -14527 33 20 - 23620 - -14513 + 23566 + -14517 @@ -159058,14 +159014,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23602 - -14503 + 23548 + -14507 33 20 - 23620 - -14493 + 23566 + -14497 @@ -159104,14 +159060,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23602 - -14483 + 23548 + -14487 33 20 - 23620 - -14473 + 23566 + -14477 @@ -159151,14 +159107,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23665 - -14523 + 23611 + -14527 58 20 - 23695.5 - -14513 + 23641.5 + -14517 @@ -159178,14 +159134,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23665 - -14503 + 23611 + -14507 58 20 - 23695.5 - -14493 + 23641.5 + -14497 @@ -159205,14 +159161,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23665 - -14483 + 23611 + -14487 58 20 - 23695.5 - -14473 + 23641.5 + -14477 @@ -159222,7 +159178,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -159240,14 +159196,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23606 - -14397 + 23556 + -14405 106 64 - 23670 - -14365 + 23620 + -14373 @@ -159264,14 +159220,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23608 - -14395 + 23558 + -14403 47 20 - 23633 - -14385 + 23583 + -14393 @@ -159315,14 +159271,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23608 - -14375 + 23558 + -14383 47 20 - 23633 - -14365 + 23583 + -14373 @@ -159366,14 +159322,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23608 - -14355 + 23558 + -14363 47 20 - 23633 - -14345 + 23583 + -14353 @@ -159412,14 +159368,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23685 - -14395 + 23635 + -14403 25 60 - 23699 - -14365 + 23649 + -14373 @@ -159429,7 +159385,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -159447,14 +159403,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23606 - -14589 + 23556 + -14593 106 64 - 23670 - -14557 + 23620 + -14561 @@ -159472,14 +159428,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23608 - -14587 + 23558 + -14591 47 20 - 23633 - -14577 + 23583 + -14581 @@ -159523,14 +159479,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23608 - -14567 + 23558 + -14571 47 20 - 23633 - -14557 + 23583 + -14561 @@ -159573,14 +159529,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23608 - -14547 + 23558 + -14551 47 20 - 23633 - -14537 + 23583 + -14541 @@ -159619,14 +159575,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23685 - -14587 + 23635 + -14591 25 60 - 23699 - -14557 + 23649 + -14561 @@ -159636,7 +159592,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 84627490-0fb2-4498-8138-ad134ee4cb36 Curve | Curve @@ -159654,14 +159610,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23586 - -14653 + 23536 + -14657 146 64 - 23647 - -14621 + 23597 + -14625 @@ -159672,21 +159628,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Curve A Curve A false - df41970f-fc83-4bd4-af56-9c38df0b4a26 + 07c6be9c-1865-4f6e-b3e7-6fbe16621dd3 1 - 23588 - -14651 + 23538 + -14655 44 30 - 23611.5 - -14636 + 23561.5 + -14640 @@ -159706,14 +159662,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23588 - -14621 + 23538 + -14625 44 30 - 23611.5 - -14606 + 23561.5 + -14610 @@ -159734,14 +159690,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23662 - -14651 + 23612 + -14655 68 20 - 23689.5 - -14641 + 23639.5 + -14645 @@ -159761,14 +159717,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23662 - -14631 + 23612 + -14635 68 20 - 23689.5 - -14621 + 23639.5 + -14625 @@ -159788,14 +159744,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23662 - -14611 + 23612 + -14615 68 20 - 23689.5 - -14601 + 23639.5 + -14605 @@ -159805,7 +159761,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9abae6b7-fa1d-448c-9209-4a8155345841 Deconstruct @@ -159823,14 +159779,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23591 - -14717 + 23543 + -14721 132 64 - 23638 - -14685 + 23590 + -14689 @@ -159848,14 +159804,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23593 - -14715 + 23545 + -14719 30 60 - 23609.5 - -14685 + 23561.5 + -14689 @@ -159874,14 +159830,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23653 - -14715 + 23605 + -14719 68 20 - 23688.5 - -14705 + 23640.5 + -14709 @@ -159900,14 +159856,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23653 - -14695 + 23605 + -14699 68 20 - 23688.5 - -14685 + 23640.5 + -14689 @@ -159926,14 +159882,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23653 - -14675 + 23605 + -14679 68 20 - 23688.5 - -14665 + 23640.5 + -14669 @@ -159943,7 +159899,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -159977,50 +159933,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - - - 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 - Digit Scroller - - - - - Numeric scroller for single numbers - 44563f96-0e76-4cb0-9eb2-033dcad4395e - Digit Scroller - - false - 0 - - - - - 12 - - 9 - - 2.000 - - - - - - 23543 - -14449 - 250 - 20 - - - 23543.43 - -14448.89 - - - - - - - - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -160041,14 +159954,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23549 - -14431 + 23589 + -14421 40 16 - 23569 - -14423 + 23609 + -14413 @@ -160056,7 +159969,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -160074,14 +159987,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23618 - -14441 + 23568 + -14465 82 44 - 23649 - -14419 + 23599 + -14443 @@ -160099,14 +160012,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23620 - -14439 + 23570 + -14463 14 20 - 23628.5 - -14429 + 23578.5 + -14453 @@ -160125,14 +160038,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23620 - -14419 + 23570 + -14443 14 20 - 23628.5 - -14409 + 23578.5 + -14433 @@ -160172,14 +160085,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23664 - -14439 + 23614 + -14463 34 40 - 23682.5 - -14419 + 23632.5 + -14443 @@ -160189,7 +160102,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -160210,14 +160123,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23749 - -14693 + 23589 + -14737 40 16 - 23769 - -14685 + 23609 + -14729 @@ -160225,7 +160138,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -160253,14 +160166,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23534 - -14324 + 23484 + -14341 250 20 - 23534.6 - -14323.03 + 23484.25 + -14340.38 @@ -160268,79 +160181,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - - - b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b - Relay - - - - - 2 - A wire relay object - abc9129d-e6ec-4c64-aed3-e2cb6f8a1627 - Relay - - false - 07c6be9c-1865-4f6e-b3e7-6fbe16621dd3 - 1 - - - - - - 23331 - -14530 - 40 - 16 - - - 23351 - -14522 - - - - - - - - - - d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 - Curve - - - - - Contains a collection of generic curves - true - df41970f-fc83-4bd4-af56-9c38df0b4a26 - Curve - Curve - false - abc9129d-e6ec-4c64-aed3-e2cb6f8a1627 - 1 - - - - - - 23420 - -14555 - 50 - 24 - - - 23445.24 - -14543.95 - - - - - - - - + 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers @@ -160358,13 +160199,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23612 + 23551 -14829 115 64 - 23667 + 23606 -14797 @@ -160383,13 +160224,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23614 + 23553 -14827 38 20 - 23634.5 + 23573.5 -14817 @@ -160410,13 +160251,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23614 + 23553 -14807 38 20 - 23634.5 + 23573.5 -14797 @@ -160459,13 +160300,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23614 + 23553 -14787 38 20 - 23634.5 + 23573.5 -14777 @@ -160508,13 +160349,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23682 + 23621 -14827 43 30 - 23705 + 23644 -14812 @@ -160534,13 +160375,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23682 + 23621 -14797 43 30 - 23705 + 23644 -14782 @@ -160551,7 +160392,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds @@ -160569,13 +160410,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23604 + 23548 -14765 122 28 - 23668 + 23612 -14751 @@ -160595,13 +160436,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23606 + 23550 -14763 47 24 - 23631 + 23575 -14751 @@ -160621,13 +160462,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23683 + 23627 -14763 41 24 - 23705 + 23649 -14751 @@ -160638,7 +160479,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -160656,13 +160497,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23631 + 23568 -14873 82 44 - 23662 + 23599 -14851 @@ -160681,13 +160522,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23633 + 23570 -14871 14 20 - 23641.5 + 23578.5 -14861 @@ -160708,13 +160549,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23633 + 23570 -14851 14 20 - 23641.5 + 23578.5 -14841 @@ -160734,13 +160575,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23677 + 23614 -14871 34 40 - 23695.5 + 23632.5 -14851 @@ -160751,7 +160592,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -160785,7 +160626,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -160815,7 +160656,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -160833,14 +160674,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24301 - -14718 + 24710 + -14960 144 104 - 24385 - -14666 + 24794 + -14908 @@ -160858,14 +160699,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24303 - -14716 + 24712 + -14958 67 20 - 24338 - -14706 + 24747 + -14948 @@ -160906,14 +160747,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24303 - -14696 + 24712 + -14938 67 20 - 24338 - -14686 + 24747 + -14928 @@ -160954,14 +160795,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24303 - -14676 + 24712 + -14918 67 20 - 24338 - -14666 + 24747 + -14908 @@ -161002,14 +160843,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24303 - -14656 + 24712 + -14898 67 20 - 24338 - -14646 + 24747 + -14888 @@ -161048,14 +160889,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24303 - -14636 + 24712 + -14878 67 20 - 24338 - -14626 + 24747 + -14868 @@ -161094,14 +160935,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24400 - -14716 + 24809 + -14958 43 100 - 24423 - -14666 + 24832 + -14908 @@ -161111,7 +160952,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -161130,19 +160971,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24070 - -14688 + 24479 + -14930 82 44 - 24138 - -14666 + 24547 + -14908 - + Geometry to preview true b36f51a2-dac2-492b-8278-d33a5f5a6060 @@ -161150,20 +160991,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 68c7ab26-331a-45c1-98fe-0115121f5acd - 1 + b37776d3-4b04-4316-bc1f-0f5c51cb3bea + 2 - 24072 - -14686 + 24481 + -14928 51 20 - 24099 - -14676 + 24508 + -14918 @@ -161183,14 +161025,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24072 - -14666 + 24481 + -14908 51 20 - 24099 - -14656 + 24508 + -14898 @@ -161230,7 +161072,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -161257,7 +161099,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -161271,7 +161113,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Colour Picker false - 255;224;224;224 + 255;217;217;217 0 @@ -161279,8 +161121,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24158.38 - -14811.7 + 24569.89 + -15050.56 180 310 @@ -161291,7 +161133,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -161309,14 +161151,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24263 - -15137 + 24710 + -15338 144 104 - 24347 - -15085 + 24794 + -15286 @@ -161334,14 +161176,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24265 - -15135 + 24712 + -15336 67 20 - 24300 - -15125 + 24747 + -15326 @@ -161382,14 +161224,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24265 - -15115 + 24712 + -15316 67 20 - 24300 - -15105 + 24747 + -15306 @@ -161430,14 +161272,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24265 - -15095 + 24712 + -15296 67 20 - 24300 - -15085 + 24747 + -15286 @@ -161478,14 +161320,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24265 - -15075 + 24712 + -15276 67 20 - 24300 - -15065 + 24747 + -15266 @@ -161524,14 +161366,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24265 - -15055 + 24712 + -15256 67 20 - 24300 - -15045 + 24747 + -15246 @@ -161570,14 +161412,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24362 - -15135 + 24809 + -15336 43 100 - 24385 - -15085 + 24832 + -15286 @@ -161587,7 +161429,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -161606,19 +161448,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24032 - -15107 + 24479 + -15308 82 44 - 24100 - -15085 + 24547 + -15286 - + Geometry to preview true df8ff83d-d19e-4d70-abd2-78ca528c02d4 @@ -161626,20 +161468,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 1634d270-58aa-4c8f-80f1-433a00dddc24 - 1 + bfafbb16-47e4-4b01-96d1-11755d92422a + 2 - 24034 - -15105 + 24481 + -15306 51 20 - 24061 - -15095 + 24508 + -15296 @@ -161659,14 +161502,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24034 - -15085 + 24481 + -15286 51 20 - 24061 - -15075 + 24508 + -15276 @@ -161706,7 +161549,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -161733,7 +161576,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -161747,7 +161590,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Colour Picker false - 255;128;128;128 + 255;191;191;191 0 @@ -161755,8 +161598,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24121.52 - -15230.2 + 24570.5 + -15429.02 180 310 @@ -161767,7 +161610,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -161785,14 +161628,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23605 - -16164 + 23546 + -16053 125 64 - 23655 - -16132 + 23596 + -16021 @@ -161810,14 +161653,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23607 - -16162 + 23548 + -16051 33 20 - 23625 - -16152 + 23566 + -16041 @@ -161837,14 +161680,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23607 - -16142 + 23548 + -16031 33 20 - 23625 - -16132 + 23566 + -16021 @@ -161883,14 +161726,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23607 - -16122 + 23548 + -16011 33 20 - 23625 - -16112 + 23566 + -16001 @@ -161930,14 +161773,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23670 - -16162 + 23611 + -16051 58 20 - 23700.5 - -16152 + 23641.5 + -16041 @@ -161957,14 +161800,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23670 - -16142 + 23611 + -16031 58 20 - 23700.5 - -16132 + 23641.5 + -16021 @@ -161984,14 +161827,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23670 - -16122 + 23611 + -16011 58 20 - 23700.5 - -16112 + 23641.5 + -16001 @@ -162001,7 +161844,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -162019,14 +161862,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23599 - -16228 + 23540 + -16117 137 64 - 23669 - -16196 + 23610 + -16085 @@ -162044,14 +161887,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23601 - -16226 + 23542 + -16115 53 30 - 23629 - -16211 + 23570 + -16100 @@ -162071,14 +161914,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23601 - -16196 + 23542 + -16085 53 30 - 23629 - -16181 + 23570 + -16070 @@ -162097,14 +161940,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23684 - -16226 + 23625 + -16115 50 20 - 23710.5 - -16216 + 23651.5 + -16105 @@ -162123,14 +161966,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23684 - -16206 + 23625 + -16095 50 20 - 23710.5 - -16196 + 23651.5 + -16085 @@ -162149,14 +161992,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23684 - -16186 + 23625 + -16075 50 20 - 23710.5 - -16176 + 23651.5 + -16065 @@ -162166,7 +162009,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -162184,14 +162027,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23611 - -16292 + 23552 + -16181 114 64 - 23651 - -16260 + 23592 + -16149 @@ -162209,14 +162052,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23613 - -16290 + 23554 + -16179 23 60 - 23626 - -16260 + 23567 + -16149 @@ -162235,14 +162078,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23666 - -16290 + 23607 + -16179 57 20 - 23696 - -16280 + 23637 + -16169 @@ -162261,14 +162104,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23666 - -16270 + 23607 + -16159 57 20 - 23696 - -16260 + 23637 + -16149 @@ -162287,14 +162130,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23666 - -16250 + 23607 + -16139 57 20 - 23696 - -16240 + 23637 + -16129 @@ -162304,15 +162147,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL - + Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.} + true b7d48cce-c120-4fa9-bfe8-095ee5928662 Line SDL Line SDL @@ -162321,14 +162165,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23599 - -16356 + 23548 + -16245 122 64 - 23679 - -16324 + 23628 + -16213 @@ -162346,14 +162190,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23601 - -16354 + 23550 + -16243 63 20 - 23642 - -16344 + 23591 + -16233 @@ -162373,14 +162217,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23601 - -16334 + 23550 + -16223 63 20 - 23642 - -16324 + 23591 + -16213 @@ -162425,14 +162269,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23601 - -16314 + 23550 + -16203 63 20 - 23642 - -16304 + 23591 + -16193 @@ -162471,14 +162315,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23694 - -16354 + 23643 + -16243 25 60 - 23708 - -16324 + 23657 + -16213 @@ -162488,7 +162332,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -162520,7 +162364,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -162538,14 +162382,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23596 - -16420 + 23537 + -16309 144 64 - 23670 - -16388 + 23611 + -16277 @@ -162563,14 +162407,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23598 - -16418 + 23539 + -16307 57 20 - 23628 - -16408 + 23569 + -16297 @@ -162589,14 +162433,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23598 - -16398 + 23539 + -16287 57 20 - 23628 - -16388 + 23569 + -16277 @@ -162635,14 +162479,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23598 - -16378 + 23539 + -16267 57 20 - 23628 - -16368 + 23569 + -16257 @@ -162681,14 +162525,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23685 - -16418 + 23626 + -16307 53 20 - 23713 - -16408 + 23654 + -16297 @@ -162707,14 +162551,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23685 - -16398 + 23626 + -16287 53 20 - 23713 - -16388 + 23654 + -16277 @@ -162733,14 +162577,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23685 - -16378 + 23626 + -16267 53 20 - 23713 - -16368 + 23654 + -16257 @@ -162750,7 +162594,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -162768,14 +162612,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23605 - -16504 + 23546 + -16393 125 84 - 23672 - -16462 + 23613 + -16351 @@ -162794,14 +162638,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23607 - -16502 + 23548 + -16391 50 20 - 23633.5 - -16492 + 23574.5 + -16381 @@ -162820,14 +162664,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23607 - -16482 + 23548 + -16371 50 20 - 23633.5 - -16472 + 23574.5 + -16361 @@ -162866,14 +162710,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23607 - -16462 + 23548 + -16351 50 20 - 23633.5 - -16452 + 23574.5 + -16341 @@ -162912,14 +162756,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23607 - -16442 + 23548 + -16331 50 20 - 23633.5 - -16432 + 23574.5 + -16321 @@ -162958,14 +162802,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23687 - -16502 + 23628 + -16391 41 26 - 23709 - -16488.67 + 23650 + -16377.67 @@ -162984,14 +162828,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23687 - -16476 + 23628 + -16365 41 27 - 23709 - -16462 + 23650 + -16351 @@ -163010,14 +162854,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23687 - -16449 + 23628 + -16338 41 27 - 23709 - -16435.33 + 23650 + -16324.33 @@ -163027,7 +162871,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -163045,14 +162889,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23603 - -15732 + 23546 + -15645 125 64 - 23653 - -15700 + 23596 + -15613 @@ -163070,14 +162914,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23605 - -15730 + 23548 + -15643 33 20 - 23623 - -15720 + 23566 + -15633 @@ -163097,14 +162941,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23605 - -15710 + 23548 + -15623 33 20 - 23623 - -15700 + 23566 + -15613 @@ -163143,14 +162987,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23605 - -15690 + 23548 + -15603 33 20 - 23623 - -15680 + 23566 + -15593 @@ -163190,14 +163034,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23668 - -15730 + 23611 + -15643 58 20 - 23698.5 - -15720 + 23641.5 + -15633 @@ -163217,14 +163061,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23668 - -15710 + 23611 + -15623 58 20 - 23698.5 - -15700 + 23641.5 + -15613 @@ -163244,14 +163088,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23668 - -15690 + 23611 + -15603 58 20 - 23698.5 - -15680 + 23641.5 + -15593 @@ -163261,7 +163105,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -163279,14 +163123,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23609 - -15604 + 23556 + -15521 106 64 - 23673 - -15572 + 23620 + -15489 @@ -163303,14 +163147,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23611 - -15602 + 23558 + -15519 47 20 - 23636 - -15592 + 23583 + -15509 @@ -163354,14 +163198,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23611 - -15582 + 23558 + -15499 47 20 - 23636 - -15572 + 23583 + -15489 @@ -163405,14 +163249,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23611 - -15562 + 23558 + -15479 47 20 - 23636 - -15552 + 23583 + -15469 @@ -163451,14 +163295,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23688 - -15602 + 23635 + -15519 25 60 - 23702 - -15572 + 23649 + -15489 @@ -163468,7 +163312,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -163486,14 +163330,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23609 - -15796 + 23556 + -15709 106 64 - 23673 - -15764 + 23620 + -15677 @@ -163511,14 +163355,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23611 - -15794 + 23558 + -15707 47 20 - 23636 - -15784 + 23583 + -15697 @@ -163562,14 +163406,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23611 - -15774 + 23558 + -15687 47 20 - 23636 - -15764 + 23583 + -15677 @@ -163612,14 +163456,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23611 - -15754 + 23558 + -15667 47 20 - 23636 - -15744 + 23583 + -15657 @@ -163658,14 +163502,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23688 - -15794 + 23635 + -15707 25 60 - 23702 - -15764 + 23649 + -15677 @@ -163675,7 +163519,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 84627490-0fb2-4498-8138-ad134ee4cb36 Curve | Curve @@ -163693,14 +163537,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23589 - -15860 + 23536 + -15773 146 64 - 23650 - -15828 + 23597 + -15741 @@ -163711,21 +163555,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Curve A Curve A false - 07ca55eb-37a0-47dd-82f3-e8095f543c2a + 07c6be9c-1865-4f6e-b3e7-6fbe16621dd3 1 - 23591 - -15858 + 23538 + -15771 44 30 - 23614.5 - -15843 + 23561.5 + -15756 @@ -163745,14 +163589,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23591 - -15828 + 23538 + -15741 44 30 - 23614.5 - -15813 + 23561.5 + -15726 @@ -163773,14 +163617,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23665 - -15858 + 23612 + -15771 68 20 - 23692.5 - -15848 + 23639.5 + -15761 @@ -163800,14 +163644,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23665 - -15838 + 23612 + -15751 68 20 - 23692.5 - -15828 + 23639.5 + -15741 @@ -163827,14 +163671,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23665 - -15818 + 23612 + -15731 68 20 - 23692.5 - -15808 + 23639.5 + -15721 @@ -163844,7 +163688,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9abae6b7-fa1d-448c-9209-4a8155345841 Deconstruct @@ -163862,14 +163706,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23594 - -15924 + 23543 + -15837 132 64 - 23641 - -15892 + 23590 + -15805 @@ -163887,14 +163731,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23596 - -15922 + 23545 + -15835 30 60 - 23612.5 - -15892 + 23561.5 + -15805 @@ -163913,14 +163757,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23656 - -15922 + 23605 + -15835 68 20 - 23691.5 - -15912 + 23640.5 + -15825 @@ -163939,14 +163783,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23656 - -15902 + 23605 + -15815 68 20 - 23691.5 - -15892 + 23640.5 + -15805 @@ -163965,14 +163809,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23656 - -15882 + 23605 + -15795 68 20 - 23691.5 - -15872 + 23640.5 + -15785 @@ -163982,7 +163826,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -164016,50 +163860,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - - - 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 - Digit Scroller - - - - - Numeric scroller for single numbers - fddbdff5-2e30-462d-b088-075c6e7759f8 - Digit Scroller - - false - 0 - - - - - 12 - - 9 - - 2.000 - - - - - - 23547 - -15656 - 250 - 20 - - - 23547.32 - -15655.42 - - - - - - - - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -164080,14 +163881,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23552 - -15638 + 23589 + -15537 40 16 - 23572 - -15630 + 23609 + -15529 @@ -164095,7 +163896,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -164113,14 +163914,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23621 - -15648 + 23568 + -15581 82 44 - 23652 - -15626 + 23599 + -15559 @@ -164138,14 +163939,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23623 - -15646 + 23570 + -15579 14 20 - 23631.5 - -15636 + 23578.5 + -15569 @@ -164164,14 +163965,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23623 - -15626 + 23570 + -15559 14 20 - 23631.5 - -15616 + 23578.5 + -15549 @@ -164211,14 +164012,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23667 - -15646 + 23614 + -15579 34 40 - 23685.5 - -15626 + 23632.5 + -15559 @@ -164228,7 +164029,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -164249,14 +164050,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23752 - -15900 + 23589 + -15853 40 16 - 23772 - -15892 + 23609 + -15845 @@ -164264,7 +164065,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -164292,14 +164093,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23538 - -15530 + 23484 + -15456 250 20 - 23538.49 - -15529.56 + 23484.71 + -15455.19 @@ -164307,79 +164108,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - - - b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b - Relay - - - - - 2 - A wire relay object - 655b2049-15d8-4641-9a90-a1bd5fe5f634 - Relay - - false - 07c6be9c-1865-4f6e-b3e7-6fbe16621dd3 - 1 - - - - - - 23334 - -15737 - 40 - 16 - - - 23354 - -15729 - - - - - - - - - - d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 - Curve - - - - - Contains a collection of generic curves - true - 07ca55eb-37a0-47dd-82f3-e8095f543c2a - Curve - Curve - false - 655b2049-15d8-4641-9a90-a1bd5fe5f634 - 1 - - - - - - 23424 - -15762 - 50 - 24 - - - 23449.13 - -15750.48 - - - - - - - - + 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers @@ -164397,14 +164126,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23615 - -16036 + 23551 + -15945 115 64 - 23670 - -16004 + 23606 + -15913 @@ -164422,14 +164151,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23617 - -16034 + 23553 + -15943 38 20 - 23637.5 - -16024 + 23573.5 + -15933 @@ -164449,14 +164178,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23617 - -16014 + 23553 + -15923 38 20 - 23637.5 - -16004 + 23573.5 + -15913 @@ -164498,14 +164227,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23617 - -15994 + 23553 + -15903 38 20 - 23637.5 - -15984 + 23573.5 + -15893 @@ -164547,14 +164276,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23685 - -16034 + 23621 + -15943 43 30 - 23708 - -16019 + 23644 + -15928 @@ -164573,14 +164302,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23685 - -16004 + 23621 + -15913 43 30 - 23708 - -15989 + 23644 + -15898 @@ -164590,7 +164319,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds @@ -164608,14 +164337,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23607 - -15972 + 23548 + -15881 122 28 - 23671 - -15958 + 23612 + -15867 @@ -164634,14 +164363,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23609 - -15970 + 23550 + -15879 47 24 - 23634 - -15958 + 23575 + -15867 @@ -164660,14 +164389,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23686 - -15970 + 23627 + -15879 41 24 - 23708 - -15958 + 23649 + -15867 @@ -164677,7 +164406,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -164695,14 +164424,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23634 - -16080 + 23568 + -15989 82 44 - 23665 - -16058 + 23599 + -15967 @@ -164720,14 +164449,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23636 - -16078 + 23570 + -15987 14 20 - 23644.5 - -16068 + 23578.5 + -15977 @@ -164747,14 +164476,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23636 - -16058 + 23570 + -15967 14 20 - 23644.5 - -16048 + 23578.5 + -15957 @@ -164773,14 +164502,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23680 - -16078 + 23614 + -15987 34 40 - 23698.5 - -16058 + 23632.5 + -15967 @@ -164790,7 +164519,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -164824,7 +164553,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -164854,7 +164583,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -164872,14 +164601,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24304 - -15925 + 24710 + -16056 144 104 - 24388 - -15873 + 24794 + -16004 @@ -164897,14 +164626,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24306 - -15923 + 24712 + -16054 67 20 - 24341 - -15913 + 24747 + -16044 @@ -164945,14 +164674,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24306 - -15903 + 24712 + -16034 67 20 - 24341 - -15893 + 24747 + -16024 @@ -164993,14 +164722,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24306 - -15883 + 24712 + -16014 67 20 - 24341 - -15873 + 24747 + -16004 @@ -165041,14 +164770,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24306 - -15863 + 24712 + -15994 67 20 - 24341 - -15853 + 24747 + -15984 @@ -165087,14 +164816,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24306 - -15843 + 24712 + -15974 67 20 - 24341 - -15833 + 24747 + -15964 @@ -165133,14 +164862,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24403 - -15923 + 24809 + -16054 43 100 - 24426 - -15873 + 24832 + -16004 @@ -165150,7 +164879,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -165169,19 +164898,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24073 - -15895 + 24479 + -16026 82 44 - 24141 - -15873 + 24547 + -16004 - + Geometry to preview true 596bcaf5-4aff-4b94-a25f-c81ecdd3eb6f @@ -165189,20 +164918,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 3e317622-96ff-4099-ac1f-360d296edb51 - 1 + a8ffd9b7-8910-4111-92a4-abbd0a5c9b2c + 2 - 24075 - -15893 + 24481 + -16024 51 20 - 24102 - -15883 + 24508 + -16014 @@ -165222,14 +164952,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24075 - -15873 + 24481 + -16004 51 20 - 24102 - -15863 + 24508 + -15994 @@ -165269,7 +164999,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -165296,7 +165026,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -165310,7 +165040,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Colour Picker false - 255;224;224;224 + 255;209;209;209 0 @@ -165318,8 +165048,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24162.27 - -16018.23 + 24570.48 + -16144.94 180 310 @@ -165330,7 +165060,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -165348,14 +165078,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24266 - -16344 + 24710 + -16435 144 104 - 24350 - -16292 + 24794 + -16383 @@ -165373,14 +165103,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24268 - -16342 + 24712 + -16433 67 20 - 24303 - -16332 + 24747 + -16423 @@ -165421,14 +165151,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24268 - -16322 + 24712 + -16413 67 20 - 24303 - -16312 + 24747 + -16403 @@ -165469,14 +165199,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24268 - -16302 + 24712 + -16393 67 20 - 24303 - -16292 + 24747 + -16383 @@ -165517,14 +165247,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24268 - -16282 + 24712 + -16373 67 20 - 24303 - -16272 + 24747 + -16363 @@ -165563,14 +165293,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24268 - -16262 + 24712 + -16353 67 20 - 24303 - -16252 + 24747 + -16343 @@ -165609,14 +165339,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24365 - -16342 + 24809 + -16433 43 100 - 24388 - -16292 + 24832 + -16383 @@ -165626,7 +165356,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -165645,19 +165375,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24035 - -16314 + 24479 + -16405 82 44 - 24103 - -16292 + 24547 + -16383 - + Geometry to preview true 35a0c2c4-d668-4a81-89dc-d528e2f4aa29 @@ -165665,20 +165395,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 2682b4d1-39cb-4403-8836-18e04a723c06 - 1 + b2c4db74-2639-43c8-98ad-3d398b26149d + 2 - 24037 - -16312 + 24481 + -16403 51 20 - 24064 - -16302 + 24508 + -16393 @@ -165698,14 +165429,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24037 - -16292 + 24481 + -16383 51 20 - 24064 - -16282 + 24508 + -16373 @@ -165745,7 +165476,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -165772,7 +165503,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -165786,7 +165517,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Colour Picker false - 255;128;128;128 + 255;184;184;184 0 @@ -165794,8 +165525,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24125.41 - -16436.73 + 24570.59 + -16523.41 180 310 @@ -165806,7 +165537,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -165824,14 +165555,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23602 - -17416 + 23546 + -17388 125 64 - 23652 - -17384 + 23596 + -17356 @@ -165849,14 +165580,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23604 - -17414 + 23548 + -17386 33 20 - 23622 - -17404 + 23566 + -17376 @@ -165876,14 +165607,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23604 - -17394 + 23548 + -17366 33 20 - 23622 - -17384 + 23566 + -17356 @@ -165922,14 +165653,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23604 - -17374 + 23548 + -17346 33 20 - 23622 - -17364 + 23566 + -17336 @@ -165969,14 +165700,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23667 - -17414 + 23611 + -17386 58 20 - 23697.5 - -17404 + 23641.5 + -17376 @@ -165996,14 +165727,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23667 - -17394 + 23611 + -17366 58 20 - 23697.5 - -17384 + 23641.5 + -17356 @@ -166023,14 +165754,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23667 - -17374 + 23611 + -17346 58 20 - 23697.5 - -17364 + 23641.5 + -17336 @@ -166040,7 +165771,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -166058,14 +165789,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23596 - -17480 + 23540 + -17452 137 64 - 23666 - -17448 + 23610 + -17420 @@ -166083,14 +165814,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23598 - -17478 + 23542 + -17450 53 30 - 23626 - -17463 + 23570 + -17435 @@ -166110,14 +165841,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23598 - -17448 + 23542 + -17420 53 30 - 23626 - -17433 + 23570 + -17405 @@ -166136,14 +165867,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23681 - -17478 + 23625 + -17450 50 20 - 23707.5 - -17468 + 23651.5 + -17440 @@ -166162,14 +165893,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23681 - -17458 + 23625 + -17430 50 20 - 23707.5 - -17448 + 23651.5 + -17420 @@ -166188,14 +165919,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23681 - -17438 + 23625 + -17410 50 20 - 23707.5 - -17428 + 23651.5 + -17400 @@ -166205,7 +165936,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -166223,14 +165954,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23608 - -17544 + 23552 + -17516 114 64 - 23648 - -17512 + 23592 + -17484 @@ -166248,14 +165979,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23610 - -17542 + 23554 + -17514 23 60 - 23623 - -17512 + 23567 + -17484 @@ -166274,14 +166005,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23663 - -17542 + 23607 + -17514 57 20 - 23693 - -17532 + 23637 + -17504 @@ -166300,14 +166031,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23663 - -17522 + 23607 + -17494 57 20 - 23693 - -17512 + 23637 + -17484 @@ -166326,14 +166057,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23663 - -17502 + 23607 + -17474 57 20 - 23693 - -17492 + 23637 + -17464 @@ -166343,15 +166074,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL - + Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.} + true 4a32ab36-048e-4c97-a53e-315d046104e6 Line SDL Line SDL @@ -166360,14 +166092,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23596 - -17608 + 23548 + -17580 122 64 - 23676 - -17576 + 23628 + -17548 @@ -166385,14 +166117,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23598 - -17606 + 23550 + -17578 63 20 - 23639 - -17596 + 23591 + -17568 @@ -166412,14 +166144,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23598 - -17586 + 23550 + -17558 63 20 - 23639 - -17576 + 23591 + -17548 @@ -166464,14 +166196,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23598 - -17566 + 23550 + -17538 63 20 - 23639 - -17556 + 23591 + -17528 @@ -166510,14 +166242,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23691 - -17606 + 23643 + -17578 25 60 - 23705 - -17576 + 23657 + -17548 @@ -166527,7 +166259,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -166559,7 +166291,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -166577,14 +166309,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23593 - -17672 + 23537 + -17644 144 64 - 23667 - -17640 + 23611 + -17612 @@ -166602,14 +166334,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23595 - -17670 + 23539 + -17642 57 20 - 23625 - -17660 + 23569 + -17632 @@ -166628,14 +166360,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23595 - -17650 + 23539 + -17622 57 20 - 23625 - -17640 + 23569 + -17612 @@ -166674,14 +166406,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23595 - -17630 + 23539 + -17602 57 20 - 23625 - -17620 + 23569 + -17592 @@ -166720,14 +166452,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23682 - -17670 + 23626 + -17642 53 20 - 23710 - -17660 + 23654 + -17632 @@ -166746,14 +166478,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23682 - -17650 + 23626 + -17622 53 20 - 23710 - -17640 + 23654 + -17612 @@ -166772,14 +166504,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23682 - -17630 + 23626 + -17602 53 20 - 23710 - -17620 + 23654 + -17592 @@ -166789,7 +166521,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -166807,14 +166539,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23602 - -17756 + 23546 + -17728 125 84 - 23669 - -17714 + 23613 + -17686 @@ -166833,14 +166565,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23604 - -17754 + 23548 + -17726 50 20 - 23630.5 - -17744 + 23574.5 + -17716 @@ -166859,14 +166591,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23604 - -17734 + 23548 + -17706 50 20 - 23630.5 - -17724 + 23574.5 + -17696 @@ -166905,14 +166637,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23604 - -17714 + 23548 + -17686 50 20 - 23630.5 - -17704 + 23574.5 + -17676 @@ -166951,14 +166683,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23604 - -17694 + 23548 + -17666 50 20 - 23630.5 - -17684 + 23574.5 + -17656 @@ -166997,14 +166729,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23684 - -17754 + 23628 + -17726 41 26 - 23706 - -17740.67 + 23650 + -17712.67 @@ -167023,14 +166755,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23684 - -17728 + 23628 + -17700 41 27 - 23706 - -17714 + 23650 + -17686 @@ -167049,14 +166781,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23684 - -17701 + 23628 + -17673 41 27 - 23706 - -17687.33 + 23650 + -17659.33 @@ -167066,7 +166798,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -167084,14 +166816,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23600 - -16984 + 23546 + -16980 125 64 - 23650 - -16952 + 23596 + -16948 @@ -167109,14 +166841,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23602 - -16982 + 23548 + -16978 33 20 - 23620 - -16972 + 23566 + -16968 @@ -167136,14 +166868,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23602 - -16962 + 23548 + -16958 33 20 - 23620 - -16952 + 23566 + -16948 @@ -167182,14 +166914,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23602 - -16942 + 23548 + -16938 33 20 - 23620 - -16932 + 23566 + -16928 @@ -167229,14 +166961,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23665 - -16982 + 23611 + -16978 58 20 - 23695.5 - -16972 + 23641.5 + -16968 @@ -167256,14 +166988,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23665 - -16962 + 23611 + -16958 58 20 - 23695.5 - -16952 + 23641.5 + -16948 @@ -167283,14 +167015,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23665 - -16942 + 23611 + -16938 58 20 - 23695.5 - -16932 + 23641.5 + -16928 @@ -167300,7 +167032,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -167318,13 +167050,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23606 + 23556 -16856 106 64 - 23670 + 23620 -16824 @@ -167342,13 +167074,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23608 + 23558 -16854 47 20 - 23633 + 23583 -16844 @@ -167393,13 +167125,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23608 + 23558 -16834 47 20 - 23633 + 23583 -16824 @@ -167444,13 +167176,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23608 + 23558 -16814 47 20 - 23633 + 23583 -16804 @@ -167490,13 +167222,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23685 + 23635 -16854 25 60 - 23699 + 23649 -16824 @@ -167507,7 +167239,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -167525,14 +167257,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23606 - -17048 + 23556 + -17044 106 64 - 23670 - -17016 + 23620 + -17012 @@ -167550,14 +167282,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23608 - -17046 + 23558 + -17042 47 20 - 23633 - -17036 + 23583 + -17032 @@ -167601,14 +167333,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23608 - -17026 + 23558 + -17022 47 20 - 23633 - -17016 + 23583 + -17012 @@ -167651,14 +167383,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23608 - -17006 + 23558 + -17002 47 20 - 23633 - -16996 + 23583 + -16992 @@ -167697,14 +167429,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23685 - -17046 + 23635 + -17042 25 60 - 23699 - -17016 + 23649 + -17012 @@ -167714,7 +167446,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 84627490-0fb2-4498-8138-ad134ee4cb36 Curve | Curve @@ -167732,14 +167464,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23586 - -17112 + 23536 + -17108 146 64 - 23647 - -17080 + 23597 + -17076 @@ -167750,21 +167482,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Curve A Curve A false - edc2932f-2e85-4283-af9c-d9794ffe42f7 + 07c6be9c-1865-4f6e-b3e7-6fbe16621dd3 1 - 23588 - -17110 + 23538 + -17106 44 30 - 23611.5 - -17095 + 23561.5 + -17091 @@ -167784,14 +167516,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23588 - -17080 + 23538 + -17076 44 30 - 23611.5 - -17065 + 23561.5 + -17061 @@ -167812,14 +167544,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23662 - -17110 + 23612 + -17106 68 20 - 23689.5 - -17100 + 23639.5 + -17096 @@ -167839,14 +167571,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23662 - -17090 + 23612 + -17086 68 20 - 23689.5 - -17080 + 23639.5 + -17076 @@ -167866,14 +167598,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23662 - -17070 + 23612 + -17066 68 20 - 23689.5 - -17060 + 23639.5 + -17056 @@ -167883,7 +167615,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9abae6b7-fa1d-448c-9209-4a8155345841 Deconstruct @@ -167901,14 +167633,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23591 - -17176 + 23543 + -17172 132 64 - 23638 - -17144 + 23590 + -17140 @@ -167926,14 +167658,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23593 - -17174 + 23545 + -17170 30 60 - 23609.5 - -17144 + 23561.5 + -17140 @@ -167952,14 +167684,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23653 - -17174 + 23605 + -17170 68 20 - 23688.5 - -17164 + 23640.5 + -17160 @@ -167978,14 +167710,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23653 - -17154 + 23605 + -17150 68 20 - 23688.5 - -17144 + 23640.5 + -17140 @@ -168004,14 +167736,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23653 - -17134 + 23605 + -17130 68 20 - 23688.5 - -17124 + 23640.5 + -17120 @@ -168021,7 +167753,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -168055,50 +167787,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - - - 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 - Digit Scroller - - - - - Numeric scroller for single numbers - dff104f4-d9c4-4eb1-92c8-92170f090dce - Digit Scroller - - false - 0 - - - - - 12 - - 9 - - 2.000 - - - - - - 23545 - -16908 - 250 - 20 - - - 23545.01 - -16907.34 - - - - - - - - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -168119,14 +167808,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23549 - -16890 + 23589 + -16872 40 16 - 23569 - -16882 + 23609 + -16864 @@ -168134,7 +167823,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -168152,14 +167841,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23618 - -16900 + 23568 + -16916 82 44 - 23649 - -16878 + 23599 + -16894 @@ -168177,14 +167866,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23620 - -16898 + 23570 + -16914 14 20 - 23628.5 - -16888 + 23578.5 + -16904 @@ -168203,14 +167892,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23620 - -16878 + 23570 + -16894 14 20 - 23628.5 - -16868 + 23578.5 + -16884 @@ -168250,14 +167939,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23664 - -16898 + 23614 + -16914 34 40 - 23682.5 - -16878 + 23632.5 + -16894 @@ -168267,7 +167956,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -168288,14 +167977,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23749 - -17152 + 23589 + -17188 40 16 - 23769 - -17144 + 23609 + -17180 @@ -168303,7 +167992,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -168331,14 +168020,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23536 - -16782 + 23484 + -16792 250 20 - 23536.18 - -16781.48 + 23484.18 + -16791.48 @@ -168346,79 +168035,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - - - b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b - Relay - - - - - 2 - A wire relay object - ffdb44ea-6aff-4c4e-b44c-2f13733794c5 - Relay - - false - 07c6be9c-1865-4f6e-b3e7-6fbe16621dd3 - 1 - - - - - - 23331 - -16989 - 40 - 16 - - - 23351 - -16981 - - - - - - - - - - d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 - Curve - - - - - Contains a collection of generic curves - true - edc2932f-2e85-4283-af9c-d9794ffe42f7 - Curve - Curve - false - ffdb44ea-6aff-4c4e-b44c-2f13733794c5 - 1 - - - - - - 23421 - -17014 - 50 - 24 - - - 23446.82 - -17002.4 - - - - - - - - + 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers @@ -168436,14 +168053,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23612 - -17288 + 23551 + -17280 115 64 - 23667 - -17256 + 23606 + -17248 @@ -168461,14 +168078,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23614 - -17286 + 23553 + -17278 38 20 - 23634.5 - -17276 + 23573.5 + -17268 @@ -168488,14 +168105,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23614 - -17266 + 23553 + -17258 38 20 - 23634.5 - -17256 + 23573.5 + -17248 @@ -168537,14 +168154,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23614 - -17246 + 23553 + -17238 38 20 - 23634.5 - -17236 + 23573.5 + -17228 @@ -168586,14 +168203,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23682 - -17286 + 23621 + -17278 43 30 - 23705 - -17271 + 23644 + -17263 @@ -168612,14 +168229,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23682 - -17256 + 23621 + -17248 43 30 - 23705 - -17241 + 23644 + -17233 @@ -168629,7 +168246,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds @@ -168647,14 +168264,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23604 - -17224 + 23548 + -17216 122 28 - 23668 - -17210 + 23612 + -17202 @@ -168673,14 +168290,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23606 - -17222 + 23550 + -17214 47 24 - 23631 - -17210 + 23575 + -17202 @@ -168699,14 +168316,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23683 - -17222 + 23627 + -17214 41 24 - 23705 - -17210 + 23649 + -17202 @@ -168716,7 +168333,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -168734,14 +168351,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23631 - -17332 + 23568 + -17324 82 44 - 23662 - -17310 + 23599 + -17302 @@ -168759,14 +168376,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23633 - -17330 + 23570 + -17322 14 20 - 23641.5 - -17320 + 23578.5 + -17312 @@ -168786,14 +168403,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23633 - -17310 + 23570 + -17302 14 20 - 23641.5 - -17300 + 23578.5 + -17292 @@ -168812,14 +168429,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23677 - -17330 + 23614 + -17322 34 40 - 23695.5 - -17310 + 23632.5 + -17302 @@ -168829,7 +168446,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -168863,7 +168480,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -168893,7 +168510,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -168911,14 +168528,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24301 - -17177 + 24711 + -17365 144 104 - 24385 - -17125 + 24795 + -17313 @@ -168936,14 +168553,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24303 - -17175 + 24713 + -17363 67 20 - 24338 - -17165 + 24748 + -17353 @@ -168984,14 +168601,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24303 - -17155 + 24713 + -17343 67 20 - 24338 - -17145 + 24748 + -17333 @@ -169032,14 +168649,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24303 - -17135 + 24713 + -17323 67 20 - 24338 - -17125 + 24748 + -17313 @@ -169080,14 +168697,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24303 - -17115 + 24713 + -17303 67 20 - 24338 - -17105 + 24748 + -17293 @@ -169126,14 +168743,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24303 - -17095 + 24713 + -17283 67 20 - 24338 - -17085 + 24748 + -17273 @@ -169172,14 +168789,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24400 - -17175 + 24810 + -17363 43 100 - 24423 - -17125 + 24833 + -17313 @@ -169189,7 +168806,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -169208,19 +168825,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24070 - -17147 + 24480 + -17335 82 44 - 24138 - -17125 + 24548 + -17313 - + Geometry to preview true 5e7d91e7-0875-4e29-a81d-ff51d4a2109a @@ -169228,20 +168845,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 156eaebb-3a77-446f-b3e7-4b9d8a138c5f - 1 + 6144c471-681e-4649-b38f-1075f826d7db + 2 - 24072 - -17145 + 24482 + -17333 51 20 - 24099 - -17135 + 24509 + -17323 @@ -169261,14 +168879,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24072 - -17125 + 24482 + -17313 51 20 - 24099 - -17115 + 24509 + -17303 @@ -169308,7 +168926,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -169335,7 +168953,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -169349,7 +168967,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Colour Picker false - 255;224;224;224 + 255;201;201;201 0 @@ -169357,8 +168975,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24159.96 - -17270.15 + 24571.76 + -17454.96 180 310 @@ -169369,7 +168987,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -169387,14 +169005,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24263 - -17596 + 24710 + -17744 144 104 - 24347 - -17544 + 24794 + -17692 @@ -169412,14 +169030,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24265 - -17594 + 24712 + -17742 67 20 - 24300 - -17584 + 24747 + -17732 @@ -169460,14 +169078,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24265 - -17574 + 24712 + -17722 67 20 - 24300 - -17564 + 24747 + -17712 @@ -169508,14 +169126,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24265 - -17554 + 24712 + -17702 67 20 - 24300 - -17544 + 24747 + -17692 @@ -169556,14 +169174,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24265 - -17534 + 24712 + -17682 67 20 - 24300 - -17524 + 24747 + -17672 @@ -169602,14 +169220,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24265 - -17514 + 24712 + -17662 67 20 - 24300 - -17504 + 24747 + -17652 @@ -169648,14 +169266,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24362 - -17594 + 24809 + -17742 43 100 - 24385 - -17544 + 24832 + -17692 @@ -169665,7 +169283,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -169684,19 +169302,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24032 - -17566 + 24479 + -17714 82 44 - 24100 - -17544 + 24547 + -17692 - + Geometry to preview true a25e4838-e7f8-484b-8fa3-dffc3f211c78 @@ -169704,20 +169322,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 8b3a15ce-66e5-4090-b688-91cde2beef9a - 1 + fe152257-1eb4-455d-bf5e-39819d34071b + 2 - 24034 - -17564 + 24481 + -17712 51 20 - 24061 - -17554 + 24508 + -17702 @@ -169737,14 +169356,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24034 - -17544 + 24481 + -17692 51 20 - 24061 - -17534 + 24508 + -17682 @@ -169784,7 +169403,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -169811,7 +169430,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -169825,7 +169444,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Colour Picker false - 255;128;128;128 + 255;176;176;176 0 @@ -169833,8 +169452,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24123.1 - -17688.65 + 24571.87 + -17833.43 180 310 @@ -169845,7 +169464,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -169863,14 +169482,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23630 - -18583 + 23546 + -18543 125 64 - 23680 - -18551 + 23596 + -18511 @@ -169888,14 +169507,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23632 - -18581 + 23548 + -18541 33 20 - 23650 - -18571 + 23566 + -18531 @@ -169915,14 +169534,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23632 - -18561 + 23548 + -18521 33 20 - 23650 - -18551 + 23566 + -18511 @@ -169961,14 +169580,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23632 - -18541 + 23548 + -18501 33 20 - 23650 - -18531 + 23566 + -18491 @@ -170008,14 +169627,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23695 - -18581 + 23611 + -18541 58 20 - 23725.5 - -18571 + 23641.5 + -18531 @@ -170035,14 +169654,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23695 - -18561 + 23611 + -18521 58 20 - 23725.5 - -18551 + 23641.5 + -18511 @@ -170062,14 +169681,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23695 - -18541 + 23611 + -18501 58 20 - 23725.5 - -18531 + 23641.5 + -18491 @@ -170079,7 +169698,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -170097,14 +169716,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23624 - -18647 + 23540 + -18607 137 64 - 23694 - -18615 + 23610 + -18575 @@ -170122,14 +169741,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23626 - -18645 + 23542 + -18605 53 30 - 23654 - -18630 + 23570 + -18590 @@ -170149,14 +169768,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23626 - -18615 + 23542 + -18575 53 30 - 23654 - -18600 + 23570 + -18560 @@ -170175,14 +169794,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23709 - -18645 + 23625 + -18605 50 20 - 23735.5 - -18635 + 23651.5 + -18595 @@ -170201,14 +169820,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23709 - -18625 + 23625 + -18585 50 20 - 23735.5 - -18615 + 23651.5 + -18575 @@ -170227,14 +169846,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23709 - -18605 + 23625 + -18565 50 20 - 23735.5 - -18595 + 23651.5 + -18555 @@ -170244,7 +169863,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -170262,14 +169881,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23636 - -18711 + 23552 + -18671 114 64 - 23676 - -18679 + 23592 + -18639 @@ -170287,14 +169906,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23638 - -18709 + 23554 + -18669 23 60 - 23651 - -18679 + 23567 + -18639 @@ -170313,14 +169932,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23691 - -18709 + 23607 + -18669 57 20 - 23721 - -18699 + 23637 + -18659 @@ -170339,14 +169958,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23691 - -18689 + 23607 + -18649 57 20 - 23721 - -18679 + 23637 + -18639 @@ -170365,14 +169984,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23691 - -18669 + 23607 + -18629 57 20 - 23721 - -18659 + 23637 + -18619 @@ -170382,15 +170001,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL - + Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.} + true 765f3b60-7b54-4a95-af26-0e74b6d0045a Line SDL Line SDL @@ -170399,14 +170019,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23624 - -18775 + 23548 + -18735 122 64 - 23704 - -18743 + 23628 + -18703 @@ -170424,14 +170044,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23626 - -18773 + 23550 + -18733 63 20 - 23667 - -18763 + 23591 + -18723 @@ -170451,14 +170071,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23626 - -18753 + 23550 + -18713 63 20 - 23667 - -18743 + 23591 + -18703 @@ -170503,14 +170123,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23626 - -18733 + 23550 + -18693 63 20 - 23667 - -18723 + 23591 + -18683 @@ -170549,14 +170169,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23719 - -18773 + 23643 + -18733 25 60 - 23733 - -18743 + 23657 + -18703 @@ -170566,7 +170186,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -170598,7 +170218,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -170616,14 +170236,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23621 - -18839 + 23537 + -18799 144 64 - 23695 - -18807 + 23611 + -18767 @@ -170641,14 +170261,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23623 - -18837 + 23539 + -18797 57 20 - 23653 - -18827 + 23569 + -18787 @@ -170667,14 +170287,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23623 - -18817 + 23539 + -18777 57 20 - 23653 - -18807 + 23569 + -18767 @@ -170713,14 +170333,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23623 - -18797 + 23539 + -18757 57 20 - 23653 - -18787 + 23569 + -18747 @@ -170759,14 +170379,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23710 - -18837 + 23626 + -18797 53 20 - 23738 - -18827 + 23654 + -18787 @@ -170785,14 +170405,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23710 - -18817 + 23626 + -18777 53 20 - 23738 - -18807 + 23654 + -18767 @@ -170811,14 +170431,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23710 - -18797 + 23626 + -18757 53 20 - 23738 - -18787 + 23654 + -18747 @@ -170828,7 +170448,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -170846,14 +170466,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23630 - -18923 + 23546 + -18883 125 84 - 23697 - -18881 + 23613 + -18841 @@ -170872,14 +170492,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23632 - -18921 + 23548 + -18881 50 20 - 23658.5 - -18911 + 23574.5 + -18871 @@ -170898,14 +170518,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23632 - -18901 + 23548 + -18861 50 20 - 23658.5 - -18891 + 23574.5 + -18851 @@ -170944,14 +170564,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23632 - -18881 + 23548 + -18841 50 20 - 23658.5 - -18871 + 23574.5 + -18831 @@ -170990,14 +170610,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23632 - -18861 + 23548 + -18821 50 20 - 23658.5 - -18851 + 23574.5 + -18811 @@ -171036,14 +170656,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23712 - -18921 + 23628 + -18881 41 26 - 23734 - -18907.67 + 23650 + -18867.67 @@ -171062,14 +170682,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23712 - -18895 + 23628 + -18855 41 27 - 23734 - -18881 + 23650 + -18841 @@ -171088,14 +170708,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23712 - -18868 + 23628 + -18828 41 27 - 23734 - -18854.33 + 23650 + -18814.33 @@ -171105,7 +170725,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -171123,14 +170743,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23628 - -18151 + 23546 + -18135 125 64 - 23678 - -18119 + 23596 + -18103 @@ -171148,14 +170768,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23630 - -18149 + 23548 + -18133 33 20 - 23648 - -18139 + 23566 + -18123 @@ -171175,14 +170795,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23630 - -18129 + 23548 + -18113 33 20 - 23648 - -18119 + 23566 + -18103 @@ -171221,14 +170841,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23630 - -18109 + 23548 + -18093 33 20 - 23648 - -18099 + 23566 + -18083 @@ -171268,14 +170888,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23693 - -18149 + 23611 + -18133 58 20 - 23723.5 - -18139 + 23641.5 + -18123 @@ -171295,14 +170915,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23693 - -18129 + 23611 + -18113 58 20 - 23723.5 - -18119 + 23641.5 + -18103 @@ -171322,14 +170942,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23693 - -18109 + 23611 + -18093 58 20 - 23723.5 - -18099 + 23641.5 + -18083 @@ -171339,7 +170959,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -171357,14 +170977,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23634 - -18023 + 23556 + -18011 106 64 - 23698 - -17991 + 23620 + -17979 @@ -171381,14 +171001,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23636 - -18021 + 23558 + -18009 47 20 - 23661 - -18011 + 23583 + -17999 @@ -171432,14 +171052,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23636 - -18001 + 23558 + -17989 47 20 - 23661 - -17991 + 23583 + -17979 @@ -171483,14 +171103,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23636 - -17981 + 23558 + -17969 47 20 - 23661 - -17971 + 23583 + -17959 @@ -171529,14 +171149,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23713 - -18021 + 23635 + -18009 25 60 - 23727 - -17991 + 23649 + -17979 @@ -171546,7 +171166,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -171564,14 +171184,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23634 - -18215 + 23556 + -18199 106 64 - 23698 - -18183 + 23620 + -18167 @@ -171589,14 +171209,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23636 - -18213 + 23558 + -18197 47 20 - 23661 - -18203 + 23583 + -18187 @@ -171640,14 +171260,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23636 - -18193 + 23558 + -18177 47 20 - 23661 - -18183 + 23583 + -18167 @@ -171690,14 +171310,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23636 - -18173 + 23558 + -18157 47 20 - 23661 - -18163 + 23583 + -18147 @@ -171736,14 +171356,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23713 - -18213 + 23635 + -18197 25 60 - 23727 - -18183 + 23649 + -18167 @@ -171753,7 +171373,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 84627490-0fb2-4498-8138-ad134ee4cb36 Curve | Curve @@ -171771,14 +171391,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23614 - -18279 + 23536 + -18263 146 64 - 23675 - -18247 + 23597 + -18231 @@ -171789,21 +171409,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Curve A Curve A false - eba25889-183b-47f8-932e-3cee45403c8d + 07c6be9c-1865-4f6e-b3e7-6fbe16621dd3 1 - 23616 - -18277 + 23538 + -18261 44 30 - 23639.5 - -18262 + 23561.5 + -18246 @@ -171823,14 +171443,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23616 - -18247 + 23538 + -18231 44 30 - 23639.5 - -18232 + 23561.5 + -18216 @@ -171851,14 +171471,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23690 - -18277 + 23612 + -18261 68 20 - 23717.5 - -18267 + 23639.5 + -18251 @@ -171878,14 +171498,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23690 - -18257 + 23612 + -18241 68 20 - 23717.5 - -18247 + 23639.5 + -18231 @@ -171905,14 +171525,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23690 - -18237 + 23612 + -18221 68 20 - 23717.5 - -18227 + 23639.5 + -18211 @@ -171922,7 +171542,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9abae6b7-fa1d-448c-9209-4a8155345841 Deconstruct @@ -171940,14 +171560,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23619 - -18343 + 23543 + -18327 132 64 - 23666 - -18311 + 23590 + -18295 @@ -171965,14 +171585,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23621 - -18341 + 23545 + -18325 30 60 - 23637.5 - -18311 + 23561.5 + -18295 @@ -171991,14 +171611,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23681 - -18341 + 23605 + -18325 68 20 - 23716.5 - -18331 + 23640.5 + -18315 @@ -172017,14 +171637,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23681 - -18321 + 23605 + -18305 68 20 - 23716.5 - -18311 + 23640.5 + -18295 @@ -172043,14 +171663,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23681 - -18301 + 23605 + -18285 68 20 - 23716.5 - -18291 + 23640.5 + -18275 @@ -172060,7 +171680,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -172094,50 +171714,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - - - 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 - Digit Scroller - - - - - Numeric scroller for single numbers - 272f8c72-778e-447e-85b7-182a0c1a59d4 - Digit Scroller - - false - 0 - - - - - 12 - - 9 - - 2.000 - - - - - - 23573 - -18075 - 250 - 20 - - - 23573.54 - -18074.11 - - - - - - - - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -172158,14 +171735,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23577 - -18057 + 23589 + -18027 40 16 - 23597 - -18049 + 23609 + -18019 @@ -172173,7 +171750,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -172191,14 +171768,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23646 - -18067 + 23568 + -18071 82 44 - 23677 - -18045 + 23599 + -18049 @@ -172216,14 +171793,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23648 - -18065 + 23570 + -18069 14 20 - 23656.5 - -18055 + 23578.5 + -18059 @@ -172242,14 +171819,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23648 - -18045 + 23570 + -18049 14 20 - 23656.5 - -18035 + 23578.5 + -18039 @@ -172289,14 +171866,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23692 - -18065 + 23614 + -18069 34 40 - 23710.5 - -18045 + 23632.5 + -18049 @@ -172306,7 +171883,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -172327,14 +171904,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23777 - -18319 + 23589 + -18343 40 16 - 23797 - -18311 + 23609 + -18335 @@ -172342,7 +171919,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -172370,14 +171947,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23564 - -17949 + 23484 + -17946 250 20 - 23564.71 - -17948.25 + 23484.05 + -17945 @@ -172385,79 +171962,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - - - b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b - Relay - - - - - 2 - A wire relay object - 1ead71b9-723c-40f9-871b-9f3d050eda09 - Relay - - false - 07c6be9c-1865-4f6e-b3e7-6fbe16621dd3 - 1 - - - - - - 23359 - -18156 - 40 - 16 - - - 23379 - -18148 - - - - - - - - - - d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 - Curve - - - - - Contains a collection of generic curves - true - eba25889-183b-47f8-932e-3cee45403c8d - Curve - Curve - false - 1ead71b9-723c-40f9-871b-9f3d050eda09 - 1 - - - - - - 23450 - -18181 - 50 - 24 - - - 23475.35 - -18169.17 - - - - - - - - + 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers @@ -172475,14 +171980,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23640 - -18455 + 23551 + -18435 115 64 - 23695 - -18423 + 23606 + -18403 @@ -172500,14 +172005,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23642 - -18453 + 23553 + -18433 38 20 - 23662.5 - -18443 + 23573.5 + -18423 @@ -172527,14 +172032,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23642 - -18433 + 23553 + -18413 38 20 - 23662.5 - -18423 + 23573.5 + -18403 @@ -172576,14 +172081,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23642 - -18413 + 23553 + -18393 38 20 - 23662.5 - -18403 + 23573.5 + -18383 @@ -172625,14 +172130,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23710 - -18453 + 23621 + -18433 43 30 - 23733 - -18438 + 23644 + -18418 @@ -172651,14 +172156,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23710 - -18423 + 23621 + -18403 43 30 - 23733 - -18408 + 23644 + -18388 @@ -172668,7 +172173,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds @@ -172686,14 +172191,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23632 - -18391 + 23548 + -18371 122 28 - 23696 - -18377 + 23612 + -18357 @@ -172712,14 +172217,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23634 - -18389 + 23550 + -18369 47 24 - 23659 - -18377 + 23575 + -18357 @@ -172738,14 +172243,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23711 - -18389 + 23627 + -18369 41 24 - 23733 - -18377 + 23649 + -18357 @@ -172755,7 +172260,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -172773,14 +172278,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23659 - -18499 + 23568 + -18479 82 44 - 23690 - -18477 + 23599 + -18457 @@ -172798,14 +172303,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23661 - -18497 + 23570 + -18477 14 20 - 23669.5 - -18487 + 23578.5 + -18467 @@ -172825,14 +172330,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23661 - -18477 + 23570 + -18457 14 20 - 23669.5 - -18467 + 23578.5 + -18447 @@ -172851,14 +172356,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23705 - -18497 + 23614 + -18477 34 40 - 23723.5 - -18477 + 23632.5 + -18457 @@ -172868,7 +172373,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -172902,7 +172407,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -172932,7 +172437,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -172950,14 +172455,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24329 - -18344 + 24711 + -18539 144 104 - 24413 - -18292 + 24795 + -18487 @@ -172975,14 +172480,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24331 - -18342 + 24713 + -18537 67 20 - 24366 - -18332 + 24748 + -18527 @@ -173023,14 +172528,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24331 - -18322 + 24713 + -18517 67 20 - 24366 - -18312 + 24748 + -18507 @@ -173071,14 +172576,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24331 - -18302 + 24713 + -18497 67 20 - 24366 - -18292 + 24748 + -18487 @@ -173119,14 +172624,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24331 - -18282 + 24713 + -18477 67 20 - 24366 - -18272 + 24748 + -18467 @@ -173165,14 +172670,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24331 - -18262 + 24713 + -18457 67 20 - 24366 - -18252 + 24748 + -18447 @@ -173211,14 +172716,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24428 - -18342 + 24810 + -18537 43 100 - 24451 - -18292 + 24833 + -18487 @@ -173228,7 +172733,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -173247,19 +172752,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24098 - -18314 + 24480 + -18509 82 44 - 24166 - -18292 + 24548 + -18487 - + Geometry to preview true b2dc262d-3347-4d8d-99f4-047a23cd5bf9 @@ -173267,20 +172772,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 4f40aa16-1508-4f55-a29e-95d6f2d32958 - 1 + 506865d2-d19f-4318-8cab-2037ebbfcb66 + 2 - 24100 - -18312 + 24482 + -18507 51 20 - 24127 - -18302 + 24509 + -18497 @@ -173300,14 +172806,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24100 - -18292 + 24482 + -18487 51 20 - 24127 - -18282 + 24509 + -18477 @@ -173347,7 +172853,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -173374,7 +172880,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -173388,7 +172894,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Colour Picker false - 255;224;224;224 + 255;194;194;194 0 @@ -173396,8 +172902,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24188.49 - -18436.92 + 24573.04 + -18629.59 180 310 @@ -173408,7 +172914,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -173426,14 +172932,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24291 - -18763 + 24710 + -18918 144 104 - 24375 - -18711 + 24794 + -18866 @@ -173451,14 +172957,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24293 - -18761 + 24712 + -18916 67 20 - 24328 - -18751 + 24747 + -18906 @@ -173499,14 +173005,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24293 - -18741 + 24712 + -18896 67 20 - 24328 - -18731 + 24747 + -18886 @@ -173547,14 +173053,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24293 - -18721 + 24712 + -18876 67 20 - 24328 - -18711 + 24747 + -18866 @@ -173595,14 +173101,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24293 - -18701 + 24712 + -18856 67 20 - 24328 - -18691 + 24747 + -18846 @@ -173641,14 +173147,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24293 - -18681 + 24712 + -18836 67 20 - 24328 - -18671 + 24747 + -18826 @@ -173687,14 +173193,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24390 - -18761 + 24809 + -18916 43 100 - 24413 - -18711 + 24832 + -18866 @@ -173704,7 +173210,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -173723,19 +173229,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24060 - -18733 + 24479 + -18888 82 44 - 24128 - -18711 + 24547 + -18866 - + Geometry to preview true b16c6628-112f-4475-99fa-b712ff8f092e @@ -173743,20 +173249,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 6f353ce2-6891-4d8b-9288-ea4ae0e7f62d - 1 + a9865bd6-3c7b-4a76-9457-7da9febc0a7c + 2 - 24062 - -18731 + 24481 + -18886 51 20 - 24089 - -18721 + 24508 + -18876 @@ -173776,14 +173283,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24062 - -18711 + 24481 + -18866 51 20 - 24089 - -18701 + 24508 + -18856 @@ -173823,7 +173330,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -173850,7 +173357,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -173864,7 +173371,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Colour Picker false - 255;128;128;128 + 255;168;168;168 0 @@ -173872,8 +173379,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24151.63 - -18855.42 + 24574.13 + -19008.05 180 310 @@ -173884,7 +173391,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -173902,14 +173409,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23636 - -19812 + 23546 + -19788 125 64 - 23686 - -19780 + 23596 + -19756 @@ -173927,14 +173434,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23638 - -19810 + 23548 + -19786 33 20 - 23656 - -19800 + 23566 + -19776 @@ -173954,14 +173461,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23638 - -19790 + 23548 + -19766 33 20 - 23656 - -19780 + 23566 + -19756 @@ -174000,14 +173507,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23638 - -19770 + 23548 + -19746 33 20 - 23656 - -19760 + 23566 + -19736 @@ -174047,14 +173554,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23701 - -19810 + 23611 + -19786 58 20 - 23731.5 - -19800 + 23641.5 + -19776 @@ -174074,14 +173581,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23701 - -19790 + 23611 + -19766 58 20 - 23731.5 - -19780 + 23641.5 + -19756 @@ -174101,14 +173608,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23701 - -19770 + 23611 + -19746 58 20 - 23731.5 - -19760 + 23641.5 + -19736 @@ -174118,7 +173625,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -174136,14 +173643,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23630 - -19876 + 23540 + -19852 137 64 - 23700 - -19844 + 23610 + -19820 @@ -174161,14 +173668,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23632 - -19874 + 23542 + -19850 53 30 - 23660 - -19859 + 23570 + -19835 @@ -174188,14 +173695,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23632 - -19844 + 23542 + -19820 53 30 - 23660 - -19829 + 23570 + -19805 @@ -174214,14 +173721,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23715 - -19874 + 23625 + -19850 50 20 - 23741.5 - -19864 + 23651.5 + -19840 @@ -174240,14 +173747,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23715 - -19854 + 23625 + -19830 50 20 - 23741.5 - -19844 + 23651.5 + -19820 @@ -174266,14 +173773,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23715 - -19834 + 23625 + -19810 50 20 - 23741.5 - -19824 + 23651.5 + -19800 @@ -174283,7 +173790,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -174301,14 +173808,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23642 - -19940 + 23552 + -19916 114 64 - 23682 - -19908 + 23592 + -19884 @@ -174326,14 +173833,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23644 - -19938 + 23554 + -19914 23 60 - 23657 - -19908 + 23567 + -19884 @@ -174352,14 +173859,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23697 - -19938 + 23607 + -19914 57 20 - 23727 - -19928 + 23637 + -19904 @@ -174378,14 +173885,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23697 - -19918 + 23607 + -19894 57 20 - 23727 - -19908 + 23637 + -19884 @@ -174404,14 +173911,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23697 - -19898 + 23607 + -19874 57 20 - 23727 - -19888 + 23637 + -19864 @@ -174421,15 +173928,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL - + Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.} + true c12ed467-2403-4f75-9ddc-6e1beaf2de8b Line SDL Line SDL @@ -174438,14 +173946,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23630 - -20004 + 23548 + -19980 122 64 - 23710 - -19972 + 23628 + -19948 @@ -174463,14 +173971,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23632 - -20002 + 23550 + -19978 63 20 - 23673 - -19992 + 23591 + -19968 @@ -174490,14 +173998,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23632 - -19982 + 23550 + -19958 63 20 - 23673 - -19972 + 23591 + -19948 @@ -174542,14 +174050,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23632 - -19962 + 23550 + -19938 63 20 - 23673 - -19952 + 23591 + -19928 @@ -174588,14 +174096,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23725 - -20002 + 23643 + -19978 25 60 - 23739 - -19972 + 23657 + -19948 @@ -174605,7 +174113,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -174637,7 +174145,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -174655,14 +174163,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23627 - -20068 + 23537 + -20044 144 64 - 23701 - -20036 + 23611 + -20012 @@ -174680,14 +174188,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23629 - -20066 + 23539 + -20042 57 20 - 23659 - -20056 + 23569 + -20032 @@ -174706,14 +174214,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23629 - -20046 + 23539 + -20022 57 20 - 23659 - -20036 + 23569 + -20012 @@ -174752,14 +174260,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23629 - -20026 + 23539 + -20002 57 20 - 23659 - -20016 + 23569 + -19992 @@ -174798,14 +174306,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23716 - -20066 + 23626 + -20042 53 20 - 23744 - -20056 + 23654 + -20032 @@ -174824,14 +174332,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23716 - -20046 + 23626 + -20022 53 20 - 23744 - -20036 + 23654 + -20012 @@ -174850,14 +174358,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23716 - -20026 + 23626 + -20002 53 20 - 23744 - -20016 + 23654 + -19992 @@ -174867,7 +174375,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -174885,14 +174393,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23636 - -20152 + 23546 + -20128 125 84 - 23703 - -20110 + 23613 + -20086 @@ -174911,14 +174419,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23638 - -20150 + 23548 + -20126 50 20 - 23664.5 - -20140 + 23574.5 + -20116 @@ -174937,14 +174445,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23638 - -20130 + 23548 + -20106 50 20 - 23664.5 - -20120 + 23574.5 + -20096 @@ -174983,14 +174491,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23638 - -20110 + 23548 + -20086 50 20 - 23664.5 - -20100 + 23574.5 + -20076 @@ -175029,14 +174537,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23638 - -20090 + 23548 + -20066 50 20 - 23664.5 - -20080 + 23574.5 + -20056 @@ -175075,14 +174583,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23718 - -20150 + 23628 + -20126 41 26 - 23740 - -20136.67 + 23650 + -20112.67 @@ -175101,14 +174609,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23718 - -20124 + 23628 + -20100 41 27 - 23740 - -20110 + 23650 + -20086 @@ -175127,14 +174635,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23718 - -20097 + 23628 + -20073 41 27 - 23740 - -20083.33 + 23650 + -20059.33 @@ -175144,7 +174652,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -175162,13 +174670,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23634 + 23546 -19380 125 64 - 23684 + 23596 -19348 @@ -175187,13 +174695,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23636 + 23548 -19378 33 20 - 23654 + 23566 -19368 @@ -175214,13 +174722,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23636 + 23548 -19358 33 20 - 23654 + 23566 -19348 @@ -175260,13 +174768,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23636 + 23548 -19338 33 20 - 23654 + 23566 -19328 @@ -175307,13 +174815,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23699 + 23611 -19378 58 20 - 23729.5 + 23641.5 -19368 @@ -175334,13 +174842,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23699 + 23611 -19358 58 20 - 23729.5 + 23641.5 -19348 @@ -175361,13 +174869,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23699 + 23611 -19338 58 20 - 23729.5 + 23641.5 -19328 @@ -175378,7 +174886,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -175396,14 +174904,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23640 - -19252 + 23556 + -19256 106 64 - 23704 - -19220 + 23620 + -19224 @@ -175420,14 +174928,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23642 - -19250 + 23558 + -19254 47 20 - 23667 - -19240 + 23583 + -19244 @@ -175471,14 +174979,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23642 - -19230 + 23558 + -19234 47 20 - 23667 - -19220 + 23583 + -19224 @@ -175522,14 +175030,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23642 - -19210 + 23558 + -19214 47 20 - 23667 - -19200 + 23583 + -19204 @@ -175568,14 +175076,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23719 - -19250 + 23635 + -19254 25 60 - 23733 - -19220 + 23649 + -19224 @@ -175585,7 +175093,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -175603,13 +175111,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23640 + 23556 -19444 106 64 - 23704 + 23620 -19412 @@ -175628,13 +175136,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23642 + 23558 -19442 47 20 - 23667 + 23583 -19432 @@ -175679,13 +175187,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23642 + 23558 -19422 47 20 - 23667 + 23583 -19412 @@ -175729,13 +175237,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23642 + 23558 -19402 47 20 - 23667 + 23583 -19392 @@ -175775,13 +175283,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23719 + 23635 -19442 25 60 - 23733 + 23649 -19412 @@ -175792,7 +175300,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 84627490-0fb2-4498-8138-ad134ee4cb36 Curve | Curve @@ -175810,13 +175318,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23620 + 23536 -19508 146 64 - 23681 + 23597 -19476 @@ -175828,20 +175336,20 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Curve A Curve A false - 3e05fe61-381d-499d-bf93-3fe92d802d46 + 07c6be9c-1865-4f6e-b3e7-6fbe16621dd3 1 - 23622 + 23538 -19506 44 30 - 23645.5 + 23561.5 -19491 @@ -175862,13 +175370,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23622 + 23538 -19476 44 30 - 23645.5 + 23561.5 -19461 @@ -175890,13 +175398,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23696 + 23612 -19506 68 20 - 23723.5 + 23639.5 -19496 @@ -175917,13 +175425,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23696 + 23612 -19486 68 20 - 23723.5 + 23639.5 -19476 @@ -175944,13 +175452,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23696 + 23612 -19466 68 20 - 23723.5 + 23639.5 -19456 @@ -175961,7 +175469,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9abae6b7-fa1d-448c-9209-4a8155345841 Deconstruct @@ -175979,13 +175487,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23625 + 23543 -19572 132 64 - 23672 + 23590 -19540 @@ -176004,13 +175512,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23627 + 23545 -19570 30 60 - 23643.5 + 23561.5 -19540 @@ -176030,13 +175538,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23687 + 23605 -19570 68 20 - 23722.5 + 23640.5 -19560 @@ -176056,13 +175564,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23687 + 23605 -19550 68 20 - 23722.5 + 23640.5 -19540 @@ -176082,13 +175590,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23687 + 23605 -19530 68 20 - 23722.5 + 23640.5 -19520 @@ -176099,7 +175607,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -176133,50 +175641,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - - - 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 - Digit Scroller - - - - - Numeric scroller for single numbers - 40583393-57ca-423f-86c3-f8bb5af3bc70 - Digit Scroller - - false - 0 - - - - - 12 - - 9 - - 2.000 - - - - - - 23579 - -19303 - 250 - 20 - - - 23579.93 - -19302.28 - - - - - - - - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -176197,14 +175662,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23583 - -19286 + 23589 + -19272 40 16 - 23603 - -19278 + 23609 + -19264 @@ -176212,7 +175677,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -176230,14 +175695,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23652 - -19296 + 23568 + -19316 82 44 - 23683 - -19274 + 23599 + -19294 @@ -176255,14 +175720,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23654 - -19294 + 23570 + -19314 14 20 - 23662.5 - -19284 + 23578.5 + -19304 @@ -176281,14 +175746,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23654 - -19274 + 23570 + -19294 14 20 - 23662.5 - -19264 + 23578.5 + -19284 @@ -176328,14 +175793,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23698 - -19294 + 23614 + -19314 34 40 - 23716.5 - -19274 + 23632.5 + -19294 @@ -176345,7 +175810,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -176366,14 +175831,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23783 - -19548 + 23589 + -19588 40 16 - 23803 - -19540 + 23609 + -19580 @@ -176381,7 +175846,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -176409,14 +175874,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23571 - -19177 + 23484 + -19192 250 20 - 23571.1 - -19176.42 + 23484.1 + -19191.42 @@ -176424,79 +175889,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - - - b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b - Relay - - - - - 2 - A wire relay object - ce3c5855-1bdd-4eee-ac28-e5c404273f2c - Relay - - false - 07c6be9c-1865-4f6e-b3e7-6fbe16621dd3 - 1 - - - - - - 23365 - -19385 - 40 - 16 - - - 23385 - -19377 - - - - - - - - - - d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 - Curve - - - - - Contains a collection of generic curves - true - 3e05fe61-381d-499d-bf93-3fe92d802d46 - Curve - Curve - false - ce3c5855-1bdd-4eee-ac28-e5c404273f2c - 1 - - - - - - 23456 - -19409 - 50 - 24 - - - 23481.74 - -19397.34 - - - - - - - - + 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers @@ -176514,14 +175907,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23646 - -19684 + 23551 + -19680 115 64 - 23701 - -19652 + 23606 + -19648 @@ -176539,14 +175932,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23648 - -19682 + 23553 + -19678 38 20 - 23668.5 - -19672 + 23573.5 + -19668 @@ -176566,14 +175959,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23648 - -19662 + 23553 + -19658 38 20 - 23668.5 - -19652 + 23573.5 + -19648 @@ -176615,14 +176008,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23648 - -19642 + 23553 + -19638 38 20 - 23668.5 - -19632 + 23573.5 + -19628 @@ -176664,14 +176057,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23716 - -19682 + 23621 + -19678 43 30 - 23739 - -19667 + 23644 + -19663 @@ -176690,14 +176083,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23716 - -19652 + 23621 + -19648 43 30 - 23739 - -19637 + 23644 + -19633 @@ -176707,7 +176100,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds @@ -176725,14 +176118,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23638 - -19620 + 23548 + -19616 122 28 - 23702 - -19606 + 23612 + -19602 @@ -176751,14 +176144,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23640 - -19618 + 23550 + -19614 47 24 - 23665 - -19606 + 23575 + -19602 @@ -176777,14 +176170,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23717 - -19618 + 23627 + -19614 41 24 - 23739 - -19606 + 23649 + -19602 @@ -176794,7 +176187,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -176812,14 +176205,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23665 - -19728 + 23568 + -19724 82 44 - 23696 - -19706 + 23599 + -19702 @@ -176837,14 +176230,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23667 - -19726 + 23570 + -19722 14 20 - 23675.5 - -19716 + 23578.5 + -19712 @@ -176864,14 +176257,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23667 - -19706 + 23570 + -19702 14 20 - 23675.5 - -19696 + 23578.5 + -19692 @@ -176890,14 +176283,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23711 - -19726 + 23614 + -19722 34 40 - 23729.5 - -19706 + 23632.5 + -19702 @@ -176907,7 +176300,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -176941,7 +176334,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -176971,7 +176364,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -176989,14 +176382,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24335 - -19573 + 24711 + -19755 144 104 - 24419 - -19521 + 24795 + -19703 @@ -177014,14 +176407,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24337 - -19571 + 24713 + -19753 67 20 - 24372 - -19561 + 24748 + -19743 @@ -177062,14 +176455,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24337 - -19551 + 24713 + -19733 67 20 - 24372 - -19541 + 24748 + -19723 @@ -177110,14 +176503,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24337 - -19531 + 24713 + -19713 67 20 - 24372 - -19521 + 24748 + -19703 @@ -177158,14 +176551,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24337 - -19511 + 24713 + -19693 67 20 - 24372 - -19501 + 24748 + -19683 @@ -177204,14 +176597,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24337 - -19491 + 24713 + -19673 67 20 - 24372 - -19481 + 24748 + -19663 @@ -177250,14 +176643,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24434 - -19571 + 24810 + -19753 43 100 - 24457 - -19521 + 24833 + -19703 @@ -177267,7 +176660,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -177286,19 +176679,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24104 - -19543 + 24480 + -19725 82 44 - 24172 - -19521 + 24548 + -19703 - + Geometry to preview true 909baf88-3706-45fd-92d4-d09fbb40f985 @@ -177306,20 +176699,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false be649440-dd08-4c97-9039-0b42120ae5ef - 1 + 29046ab8-5928-4d09-90bd-ee478786e8c3 + 2 - 24106 - -19541 + 24482 + -19723 51 20 - 24133 - -19531 + 24509 + -19713 @@ -177339,14 +176733,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24106 - -19521 + 24482 + -19703 51 20 - 24133 - -19511 + 24509 + -19693 @@ -177386,7 +176780,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -177413,7 +176807,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -177427,7 +176821,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Colour Picker false - 255;224;224;224 + 255;186;186;186 0 @@ -177435,8 +176829,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24194.88 - -19665.09 + 24574.3 + -19855.93 180 310 @@ -177447,7 +176841,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -177465,14 +176859,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24297 - -19992 + 24711 + -20146 144 104 - 24381 - -19940 + 24795 + -20094 @@ -177490,14 +176884,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24299 - -19990 + 24713 + -20144 67 20 - 24334 - -19980 + 24748 + -20134 @@ -177538,14 +176932,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24299 - -19970 + 24713 + -20124 67 20 - 24334 - -19960 + 24748 + -20114 @@ -177586,14 +176980,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24299 - -19950 + 24713 + -20104 67 20 - 24334 - -19940 + 24748 + -20094 @@ -177634,14 +177028,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24299 - -19930 + 24713 + -20084 67 20 - 24334 - -19920 + 24748 + -20074 @@ -177680,14 +177074,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24299 - -19910 + 24713 + -20064 67 20 - 24334 - -19900 + 24748 + -20054 @@ -177726,14 +177120,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24396 - -19990 + 24810 + -20144 43 100 - 24419 - -19940 + 24833 + -20094 @@ -177743,7 +177137,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -177762,19 +177156,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24066 - -19962 + 24480 + -20108 82 44 - 24134 - -19940 + 24548 + -20086 - + Geometry to preview true f28661f9-f603-4f3f-89b9-b236c274bac9 @@ -177782,20 +177176,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 54b68e1e-09c5-4df3-bbbb-9fda4dfd9d9f - 1 + 5830bfdb-ce1d-41d4-bfe2-0ec25638bf18 + 2 - 24068 - -19960 + 24482 + -20106 51 20 - 24095 - -19950 + 24509 + -20096 @@ -177815,14 +177210,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24068 - -19940 + 24482 + -20086 51 20 - 24095 - -19930 + 24509 + -20076 @@ -177862,7 +177257,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -177889,7 +177284,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -177903,7 +177298,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Colour Picker false - 255;128;128;128 + 255;161;161;161 0 @@ -177911,8 +177306,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24158.02 - -20083.59 + 24574.19 + -20234.4 180 310 @@ -177923,7 +177318,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -177949,6 +177344,3048 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 228dd352-4e2f-4418-9976-deead65e676e + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 24065 + -10194 + 138 + 44 + + + 24133 + -10172 + + + + + + Base geometry + c978249d-1948-49cd-ae74-74f27ad8cd89 + Geometry + Geometry + true + d8675c5d-9431-4928-92b4-25cec3601397 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -10192 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -10182 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + a71a4d69-4a02-4198-a47c-8a22cd2304cf + Plane + Plane + false + c99a0a34-e3ad-4755-8981-58908366f5a8 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -10172 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -10162 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + aa34f11b-05c5-453d-b5ba-61b80e7f53b3 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -10192 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -10182 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 90acb4f5-3414-40a3-889e-3f42808541d1 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -10172 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -10162 + + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 8d1020c8-d69f-4b7a-8ff4-826c1e5b9765 + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 24065 + -10470 + 138 + 44 + + + 24133 + -10448 + + + + + + Base geometry + 57712bbb-43fa-46ca-8f62-660516081b05 + Geometry + Geometry + true + f524abc3-9d5c-49b0-880c-87d212d1cf59 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -10468 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -10458 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + d58ec0ab-f9e0-4d5f-a984-a42057a075a2 + Plane + Plane + false + c99a0a34-e3ad-4755-8981-58908366f5a8 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -10448 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -10438 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + 6fc5e698-7232-4859-8b5f-a9a2963ed883 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -10468 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -10458 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 741a8b10-3b3d-4eb0-b94a-a181ded874a9 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -10448 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -10438 + + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + aa70c5c9-cd81-47d0-b58a-8086d815fd43 + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 24065 + -11526 + 138 + 44 + + + 24133 + -11504 + + + + + + Base geometry + e45a5102-2710-4f3c-a9a0-85800ab1a4f6 + Geometry + Geometry + true + 3ac9f2bf-372e-46a2-ba9f-e78c0092fb7f + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -11524 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -11514 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 05218813-54cb-48c9-ad44-3e861ac7a1c1 + Plane + Plane + false + c99a0a34-e3ad-4755-8981-58908366f5a8 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -11504 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -11494 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + d710bde3-b8c8-4492-a48b-bfecb0b2a210 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -11524 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -11514 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 2867b75b-d7bb-4d3c-a92e-f53966e07a61 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -11504 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -11494 + + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + ebc02c96-23d9-425f-98d6-300f18bb4d36 + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 24065 + -11870 + 138 + 44 + + + 24133 + -11848 + + + + + + Base geometry + 4f02bce4-a1b5-4ee9-9f42-65a7a9014c37 + Geometry + Geometry + true + 000adaa0-8d51-4d6b-b031-fa3a0c9fd404 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -11868 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -11858 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 02f48650-6a62-4bc0-9c2c-ffc754254e16 + Plane + Plane + false + c99a0a34-e3ad-4755-8981-58908366f5a8 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -11848 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -11838 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + aee25dc5-f36c-4a32-86e8-d8e4f4c209ed + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -11868 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -11858 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 3727d88d-23b1-4c9e-a44d-ecb4732663c4 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -11848 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -11838 + + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 7c5399f7-202b-4b5b-a208-ba0f8394fc11 + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 24065 + -12703 + 138 + 44 + + + 24133 + -12681 + + + + + + Base geometry + 9dde5f57-2466-450a-b32c-516bf81245b6 + Geometry + Geometry + true + 3fb1ee0e-a726-4301-9605-9b352e0c8c70 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -12701 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -12691 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 08567fad-bc33-4f7b-ac0c-7cfe6f21c36b + Plane + Plane + false + c99a0a34-e3ad-4755-8981-58908366f5a8 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -12681 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -12671 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + d72811e7-588f-4d7b-a419-ae2922a0dbf5 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -12701 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -12691 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + ee909fa0-9259-4133-90ef-4377d45b72ac + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -12681 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -12671 + + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 4071dbce-03da-48d2-9f0b-220cc57237af + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 24065 + -12872 + 138 + 44 + + + 24133 + -12850 + + + + + + Base geometry + 4be8090a-a33b-4eb1-9887-d605895b993c + Geometry + Geometry + true + de32db1a-5de2-4844-8793-726fa0046670 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -12870 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -12860 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 383a0abe-9227-450e-97f1-ee0282e33d86 + Plane + Plane + false + c99a0a34-e3ad-4755-8981-58908366f5a8 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -12850 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -12840 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + 43359767-6567-4a74-87e0-e26e4d8b7a10 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -12870 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -12860 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 96851034-68ec-4852-8e72-411effc83846 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -12850 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -12840 + + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 15053847-396b-43d8-82c3-81a41428592b + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 24065 + -13723 + 138 + 44 + + + 24133 + -13701 + + + + + + Base geometry + b1708414-3ea1-46d9-8fcf-9ed14c5b3971 + Geometry + Geometry + true + 04430615-b956-4e98-bb65-283369083f24 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -13721 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -13711 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + de92577e-11bd-44c1-8280-e1ae10d8859b + Plane + Plane + false + c99a0a34-e3ad-4755-8981-58908366f5a8 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -13701 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -13691 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + 8a0e203d-b0a7-4288-a9d5-46cb0065af21 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -13721 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -13711 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 09fa2924-0b0b-45fb-a75c-587b42af4b7f + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -13701 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -13691 + + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + be6dafcb-b965-49fa-afd6-b6e79325db55 + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 24065 + -14057 + 138 + 44 + + + 24133 + -14035 + + + + + + Base geometry + cc8bb07c-dbcc-4717-9279-251f39adaa77 + Geometry + Geometry + true + e1c5e7b9-ed46-456f-a0d2-4364b09e4e28 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -14055 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -14045 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + eaca890c-0070-495d-9226-6c5607d69043 + Plane + Plane + false + c99a0a34-e3ad-4755-8981-58908366f5a8 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -14035 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -14025 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + 0e4f7a23-b1fa-4180-abed-86db13df360c + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -14055 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -14045 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + a7d62c06-ca98-44c6-8ea1-aa03889fac03 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -14035 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -14025 + + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 915bc6ae-1fb6-4292-9bc9-5360c1c1f082 + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 24065 + -14900 + 138 + 44 + + + 24133 + -14878 + + + + + + Base geometry + 8427c6fd-bcc4-42db-92df-2f063102a7f2 + Geometry + Geometry + true + 68c7ab26-331a-45c1-98fe-0115121f5acd + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -14898 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -14888 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 4da0ba4d-d126-4599-9524-f4c14f556021 + Plane + Plane + false + c99a0a34-e3ad-4755-8981-58908366f5a8 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -14878 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -14868 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + b37776d3-4b04-4316-bc1f-0f5c51cb3bea + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -14898 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -14888 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 38b0332a-5770-463b-b51d-69a3cf735446 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -14878 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -14868 + + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 5ce8032e-b1b8-4c0c-b04e-c57769fe0fc0 + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 24065 + -15251 + 138 + 44 + + + 24133 + -15229 + + + + + + Base geometry + a39a008f-1ae7-4cac-821b-e829d2093a39 + Geometry + Geometry + true + 1634d270-58aa-4c8f-80f1-433a00dddc24 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -15249 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -15239 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + a2bd1cd8-da02-43d7-9bdb-74abd01b9779 + Plane + Plane + false + c99a0a34-e3ad-4755-8981-58908366f5a8 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -15229 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -15219 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + bfafbb16-47e4-4b01-96d1-11755d92422a + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -15249 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -15239 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + e221ab55-520c-49ca-8eb9-f20e0f1da695 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -15229 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -15219 + + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + fa336b8e-5020-45a2-b32e-edc07f3c383e + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 24065 + -16033 + 138 + 44 + + + 24133 + -16011 + + + + + + Base geometry + 03897022-26a9-4b7a-8bf2-bce26b1a7afb + Geometry + Geometry + true + 3e317622-96ff-4099-ac1f-360d296edb51 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -16031 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -16021 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + ddfb1517-cd87-4951-a297-8fb2ff1e40c1 + Plane + Plane + false + c99a0a34-e3ad-4755-8981-58908366f5a8 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -16011 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -16001 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + a8ffd9b7-8910-4111-92a4-abbd0a5c9b2c + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -16031 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -16021 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + c70c513f-f913-4750-9d29-5a082b621bdd + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -16011 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -16001 + + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 4912b0ac-68b8-45ca-92d9-880e2f8f9ca8 + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 24065 + -16377 + 138 + 44 + + + 24133 + -16355 + + + + + + Base geometry + eb598fc5-30fb-4f3c-a7ca-a0b7879c7705 + Geometry + Geometry + true + 2682b4d1-39cb-4403-8836-18e04a723c06 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -16375 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -16365 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 3a1961a9-94db-43a6-af1d-380b4bca359e + Plane + Plane + false + c99a0a34-e3ad-4755-8981-58908366f5a8 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -16355 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -16345 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + b2c4db74-2639-43c8-98ad-3d398b26149d + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -16375 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -16365 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + c340b259-0bc7-4c91-a3fe-4d18360f1c12 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -16355 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -16345 + + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 8bb39bd0-f5aa-4e5c-b8f6-0fb0b97b20c3 + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 24065 + -17335 + 138 + 44 + + + 24133 + -17313 + + + + + + Base geometry + 1c7340d4-7588-4804-bec7-6dc9e79f6e0b + Geometry + Geometry + true + 156eaebb-3a77-446f-b3e7-4b9d8a138c5f + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -17333 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -17323 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 2a82b18b-af92-4581-93d0-d68a75c390e0 + Plane + Plane + false + c99a0a34-e3ad-4755-8981-58908366f5a8 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -17313 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -17303 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + 6144c471-681e-4649-b38f-1075f826d7db + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -17333 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -17323 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 7deb79ef-f188-4ad9-b1db-39eec4d9a231 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -17313 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -17303 + + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + fdec6ba0-a0d5-47d0-995a-0a16dc93a7c8 + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 24065 + -17684 + 138 + 44 + + + 24133 + -17662 + + + + + + Base geometry + f414d3e0-e2cc-4977-b1a4-cc503ecdf83e + Geometry + Geometry + true + 8b3a15ce-66e5-4090-b688-91cde2beef9a + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -17682 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -17672 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + c0e06e1a-dcfa-4ec6-81d5-a5508f6d9948 + Plane + Plane + false + c99a0a34-e3ad-4755-8981-58908366f5a8 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -17662 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -17652 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + fe152257-1eb4-455d-bf5e-39819d34071b + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -17682 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -17672 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 93fa0d02-7783-4e86-8fe6-17561604f790 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -17662 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -17652 + + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + abc99324-6b38-4c04-a7b0-697c75d90fae + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 24065 + -18674 + 138 + 44 + + + 24133 + -18652 + + + + + + Base geometry + 49220ec7-47cd-4d03-89c4-b0794a4bf8c1 + Geometry + Geometry + true + 4f40aa16-1508-4f55-a29e-95d6f2d32958 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -18672 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -18662 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 2ffce556-901b-4d56-b443-e02303b472d0 + Plane + Plane + false + c99a0a34-e3ad-4755-8981-58908366f5a8 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -18652 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -18642 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + 506865d2-d19f-4318-8cab-2037ebbfcb66 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -18672 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -18662 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 5ead76c8-9801-4cb6-8596-d86912dcef0b + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -18652 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -18642 + + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 4bbe1181-aa1b-420d-9d49-d922137d3beb + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 24065 + -18863 + 138 + 44 + + + 24133 + -18841 + + + + + + Base geometry + b6c2b5e4-3afe-42fc-824b-64e5c116e1db + Geometry + Geometry + true + 6f353ce2-6891-4d8b-9288-ea4ae0e7f62d + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -18861 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -18851 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + a2051a18-00aa-4a8c-8779-bcb16c0ed325 + Plane + Plane + false + c99a0a34-e3ad-4755-8981-58908366f5a8 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -18841 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -18831 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + a9865bd6-3c7b-4a76-9457-7da9febc0a7c + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -18861 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -18851 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + d21b5609-818d-4d16-8a06-cf8e74ed6230 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -18841 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -18831 + + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 8e16d1b4-86ce-47b7-9288-9b5ca9da68ad + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 24065 + -19896 + 138 + 44 + + + 24133 + -19874 + + + + + + Base geometry + 02682a8b-e933-48d5-b76f-c55d9fdccd89 + Geometry + Geometry + true + be649440-dd08-4c97-9039-0b42120ae5ef + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -19894 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -19884 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 16796393-7051-4f90-872f-26574dfd55a8 + Plane + Plane + false + c99a0a34-e3ad-4755-8981-58908366f5a8 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -19874 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -19864 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + 29046ab8-5928-4d09-90bd-ee478786e8c3 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -19894 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -19884 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 7aef4257-291d-40b5-adba-01406c0128f9 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -19874 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -19864 + + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + fa765f67-7a20-482f-bf1e-2c3be4c691b1 + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 24065 + -20088 + 138 + 44 + + + 24133 + -20066 + + + + + + Base geometry + c245c934-8e86-41d8-8d7f-ceb072a4ea67 + Geometry + Geometry + true + 54b68e1e-09c5-4df3-bbbb-9fda4dfd9d9f + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -20086 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -20076 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 68e7ceb8-be7b-477e-af88-c7fcff2b16b3 + Plane + Plane + false + c99a0a34-e3ad-4755-8981-58908366f5a8 + 1 + + + + + + 24067 + -20066 + 51 + 20 + + + 24094 + -20056 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + 5830bfdb-ce1d-41d4-bfe2-0ec25638bf18 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -20086 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -20076 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 22345c59-229e-4037-8fb7-511bd227635a + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 24148 + -20066 + 53 + 20 + + + 24176 + -20056 + + + + + + + + + @@ -177956,7 +180393,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 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