diff --git a/◯ᗩIᗝI⚭◯⚪◯⚭IᗝIᗩ◯ⵙ◯ᗩIᗝI⚭◯⚪◯⚭IᗝIᗩ◯/◯✤ᴥᗩ◯ⵙ◯ᗩᴥ✤◯/◯ᗱᗴᴥᗩᗯ✤⏀Ⓞᔓᔕ◯ⵙ◯ᔓᔕⓄ⏀✤ᗯᗩᴥᗱᗴ◯/◯ᗝⵈ◯ⵙ◯ⵈᗝ◯/◯ᔓᔕⓄᴥᗱᗴᑐᑕⓄИNꖴ옷ᴥ◯⚪◯ᴥ옷ꖴИNⓄᑐᑕᗱᗴᴥⓄᔓᔕ◯ⵙ◯ᔓᔕⓄᴥᗱᗴᑐᑕⓄИNꖴ옷ᴥ◯⚪◯ᴥ옷ꖴИNⓄᑐᑕᗱᗴᴥⓄᔓᔕ◯/◯ᴥᗱᗴߦⓄ옷ᔓᔕᗩᴥᕤᕦ◯⚪◯ᕤᕦᴥᗩᔓᔕ옷Ⓞߦᗱᗴᴥ◯ⵙ◯ᴥᗱᗴߦⓄ옷ᔓᔕᗩᴥᕤᕦ◯⚪◯ᕤᕦᴥᗩᔓᔕ옷Ⓞߦᗱᗴᴥ◯/XHG..⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙИNⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙᙁⵙᑐᑕⵙ⊚ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ옷ⵙߦⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙ✤ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙ옷ⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙ人ⵙᑐᑕⵙИNⵙᗱᗴⵙᑎⵙ¤ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙꗳⵙ◯ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙᑐᑕⵙᔓᔕⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙᔓᔕⵙᑐᑕⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ◯ⵙꗳⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ¤ⵙᑎⵙᗱᗴⵙИNⵙᑐᑕⵙ人ⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙ옷ⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ✤ⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙߦⵙ옷ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ⊚ⵙᑐᑕⵙᙁⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙИNⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀..GHX b/◯ᗩIᗝI⚭◯⚪◯⚭IᗝIᗩ◯ⵙ◯ᗩIᗝI⚭◯⚪◯⚭IᗝIᗩ◯/◯✤ᴥᗩ◯ⵙ◯ᗩᴥ✤◯/◯ᗱᗴᴥᗩᗯ✤⏀Ⓞᔓᔕ◯ⵙ◯ᔓᔕⓄ⏀✤ᗯᗩᴥᗱᗴ◯/◯ᗝⵈ◯ⵙ◯ⵈᗝ◯/◯ᔓᔕⓄᴥᗱᗴᑐᑕⓄИNꖴ옷ᴥ◯⚪◯ᴥ옷ꖴИNⓄᑐᑕᗱᗴᴥⓄᔓᔕ◯ⵙ◯ᔓᔕⓄᴥᗱᗴᑐᑕⓄИNꖴ옷ᴥ◯⚪◯ᴥ옷ꖴИNⓄᑐᑕᗱᗴᴥⓄᔓᔕ◯/◯ᴥᗱᗴߦⓄ옷ᔓᔕᗩᴥᕤᕦ◯⚪◯ᕤᕦᴥᗩᔓᔕ옷Ⓞߦᗱᗴᴥ◯ⵙ◯ᴥᗱᗴߦⓄ옷ᔓᔕᗩᴥᕤᕦ◯⚪◯ᕤᕦᴥᗩᔓᔕ옷Ⓞߦᗱᗴᴥ◯/XHG..⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙИNⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙᙁⵙᑐᑕⵙ⊚ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ옷ⵙߦⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙ✤ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙ옷ⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙ人ⵙᑐᑕⵙИNⵙᗱᗴⵙᑎⵙ¤ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙꗳⵙ◯ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙᑐᑕⵙᔓᔕⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙᔓᔕⵙᑐᑕⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ◯ⵙꗳⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ¤ⵙᑎⵙᗱᗴⵙИNⵙᑐᑕⵙ人ⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙ옷ⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ✤ⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙߦⵙ옷ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ⊚ⵙᑐᑕⵙᙁⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙИNⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀..GHX index 5b04af61..79176327 100644 --- a/◯ᗩIᗝI⚭◯⚪◯⚭IᗝIᗩ◯ⵙ◯ᗩIᗝI⚭◯⚪◯⚭IᗝIᗩ◯/◯✤ᴥᗩ◯ⵙ◯ᗩᴥ✤◯/◯ᗱᗴᴥᗩᗯ✤⏀Ⓞᔓᔕ◯ⵙ◯ᔓᔕⓄ⏀✤ᗯᗩᴥᗱᗴ◯/◯ᗝⵈ◯ⵙ◯ⵈᗝ◯/◯ᔓᔕⓄᴥᗱᗴᑐᑕⓄИNꖴ옷ᴥ◯⚪◯ᴥ옷ꖴИNⓄᑐᑕᗱᗴᴥⓄᔓᔕ◯ⵙ◯ᔓᔕⓄᴥᗱᗴᑐᑕⓄИNꖴ옷ᴥ◯⚪◯ᴥ옷ꖴИNⓄᑐᑕᗱᗴᴥⓄᔓᔕ◯/◯ᴥᗱᗴߦⓄ옷ᔓᔕᗩᴥᕤᕦ◯⚪◯ᕤᕦᴥᗩᔓᔕ옷Ⓞߦᗱᗴᴥ◯ⵙ◯ᴥᗱᗴߦⓄ옷ᔓᔕᗩᴥᕤᕦ◯⚪◯ᕤᕦᴥᗩᔓᔕ옷Ⓞߦᗱᗴᴥ◯/XHG..⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙИNⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙᙁⵙᑐᑕⵙ⊚ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ옷ⵙߦⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙ✤ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙ옷ⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙ人ⵙᑐᑕⵙИNⵙᗱᗴⵙᑎⵙ¤ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙꗳⵙ◯ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙᑐᑕⵙᔓᔕⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙᔓᔕⵙᑐᑕⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ◯ⵙꗳⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ¤ⵙᑎⵙᗱᗴⵙИNⵙᑐᑕⵙ人ⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙ옷ⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ✤ⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙߦⵙ옷ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ⊚ⵙᑐᑕⵙᙁⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙИNⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀..GHX +++ b/◯ᗩIᗝI⚭◯⚪◯⚭IᗝIᗩ◯ⵙ◯ᗩIᗝI⚭◯⚪◯⚭IᗝIᗩ◯/◯✤ᴥᗩ◯ⵙ◯ᗩᴥ✤◯/◯ᗱᗴᴥᗩᗯ✤⏀Ⓞᔓᔕ◯ⵙ◯ᔓᔕⓄ⏀✤ᗯᗩᴥᗱᗴ◯/◯ᗝⵈ◯ⵙ◯ⵈᗝ◯/◯ᔓᔕⓄᴥᗱᗴᑐᑕⓄИNꖴ옷ᴥ◯⚪◯ᴥ옷ꖴИNⓄᑐᑕᗱᗴᴥⓄᔓᔕ◯ⵙ◯ᔓᔕⓄᴥᗱᗴᑐᑕⓄИNꖴ옷ᴥ◯⚪◯ᴥ옷ꖴИNⓄᑐᑕᗱᗴᴥⓄᔓᔕ◯/◯ᴥᗱᗴߦⓄ옷ᔓᔕᗩᴥᕤᕦ◯⚪◯ᕤᕦᴥᗩᔓᔕ옷Ⓞߦᗱᗴᴥ◯ⵙ◯ᴥᗱᗴߦⓄ옷ᔓᔕᗩᴥᕤᕦ◯⚪◯ᕤᕦᴥᗩᔓᔕ옷Ⓞߦᗱᗴᴥ◯/XHG..⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙИNⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙᙁⵙᑐᑕⵙ⊚ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ옷ⵙߦⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙ✤ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙ옷ⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙ人ⵙᑐᑕⵙИNⵙᗱᗴⵙᑎⵙ¤ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙꗳⵙ◯ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙᑐᑕⵙᔓᔕⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙᔓᔕⵙᑐᑕⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ◯ⵙꗳⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ¤ⵙᑎⵙᗱᗴⵙИNⵙᑐᑕⵙ人ⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙ옷ⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ✤ⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙߦⵙ옷ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ⊚ⵙᑐᑕⵙᙁⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙИNⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀..GHX @@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ - -15028 - -2233 + -20422 + -1851 - 0.746426344 + 1 @@ -159,10 +159,41 @@ - 752 + 714 - + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 87c826bc-11bf-4541-8655-396c85e15cfc + baf6f360-c714-44cf-a241-4f5a288b1338 + 23ff074f-f773-463a-8f3d-f5737e45e8e5 + 73c937c7-45e5-4cdf-978f-ef4b502bca15 + 17967624-78af-4d50-9d5a-a6de08f3defe + 41c4845f-e0bb-4268-a4f7-4d87868e5594 + 4b4c325b-2922-4903-8720-d40415307611 + 7 + d4beb118-6887-4b97-958b-c2e482b51f84 + Group + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -189,7 +220,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -215,7 +246,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -241,7 +272,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -267,7 +298,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -312,7 +343,7 @@ - + 7580cce1-bebc-42be-8cfc-fdc7cfaaaaf7 1d3c103c-08ab-48f3-c5fd-624ad09a387e @@ -320,8 +351,9 @@ - + Create tones based on incoming frequencies + true 5beddbbe-4210-4306-9d7a-3359fa75354e Tone Generator Tone Generator @@ -514,7 +546,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -567,7 +599,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -620,7 +652,7 @@ - + 2e78987b-9dfb-42a2-8b76-3923ac8bd91a Boolean Toggle @@ -651,15 +683,16 @@ - + e64c5fb1-845c-4ab1-8911-5f338516ba67 Series - + Create a series of numbers. + true 203a216b-c017-44f3-ab1f-66af69d69b69 Series @@ -851,15 +884,16 @@ - + 78fed580-851b-46fe-af2f-6519a9d378e0 Power - + Raise a value to a power. + true cfe0561d-e8c5-45c2-b97b-58ebc32c785f Power Power @@ -984,15 +1018,16 @@ - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division - + Mathematical division + true 28f36bb0-cd9d-4c68-9131-184ff548b14a Division Division @@ -1096,15 +1131,16 @@ - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division - + Mathematical division + true 07b1d578-a2a4-440c-9d96-600ee132b290 Division Division @@ -1208,15 +1244,16 @@ - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication - + Mathematical multiplication + true 45c7bdca-8293-4671-8929-5aaee360b938 Multiplication Multiplication @@ -1331,7 +1368,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -1386,7 +1423,7 @@ - + 3b220754-4114-4170-b6c3-b286b86ed524 Text Tag @@ -1523,15 +1560,16 @@ - + 87e1d9ef-088b-4d30-9dda-8a7448a17329 Graft Tree - + Graft a data tree by adding an extra branch for every item. + true true true fdeaabd5-4990-466c-8fc9-3d3f51863c57 @@ -1612,15 +1650,16 @@ - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X - + Compute one over x. + true cdf4ee27-89f6-47bc-990e-004c1f6bb6a4 One Over X One Over X @@ -1697,15 +1736,16 @@ - + 87e1d9ef-088b-4d30-9dda-8a7448a17329 Graft Tree - + Graft a data tree by adding an extra branch for every item. + true true true f0249ad0-9ae9-4183-9b71-5c450aae1476 @@ -1786,15 +1826,16 @@ - + 87e1d9ef-088b-4d30-9dda-8a7448a17329 Graft Tree - + Graft a data tree by adding an extra branch for every item. + true true true b7a2c68e-58aa-4dc0-9daa-dd27399166d3 @@ -1875,15 +1916,16 @@ - + 78fed580-851b-46fe-af2f-6519a9d378e0 Power - + Raise a value to a power. + true 714dbd9c-1391-4778-b4e0-bc6c296214c9 Power @@ -2008,7 +2050,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -2061,7 +2103,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -2114,15 +2156,16 @@ - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division - + Mathematical division + true 9e7a77b7-1cbf-435b-9338-9022f161e83f Division Division @@ -2226,7 +2269,7 @@ - + d25e638d-0677-4306-89e7-caadf0786013 ab81fea9-8d16-4caf-af89-2736c660f36d @@ -2546,7 +2589,7 @@ - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -2683,7 +2726,7 @@ - + 3581f42a-9592-4549-bd6b-1c0fc39d067b Construct Point @@ -2881,7 +2924,7 @@ - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -3097,7 +3140,7 @@ - + 8cc3a196-f6a0-49ea-9ed9-0cb343a3ae64 XZ Plane @@ -3207,7 +3250,7 @@ - + 0ae07da9-951b-4b9b-98ca-d312c252374d Numbers to Points @@ -3371,7 +3414,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -3424,7 +3467,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -3477,7 +3520,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -3530,15 +3573,16 @@ - + 78fed580-851b-46fe-af2f-6519a9d378e0 Power - + Raise a value to a power. + true 05801501-51ea-4e7f-bbbb-2f3a9edc154e Power Power @@ -3662,7 +3706,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -3707,7 +3751,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -3752,7 +3796,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -3805,15 +3849,16 @@ - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X - + Compute one over x. + true f765544b-db4e-4011-bb64-8ea9c31f4eae One Over X One Over X @@ -3890,7 +3935,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -4086,7 +4131,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -4138,15 +4183,16 @@ - + 04887d01-504c-480e-b2a2-01ea19cc5922 Text Split - + Split some text into fragments using separators + true 5b87744f-ddc8-4a5c-ab3c-2f8d2c046dee Text Split Text Split @@ -4251,7 +4297,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -4305,7 +4351,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -4501,7 +4547,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -4553,15 +4599,16 @@ - + 04887d01-504c-480e-b2a2-01ea19cc5922 Text Split - + Split some text into fragments using separators + true 00fd6bf8-0c96-4cb1-94d5-b21f33b979db Text Split Text Split @@ -4666,7 +4713,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -4720,15 +4767,16 @@ - + 78fed580-851b-46fe-af2f-6519a9d378e0 Power - + Raise a value to a power. + true 23b91533-52ed-47d8-9e74-1a31cac60c3a Power Power @@ -4852,15 +4900,16 @@ - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division - + Mathematical division + true b2c19619-e24b-49f7-9a38-296f604354ab Division Division @@ -4984,7 +5033,7 @@ - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -5019,7 +5068,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -5072,16 +5121,17 @@ - + 9df5e896-552d-4c8c-b9ca-4fc147ffa022 Expression - + Evaluate an expression ((3^(1/3^3))^O)/84.406022589954030768899117092091000289089388918088900852079 + true 7058eff6-b430-4a12-ae37-796af06d6d0f Expression Expression @@ -5168,7 +5218,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -5222,7 +5272,7 @@ - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -5265,16 +5315,17 @@ - + 9df5e896-552d-4c8c-b9ca-4fc147ffa022 Expression - + Evaluate an expression ((3^(1/3^3))^O)/84.406022589954030768899117092091000289089388918088900852079 + true 7faf16f4-6ab9-4fec-99db-18fef10e305b Expression Expression @@ -5361,15 +5412,16 @@ - + e64c5fb1-845c-4ab1-8911-5f338516ba67 Series - + Create a series of numbers. + true 2c7ff42a-cfbe-4193-969e-bbcbb84f68f5 Series @@ -5558,15 +5610,16 @@ - + cc2b626f-6eff-4d08-9829-2877560693f4 Evaluate - + Evaluate an expression with a flexible number of variables. + true fbb305f9-169d-4d2d-be81-fcacc7bf25fe Evaluate Evaluate @@ -5681,7 +5734,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -5733,7 +5786,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -5786,7 +5839,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -5838,7 +5891,7 @@ - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -5873,7 +5926,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -5926,15 +5979,16 @@ - + cc2b626f-6eff-4d08-9829-2877560693f4 Evaluate - + Evaluate an expression with a flexible number of variables. + true 655dae11-7fb6-41cd-b076-d2450a89b5a8 Evaluate Evaluate @@ -6049,7 +6103,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -6101,7 +6155,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -6154,7 +6208,7 @@ - + 06953bda-1d37-4d58-9b38-4b3c74e54c8f File Path @@ -6211,7 +6265,7 @@ - + 3ede854e-c753-40eb-84cb-b48008f14fd4 Worksheet Name @@ -6266,7 +6320,7 @@ - + 25f5b853-1e28-4de9-a4aa-d178b8496d93 d8a90a2f-1424-4a76-a2a8-3a109b807d92 @@ -6274,8 +6328,9 @@ - + Read data from an Excel worksheet + true 3308c7de-6a77-4729-98a5-cbe5023621fc Read Excel Sheet Read Excel Sheet @@ -6543,7 +6598,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -6596,15 +6651,16 @@ - + 74cad441-2264-45fe-a57d-85034751208a Explode Tree - + Extract all the branches from a tree + true 287d8188-ee0f-4e80-b4a8-18020f2dabfc Explode Tree Explode Tree @@ -6839,15 +6895,16 @@ - + 501aecbb-c191-4d13-83d6-7ee32445ac50 Cull Index - + Cull (remove) indexed elements from a list. + true 1540ba00-672e-4598-98b7-cd5f45961348 Cull Index Cull Index @@ -7039,7 +7096,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -7092,15 +7149,16 @@ - + 501aecbb-c191-4d13-83d6-7ee32445ac50 Cull Index - + Cull (remove) indexed elements from a list. + true b96fab11-3335-4057-a8d7-06334ff92adf Cull Index Cull Index @@ -7292,7 +7350,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -7345,15 +7403,16 @@ - + cc2b626f-6eff-4d08-9829-2877560693f4 Evaluate - + Evaluate an expression with a flexible number of variables. + true 77b69d4b-ba18-4340-9b5b-adb73da70fc9 Evaluate Evaluate @@ -7468,7 +7527,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -7520,7 +7579,7 @@ - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -7880,7 +7939,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -7933,15 +7992,16 @@ - + cc2b626f-6eff-4d08-9829-2877560693f4 Evaluate - + Evaluate an expression with a flexible number of variables. + true a2e3e94a-dee9-415b-ae4e-42f4548bec41 Evaluate Evaluate @@ -8056,7 +8116,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -8109,7 +8169,7 @@ - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -8469,15 +8529,16 @@ - + 9445ca40-cc73-4861-a455-146308676855 Range - + Create a range of numbers. + true d625d897-3b53-4ec7-b264-a65c028ccb92 Range Range @@ -8625,15 +8686,16 @@ - + d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf Construct Domain - + Create a numeric domain from two numeric extremes. + true a29d745d-e66f-423e-9aa0-1d362a38199a Construct Domain Construct Domain @@ -8777,16 +8839,17 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item - + 0 Retrieve a specific item from a list. + true 22d52a35-bb52-436a-8a30-6b3d74a66c1d List Item List Item @@ -8970,15 +9033,16 @@ - + 1817fd29-20ae-4503-b542-f0fb651e67d7 List Length - + Measure the length of a list. + true f0ab1c44-b12d-43b8-a5a8-497b9a34c3bd List Length List Length @@ -9056,15 +9120,16 @@ - + 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 Subtraction - + Mathematical subtraction + true 650a08df-0ce4-4b6a-8cf8-962ee9a3fe41 Subtraction Subtraction @@ -9199,16 +9264,17 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item - + 0 Retrieve a specific item from a list. + true 97850573-4552-4abb-9b87-f7d48a4b5c32 List Item List Item @@ -9391,7 +9457,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -9444,7 +9510,7 @@ - + 3581f42a-9592-4549-bd6b-1c0fc39d067b Construct Point @@ -9642,15 +9708,16 @@ - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication - + Mathematical multiplication + true f779e5b3-dae6-4010-8a6f-e5b4e25ed87d Multiplication Multiplication @@ -9785,15 +9852,16 @@ - + 27d6f724-a701-4585-992f-3897488abf08 Logarithm - + Compute the Base-10 logarithm of a value. + true d6d43228-a6d7-4206-a598-34b766f63646 Logarithm Logarithm @@ -9870,7 +9938,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -9923,7 +9991,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -9976,16 +10044,17 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item - + 0 Retrieve a specific item from a list. + true 1754c854-aed3-46d3-88ed-52c846e02241 List Item List Item @@ -10168,16 +10237,17 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item - + 0 Retrieve a specific item from a list. + true 0cfe6741-0ff0-4bfb-9484-0b495b22d5d1 List Item List Item @@ -10360,15 +10430,16 @@ - + 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 Subtraction - + Mathematical subtraction + true c9cd752c-f599-425e-b756-1065b26c3cc1 Subtraction Subtraction @@ -10483,15 +10554,16 @@ - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division - + Mathematical division + true 6c1f14ef-f6b6-417d-9653-8fb4ee27dba6 Division Division @@ -10615,7 +10687,7 @@ - + 06953bda-1d37-4d58-9b38-4b3c74e54c8f File Path @@ -10672,7 +10744,7 @@ - + 3ede854e-c753-40eb-84cb-b48008f14fd4 Worksheet Name @@ -10727,7 +10799,7 @@ - + 25f5b853-1e28-4de9-a4aa-d178b8496d93 d8a90a2f-1424-4a76-a2a8-3a109b807d92 @@ -10735,8 +10807,9 @@ - + Read data from an Excel worksheet + true 276dbcd4-a146-464b-a79a-8aa3d2d5fbaa Read Excel Sheet Read Excel Sheet @@ -11004,7 +11077,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -11057,15 +11130,16 @@ - + eeafc956-268e-461d-8e73-ee05c6f72c01 Stream Filter - + Filters a collection of input streams + true 3129b9ac-2a68-425d-8d89-e0e122039816 Stream Filter Stream Filter @@ -11263,7 +11337,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -11308,15 +11382,16 @@ - + eeafc956-268e-461d-8e73-ee05c6f72c01 Stream Filter - + Filters a collection of input streams + true 4cc15c22-f66c-4d76-81d2-4a6955baebc7 Stream Filter Stream Filter @@ -11514,15 +11589,16 @@ - + 74cad441-2264-45fe-a57d-85034751208a Explode Tree - + Extract all the branches from a tree + true 7d9c0fa6-18f2-41a0-9447-1b2ef474bf6b Explode Tree Explode Tree @@ -11757,15 +11833,16 @@ - + 501aecbb-c191-4d13-83d6-7ee32445ac50 Cull Index - + Cull (remove) indexed elements from a list. + true 2dd0154f-eae6-4cf6-accb-9b0ec55a3c49 Cull Index Cull Index @@ -11952,15 +12029,16 @@ - + 501aecbb-c191-4d13-83d6-7ee32445ac50 Cull Index - + Cull (remove) indexed elements from a list. + true b6093f96-0862-428a-be36-fd7e05af2c9d Cull Index Cull Index @@ -12147,7 +12225,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -12200,7 +12278,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -12253,15 +12331,16 @@ - + 71fcc052-6add-4d70-8d97-cfb37ea9d169 Stream Gate - + Redirects a stream into specific outputs. + true 28f13735-d816-4124-9950-2c803d210ddc Stream Gate Stream Gate @@ -12457,15 +12536,16 @@ - + eeafc956-268e-461d-8e73-ee05c6f72c01 Stream Filter - + Filters a collection of input streams + true 7562484b-5f22-4701-a2a2-b6b6eaa4a0bf Stream Filter Stream Filter @@ -12664,7 +12744,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -12747,7 +12827,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -12901,15 +12981,16 @@ - + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 Data - + Contains a collection of generic data + true ec68a682-6662-4ea8-acce-13c4096e228c Data Data @@ -29119,15 +29200,16 @@ - + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 Data - + Contains a collection of generic data + true 0d01dee1-2cde-4626-a807-5657908c5ee5 Data Data @@ -34462,7 +34544,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -34515,7 +34597,7 @@ - + dabc854d-f50e-408a-b001-d043c7de151d Sphere @@ -34678,7 +34760,7 @@ - + 439a55a5-2f9e-4f66-9de2-32f24fec2ef5 Plane Surface @@ -34895,7 +34977,7 @@ - + 8cc3a196-f6a0-49ea-9ed9-0cb343a3ae64 XZ Plane @@ -35005,7 +35087,7 @@ - + fad344bc-09b1-4855-a2e6-437ef5715fe3 YZ Plane @@ -35115,7 +35197,7 @@ - + 5edaea74-32cb-4586-bd72-66694eb73160 Rotate Direction @@ -35378,7 +35460,7 @@ - + 5edaea74-32cb-4586-bd72-66694eb73160 Rotate Direction @@ -35641,7 +35723,7 @@ - + 439a55a5-2f9e-4f66-9de2-32f24fec2ef5 Plane Surface @@ -35855,7 +35937,7 @@ - + fad344bc-09b1-4855-a2e6-437ef5715fe3 YZ Plane @@ -35965,7 +36047,7 @@ - + 17b7152b-d30d-4d50-b9ef-c9fe25576fc2 XY Plane @@ -36075,7 +36157,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -36269,7 +36351,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -36314,7 +36396,7 @@ - + 7db14002-c09c-4d7b-9f80-e4e2b00dfa1d Surface Split @@ -36429,15 +36511,16 @@ - + 9445ca40-cc73-4861-a455-146308676855 Range - + Create a range of numbers. + true 40846706-2f9d-4d47-9f1e-ec0f6f42761c Range Range @@ -36585,7 +36668,7 @@ - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -36801,7 +36884,7 @@ - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -37016,15 +37099,16 @@ - + a4cd2751-414d-42ec-8916-476ebf62d7fe Radians - + Convert an angle specified in degrees to radians + true 41307b9d-f400-4a20-8380-24b948bda925 Radians Radians @@ -37120,15 +37204,16 @@ - + d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf Construct Domain - + Create a numeric domain from two numeric extremes. + true b1cf243b-0cdf-4a7c-97cd-70a9fb31fa79 Construct Domain Construct Domain @@ -37271,7 +37356,7 @@ - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -37488,7 +37573,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -37533,15 +37618,16 @@ - + 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 Subtraction - + Mathematical subtraction + true 702c3ef9-c3ef-470e-84b9-3d8a415ed70c Subtraction Subtraction @@ -37676,7 +37762,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -37712,7 +37798,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -37748,7 +37834,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -37784,15 +37870,16 @@ - + a3371040-e552-4bc8-b0ff-10a840258e88 Negative - + Compute the negative of a value. + true 971c5b92-1cdd-42f2-8cff-d3427745e829 Negative Negative @@ -37869,7 +37956,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -37914,15 +38001,16 @@ - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication - + Mathematical multiplication + true 237b7f18-b4bf-4d66-815a-87e7df228f33 Multiplication Multiplication @@ -38038,7 +38126,7 @@ - + 0148a65d-6f42-414a-9db7-9a9b2eb78437 Brep Edges @@ -38179,7 +38267,7 @@ - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -38291,7 +38379,7 @@ - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -38351,7 +38439,7 @@ - + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 Data @@ -38388,7 +38476,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -38581,16 +38669,17 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item - + 0 Retrieve a specific item from a list. + true 92b897ee-6144-4cae-a1a1-e62ed207b59e List Item List Item @@ -38773,7 +38862,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -38966,7 +39055,7 @@ - + c77a8b3b-c569-4d81-9b59-1c27299a1c45 4Point Surface @@ -39132,15 +39221,16 @@ - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication - + Mathematical multiplication + true ecc93473-8adb-4d98-ba5d-4401ac3ea3d5 Multiplication Multiplication @@ -39257,15 +39347,16 @@ - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length - + Measure the length of a curve. + true 95d37f7a-b4ea-429e-9f7c-a31d6d828038 Length Length @@ -39342,7 +39433,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -39536,7 +39627,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -39581,7 +39672,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -39634,15 +39725,16 @@ - + 1817fd29-20ae-4503-b542-f0fb651e67d7 List Length - + Measure the length of a list. + true 0bd7620a-61ed-4a48-8bf8-e6468b9e6506 List Length List Length @@ -39720,15 +39812,16 @@ - + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 Data - + Contains a collection of generic data + true fcfdafb6-ace1-42cb-9d0f-f34ae7c63246 Data Data @@ -39775,7 +39868,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -39970,15 +40063,16 @@ - + 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 Subtraction - + Mathematical subtraction + true b93143cf-eba5-41a8-a31e-5dbc50295a33 Subtraction Subtraction @@ -40113,7 +40207,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -40308,7 +40402,7 @@ - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -40421,15 +40515,16 @@ - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length - + Measure the length of a curve. + true 29cc56dc-0e36-455b-a467-fc4111beb305 Length Length @@ -40506,7 +40601,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -40538,7 +40633,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -40566,7 +40661,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -40619,7 +40714,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -40655,7 +40750,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -40691,7 +40786,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -40727,7 +40822,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -40763,7 +40858,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -40790,7 +40885,7 @@ - + 904e4b56-484a-4814-b35f-aa4baf362117 Brep | Brep @@ -40932,7 +41027,7 @@ - + 439a55a5-2f9e-4f66-9de2-32f24fec2ef5 Plane Surface @@ -41146,7 +41241,7 @@ - + 439a55a5-2f9e-4f66-9de2-32f24fec2ef5 Plane Surface @@ -41360,7 +41455,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -41385,7 +41480,7 @@ - + 03e331ed-c4d1-4a23-afa2-f57b87d2043c Cone @@ -41622,7 +41717,7 @@ - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -41791,7 +41886,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -41827,7 +41922,7 @@ - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -41940,15 +42035,16 @@ - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length - + Measure the length of a curve. + true 0ff5e99d-ce19-4f86-b72b-99720431ab68 Length Length @@ -42025,15 +42121,16 @@ - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division - + Mathematical division + true 6bec4abe-368c-45e4-bc59-586e5e5e4099 Division Division @@ -42157,7 +42254,7 @@ - + ccc7b468-e743-4049-891f-299432545898 Curve Middle @@ -42243,7 +42340,7 @@ - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -42405,15 +42502,16 @@ - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length - + Measure the length of a curve. + true 10d3dce8-c128-4773-9836-2d2e952c94fa Length Length @@ -42490,15 +42588,16 @@ - + a3371040-e552-4bc8-b0ff-10a840258e88 Negative - + Compute the negative of a value. + true bf8ac6eb-9722-4225-bbd0-a1d13edd5204 Negative Negative @@ -42575,7 +42674,7 @@ - + 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 Scale @@ -42784,7 +42883,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -42977,7 +43076,7 @@ - + 7db14002-c09c-4d7b-9f80-e4e2b00dfa1d Surface Split @@ -43092,15 +43191,16 @@ - + 9445ca40-cc73-4861-a455-146308676855 Range - + Create a range of numbers. + true fd0658fc-8a19-4dfe-96ca-8f8bac6db3f1 Range Range @@ -43247,7 +43347,7 @@ - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -43265,14 +43365,14 @@ - 9659 - 1438 + 9661 + 1425 126 64 - 9721 - 1470 + 9723 + 1457 @@ -43290,14 +43390,14 @@ - 9661 - 1440 + 9663 + 1427 48 20 - 9685 - 1450 + 9687 + 1437 @@ -43318,14 +43418,14 @@ - 9661 - 1460 + 9663 + 1447 48 20 - 9685 - 1470 + 9687 + 1457 @@ -43365,14 +43465,14 @@ - 9661 - 1480 + 9663 + 1467 48 20 - 9685 - 1490 + 9687 + 1477 @@ -43421,14 +43521,14 @@ - 9733 - 1440 + 9735 + 1427 50 30 - 9758 - 1455 + 9760 + 1442 @@ -43447,14 +43547,14 @@ - 9733 - 1470 + 9735 + 1457 50 30 - 9758 - 1485 + 9760 + 1472 @@ -43464,7 +43564,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -43500,7 +43600,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -43545,7 +43645,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -43738,7 +43838,7 @@ - + 7db14002-c09c-4d7b-9f80-e4e2b00dfa1d Surface Split @@ -43853,15 +43953,16 @@ - + 9445ca40-cc73-4861-a455-146308676855 Range - + Create a range of numbers. + true a8d0d560-1118-4185-9939-521a4c8dabca Range Range @@ -44009,7 +44110,7 @@ - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -44226,15 +44327,16 @@ - + 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 Subtraction - + Mathematical subtraction + true 1d0de529-eba7-441d-a4b3-ec02bba9e3f9 Subtraction Subtraction @@ -44369,7 +44471,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -44414,7 +44516,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -44450,7 +44552,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -44485,7 +44587,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -44521,7 +44623,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -44557,7 +44659,7 @@ - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -44669,7 +44771,7 @@ - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -44705,15 +44807,16 @@ - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication - + Mathematical multiplication + true 5c253119-bc70-4567-9f8f-ce6bb5086455 Multiplication Multiplication @@ -44851,7 +44954,7 @@ - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -44872,14 +44975,14 @@ - 11680 - 2174 + 11677 + 2152 50 24 - 11705.62 - 2186.783 + 11702.41 + 2164.353 @@ -44887,7 +44990,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -44912,7 +45015,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -44937,7 +45040,7 @@ - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -45106,7 +45209,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -45151,350 +45254,7 @@ - - - 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d - End Points - - - - - Extract the end points of a curve. - true - 15ba2608-e3a0-4550-8ddd-89068abb4603 - End Points - End Points - - - - - - 14767 - 1451 - 84 - 44 - - - 14811 - 1473 - - - - - - Curve to evaluate - 71d3274e-70dd-463e-bce7-070dfd388246 - Curve - Curve - false - 826f7f43-1428-4e48-bd9c-4404c47db3bb - 1 - - - - - - 14769 - 1453 - 30 - 40 - - - 14784 - 1473 - - - - - - - - Curve start point - e7e085e0-f419-41cc-8422-1aaab78f7904 - Start - Start - false - 0 - - - - - - 14823 - 1453 - 26 - 20 - - - 14836 - 1463 - - - - - - - - Curve end point - 28214c1c-346c-47d4-86a8-60aec88e73bc - End - End - false - 0 - - - - - - 14823 - 1473 - 26 - 20 - - - 14836 - 1483 - - - - - - - - - - - fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a - Point - - - - - Contains a collection of three-dimensional points - true - a31f6750-f9fd-4904-950f-ee3382830bc8 - Point - Point - false - e7e085e0-f419-41cc-8422-1aaab78f7904 - 1 - - - - - - 14923 - 1493 - 50 - 24 - - - 14948.52 - 1505.007 - - - - - - - - - - f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca - Mirror - - - - - Mirror an object. - true - 7e490310-34b8-4d9f-b9dd-23ecf794bc6a - Mirror - Mirror - - - - - - 13931 - 1481 - 126 - 44 - - - 13993 - 1503 - - - - - - Base geometry - c0e55726-0eec-470f-b13d-181c00249836 - Geometry - Geometry - true - 0 - - - - - - 13933 - 1483 - 48 - 20 - - - 13957 - 1493 - - - - - - - - Mirror plane - a72da97d-b9ef-44e7-90f2-429d2a45d136 - Plane - Plane - false - 2be9d5ef-b714-4604-8a85-6cbfa5c17203 - 1 - - - - - - 13933 - 1503 - 48 - 20 - - - 13957 - 1513 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - {0} - - - - - - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 1 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - Mirrored geometry - 826f7f43-1428-4e48-bd9c-4404c47db3bb - Geometry - Geometry - false - 0 - - - - - - 14005 - 1483 - 50 - 20 - - - 14030 - 1493 - - - - - - - - Transformation data - a9f28f08-2cbe-470e-8a8a-0265024b1944 - Transform - Transform - false - 0 - - - - - - 14005 - 1503 - 50 - 20 - - - 14030 - 1513 - - - - - - - - - - - - c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 - Group - - - - - 1 - - 255;255;255;255 - - A group of Grasshopper objects - 15ba2608-e3a0-4550-8ddd-89068abb4603 - a31f6750-f9fd-4904-950f-ee3382830bc8 - 7e490310-34b8-4d9f-b9dd-23ecf794bc6a - 3 - 1106dca0-9be1-4a44-b77d-f9ab073351d7 - Group - - - - - - - - - b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -45530,7 +45290,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -45566,7 +45326,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -45602,15 +45362,16 @@ - + a0d62394-a118-422d-abb3-6af115c75b25 Addition - + Mathematical addition + true 0699304a-ece0-414c-b4d3-b4f6983f4b08 Addition Addition @@ -45745,7 +45506,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -45798,7 +45559,7 @@ - + f80cfe18-9510-4b89-8301-8e58faf423bb Flatten Tree @@ -45932,7 +45693,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -45957,7 +45718,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -45993,15 +45754,16 @@ - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division - + Mathematical division + true 1917eddc-bd00-4049-99b0-3e7258477f28 Division Division @@ -46105,15 +45867,16 @@ - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication - + Mathematical multiplication + true baf7afb9-2ee1-483b-8264-22afec121633 Multiplication Multiplication @@ -46228,7 +45991,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -46264,7 +46027,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -46300,7 +46063,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -46325,7 +46088,7 @@ - + 0148a65d-6f42-414a-9db7-9a9b2eb78437 Brep Edges @@ -46467,7 +46230,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -46660,7 +46423,7 @@ - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -46746,7 +46509,7 @@ - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -46768,14 +46531,14 @@ - 11856 - 2878 + 11792 + 2857 50 24 - 11889.26 - 2890.14 + 11825.17 + 2869.312 @@ -46783,7 +46546,7 @@ - + ea0f0996-af7a-481d-8099-09c041e6c2d5 Tangent Lines @@ -46801,14 +46564,14 @@ - 12179 - 2860 + 12199 + 2890 139 44 - 12238 - 2882 + 12258 + 2912 @@ -46826,14 +46589,14 @@ - 12181 - 2862 + 12201 + 2892 45 20 - 12211.5 - 2872 + 12231.5 + 2902 @@ -46854,14 +46617,14 @@ - 12181 - 2882 + 12201 + 2912 45 20 - 12211.5 - 2892 + 12231.5 + 2922 @@ -46881,14 +46644,14 @@ - 12250 - 2862 + 12270 + 2892 66 20 - 12275 - 2872 + 12295 + 2902 @@ -46908,14 +46671,14 @@ - 12250 - 2882 + 12270 + 2912 66 20 - 12275 - 2892 + 12295 + 2922 @@ -46925,7 +46688,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -47118,7 +46881,7 @@ - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -47154,7 +46917,7 @@ - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -47266,7 +47029,7 @@ - + d114323a-e6ee-4164-946b-e4ca0ce15efa Circle CNR @@ -47284,14 +47047,14 @@ - 11958 - 2990 + 11935 + 2993 109 64 - 12008 - 3022 + 11985 + 3025 @@ -47309,14 +47072,14 @@ - 11960 - 2992 + 11937 + 2995 36 20 - 11978 - 3002 + 11955 + 3005 @@ -47336,14 +47099,14 @@ - 11960 - 3012 + 11937 + 3015 36 20 - 11978 - 3022 + 11955 + 3025 @@ -47363,14 +47126,14 @@ - 11960 - 3032 + 11937 + 3035 36 20 - 11978 - 3042 + 11955 + 3045 @@ -47410,14 +47173,14 @@ - 12020 - 2992 + 11997 + 2995 45 60 - 12034.5 - 3022 + 12011.5 + 3025 @@ -47427,7 +47190,7 @@ - + 50b204ef-d3de-41bb-a006-02fba2d3f709 Circle TanTan @@ -47570,7 +47333,7 @@ - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -47607,7 +47370,7 @@ - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -47719,7 +47482,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -47772,15 +47535,16 @@ - + 888f9c3c-f1e1-4344-94b0-5ee6a45aee11 Pipe Variable - + Create a pipe surface with variable radii around a rail curve. + true 56433a78-c443-4e5a-8a96-3fda037b1ea2 true Pipe Variable @@ -47966,7 +47730,7 @@ - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -48052,15 +47816,16 @@ - + 0d2ccfb3-9d41-4759-9452-da6a522c3eaa Pi - + Returns a factor of Pi. + true 15262673-59d4-494f-b3a5-9b505df67059 Pi Pi @@ -48156,15 +47921,16 @@ - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division - + Mathematical division + true ecc113aa-67f4-49d3-bf7a-001f49a30488 Division Division @@ -48268,7 +48034,7 @@ - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -48354,15 +48120,16 @@ - + 0d2ccfb3-9d41-4759-9452-da6a522c3eaa Pi - + Returns a factor of Pi. + true 58fed139-a47d-4db3-bd3e-9cd8d0d8f5d1 Pi Pi @@ -48458,15 +48225,16 @@ - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division - + Mathematical division + true 9d5ae751-b6d5-4ff7-970c-ccd6b7b95111 Division Division @@ -48570,7 +48338,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -48606,7 +48374,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -48642,15 +48410,16 @@ - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve - + Contains a collection of generic curves + true 83f64200-3e78-4e87-afa6-634a703e1c39 Curve Curve @@ -48677,7 +48446,7 @@ - + c277f778-6fdf-4890-8f78-347efb23c406 Pipe @@ -48862,7 +48631,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -48898,7 +48667,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -48934,7 +48703,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -48970,7 +48739,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -49006,7 +48775,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -49042,7 +48811,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -49078,7 +48847,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -49114,15 +48883,16 @@ - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve - + Contains a collection of generic curves + true 0d6c0903-4d43-4554-a7b9-9309756bfe14 1 Curve @@ -49150,7 +48920,7 @@ - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -49387,16 +49157,17 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item - + 0 Retrieve a specific item from a list. + true 1ac8df01-c3dd-47a5-b744-37e8a0d94f17 List Item List Item @@ -49583,7 +49354,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -49781,7 +49552,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -49826,7 +49597,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -50024,166 +49795,7 @@ - - - 6f93d366-919f-4dda-a35e-ba03dd62799b - Sort List - - - - - Sort a list of numeric keys. - true - 1e5d9442-007a-4d7b-93ac-c277d34ad0c7 - Sort List - Sort List - - - - - - 13665 - 1175 - 150 - 44 - - - 13740 - 1197 - - - - - - 2 - 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 - 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 - 2 - 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 - 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 - - - - - 1 - List of sortable keys - 35530ee7-5efb-4f48-b702-1175ff64e0e1 - 1 - Keys - Keys - false - 0b9aacaa-d098-4e50-b76d-582bbee2cace - 1 - - - - - - 13667 - 1177 - 61 - 20 - - - 13705.5 - 1187 - - - - - - - - 1 - Optional list of values to sort synchronously - 9234e3cf-4e6f-459a-93ef-04f6176c13b9 - 1 - Values Values A - Values A - true - b2186896-dcd0-4fff-b646-8dc853a763d9 - 1 - - - - - - 13667 - 1197 - 61 - 20 - - - 13705.5 - 1207 - - - - - - - - 1 - Sorted keys - 0511419c-66c0-4893-8022-8084822e3a98 - 1 - Keys - Keys - false - 0 - - - - - - 13752 - 1177 - 61 - 20 - - - 13774.5 - 1187 - - - - - - - - 1 - Synchronous values in Values A - ba2f9d3a-65cf-4517-a920-1abc4bab707c - 1 - Values Values A - Values A - false - 0 - - - - - - 13752 - 1197 - 61 - 20 - - - 13774.5 - 1207 - - - - - - - - - - - - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -50219,7 +49831,7 @@ - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -50305,266 +49917,7 @@ - - - 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c - Panel - - - - - A panel for custom notes and text values - b2799660-7601-41a5-9893-db52a48308a6 - Panel - - false - 0 - 01d06d5a-2717-47e0-b18c-4e360cdf65fc - 1 - Double click to edit panel content… - - - - - - 14893 - 1106 - 160 - 100 - - 0 - 0 - 0 - - 14893.49 - 1106.692 - - - - - - - 255;255;255;255 - - true - true - true - false - false - true - - - - - - - - - 6ec97ea8-c559-47a2-8d0f-ce80c794d1f4 - Reverse List - - - - - Reverse the order of a list. - true - 1a1cd37d-42e9-48f2-bf5a-16e9a58d44e1 - Reverse List - Reverse List - - - - - - 14631 - 1103 - 66 - 28 - - - 14664 - 1117 - - - - - - 1 - Base list - 01840768-06f5-409c-8562-2265fd3dd012 - List - List - false - 0511419c-66c0-4893-8022-8084822e3a98 - 1 - - - - - - 14633 - 1105 - 19 - 24 - - - 14642.5 - 1117 - - - - - - - - 1 - Reversed list - 01d06d5a-2717-47e0-b18c-4e360cdf65fc - List - List - false - 0 - - - - - - 14676 - 1105 - 19 - 24 - - - 14685.5 - 1117 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6ec97ea8-c559-47a2-8d0f-ce80c794d1f4 - Reverse List - - - - - Reverse the order of a list. - true - 7785448b-2507-494d-927a-86708c387c43 - Reverse List - Reverse List - - - - - - 14780 - 1199 - 66 - 28 - - - 14813 - 1213 - - - - - - 1 - Base list - 614e0742-3715-4c27-905b-4ee80e1ceed2 - List - List - false - ba2f9d3a-65cf-4517-a920-1abc4bab707c - 1 - - - - - - 14782 - 1201 - 19 - 24 - - - 14791.5 - 1213 - - - - - - - - 1 - Reversed list - 094e2d6d-eaf3-4a2d-ace9-1efdc530b7c0 - List - List - false - 0 - - - - - - 14825 - 1201 - 19 - 24 - - - 14834.5 - 1213 - - - - - - - - - - - - c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 - Group - - - - - 1 - - 255;255;255;255 - - A group of Grasshopper objects - 1e5d9442-007a-4d7b-93ac-c277d34ad0c7 - 8ca00dad-fe76-4bfe-8aee-0b0a7fe7b29c - b2799660-7601-41a5-9893-db52a48308a6 - 1a1cd37d-42e9-48f2-bf5a-16e9a58d44e1 - 7785448b-2507-494d-927a-86708c387c43 - b2186896-dcd0-4fff-b646-8dc853a763d9 - 6 - 676afe52-87c5-4d0c-b228-47636f396536 - Group - - - - - - - - - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -50599,37 +49952,7 @@ - - - c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 - Group - - - - - 1 - - 255;255;255;255 - - A group of Grasshopper objects - 1e5d9442-007a-4d7b-93ac-c277d34ad0c7 - 8ca00dad-fe76-4bfe-8aee-0b0a7fe7b29c - b2799660-7601-41a5-9893-db52a48308a6 - 1a1cd37d-42e9-48f2-bf5a-16e9a58d44e1 - 7785448b-2507-494d-927a-86708c387c43 - b2186896-dcd0-4fff-b646-8dc853a763d9 - 6 - 567b219c-eff9-4275-bd62-acca888d59f3 - Group - - - - - - - - - + 6f93d366-919f-4dda-a35e-ba03dd62799b Sort List @@ -50788,7 +50111,7 @@ - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -50874,266 +50197,7 @@ - - - 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c - Panel - - - - - A panel for custom notes and text values - 3440ae8b-2a16-4145-a561-28355b8c2c73 - Panel - - false - 1 - 2e957010-b60f-4605-b238-4f57cb1cfc34 - 1 - Double click to edit panel content… - - - - - - 14878 - 1258 - 160 - 100 - - 0 - 0 - 0 - - 14878.08 - 1258.703 - - - - - - - 255;255;255;255 - - true - true - true - false - false - true - - - - - - - - - 6ec97ea8-c559-47a2-8d0f-ce80c794d1f4 - Reverse List - - - - - Reverse the order of a list. - true - 8dd06328-6d18-4805-af4d-5c05ff3b360c - Reverse List - Reverse List - - - - - - 14435 - 1255 - 66 - 28 - - - 14468 - 1269 - - - - - - 1 - Base list - 71ced116-9b7a-4f3b-a77f-11434c804e66 - List - List - false - 680ca1cd-52ef-4770-9e23-96676c448513 - 1 - - - - - - 14437 - 1257 - 19 - 24 - - - 14446.5 - 1269 - - - - - - - - 1 - Reversed list - 2e957010-b60f-4605-b238-4f57cb1cfc34 - List - List - false - 0 - - - - - - 14480 - 1257 - 19 - 24 - - - 14489.5 - 1269 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6ec97ea8-c559-47a2-8d0f-ce80c794d1f4 - Reverse List - - - - - Reverse the order of a list. - true - 5dc2a445-a41a-411f-85f8-2b5e1f989d4a - Reverse List - Reverse List - - - - - - 14667 - 1351 - 66 - 28 - - - 14700 - 1365 - - - - - - 1 - Base list - 2f7d6120-f6aa-4964-98b4-6b67d9d85eb4 - List - List - false - c8f28a30-425b-4e05-b158-26f1f55a0c54 - 1 - - - - - - 14669 - 1353 - 19 - 24 - - - 14678.5 - 1365 - - - - - - - - 1 - Reversed list - 05326d9a-2a91-4981-bc99-f85cd848a52f - List - List - false - 0 - - - - - - 14712 - 1353 - 19 - 24 - - - 14721.5 - 1365 - - - - - - - - - - - - c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 - Group - - - - - 1 - - 255;255;255;255 - - A group of Grasshopper objects - f2369cf3-bfc7-4585-bb22-4adacbaaa5aa - dd3ec897-3807-4a92-847b-98294bd6a7ef - 3440ae8b-2a16-4145-a561-28355b8c2c73 - 8dd06328-6d18-4805-af4d-5c05ff3b360c - 5dc2a445-a41a-411f-85f8-2b5e1f989d4a - 265df668-e79f-4124-8b46-a9bceefc34f2 - 6 - 099abad9-b2b0-4e91-8b6b-7b70e133aa2f - Group - - - - - - - - - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -51169,192 +50233,16 @@ - - - c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 - Group - - - - - 1 - - 255;255;255;255 - - A group of Grasshopper objects - f2369cf3-bfc7-4585-bb22-4adacbaaa5aa - dd3ec897-3807-4a92-847b-98294bd6a7ef - 3440ae8b-2a16-4145-a561-28355b8c2c73 - 8dd06328-6d18-4805-af4d-5c05ff3b360c - 5dc2a445-a41a-411f-85f8-2b5e1f989d4a - 265df668-e79f-4124-8b46-a9bceefc34f2 - 6 - 223d2275-5608-49c7-a116-c26d99206ccc - Group - - - - - - - - - - - 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d - End Points - - - - - Extract the end points of a curve. - true - c5f1f952-9e86-409e-9c8f-f0b2c3e0c39e - End Points - End Points - - - - - - 12185 - 1485 - 84 - 44 - - - 12229 - 1507 - - - - - - Curve to evaluate - a052b086-29c8-46e2-a169-0663e75f7c77 - Curve - Curve - false - 0 - - - - - - 12187 - 1487 - 30 - 40 - - - 12202 - 1507 - - - - - - - - Curve start point - 40e1bc57-a261-4902-acea-d9cb59d5a804 - Start - Start - false - 0 - - - - - - 12241 - 1487 - 26 - 20 - - - 12254 - 1497 - - - - - - - - Curve end point - 934818e3-e7b6-4960-87c0-fdc5ba341d55 - End - End - false - 0 - - - - - - 12241 - 1507 - 26 - 20 - - - 12254 - 1517 - - - - - - - - - - - - fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a - Point - - - - - Contains a collection of three-dimensional points - true - 08c27dfd-fd0e-48cb-b5be-bfb0cd6c16de - Point - Point - false - 934818e3-e7b6-4960-87c0-fdc5ba341d55 - 1 - - - - - - 12366 - 1437 - 50 - 24 - - - 12391.15 - 1449.922 - - - - - - - - + 9445ca40-cc73-4861-a455-146308676855 Range - + Create a range of numbers. + true 3687b604-8f67-4ba6-bd3c-5e09a57dded9 Range Range @@ -51504,7 +50392,7 @@ - + 1817fd29-20ae-4503-b542-f0fb651e67d7 List Length @@ -51591,15 +50479,16 @@ - + d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf Construct Domain - + Create a numeric domain from two numeric extremes. + true b77becfd-73ce-4f87-81bc-5ddfa1429fb4 Construct Domain Construct Domain @@ -51743,7 +50632,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -51779,7 +50668,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -51815,7 +50704,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -51851,7 +50740,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -51904,7 +50793,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -51957,7 +50846,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -52010,7 +50899,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -52063,7 +50952,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -52116,7 +51005,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -52169,7 +51058,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -52222,7 +51111,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -52275,7 +51164,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -52300,7 +51189,7 @@ - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -52462,7 +51351,7 @@ - + 62cc9684-6a39-422e-aefa-ed44643557b9 Extend Curve @@ -52667,7 +51556,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -52712,7 +51601,7 @@ - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -52824,7 +51713,7 @@ - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -52860,7 +51749,7 @@ - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -52896,7 +51785,7 @@ - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -53078,7 +51967,7 @@ - + 84627490-0fb2-4498-8138-ad134ee4cb36 Curve | Curve @@ -53246,7 +52135,7 @@ - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -53383,7 +52272,7 @@ - + 5edaea74-32cb-4586-bd72-66694eb73160 Rotate Direction @@ -53401,14 +52290,14 @@ - 11768 - 3246 + 11780 + 3239 126 84 - 11830 - 3288 + 11842 + 3281 @@ -53426,14 +52315,14 @@ - 11770 - 3248 + 11782 + 3241 48 20 - 11794 - 3258 + 11806 + 3251 @@ -53453,14 +52342,14 @@ - 11770 - 3268 + 11782 + 3261 48 20 - 11794 - 3278 + 11806 + 3271 @@ -53504,14 +52393,14 @@ - 11770 - 3288 + 11782 + 3281 48 20 - 11794 - 3298 + 11806 + 3291 @@ -53554,14 +52443,14 @@ - 11770 - 3308 + 11782 + 3301 48 20 - 11794 - 3318 + 11806 + 3311 @@ -53604,14 +52493,14 @@ - 11842 - 3248 + 11854 + 3241 50 40 - 11867 - 3268 + 11879 + 3261 @@ -53630,14 +52519,14 @@ - 11842 - 3288 + 11854 + 3281 50 40 - 11867 - 3308 + 11879 + 3301 @@ -53647,7 +52536,7 @@ - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -53759,7 +52648,7 @@ - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -53780,14 +52669,14 @@ - 11986 - 2853 + 12111 + 3158 50 24 - 12011.98 - 2865.871 + 12136.95 + 3170.278 @@ -53795,7 +52684,7 @@ - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -53977,15 +52866,16 @@ - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line - + Create a line between two points. + true 0579b2cb-6d96-4579-bbf2-bb29edbebe2a Line Line @@ -54090,7 +52980,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -54143,7 +53033,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -54196,7 +53086,7 @@ - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -54308,7 +53198,7 @@ - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -54344,79 +53234,7 @@ - - - b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b - Relay - - - - - 2 - A wire relay object - 3ab7d9bc-a15a-4ff1-a56d-11d8438828e7 - Relay - - false - 120df34b-edf6-4dc9-85e7-8b411aae9703 - 1 - - - - - - 15068 - 1360 - 40 - 16 - - - 15088 - 1368 - - - - - - - - - - b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b - Relay - - - - - 2 - A wire relay object - 7245d017-54cf-493b-95e5-50d4ffa9a057 - Relay - - false - b2799660-7601-41a5-9893-db52a48308a6 - 1 - - - - - - 15078 - 1148 - 40 - 16 - - - 15098 - 1156 - - - - - - - - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -54502,7 +53320,7 @@ - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -54614,7 +53432,7 @@ - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -54650,7 +53468,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -54676,7 +53494,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -54729,7 +53547,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -54782,7 +53600,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -54835,7 +53653,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -54880,7 +53698,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -54916,7 +53734,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -54952,15 +53770,16 @@ - + a3371040-e552-4bc8-b0ff-10a840258e88 Negative - + Compute the negative of a value. + true dd485e27-9cf8-49e9-a995-3446089d3729 Negative Negative @@ -55037,7 +53856,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -55073,7 +53892,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -55110,7 +53929,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -55146,7 +53965,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -55199,7 +54018,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -55235,15 +54054,16 @@ - + 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 Subtraction - + Mathematical subtraction + true 37c65f2f-6593-4e16-ae27-0d71d8ed90ee Subtraction Subtraction @@ -55378,7 +54198,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -55431,15 +54251,16 @@ - + a0d62394-a118-422d-abb3-6af115c75b25 Addition - + Mathematical addition + true cc7281f0-02ea-46f3-8939-cac899347ee7 Addition Addition @@ -55575,7 +54396,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -55620,7 +54441,7 @@ - + 8d372bdc-9800-45e9-8a26-6e33c5253e21 Deconstruct Brep @@ -55766,7 +54587,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -55819,7 +54640,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -55872,7 +54693,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -55925,7 +54746,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -55961,7 +54782,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -55997,7 +54818,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -56033,7 +54854,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -56069,7 +54890,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -56094,7 +54915,7 @@ - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -56131,7 +54952,7 @@ - + c277f778-6fdf-4890-8f78-347efb23c406 Pipe @@ -56316,7 +55137,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -56514,7 +55335,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -56550,7 +55371,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -56586,7 +55407,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -56622,7 +55443,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -56647,7 +55468,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -56683,7 +55504,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -56719,7 +55540,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -56755,7 +55576,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -56780,7 +55601,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -56807,7 +55628,7 @@ - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -56866,7 +55687,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -56891,7 +55712,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -56944,7 +55765,7 @@ - + e2039b07-d3f3-40f8-af88-d74fed238727 Insert Items @@ -57163,7 +55984,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -57189,7 +56010,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -57225,7 +56046,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -57250,7 +56071,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -57278,15 +56099,16 @@ - + a0d62394-a118-422d-abb3-6af115c75b25 Addition - + Mathematical addition + true 26436250-74cb-492a-94c0-035c6dcdb402 Addition Addition @@ -57421,7 +56243,7 @@ - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -57475,7 +56297,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -57511,7 +56333,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -57564,7 +56386,7 @@ - + 7a218bfb-b93d-4c1f-83d3-5a0b909dd60b Replace Items @@ -57582,14 +56404,14 @@ - 11626 - 2412 + 11648 + 2460 114 84 - 11691 - 2454 + 11713 + 2502 @@ -57609,14 +56431,14 @@ - 11628 - 2414 + 11650 + 2462 51 20 - 11661.5 - 2424 + 11683.5 + 2472 @@ -57638,14 +56460,14 @@ - 11628 - 2434 + 11650 + 2482 51 20 - 11661.5 - 2444 + 11683.5 + 2492 @@ -57667,14 +56489,14 @@ - 11628 - 2454 + 11650 + 2502 51 20 - 11661.5 - 2464 + 11683.5 + 2512 @@ -57693,14 +56515,14 @@ - 11628 - 2474 + 11650 + 2522 51 20 - 11661.5 - 2484 + 11683.5 + 2532 @@ -57741,14 +56563,14 @@ - 11703 - 2414 + 11725 + 2462 35 80 - 11712.5 - 2454 + 11734.5 + 2502 @@ -57758,7 +56580,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -57795,7 +56617,7 @@ - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -57956,7 +56778,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -57977,14 +56799,14 @@ - 11105 - 1499 + 11102 + 1439 40 16 - 11125 - 1507 + 11122 + 1447 @@ -57992,7 +56814,7 @@ - + f80cfe18-9510-4b89-8301-8e58faf423bb Flatten Tree @@ -58010,14 +56832,14 @@ - 11417 - 1733 + 11466 + 1955 76 44 - 11455 - 1755 + 11504 + 1977 @@ -58036,14 +56858,14 @@ - 11419 - 1735 + 11468 + 1957 24 20 - 11431 - 1745 + 11480 + 1967 @@ -58062,14 +56884,14 @@ - 11419 - 1755 + 11468 + 1977 24 20 - 11431 - 1765 + 11480 + 1987 @@ -58109,14 +56931,14 @@ - 11467 - 1735 + 11516 + 1957 24 40 - 11479 - 1755 + 11528 + 1977 @@ -58126,7 +56948,7 @@ - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -58144,14 +56966,14 @@ - 11633 - 1779 + 11566 + 1968 92 28 - 11677 - 1793 + 11610 + 1982 @@ -58169,14 +56991,14 @@ - 11635 - 1781 + 11568 + 1970 30 24 - 11650 - 1793 + 11583 + 1982 @@ -58195,14 +57017,14 @@ - 11689 - 1781 + 11622 + 1970 34 24 - 11706 - 1793 + 11639 + 1982 @@ -58212,7 +57034,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -58249,15 +57071,16 @@ - + a0d62394-a118-422d-abb3-6af115c75b25 Addition - + Mathematical addition + true 700e5045-1f65-406b-9098-121f72e60d89 Addition Addition @@ -58392,7 +57215,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -58414,8 +57237,8 @@ - 11854 - 2109 + 11856 + 2098 160 100 @@ -58423,8 +57246,8 @@ 0 0 - 11854.72 - 2109.217 + 11856.22 + 2098.68 @@ -58445,7 +57268,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -58481,147 +57304,7 @@ - - - 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c - Panel - - - - - A panel for custom notes and text values - c7795057-fb2b-4308-985b-e09b9ea53611 - Panel - - false - 0 - 5e015275-3649-419a-a5db-fb5bab72be64 - 1 - Double click to edit panel content… - - - - - - 13793 - 1543 - 219 - 100 - - 0 - 0 - 0 - - 13793.06 - 1543.29 - - - - - - - 255;255;255;255 - - true - true - true - false - false - true - - - - - - - - - c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 - Length - - - - - Measure the length of a curve. - true - dc53d3ed-1d74-4b02-85f9-e88b0b7ce7fd - Length - Length - - - - - - 12606 - 1749 - 108 - 28 - - - 12650 - 1763 - - - - - - Curve to measure - 63846e83-b6b6-4a35-a156-6f56e1b2813f - Curve - Curve - false - 8df96ab5-fb8c-4336-9436-e63ba6c3e1ff - 1 - - - - - - 12608 - 1751 - 30 - 24 - - - 12623 - 1763 - - - - - - - - Curve length - eeab0f33-108d-417e-abe2-421c7b2071b1 - 1 - Length - Length - false - 0 - - - - - - 12662 - 1751 - 50 - 24 - - - 12679 - 1763 - - - - - - - - - - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -58646,7 +57329,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -58699,15 +57382,16 @@ - + f80cfe18-9510-4b89-8301-8e58faf423bb Flatten Tree - + Flatten a data tree by removing all branching information. + true 95e51384-56f4-4391-8f06-0a30e632869e Flatten Tree Flatten Tree @@ -58832,16 +57516,17 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item - + 0 Retrieve a specific item from a list. + true aed548e4-7442-44c4-94d6-c934bf11bccf List Item List Item @@ -59024,7 +57709,7 @@ - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -59078,15 +57763,16 @@ - + 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 Subtraction - + Mathematical subtraction + true fda68463-37a3-463c-b30b-b38165241bb4 Subtraction Subtraction @@ -59221,7 +57907,7 @@ - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -59390,7 +58076,7 @@ - + fca5ad7e-ecac-401d-a357-edda0a251cbc Polar Array @@ -59663,7 +58349,7 @@ - + ef6b26f4-f820-48d6-b0c5-85898ef8888b Split Brep @@ -59777,7 +58463,7 @@ - + 87e1d9ef-088b-4d30-9dda-8a7448a17329 Graft Tree @@ -59867,7 +58553,7 @@ - + 87e1d9ef-088b-4d30-9dda-8a7448a17329 Graft Tree @@ -59957,7 +58643,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -59982,7 +58668,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -60175,7 +58861,7 @@ - + 1addcc85-b04e-46e6-bd4a-6f6c93bf7efd Brep Join @@ -60298,15 +58984,16 @@ - + a0d62394-a118-422d-abb3-6af115c75b25 Addition - + Mathematical addition + true cf9d8669-d3fa-4e25-a1a4-82fec99d6849 Addition Addition @@ -60421,15 +59108,16 @@ - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division - + Mathematical division + true 6a4c1926-43c4-4d1e-a9c3-fe4c60db831d Division Division @@ -60553,7 +59241,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -60751,7 +59439,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -60787,7 +59475,7 @@ - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -60823,7 +59511,7 @@ - + 87e1d9ef-088b-4d30-9dda-8a7448a17329 Graft Tree @@ -60843,14 +59531,14 @@ - 13026 - 1879 + 13017 + 1854 76 28 - 13064 - 1893 + 13055 + 1868 @@ -60869,14 +59557,14 @@ - 13028 - 1881 + 13019 + 1856 24 24 - 13040 - 1893 + 13031 + 1868 @@ -60896,14 +59584,14 @@ - 13076 - 1881 + 13067 + 1856 24 24 - 13088 - 1893 + 13079 + 1868 @@ -60913,225 +59601,7 @@ - - - e2039b07-d3f3-40f8-af88-d74fed238727 - Insert Items - - - - - Insert a collection of items into a list. - true - ffa0b690-fb3c-45f7-a398-64328ada9c36 - Insert Items - Insert Items - - - - - - 13477 - 2740 - 98 - 84 - - - 13542 - 2782 - - - - - - 1 - List to modify - 1d8d8c37-d8cb-428f-8e8d-96aba94ceaea - 1 - List - List - false - 0474108c-23fc-4e2f-acca-13c077aa7fac - 1 - - - - - - 13479 - 2742 - 51 - 20 - - - 13512.5 - 2752 - - - - - - - - 1 - Items to insert. If no items are supplied, nulls will be inserted. - f2658c84-6e0d-4dc9-b552-1feb3bbc7b1f - 1 - Item - Item - true - e606dca8-aca3-45df-85e6-434e26711ab9 - 1 - - - - - - 13479 - 2762 - 51 - 20 - - - 13512.5 - 2772 - - - - - - - - 1 - Insertion index for each item - 8818a1d7-3408-422b-ae76-020ebefe679f - 1 - Indices - Indices - false - 8ed422a3-f5a9-4308-b12b-e705b5b6f7f7 - 1 - - - - - - 13479 - 2782 - 51 - 20 - - - 13512.5 - 2792 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 2 - {0} - - - - - 0 - - - - - 145 - - - - - - - - - - - If true, indices will be wrapped - 0d5904fc-bd7f-4970-904d-2b70b33cc115 - Wrap - Wrap - false - 0 - - - - - - 13479 - 2802 - 51 - 20 - - - 13512.5 - 2812 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - {0} - - - - - false - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - List with inserted values - 0f2f5cdd-b8e2-4c38-abb3-ef39c7114c23 - List - List - false - 0 - - - - - - 13554 - 2742 - 19 - 80 - - - 13563.5 - 2782 - - - - - - - - - - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -61167,7 +59637,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -61194,7 +59664,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -61221,7 +59691,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -61248,7 +59718,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -61293,7 +59763,7 @@ - + 75f4b0fd-9721-47b1-99e7-9c098b342e67 BiArc @@ -61560,155 +60030,7 @@ - - - fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a - Point - - - - - Contains a collection of three-dimensional points - true - 03fedfda-e729-4f2c-99b4-7039c7d09183 - Point - Point - false - 920e42e2-b895-418e-b948-093c8f4a8c7d - 1 - - - - - - 12899 - 1746 - 50 - 24 - - - 12924.78 - 1758.968 - - - - - - - - - - 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d - End Points - - - - - Extract the end points of a curve. - true - 7441be62-154a-4e47-ba60-6d8fb12bd825 - End Points - End Points - - - - - - 12846 - 1785 - 84 - 44 - - - 12890 - 1807 - - - - - - Curve to evaluate - 8ca2a3fa-63b4-47dc-97ef-6decde128dcd - Curve - Curve - false - db1a1db5-f1c2-476d-b83c-950db231df87 - 1 - - - - - - 12848 - 1787 - 30 - 40 - - - 12863 - 1807 - - - - - - - - Curve start point - c18c6f8d-93c2-462d-9d0a-95b5968ccdf0 - Start - Start - false - 0 - - - - - - 12902 - 1787 - 26 - 20 - - - 12915 - 1797 - - - - - - - - Curve end point - 920e42e2-b895-418e-b948-093c8f4a8c7d - End - End - false - 0 - - - - - - 12902 - 1807 - 26 - 20 - - - 12915 - 1817 - - - - - - - - - - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -61820,7 +60142,7 @@ - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -61856,7 +60178,7 @@ - + 934ede4a-924a-4973-bb05-0dc4b36fae75 Vector 2Pt @@ -62041,7 +60363,7 @@ - + 934ede4a-924a-4973-bb05-0dc4b36fae75 Vector 2Pt @@ -62226,7 +60548,7 @@ - + 04042ba4-51b9-42d6-a264-2eb6e701c115 c6c19589-ab63-4b60-8d7c-2c1b6d60fac7 @@ -62612,7 +60934,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 2e78987b-9dfb-42a2-8b76-3923ac8bd91a Boolean Toggle @@ -62643,7 +60965,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 2e78987b-9dfb-42a2-8b76-3923ac8bd91a Boolean Toggle @@ -62674,16 +60996,17 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item - + 0 Retrieve a specific item from a list. + true e61bd9a5-a3e2-4b54-b34a-81bb68712a30 List Item List Item @@ -62868,7 +61191,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -62913,7 +61236,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -62966,7 +61289,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -63002,7 +61325,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -63038,7 +61361,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -63074,7 +61397,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -63110,7 +61433,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -63146,7 +61469,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -63182,7 +61505,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -63210,7 +61533,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -63236,7 +61559,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 04042ba4-51b9-42d6-a264-2eb6e701c115 c6c19589-ab63-4b60-8d7c-2c1b6d60fac7 @@ -63622,7 +61945,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 2e78987b-9dfb-42a2-8b76-3923ac8bd91a Boolean Toggle @@ -63653,7 +61976,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 2e78987b-9dfb-42a2-8b76-3923ac8bd91a Boolean Toggle @@ -63684,7 +62007,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -63737,7 +62060,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 1addcc85-b04e-46e6-bd4a-6f6c93bf7efd Brep Join @@ -63854,7 +62177,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box @@ -64030,15 +62353,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box - + Deconstruct a box into its constituent parts. + true 478e4cd3-c4e7-470d-990c-cfea3ade4811 Deconstruct Box Deconstruct Box @@ -64193,7 +62517,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -64245,7 +62569,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -64270,7 +62594,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -64295,7 +62619,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -64320,7 +62644,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -64345,7 +62669,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -64371,7 +62695,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -64397,7 +62721,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -64423,7 +62747,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -64460,7 +62784,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -64497,7 +62821,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -64534,7 +62858,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -64561,141 +62885,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - - - 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 - Join Curves - - - - - Join as many curves as possible - true - dba6a67c-9875-408a-b317-32399230414e - Join Curves - Join Curves - - - - - - 15870 - 2878 - 106 - 44 - - - 15927 - 2900 - - - - - - 1 - Curves to join - 89ea6850-cd41-4532-9f6e-28c5e56a2169 - Curves - Curves - false - 88d630d3-59d6-4a80-a929-0160c0da49e8 - 1 - - - - - - 15872 - 2880 - 43 - 20 - - - 15893.5 - 2890 - - - - - - - - Preserve direction of input curves - e43ea847-8d4e-4622-81ec-9f77cf556973 - Preserve - Preserve - false - 0 - - - - - - 15872 - 2900 - 43 - 20 - - - 15893.5 - 2910 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - {0} - - - - - false - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - Joined curves and individual curves that could not be joined. - e2d79aa9-f27e-4b57-93ad-a74df8766dde - Curves - Curves - false - 0 - - - - - - 15939 - 2880 - 35 - 40 - - - 15956.5 - 2900 - - - - - - - - - - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -64733,223 +62923,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - - - e2039b07-d3f3-40f8-af88-d74fed238727 - Insert Items - - - - - Insert a collection of items into a list. - 153de5bd-8bd0-4aac-8963-038511f3c239 - Insert Items - Insert Items - - - - - - 15868 - 2929 - 98 - 84 - - - 15933 - 2971 - - - - - - 1 - List to modify - 3e877ff1-2c73-46ee-a41f-dc4473609233 - 1 - List - List - false - 0 - - - - - - 15870 - 2931 - 51 - 20 - - - 15903.5 - 2941 - - - - - - - - 1 - Items to insert. If no items are supplied, nulls will be inserted. - bb2480dd-7ee8-4c94-8dbc-dbce792107cc - 1 - Item - Item - true - e606dca8-aca3-45df-85e6-434e26711ab9 - 1 - - - - - - 15870 - 2951 - 51 - 20 - - - 15903.5 - 2961 - - - - - - - - 1 - Insertion index for each item - 17355050-764f-4055-976f-db1a8ef3dfd4 - 1 - Indices - Indices - false - 8ed422a3-f5a9-4308-b12b-e705b5b6f7f7 - 1 - - - - - - 15870 - 2971 - 51 - 20 - - - 15903.5 - 2981 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 2 - {0} - - - - - 0 - - - - - 145 - - - - - - - - - - - If true, indices will be wrapped - 6d6985b9-6ca1-45f8-aae7-f4884195cb18 - Wrap - Wrap - false - 0 - - - - - - 15870 - 2991 - 51 - 20 - - - 15903.5 - 3001 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - {0} - - - - - false - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - List with inserted values - 3e8e4f1c-6668-4dfe-86de-1918b467220d - List - List - false - 0 - - - - - - 15945 - 2931 - 19 - 80 - - - 15954.5 - 2971 - - - - - - - - - - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -64975,7 +62949,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 Scale @@ -64993,14 +62967,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16114 - 2689 + 16105 + 2684 126 64 - 16176 - 2721 + 16167 + 2716 @@ -65018,14 +62992,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16116 - 2691 + 16107 + 2686 48 20 - 16140 - 2701 + 16131 + 2696 @@ -65044,14 +63018,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16116 - 2711 + 16107 + 2706 48 20 - 16140 - 2721 + 16131 + 2716 @@ -65096,14 +63070,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16116 - 2731 + 16107 + 2726 48 20 - 16140 - 2741 + 16131 + 2736 @@ -65142,14 +63116,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16188 - 2691 + 16179 + 2686 50 30 - 16213 - 2706 + 16204 + 2701 @@ -65168,14 +63142,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16188 - 2721 + 16179 + 2716 50 30 - 16213 - 2736 + 16204 + 2731 @@ -65185,7 +63159,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -65221,7 +63195,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -65274,7 +63248,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + e2039b07-d3f3-40f8-af88-d74fed238727 Insert Items @@ -65491,7 +63465,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + e2039b07-d3f3-40f8-af88-d74fed238727 Insert Items @@ -65708,7 +63682,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + e2039b07-d3f3-40f8-af88-d74fed238727 Insert Items @@ -65925,7 +63899,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -65951,7 +63925,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -65987,7 +63961,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -66013,60 +63987,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - - - 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c - Panel - - - - - A panel for custom notes and text values - c711db06-f532-47b6-aad3-2cb95afe1326 - Panel - - false - 0.1910167932510376 - 6d9769f3-1587-47e1-9da3-2fe46c75990e - 1 - Double click to edit panel content… - - - - - - 21267 - 2314 - 160 - 100 - - 0 - 0 - 0 - - 21267.83 - 2314.795 - - - - - - - 255;255;255;255 - - true - true - true - false - false - true - - - - - - - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -66102,7 +64023,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -66138,7 +64059,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -66159,14 +64080,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10388 - 1454 + 10136 + 1569 40 16 - 10408 - 1462 + 10156 + 1577 @@ -66174,7 +64095,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -66210,7 +64131,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 4fe828e8-fa95-4cc5-9a8c-c33856ecc783 Brep | Plane @@ -66228,14 +64149,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10155 - 1380 + 10186 + 1443 91 44 - 10197 - 1402 + 10228 + 1465 @@ -66253,14 +64174,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10157 - 1382 + 10188 + 1445 28 20 - 10171 - 1392 + 10202 + 1455 @@ -66280,14 +64201,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10157 - 1402 + 10188 + 1465 28 20 - 10171 - 1412 + 10202 + 1475 @@ -66337,14 +64258,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10209 - 1382 + 10240 + 1445 35 20 - 10226.5 - 1392 + 10257.5 + 1455 @@ -66364,14 +64285,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10209 - 1402 + 10240 + 1465 35 20 - 10226.5 - 1412 + 10257.5 + 1475 @@ -66381,7 +64302,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -66417,7 +64338,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -66453,7 +64374,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -66474,14 +64395,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10980 - 1465 + 11019 + 1484 40 16 - 11000 - 1473 + 11039 + 1492 @@ -66489,7 +64410,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -66525,7 +64446,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -66546,14 +64467,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10825 - 1439 + 10812 + 1434 40 16 - 10845 - 1447 + 10832 + 1442 @@ -66561,15 +64482,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 9445ca40-cc73-4861-a455-146308676855 Range - + Create a range of numbers. + true 99c2ab4f-0c0f-413c-80c5-15bf07655361 Range Range @@ -66719,7 +64641,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 7a218bfb-b93d-4c1f-83d3-5a0b909dd60b Replace Items @@ -66913,7 +64835,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -67110,7 +65032,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -67307,7 +65229,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -67504,15 +65426,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 9445ca40-cc73-4861-a455-146308676855 Range - + Create a range of numbers. + true 19b405ea-bd90-4e2b-a34d-67e5564a1a86 Range Range @@ -67661,144 +65584,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - - - 3aa2a080-e322-4be3-8c6e-baf6c8000cf1 - Deconstruct Matrix - - - - - Deconstruct a matrix into its component parts - a9c8195e-98e3-45b8-a0a1-94d26b519d02 - Deconstruct Matrix - Deconstruct Matrix - - - - - - 15883 - 3007 - 103 - 64 - - - 15929 - 3039 - - - - - - Matrix to deconstruct - 2f727ab4-ac8c-43c7-a700-f42d368d64a5 - Matrix - Matrix - false - 0 - - - - - - 15885 - 3009 - 32 - 60 - - - 15901 - 3039 - - - - - - - - Number of rows in the matrix - 3117ef32-6911-4da0-b500-ec83a9a120c5 - Rows - Rows - false - 0 - - - - - - 15941 - 3009 - 43 - 20 - - - 15962.5 - 3019 - - - - - - - - Number of columns in the matrix - 42cca2e3-13b4-483b-9905-b61010d85474 - Columns - Columns - false - 0 - - - - - - 15941 - 3029 - 43 - 20 - - - 15962.5 - 3039 - - - - - - - - 1 - Matrix values - 2c9e8286-5524-4ac1-9a30-e78296841423 - Values - Values - false - 0 - - - - - - 15941 - 3049 - 43 - 20 - - - 15962.5 - 3059 - - - - - - - - - - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -67823,7 +65609,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d25e638d-0677-4306-89e7-caadf0786013 ab81fea9-8d16-4caf-af89-2736c660f36d @@ -68145,7 +65931,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -68198,7 +65984,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -68251,7 +66037,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -68296,15 +66082,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + a4cd2751-414d-42ec-8916-476ebf62d7fe Radians - + Convert an angle specified in degrees to radians + true d7f3c328-5aec-40df-929c-5beb7e57b5ac Radians Radians @@ -68401,7 +66188,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -68437,15 +66224,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + e64c5fb1-845c-4ab1-8911-5f338516ba67 Series - + Create a series of numbers. + true 2d1747f4-eaa1-4ad6-a43d-cd78c86e3f41 Series Series @@ -68636,15 +66424,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 1817fd29-20ae-4503-b542-f0fb651e67d7 List Length - + Measure the length of a list. + true 99457202-c43c-4a20-a4f4-ce2e04b06c20 List Length List Length @@ -68722,7 +66511,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -68757,261 +66546,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - - - d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 - Curve - - - - - Contains a collection of generic curves - f5b5b7af-cc41-4c9c-a523-fe0ef395eace - 1 - Curve - Curve - false - 83a2c95a-6e81-485a-b4bd-73d4c271581a - 1 - - - - - - 21661 - 1832 - 50 - 24 - - - 21694.29 - 1844.494 - - - - - - - - - - e2039b07-d3f3-40f8-af88-d74fed238727 - Insert Items - - - - - Insert a collection of items into a list. - true - ee3e4c5b-fccc-4ad5-a96b-90a60e6033e6 - Insert Items - Insert Items - - - - - - 21425 - 1814 - 98 - 84 - - - 21490 - 1856 - - - - - - 1 - List to modify - b74e5af9-ce1f-40f8-92c9-d6274dba9a3f - 1 - List - List - false - a28a8013-e5ba-433d-9c60-4efcf1db3f9c - 1 - - - - - - 21427 - 1816 - 51 - 20 - - - 21460.5 - 1826 - - - - - - - - 1 - Items to insert. If no items are supplied, nulls will be inserted. - a46d00a6-526d-433d-86ab-577b5904aab0 - 1 - Item - Item - true - e606dca8-aca3-45df-85e6-434e26711ab9 - 1 - - - - - - 21427 - 1836 - 51 - 20 - - - 21460.5 - 1846 - - - - - - - - 1 - Insertion index for each item - 4e2764cb-9df5-4f63-a9cc-7a136e6e055a - 1 - Indices - Indices - false - 8ed422a3-f5a9-4308-b12b-e705b5b6f7f7 - 1 - - - - - - 21427 - 1856 - 51 - 20 - - - 21460.5 - 1866 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 2 - {0} - - - - - 0 - - - - - 145 - - - - - - - - - - - If true, indices will be wrapped - d93dc6bd-2e03-4a78-b8a3-5ca77847d42b - Wrap - Wrap - false - 0 - - - - - - 21427 - 1876 - 51 - 20 - - - 21460.5 - 1886 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - {0} - - - - - false - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - List with inserted values - 83a2c95a-6e81-485a-b4bd-73d4c271581a - List - List - false - 0 - - - - - - 21502 - 1816 - 19 - 80 - - - 21511.5 - 1856 - - - - - - - - - - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -69047,7 +66582,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -69100,7 +66635,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -69136,15 +66671,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division - + Mathematical division + true dd2b0c5b-9ac7-42c9-a263-e6f3cdc5d886 Division Division @@ -69268,7 +66804,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -69293,7 +66829,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -69329,7 +66865,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -69374,7 +66910,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -69401,7 +66937,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -69437,7 +66973,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -69631,7 +67167,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -69667,7 +67203,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -69811,7 +67347,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -69863,7 +67399,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -69899,7 +67435,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -69935,7 +67471,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + a0d62394-a118-422d-abb3-6af115c75b25 Addition @@ -70059,7 +67595,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -70173,7 +67709,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -70194,14 +67730,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10295 - 1374 + 10314 + 1386 50 24 - 10320.11 - 1386.099 + 10339.68 + 1398.141 @@ -70233,7 +67769,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 429cbba9-55ee-4e84-98ea-876c44db879a Sub Curve @@ -70346,15 +67882,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf Construct Domain - + Create a numeric domain from two numeric extremes. + true 87ac2ec4-7ae1-484a-ba92-72467068ec4a Construct Domain Construct Domain @@ -70498,7 +68035,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -70622,7 +68159,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + ccfd6ba8-ecb1-44df-a47e-08126a653c51 Curve Domain @@ -70640,14 +68177,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10393 - 1321 + 10378 + 1287 104 44 - 10445 - 1343 + 10430 + 1309 @@ -70665,14 +68202,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10395 - 1323 + 10380 + 1289 38 20 - 10414 - 1333 + 10399 + 1299 @@ -70691,14 +68228,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10395 - 1343 + 10380 + 1309 38 20 - 10414 - 1353 + 10399 + 1319 @@ -70717,14 +68254,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10457 - 1323 + 10442 + 1289 38 20 - 10476 - 1333 + 10461 + 1299 @@ -70743,14 +68280,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10457 - 1343 + 10442 + 1309 38 20 - 10476 - 1353 + 10461 + 1319 @@ -70760,15 +68297,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain - + Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. + true 84ca4c20-c649-4f1d-881e-f9280cef4198 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct Domain @@ -70871,15 +68409,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 Subtraction - + Mathematical subtraction + true 05382bc3-577e-4ed4-84e3-e0f1dd0aa395 Subtraction Subtraction @@ -70994,7 +68533,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -71030,7 +68569,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -71066,7 +68605,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -71102,15 +68641,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + a3371040-e552-4bc8-b0ff-10a840258e88 Negative - + Compute the negative of a value. + true f643bec1-6d4c-45d9-9575-3a29d586136e Negative Negative @@ -71187,15 +68727,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 78fed580-851b-46fe-af2f-6519a9d378e0 Power - + Raise a value to a power. + true a50b22f4-56cc-41a5-b93c-320d403ec84d Power Power @@ -71319,15 +68860,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division - + Mathematical division + true 3d4ef156-cb17-4a72-9036-3ac7e25bf239 Division Division @@ -71451,7 +68993,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -71477,7 +69019,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -71504,15 +69046,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 Subtraction - + Mathematical subtraction + true c3acc937-066d-4b77-b93f-8d9ad40cddfa Subtraction Subtraction @@ -71647,7 +69190,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -71682,7 +69225,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -71710,7 +69253,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -71732,8 +69275,8 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11610 - 2082 + 11611 + 2019 219 100 @@ -71741,8 +69284,8 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 11610.22 - 2082.37 + 11611.73 + 2019.15 @@ -71763,15 +69306,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers - + Remap numbers into a new numeric domain + true dc3135fd-3d04-46d0-a6fa-00aad103f8bf Remap Numbers Remap Numbers @@ -71780,13 +69324,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10116 + 10125 1143 103 64 - 10165 + 10174 1175 @@ -71805,13 +69349,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10118 + 10127 1145 35 20 - 10135.5 + 10144.5 1155 @@ -71832,13 +69376,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10118 + 10127 1165 35 20 - 10135.5 + 10144.5 1175 @@ -71881,13 +69425,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10118 + 10127 1185 35 20 - 10135.5 + 10144.5 1195 @@ -71930,13 +69474,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10177 + 10186 1145 40 30 - 10197 + 10206 1160 @@ -71956,13 +69500,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10177 + 10186 1175 40 30 - 10197 + 10206 1190 @@ -71973,15 +69517,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds - + Create a numeric domain which encompasses a list of numbers. + true 9869f7cb-0b71-4a83-ba57-1ecd17d91852 Bounds Bounds @@ -72060,7 +69605,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + eeafc956-268e-461d-8e73-ee05c6f72c01 Stream Filter @@ -72237,7 +69782,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -72262,7 +69807,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -72298,7 +69843,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -72334,7 +69879,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -72370,7 +69915,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -72396,7 +69941,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -72421,7 +69966,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -72446,292 +69991,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - - - ccfd6ba8-ecb1-44df-a47e-08126a653c51 - Curve Domain - - - - - Measure and set the curve domain - true - 65d7630b-61dd-4470-89a9-c7c1467b2efd - Curve Domain - Curve Domain - - - - - - 12908 - 1619 - 104 - 44 - - - 12960 - 1641 - - - - - - Curve to measure/modify - b645f8d6-67e4-4f91-ad5c-2c08f3c4a83a - Curve - Curve - false - 7a1f99d8-b657-4585-971d-f90c83364334 - 1 - - - - - - 12910 - 1621 - 38 - 20 - - - 12929 - 1631 - - - - - - - - Optional domain, if omitted the curve will not be modified. - 695d59c6-b91d-4124-b39d-7f2a4fdad45a - Domain - Domain - true - 0 - - - - - - 12910 - 1641 - 38 - 20 - - - 12929 - 1651 - - - - - - - - Curve with new domain. - eba2131f-4ac5-47fc-a46e-efb215567ce5 - Curve - Curve - false - 0 - - - - - - 12972 - 1621 - 38 - 20 - - - 12991 - 1631 - - - - - - - - Domain of original curve. - c8919281-b755-4829-bb53-fb64576bd51c - Domain - Domain - false - 0 - - - - - - 12972 - 1641 - 38 - 20 - - - 12991 - 1651 - - - - - - - - - - - - b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b - Relay - - - - - 2 - A wire relay object - 7a1f99d8-b657-4585-971d-f90c83364334 - Relay - - false - 34ec8e2f-408a-4889-aae3-aa234e0a4d56 - 1 - - - - - - 12720 - 1665 - 40 - 16 - - - 12740 - 1673 - - - - - - - - - - 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 - Deconstruct Domain - - - - - Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. - 8a46b5f1-ac83-4e7e-8729-0abc9a85d02f - Deconstruct Domain - Deconstruct Domain - - - - - - 13648 - 1510 - 92 - 44 - - - 13700 - 1532 - - - - - - Base domain - b3d88d4b-24ad-4f62-adce-25c2b1e4f373 - Domain - Domain - false - c8919281-b755-4829-bb53-fb64576bd51c - 1 - - - - - - 13650 - 1512 - 38 - 40 - - - 13669 - 1532 - - - - - - - - Start of domain - 83dfc4fa-959c-4525-8a3d-5a97a3d4d6dd - Start - Start - false - 0 - - - - - - 13712 - 1512 - 26 - 20 - - - 13725 - 1522 - - - - - - - - End of domain - 5e015275-3649-419a-a5db-fb5bab72be64 - End - End - false - 0 - - - - - - 13712 - 1532 - 26 - 20 - - - 13725 - 1542 - - - - - - - - - - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -72915,7 +70175,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -72934,14 +70194,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12639 - 1708 + 13589 + 1844 198 20 - 12639.09 - 1708.603 + 13589.16 + 1844.784 @@ -72960,7 +70220,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -73072,7 +70332,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -73241,7 +70501,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -73353,7 +70613,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -75297,7 +72557,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -75333,15 +72593,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication - + Mathematical multiplication + true 021e8f58-c2e2-4b66-ab83-be36c459774b Multiplication Multiplication @@ -75456,7 +72717,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -75492,15 +72753,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds - + Create a numeric domain which encompasses a list of numbers. + true fa20f0ff-df29-4f0a-af24-ccbc4a92bb56 Bounds Bounds @@ -75579,15 +72841,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain - + Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. + true fd748494-2f73-4002-aec6-57bbf0de5f75 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct Domain @@ -75690,15 +72953,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X - + Compute one over x. + true b8c5bb34-0ef0-4360-94d1-5978c70b43ec One Over X One Over X @@ -75775,7 +73039,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -75899,7 +73163,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -76023,7 +73287,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -76068,7 +73332,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + fca5ad7e-ecac-401d-a357-edda0a251cbc Polar Array @@ -76341,7 +73605,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -76509,7 +73773,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 8cc3a196-f6a0-49ea-9ed9-0cb343a3ae64 XZ Plane @@ -76619,7 +73883,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -76789,15 +74053,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 17b7152b-d30d-4d50-b9ef-c9fe25576fc2 XY Plane - + World XY plane. + true 17967624-78af-4d50-9d5a-a6de08f3defe XY Plane XY Plane @@ -76898,7 +74163,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -77069,7 +74334,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -77266,7 +74531,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -77311,7 +74576,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 86720a45-ee9e-49d6-b65e-494c06f66e59 Jump @@ -77344,7 +74609,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 86720a45-ee9e-49d6-b65e-494c06f66e59 Jump @@ -77377,7 +74642,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 86720a45-ee9e-49d6-b65e-494c06f66e59 Jump @@ -77410,7 +74675,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 86720a45-ee9e-49d6-b65e-494c06f66e59 Jump @@ -77443,7 +74708,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 86720a45-ee9e-49d6-b65e-494c06f66e59 Jump @@ -77476,7 +74741,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -77512,7 +74777,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -77537,7 +74802,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -77573,7 +74838,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 86720a45-ee9e-49d6-b65e-494c06f66e59 Jump @@ -77606,7 +74871,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 86720a45-ee9e-49d6-b65e-494c06f66e59 Jump @@ -77639,7 +74904,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -77684,7 +74949,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 888f9c3c-f1e1-4344-94b0-5ee6a45aee11 Pipe Variable @@ -77873,7 +75138,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -78110,7 +75375,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -78146,7 +75411,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -78182,7 +75447,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -78218,7 +75483,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 86720a45-ee9e-49d6-b65e-494c06f66e59 Jump @@ -78251,7 +75516,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 86720a45-ee9e-49d6-b65e-494c06f66e59 Jump @@ -78284,7 +75549,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -78320,7 +75585,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -78342,8 +75607,8 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11768 - 2981 + 11853 + 3081 160 100 @@ -78351,8 +75616,8 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 11768.45 - 2981.99 + 11853.36 + 3081.323 @@ -78373,7 +75638,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 22990b1f-9be6-477c-ad89-f775cd347105 Flip Curve @@ -78511,15 +75776,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length - + Measure the length of a curve. + true 78a3a56e-180f-47c0-bf41-02196a570de1 Length Length @@ -78596,15 +75862,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division - + Mathematical division + true 5f029d33-0101-40bb-9783-5a7e239bff1f Division Division @@ -78728,15 +75995,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division - + Mathematical division + true 218c0843-8367-48ca-a1e5-a0911b891ad6 Division Division @@ -78860,15 +76128,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division - + Mathematical division + true 3bd1e53d-757b-4330-ac44-6e0ac058ac1e Division Division @@ -78972,78 +76241,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - - - b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b - Relay - - - - - 2 - A wire relay object - a28a8013-e5ba-433d-9c60-4efcf1db3f9c - Relay - - false - eb087fc3-e942-44e0-8bd0-03e8b0b4e7d6 - 1 - - - - - - 20504 - 2603 - 40 - 16 - - - 20524 - 2611 - - - - - - - - - - b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b - Relay - - - - - 2 - A wire relay object - eb087fc3-e942-44e0-8bd0-03e8b0b4e7d6 - Relay - - false - 0 - - - - - - 20208 - 2614 - 40 - 16 - - - 20228 - 2622 - - - - - - - - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -79079,7 +76277,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -79115,15 +76313,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + f80cfe18-9510-4b89-8301-8e58faf423bb Flatten Tree - + Flatten a data tree by removing all branching information. + true 1c4af739-5760-4b5e-b2ed-f98ed721f8f9 Flatten Tree Flatten Tree @@ -79248,7 +76447,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -79284,7 +76483,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -79310,7 +76509,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + e2039b07-d3f3-40f8-af88-d74fed238727 Insert Items @@ -79529,7 +76728,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 22990b1f-9be6-477c-ad89-f775cd347105 Flip Curve @@ -79547,14 +76746,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12685 - 2000 + 12688 + 1996 88 44 - 12729 - 2022 + 12732 + 2018 @@ -79572,14 +76771,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12687 - 2002 + 12690 + 1998 30 20 - 12702 - 2012 + 12705 + 2008 @@ -79598,14 +76797,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12687 - 2022 + 12690 + 2018 30 20 - 12702 - 2032 + 12705 + 2028 @@ -79624,14 +76823,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12741 - 2002 + 12744 + 1998 30 20 - 12756 - 2012 + 12759 + 2008 @@ -79650,14 +76849,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12741 - 2022 + 12744 + 2018 30 20 - 12756 - 2032 + 12759 + 2028 @@ -79667,7 +76866,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -79779,7 +76978,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -80009,7 +77208,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -80045,7 +77244,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -80081,7 +77280,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -80117,7 +77316,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -80153,7 +77352,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -80189,7 +77388,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -80225,7 +77424,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -80261,7 +77460,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -80306,7 +77505,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -80342,7 +77541,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + de131812-96cf-4cef-b9ee-7c7031802751 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 @@ -80350,8 +77549,9 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + To show the components' advances information.Right click to have advanced options + true 5d889947-158d-450e-849c-2dae4f301b4f 0 InfoGlasses @@ -80431,7 +77631,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + a9a8ebd2-fff5-4c44-a8f5-739736d129ba C# Script @@ -80801,7 +78001,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -80861,15 +78061,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve - + Contains a collection of generic curves + true 8950378f-6b14-49df-92ba-d56143abbd56 Curve Crv @@ -80919,7 +78120,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -80980,7 +78181,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -81025,7 +78226,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -81070,7 +78271,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -81115,7 +78316,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -81327,7 +78528,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -81387,7 +78588,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -81447,7 +78648,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -81492,7 +78693,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -81528,7 +78729,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -81564,7 +78765,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -81600,7 +78801,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -81636,7 +78837,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -81672,7 +78873,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -81708,7 +78909,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -81744,7 +78945,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -81974,7 +79175,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d114323a-e6ee-4164-946b-e4ca0ce15efa Circle CNR @@ -82158,7 +79359,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -82180,8 +79381,8 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20521 - 2942 + 20500 + 2911 143 100 @@ -82189,8 +79390,8 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 20521.68 - 2942.372 + 20500.24 + 2911.559 @@ -82211,7 +79412,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -82256,7 +79457,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -82468,7 +79669,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -82513,204 +79714,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - - - 7376fe41-74ec-497e-b367-1ffe5072608b - Curvature Graph - - - - - Draws Rhino Curvature Graphs. - true - 288196dc-5892-4f66-bffa-700aa970313d - Curvature Graph - Curvature Graph - - - - - - 20728 - 2790 - 65 - 64 - - - 20779 - 2822 - - - - - - Curve for Curvature graph display - true - e88afbf9-dae0-4da5-98b7-306743cad052 - Curve - Curve - false - 66eb7ec7-cb64-42e0-93a0-dcba7c3a3244 - 1 - - - - - - 20730 - 2792 - 37 - 20 - - - 20748.5 - 2802 - - - - - - - - Sampling density of the Graph - 7d0678b1-e42d-4c7a-b092-b406feb25d7b - Density - Density - false - 0 - - - - - - 20730 - 2812 - 37 - 20 - - - 20748.5 - 2822 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - {0} - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - Scale of graph - f9085e9b-9633-40de-8c2f-40a4d2833062 - Scale - Scale - false - b94b6984-6902-487a-b2c4-afb6bd154552 - 1 - - - - - - 20730 - 2832 - 37 - 20 - - - 20748.5 - 2842 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - {0} - - - - - 105 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 - Digit Scroller - - - - - Numeric scroller for single numbers - b94b6984-6902-487a-b2c4-afb6bd154552 - Digit Scroller - - false - 0 - - - - - 12 - Scale - 11 - - 122.0 - - - - - - 20514 - 2897 - 250 - 20 - - - 20514.61 - 2897.228 - - - - - - - - + 20ef81e8-df15-4a0c-acf1-993a7607cafb Brep | Curve @@ -82851,7 +79855,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -83048,7 +80052,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -83084,198 +80088,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - - - 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c - Panel - - - - - A panel for custom notes and text values - af0be651-716b-45ae-8be7-3111d0ffc74d - Panel - - false - 1 - f766b6c6-98ab-46b2-b118-0a491cfbcbbd - 1 - Double click to edit panel content… - - - - - - 20547 - 2811 - 157 - 100 - - 0 - 0 - 0 - - 20547.56 - 2811.602 - - - - - - - 255;255;255;255 - - true - true - true - false - false - true - - - - - - - - - c74efd0e-7fe3-4c2d-8c9d-295c5672fb13 - Null Item - - - - - Test a data item for null or invalidity - 2d2e0454-2430-432f-97dd-f706c02cc9e8 - Null Item - Null Item - - - - - - 20525 - 3048 - 128 - 64 - - - 20563 - 3080 - - - - - - Item to test - 5ea6883f-b8d9-4316-adc2-1f17cab995f1 - Item - Item - true - 667d9d6e-1308-45a4-bf0c-d8252c952413 - 1 - - - - - - 20527 - 3050 - 24 - 60 - - - 20539 - 3080 - - - - - - - - True if item is Null - f3452361-7f8c-4972-8248-26d8e6c5c978 - Null Flags - Null Flags - false - 0 - - - - - - 20575 - 3050 - 76 - 20 - - - 20605 - 3060 - - - - - - - - True if item is Invalid - 4697457b-97d4-4260-a51c-915e6bc8c8db - Invalid Flags - Invalid Flags - false - 0 - - - - - - 20575 - 3070 - 76 - 20 - - - 20605 - 3080 - - - - - - - - A textual description of the object state - f766b6c6-98ab-46b2-b118-0a491cfbcbbd - 1 - Description - Description - false - 0 - - - - - - 20575 - 3090 - 76 - 20 - - - 20605 - 3100 - - - - - - - - - - + 5909dbcb-4950-4ce4-9433-7cf9e62ee011 Blend Curve @@ -83528,7 +80341,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -83573,7 +80386,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -83604,7 +80417,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -83741,7 +80554,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -83853,7 +80666,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 62cc9684-6a39-422e-aefa-ed44643557b9 Extend Curve @@ -84058,7 +80871,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -84094,7 +80907,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -84288,7 +81101,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d114323a-e6ee-4164-946b-e4ca0ce15efa Circle CNR @@ -84472,15 +81285,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length - + Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. + true 942b16ab-a064-4e15-8c40-b233c71f0e09 Evaluate Length Evaluate Length @@ -84701,7 +81515,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -84895,7 +81709,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -84931,7 +81745,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + ea0f0996-af7a-481d-8099-09c041e6c2d5 Tangent Lines @@ -85094,7 +81908,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -85324,7 +82138,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -85554,7 +82368,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -85771,7 +82585,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -85988,7 +82802,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -86021,7 +82835,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -86057,7 +82871,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -86093,7 +82907,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -86121,7 +82935,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -86318,7 +83132,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -86515,7 +83329,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 Scale @@ -86725,7 +83539,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 Scale @@ -86935,7 +83749,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -86971,7 +83785,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -87001,15 +83815,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 Data - + Contains a collection of generic data + true cc69017c-877c-4589-86cb-a5f2ee98b43f Data Data @@ -119394,15 +116209,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 Data - + Contains a collection of generic data + true a8fd5d87-e3ab-4e32-91f3-73a5b66265a7 Data Data @@ -124736,7 +121552,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -124849,7 +121665,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -124986,7 +121802,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 62cc9684-6a39-422e-aefa-ed44643557b9 Extend Curve @@ -125213,7 +122029,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -125249,7 +122065,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -125302,7 +122118,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -125532,7 +122348,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -125568,7 +122384,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -125604,7 +122420,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 14cf43b6-5eb9-460f-899c-bdece732213a Blend Curve Pt @@ -125793,7 +122609,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -125824,7 +122640,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -125856,7 +122672,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -125882,7 +122698,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -125925,7 +122741,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -126119,7 +122935,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves @@ -126253,7 +123069,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 7376fe41-74ec-497e-b367-1ffe5072608b Curvature Graph @@ -126408,7 +123224,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -126451,7 +123267,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -126496,15 +123312,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication - + Mathematical multiplication + true 57f4b227-ddcf-4ebd-8679-67924fe3b591 Multiplication Multiplication @@ -126640,7 +123457,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -126980,7 +123797,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -127210,7 +124027,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -127323,7 +124140,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -127409,7 +124226,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -127462,7 +124279,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 Data @@ -127686,7 +124503,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -127739,7 +124556,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -128050,15 +124867,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b464fccb-50e7-41bd-9789-8438db9bea9f Angle - + Compute the angle between two vectors. + true 39658621-db13-4d3d-8172-743339704e3a Angle Angle @@ -128214,7 +125032,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -128267,7 +125085,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -128310,7 +125128,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -128362,7 +125180,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -128397,7 +125215,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -128534,7 +125352,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 904e4b56-484a-4814-b35f-aa4baf362117 Brep | Brep @@ -128675,7 +125493,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -128700,7 +125518,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -128930,7 +125748,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d114323a-e6ee-4164-946b-e4ca0ce15efa Circle CNR @@ -129117,7 +125935,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + ea0f0996-af7a-481d-8099-09c041e6c2d5 Tangent Lines @@ -129280,7 +126098,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -129512,7 +126330,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -129625,7 +126443,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -129650,7 +126468,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + cdee962f-4202-456b-a1b4-f3ed9aa0dc29 Revolution @@ -129812,7 +126630,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 934ede4a-924a-4973-bb05-0dc4b36fae75 Vector 2Pt @@ -129998,7 +126816,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 Scale @@ -130209,7 +127027,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -130262,7 +127080,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -130298,7 +127116,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -130384,7 +127202,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -130410,7 +127228,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b5812f5-bb36-4d74-97fc-5a1f2f77452d Pull Curve @@ -130526,7 +127344,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -130562,7 +127380,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + eeafc956-268e-461d-8e73-ee05c6f72c01 Stream Filter @@ -130740,7 +127558,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -130785,7 +127603,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -130811,7 +127629,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -130837,7 +127655,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + eeafc956-268e-461d-8e73-ee05c6f72c01 Stream Filter @@ -131045,7 +127863,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -131090,7 +127908,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -131116,7 +127934,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -131169,7 +127987,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -131205,7 +128023,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -131241,7 +128059,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -131410,7 +128228,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -131449,15 +128267,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 269eaa85-9997-4d77-a9ba-4c58cb45c9d3 Discontinuity - + Find all discontinuities along a curve. + true 156c54b8-4e41-4d31-91a2-68d9bc2ef6e1 Discontinuity Discontinuity @@ -131608,7 +128427,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d6d9b934-83b2-452d-ab0c-87fc73a03ac5 ab81fea9-8d16-4caf-af89-2736c660f36d @@ -131616,8 +128435,9 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + Smooth the corners of a segmented curve by unitized parameter + true 427e7709-c57e-407a-8b44-bfbe6d4c7622 Smooth Corners Smooth Corners @@ -131785,7 +128605,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -131814,7 +128634,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 31de0644-5f01-4706-ab19-dc148215029c 1c9de8a1-315f-4c56-af06-8f69fee80a7a @@ -132076,7 +128896,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -132121,7 +128941,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -132174,7 +128994,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -132210,7 +129030,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -132263,7 +129083,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -132315,7 +129135,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -132351,15 +129171,16 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + a0d62394-a118-422d-abb3-6af115c75b25 Addition - + Mathematical addition + true 84be7528-4260-4815-a036-80bdd0ee2418 Addition Addition @@ -132494,7 +129315,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -132539,7 +129360,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -132575,7 +129396,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -132611,16 +129432,17 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item - + 0 Retrieve a specific item from a list. + true cd65170b-428c-4e40-aa13-1fb291cc917e List Item List Item @@ -132807,7 +129629,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -132842,7 +129664,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -132895,7 +129717,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -132921,7 +129743,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -132947,7 +129769,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -132973,7 +129795,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -132999,7 +129821,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -133031,7 +129853,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 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