0 2 2 1 0 7 fcc17d30-8e60-4ab7-8313-c0d5b9f114a4 Shaded 2 255;240;240;240 255;207;207;207 637910765160211420 XHG.⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙ✤ⵙᗩⵙᗯⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙߦⵙᗩⵙᙏⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙᙏⵙᕤᕦⵙꖴⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙ✤ⵙᗩⵙᗯⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙИNⵙꖴⵙᙁⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙᙁⵙꖴⵙИNⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗯⵙᗩⵙ✤ⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙꖴⵙᕤᕦⵙᙏⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᙏⵙᗩⵙߦⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗯⵙᗩⵙ✤ⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀.GHX 0 -4903 2235 1.24408484 0 0 1 Pufferfish, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Michael Pryor 1c9de8a1-315f-4c56-af06-8f69fee80a7a Pufferfish 476 c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects fd853c3c-9aaa-494b-82c0-915c7b6bd781 0534d7cc-9feb-4033-af98-bc642efe8183 ff4adb0c-5092-407b-b9b1-0a97aa880c88 2063cd82-c886-41f9-a87d-596b59d8233f b7346d29-589c-4403-8798-25b55c459d83 b6da7104-e46f-4626-9e1e-c8762f31d26c 6a4b9175-5812-4ad4-9489-064ec09178a6 c75abe0f-ea36-48e5-bc32-0baeaa42f1c7 dc4240ef-19cb-4b9d-bcff-baa5d7034b17 ebea710d-35f0-4c4d-a212-c9f21052c903 f8bccc47-c8ed-4fd8-8acd-90229a216180 efff086a-8dd1-4b22-b191-7efbfdaac72d f13b8ca1-001f-46d1-b67c-568edc9af93c 432c7d90-3444-45ce-baae-6e7117191b79 c7369755-d44b-4f96-abfb-58e17108a740 9fc1b6a2-fd0e-4efe-8511-ddcd91800f95 913f8c8f-39cd-431a-953c-d78a31c55c8d 921af085-0260-485c-9045-7b430a3c7e11 a4ba649b-d016-4a81-b81b-e21dfe41b6d4 92afe58e-27d7-4779-a9fd-4c474f1c31f1 e12366ca-fd22-4df8-bd91-6a9cec5f9ce8 faaed608-2e64-4e02-abeb-cdc8d42bc970 e725167d-14b6-4a6b-bf15-bce658ee019d ed57df7e-d74c-43f1-a351-38b776e518c0 8f802fca-1ffb-4feb-a14f-5e1fd4adbea4 25 4c14380f-b0f9-40e8-a80b-a169bdc7fd45 Group dd8134c0-109b-4012-92be-51d843edfff7 Duplicate Data Duplicate data a predefined number of times. true e6518023-7078-4f7e-b89f-8324eb8af1ec Duplicate Data Dup 136 132 50 64 161 164 1 Data to duplicate ca23cfcf-2c0e-4eeb-9832-edfc423a8c12 Data D false b15a74d4-e63f-4001-ad2e-1f219b099a13 1 138 134 11 20 143.5 144 1 1 {0} Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Integer 1 Number of duplicates ef04b236-2e73-4ec8-a210-32459ca32add Number N false a8164eb1-a4e5-4a87-bf4e-9014db438764 1 138 154 11 20 143.5 164 1 1 {0} 500 Retain list order a9992040-314a-4011-8332-595743b76ba1 Order O false 0 138 174 11 20 143.5 184 1 1 {0} true 1 Duplicated data df6fdf1b-0e8d-4bd9-8822-e38c580200e6 Data D false 0 173 134 11 60 178.5 164 fb6aba99-fead-4e42-b5d8-c6de5ff90ea6 DotNET VB Script (LEGACY) A VB.NET scriptable component true 1d6a104a-7c70-4f63-8e90-046ac5a8c5bc DotNET VB Script (LEGACY) Turtle 0 Dim i As Integer Dim dir As New On3dVector(1, 0, 0) Dim pos As New On3dVector(0, 0, 0) Dim axis As New On3dVector(0, 0, 1) Dim pnts As New List(Of On3dVector) pnts.Add(pos) For i = 0 To Forward.Count() - 1 Dim P As New On3dVector dir.Rotate(Left(i), axis) P = dir * Forward(i) + pnts(i) pnts.Add(P) Next Points = pnts 381 206 100 44 436 228 1 1 2 Script Variable Forward Script Variable Left 84fa917c-1ed8-4db3-8be1-7bdc4a6495a2 84fa917c-1ed8-4db3-8be1-7bdc4a6495a2 true true Forward Left true true 2 Print, Reflect and Error streams Output parameter Points 3ede854e-c753-40eb-84cb-b48008f14fd4 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 true true Output Points false false 1 false Script Variable Forward 0d6d3082-ab09-480b-aa53-f0f3d43a0712 Forward Forward true 1 true df6fdf1b-0e8d-4bd9-8822-e38c580200e6 1 8e991e99-5fb8-41e1-928d-1bba8fb9f7d7 383 208 41 20 403.5 218 1 false Script Variable Left 193a915c-90c0-485d-a0c8-3fd20e91b381 Left Left true 1 true 24c138b1-6d56-416a-b4d0-63d485899169 1 8e991e99-5fb8-41e1-928d-1bba8fb9f7d7 383 228 41 20 403.5 238 Print, Reflect and Error streams 65a8193d-a5b8-4b90-9451-cb3eea08e6b4 Output out false 0 448 208 31 20 463.5 218 Output parameter Points 755e41d1-6559-459b-81a0-c92d067ab1e0 Points Points false 0 448 228 31 20 463.5 238 fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point Contains a collection of three-dimensional points true 0a42a18d-15c9-4172-8cc2-92415413475a Point Point false 755e41d1-6559-459b-81a0-c92d067ab1e0 1 544 273 50 24 569.155 285.436 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate Create an interpolated curve through a set of points. true 9fc495bc-d7b1-44d8-bf4c-a5105b5f81dd Interpolate Interpolate 628 214 113 84 689 256 1 Interpolation points 64856f1c-276d-41fb-bd2d-73d9f416f48f Vertices Vertices false 755e41d1-6559-459b-81a0-c92d067ab1e0 1 630 216 47 20 653.5 226 Curve degree 98d579ed-b695-4dae-91af-e8f3cb46232c Degree Degree false 0 630 236 47 20 653.5 246 1 1 {0} 3 Periodic curve 99cceab5-d99b-4eaa-bd23-931c160be401 Periodic Periodic false 0 630 256 47 20 653.5 266 1 1 {0} false Knot spacing (0=uniform, 1=chord, 2=sqrtchord) 1f64413e-46b8-43ee-a7ad-9201f6860fdd KnotStyle KnotStyle false 0 630 276 47 20 653.5 286 1 1 {0} 0 Resulting nurbs curve 5cdb7688-1087-4654-b5a6-57327871a5a7 Curve Curve false 0 701 216 38 26 720 229.3333 Curve length 87670bf4-36d7-47e4-ad53-c4f68e3e95ba Length Length false 0 701 242 38 27 720 256 Curve domain e097c634-a998-45ff-bbeb-b9cab96ca205 Domain Domain false 0 701 269 38 27 720 282.6667 e64c5fb1-845c-4ab1-8911-5f338516ba67 Series Create a series of numbers. true cbfd9dc1-9094-46b5-bc7e-28ef316a918b Series Series 145 344 49 64 170 376 First number in the series fe3af632-a3b0-4d74-9cb5-015d07996ec8 Start S false 0 147 346 11 20 152.5 356 1 1 {0} 0 Step size for each successive number 4ccf57ce-1297-4ddd-a7cb-7e494422cbae Step N false dddfe094-4b51-4b77-8fd2-2dd3df3cb9b9 1 147 366 11 20 152.5 376 1 1 {0} 1 Number of values in the series 3d6b951d-2403-43e5-8a8a-0940e97c2e62 Count C false a8164eb1-a4e5-4a87-bf4e-9014db438764 1 147 386 11 20 152.5 396 1 Series of numbers 24c138b1-6d56-416a-b4d0-63d485899169 Series S false 0 182 346 10 60 187 376 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values a8164eb1-a4e5-4a87-bf4e-9014db438764 Number Slider Number Slider false 0 -129 257 198 20 -128.351 257.6978 0 1 0 256 0 0 256 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values 888ad34e-2a84-4037-ac90-fb3ff0f321e6 Number Slider Number Slider false 0 -134 162 198 20 -133.6185 162.9919 6 1 0 1 0 0 1 a4cd2751-414d-42ec-8916-476ebf62d7fe Radians Convert an angle specified in degrees to radians true 7dd72062-9c81-43ea-ae51-b1580705b6c9 Radians Radians 66 441 108 28 121 455 Angle in degrees 3b03e342-9866-4757-939f-a467e889e0a5 Degrees Degrees false 8b50255c-14b9-4936-97f3-d088e38451eb 1 68 443 41 24 88.5 455 Angle in radians dddfe094-4b51-4b77-8fd2-2dd3df3cb9b9 Radians Radians false 0 133 443 39 24 152.5 455 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers 745b1de7-01ac-4c96-8f80-cdcb3e5642ff Digit Scroller Digit Scroller false 0 12 Digit Scroller 1 0.00204767472 -217 499 250 20 -216.4653 499.2854 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers ad590516-789c-4618-9e15-da773fdf29a0 Digit Scroller Digit Scroller false 0 12 Digit Scroller 11 64.0 1005 -955 250 20 1005.38 -954.2126 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number Contains a collection of floating point numbers eecfb193-a1a8-40d3-a3e8-76d8562cabff Number Number false a8164eb1-a4e5-4a87-bf4e-9014db438764 1 697 -55 50 24 722.0998 -43.43463 aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature Evaluate the curvature of a curve at a specified parameter. true caa6b1ab-1554-43d1-bc83-202a9af1fca2 Curvature Curvature 666 -228 125 64 730 -196 Curve to evaluate 4d420f26-1800-4a22-a14d-837c1dd45d39 Curve Curve false 0a8675fb-6983-4ff5-87e0-b6bb77eb7934 1 668 -226 50 30 693 -211 Parameter on curve domain to evaluate 13529c35-ce6a-4662-bb50-e8a5f510b502 Parameter Parameter false 68a6a9a6-3142-4067-8865-2524cba2c89d 1 668 -196 50 30 693 -181 Point on curve at {t} 77afe95c-700c-4da1-b5cc-dd35c62ada2b Point Point false 0 742 -226 47 20 765.5 -216 Curvature vector at {t} 79713c9e-8bee-4bbc-8677-79259df0e104 Curvature Curvature false 0 742 -206 47 20 765.5 -196 Curvature circle at {t} f3051531-d1c4-436e-b270-a2d8d10a686b Curvature Curvature false 0 742 -186 47 20 765.5 -176 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve Divide a curve into equal length segments true 1d441ba8-e4cd-448f-ae61-9b5bbfa92207 Divide Curve Divide Curve 682 -138 113 64 726 -106 Curve to divide b42608f7-c0b9-4caa-a4e1-144742266aa3 Curve Curve false 0a8675fb-6983-4ff5-87e0-b6bb77eb7934 1 684 -136 30 20 699 -126 Number of segments 071f1ce5-06f1-460f-89c5-5a266c6a5ef1 Count Count false eecfb193-a1a8-40d3-a3e8-76d8562cabff 1 684 -116 30 20 699 -106 1 1 {0} 10 Split segments at kinks be71055b-c3eb-4778-bb63-a0b823ebba89 Kinks Kinks false 0 684 -96 30 20 699 -86 1 1 {0} false 1 Division points 6ea46d50-ad1c-4c33-ac48-dd01e5a6841c Points Points false 0 738 -136 55 20 765.5 -126 1 Tangent vectors at division points 2f81d303-5159-456e-8fb4-3fe5b8f82476 Tangents Tangents false 0 738 -116 55 20 765.5 -106 1 Parameter values at division points 68a6a9a6-3142-4067-8865-2524cba2c89d Parameters Parameters false 0 738 -96 55 20 765.5 -86 d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve Contains a collection of generic curves true 0a8675fb-6983-4ff5-87e0-b6bb77eb7934 Curve Curve false 8ebcaf48-501e-46b8-8728-17992184074a 1 701 -29 50 24 726.058 -17.0436 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc Retrieve the base plane, radius and angle domain of an arc. true 985a236a-f30f-4e0c-801c-64fdca1db8f8 Deconstruct Arc Deconstruct Arc 683 -306 102 64 717 -274 Arc or Circle to deconstruct eefb0910-7857-44bc-b4cd-47ac9cc27b44 Arc Arc false f3051531-d1c4-436e-b270-a2d8d10a686b 1 685 -304 20 60 695 -274 Base plane of arc or circle 3b9008c4-3230-4bb1-a3a6-360edb5cebd4 Base Plane Base Plane false 0 729 -304 54 20 756 -294 Radius of arc or circle b4326cac-cafc-44b0-9955-b3c60681636b Radius Radius false 0 729 -284 54 20 756 -274 Angle domain (in radians) of arc f5605633-be12-4f33-91eb-550f11130828 Angle Angle false 0 729 -264 54 20 756 -254 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X Compute one over x. true 02133cd7-f33a-489f-8172-51f2fcadbc52 One Over X One Over X 683 -341 88 28 726 -327 Input value efd39439-cba7-469f-950a-2b94c243592f Value Value false b4326cac-cafc-44b0-9955-b3c60681636b 1 685 -339 29 24 699.5 -327 Output value a455f29f-07c5-410d-9ce2-f7b66fb8c300 Result Result false 0 738 -339 31 24 753.5 -327 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph 1 Display a set of y-values as a graph 41b5fc80-773b-42b0-afe2-b6e0c1b8da77 Quick Graph Quick Graph false 0 a455f29f-07c5-410d-9ce2-f7b66fb8c300 1 662 -923 150 150 662.9338 -922.8706 -1 c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects eecfb193-a1a8-40d3-a3e8-76d8562cabff caa6b1ab-1554-43d1-bc83-202a9af1fca2 1d441ba8-e4cd-448f-ae61-9b5bbfa92207 0a8675fb-6983-4ff5-87e0-b6bb77eb7934 985a236a-f30f-4e0c-801c-64fdca1db8f8 02133cd7-f33a-489f-8172-51f2fcadbc52 41b5fc80-773b-42b0-afe2-b6e0c1b8da77 7 a0bd3613-8868-4507-9f37-96419b9ac1f4 Group 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph 1 Display a set of y-values as a graph d0c1c1c2-0501-4b09-9519-adda9b10319f Quick Graph Quick Graph false 0 a455f29f-07c5-410d-9ce2-f7b66fb8c300 1 890 -230 75 180 890.5509 -229.7637 -1 3581f42a-9592-4549-bd6b-1c0fc39d067b Construct Point Construct a point from {xyz} coordinates. true cea6ab4d-b55d-45d1-ac7f-02a515e59945 Construct Point Construct Point 838 -405 117 64 914 -373 {x} coordinate 89401840-2ffa-4277-9e08-d6be851145e9 X coordinate X coordinate false 71c95c96-e2ca-419a-8de6-dc0283f64d3a 1 840 -403 62 20 871 -393 1 1 {0} 0 {y} coordinate b670469c-7fe8-4655-9404-24170c64f9e0 Y coordinate Y coordinate false a455f29f-07c5-410d-9ce2-f7b66fb8c300 1 840 -383 62 20 871 -373 1 1 {0} 0 {z} coordinate 6a9e4d2f-720f-47ce-9e53-119d0112fe67 Z coordinate Z coordinate false 0 840 -363 62 20 871 -353 1 1 {0} 0 Point coordinate 55e3c2d8-311e-4414-82d5-ce3a33aceef8 Point Point false 0 926 -403 27 60 939.5 -373 71b5b089-500a-4ea6-81c5-2f960441a0e8 PolyLine Create a polyline connecting a number of points. true 1e8c154d-e5a9-46fb-83c3-82a1b94e180b PolyLine PolyLine 839 -892 106 44 893 -870 1 Polyline vertex points d9df63fc-f44f-4f67-959f-b12aaad757a7 Vertices Vertices false 55e3c2d8-311e-4414-82d5-ce3a33aceef8 1 841 -890 40 20 861 -880 Close polyline e882ca59-3467-4952-b367-6370efa1d910 Closed Closed false 0 841 -870 40 20 861 -860 1 1 {0} false Resulting polyline 07a84c71-6186-459b-84e1-f9f8f000484f Polyline Polyline false 0 905 -890 38 40 924 -870 afb96615-c59a-45c9-9cac-e27acb1c7ca0 Explode Explode a curve into smaller segments. true 95457f07-deb3-4da6-a188-95ad5b1f7814 Explode Explode 966 -428 124 44 1027 -406 Curve to explode af5bd8f2-bd29-4905-9804-a3e98a7a2341 Curve Curve false 07a84c71-6186-459b-84e1-f9f8f000484f 1 968 -426 47 20 991.5 -416 Recursive decomposition until all segments are atomic b94a8f18-467e-4334-b23b-8e7b98b8c25d Recursive Recursive false 0 968 -406 47 20 991.5 -396 1 1 {0} true 1 Exploded segments that make up the base curve 95e5e03f-6797-495f-84a1-a25524a7d14d Segments Segments false 0 1039 -426 49 20 1063.5 -416 1 Vertices of the exploded segments a46d6d42-d311-440b-b624-df22692d225a Vertices Vertices false 0 1039 -406 49 20 1063.5 -396 1817fd29-20ae-4503-b542-f0fb651e67d7 List Length Measure the length of a list. true 5e877e03-4c7c-4e4b-ba05-0075caffec74 List Length List Length 971 -338 97 28 1004 -324 1 Base list 0a43fea4-57c4-402f-99a6-b56da9b2155b List List false 95e5e03f-6797-495f-84a1-a25524a7d14d 1 973 -336 19 24 982.5 -324 Number of items in L 66a7003d-b3db-44af-9482-17b37441f36e X/2 Length Length false 0 1016 -336 50 24 1033 -324 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item 0 Retrieve a specific item from a list. true 912d511c-2026-484b-be15-83439a6372e8 List Item List Item 1121 -906 62 64 1163 -874 3 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2e3ab970-8545-46bb-836c-1c11e5610bce cb95db89-6165-43b6-9c41-5702bc5bf137 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 Base list da76fa99-f5ac-406b-9e48-bb1470802acd List List false 95e5e03f-6797-495f-84a1-a25524a7d14d 1 1123 -904 28 20 1137 -894 Item index b95ef598-326b-4273-b4d2-6bca83ea813e Index Index false 66a7003d-b3db-44af-9482-17b37441f36e 1 1123 -884 28 20 1137 -874 1 1 {0} 0 Wrap index to list bounds 2bdca926-7d96-4242-8017-dd39dfbb2ad3 Wrap Wrap false 0 1123 -864 28 20 1137 -854 1 1 {0} false Item at {i'} 24e2494e-fc33-437e-9d18-b095463a48e0 false Item i false 0 1175 -904 6 60 1178 -874 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item 0 Retrieve a specific item from a list. true 9eda1d33-34e2-440e-a5b0-ec2b19cea790 List Item List Item 1117 -411 78 64 1175 -379 3 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2e3ab970-8545-46bb-836c-1c11e5610bce cb95db89-6165-43b6-9c41-5702bc5bf137 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 Base list cc2db72e-b5a4-4c4d-91bf-4a5a87f4a86d List List false 95e5e03f-6797-495f-84a1-a25524a7d14d 1 1119 -409 44 20 1149 -399 Item index c5967247-090c-4749-a79b-f602586b40ac X-1 Index Index false 66a7003d-b3db-44af-9482-17b37441f36e 1 1119 -389 44 20 1149 -379 1 1 {0} 0 Wrap index to list bounds a8d4e9f7-e38e-471a-8bb1-0ffde41a6a89 Wrap Wrap false 0 1119 -369 44 20 1149 -359 1 1 {0} false Item at {i'} e92ebaf0-68a9-4047-9b44-a6f7af39b989 false Item i false 0 1187 -409 6 60 1190 -379 b464fccb-50e7-41bd-9789-8438db9bea9f Angle Compute the angle between two vectors. true 658f3ebd-1890-4c74-9aeb-04ee9ed60234 Angle Angle 1226 -446 103 64 1284 -414 First vector 749673b9-330a-45c2-b681-19d5188408a8 Vector A Vector A false 24e2494e-fc33-437e-9d18-b095463a48e0 1 1228 -444 44 20 1250 -434 Second vector 39baccf7-075f-4b2d-88d8-05f34182c734 Vector B Vector B false e92ebaf0-68a9-4047-9b44-a6f7af39b989 1 1228 -424 44 20 1250 -414 Optional plane for 2D angle c564f636-77b1-4c53-a28c-18f6b316dba1 Plane Plane true 0 1228 -404 44 20 1250 -394 Angle (in radians) between vectors 2c15a336-6bd6-4961-a6e4-1ef635f82ba3 Angle Angle false 0 1296 -444 31 30 1311.5 -429 Reflex angle (in radians) between vectors 721736c1-0ee8-421f-bdc7-a259f3663fd0 Reflex Reflex false 0 1296 -414 31 30 1311.5 -399 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values 6feb6809-97df-4e5d-bff4-bff24a9f8a84 Number Slider Number Slider false 0 905 -936 198 20 905.265 -935.8916 0 1 0 100 0 0 31 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 63362cd2-ed95-481d-991a-a528b09c7cd9 Panel false 0 3bccace7-864e-4f5c-b61a-dfcf503e77e5 1 360/256*4*2 1262 -90 199 20 0 0 0 1262.472 -89.34464 255;255;255;255 false false true false false true 0d77c51e-584f-44e8-aed2-c2ddf4803888 Degrees Convert an angle specified in radians to degrees true 7f9303b7-df99-498e-8932-72c7ca3ffdba Degrees Degrees 1067 -76 108 28 1120 -62 Angle in radians cfa02371-fe04-446b-8ba3-ea5ce8f12c14 Radians Radians false 2c15a336-6bd6-4961-a6e4-1ef635f82ba3 1 1069 -74 39 24 1088.5 -62 Angle in degrees 3bccace7-864e-4f5c-b61a-dfcf503e77e5 Degrees Degrees false 0 1132 -74 41 24 1152.5 -62 9df5e896-552d-4c8c-b9ca-4fc147ffa022 Expression Evaluate an expression Format("{0:R}", x) true d7a43154-16cf-4d32-8755-ce392160ebf1 Expression Expression 1040 -168 168 28 1113 -154 1 ba80fd98-91a1-4958-b6a7-a94e40e52bdb 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 Expression variable fab1fc35-eb8e-4fda-bbb8-74beb3d434d0 Variable x x true 2c15a336-6bd6-4961-a6e4-1ef635f82ba3 1 1042 -166 9 24 1046.5 -154 Result of expression 69b5acae-33c1-4aab-a6b8-f5b4a0053ab7 Result Result false 0 1175 -166 31 24 1190.5 -154 e64c5fb1-845c-4ab1-8911-5f338516ba67 Series Create a series of numbers. true 95e66c17-55af-4d66-a211-19cfbf7af70a Series Series 850 -334 89 64 894 -302 First number in the series 6a807e78-ffc0-444d-b4ed-c923e1bd0790 Start Start false 0 852 -332 30 20 867 -322 1 1 {0} 0 Step size for each successive number 3b0376cb-6df5-4d1a-a645-e60201cc56e4 Step Step false b15a74d4-e63f-4001-ad2e-1f219b099a13 1 852 -312 30 20 867 -302 1 1 {0} 1 Number of values in the series e0077b05-3d12-4870-95c5-b40f58458cd9 Count Count false eecfb193-a1a8-40d3-a3e8-76d8562cabff 1 852 -292 30 20 867 -282 1 1 {0} 64 1 Series of numbers 71c95c96-e2ca-419a-8de6-dc0283f64d3a Series Series false 0 906 -332 31 60 921.5 -302 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values cbba7661-af7f-4678-8541-312858e1fded Number Slider Number Slider false 0 927 -279 198 20 927.2651 -278.6265 0 1 0 100 0 0 32 7376fe41-74ec-497e-b367-1ffe5072608b Curvature Graph Draws Rhino Curvature Graphs. true 6c40735e-785e-448e-aa19-4eb56889df8f Curvature Graph Curvature Graph 748 -1003 65 64 799 -971 Curve for Curvature graph display true db8d9303-36d1-4450-a961-d6c114e07280 Curve Curve false 0a8675fb-6983-4ff5-87e0-b6bb77eb7934 1 750 -1001 37 20 768.5 -991 Sampling density of the Graph 6d9eedeb-66b8-4188-9c8b-dc27043692ca Density Density false 0 750 -981 37 20 768.5 -971 1 1 {0} 1 Scale of graph 784c5cb0-5cf4-4073-ae9b-015b2d619f94 Scale Scale false d250383c-f46b-4981-ad65-abc276edf0d6 1 750 -961 37 20 768.5 -951 1 1 {0} 105 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers d250383c-f46b-4981-ad65-abc276edf0d6 Digit Scroller Digit Scroller false 0 12 Digit Scroller 11 96.0 557 -1045 250 20 557.1845 -1044.895 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. true 1dcacb59-16e4-446a-a711-9f1210bde159 Evaluate Length Evaluate Length 781 369 132 64 849 401 Curve to evaluate 13029046-6349-4b5f-bab8-b6d3551dd542 Curve Curve false 5cdb7688-1087-4654-b5a6-57327871a5a7 1 783 371 54 20 810 381 Length factor for curve evaluation 3476aa71-fbc3-4fa2-8004-0da1fc01c115 Length Length false 0 783 391 54 20 810 401 1 1 {0} 1 If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) fb36c226-69db-4196-8eaf-a2f859f433e4 Normalized Normalized false 0 783 411 54 20 810 421 1 1 {0} true Point at the specified length 0b19ced3-ef9e-4c14-b42c-903d5e29679b Point Point false 0 861 371 50 20 886 381 Tangent vector at the specified length 48438814-e956-4007-8f77-a560cf8cadab Tangent Tangent false 0 861 391 50 20 886 401 Curve parameter at the specified length 1681ca38-fe50-421e-9dcc-84276e61b0a7 Parameter Parameter false 0 861 411 50 20 886 421 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.} true f897de86-a14f-4f1d-857f-20b60f73b3b5 Line SDL Line SDL 997 369 94 64 1055 401 Line start point 51a96450-fa6f-4f50-be1f-da6fdbb816f9 Start Start false 0b19ced3-ef9e-4c14-b42c-903d5e29679b 1 999 371 44 20 1021 381 Line tangent (direction) ed988630-f690-4e89-a694-cf9862bf8d19 Direction Direction false 48438814-e956-4007-8f77-a560cf8cadab 1 999 391 44 20 1021 401 1 1 {0} 0 0 1 Line length a8035c49-f6d4-4905-ba3e-acc0e6dd9269 Length Length false 0 999 411 44 20 1021 421 1 1 {0} 1 Line segment 6adf4d23-e4ce-488d-86e8-54258317081d Line Line false 0 1067 371 22 60 1078 401 f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror Mirror an object. true c317f794-e463-4270-90db-8af4cb4b9d41 Mirror Mirror 1041 217 126 44 1103 239 Base geometry 5f6ca7f9-8383-4b0d-8611-fb64849680ea Geometry Geometry true 5cdb7688-1087-4654-b5a6-57327871a5a7 1 1043 219 48 20 1067 229 Mirror plane 5958443b-efdf-404c-a2b7-e4cba1c8f112 Plane Plane false 6adf4d23-e4ce-488d-86e8-54258317081d 1 1043 239 48 20 1067 249 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Mirrored geometry 959b93e1-e347-4879-b7f5-197ec5ee354c Geometry Geometry false 0 1115 219 50 20 1140 229 Transformation data 55dee528-3186-43f6-b9e4-fb4e5a5258db Transform Transform false 0 1115 239 50 20 1140 249 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves Join as many curves as possible true cd306361-7ded-488f-ad04-30648adfe595 Join Curves Join Curves 924 105 106 44 981 127 1 Curves to join 231dd009-6837-4195-b950-c23693771a28 Curves Curves false 5cdb7688-1087-4654-b5a6-57327871a5a7 959b93e1-e347-4879-b7f5-197ec5ee354c 2 926 107 43 20 947.5 117 Preserve direction of input curves 79145aac-d284-402c-8135-67b9762fda6d Preserve Preserve false 0 926 127 43 20 947.5 137 1 1 {0} false 1 Joined curves and individual curves that could not be joined. 8ebcaf48-501e-46b8-8728-17992184074a Curves Curves false 0 993 107 35 40 1010.5 127 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. true a2ad2739-bf3c-4d9f-8818-b5dbfd4829e1 Evaluate Length Evaluate Length 1113 124 132 64 1181 156 Curve to evaluate 5ec7ed8f-af82-4c5f-9923-ef6250df9e4d Curve Curve false 8ebcaf48-501e-46b8-8728-17992184074a 1 1115 126 54 20 1142 136 Length factor for curve evaluation 17fd106c-5e11-42f5-9470-4d39dcdc6a51 Length Length false 0 1115 146 54 20 1142 156 1 1 {0} 1 If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) b2cd8e80-e93b-4f32-a014-ae5901ad7594 Normalized Normalized false 0 1115 166 54 20 1142 176 1 1 {0} true Point at the specified length 7be5d7ba-5a0f-49b6-b896-66f0de6479d3 Point Point false 0 1193 126 50 20 1218 136 Tangent vector at the specified length cfb3d1cc-161a-4369-92f1-7e3a0660b486 Tangent Tangent false 0 1193 146 50 20 1218 156 Curve parameter at the specified length e7b533ed-c8c0-48e9-b84a-fdcf96b9550e Parameter Parameter false 0 1193 166 50 20 1218 176 b464fccb-50e7-41bd-9789-8438db9bea9f Angle Compute the angle between two vectors. true ec9d6e3c-8007-4163-bcca-9c98014b70ac Angle Angle 1211 374 103 64 1269 406 First vector 7223aa36-de28-4893-a624-dcfd82bf1025 Vector A Vector A false 0 1213 376 44 20 1235 386 1 1 {0} 21.5 0 0 Second vector 73101480-5ad8-453a-8a39-a8f1a00fd15f Vector B Vector B false cfb3d1cc-161a-4369-92f1-7e3a0660b486 1 1213 396 44 20 1235 406 Optional plane for 2D angle cfc86d63-d6b2-4572-a1ad-d18405795c3f Plane Plane true 0 1213 416 44 20 1235 426 Angle (in radians) between vectors deb6f9f6-8af8-44a6-8609-ea7446f49bd4 Angle Angle false 0 1281 376 31 30 1296.5 391 Reflex angle (in radians) between vectors ed37e93e-228a-4ad7-a226-6e20168caae0 Reflex Reflex false 0 1281 406 31 30 1296.5 421 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 578e2a9a-da53-4295-8fc1-74909051e057 Panel false 0 1a5fe2a4-b611-4cec-9a62-907487bde048 1 360/256*4*2 286 572 199 20 0 0 0 286.1175 572.0715 255;255;255;255 false false true false false true b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object 603d3d48-534d-42f5-9e87-3172526f3a80 Relay false deb6f9f6-8af8-44a6-8609-ea7446f49bd4 1 193 520 40 16 213 528 0d77c51e-584f-44e8-aed2-c2ddf4803888 Degrees Convert an angle specified in radians to degrees true b819771e-a2cb-40bd-b0fa-6c9b1df84386 Degrees Degrees 148 567 108 28 201 581 Angle in radians 5cd0fdec-87e7-4741-bfff-e35f8d300fc8 Radians Radians false 603d3d48-534d-42f5-9e87-3172526f3a80 1 150 569 39 24 169.5 581 Angle in degrees 1a5fe2a4-b611-4cec-9a62-907487bde048 Degrees Degrees false 0 213 569 41 24 233.5 581 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 3a58bb15-a2ee-452c-acc6-11f953d2cbd2 Panel false 0 0 16 0.35233813056 32 0.08793657256 440 674 199 56 0 0 0 440.8234 674.9358 255;255;255;255 false false true false false true 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X Compute one over x. true 72348215-c4ec-4851-a400-c03cc6df559f One Over X One Over X -9 207 88 28 34 221 Input value 80d06302-32c8-46de-99c3-ed6d4d06fd8c Value Value false a8164eb1-a4e5-4a87-bf4e-9014db438764 1 -7 209 29 24 7.5 221 Output value b15a74d4-e63f-4001-ad2e-1f219b099a13 Result Result false 0 46 209 31 24 61.5 221 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division Mathematical division true 467b7dee-dff7-4076-a614-76a59564fb2f Division Division 141 608 70 44 166 630 Item to divide (dividend) e6b3cc84-c952-4155-8120-2b90c9d38781 A A false 0 143 610 11 20 148.5 620 1 1 {0} Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Number 0.526707628425 Item to divide with (divisor) e749710b-7dd6-4fa1-989a-1555f7dfcfd2 B B false 0 143 630 11 20 148.5 640 1 1 {0} Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Number 0.131193530865 The result of the Division 918caa1c-c5d6-4a90-9e1f-86c7cada35da Result Result false 0 178 610 31 40 193.5 630 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. true e456cbd5-6cbe-4515-9f15-69692914f3c7 Evaluate Length Evaluate Length 1259 230 132 64 1327 262 Curve to evaluate 48921f2e-a8fb-484f-86f6-7b103d49774f Curve Curve false 959b93e1-e347-4879-b7f5-197ec5ee354c 1 1261 232 54 20 1288 242 Length factor for curve evaluation 84f2e874-2965-4c85-a0b3-1e7fbc964e82 Length Length false 0 1261 252 54 20 1288 262 1 1 {0} 0 If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) 8128ba38-bb59-4c58-b4fe-995aeec14bd6 Normalized Normalized false 0 1261 272 54 20 1288 282 1 1 {0} true Point at the specified length 7735f6db-79d2-4dcd-9e9e-0d2db5dbb80e Point Point false 0 1339 232 50 20 1364 242 Tangent vector at the specified length cf4f43ee-50df-46a7-aae4-31ae4410d2a1 Tangent Tangent false 0 1339 252 50 20 1364 262 Curve parameter at the specified length 7a6dc279-9103-4225-8a87-5c67bbd6887b Parameter Parameter false 0 1339 272 50 20 1364 282 b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate Rotate an object in a plane. true 17d1c5b4-5111-415c-9eef-ba9262e78e2b Rotate Rotate 1489 203 126 64 1551 235 Base geometry 413d7ebd-2876-4909-9e65-ca171942ac40 Geometry Geometry true 959b93e1-e347-4879-b7f5-197ec5ee354c 1 1491 205 48 20 1515 215 Rotation angle in radians b9fc5829-d429-4a04-a1cf-521cbf08e8f9 Angle Angle false 0 false 1491 225 48 20 1515 235 1 1 {0} 3.1415926535897931 Rotation plane 6866b8ac-e121-4b70-8ea5-fd2b6082eff4 Plane Plane false 7735f6db-79d2-4dcd-9e9e-0d2db5dbb80e 1 1491 245 48 20 1515 255 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Rotated geometry 04d3a88b-39db-4cfd-a4e7-1407991b7e9d Geometry Geometry false 0 1563 205 50 30 1588 220 Transformation data 4d7149c6-52e0-4862-a85f-d70eaab07788 Transform Transform false 0 1563 235 50 30 1588 250 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points Extract the end points of a curve. true 6642a18d-8ae2-4b5a-bde0-c4c322abb01b End Points End Points 968 506 84 44 1012 528 Curve to evaluate f9c04d87-465c-4cf7-b6a2-93d34d4be29d Curve Curve false 8ebcaf48-501e-46b8-8728-17992184074a 1 970 508 30 40 985 528 Curve start point bbd16518-88d9-4a31-815d-03d11f381e73 Start Start false 0 1024 508 26 20 1037 518 Curve end point 95694ac2-64e8-4808-ac1f-1d0f1b66475c End End false 0 1024 528 26 20 1037 538 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line Create a line between two points. true e53c00a2-0d03-461e-9189-a0ea0441ccb8 Line Line 1109 515 102 44 1175 537 Line start point e7cf8d7a-0827-4a31-ade0-673324acc815 Start Point Start Point false bbd16518-88d9-4a31-815d-03d11f381e73 1 1111 517 52 20 1137 527 Line end point 1a0bad84-08a3-4945-a7a6-3780cb796b17 End Point End Point false 95694ac2-64e8-4808-ac1f-1d0f1b66475c 1 1111 537 52 20 1137 547 Line segment 588675b8-5605-4696-a94b-ba7fc9736bb3 Line Line false 0 1187 517 22 40 1198 537 ccc7b468-e743-4049-891f-299432545898 Curve Middle Get the point in the middle of a curve true e1628e10-9715-412b-a041-8518318e4f77 Curve Middle Curve Middle 1132 464 101 28 1176 478 Curve for mid-point. 803bec72-bd31-430f-86b7-1f1407633421 Curve Curve false 8ebcaf48-501e-46b8-8728-17992184074a 1 1134 466 30 24 1149 478 Point in the middle of the curve faad7f6b-21e0-478b-960a-029e852fb37f Midpoint Midpoint false 0 1188 466 43 24 1209.5 478 b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate Rotate an object in a plane. true 347c5d96-9ec8-4c5a-b22d-9ed1a7f6f046 Rotate Rotate 1380 430 142 64 1458 462 Base geometry 298b2f4b-8fef-418b-90a7-37b368402cff Geometry Geometry true 8ebcaf48-501e-46b8-8728-17992184074a 1 1382 432 64 20 1422 442 Rotation angle in radians b92c75a1-0d09-4275-be12-b6fbd9692486 -X Angle Angle false 9b2b326e-6c24-4cc1-80a1-ab32581775c6 1 false 1382 452 64 20 1422 462 1 1 {0} 3.1415926535897931 Rotation plane e1578087-9c92-46a6-a378-a64e2fc84ad7 Plane Plane false faad7f6b-21e0-478b-960a-029e852fb37f 1 1382 472 64 20 1422 482 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Rotated geometry c5ae7622-7771-4f52-8010-c28c5ad96b3c Geometry Geometry false 0 1470 432 50 30 1495 447 Transformation data 0a55fa6b-78e6-4ef7-92b7-d97eeb89c240 Transform Transform false 0 1470 462 50 30 1495 477 b464fccb-50e7-41bd-9789-8438db9bea9f Angle Compute the angle between two vectors. true a899f6ff-5f84-438f-964a-2e9cbdb10872 Angle Angle 1261 548 103 64 1319 580 First vector 24f6fe15-3260-4ae4-9567-0054cf80f110 Vector A Vector A false 0 1263 550 44 20 1285 560 1 1 {0} 1.4375 0 0 Second vector 0aa1bc90-1778-43e3-9f7b-78d4438d83af Vector B Vector B false 588675b8-5605-4696-a94b-ba7fc9736bb3 1 1263 570 44 20 1285 580 Optional plane for 2D angle 7893aa35-2d3d-493a-821c-f5bdf0baae3d Plane Plane true 0 1263 590 44 20 1285 600 Angle (in radians) between vectors 9b2b326e-6c24-4cc1-80a1-ab32581775c6 Angle Angle false 0 1331 550 31 30 1346.5 565 Reflex angle (in radians) between vectors 94ff2bee-72e9-43b6-a65a-2b28a088b055 Reflex Reflex false 0 1331 580 31 30 1346.5 595 e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. true 029f035b-9625-4bb2-b4a0-7725f1803a18 Move Move 1521 501 126 44 1583 523 Base geometry a270e1e7-2845-41e5-8c38-21f48e08264c Geometry Geometry true c5ae7622-7771-4f52-8010-c28c5ad96b3c 1 1523 503 48 20 1547 513 Translation vector 62d6b7c3-b6d2-4be9-b852-7fe20ef972a5 Motion Motion false c45b3462-dea0-4cee-b549-a979dc027d76 1 1523 523 48 20 1547 533 1 1 {0} 0 0 10 Translated geometry 9f4ab302-38b9-47b3-bd6b-2ac87ef7f9b7 Geometry Geometry false 0 1595 503 50 20 1620 513 Transformation data 80580da6-c2f8-4e3e-8350-15fbc5ffc348 Transform Transform false 0 1595 523 50 20 1620 533 934ede4a-924a-4973-bb05-0dc4b36fae75 Vector 2Pt Create a vector between two points. true 8af5a0b1-100d-4772-8798-73900dc38239 Vector 2Pt Vector 2Pt 1412 611 100 64 1464 643 Base point ba1c57ff-1e60-4a8f-8f13-86033b7cf606 Point A Point A false faad7f6b-21e0-478b-960a-029e852fb37f 1 1414 613 38 20 1433 623 Tip point fca257e2-6234-4273-8f8c-2ab31f4a6197 Point B Point B false 0 1414 633 38 20 1433 643 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 Unitize output cf160d14-6b48-4603-973a-cdd4fbcb5c8c Unitize Unitize false 0 1414 653 38 20 1433 663 1 1 {0} false Vector c45b3462-dea0-4cee-b549-a979dc027d76 Vector Vector false 0 1476 613 34 30 1493 628 Vector length 668a7385-9633-4eba-86cc-ce1468d341a7 Length Length false 0 1476 643 34 30 1493 658 429cbba9-55ee-4e84-98ea-876c44db879a Sub Curve Construct a curve from the sub-domain of a base curve. true e7208619-df95-4410-a1ab-636a4e4bb983 Sub Curve Sub Curve 1745 591 112 44 1813 613 Base curve 85274467-8ec2-472e-b7fb-73db5e592bee Base curve Base curve false 1bcda4d3-fbcf-49d7-9b4a-0ba504fb0ca8 1 1747 593 54 20 1774 603 Sub-domain to extract 2c96aa96-9c32-4f04-8d75-078aeeeb737e Domain Domain false a9e412bd-11f2-4b1e-9efa-42305f440be0 1 1747 613 54 20 1774 623 Resulting sub curve 066cdf68-908c-436d-8151-1bb34840bf5c Curve Curve false 0 1825 593 30 40 1840 613 ccfd6ba8-ecb1-44df-a47e-08126a653c51 Curve Domain Measure and set the curve domain true a21fd6b0-2dd6-4e92-9157-3e3b127458ae Curve Domain Curve Domain 1579 582 104 44 1631 604 Curve to measure/modify e8f0d57d-7db1-4f44-acac-226289a3de5e Curve Curve false 9f4ab302-38b9-47b3-bd6b-2ac87ef7f9b7 1 1581 584 38 20 1600 594 Optional domain, if omitted the curve will not be modified. f0f67b0d-6fe5-42d1-bd18-5c25d1341c47 Domain Domain true 0 1581 604 38 20 1600 614 Curve with new domain. 1bcda4d3-fbcf-49d7-9b4a-0ba504fb0ca8 Curve Curve false 0 1643 584 38 20 1662 594 Domain of original curve. a072654c-cfc9-4025-8f08-2edab47e8a09 Domain Domain false 0 1643 604 38 20 1662 614 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. true 43d96ccb-bc5f-4b59-a40d-6cb18f2eed72 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct Domain 1576 658 92 44 1628 680 Base domain 9d201bfa-1543-4a32-80d9-798f2478a9a0 Domain Domain false a072654c-cfc9-4025-8f08-2edab47e8a09 1 1578 660 38 40 1597 680 Start of domain 95f197a3-0e2d-4094-ad01-7cc2c2dd7ab6 Start Start false 0 1640 660 26 20 1653 670 End of domain 44ac052e-442f-4654-93e5-1405d5fa2351 End End false 0 1640 680 26 20 1653 690 d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf Construct Domain Create a numeric domain from two numeric extremes. true 73f73686-08ff-42b1-9ef5-6821cba0eb84 Construct Domain Construct Domain 1699 674 144 44 1791 696 Start value of numeric domain ad165294-02a6-4dab-81ec-1d61ec601e15 Domain start Domain start false 44ac052e-442f-4654-93e5-1405d5fa2351 1 1701 676 78 20 1748 686 1 1 {0} 0 End value of numeric domain 455d3e9e-6c56-4289-80c6-f44e536597b3 X/2 Domain end Domain end false 44ac052e-442f-4654-93e5-1405d5fa2351 1 1701 696 78 20 1748 706 1 1 {0} 1 Numeric domain between {A} and {B} a9e412bd-11f2-4b1e-9efa-42305f440be0 Domain Domain false 0 1803 676 38 40 1822 696 b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate Rotate an object in a plane. true 65008729-50b1-4dbb-ba59-d01f9226d7ed Rotate Rotate 1966 487 126 64 2028 519 Base geometry 207d7132-b3a4-41f6-ac0e-963cfc22e149 Geometry Geometry true 066cdf68-908c-436d-8151-1bb34840bf5c 1 1968 489 48 20 1992 499 Rotation angle in radians 9956e242-8bd5-4338-bad2-a8038de36994 Angle Angle false 0 false 1968 509 48 20 1992 519 1 1 {0} 3.1415926535897931 Rotation plane 7dad66e1-d7d1-4ed5-a1c4-006271f4017b Plane Plane false 88217871-4188-4053-93dd-6fd3ab5c2151 1 1968 529 48 20 1992 539 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Rotated geometry 9178b0ab-1e41-4f38-86c4-888e54663800 Geometry Geometry false 0 2040 489 50 30 2065 504 Transformation data a96e20b1-9248-46b0-9214-b27c0dba305d Transform Transform false 0 2040 519 50 30 2065 534 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. true 0341c1f7-86c3-40e6-b8fc-b0ae24bab5c4 Evaluate Length Evaluate Length 1876 639 132 64 1944 671 Curve to evaluate 898594a2-9c18-4a0b-8e00-67a23776886f Curve Curve false 066cdf68-908c-436d-8151-1bb34840bf5c 1 1878 641 54 20 1905 651 Length factor for curve evaluation 80356791-5813-4183-967e-4ebdc4e71cbb Length Length false 0 1878 661 54 20 1905 671 1 1 {0} 1 If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) 7e05047d-d2b7-4f2a-8007-10216d59cca6 Normalized Normalized false 0 1878 681 54 20 1905 691 1 1 {0} true Point at the specified length 88217871-4188-4053-93dd-6fd3ab5c2151 Point Point false 0 1956 641 50 20 1981 651 Tangent vector at the specified length 2585f8e4-d464-4266-8aff-6e4f8a134edf Tangent Tangent false 0 1956 661 50 20 1981 671 Curve parameter at the specified length 55313248-a269-4601-a72a-8e78948f0f99 Parameter Parameter false 0 1956 681 50 20 1981 691 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves Join as many curves as possible true 689059e2-5368-4c73-b048-4feb47777f6d Join Curves Join Curves 2101 409 106 44 2158 431 1 Curves to join f0ff74e4-1106-4f10-95a4-cce7dccceaeb Curves Curves false 066cdf68-908c-436d-8151-1bb34840bf5c 9178b0ab-1e41-4f38-86c4-888e54663800 2 2103 411 43 20 2124.5 421 Preserve direction of input curves 4f3c6eab-c827-4031-9f65-161a42f3ae21 Preserve Preserve false 0 2103 431 43 20 2124.5 441 1 1 {0} false 1 Joined curves and individual curves that could not be joined. 8fcad302-7000-4e36-a094-c4e362308967 Curves Curves false 0 2170 411 35 40 2187.5 431 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers fd853c3c-9aaa-494b-82c0-915c7b6bd781 Digit Scroller Digit Scroller false 0 12 Digit Scroller 11 64.0 494 875 250 20 494.3194 875.0063 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number Contains a collection of floating point numbers 0534d7cc-9feb-4033-af98-bc642efe8183 Number Number false a8164eb1-a4e5-4a87-bf4e-9014db438764 1 186 1366 50 24 211.0396 1378.519 aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature Evaluate the curvature of a curve at a specified parameter. true ff4adb0c-5092-407b-b9b1-0a97aa880c88 Curvature Curvature 153 1193 125 64 217 1225 Curve to evaluate 25adda71-ac67-47a0-aed5-5641b6a4c7e9 Curve Curve false b7346d29-589c-4403-8798-25b55c459d83 1 155 1195 50 30 180 1210 Parameter on curve domain to evaluate 9b1d0f03-2ac7-45b0-9c31-fa25f24a5762 Parameter Parameter false 177913e3-4c3e-4882-8c47-8f541792bfbb 1 155 1225 50 30 180 1240 Point on curve at {t} df6848b0-de2b-4cd6-bd41-fad2367b0268 Point Point false 0 229 1195 47 20 252.5 1205 Curvature vector at {t} cc853271-c067-4b9d-84f9-46b67cf1637a Curvature Curvature false 0 229 1215 47 20 252.5 1225 Curvature circle at {t} c3edcb7f-ba45-496f-bddd-2bec4c00eb63 Curvature Curvature false 0 229 1235 47 20 252.5 1245 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve Divide a curve into equal length segments true 2063cd82-c886-41f9-a87d-596b59d8233f Divide Curve Divide Curve 169 1283 113 64 213 1315 Curve to divide 5dc6be15-a2e6-428f-9164-9c79b30e21d8 Curve Curve false b7346d29-589c-4403-8798-25b55c459d83 1 171 1285 30 20 186 1295 Number of segments 1ab9eb27-754e-4b25-9dfc-134e23fd83a0 Count Count false 0534d7cc-9feb-4033-af98-bc642efe8183 1 171 1305 30 20 186 1315 1 1 {0} 10 Split segments at kinks e822f5dc-fbf1-4975-9703-c3838d20ab89 Kinks Kinks false 0 171 1325 30 20 186 1335 1 1 {0} false 1 Division points 411aab6c-a450-43b0-a99b-0507ea8f1f90 Points Points false 0 225 1285 55 20 252.5 1295 1 Tangent vectors at division points 8ed58d24-b4d3-424e-9b32-68d256aedbf0 Tangents Tangents false 0 225 1305 55 20 252.5 1315 1 Parameter values at division points 177913e3-4c3e-4882-8c47-8f541792bfbb Parameters Parameters false 0 225 1325 55 20 252.5 1335 d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve Contains a collection of generic curves true b7346d29-589c-4403-8798-25b55c459d83 Curve Curve false 4b8e0a8a-9647-47b4-a20e-be1a55fcb040 1 189 1392 50 24 214.9976 1404.91 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc Retrieve the base plane, radius and angle domain of an arc. true b6da7104-e46f-4626-9e1e-c8762f31d26c Deconstruct Arc Deconstruct Arc 170 1115 102 64 204 1147 Arc or Circle to deconstruct 8224ee49-af06-4aef-a783-30f65ff34951 Arc Arc false c3edcb7f-ba45-496f-bddd-2bec4c00eb63 1 172 1117 20 60 182 1147 Base plane of arc or circle f06584c7-aaf2-41f4-96e9-389163f3ab69 Base Plane Base Plane false 0 216 1117 54 20 243 1127 Radius of arc or circle 7728dc80-7cc7-477f-9075-2d995050fdb7 Radius Radius false 0 216 1137 54 20 243 1147 Angle domain (in radians) of arc 0f1b8cdf-c592-463b-9afa-25d41c965c81 Angle Angle false 0 216 1157 54 20 243 1167 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X Compute one over x. true 6a4b9175-5812-4ad4-9489-064ec09178a6 One Over X One Over X 170 1080 88 28 213 1094 Input value ca598019-6a9c-49b6-a363-d6528540e324 Value Value false 7728dc80-7cc7-477f-9075-2d995050fdb7 1 172 1082 29 24 186.5 1094 Output value 0062de1a-26c1-4e79-a1b7-503c4869b68a Result Result false 0 225 1082 31 24 240.5 1094 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph 1 Display a set of y-values as a graph c75abe0f-ea36-48e5-bc32-0baeaa42f1c7 Quick Graph Quick Graph false 0 0062de1a-26c1-4e79-a1b7-503c4869b68a 1 151 906 150 150 151.8736 906.3478 -1 c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects 0534d7cc-9feb-4033-af98-bc642efe8183 ff4adb0c-5092-407b-b9b1-0a97aa880c88 2063cd82-c886-41f9-a87d-596b59d8233f b7346d29-589c-4403-8798-25b55c459d83 b6da7104-e46f-4626-9e1e-c8762f31d26c 6a4b9175-5812-4ad4-9489-064ec09178a6 c75abe0f-ea36-48e5-bc32-0baeaa42f1c7 7 dc4240ef-19cb-4b9d-bcff-baa5d7034b17 Group 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph 1 Display a set of y-values as a graph ebea710d-35f0-4c4d-a212-c9f21052c903 Quick Graph Quick Graph false 0 0062de1a-26c1-4e79-a1b7-503c4869b68a 1 379 1192 75 180 379.4907 1192.189 -1 3581f42a-9592-4549-bd6b-1c0fc39d067b Construct Point Construct a point from {xyz} coordinates. true f8bccc47-c8ed-4fd8-8acd-90229a216180 Construct Point Construct Point 325 1016 117 64 401 1048 {x} coordinate 25c608c2-4fef-418e-a66f-27867a1d696c X coordinate X coordinate false 05392273-3bc1-434d-8e92-1a8fd4aef686 1 327 1018 62 20 358 1028 1 1 {0} 0 {y} coordinate 235aa927-3833-44c4-a1d0-57d4bba92f44 Y coordinate Y coordinate false 0062de1a-26c1-4e79-a1b7-503c4869b68a 1 327 1038 62 20 358 1048 1 1 {0} 0 {z} coordinate e29215ee-0f8b-4e95-b391-c8558f38a1dc Z coordinate Z coordinate false 0 327 1058 62 20 358 1068 1 1 {0} 0 Point coordinate b3d89d52-394d-4be5-bad6-a9d025867db4 Point Point false 0 413 1018 27 60 426.5 1048 71b5b089-500a-4ea6-81c5-2f960441a0e8 PolyLine Create a polyline connecting a number of points. true efff086a-8dd1-4b22-b191-7efbfdaac72d PolyLine PolyLine 326 937 106 44 380 959 1 Polyline vertex points 976d30cb-510d-4417-bfd4-2e4217790cfc Vertices Vertices false b3d89d52-394d-4be5-bad6-a9d025867db4 1 328 939 40 20 348 949 Close polyline 9082b283-5f67-4c66-b651-e1d39858faf0 Closed Closed false 0 328 959 40 20 348 969 1 1 {0} false Resulting polyline 37791226-c8c2-4c72-9ac0-5b8498a03417 Polyline Polyline false 0 392 939 38 40 411 959 afb96615-c59a-45c9-9cac-e27acb1c7ca0 Explode Explode a curve into smaller segments. true f13b8ca1-001f-46d1-b67c-568edc9af93c Explode Explode 453 993 124 44 514 1015 Curve to explode 5536e48c-bf44-4b2e-b108-8d5a91a8d46c Curve Curve false 37791226-c8c2-4c72-9ac0-5b8498a03417 1 455 995 47 20 478.5 1005 Recursive decomposition until all segments are atomic 95f43fb1-8dce-4600-903c-aea272ad37dc Recursive Recursive false 0 455 1015 47 20 478.5 1025 1 1 {0} true 1 Exploded segments that make up the base curve b77f7a6b-0015-4973-a21c-3dee0f92d7aa Segments Segments false 0 526 995 49 20 550.5 1005 1 Vertices of the exploded segments 99520564-bc0f-4b89-9020-69fa651bc353 Vertices Vertices false 0 526 1015 49 20 550.5 1025 1817fd29-20ae-4503-b542-f0fb651e67d7 List Length Measure the length of a list. true 432c7d90-3444-45ce-baae-6e7117191b79 List Length List Length 458 1083 97 28 491 1097 1 Base list a96fdc4f-2ed6-4890-b6c9-3dd528387f2c List List false b77f7a6b-0015-4973-a21c-3dee0f92d7aa 1 460 1085 19 24 469.5 1097 Number of items in L 80c63ae8-16ba-4c99-b800-89d880a2eb6f X/4 Length Length false 0 503 1085 50 24 520 1097 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item 0 Retrieve a specific item from a list. true c7369755-d44b-4f96-abfb-58e17108a740 List Item List Item 592 923 78 64 650 955 3 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2e3ab970-8545-46bb-836c-1c11e5610bce cb95db89-6165-43b6-9c41-5702bc5bf137 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 Base list 50596714-e582-472a-8bff-ce00d899592b List List false b77f7a6b-0015-4973-a21c-3dee0f92d7aa 1 594 925 44 20 624 935 Item index ce54ef37-2772-46cb-b5ab-e809dd239b5f X+(X/2) Index Index false 80c63ae8-16ba-4c99-b800-89d880a2eb6f 1 594 945 44 20 624 955 1 1 {0} 0 Wrap index to list bounds a1222a29-9f7a-4f59-b13e-27cdb9dc2969 Wrap Wrap false 0 594 965 44 20 624 975 1 1 {0} false Item at {i'} 79d4a398-4aaf-4ce7-9b84-d2fb7b728b5f false Item i false 0 662 925 6 60 665 955 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item 0 Retrieve a specific item from a list. true 9fc1b6a2-fd0e-4efe-8511-ddcd91800f95 List Item List Item 604 1010 78 64 662 1042 3 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2e3ab970-8545-46bb-836c-1c11e5610bce cb95db89-6165-43b6-9c41-5702bc5bf137 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 Base list 081a7535-a85e-40e8-81b1-594ff788fe23 List List false b77f7a6b-0015-4973-a21c-3dee0f92d7aa 1 606 1012 44 20 636 1022 Item index 9090d061-1625-4aae-8626-6ff49c174664 X-(X/2) Index Index false 80c63ae8-16ba-4c99-b800-89d880a2eb6f 1 606 1032 44 20 636 1042 1 1 {0} 0 Wrap index to list bounds 9fbba2d4-fe22-4934-8897-222c0135cd2d Wrap Wrap false 0 606 1052 44 20 636 1062 1 1 {0} false Item at {i'} 9f7966e2-67f7-4733-aca4-5f1f2da76b83 false Item i false 0 674 1012 6 60 677 1042 b464fccb-50e7-41bd-9789-8438db9bea9f Angle Compute the angle between two vectors. true 913f8c8f-39cd-431a-953c-d78a31c55c8d Angle Angle 713 975 103 64 771 1007 First vector c80717a2-e21f-45bc-8135-655e5d43827e Vector A Vector A false 79d4a398-4aaf-4ce7-9b84-d2fb7b728b5f 1 715 977 44 20 737 987 Second vector ccfa454b-9ae1-4609-915c-51d8db9f4894 Vector B Vector B false 9f7966e2-67f7-4733-aca4-5f1f2da76b83 1 715 997 44 20 737 1007 Optional plane for 2D angle 916c5997-5ada-429c-8981-582bc4fabb23 Plane Plane true 0 715 1017 44 20 737 1027 Angle (in radians) between vectors e8f80bda-3e40-4a30-8897-bce1725065e3 Angle Angle false 0 783 977 31 30 798.5 992 Reflex angle (in radians) between vectors 8a57610e-f05e-4551-8587-ac6c200ee87d Reflex Reflex false 0 783 1007 31 30 798.5 1022 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values 921af085-0260-485c-9045-7b430a3c7e11 Number Slider Number Slider false 0 394 893 198 20 394.2046 893.3271 0 1 0 100 0 0 31 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values a4ba649b-d016-4a81-b81b-e21dfe41b6d4 Panel false 0 c03f8c58-0631-4cef-a533-fcc5737e1763 1 360/256*4*2 331 777 199 20 0 0 0 331.4116 777.6089 255;255;255;255 false false true false false true 0d77c51e-584f-44e8-aed2-c2ddf4803888 Degrees Convert an angle specified in radians to degrees true 92afe58e-27d7-4779-a9fd-4c474f1c31f1 Degrees Degrees 554 1345 108 28 607 1359 Angle in radians 5c1f3a4d-3038-4ba4-b66c-0328beabd8e6 Radians Radians false e8f80bda-3e40-4a30-8897-bce1725065e3 1 556 1347 39 24 575.5 1359 Angle in degrees c03f8c58-0631-4cef-a533-fcc5737e1763 Degrees Degrees false 0 619 1347 41 24 639.5 1359 9df5e896-552d-4c8c-b9ca-4fc147ffa022 Expression Evaluate an expression Format("{0:R}", x) true e12366ca-fd22-4df8-bd91-6a9cec5f9ce8 Expression Expression 527 1253 168 28 600 1267 1 ba80fd98-91a1-4958-b6a7-a94e40e52bdb 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 Expression variable 92330482-459f-4837-bc32-f3864f6dc34b Variable x x true e8f80bda-3e40-4a30-8897-bce1725065e3 1 529 1255 9 24 533.5 1267 Result of expression d0dc30ab-5cdd-49a4-8d9c-afe6f9c0c0dd Result Result false 0 662 1255 31 24 677.5 1267 e64c5fb1-845c-4ab1-8911-5f338516ba67 Series Create a series of numbers. true faaed608-2e64-4e02-abeb-cdc8d42bc970 Series Series 337 1087 89 64 381 1119 First number in the series 7d8e1b79-858e-4ed8-ace6-0cba1b63c441 Start Start false 0 339 1089 30 20 354 1099 1 1 {0} 0 Step size for each successive number a815d483-5b5e-4599-a5b6-bb48951df983 Step Step false b15a74d4-e63f-4001-ad2e-1f219b099a13 1 339 1109 30 20 354 1119 1 1 {0} 1 Number of values in the series f854120a-b43c-4b22-9b51-6a405d682f6e Count Count false 0534d7cc-9feb-4033-af98-bc642efe8183 1 339 1129 30 20 354 1139 1 1 {0} 64 1 Series of numbers 05392273-3bc1-434d-8e92-1a8fd4aef686 Series Series false 0 393 1089 31 60 408.5 1119 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values e725167d-14b6-4a6b-bf15-bce658ee019d Number Slider Number Slider false 0 416 1143 198 20 416.2049 1143.327 0 1 0 100 0 0 32 7376fe41-74ec-497e-b367-1ffe5072608b Curvature Graph Draws Rhino Curvature Graphs. true ed57df7e-d74c-43f1-a351-38b776e518c0 Curvature Graph Curvature Graph 235 826 65 64 286 858 Curve for Curvature graph display true c086c865-da0f-46f4-8a17-bf4a4eac88c7 Curve Curve false b7346d29-589c-4403-8798-25b55c459d83 1 237 828 37 20 255.5 838 Sampling density of the Graph 528f5c5d-e1eb-4397-a97a-a5cee8335a07 Density Density false 0 237 848 37 20 255.5 858 1 1 {0} 1 Scale of graph 3088582d-ba06-4852-ac09-6110ae5ad866 Scale Scale false 8f802fca-1ffb-4feb-a14f-5e1fd4adbea4 1 237 868 37 20 255.5 878 1 1 {0} 105 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers 8f802fca-1ffb-4feb-a14f-5e1fd4adbea4 Digit Scroller Digit Scroller false 0 12 Digit Scroller 11 94.0 46 784 250 20 46.12427 784.324 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box Solve oriented geometry bounding boxes. true 9deca7df-5fe9-4967-af88-808ef6f8526a Bounding Box Bounding Box true 2162 491 88 44 2215 513 1 Geometry to contain c97cba04-9df3-4f44-a800-451ba0a0931d Content Content false 8fcad302-7000-4e36-a094-c4e362308967 1 2164 493 39 20 2183.5 503 BoundingBox orientation plane true 71b5007b-3d89-44df-aabc-c609cae372b4 Plane Plane false 0 2164 513 39 20 2183.5 523 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Aligned bounding box in world coordinates ba945b3e-f61b-46b6-939d-e0bd80539646 Box Box false 0 2227 493 21 20 2237.5 503 Bounding box in orientation plane coordinates true 778afcad-c083-4dac-a37e-be28cd656df8 Box Box false 0 2227 513 21 20 2237.5 523 db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box Deconstruct a box into its constituent parts. true 23184264-1887-4993-9258-64b937da5164 Deconstruct Box Deconstruct Box 2268 556 77 84 2303 598 Base box 50594d2e-9b3d-48a3-aadb-01aba360e170 Box Box false ba945b3e-f61b-46b6-939d-e0bd80539646 1 2270 558 21 80 2280.5 598 Box plane 4cbdda2a-9e3b-4b6f-95ca-6382c1c26c24 Plane Plane false 0 2315 558 28 20 2329 568 {x} dimension of box 89b8279c-498c-44b6-b138-25c9d395b39e X X false 0 2315 578 28 20 2329 588 {y} dimension of box 91766f87-5663-42e7-bbe3-7528a35f4f6e Y Y false 0 2315 598 28 20 2329 608 {z} dimension of box f3e7c4a2-0f15-4cb3-857e-ef8f7d3ee19d Z Z false 0 2315 618 28 20 2329 628 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. true 226be27f-bc2b-44d7-a2ae-68c32e58c93e Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct Domain 2368 611 92 44 2420 633 Base domain 33b618e6-a8b3-4839-8656-5c7b1a3f3739 Domain Domain false 89b8279c-498c-44b6-b138-25c9d395b39e 1 2370 613 38 40 2389 633 Start of domain 2dc8facf-7959-4621-93d5-314d34ea0220 Start Start false 0 2432 613 26 20 2445 623 End of domain 09f414e2-a377-48cb-bf26-9259a44948ce End End false 0 2432 633 26 20 2445 643 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. true fc5724e4-4632-4f77-95be-383aa10e878d Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct Domain 2372 664 92 44 2424 686 Base domain df23187b-6286-487f-a3d2-349ca6bdb433 Domain Domain false 91766f87-5663-42e7-bbe3-7528a35f4f6e 1 2374 666 38 40 2393 686 Start of domain 62f25a01-f813-4914-a6fb-cc9b5f61bc32 Start Start false 0 2436 666 26 20 2449 676 End of domain 67463d2d-df8a-44b4-b14f-13efbe763634 End End false 0 2436 686 26 20 2449 696 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 50283408-6421-4a08-b2f8-8e390cb94255 Panel false 0 0 16 0.52916013400 32 0.13119985428 439 602 199 56 0 0 0 439.1688 602.9803 255;255;255;255 false false true false false true 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box Solve oriented geometry bounding boxes. true 26d7fb84-4690-4461-a65c-e06a29c19694 Bounding Box Bounding Box true 2759 699 88 44 2812 721 1 Geometry to contain 5836f5ba-c73b-40bf-8d0d-5fdad16ef412 Content Content false 3fd8a8a0-ce51-45fd-bad4-becd7f5ed67d 1 2761 701 39 20 2780.5 711 BoundingBox orientation plane true b1350502-5e2e-4be7-aaf0-83398b500c44 Plane Plane false 0 2761 721 39 20 2780.5 731 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Aligned bounding box in world coordinates cc665633-e147-4112-9203-ff33c6afdedc Box Box false 0 2824 701 21 20 2834.5 711 Bounding box in orientation plane coordinates true e8e5e4ac-be2e-4573-ac88-cf873668e715 Box Box false 0 2824 721 21 20 2834.5 731 db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box Deconstruct a box into its constituent parts. true c492f59f-a3e7-4157-9d90-e2ba3656227f Deconstruct Box Deconstruct Box 2878 642 77 84 2913 684 Base box 37a87671-2ba3-45ac-809c-f50cdc30c96e Box Box false cc665633-e147-4112-9203-ff33c6afdedc 1 2880 644 21 80 2890.5 684 Box plane fccd6a0c-186b-44c6-971f-866c56d8d08a Plane Plane false 0 2925 644 28 20 2939 654 {x} dimension of box 0b58c7b7-3f2e-450a-b041-a7cc7e3eaa80 X X false 0 2925 664 28 20 2939 674 {y} dimension of box 8d5fcbe7-b91e-4979-8e8e-ffabcb7f1b61 Y Y false 0 2925 684 28 20 2939 694 {z} dimension of box 819b6cb2-1477-412e-b600-55bdb3f95392 Z Z false 0 2925 704 28 20 2939 714 d93100b6-d50b-40b2-831a-814659dc38e3 Rectangle Create a rectangle on a plane true 67ea094f-edb4-43aa-9250-b0c71630f9a7 Rectangle Rectangle 3017 656 109 84 3064 698 Rectangle base plane 44fc51d8-211d-40e9-a6e2-dd98b9529f12 Plane Plane false 0 3019 658 33 20 3035.5 668 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Dimensions of rectangle in plane X direction. 922695f8-6b85-419f-8d41-5061d72d6521 X Size X Size false 0b58c7b7-3f2e-450a-b041-a7cc7e3eaa80 1 3019 678 33 20 3035.5 688 1 1 {0} -1 1 Dimensions of rectangle in plane Y direction. 68c3f175-927e-4e34-bb7c-d4bd5b7987fd Y Size Y Size false 8d5fcbe7-b91e-4979-8e8e-ffabcb7f1b61 1 3019 698 33 20 3035.5 708 1 1 {0} -2 2 Rectangle corner fillet radius b3f39558-41a7-49bc-8794-c4fb194f8bb7 Radius Radius false 0 3019 718 33 20 3035.5 728 1 1 {0} 0 Rectangle c093c6c0-a63e-4430-b3b5-c4cfa59e9b30 Rectangle Rectangle false 0 3076 658 48 40 3100 678 Length of rectangle curve 11822b47-b2c2-44b4-825c-5d75f5ae506c Length Length false 0 3076 698 48 40 3100 718 cae9fe53-6d63-44ed-9d6d-13180fbf6f89 1c9de8a1-315f-4c56-af06-8f69fee80a7a Curve Graph Mapper Remap values with a custom graph using input curves. true 29fac698-716e-44bc-97e3-63e77f894b54 Curve Graph Mapper Curve Graph Mapper 4427 780 148 224 4489 892 1 One or multiple graph curves to graph map values with fcadf8da-a104-45da-be70-49c3333fd749 Curves Curves false acd8cb55-9f5b-4694-8cdf-60d083af3af5 1 4429 782 48 27 4453 795.75 Rectangle which defines the boundary of the graph, graph curves should be atleast partially inside this boundary 81e5bade-0049-4683-b48f-e322f05ba951 Rectangle Rectangle false c093c6c0-a63e-4430-b3b5-c4cfa59e9b30 1 4429 809 48 28 4453 823.25 1 Values to graph map. Values are plotted along the X Axis, intersected with the graph curves, then mapped to the Y Axis 4bf2daa5-3e57-4e46-9227-00fbf9876a44 Values Values false 1630e965-dd57-45b1-a022-fd956e1f0a77 1 4429 837 48 27 4453 850.75 Domain of the graphs X Axis, where the values get plotted (if omitted the input value lists domain bounds is used) f7b99d3e-b0f9-4cb8-b116-d510d7481a92 X Axis X Axis true 0 4429 864 48 28 4453 878.25 Domain of the graphs Y Axis, where the values get mapped to (if omitted the input value lists domain bounds is used) 210915eb-f746-4f3c-83d5-a9bec0b00311 Y Axis Y Axis true 0 4429 892 48 27 4453 905.75 Flip the graphs X Axis from the bottom of the graph to the top of the graph 4d1f05a0-4613-4cb1-800e-c91a2cd09087 Flip Flip false 0 4429 919 48 28 4453 933.25 1 1 {0} false Resize the graph by snapping it to the extents of the graph curves, in the plane of the boundary rectangle 8f203129-0cd6-42ea-974c-b7fb47753e35 Snap Snap false 0 4429 947 48 27 4453 960.75 1 1 {0} false Size of the graph labels 55e8f35c-df77-482f-9c5b-713d8b4078b4 Text Size Text Size false 0 4429 974 48 28 4453 988.25 1 1 {0} 1 1 Resulting graph mapped values, mapped on the Y Axis 45468369-e78b-46c9-8973-7e0fca777c79 Mapped Mapped false 0 4501 782 72 20 4537 792 1 The graph curves inside the boundary of the graph c6e05e35-8a76-4650-be63-77494d2ca9a1 Graph Curves Graph Curves false 0 4501 802 72 20 4537 812 1 The points on the graph curves where the X Axis input values intersected true cf83e917-1dff-4842-8ef8-3d312fa77e77 Graph Points Graph Points false 0 4501 822 72 20 4537 832 1 The lines from the X Axis input values to the graph curves true 32b161a7-83ab-431c-abf1-3ea533eb65f0 Value Lines Value Lines false 0 4501 842 72 20 4537 852 1 The points plotted on the X Axis which represent the input values true d89c2f2b-4916-4bfd-9aaa-cca626ac3cc9 Value Points Value Points false 0 4501 862 72 20 4537 872 1 The lines from the graph curves to the Y Axis graph mapped values true 87d07c4c-e492-4ff6-ad3c-671d657f6cbb Mapped Lines Mapped Lines false 0 4501 882 72 20 4537 892 1 The points mapped on the Y Axis which represent the graph mapped values true 8dc66679-5d4b-40d6-95d5-714e377bb1b0 Mapped Points Mapped Points false 0 4501 902 72 20 4537 912 The graph boundary background as a surface fd454aad-2693-4618-88c8-47f518489343 Boundary Boundary false 0 4501 922 72 20 4537 932 1 The graph labels as curve outlines 8027a7c9-a3ee-4ea3-82cd-943e29744bdc Labels Labels false 0 4501 942 72 20 4537 952 1 True for input values outside of the X Axis domain bounds False for input values inside of the X Axis domain bounds 9d89e84f-9817-424d-9d5c-b54f8dabcda5 Out Of Bounds Out Of Bounds false 0 4501 962 72 20 4537 972 1 True for input values on the X Axis which intersect a graph curve False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 49b5c962-3c1c-4146-9b54-9a44050bf6b2 Intersected Intersected false 0 4501 982 72 20 4537 992 fb6aba99-fead-4e42-b5d8-c6de5ff90ea6 DotNET VB Script (LEGACY) A VB.NET scriptable component true 79a20359-b479-49a6-9e28-0e38fdc21f71 DotNET VB Script (LEGACY) Turtle 0 Dim i As Integer Dim dir As New On3dVector(1, 0, 0) Dim pos As New On3dVector(0, 0, 0) Dim axis As New On3dVector(0, 0, 1) Dim pnts As New List(Of On3dVector) pnts.Add(pos) For i = 0 To Forward.Count() - 1 Dim P As New On3dVector dir.Rotate(Left(i), axis) P = dir * Forward(i) + pnts(i) pnts.Add(P) Next Points = pnts 4533 415 100 44 4588 437 1 1 2 Script Variable Forward Script Variable Left 84fa917c-1ed8-4db3-8be1-7bdc4a6495a2 84fa917c-1ed8-4db3-8be1-7bdc4a6495a2 true true Forward Left true true 2 Print, Reflect and Error streams Output parameter Points 3ede854e-c753-40eb-84cb-b48008f14fd4 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 true true Output Points false false 1 false Script Variable Forward 289d7a4d-e595-47eb-8b9a-604c9f129829 Forward Forward true 1 true df6fdf1b-0e8d-4bd9-8822-e38c580200e6 1 8e991e99-5fb8-41e1-928d-1bba8fb9f7d7 4535 417 41 20 4555.5 427 1 false Script Variable Left 793e99dd-922d-4b5b-9ffc-b0c25cf27e1e Left Left true 1 true 45468369-e78b-46c9-8973-7e0fca777c79 1 8e991e99-5fb8-41e1-928d-1bba8fb9f7d7 4535 437 41 20 4555.5 447 Print, Reflect and Error streams f6aae085-de2a-477e-adb2-88b426354f3d Output out false 0 4600 417 31 20 4615.5 427 Output parameter Points f5a856bb-1db4-40c4-9e7f-b2a706415c5e Points Points false 0 4600 437 31 20 4615.5 447 fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point Contains a collection of three-dimensional points true e0de5004-0940-487e-8dc5-f713b5f74a7c Point Point false f5a856bb-1db4-40c4-9e7f-b2a706415c5e 1 4684 472 50 24 4709.796 484.6566 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate Create an interpolated curve through a set of points. true 4b9cda6c-2b8c-488c-80df-dd71744f4b15 Interpolate Interpolate 4831 393 113 84 4892 435 1 Interpolation points a2daacaf-55b8-42ff-8254-98d8abafe602 Vertices Vertices false f5a856bb-1db4-40c4-9e7f-b2a706415c5e 1 4833 395 47 20 4856.5 405 Curve degree 41f9500a-ad57-4dba-a5fc-31afe2a0939c Degree Degree false 0 4833 415 47 20 4856.5 425 1 1 {0} 3 Periodic curve ca64881c-c00e-470e-8c43-fcbebd599a60 Periodic Periodic false 0 4833 435 47 20 4856.5 445 1 1 {0} false Knot spacing (0=uniform, 1=chord, 2=sqrtchord) 42b38be2-decf-4a54-821a-3682825bc616 KnotStyle KnotStyle false 0 4833 455 47 20 4856.5 465 1 1 {0} 0 Resulting nurbs curve f7bd0c2f-1e41-47e8-bcf4-b8c1df670202 Curve Curve false 0 4904 395 38 26 4923 408.3333 Curve length 7afd724c-fa87-4f01-b733-a7fd17de4c1d Length Length false 0 4904 421 38 27 4923 435 Curve domain 4ff7d22e-328d-4d9e-8e42-7198716e3657 Domain Domain false 0 4904 448 38 27 4923 461.6667 e64c5fb1-845c-4ab1-8911-5f338516ba67 Series Create a series of numbers. true d17dd86e-b7e2-4f82-92af-c0eb4e94138d Series Series 4126 466 49 64 4151 498 First number in the series 6a1e0279-c2b4-4000-99c8-9fe159ac1daf Start S false 0 4128 468 11 20 4133.5 478 1 1 {0} 0 Step size for each successive number 32a9f054-ec94-443f-ae88-53253c0e4762 Step N false 2e2aa80f-3c15-42e5-b671-1d843f7622d1 1 4128 488 11 20 4133.5 498 1 1 {0} 1 Number of values in the series 8d52fe97-411f-4a49-9560-ea5ccaa1667e Count C false a8164eb1-a4e5-4a87-bf4e-9014db438764 1 4128 508 11 20 4133.5 518 1 Series of numbers 1630e965-dd57-45b1-a022-fd956e1f0a77 Series S false 0 4163 468 10 60 4168 498 a4cd2751-414d-42ec-8916-476ebf62d7fe Radians Convert an angle specified in degrees to radians true 148f818a-3cff-49b1-8da3-b410a6a56812 Radians Radians 4114 570 108 28 4169 584 Angle in degrees 9b471f8e-9651-480d-a1a7-a68468c04e63 Degrees Degrees false f39f05cc-1fa6-4b14-998e-b504c9eb7f7f 1 4116 572 41 24 4136.5 584 Angle in radians 2e2aa80f-3c15-42e5-b671-1d843f7622d1 Radians Radians false 0 4181 572 39 24 4200.5 584 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers dfcf675b-8615-4cd5-a8bc-28b05427bf83 Digit Scroller Digit Scroller false 0 12 Digit Scroller 1 0.00190848809 3968 616 250 20 3968.256 616.9065 c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects 79a20359-b479-49a6-9e28-0e38fdc21f71 e0de5004-0940-487e-8dc5-f713b5f74a7c 4b9cda6c-2b8c-488c-80df-dd71744f4b15 d17dd86e-b7e2-4f82-92af-c0eb4e94138d 148f818a-3cff-49b1-8da3-b410a6a56812 dfcf675b-8615-4cd5-a8bc-28b05427bf83 6 83b0566a-5c63-4970-8578-322af2331c95 Group c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects 4ecf6a3f-99c1-48c3-b685-4ba7f3b570f4 0a5a68a9-d9c7-4937-b9d9-4f63ae2bca85 a798152c-93b8-46ce-be00-d715e4de64b4 95dd6448-9e21-47e1-89eb-65a7dc8ca571 18f9e8cd-78f9-426e-ade4-3796c99c8c38 f03e6f6b-1c2e-4240-a7b8-006dcfe787f7 9b3d084d-b4ff-4ba8-b46a-717d5108d61c 2c049d3c-af05-4651-9045-43b4d61da4a5 4f992859-2053-4084-a5d2-c2e64df8590f ed593a8b-a3a7-4309-b3bd-aacb466a2c7c 9cce6837-0b03-485b-bf1f-89680dcc6a97 336b85d9-91f0-4f20-a4be-580ddf61082c dacebf91-a053-4921-baa1-c290aa1aa947 3f5c9cc9-d853-4b17-bc37-271b4874f619 f268eb9e-395a-4291-a085-1734a606096f fd1f73a9-7389-4039-88fe-9343fa423d37 49c23869-d7af-4aed-8e2a-612c07daf82a 7e44edc7-d3ec-4bbe-91be-4a82e7378b3b cb0e567f-4229-4ae2-a773-7459b88dd41e 36cdb7a8-e1e8-41f1-995c-052ae31c9eb1 8c453433-7d96-455b-b289-826ea5a79066 42ddbb8d-3fc2-48ba-8f6e-9f488183c97d 52787534-4e23-4ce3-8af7-de592b7f7ff9 9aca7ddd-38ca-4bb2-9914-982b8c204627 a72d4636-de8b-46ec-a36a-e7f81bb1dcba fcb6261c-b785-4411-90f9-47a070c80ca8 fdef3a07-d991-43be-83d1-38d17cf71d38 205ee9b1-df69-4ff9-9bac-44f5c2a57521 5c3d4519-42fc-4f01-98b6-2e3b78dbf04c 0de35535-ab33-445f-926d-f2211812ac44 3c574af9-d4bf-4e26-a4ce-f37e416bd24f 2e2c9e84-607b-4786-999b-b0ccf6a9f12a b85bd146-1253-4603-9dbe-7f74fda5911b ec38122a-9ad0-4c6b-b23d-8477850b6be9 c986d31d-9807-4125-99d8-cefb4e6d8206 c50246ae-11fa-412c-8981-b2704733cbec 8ea0bc6b-5a3c-46c1-8428-d5408b789804 d8ac5618-dd3c-4f8a-a71f-d43911899e6f f7aa6e39-0ce2-4a93-aa18-c50e719dd244 37fd9c29-315b-4165-9281-f96fadf0ff9e 4587ba3f-f600-4f1f-9e3c-7424c7603783 37246f45-9c27-42d1-8b7b-e85ef3a5bce7 5ea8e379-3ae1-4761-b3c9-60594017133b d222b852-a7c7-446a-b2c3-92048eda81bb f1cb25e1-2e37-4828-959b-ca3f4598f4fd 45 23b2e8c7-7fbe-4a0a-938f-93c7a6ed3caa Group 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers 4ecf6a3f-99c1-48c3-b685-4ba7f3b570f4 Digit Scroller Digit Scroller false 0 12 Digit Scroller 11 64.0 4637 -312 250 20 4637.457 -311.9629 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number Contains a collection of floating point numbers 0a5a68a9-d9c7-4937-b9d9-4f63ae2bca85 Number Number false a8164eb1-a4e5-4a87-bf4e-9014db438764 1 4368 179 50 24 4393.177 191.5503 aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature Evaluate the curvature of a curve at a specified parameter. true a798152c-93b8-46ce-be00-d715e4de64b4 Curvature Curvature 4169 3 125 64 4233 35 Curve to evaluate 194583fa-fcd3-4444-acef-f4ab269902d1 Curve Curve false 18f9e8cd-78f9-426e-ade4-3796c99c8c38 1 4171 5 50 30 4196 20 Parameter on curve domain to evaluate 58018161-a11e-4189-b9b9-c5b253bde75e Parameter Parameter false c0849851-45f1-421d-a652-e7d0ffa2b433 1 4171 35 50 30 4196 50 Point on curve at {t} 62a09128-2c2d-437c-b6c4-f4134cce990e Point Point false 0 4245 5 47 20 4268.5 15 Curvature vector at {t} afdd7953-a705-4b3b-9f6f-f3417177aec5 Curvature Curvature false 0 4245 25 47 20 4268.5 35 Curvature circle at {t} 83d60d28-5133-4194-bd3b-7e800841d2e2 Curvature Curvature false 0 4245 45 47 20 4268.5 55 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve Divide a curve into equal length segments true 95dd6448-9e21-47e1-89eb-65a7dc8ca571 Divide Curve Divide Curve 4181 93 113 64 4225 125 Curve to divide 3adc098a-95dc-423b-b77b-b005308a04d4 Curve Curve false 18f9e8cd-78f9-426e-ade4-3796c99c8c38 1 4183 95 30 20 4198 105 Number of segments 0bb92dc2-65d9-4126-b1a4-2003c0279739 Count Count false 0a5a68a9-d9c7-4937-b9d9-4f63ae2bca85 1 4183 115 30 20 4198 125 1 1 {0} 10 Split segments at kinks 2c981ecc-1ec9-4f0a-8f3e-25ca86a00867 Kinks Kinks false 0 4183 135 30 20 4198 145 1 1 {0} false 1 Division points 17ce67e1-8329-45c6-86b6-bdf130314089 Points Points false 0 4237 95 55 20 4264.5 105 1 Tangent vectors at division points 202699b1-b1dd-44bd-b102-3a088e70893f Tangents Tangents false 0 4237 115 55 20 4264.5 125 1 Parameter values at division points c0849851-45f1-421d-a652-e7d0ffa2b433 Parameters Parameters false 0 4237 135 55 20 4264.5 145 d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve Contains a collection of generic curves true 18f9e8cd-78f9-426e-ade4-3796c99c8c38 Curve Curve false b532a32a-1034-4713-ad22-ec6aa4278518 1 4368 205 50 24 4393.135 217.9411 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc Retrieve the base plane, radius and angle domain of an arc. true f03e6f6b-1c2e-4240-a7b8-006dcfe787f7 Deconstruct Arc Deconstruct Arc 4192 -75 102 64 4226 -43 Arc or Circle to deconstruct d6a426e1-8ce9-4741-97ce-35db35eb7474 Arc Arc false 83d60d28-5133-4194-bd3b-7e800841d2e2 1 4194 -73 20 60 4204 -43 Base plane of arc or circle 016c1be3-bd78-4415-b493-25b2f871e6ef Base Plane Base Plane false 0 4238 -73 54 20 4265 -63 Radius of arc or circle 1d053c37-2711-49eb-9375-19c113df61ef Radius Radius false 0 4238 -53 54 20 4265 -43 Angle domain (in radians) of arc e562c9e4-5795-477e-aa28-89e0aabebce9 Angle Angle false 0 4238 -33 54 20 4265 -23 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X Compute one over x. true 9b3d084d-b4ff-4ba8-b46a-717d5108d61c One Over X One Over X 4182 -110 88 28 4225 -96 Input value 600852f8-e9b2-49a7-ace7-0ddcb2291c58 Value Value false 1d053c37-2711-49eb-9375-19c113df61ef 1 4184 -108 29 24 4198.5 -96 Output value 51c172aa-3cc9-473f-9e87-8a8bfa6f05c8 Result Result false 0 4237 -108 31 24 4252.5 -96 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph 1 Display a set of y-values as a graph 2c049d3c-af05-4651-9045-43b4d61da4a5 Quick Graph Quick Graph false 0 51c172aa-3cc9-473f-9e87-8a8bfa6f05c8 1 4171 -281 150 150 4171.423 -280.6214 -1 c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects 0a5a68a9-d9c7-4937-b9d9-4f63ae2bca85 a798152c-93b8-46ce-be00-d715e4de64b4 95dd6448-9e21-47e1-89eb-65a7dc8ca571 18f9e8cd-78f9-426e-ade4-3796c99c8c38 f03e6f6b-1c2e-4240-a7b8-006dcfe787f7 9b3d084d-b4ff-4ba8-b46a-717d5108d61c 2c049d3c-af05-4651-9045-43b4d61da4a5 7 4f992859-2053-4084-a5d2-c2e64df8590f Group 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph 1 Display a set of y-values as a graph ed593a8b-a3a7-4309-b3bd-aacb466a2c7c Quick Graph Quick Graph false 0 51c172aa-3cc9-473f-9e87-8a8bfa6f05c8 1 4522 5 75 180 4522.628 5.220108 -1 3581f42a-9592-4549-bd6b-1c0fc39d067b Construct Point Construct a point from {xyz} coordinates. true 9cce6837-0b03-485b-bf1f-89680dcc6a97 Construct Point Construct Point 4443 -174 133 64 4535 -142 {x} coordinate e8fc9682-9009-4bc8-8c06-8b1add4f8cd6 X coordinate X coordinate false c8b950ed-c466-43a6-a9e2-59b5fbc6ccda 1 4445 -172 78 20 4492 -162 1 1 {0} 0 {y} coordinate 8b6fbd99-8d05-4e20-b1ee-34ac28c3ac62 X/2 Y coordinate Y coordinate false 51c172aa-3cc9-473f-9e87-8a8bfa6f05c8 1 4445 -152 78 20 4492 -142 1 1 {0} 0 {z} coordinate 34183954-e599-406c-808f-31d10dd66cfd Z coordinate Z coordinate false 0 4445 -132 78 20 4492 -122 1 1 {0} 0 Point coordinate 7a2be682-8191-4b5e-a088-488d1b86720c Point Point false 0 4547 -172 27 60 4560.5 -142 71b5b089-500a-4ea6-81c5-2f960441a0e8 PolyLine Create a polyline connecting a number of points. true 336b85d9-91f0-4f20-a4be-580ddf61082c PolyLine PolyLine 4467 -233 106 44 4521 -211 1 Polyline vertex points 125468c3-5cf8-47cd-a814-e6e7b83e8f11 Vertices Vertices false 7a2be682-8191-4b5e-a088-488d1b86720c 1 4469 -231 40 20 4489 -221 Close polyline 13bb12ea-edbb-4175-b2b3-ffe92579f4a8 Closed Closed false 0 4469 -211 40 20 4489 -201 1 1 {0} false Resulting polyline 128a3a79-54d6-4c97-9fa8-af26de934762 Polyline Polyline false 0 4533 -231 38 40 4552 -211 afb96615-c59a-45c9-9cac-e27acb1c7ca0 Explode Explode a curve into smaller segments. true dacebf91-a053-4921-baa1-c290aa1aa947 Explode Explode 4587 -197 124 44 4648 -175 Curve to explode 6ed93d23-7c5b-4f26-8f45-04ee9cc9a14f Curve Curve false 128a3a79-54d6-4c97-9fa8-af26de934762 1 4589 -195 47 20 4612.5 -185 Recursive decomposition until all segments are atomic 2a587545-0740-487d-ab33-de48c7e62cb0 Recursive Recursive false 0 4589 -175 47 20 4612.5 -165 1 1 {0} true 1 Exploded segments that make up the base curve 3b77c857-ad7d-47a2-a1c0-496114a203d0 Segments Segments false 0 4660 -195 49 20 4684.5 -185 1 Vertices of the exploded segments a2947e64-96ee-4f7e-84ba-15b944e3fe50 Vertices Vertices false 0 4660 -175 49 20 4684.5 -165 1817fd29-20ae-4503-b542-f0fb651e67d7 List Length Measure the length of a list. true 3f5c9cc9-d853-4b17-bc37-271b4874f619 List Length List Length 4592 -107 97 28 4625 -93 1 Base list b3b1a54f-ede3-45a8-8307-d6fff0058db1 List List false 3b77c857-ad7d-47a2-a1c0-496114a203d0 1 4594 -105 19 24 4603.5 -93 Number of items in L 7a38c511-412d-40cc-8561-4b587c2f42c1 X/4 Length Length false 0 4637 -105 50 24 4654 -93 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item 0 Retrieve a specific item from a list. true f268eb9e-395a-4291-a085-1734a606096f List Item List Item 4726 -267 78 64 4784 -235 3 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2e3ab970-8545-46bb-836c-1c11e5610bce cb95db89-6165-43b6-9c41-5702bc5bf137 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 Base list 8edb3a2a-49ab-4ba4-8130-6557bbd3550c List List false 3b77c857-ad7d-47a2-a1c0-496114a203d0 1 4728 -265 44 20 4758 -255 Item index db1cfe1d-8f0d-4b7d-815e-b7a7540f6fe3 X+(X/2) Index Index false 7a38c511-412d-40cc-8561-4b587c2f42c1 1 4728 -245 44 20 4758 -235 1 1 {0} 0 Wrap index to list bounds c410c6dd-9b0f-48b2-9ff9-95ba7c7fe85a Wrap Wrap false 0 4728 -225 44 20 4758 -215 1 1 {0} false Item at {i'} ba18f626-4501-4067-a2e6-4444dbd4b998 false Item i false 0 4796 -265 6 60 4799 -235 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item 0 Retrieve a specific item from a list. true fd1f73a9-7389-4039-88fe-9343fa423d37 List Item List Item 4738 -180 78 64 4796 -148 3 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2e3ab970-8545-46bb-836c-1c11e5610bce cb95db89-6165-43b6-9c41-5702bc5bf137 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 Base list c86fb56d-2a99-456f-9a62-351a2b11860c List List false 3b77c857-ad7d-47a2-a1c0-496114a203d0 1 4740 -178 44 20 4770 -168 Item index faf9f9eb-6da0-4013-8613-24cb4ba97d1e X-(X/2) Index Index false 7a38c511-412d-40cc-8561-4b587c2f42c1 1 4740 -158 44 20 4770 -148 1 1 {0} 0 Wrap index to list bounds 996d0cf0-b264-419f-8d7b-a65cfc24a7d9 Wrap Wrap false 0 4740 -138 44 20 4770 -128 1 1 {0} false Item at {i'} 8e803cf7-523c-4ce9-8c65-b452d2ad1884 false Item i false 0 4808 -178 6 60 4811 -148 b464fccb-50e7-41bd-9789-8438db9bea9f Angle Compute the angle between two vectors. true 49c23869-d7af-4aed-8e2a-612c07daf82a Angle Angle 4847 -215 103 64 4905 -183 First vector df9a8370-abc8-4a25-9f3a-f3d47f406dc5 Vector A Vector A false ba18f626-4501-4067-a2e6-4444dbd4b998 1 4849 -213 44 20 4871 -203 Second vector 754f771f-3e4c-40fb-92d7-97c200656ed0 Vector B Vector B false 8e803cf7-523c-4ce9-8c65-b452d2ad1884 1 4849 -193 44 20 4871 -183 Optional plane for 2D angle 259dcb54-35a7-4ec9-9d02-961b137cedc3 Plane Plane true 0 4849 -173 44 20 4871 -163 Angle (in radians) between vectors 2ae1fbf4-9504-4002-9a22-e3b9bedbea09 Angle Angle false 0 4917 -213 31 30 4932.5 -198 Reflex angle (in radians) between vectors 30a92549-3607-4519-a391-c9715bfbf91f Reflex Reflex false 0 4917 -183 31 30 4932.5 -168 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values 7e44edc7-d3ec-4bbe-91be-4a82e7378b3b Number Slider Number Slider false 0 4592 -286 198 20 4592.046 -285.3177 0 1 0 100 0 0 31 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values cb0e567f-4229-4ae2-a773-7459b88dd41e Panel false 0 44cac541-b481-4efe-b4aa-58083ac247cf 1 360/256*4*2 4607 -342 199 20 0 0 0 4607.74 -341.5754 255;255;255;255 false false true false false true 0d77c51e-584f-44e8-aed2-c2ddf4803888 Degrees Convert an angle specified in radians to degrees true 36cdb7a8-e1e8-41f1-995c-052ae31c9eb1 Degrees Degrees 4688 155 108 28 4741 169 Angle in radians f78efdf2-10ec-46c5-b509-5950fbe74068 Radians Radians false 2ae1fbf4-9504-4002-9a22-e3b9bedbea09 1 4690 157 39 24 4709.5 169 Angle in degrees 44cac541-b481-4efe-b4aa-58083ac247cf Degrees Degrees false 0 4753 157 41 24 4773.5 169 9df5e896-552d-4c8c-b9ca-4fc147ffa022 Expression Evaluate an expression Format("{0:R}", x) true 8c453433-7d96-455b-b289-826ea5a79066 Expression Expression 4659 63 170 28 4734 77 1 ba80fd98-91a1-4958-b6a7-a94e40e52bdb 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 Expression variable 5f7d6274-a0f2-4a66-b9bf-a55a4fdaefeb Variable X X true 2ae1fbf4-9504-4002-9a22-e3b9bedbea09 1 4661 65 11 24 4666.5 77 Result of expression 89524ded-c530-461f-b483-d32413d15e4f Result Result false 0 4796 65 31 24 4811.5 77 e64c5fb1-845c-4ab1-8911-5f338516ba67 Series Create a series of numbers. true 42ddbb8d-3fc2-48ba-8f6e-9f488183c97d Series Series 4455 -103 105 64 4515 -71 First number in the series 5f5b253d-7a06-4eeb-8003-cdecc07577af Start Start false 0 4457 -101 46 20 4488 -91 1 1 {0} 0 Step size for each successive number dbbac22c-d90f-42a5-88c4-bfe035ee15aa 1/X Step Step false 0a5a68a9-d9c7-4937-b9d9-4f63ae2bca85 1 4457 -81 46 20 4488 -71 1 1 {0} 1 Number of values in the series 9aff152c-5f5e-4b4a-a5f7-f98af29d2e33 Count Count false 0a5a68a9-d9c7-4937-b9d9-4f63ae2bca85 1 4457 -61 46 20 4488 -51 1 1 {0} 64 1 Series of numbers c8b950ed-c466-43a6-a9e2-59b5fbc6ccda Series Series false 0 4527 -101 31 60 4542.5 -71 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values 52787534-4e23-4ce3-8af7-de592b7f7ff9 Number Slider Number Slider false 0 4559 -44 198 20 4559.343 -43.64183 0 1 0 100 0 0 32 7376fe41-74ec-497e-b367-1ffe5072608b Curvature Graph Draws Rhino Curvature Graphs. true 9aca7ddd-38ca-4bb2-9914-982b8c204627 Curvature Graph Curvature Graph 4369 -364 65 64 4420 -332 Curve for Curvature graph display true f0abb4f3-cbe5-473b-8db0-0441cda2da59 Curve Curve false 18f9e8cd-78f9-426e-ade4-3796c99c8c38 1 4371 -362 37 20 4389.5 -352 Sampling density of the Graph 3d62b4db-9901-4e2b-841d-f6ae8fa32313 Density Density false 0 4371 -342 37 20 4389.5 -332 1 1 {0} 1 Scale of graph 19b48ab9-83d1-456b-a9d1-9ba678aca383 Scale Scale false a72d4636-de8b-46ec-a36a-e7f81bb1dcba 1 4371 -322 37 20 4389.5 -312 1 1 {0} 105 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers a72d4636-de8b-46ec-a36a-e7f81bb1dcba Digit Scroller Digit Scroller false 0 12 Digit Scroller 11 93.0 4065 -403 250 20 4065.674 -402.6452 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. true 41e1473a-b540-4272-a1a0-d96aaddb6ac9 Evaluate Length Evaluate Length 5061 543 132 64 5129 575 Curve to evaluate 8c69730b-0070-4211-bf8a-08acc9680f2d Curve Curve false f7bd0c2f-1e41-47e8-bcf4-b8c1df670202 1 5063 545 54 20 5090 555 Length factor for curve evaluation 8a52b37e-0172-451f-b6dd-25d926ad129b Length Length false 0 5063 565 54 20 5090 575 1 1 {0} 1 If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) af9d90da-4377-4650-9256-e55dc58bd6d0 Normalized Normalized false 0 5063 585 54 20 5090 595 1 1 {0} true Point at the specified length 6b6db5d2-3abb-4c24-83be-54cdf727d841 Point Point false 0 5141 545 50 20 5166 555 Tangent vector at the specified length 4de57077-ca22-44b0-afc7-97505f1c7f17 Tangent Tangent false 0 5141 565 50 20 5166 575 Curve parameter at the specified length 9fa25c7b-8ea8-4a20-819a-ce3221d57efc Parameter Parameter false 0 5141 585 50 20 5166 595 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.} true 42fc9ab8-ae73-4c73-83cb-1c5a69dde2e8 Line SDL Line SDL 5240 543 94 64 5298 575 Line start point 3463c164-280c-4a49-bca7-abc51aec0d99 Start Start false 6b6db5d2-3abb-4c24-83be-54cdf727d841 1 5242 545 44 20 5264 555 Line tangent (direction) cfda70db-d73c-4ae3-974c-fe5b3eaf17cc Direction Direction false 4de57077-ca22-44b0-afc7-97505f1c7f17 1 5242 565 44 20 5264 575 1 1 {0} 0 0 1 Line length c22b071e-e62d-4944-a60e-f946a192a508 Length Length false 0 5242 585 44 20 5264 595 1 1 {0} 1 Line segment bea4d581-401a-4ac5-a0a8-f6cd1a86f737 Line Line false 0 5310 545 22 60 5321 575 f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror Mirror an object. true 03cf40f1-2472-4b49-b043-583e8c9ca89a Mirror Mirror 5192 457 126 44 5254 479 Base geometry 1af0f76a-4a26-432e-9349-13f538dd6ea8 Geometry Geometry true f7bd0c2f-1e41-47e8-bcf4-b8c1df670202 1 5194 459 48 20 5218 469 Mirror plane 28cef890-79b7-427b-a4a6-0fd3d2ccdea9 Plane Plane false bea4d581-401a-4ac5-a0a8-f6cd1a86f737 1 5194 479 48 20 5218 489 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Mirrored geometry bf791e6f-0f5a-4f1a-a4f9-13cc01b34c48 Geometry Geometry false 0 5266 459 50 20 5291 469 Transformation data e80f7020-a4f6-445f-94b0-efab33b6d277 Transform Transform false 0 5266 479 50 20 5291 489 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves Join as many curves as possible true 856b1097-ede2-431d-95e2-2f8e1676d67b Join Curves Join Curves 5389 398 106 44 5446 420 1 Curves to join 6b000233-57b1-42f8-8788-a8eb54ab980e Curves Curves false f7bd0c2f-1e41-47e8-bcf4-b8c1df670202 bf791e6f-0f5a-4f1a-a4f9-13cc01b34c48 2 5391 400 43 20 5412.5 410 Preserve direction of input curves c80e2772-e02a-44ab-9f2d-caaa981d215a Preserve Preserve false 0 5391 420 43 20 5412.5 430 1 1 {0} false 1 Joined curves and individual curves that could not be joined. 5646e194-78aa-433b-92d2-5266d2a84cd4 Curves Curves false 0 5458 400 35 40 5475.5 420 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points Extract the end points of a curve. true c18fb449-1101-46d1-8a8b-bd9920802f4a End Points End Points 5444 485 84 44 5488 507 Curve to evaluate 51edc287-ed0e-4bc9-bc4c-686a30cb9b5c Curve Curve false 5646e194-78aa-433b-92d2-5266d2a84cd4 1 5446 487 30 40 5461 507 Curve start point 7d5040cb-9927-4936-a8e5-f4518006055e Start Start false 0 5500 487 26 20 5513 497 Curve end point 15f910d2-5d87-470b-bb37-071bfebb67ab End End false 0 5500 507 26 20 5513 517 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line Create a line between two points. true 7ac91d6c-5c1c-42c8-b2c8-e078081e3c03 Line Line 5413 578 102 44 5479 600 Line start point f0397e53-f7af-48c0-b213-d61a654a3690 Start Point Start Point false 7d5040cb-9927-4936-a8e5-f4518006055e 1 5415 580 52 20 5441 590 Line end point bcf27acf-b5cf-49a2-996e-4217fe52607d End Point End Point false 15f910d2-5d87-470b-bb37-071bfebb67ab 1 5415 600 52 20 5441 610 Line segment a625b16a-7adf-48bd-b97c-ce4588caa65e Line Line false 0 5491 580 22 40 5502 600 b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate Rotate an object in a plane. true 7252ba9a-3f31-4ae8-869b-0e4225b07650 Rotate Rotate 2106 680 142 64 2184 712 Base geometry e67d9e73-bb03-4d8f-92e2-5bcc9161a567 Geometry Geometry true 8ebcaf48-501e-46b8-8728-17992184074a 1 2108 682 64 20 2148 692 Rotation angle in radians 204eabeb-b9b2-4f78-b936-bab985b0c572 -X Angle Angle false 9b2b326e-6c24-4cc1-80a1-ab32581775c6 1 false 2108 702 64 20 2148 712 1 1 {0} 3.1415926535897931 Rotation plane 782e8258-7b64-4582-8072-4abc53b33153 Plane Plane false faad7f6b-21e0-478b-960a-029e852fb37f 1 2108 722 64 20 2148 732 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Rotated geometry a577b73a-4118-4e3c-adb2-563ee1d367a2 Geometry Geometry false 0 2196 682 50 30 2221 697 Transformation data a68710a1-eaea-42a8-9962-cb31c430d462 Transform Transform false 0 2196 712 50 30 2221 727 b464fccb-50e7-41bd-9789-8438db9bea9f Angle Compute the angle between two vectors. true ce8f4978-5941-4c19-ad37-69a861ef1329 Angle Angle 5564 643 103 64 5622 675 First vector a9ba4f93-17e5-49b8-b996-19c1006887bb Vector A Vector A false 0 5566 645 44 20 5588 655 1 1 {0} 1.4375 0 0 Second vector 23952675-e3cb-4a5d-bd8f-4023d7668e91 Vector B Vector B false a625b16a-7adf-48bd-b97c-ce4588caa65e 1 5566 665 44 20 5588 675 Optional plane for 2D angle 4f910f96-f983-4414-9227-8ae1e6a66ae3 Plane Plane true 0 5566 685 44 20 5588 695 Angle (in radians) between vectors e0ac10a5-a77f-49ef-b22e-44b7490e827d Angle Angle false 0 5634 645 31 30 5649.5 660 Reflex angle (in radians) between vectors 4a6f102f-5dd1-4bcc-950a-71048cfd228b Reflex Reflex false 0 5634 675 31 30 5649.5 690 b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate Rotate an object in a plane. true 1b498801-3407-478a-bf9b-c9de9dec4d44 Rotate Rotate 5638 540 142 64 5716 572 Base geometry 90c80cc2-535c-4406-941d-babb314f433e Geometry Geometry true 5646e194-78aa-433b-92d2-5266d2a84cd4 1 5640 542 64 20 5680 552 Rotation angle in radians 512f82fb-ac89-4c2a-83ad-7dc4b828af7b -X Angle Angle false e0ac10a5-a77f-49ef-b22e-44b7490e827d 1 false 5640 562 64 20 5680 572 1 1 {0} 1.5707963267948966 Rotation plane 5cf6220b-ab56-4c51-bea3-5ad247ac7b2c Plane Plane false 6b6db5d2-3abb-4c24-83be-54cdf727d841 1 5640 582 64 20 5680 592 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Rotated geometry 4f2b23af-4bdd-4532-8cf4-aa1659e8bb52 Geometry Geometry false 0 5728 542 50 30 5753 557 Transformation data 47112cb2-a8a1-4237-9928-ff0ab1cc1507 Transform Transform false 0 5728 572 50 30 5753 587 e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. true 40ecbcaf-c0e8-4ef8-9151-b90f29c763c5 Move Move 5829 477 126 44 5891 499 Base geometry 7cf1bc7d-23fb-439d-9814-bf6e7fa9ebff Geometry Geometry true 4f2b23af-4bdd-4532-8cf4-aa1659e8bb52 1 5831 479 48 20 5855 489 Translation vector 52771741-4752-4c15-9c5e-85d568639955 Motion Motion false 8ec7f41f-e106-4a55-a93c-d00f3b2a7959 1 5831 499 48 20 5855 509 1 1 {0} 0 0 10 Translated geometry fd57d68a-3b7e-4b70-9105-fbe1441f82e6 Geometry Geometry false 0 5903 479 50 20 5928 489 Transformation data fa9e4ba5-f241-4361-98ac-5558195204f5 Transform Transform false 0 5903 499 50 20 5928 509 934ede4a-924a-4973-bb05-0dc4b36fae75 Vector 2Pt Create a vector between two points. true 137dbfde-19dc-40c9-b0a7-ef859062ff26 Vector 2Pt Vector 2Pt 5809 625 100 64 5861 657 Base point 32a9d313-e307-48dd-b594-706c82affab6 Point A Point A false 6b6db5d2-3abb-4c24-83be-54cdf727d841 1 5811 627 38 20 5830 637 Tip point bfd4d44a-b11a-40b2-ac29-f239e90a2009 Point B Point B false 0 5811 647 38 20 5830 657 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 Unitize output 99c96e47-6343-4151-8845-c858a3699784 Unitize Unitize false 0 5811 667 38 20 5830 677 1 1 {0} false Vector 8ec7f41f-e106-4a55-a93c-d00f3b2a7959 Vector Vector false 0 5873 627 34 30 5890 642 Vector length 73144b3c-3d4d-4aee-8f11-639e14cca145 Length Length false 0 5873 657 34 30 5890 672 ccfd6ba8-ecb1-44df-a47e-08126a653c51 Curve Domain Measure and set the curve domain true 2f48d186-752f-4928-95db-f06f0ae50727 Curve Domain Curve Domain 5913 548 104 44 5965 570 Curve to measure/modify 79ead4ce-c80f-4446-8104-8b0297e7a6bc Curve Curve false fd57d68a-3b7e-4b70-9105-fbe1441f82e6 1 5915 550 38 20 5934 560 Optional domain, if omitted the curve will not be modified. 2c1efff8-a253-4d17-9c5d-30692221e9a1 Domain Domain true 0 5915 570 38 20 5934 580 Curve with new domain. 17d3b807-f1a7-4e0f-bf7c-2afb1247016c Curve Curve false 0 5977 550 38 20 5996 560 Domain of original curve. a7d2d05e-ba64-4095-aeef-38fe6802b24c Domain Domain false 0 5977 570 38 20 5996 580 429cbba9-55ee-4e84-98ea-876c44db879a Sub Curve Construct a curve from the sub-domain of a base curve. true 09e7c8f7-81e7-40fd-bab1-a5a703ebe8ac Sub Curve Sub Curve 6115 525 112 44 6183 547 Base curve 87160ab4-30db-423c-b8d6-41461587f5e1 Base curve Base curve false 17d3b807-f1a7-4e0f-bf7c-2afb1247016c 1 6117 527 54 20 6144 537 Sub-domain to extract d427e3b5-019e-419e-8f81-cc69ea07f354 Domain Domain false 1a1fbb55-9db1-46f2-85c2-28d2b70d7d53 1 6117 547 54 20 6144 557 Resulting sub curve 7bb71b2d-feae-4f4e-9cd7-b21a28255d26 Curve Curve false 0 6195 527 30 40 6210 547 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. true f8894fe4-4c74-4f5a-876a-5af537443121 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct Domain 5959 633 92 44 6011 655 Base domain 96ac93ad-0d23-474b-8e5b-fc78551998d1 Domain Domain false a7d2d05e-ba64-4095-aeef-38fe6802b24c 1 5961 635 38 40 5980 655 Start of domain 5781a9d9-0dd5-4c9c-b881-74b36fe7bbce Start Start false 0 6023 635 26 20 6036 645 End of domain 880528ed-ad14-4bcf-9530-8a975f418de4 End End false 0 6023 655 26 20 6036 665 d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf Construct Domain Create a numeric domain from two numeric extremes. true 840780a4-f8e2-402d-97fe-3ccc7a6ee508 Construct Domain Construct Domain 6070 665 144 44 6162 687 Start value of numeric domain bc1e3711-1351-4b7d-b79d-d03b31bee17d X/2 Domain start Domain start false 880528ed-ad14-4bcf-9530-8a975f418de4 1 6072 667 78 20 6119 677 1 1 {0} 0 End value of numeric domain b70b6f09-6dad-4b38-89f5-3146f8089869 Domain end Domain end false 880528ed-ad14-4bcf-9530-8a975f418de4 1 6072 687 78 20 6119 697 1 1 {0} 1 Numeric domain between {A} and {B} 1a1fbb55-9db1-46f2-85c2-28d2b70d7d53 Domain Domain false 0 6174 667 38 40 6193 687 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. true c4285408-521e-445b-a3fb-1c1d6d6c5a31 Evaluate Length Evaluate Length 6254 580 132 64 6322 612 Curve to evaluate 9989c7d4-7a08-4241-8f89-7a69c2fb9ee5 Curve Curve false 7bb71b2d-feae-4f4e-9cd7-b21a28255d26 1 6256 582 54 20 6283 592 Length factor for curve evaluation fe2a0741-ce6e-4e4e-97e3-e976deef48bc Length Length false 0 6256 602 54 20 6283 612 1 1 {0} 1 If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) 5f3ded37-c8d6-43fa-a789-6c66bcd7b189 Normalized Normalized false 0 6256 622 54 20 6283 632 1 1 {0} true Point at the specified length ef29599e-2ecd-401c-ae30-0b585a664a7e Point Point false 0 6334 582 50 20 6359 592 Tangent vector at the specified length 2c99eaed-a96b-4f0a-84a7-f7b3b6f3b2fd Tangent Tangent false 0 6334 602 50 20 6359 612 Curve parameter at the specified length e1507204-1c06-4dc3-b08d-bc6c91fb3c45 Parameter Parameter false 0 6334 622 50 20 6359 632 b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate Rotate an object in a plane. true 5857b3b4-7a73-4907-a10f-7d91393e223b Rotate Rotate 6402 563 126 64 6464 595 Base geometry bc50cf12-e713-4c4f-a31c-d96eafa54614 Geometry Geometry true 7bb71b2d-feae-4f4e-9cd7-b21a28255d26 1 6404 565 48 20 6428 575 Rotation angle in radians 25138560-1113-4672-a06e-626e70e4f4c7 Angle Angle false 0 false 6404 585 48 20 6428 595 1 1 {0} 3.1415926535897931 Rotation plane 7662ba97-77a4-4fb3-8259-48911c56ef3d Plane Plane false ef29599e-2ecd-401c-ae30-0b585a664a7e 1 6404 605 48 20 6428 615 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Rotated geometry 054e9753-1d6d-4218-940f-45a07c22422c Geometry Geometry false 0 6476 565 50 30 6501 580 Transformation data d0b8ebc7-5718-418d-8e16-ab3c1d8a96b6 Transform Transform false 0 6476 595 50 30 6501 610 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves Join as many curves as possible true 3d55dc4a-4e48-453e-9304-39a2bcc1d8d9 Join Curves Join Curves 6375 482 106 44 6432 504 1 Curves to join 7ad8a15b-3942-451f-8ca9-c81085c41de4 Curves Curves false 7bb71b2d-feae-4f4e-9cd7-b21a28255d26 054e9753-1d6d-4218-940f-45a07c22422c 2 6377 484 43 20 6398.5 494 Preserve direction of input curves 58c69706-dc05-42d2-b57a-551afa0a357d Preserve Preserve false 0 6377 504 43 20 6398.5 514 1 1 {0} false 1 Joined curves and individual curves that could not be joined. 71367690-1062-49a1-a73e-270b5aac78b8 Curves Curves false 0 6444 484 35 40 6461.5 504 b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object b532a32a-1034-4713-ad22-ec6aa4278518 Relay false 59df4348-a0f7-408d-977c-702a69ed6ed4 1 6868 271 40 16 6888 279 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box Solve oriented geometry bounding boxes. true cebfea35-23f4-45d2-90d8-37b979f8b94a Bounding Box Bounding Box true 6529 492 88 44 6582 514 1 Geometry to contain 17de4f15-280a-4273-834a-5a7f40f7a915 Content Content false 71367690-1062-49a1-a73e-270b5aac78b8 1 6531 494 39 20 6550.5 504 BoundingBox orientation plane true 46a28397-f0e0-40b3-9c47-c6093c0d62b1 Plane Plane false 0 6531 514 39 20 6550.5 524 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Aligned bounding box in world coordinates 059a3cb6-f37c-479b-b3b1-dcebf4e58053 Box Box false 0 6594 494 21 20 6604.5 504 Bounding box in orientation plane coordinates true 81edff2e-09ca-4828-b5ac-8c457fe13f74 Box Box false 0 6594 514 21 20 6604.5 524 db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box Deconstruct a box into its constituent parts. true 73b119fe-65c6-4624-8864-1b264c96aeec Deconstruct Box Deconstruct Box 6645 501 77 84 6680 543 Base box 25f796d1-58ef-4897-8ab0-e53d4f94a986 Box Box false 059a3cb6-f37c-479b-b3b1-dcebf4e58053 1 6647 503 21 80 6657.5 543 Box plane 8984df1c-ae65-4137-83c5-63aa387da270 Plane Plane false 0 6692 503 28 20 6706 513 {x} dimension of box 835cc906-1af2-446c-bd77-767c43cc906b X X false 0 6692 523 28 20 6706 533 {y} dimension of box bbce67fc-0fa3-4ea3-94a3-7e90600558f3 Y Y false 0 6692 543 28 20 6706 553 {z} dimension of box 5a0545a9-f973-4b7a-bae2-c8700ff109cb Z Z false 0 6692 563 28 20 6706 573 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division Mathematical division true 9cb3db99-23ae-425e-bd9b-86c61bbaf824 Division Division 6871 521 70 44 6896 543 Item to divide (dividend) 30104733-7dea-4ebc-9093-ee680f5d26a5 A A false 63ed06b5-0198-4e74-942d-d3c68792ac20 1 6873 523 11 20 6878.5 533 Item to divide with (divisor) 512a409e-2c2a-4dd5-8631-e2c758f3034c B B false 232ab328-b425-414b-8194-9b3bd59a5918 1 6873 543 11 20 6878.5 553 The result of the Division 99b3297f-d17d-40e7-ae85-fd4704e29a26 Result Result false 0 6908 523 31 40 6923.5 543 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. true a8e6cc5c-f803-4aa4-98ee-4fb55cac48af Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct Domain 6745 501 92 44 6797 523 Base domain 07793ef6-fef6-4201-b506-f2f3b122b2c6 Domain Domain false 835cc906-1af2-446c-bd77-767c43cc906b 1 6747 503 38 40 6766 523 Start of domain 56168981-e451-44cd-a223-051def7128a0 Start Start false 0 6809 503 26 20 6822 513 End of domain 63ed06b5-0198-4e74-942d-d3c68792ac20 End End false 0 6809 523 26 20 6822 533 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. true d1343c76-001f-46fc-b79f-6753e166d2a6 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct Domain 6748 558 92 44 6800 580 Base domain 3b742cc3-74e7-4e5f-8352-6a117f6cb93d Domain Domain false bbce67fc-0fa3-4ea3-94a3-7e90600558f3 1 6750 560 38 40 6769 580 Start of domain fcfd9b33-95fa-4bba-8a29-7dc53bb1c28a Start Start false 0 6812 560 26 20 6825 570 End of domain 232ab328-b425-414b-8194-9b3bd59a5918 End End false 0 6812 580 26 20 6825 590 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 818ee5a2-b816-43d5-8043-5e0370f506f9 Panel false 0 99b3297f-d17d-40e7-ae85-fd4704e29a26 1 Double click to edit panel content… 4135 439 160 20 0 0 0 4135.144 439.7182 255;255;255;255 false false true false false true 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 3f65fe24-7e01-4d9f-bc95-69201b774630 Panel false 0 0 0.52916013400 4481 756 112 20 0 0 0 4481.916 756.8625 255;255;255;255 false false true false false true 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 0d6f238b-bf5a-43d6-bb41-643cd2b410df Panel false 0 0 0.52916013400 4481 731 112 20 0 0 0 4481.304 731.8563 255;255;255;255 false false true false false true 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 3e6be719-86bc-43cd-9051-6b649618ce76 Panel false 0 0 0.496323571135 4471 707 112 20 0 0 0 4471.954 707.8964 255;255;255;255 false false true false false true 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 Scale Scale an object uniformly in all directions. true f84e0246-b097-47b3-ba9d-060999ac4bdb Scale Scale 6552 401 142 64 6630 433 Base geometry a04fe448-46a1-475e-8627-a18ad837b029 Geometry Geometry true 71367690-1062-49a1-a73e-270b5aac78b8 1 6554 403 64 20 6594 413 Center of scaling 2465ea31-d2b1-4ec1-a072-bdef63c86ea5 Center Center false 0 6554 423 64 20 6594 433 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 Scaling factor e779ac38-f4c2-404f-9a0a-3a93e1f837a3 X^-1 Factor Factor false 835cc906-1af2-446c-bd77-767c43cc906b 1 6554 443 64 20 6594 453 1 1 {0} 0.5 Scaled geometry e42477ff-bbf6-4393-be21-54936caee378 Geometry Geometry false 0 6642 403 50 30 6667 418 Transformation data c94a6d58-e8e1-46cb-8334-5b5f76c90b70 Transform Transform false 0 6642 433 50 30 6667 448 d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve Contains a collection of generic curves true 59df4348-a0f7-408d-977c-702a69ed6ed4 Curve Curve false b4ccf6c7-f7b3-402d-a4bd-1789c1e70689 1 6809 379 50 24 6834.2 391.2554 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division Mathematical division true bbaadc51-128f-4b1b-b9e0-25e1b79bbd95 Division Division 2506 657 70 44 2531 679 Item to divide (dividend) 682fe800-c096-4873-95b5-ae468626d892 A A false 09f414e2-a377-48cb-bf26-9259a44948ce 1 2508 659 11 20 2513.5 669 Item to divide with (divisor) c92a3da3-a5b4-475d-8710-542dfcad70ee B B false 67463d2d-df8a-44b4-b14f-13efbe763634 1 2508 679 11 20 2513.5 689 The result of the Division 6636c21d-22d0-4f61-9bfe-5ab36a17b01a Result Result false 0 2543 659 31 40 2558.5 679 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 7202b3f5-6de0-4add-a070-f31b6a7c026f Panel false 0 6636c21d-22d0-4f61-9bfe-5ab36a17b01a 1 Double click to edit panel content… -127 442 160 24 0 0 0 -126.3074 442.9553 255;255;255;255 false false true false false false c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects dc119029-7f51-4afd-a073-5060a505e3f6 6ad237f8-1582-4969-82fc-ddd7f5e183c1 35fa5885-9e16-4254-aa30-55c3ed666653 a1e20493-c943-4bc2-9d46-b95deb275132 6b86013b-17bf-4325-9dc1-baac00be41cf 1f89c5b5-f117-43f9-9837-91a1284102d1 522d78bc-3ea4-4106-aafe-5c4dbb8a90ad 535f4c07-6e83-486b-ba8b-fc34226a30c4 a21b7bfc-96cd-4dc9-9585-958dba659d5e ee6c43eb-f087-4f64-ba2e-683a5590ebc5 ef41a4d5-0ddc-45c6-a957-65e0e257c56c e17e4d5a-7d59-450f-a785-e82d758ccd08 9cad71b0-e375-409e-8db3-d65dd8211cc3 f95240b9-c332-4c25-b782-a192e1ac6ae8 89bee290-618f-4911-a498-0fd10199a43b 631e7c81-a5d1-46e7-93e5-6711b6b79235 b8b99740-a8fd-4dc6-a288-ad6c54738d0d b6ac6456-fe96-4274-8b1a-0317b1d3c644 17ecff89-7540-4db5-b421-388aad9dff72 bcd06e56-c7d5-49b1-922a-160a5817f05e 22e6c3a8-e6b5-486a-9d11-a1e5567770e2 dfd6370e-8123-4a75-a3b5-1d4d1cad2a15 a4b2647e-e579-47be-9458-16c254af4d8e de356c51-e9ee-4ec9-bbac-e2c3ae3e1af4 ca54e85a-3d4f-48d8-85b0-b1b3113fee96 5d3f7e5f-8796-4680-99dd-2b917316157b 7de562af-20b1-4ca8-9554-1057c5e17211 441d3685-5d51-4e9b-aebf-41d45461c275 d5b03b5c-1ba8-4b94-9263-ad7d8ac86e90 144fd552-fa4d-40d4-a30f-51d7e5280718 af822b30-6219-4e34-95af-048f7f09a158 a751b6b3-ebef-4f6a-9779-583bb59a082a 1ef9e470-c1a8-4c4d-866d-6c65d7a62644 072f5b9c-a6ac-40ec-b042-9ab7eb69b1fc 1986929b-cd9b-486e-a2f1-cc1ef46db341 d6da7e3a-7c2e-4129-b1d8-7d3a7150a5c4 4c35b70c-68c9-4bc2-9555-db837cc59037 dcf909ee-7ac8-47fd-baa9-816a1f6d3cda 0008bd0d-dd0f-48ef-8adf-02b8f4cecd1b 0d97a578-7865-4750-ba9a-6c8374247eee 8f0a3471-ab58-4f6c-a8fd-3721709b26bc b67cc92d-d107-420d-9a74-5a24d790827c 1b56a6ae-3ebb-4d05-a342-535003a1d83e d0a1af53-2c1f-4e32-88d2-bee9188ea6c6 5e44c594-036f-4c4f-8211-a54a7dcf92b7 45 f4a79e3f-9c6d-4574-9bc1-faffc587dc5e Group 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers dc119029-7f51-4afd-a073-5060a505e3f6 Digit Scroller Digit Scroller false 0 12 Digit Scroller 11 64.0 2875 -314 250 20 2875.128 -313.7826 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number Contains a collection of floating point numbers 6ad237f8-1582-4969-82fc-ddd7f5e183c1 Number Number false a8164eb1-a4e5-4a87-bf4e-9014db438764 1 2566 177 50 24 2591.848 189.7306 aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature Evaluate the curvature of a curve at a specified parameter. true 35fa5885-9e16-4254-aa30-55c3ed666653 Curvature Curvature 2531 0 125 64 2595 32 Curve to evaluate b1772272-033f-40b9-98a3-efd556e596e5 Curve Curve false 6b86013b-17bf-4325-9dc1-baac00be41cf 1 2533 2 50 30 2558 17 Parameter on curve domain to evaluate c364e158-3780-4e46-8b10-e1443de82fda Parameter Parameter false 37b4b4b2-3445-46c7-976f-a2e23ee9970c 1 2533 32 50 30 2558 47 Point on curve at {t} 9f7ef9ba-d66e-4a72-af16-1891972c2154 Point Point false 0 2607 2 47 20 2630.5 12 Curvature vector at {t} aab4a64a-84e4-4a94-9c47-0efddc4688a9 Curvature Curvature false 0 2607 22 47 20 2630.5 32 Curvature circle at {t} 5fac802f-9bf7-4c8e-91ae-7716463a735a Curvature Curvature false 0 2607 42 47 20 2630.5 52 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve Divide a curve into equal length segments true a1e20493-c943-4bc2-9d46-b95deb275132 Divide Curve Divide Curve 2547 90 113 64 2591 122 Curve to divide 4e9b137b-7bcd-4229-8b87-1f38181177a6 Curve Curve false 6b86013b-17bf-4325-9dc1-baac00be41cf 1 2549 92 30 20 2564 102 Number of segments b34c0d89-b732-443c-8314-4fec6cbdeaf1 Count Count false 6ad237f8-1582-4969-82fc-ddd7f5e183c1 1 2549 112 30 20 2564 122 1 1 {0} 10 Split segments at kinks ba7e7461-7746-4a63-9a52-1c55bb88b106 Kinks Kinks false 0 2549 132 30 20 2564 142 1 1 {0} false 1 Division points cc203ba6-03de-4bb7-a384-d85492e63296 Points Points false 0 2603 92 55 20 2630.5 102 1 Tangent vectors at division points c8eda9a9-9136-49dc-be52-212a7388277f Tangents Tangents false 0 2603 112 55 20 2630.5 122 1 Parameter values at division points 37b4b4b2-3445-46c7-976f-a2e23ee9970c Parameters Parameters false 0 2603 132 55 20 2630.5 142 d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve Contains a collection of generic curves true 6b86013b-17bf-4325-9dc1-baac00be41cf Curve Curve false 3fd8a8a0-ce51-45fd-bad4-becd7f5ed67d 1 2570 204 50 24 2595.806 216.1215 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc Retrieve the base plane, radius and angle domain of an arc. true 1f89c5b5-f117-43f9-9837-91a1284102d1 Deconstruct Arc Deconstruct Arc 2544 -78 102 64 2578 -46 Arc or Circle to deconstruct cadf43db-5c0b-4ac5-bbc0-19e2e700530b Arc Arc false 5fac802f-9bf7-4c8e-91ae-7716463a735a 1 2546 -76 20 60 2556 -46 Base plane of arc or circle a5f269cd-95e5-4eed-b2fd-7a970e0c1e36 Base Plane Base Plane false 0 2590 -76 54 20 2617 -66 Radius of arc or circle e61c1e85-6b52-46b6-bc09-67e25b6e6956 Radius Radius false 0 2590 -56 54 20 2617 -46 Angle domain (in radians) of arc f832c641-c0b6-4ee3-9361-46526c33422b Angle Angle false 0 2590 -36 54 20 2617 -26 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X Compute one over x. true 522d78bc-3ea4-4106-aafe-5c4dbb8a90ad One Over X One Over X 2548 -113 88 28 2591 -99 Input value c891fd15-4b6c-4c07-874c-9dbfd4f8fad0 Value Value false e61c1e85-6b52-46b6-bc09-67e25b6e6956 1 2550 -111 29 24 2564.5 -99 Output value f65f0635-7a69-442c-8cdc-e4da51b8a401 Result Result false 0 2603 -111 31 24 2618.5 -99 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph 1 Display a set of y-values as a graph 535f4c07-6e83-486b-ba8b-fc34226a30c4 Quick Graph Quick Graph false 0 f65f0635-7a69-442c-8cdc-e4da51b8a401 1 2532 -283 150 150 2532.682 -282.4411 -1 c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects 6ad237f8-1582-4969-82fc-ddd7f5e183c1 35fa5885-9e16-4254-aa30-55c3ed666653 a1e20493-c943-4bc2-9d46-b95deb275132 6b86013b-17bf-4325-9dc1-baac00be41cf 1f89c5b5-f117-43f9-9837-91a1284102d1 522d78bc-3ea4-4106-aafe-5c4dbb8a90ad 535f4c07-6e83-486b-ba8b-fc34226a30c4 7 a21b7bfc-96cd-4dc9-9585-958dba659d5e Group 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph 1 Display a set of y-values as a graph ee6c43eb-f087-4f64-ba2e-683a5590ebc5 Quick Graph Quick Graph false 0 f65f0635-7a69-442c-8cdc-e4da51b8a401 1 2760 3 75 180 2760.3 3.400398 -1 3581f42a-9592-4549-bd6b-1c0fc39d067b Construct Point Construct a point from {xyz} coordinates. true ef41a4d5-0ddc-45c6-a957-65e0e257c56c Construct Point Construct Point 2704 -192 133 64 2796 -160 {x} coordinate 0d6cebef-6b98-4e17-9bb2-b68581fbed4c X coordinate X coordinate false 7789103b-0b7a-4ba0-a609-b28f4763aa0a 1 2706 -190 78 20 2753 -180 1 1 {0} 0 {y} coordinate b96ee68d-aba3-413d-ad59-8989e120b1df X/2 Y coordinate Y coordinate false f65f0635-7a69-442c-8cdc-e4da51b8a401 1 2706 -170 78 20 2753 -160 1 1 {0} 0 {z} coordinate 3456b5d5-0de5-41cc-a321-6a97b12ac158 Z coordinate Z coordinate false 0 2706 -150 78 20 2753 -140 1 1 {0} 0 Point coordinate 9c539403-85e6-427c-bb60-8109160e8788 Point Point false 0 2808 -190 27 60 2821.5 -160 71b5b089-500a-4ea6-81c5-2f960441a0e8 PolyLine Create a polyline connecting a number of points. true e17e4d5a-7d59-450f-a785-e82d758ccd08 PolyLine PolyLine 2704 -256 106 44 2758 -234 1 Polyline vertex points ab3dbd69-5d6d-4d3e-a29d-bf65bf8137ba Vertices Vertices false 9c539403-85e6-427c-bb60-8109160e8788 1 2706 -254 40 20 2726 -244 Close polyline 9ae94f11-676e-4c39-8e19-02ed8b435fa2 Closed Closed false 0 2706 -234 40 20 2726 -224 1 1 {0} false Resulting polyline 286d2ed0-bd9e-42f7-be59-1a06a2b8d1f0 Polyline Polyline false 0 2770 -254 38 40 2789 -234 afb96615-c59a-45c9-9cac-e27acb1c7ca0 Explode Explode a curve into smaller segments. true 9cad71b0-e375-409e-8db3-d65dd8211cc3 Explode Explode 2831 -200 124 44 2892 -178 Curve to explode b64d1b5c-3aea-4631-9b26-c64901b0ce78 Curve Curve false 286d2ed0-bd9e-42f7-be59-1a06a2b8d1f0 1 2833 -198 47 20 2856.5 -188 Recursive decomposition until all segments are atomic 3fda3558-f9fa-4a0a-a978-141977de03a3 Recursive Recursive false 0 2833 -178 47 20 2856.5 -168 1 1 {0} true 1 Exploded segments that make up the base curve 0b537c72-e59a-4b41-abdf-ad4ff5d97185 Segments Segments false 0 2904 -198 49 20 2928.5 -188 1 Vertices of the exploded segments 3f67f2e8-b306-4b40-8218-d29bd5ed7799 Vertices Vertices false 0 2904 -178 49 20 2928.5 -168 1817fd29-20ae-4503-b542-f0fb651e67d7 List Length Measure the length of a list. true f95240b9-c332-4c25-b782-a192e1ac6ae8 List Length List Length 2836 -110 97 28 2869 -96 1 Base list e56fc25e-8cf8-4e7a-b407-9f4e0023055e List List false 0b537c72-e59a-4b41-abdf-ad4ff5d97185 1 2838 -108 19 24 2847.5 -96 Number of items in L ac988b6f-47b8-4e00-9ecd-f4bde6728462 X/4 Length Length false 0 2881 -108 50 24 2898 -96 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item 0 Retrieve a specific item from a list. true 89bee290-618f-4911-a498-0fd10199a43b List Item List Item 2970 -270 78 64 3028 -238 3 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2e3ab970-8545-46bb-836c-1c11e5610bce cb95db89-6165-43b6-9c41-5702bc5bf137 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 Base list b0b02d15-b013-42bc-bab5-8d63526e5005 List List false 0b537c72-e59a-4b41-abdf-ad4ff5d97185 1 2972 -268 44 20 3002 -258 Item index 11816d18-6451-4a72-b457-cf80845b80fa X+(X/2) Index Index false ac988b6f-47b8-4e00-9ecd-f4bde6728462 1 2972 -248 44 20 3002 -238 1 1 {0} 0 Wrap index to list bounds 53700378-a589-47e3-8aad-eca0f429e9ec Wrap Wrap false 0 2972 -228 44 20 3002 -218 1 1 {0} false Item at {i'} e05c4129-0ae1-4753-bd65-c961054a9b83 false Item i false 0 3040 -268 6 60 3043 -238 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item 0 Retrieve a specific item from a list. true 631e7c81-a5d1-46e7-93e5-6711b6b79235 List Item List Item 2982 -183 78 64 3040 -151 3 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2e3ab970-8545-46bb-836c-1c11e5610bce cb95db89-6165-43b6-9c41-5702bc5bf137 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 Base list 52b59f22-0ee4-4807-82d3-9f3fdb84a2bb List List false 0b537c72-e59a-4b41-abdf-ad4ff5d97185 1 2984 -181 44 20 3014 -171 Item index 2966ad9b-5633-4b04-a5b5-062b3155ec62 X-(X/2) Index Index false ac988b6f-47b8-4e00-9ecd-f4bde6728462 1 2984 -161 44 20 3014 -151 1 1 {0} 0 Wrap index to list bounds 3845ff91-3bf7-454c-a495-ff3cd6831264 Wrap Wrap false 0 2984 -141 44 20 3014 -131 1 1 {0} false Item at {i'} b0a64a8e-1faf-4de7-8923-ab723748d172 false Item i false 0 3052 -181 6 60 3055 -151 b464fccb-50e7-41bd-9789-8438db9bea9f Angle Compute the angle between two vectors. true b8b99740-a8fd-4dc6-a288-ad6c54738d0d Angle Angle 3091 -218 103 64 3149 -186 First vector 14b0df54-1193-43f1-9a57-beab25f61998 Vector A Vector A false e05c4129-0ae1-4753-bd65-c961054a9b83 1 3093 -216 44 20 3115 -206 Second vector 03ea6077-bf7e-481c-83a8-680c35f1e229 Vector B Vector B false b0a64a8e-1faf-4de7-8923-ab723748d172 1 3093 -196 44 20 3115 -186 Optional plane for 2D angle b5996fb8-707c-424f-9ef0-6dcab6dcecc0 Plane Plane true 0 3093 -176 44 20 3115 -166 Angle (in radians) between vectors 1d634cb4-0c0a-4e7c-80cb-926c5296b373 Angle Angle false 0 3161 -216 31 30 3176.5 -201 Reflex angle (in radians) between vectors 83c779f2-e800-4894-8321-e487c485f1c8 Reflex Reflex false 0 3161 -186 31 30 3176.5 -171 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values b6ac6456-fe96-4274-8b1a-0317b1d3c644 Number Slider Number Slider false 0 2775 -296 198 20 2775.013 -295.4618 0 1 0 100 0 0 31 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 17ecff89-7540-4db5-b421-388aad9dff72 Panel false 0 1f371e44-6e39-423a-ade1-fb7312a45214 1 360/256*4*2 2756 -351 199 20 0 0 0 2756.222 -350.5304 255;255;255;255 false false true false false true 0d77c51e-584f-44e8-aed2-c2ddf4803888 Degrees Convert an angle specified in radians to degrees true bcd06e56-c7d5-49b1-922a-160a5817f05e Degrees Degrees 2932 152 108 28 2985 166 Angle in radians 702d2b48-c1c0-47c1-a2d7-9fdde21eb4c1 Radians Radians false 1d634cb4-0c0a-4e7c-80cb-926c5296b373 1 2934 154 39 24 2953.5 166 Angle in degrees 1f371e44-6e39-423a-ade1-fb7312a45214 Degrees Degrees false 0 2997 154 41 24 3017.5 166 9df5e896-552d-4c8c-b9ca-4fc147ffa022 Expression Evaluate an expression Format("{0:R}", x) true 22e6c3a8-e6b5-486a-9d11-a1e5567770e2 Expression Expression 2903 60 170 28 2978 74 1 ba80fd98-91a1-4958-b6a7-a94e40e52bdb 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 Expression variable 1deb5417-2c48-4ae8-a08d-1064e251f800 Variable X X true 1d634cb4-0c0a-4e7c-80cb-926c5296b373 1 2905 62 11 24 2910.5 74 Result of expression 44c014c0-ffa5-4393-92fd-7d01e97ff89e Result Result false 0 3040 62 31 24 3055.5 74 e64c5fb1-845c-4ab1-8911-5f338516ba67 Series Create a series of numbers. true dfd6370e-8123-4a75-a3b5-1d4d1cad2a15 Series Series 2699 -106 105 64 2759 -74 First number in the series aad5c18a-bb35-4863-afe9-08f2aef66f80 Start Start false 0 2701 -104 46 20 2732 -94 1 1 {0} 0 Step size for each successive number b8422746-0d5c-4325-b529-2e1672c8c02f 1/X Step Step false 6ad237f8-1582-4969-82fc-ddd7f5e183c1 1 2701 -84 46 20 2732 -74 1 1 {0} 1 Number of values in the series 3203a8b7-656d-4d7d-a454-160d809c3536 Count Count false 6ad237f8-1582-4969-82fc-ddd7f5e183c1 1 2701 -64 46 20 2732 -54 1 1 {0} 64 1 Series of numbers 7789103b-0b7a-4ba0-a609-b28f4763aa0a Series Series false 0 2771 -104 31 60 2786.5 -74 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values a4b2647e-e579-47be-9458-16c254af4d8e Number Slider Number Slider false 0 2797 -46 198 20 2797.014 -45.46153 0 1 0 100 0 0 32 7376fe41-74ec-497e-b367-1ffe5072608b Curvature Graph Draws Rhino Curvature Graphs. true de356c51-e9ee-4ec9-bbac-e2c3ae3e1af4 Curvature Graph Curvature Graph 2613 -367 65 64 2664 -335 Curve for Curvature graph display true ea821ffb-70b9-4d8a-92b1-a22345de9b55 Curve Curve false 6b86013b-17bf-4325-9dc1-baac00be41cf 1 2615 -365 37 20 2633.5 -355 Sampling density of the Graph b0c37883-57b4-4f1c-9cf0-66afe5489595 Density Density false 0 2615 -345 37 20 2633.5 -335 1 1 {0} 1 Scale of graph 8dc0e533-d4bc-4b47-af7e-74fea2dec307 Scale Scale false ca54e85a-3d4f-48d8-85b0-b1b3113fee96 1 2615 -325 37 20 2633.5 -315 1 1 {0} 105 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers ca54e85a-3d4f-48d8-85b0-b1b3113fee96 Digit Scroller Digit Scroller false 0 12 Digit Scroller 11 93.0 2426 -405 250 20 2426.933 -404.4649 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 568d8c01-3793-445c-80ff-e565820fda5a Panel false 0 0 16 0.526707628425 32 0.131193530865 64 0.03277086292 128 0.00819109195275 256 0.00204767472315 -133 638 199 71 0 0 0 -132.5687 638.4363 1 255;255;255;255 false false true false false true 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 Scale Scale an object uniformly in all directions. true ea806a5c-e652-471f-bd1e-74b36e0a8dbb Scale Scale 2465 528 142 64 2543 560 Base geometry a007ddc4-a55f-44d6-8221-50fb0c03ee1b Geometry Geometry true 8fcad302-7000-4e36-a094-c4e362308967 1 2467 530 64 20 2507 540 Center of scaling 6c72a11e-e98a-4c81-aabc-f2c569e888d9 Center Center false 0 2467 550 64 20 2507 560 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 Scaling factor 66d83dcd-db79-4ec9-92a0-ea7c7d585b17 1/X Factor Factor false 09f414e2-a377-48cb-bf26-9259a44948ce 1 2467 570 64 20 2507 580 1 1 {0} 0.5 Scaled geometry a4af6641-b242-461e-ab1c-be9c04a1412c Geometry Geometry false 0 2555 530 50 30 2580 545 Transformation data 0ca22c64-0b6f-4466-bb57-bbf5d41ecf08 Transform Transform false 0 2555 560 50 30 2580 575 b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object 4b8e0a8a-9647-47b4-a20e-be1a55fcb040 Relay false 3fd8a8a0-ce51-45fd-bad4-becd7f5ed67d 1 2670 753 40 16 2690 761 b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object acd8cb55-9f5b-4694-8cdf-60d083af3af5 Relay false 3fd8a8a0-ce51-45fd-bad4-becd7f5ed67d 1 2817 566 40 16 2837 574 b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object 3fd8a8a0-ce51-45fd-bad4-becd7f5ed67d Relay false 9e5d13c5-060e-4636-a3fc-1ccfd4e1a5cc 1 2689 560 40 16 2709 568 f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror Mirror an object. true 04d9806f-a1f3-4749-98bd-d89000c284a8 Mirror Mirror 6641 339 126 44 6703 361 Base geometry 8c4dde84-1c4e-4bb4-96cb-357b18504eb1 Geometry Geometry true e42477ff-bbf6-4393-be21-54936caee378 1 6643 341 48 20 6667 351 Mirror plane 654633aa-5641-44ef-910a-8bc7d9e5ccf3 Plane Plane false c99a0a34-e3ad-4755-8981-58908366f5a8 1 6643 361 48 20 6667 371 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Mirrored geometry b4ccf6c7-f7b3-402d-a4bd-1789c1e70689 Geometry Geometry false 0 6715 341 50 20 6740 351 Transformation data df6ad469-ec43-4ed3-9512-039f0d04c282 Transform Transform false 0 6715 361 50 20 6740 371 d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve Contains a collection of generic curves true 9e5d13c5-060e-4636-a3fc-1ccfd4e1a5cc Curve Curve false a4af6641-b242-461e-ab1c-be9c04a1412c 1 2622 544 50 24 2647.617 556.6174 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 8b50255c-14b9-4936-97f3-d088e38451eb Panel false 0 0 0.00204767472315 -176 533 199 88 0 0 0 -175.8461 533.269 255;255;255;255 false false true false false true c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects e6518023-7078-4f7e-b89f-8324eb8af1ec 1d6a104a-7c70-4f63-8e90-046ac5a8c5bc 0a42a18d-15c9-4172-8cc2-92415413475a 9fc495bc-d7b1-44d8-bf4c-a5105b5f81dd cbfd9dc1-9094-46b5-bc7e-28ef316a918b a8164eb1-a4e5-4a87-bf4e-9014db438764 888ad34e-2a84-4037-ac90-fb3ff0f321e6 7dd72062-9c81-43ea-ae51-b1580705b6c9 745b1de7-01ac-4c96-8f80-cdcb3e5642ff 578e2a9a-da53-4295-8fc1-74909051e057 603d3d48-534d-42f5-9e87-3172526f3a80 b819771e-a2cb-40bd-b0fa-6c9b1df84386 3a58bb15-a2ee-452c-acc6-11f953d2cbd2 72348215-c4ec-4851-a400-c03cc6df559f 467b7dee-dff7-4076-a614-76a59564fb2f 50283408-6421-4a08-b2f8-8e390cb94255 7202b3f5-6de0-4add-a070-f31b6a7c026f 568d8c01-3793-445c-80ff-e565820fda5a 8b50255c-14b9-4936-97f3-d088e38451eb 19 b1c4bab4-518f-4186-8ad2-de0ffeabd89a Group 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values a52bd7d9-fb37-47f6-9682-37f6f6cb20d0 Panel false 0 0 16 0.49642790190 32 0.122908661045 64 0.030606376078 128 0.0076380878337 256 0.001908488092445 3967 759 174 64 0 0 0 3967.114 759.7809 1 255;255;255;255 false false true false false true 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. true 372c88a6-4151-4c04-94ba-8ba62c52cefd Evaluate Length Evaluate Length 6477 144 132 64 6545 176 Curve to evaluate 9b8eba08-d6c0-4f37-8588-edd25639d4ab Curve Curve false 9e5d13c5-060e-4636-a3fc-1ccfd4e1a5cc 1 6479 146 54 20 6506 156 Length factor for curve evaluation 78a7e217-bd5b-4328-8a33-d70e08ccef41 Length Length false 0 6479 166 54 20 6506 176 1 1 {0} 1 If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) 4e2b5300-e05a-4184-9174-d7658c0aec31 Normalized Normalized false 0 6479 186 54 20 6506 196 1 1 {0} true Point at the specified length 7b8cf1b7-d8f9-49ba-8baa-13cd70b04dc0 Point Point false 0 6557 146 50 20 6582 156 Tangent vector at the specified length a067b7b7-4def-4a27-9e0a-38139575d55e Tangent Tangent false 0 6557 166 50 20 6582 176 Curve parameter at the specified length a38a0711-78e0-44a6-a523-32d6b81f710f Parameter Parameter false 0 6557 186 50 20 6582 196 fad344bc-09b1-4855-a2e6-437ef5715fe3 YZ Plane World YZ plane. true feea7d49-687d-4a84-86d0-8f3dd129169e YZ Plane YZ Plane 6617 218 86 28 6661 232 Origin of plane 701f9891-ad11-40fd-87f1-515a37b93ecb Origin Origin false 7b8cf1b7-d8f9-49ba-8baa-13cd70b04dc0 1 6619 220 30 24 6634 232 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 World YZ plane c99a0a34-e3ad-4755-8981-58908366f5a8 Plane Plane false 0 6673 220 28 24 6687 232 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division Mathematical division true 60afd4f5-9596-4ab3-ac6a-8be29547684d Division Division 4024 836 70 44 4049 858 Item to divide (dividend) 79d3a322-2ac0-4dec-8585-b5709c3dfd73 A A false 0 4026 838 11 20 4031.5 848 1 1 {0} Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Number 0.4964279019 Item to divide with (divisor) f0053fae-bd65-42f6-9b6c-03b8414fd2f9 B B false 0 4026 858 11 20 4031.5 868 1 1 {0} Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Number 0.122908661045 The result of the Division 7b71db50-8db3-497f-98d2-7a1876db034e Result Result false 0 4061 838 31 40 4076.5 858 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values f39f05cc-1fa6-4b14-998e-b504c9eb7f7f Panel false 0 0 0.001908488092445 3988 647 138 108 0 0 0 3988.13 647.8854 255;255;255;255 false false true false false true 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division Mathematical division true 7f4394ea-566e-435f-b565-c4073e36dcd8 Division Division 142 663 70 44 167 685 Item to divide (dividend) e0f277f5-ba0d-46fe-bbb5-a78ce475a2de A A false 0 144 665 11 20 149.5 675 1 1 {0} Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Number 0.00819109195275 Item to divide with (divisor) c0cbf291-49fc-43bd-a09c-2f6a9565d422 B B false 0 144 685 11 20 149.5 695 1 1 {0} Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Number 0.00204767472315 The result of the Division 0e0579c4-b5e9-4f4c-b92e-8c228b50a90b Result Result false 0 179 665 31 40 194.5 685 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate Create an interpolated curve through a set of points. true dbc1e2da-3fb2-4138-9787-d3168e863265 Interpolate Interpolate 4557 -921 113 84 4618 -879 1 Interpolation points 515201e2-ff1a-4045-8999-2dd5d40cb223 Vertices Vertices false 7a2be682-8191-4b5e-a088-488d1b86720c 1 4559 -919 47 20 4582.5 -909 Curve degree 549f0006-ccb5-400a-ae10-e80b855094a3 Degree Degree false 0 4559 -899 47 20 4582.5 -889 1 1 {0} 3 Periodic curve f3259ce1-ea28-4cf8-a7b5-43506e8550be Periodic Periodic false 0 4559 -879 47 20 4582.5 -869 1 1 {0} false Knot spacing (0=uniform, 1=chord, 2=sqrtchord) d637b906-1a22-49d6-9a19-d4e8a0951423 KnotStyle KnotStyle false 0 4559 -859 47 20 4582.5 -849 1 1 {0} 1 Resulting nurbs curve a2236181-fc67-40a5-a325-f252a493bf49 Curve Curve false 0 4630 -919 38 26 4649 -905.6667 Curve length a309b6a7-5415-45ea-b167-c05430d27ecc Length Length false 0 4630 -893 38 27 4649 -879 Curve domain 2a912299-0b9d-4b8b-b56f-96419e0f9ce1 Domain Domain false 0 4630 -866 38 27 4649 -852.3334 7376fe41-74ec-497e-b367-1ffe5072608b Curvature Graph Draws Rhino Curvature Graphs. true cb28fdbf-a6f5-4b6d-9d2d-fe59674362b3 Curvature Graph Curvature Graph 4355 -1439 65 64 4406 -1407 Curve for Curvature graph display true ee6c6cf6-428f-4b93-9e72-811cd9fede97 Curve Curve false 2ac6bb32-cb33-4e61-9805-60fee380dfae 1 4357 -1437 37 20 4375.5 -1427 Sampling density of the Graph 58bbee52-0c5d-4841-a431-b57634f33093 Density Density false 0 4357 -1417 37 20 4375.5 -1407 1 1 {0} 1 Scale of graph 00631da8-fbd1-4800-bca8-5ad8337c2ef4 Scale Scale false 88376bdb-9ce5-4189-a8dd-f6c111363bd8 1 4357 -1397 37 20 4375.5 -1387 1 1 {0} 105 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers 88376bdb-9ce5-4189-a8dd-f6c111363bd8 Digit Scroller Digit Scroller false 0 12 Digit Scroller 11 88.0 4393 -951 250 20 4393.103 -950.9396 9abae6b7-fa1d-448c-9209-4a8155345841 Deconstruct Deconstruct a point into its component parts. true 4e4b0885-a392-47d1-8bca-2b5259a2e94a Deconstruct Deconstruct 4471 -1209 120 64 4512 -1177 Input point e038ef63-861e-45ff-a484-9457c0677db1 Point Point false 7b8cf1b7-d8f9-49ba-8baa-13cd70b04dc0 1 4473 -1207 27 60 4486.5 -1177 Point {x} component 40e42702-92d3-4500-a6e1-d7d72aa2e724 X component X component false 0 4524 -1207 65 20 4556.5 -1197 Point {y} component a7270fc6-da5c-45d7-b077-f6f994cd8d34 Y component Y component false 0 4524 -1187 65 20 4556.5 -1177 Point {z} component de7370a3-60c4-48cf-bd1a-c629bdba0187 Z component Z component false 0 4524 -1167 65 20 4556.5 -1157 3581f42a-9592-4549-bd6b-1c0fc39d067b Construct Point Construct a point from {xyz} coordinates. true 1427f20f-74d7-4296-b629-869ca075c2ba Construct Point Construct Point 4630 -1209 117 64 4706 -1177 {x} coordinate 42232831-984a-49d8-af48-047fe0a1e397 X coordinate X coordinate false 0 4632 -1207 62 20 4663 -1197 1 1 {0} 0 {y} coordinate ab653f9f-cab7-4f87-8166-ef2505739e6b Y coordinate Y coordinate false a7270fc6-da5c-45d7-b077-f6f994cd8d34 1 4632 -1187 62 20 4663 -1177 1 1 {0} 0 {z} coordinate e98ce7ed-693c-4c8a-84db-8fcd36f7dd1f Z coordinate Z coordinate false 0 4632 -1167 62 20 4663 -1157 1 1 {0} 0 Point coordinate d5ff6315-6909-4253-bd53-10b0edb2853d Point Point false 0 4718 -1207 27 60 4731.5 -1177 934ede4a-924a-4973-bb05-0dc4b36fae75 Vector 2Pt Create a vector between two points. true 225f96e2-24b3-4ae7-b993-ceea161f4415 Vector 2Pt Vector 2Pt 4607 -1339 100 64 4659 -1307 Base point 6ea9259f-e1c8-4433-9654-bbcc04d4c4e8 Point A Point A false d5ff6315-6909-4253-bd53-10b0edb2853d 1 4609 -1337 38 20 4628 -1327 Tip point 013e9a94-cc45-4f3b-8a30-476071ef5eb3 Point B Point B false 7b8cf1b7-d8f9-49ba-8baa-13cd70b04dc0 1 4609 -1317 38 20 4628 -1307 Unitize output ba5233fd-2683-477a-92f4-ba93cc92a632 Unitize Unitize false 0 4609 -1297 38 20 4628 -1287 1 1 {0} false Vector ea839134-0718-48cf-85db-6f4e3829b336 Vector Vector false 0 4671 -1337 34 30 4688 -1322 Vector length c1e921a4-466a-4ebe-8f1b-05c8f7c9e6f5 Length Length false 0 4671 -1307 34 30 4688 -1292 c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects 4e4b0885-a392-47d1-8bca-2b5259a2e94a 1427f20f-74d7-4296-b629-869ca075c2ba 225f96e2-24b3-4ae7-b993-ceea161f4415 3 d5bfcd31-5d0d-4841-a6fe-5e1f980f5a61 Group e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. true ca39e163-3c52-4840-8a9a-6e927d37220f Move Move 5083 -981 126 44 5145 -959 Base geometry 040c37b5-a618-4a73-8963-80a8fa80dbdc Geometry Geometry true d28cf47b-5f4b-4677-bd90-76afd1323968 1 5085 -979 48 20 5109 -969 Translation vector 814243fb-516f-4d84-b1c0-926c36433a46 Motion Motion false ea839134-0718-48cf-85db-6f4e3829b336 1 5085 -959 48 20 5109 -949 1 1 {0} 0 0 10 Translated geometry 61d9f885-6071-465f-b254-c206bd7cee71 Geometry Geometry false 0 5157 -979 50 20 5182 -969 Transformation data 4c40a165-a35a-4a22-9142-c8cecf37ae36 Transform Transform false 0 5157 -959 50 20 5182 -949 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box Solve oriented geometry bounding boxes. true ef10b50b-6c55-497b-8118-4cd407ec6599 Bounding Box Bounding Box 4738 -886 88 44 4791 -864 1 Geometry to contain 536ad879-f547-4183-a18f-5267525dfeaa Content Content false a2236181-fc67-40a5-a325-f252a493bf49 1 4740 -884 39 20 4759.5 -874 BoundingBox orientation plane true 23f9e814-9d12-479b-92c3-c169c3173137 Plane Plane false 0 4740 -864 39 20 4759.5 -854 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 Aligned bounding box in world coordinates 4be02493-9c89-4f48-b3a1-6800722067ed Box Box false 0 4803 -884 21 20 4813.5 -874 1 Bounding box in orientation plane coordinates true 4f72db86-cace-4ec6-b3e3-edf6436372b5 Box Box false 0 4803 -864 21 20 4813.5 -854 db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box Deconstruct a box into its constituent parts. true 4d4cd009-215c-4589-99dc-186d2dedfd0b Deconstruct Box Deconstruct Box 4843 -916 77 84 4878 -874 Base box c4cbe160-1835-4536-8c8e-a3f2a21284a4 Box Box false 4be02493-9c89-4f48-b3a1-6800722067ed 1 4845 -914 21 80 4855.5 -874 Box plane caf04c1a-8507-4d2b-a3de-d55171e80a38 Plane Plane false 0 4890 -914 28 20 4904 -904 {x} dimension of box c61b79af-4a34-45d6-b3e6-9e481463dd41 X X false 0 4890 -894 28 20 4904 -884 {y} dimension of box daedc5c1-5d3c-49cb-bdb6-5363ab5c6617 Y Y false 0 4890 -874 28 20 4904 -864 {z} dimension of box 7dce6cb1-36c8-43ab-876b-1978aa105ca2 Z Z false 0 4890 -854 28 20 4904 -844 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. true fefbea74-a979-42fd-8bb0-313050ba5c44 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct Domain 4955 -859 92 44 5007 -837 Base domain 0da8165a-dce0-4138-8e68-025730357737 Domain Domain false daedc5c1-5d3c-49cb-bdb6-5363ab5c6617 1 4957 -857 38 40 4976 -837 Start of domain 9b24dbdc-43e2-4e1f-8a51-656dfb958537 Start Start false 0 5019 -857 26 20 5032 -847 End of domain 391f3342-b7a7-4b6a-9c25-5bcd9fb9a7cb End End false 0 5019 -837 26 20 5032 -827 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. true 44a5c822-25b1-4b42-8263-bfbe1c6a9987 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct Domain 4951 -906 92 44 5003 -884 Base domain 78fd7f01-b523-4013-926a-8d7bb785d966 Domain Domain false c61b79af-4a34-45d6-b3e6-9e481463dd41 1 4953 -904 38 40 4972 -884 Start of domain 05275be4-68e7-479b-83c1-5dfbaeb4d977 Start Start false 0 5015 -904 26 20 5028 -894 End of domain 88b5c68a-322f-43a6-919a-47a37b7d837b End End false 0 5015 -884 26 20 5028 -874 290f418a-65ee-406a-a9d0-35699815b512 Scale NU Scale an object with non-uniform factors. true ea69c96a-c180-40c6-8c71-0aff5df1f0e2 Scale NU Scale NU 5081 -915 142 104 5159 -863 Base geometry a3a2fe5c-80c8-484c-890b-ae387b65efb8 Geometry Geometry true a2236181-fc67-40a5-a325-f252a493bf49 1 5083 -913 64 20 5123 -903 Base plane 6d6c070c-1d73-4c11-a547-fbf465352c2e Plane Plane false 0 5083 -893 64 20 5123 -883 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Scaling factor in {x} direction 71ddd659-7e6a-4c95-8135-40088a5ed094 1/X Scale X Scale X false 88b5c68a-322f-43a6-919a-47a37b7d837b 1 5083 -873 64 20 5123 -863 1 1 {0} 1 Scaling factor in {y} direction f4c62708-4279-4d5e-8315-306c7e2fa62e .5/X Scale Y Scale Y false 391f3342-b7a7-4b6a-9c25-5bcd9fb9a7cb 1 5083 -853 64 20 5123 -843 1 1 {0} 1 Scaling factor in {z} direction 616bcae6-33d8-444b-b0d6-d1a6e7771739 Scale Z Scale Z false 0 5083 -833 64 20 5123 -823 1 1 {0} 1 Scaled geometry d28cf47b-5f4b-4677-bd90-76afd1323968 Geometry Geometry false 0 5171 -913 50 50 5196 -888 Transformation data d03f1e16-d9b6-4246-82bc-09ec9abb915b Transform Transform false 0 5171 -863 50 50 5196 -838 e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. true bdde1c5f-0b2c-43af-8377-3700da412347 Move Move 5262 -951 126 44 5324 -929 Base geometry fe570e70-b5f0-4c14-9ee9-f083e4e3653e Geometry Geometry true 61d9f885-6071-465f-b254-c206bd7cee71 1 5264 -949 48 20 5288 -939 Translation vector 5c4d1549-d7f7-4e03-8a64-1baebfb244f1 Motion Motion false 0 5264 -929 48 20 5288 -919 1 1 {0} 0 -1 0 Translated geometry a4de1f82-ef9f-4c93-a184-5e5ef8beb39a Geometry Geometry false 0 5336 -949 50 20 5361 -939 Transformation data 405fc3c3-a945-4df6-9fa0-387d263d5838 Transform Transform false 0 5336 -929 50 20 5361 -919 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box Solve oriented geometry bounding boxes. true 5b9a9412-0cc4-4ee6-8fb8-f691f7efbc02 Bounding Box Bounding Box 2584 -1033 88 44 2637 -1011 1 Geometry to contain fd483e15-5fd7-4ffd-b10e-06e1a0284dc2 Content Content false bb932273-24cb-4808-baea-4f542887cc54 1 2586 -1031 39 20 2605.5 -1021 BoundingBox orientation plane true 3b814567-9a09-4bde-acd2-1c393a77973a Plane Plane false 0 2586 -1011 39 20 2605.5 -1001 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 Aligned bounding box in world coordinates 713e923c-9c82-4721-adef-015ce508e674 Box Box false 0 2649 -1031 21 20 2659.5 -1021 1 Bounding box in orientation plane coordinates true 4b3a19dd-0125-4a4a-83f3-253981527c00 Box Box false 0 2649 -1011 21 20 2659.5 -1001 db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box Deconstruct a box into its constituent parts. true bb202977-de05-4573-874b-d7261808763d Deconstruct Box Deconstruct Box 2689 -1063 77 84 2724 -1021 Base box 92e9d1cd-64ef-4499-bf1e-acbb9aa88a8a Box Box false 713e923c-9c82-4721-adef-015ce508e674 1 2691 -1061 21 80 2701.5 -1021 Box plane 2e034358-43ff-4fce-a315-048de0b4c2e0 Plane Plane false 0 2736 -1061 28 20 2750 -1051 {x} dimension of box 77275b7b-9b41-48f7-b686-0d3b7e178a90 X X false 0 2736 -1041 28 20 2750 -1031 {y} dimension of box c7e83dbe-5828-4c8c-8c7c-e44e120420ee Y Y false 0 2736 -1021 28 20 2750 -1011 {z} dimension of box 6e7b64cd-ce54-4fb8-b57f-b557e13c17c1 Z Z false 0 2736 -1001 28 20 2750 -991 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. true 1fc366d2-4535-4eba-8647-7794657e2e79 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct Domain 2801 -1006 92 44 2853 -984 Base domain 05cad5fe-e273-459f-a6f8-dfdbb7d27403 Domain Domain false c7e83dbe-5828-4c8c-8c7c-e44e120420ee 1 2803 -1004 38 40 2822 -984 Start of domain 3ee8896f-9cf8-4928-88b8-affc2a2cd2a3 Start Start false 0 2865 -1004 26 20 2878 -994 End of domain 60fd5fb2-32ce-4e07-a0c7-060ff0ca609b End End false 0 2865 -984 26 20 2878 -974 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. true fe339a32-a48e-43dd-bc80-93b1e04d0c2f Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct Domain 2797 -1053 92 44 2849 -1031 Base domain e8e3f5a1-749d-47d4-82cc-31e272b48ba3 Domain Domain false 77275b7b-9b41-48f7-b686-0d3b7e178a90 1 2799 -1051 38 40 2818 -1031 Start of domain b5260483-0c12-4e50-aa73-a16276a70bf5 Start Start false 0 2861 -1051 26 20 2874 -1041 End of domain b316d4c6-3c37-4c5b-8b47-7e7bb95927bc End End false 0 2861 -1031 26 20 2874 -1021 290f418a-65ee-406a-a9d0-35699815b512 Scale NU Scale an object with non-uniform factors. true 0ae0bb25-3a1b-4bee-87f6-9d6f38ca624e Scale NU Scale NU 2927 -1062 142 104 3005 -1010 Base geometry a556017f-65e6-4758-9606-ee6a802ef891 Geometry Geometry true bb932273-24cb-4808-baea-4f542887cc54 1 2929 -1060 64 20 2969 -1050 Base plane 6a60e4b0-4ec5-4b16-8230-874667fa73af Plane Plane false 0 2929 -1040 64 20 2969 -1030 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Scaling factor in {x} direction d96f7be6-f54e-44d4-a456-d02fb4dc29e8 1/X Scale X Scale X false b316d4c6-3c37-4c5b-8b47-7e7bb95927bc 1 2929 -1020 64 20 2969 -1010 1 1 {0} 1 Scaling factor in {y} direction b2ca2de4-c8f7-40f6-8872-06cb6f769953 .5/X Scale Y Scale Y false 60fd5fb2-32ce-4e07-a0c7-060ff0ca609b 1 2929 -1000 64 20 2969 -990 1 1 {0} 1 Scaling factor in {z} direction 5086ce8e-ad1a-41d6-b42e-c9b820593002 Scale Z Scale Z false 0 2929 -980 64 20 2969 -970 1 1 {0} 1 Scaled geometry 50334d44-8d92-4cc8-adf5-79ff1eb794b8 Geometry Geometry false 0 3017 -1060 50 50 3042 -1035 Transformation data a1a3c231-8113-499b-a385-2a2bc13f52d9 Transform Transform false 0 3017 -1010 50 50 3042 -985 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate Create an interpolated curve through a set of points. true 3b2bb6cc-083a-44a0-923f-d63d210d4257 Interpolate Interpolate 2455 -955 113 84 2516 -913 1 Interpolation points e2f670d8-52b2-4a30-aee6-0cce854f0530 Vertices Vertices false 9c539403-85e6-427c-bb60-8109160e8788 1 2457 -953 47 20 2480.5 -943 Curve degree 688af181-30f8-4c1d-be9f-9868251f7326 Degree Degree false 0 2457 -933 47 20 2480.5 -923 1 1 {0} 3 Periodic curve f5e8bf42-4ba1-4b37-a224-00f23ac3c8c8 Periodic Periodic false 0 2457 -913 47 20 2480.5 -903 1 1 {0} false Knot spacing (0=uniform, 1=chord, 2=sqrtchord) fc69cf4d-b998-4d11-85e5-2442a66764a2 KnotStyle KnotStyle false 0 2457 -893 47 20 2480.5 -883 1 1 {0} 1 Resulting nurbs curve 00723a98-0cf6-40e9-8090-fe3fd47744dc Curve Curve false 0 2528 -953 38 26 2547 -939.6667 Curve length e5ec94b4-669c-4904-87c1-1c48d16b31b7 Length Length false 0 2528 -927 38 27 2547 -913 Curve domain 151b6b7e-ba0d-4d9b-9c1d-df5dee144320 Domain Domain false 0 2528 -900 38 27 2547 -886.3334 7376fe41-74ec-497e-b367-1ffe5072608b Curvature Graph Draws Rhino Curvature Graphs. true 0225b8a6-6029-45ab-8bb6-e525bac02f46 Curvature Graph Curvature Graph 2523 -1122 65 64 2574 -1090 Curve for Curvature graph display true cc96d199-a3da-40cf-81a5-91ab573967ee Curve Curve false bb932273-24cb-4808-baea-4f542887cc54 1 2525 -1120 37 20 2543.5 -1110 Sampling density of the Graph c4497c4d-f237-49d1-815f-b397f4073df0 Density Density false 0 2525 -1100 37 20 2543.5 -1090 1 1 {0} 1 Scale of graph 7aedd98c-bfa0-446b-a289-37a762c9d65f Scale Scale false d2f01434-9245-4e7c-8db1-f7f14f4f1877 1 2525 -1080 37 20 2543.5 -1070 1 1 {0} 105 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers d2f01434-9245-4e7c-8db1-f7f14f4f1877 Digit Scroller Digit Scroller false 0 12 Digit Scroller 11 93.0 2337 -1158 250 20 2337.458 -1157.99 e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. true 76a3e8c5-7991-4c02-b1f0-16db4f503d2a Move Move 3103 -1040 126 44 3165 -1018 Base geometry b25582fd-b1e1-4240-a235-95b13fc8e2df Geometry Geometry true 50334d44-8d92-4cc8-adf5-79ff1eb794b8 1 3105 -1038 48 20 3129 -1028 Translation vector 204fc8ed-4149-41ef-9bd1-5f204893b170 Motion Motion false 0 3105 -1018 48 20 3129 -1008 1 1 {0} 0 -1 0 Translated geometry 811c2c9f-f7ed-473b-9ff9-5e2488540178 Geometry Geometry false 0 3177 -1038 50 20 3202 -1028 Transformation data 16dbfa7a-2ce9-4e0d-8216-5aea1c829a44 Transform Transform false 0 3177 -1018 50 20 3202 -1008 b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object bb932273-24cb-4808-baea-4f542887cc54 Relay false 00723a98-0cf6-40e9-8090-fe3fd47744dc 1 2618 -923 40 16 2638 -915 f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror Mirror an object. true 202f8bd9-11f5-473d-bd72-e3c6fddee2d4 Mirror Mirror 5063 -141 126 44 5125 -119 Base geometry f491e18c-7fdb-4203-9c0b-572a7bd66068 Geometry Geometry true 9e5d13c5-060e-4636-a3fc-1ccfd4e1a5cc 1 5065 -139 48 20 5089 -129 Mirror plane b3deda92-e5bf-4282-a91a-bfaf20493d04 Plane Plane false c99a0a34-e3ad-4755-8981-58908366f5a8 1 5065 -119 48 20 5089 -109 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Mirrored geometry 88331ef7-4566-4226-b06d-8b957fb46f5f Geometry Geometry false 0 5137 -139 50 20 5162 -129 Transformation data f179fba7-6f70-49bc-9b41-b218d8ace222 Transform Transform false 0 5137 -119 50 20 5162 -109 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves Join as many curves as possible true 5738baaa-3584-4804-97da-7a8b46ddcf8c Join Curves Join Curves 5079 -220 106 44 5136 -198 1 Curves to join df6ec849-68f6-47c2-a12f-de39d7ff63ff Curves Curves false 9e5d13c5-060e-4636-a3fc-1ccfd4e1a5cc 88331ef7-4566-4226-b06d-8b957fb46f5f 2 5081 -218 43 20 5102.5 -208 Preserve direction of input curves 2c5a6dd8-6635-4c21-b098-727fc1a81b5f Preserve Preserve false 0 5081 -198 43 20 5102.5 -188 1 1 {0} false 1 Joined curves and individual curves that could not be joined. f55b870d-c5c4-46f3-a9c1-86e9fc5d43fe Curves Curves false 0 5148 -218 35 40 5165.5 -198 290f418a-65ee-406a-a9d0-35699815b512 Scale NU Scale an object with non-uniform factors. true 13a13719-f8fd-4f00-b675-daed1b410e99 Scale NU Scale NU 5219 -173 142 104 5297 -121 Base geometry fca0d89c-3af1-4f42-a227-915b80784bde Geometry Geometry true f55b870d-c5c4-46f3-a9c1-86e9fc5d43fe 1 5221 -171 64 20 5261 -161 Base plane fad0c958-c027-4c0c-b7c3-e0d9d24e64e9 Plane Plane false 0 5221 -151 64 20 5261 -141 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Scaling factor in {x} direction ed023a3f-96bb-47f1-a742-6f4d06e26e0d Scale X Scale X false 0 5221 -131 64 20 5261 -121 1 1 {0} 0.5 Scaling factor in {y} direction 545420e6-1070-4d14-9cd0-d32d92edec4a -X Scale Y Scale Y false 0 5221 -111 64 20 5261 -101 1 1 {0} 0.5 Scaling factor in {z} direction fcc96fcc-4e38-4796-98c3-467f64cad29a Scale Z Scale Z false 0 5221 -91 64 20 5261 -81 1 1 {0} 1 Scaled geometry e2b1940b-9f27-4e31-b873-d88c0f4e078f Geometry Geometry false 0 5309 -171 50 50 5334 -146 Transformation data d4c75f94-7ae5-4c01-8da6-341985f60ce9 Transform Transform false 0 5309 -121 50 50 5334 -96 e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. true 76efc97a-4ec6-4782-b2d5-7d37c77b43fb Move Move 5224 -264 126 44 5286 -242 Base geometry 269c7f2e-382f-4fc0-a167-9e52e27fb891 Geometry Geometry true e2b1940b-9f27-4e31-b873-d88c0f4e078f 1 5226 -262 48 20 5250 -252 Translation vector df59afdf-fc58-47d0-afcc-3ac950e93305 Motion Motion false 0 5226 -242 48 20 5250 -232 1 1 {0} 1 -0.5 0 Translated geometry 2ac6bb32-cb33-4e61-9805-60fee380dfae Geometry Geometry false 0 5298 -262 50 20 5323 -252 Transformation data a9e007b8-0952-440f-b016-4a7740fc1377 Transform Transform false 0 5298 -242 50 20 5323 -232 3cadddef-1e2b-4c09-9390-0e8f78f7609f Merge Merge a bunch of data streams 4b493507-f146-4dcd-a950-3d8f96298e3d Merge Merge 4147 -1603 91 104 4177 -1551 true 5 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2 Data stream 1 91bbfdcb-e503-4f52-bd89-709f3bb5e607 false Data 1 D1 true 17d8af39-a49e-44ac-bca0-b9d062e4e6e8 1 4149 -1601 16 20 4157 -1591 true 2 Data stream 2 e29083a4-9457-4982-94be-2087258e2d88 false Data 2 D2 true b20042ba-19dc-4b29-98df-909395d7fe57 1 4149 -1581 16 20 4157 -1571 true 2 Data stream 3 1224f8ba-07f4-4c2f-8ef8-7407425d86ed false Data 3 D3 true ae23b7f4-af8f-4ea6-ac1d-5a7be81e2070 1 4149 -1561 16 20 4157 -1551 true 2 Data stream 4 522b2bb2-01d3-4e5f-85be-7d2b3eaf91b3 false Data 4 D4 true 65d2dfd3-a453-4728-b66c-bd74c7730229 1 4149 -1541 16 20 4157 -1531 true 2 Data stream 5 cf97eb0f-9f59-49c8-a6d7-c7297b532a13 false Data 5 D5 true 0 4149 -1521 16 20 4157 -1511 true 2 Result of merge 3d0f49af-5322-45e7-b318-474a599b770a 1 Result Result false 0 4189 -1601 47 100 4204.5 -1551 true 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box Solve oriented geometry bounding boxes. true 03624705-b7ad-48a3-9d61-e7fd65d36cfb Bounding Box Bounding Box true 4325 -1603 88 44 4378 -1581 1 Geometry to contain 6d9ff346-1e8e-4ff1-8122-d9e50b2539e6 Content Content false 3d0f49af-5322-45e7-b318-474a599b770a 1 4327 -1601 39 20 4346.5 -1591 BoundingBox orientation plane true 042022a0-0529-49c6-92bb-a6d8c1a1d42d Plane Plane false 0 4327 -1581 39 20 4346.5 -1571 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Aligned bounding box in world coordinates 9b0254ea-4f1a-466c-a05c-92092cbd67dc Box Box false 0 4390 -1601 21 20 4400.5 -1591 Bounding box in orientation plane coordinates true 57b611ea-639b-4398-8882-a0fca00f8ea1 Box Box false 0 4390 -1581 21 20 4400.5 -1571 db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box Deconstruct a box into its constituent parts. true 6841aab3-43bd-48c6-be32-e10f2413ca16 Deconstruct Box Deconstruct Box 4441 -1629 77 84 4476 -1587 Base box 67614fce-b161-433d-a506-59b1ad84582c Box Box false 9b0254ea-4f1a-466c-a05c-92092cbd67dc 1 4443 -1627 21 80 4453.5 -1587 Box plane 9ab8f35b-d2ab-43c9-a4ec-903c673688b1 Plane Plane false 0 4488 -1627 28 20 4502 -1617 {x} dimension of box 23c0c037-b478-455e-8db8-f824925f9fc2 X X false 0 4488 -1607 28 20 4502 -1597 {y} dimension of box 633676c7-be03-4bda-98b7-6a5368fbd183 Y Y false 0 4488 -1587 28 20 4502 -1577 {z} dimension of box abaa8059-911d-434c-8f05-7d60c69bdf74 Z Z false 0 4488 -1567 28 20 4502 -1557 d93100b6-d50b-40b2-831a-814659dc38e3 Rectangle Create a rectangle on a plane true e5f8e2d1-6c98-4762-9fd5-2f43ac199b1d Rectangle Rectangle 4688 -1598 109 84 4735 -1556 Rectangle base plane 156dee3e-eab3-427c-a8a8-96e9eb55a45c Plane Plane false 0 4690 -1596 33 20 4706.5 -1586 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Dimensions of rectangle in plane X direction. 15adfb4c-63c7-473d-af31-3673b763d903 X Size X Size false 23c0c037-b478-455e-8db8-f824925f9fc2 1 4690 -1576 33 20 4706.5 -1566 1 1 {0} -1 1 Dimensions of rectangle in plane Y direction. 16d111e0-97d1-47bf-8378-cb5cdfcf3cfd Y Size Y Size false 47e89d39-2e2b-4e06-a530-a5ced2589fff 1 4690 -1556 33 20 4706.5 -1546 1 1 {0} -2 2 Rectangle corner fillet radius 7b979b83-3480-43e3-8d66-ccd2002e8c02 Radius Radius false 0 4690 -1536 33 20 4706.5 -1526 1 1 {0} 0 Rectangle 277e537f-c077-4a51-913c-457a45ca74d9 Rectangle Rectangle false 0 4747 -1596 48 40 4771 -1576 Length of rectangle curve e7566cbd-ffcf-49ad-aa8c-7c609b0edb5b Length Length false 0 4747 -1556 48 40 4771 -1536 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. true 9884a882-d474-48fc-8fab-7bc7c4ba4008 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct Domain 4437 -1490 92 44 4489 -1468 Base domain f743d8d3-27c1-4a22-acf6-f25c16b7a779 Domain Domain false 633676c7-be03-4bda-98b7-6a5368fbd183 1 4439 -1488 38 40 4458 -1468 Start of domain 09614765-d2e6-473d-b374-bf509b929d24 Start Start false 0 4501 -1488 26 20 4514 -1478 End of domain bfede477-6537-4241-99e5-bb8c33701a2b End End false 0 4501 -1468 26 20 4514 -1458 d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf Construct Domain Create a numeric domain from two numeric extremes. true 5a1ea51a-288e-4d73-a1d5-509bb5dfe6c4 Construct Domain Construct Domain 4557 -1490 144 44 4649 -1468 Start value of numeric domain 223c51d9-ff6d-4a84-9c6c-32f4036929c4 X*1.0971875 Domain start Domain start false 09614765-d2e6-473d-b374-bf509b929d24 1 4559 -1488 78 20 4606 -1478 1 1 {0} 0 End value of numeric domain 9b769372-b662-4747-b286-b6ea13009e17 X*1.275 Domain end Domain end false bfede477-6537-4241-99e5-bb8c33701a2b 1 4559 -1468 78 20 4606 -1458 1 1 {0} 1 Numeric domain between {A} and {B} 47e89d39-2e2b-4e06-a530-a5ced2589fff Domain Domain false 0 4661 -1488 38 40 4680 -1468 dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences Compute relative differences for a list of data true 5d3f7e5f-8796-4680-99dd-2b917316157b Relative Differences Relative Differences 2375 154 116 28 2422 168 1 List of data to operate on (numbers or points or vectors allowed) 70988a6a-e34b-467e-a063-3224197aadfb Values Values false f65f0635-7a69-442c-8cdc-e4da51b8a401 1 2377 156 33 24 2393.5 168 1 Differences between consecutive items a985a31b-d974-4c49-8102-e823d0c16fff Differenced Differenced false 0 2434 156 55 24 2461.5 168 5b850221-b527-4bd6-8c62-e94168cd6efa Mass Addition Perform mass addition of a list of items true 31ad5f84-32b3-46d3-914d-e8676ef9a310 Mass Addition MA 417 244 48 44 438 266 1 Input values for mass addition (either numbers or vectors) 2f694c54-0e5e-4e03-8923-effc7007e2d8 Input I false 0 419 246 7 40 422.5 266 Result of mass addition b9635f43-f113-4eb9-a8f9-ce08f5170cb0 Result R false 0 450 246 13 20 456.5 256 1 List of partial results 4f63fc25-9cef-4717-a8e1-e722b1b990ec Partial Results Pr false 0 450 266 13 20 456.5 276 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph 1 Display a set of y-values as a graph 7de562af-20b1-4ca8-9554-1057c5e17211 Quick Graph Quick Graph false 0 441d3685-5d51-4e9b-aebf-41d45461c275 1 2351 -282 150 150 2351.357 -281.5132 -1 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 441d3685-5d51-4e9b-aebf-41d45461c275 Panel false 0.50144553207792342 a985a31b-d974-4c49-8102-e823d0c16fff 1 Double click to edit panel content… 2350 -121 155 254 0 0 0 2350.536 -120.9919 255;255;255;255 true false true false false true c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects 5d3f7e5f-8796-4680-99dd-2b917316157b 7de562af-20b1-4ca8-9554-1057c5e17211 441d3685-5d51-4e9b-aebf-41d45461c275 3 d5b03b5c-1ba8-4b94-9263-ad7d8ac86e90 Group dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences Compute relative differences for a list of data true fcb6261c-b785-4411-90f9-47a070c80ca8 Relative Differences Relative Differences 4005 154 116 28 4052 168 1 List of data to operate on (numbers or points or vectors allowed) caa832ac-152c-4a8c-b7d2-eaf8ab66ee69 Values Values false 51c172aa-3cc9-473f-9e87-8a8bfa6f05c8 1 4007 156 33 24 4023.5 168 1 Differences between consecutive items e1cc0b99-e98c-411b-bb2a-f4719fb7d2c9 Differenced Differenced false 0 4064 156 55 24 4091.5 168 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph 1 Display a set of y-values as a graph fdef3a07-d991-43be-83d1-38d17cf71d38 Quick Graph Quick Graph false 0 205ee9b1-df69-4ff9-9bac-44f5c2a57521 1 3977 -277 150 150 3977.49 -276.9601 -1 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 205ee9b1-df69-4ff9-9bac-44f5c2a57521 Panel false 0.5020746891386807 e1cc0b99-e98c-411b-bb2a-f4719fb7d2c9 1 Double click to edit panel content… 3975 -123 160 257 0 0 0 3975.825 -122.1813 255;255;255;255 true false true false false true c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects fcb6261c-b785-4411-90f9-47a070c80ca8 fdef3a07-d991-43be-83d1-38d17cf71d38 205ee9b1-df69-4ff9-9bac-44f5c2a57521 3 5c3d4519-42fc-4f01-98b6-2e3b78dbf04c Group dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences Compute relative differences for a list of data true 0de35535-ab33-445f-926d-f2211812ac44 Relative Differences Relative Differences 3813 155 116 28 3860 169 1 List of data to operate on (numbers or points or vectors allowed) cd341d09-f006-4c1e-9b82-53ac197bf84f Values Values false e1cc0b99-e98c-411b-bb2a-f4719fb7d2c9 1 3815 157 33 24 3831.5 169 1 Differences between consecutive items f930681e-765a-4419-8b23-53e7fd22dd27 Differenced Differenced false 0 3872 157 55 24 3899.5 169 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph 1 Display a set of y-values as a graph 3c574af9-d4bf-4e26-a4ce-f37e416bd24f Quick Graph Quick Graph false 0 2e2c9e84-607b-4786-999b-b0ccf6a9f12a 1 3793 -277 150 150 3793.139 -276.8243 -1 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 2e2c9e84-607b-4786-999b-b0ccf6a9f12a Panel false 0.50209204107522964 f930681e-765a-4419-8b23-53e7fd22dd27 1 Double click to edit panel content… 3791 -118 160 255 0 0 0 3791.475 -117.7745 255;255;255;255 true false true false false true c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects 0de35535-ab33-445f-926d-f2211812ac44 3c574af9-d4bf-4e26-a4ce-f37e416bd24f 2e2c9e84-607b-4786-999b-b0ccf6a9f12a 3 b85bd146-1253-4603-9dbe-7f74fda5911b Group dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences Compute relative differences for a list of data true 37246f45-9c27-42d1-8b7b-e85ef3a5bce7 Relative Differences Relative Differences 3627 154 116 28 3674 168 1 List of data to operate on (numbers or points or vectors allowed) 10039166-7be1-4235-972d-1e1e3e48547e Values Values false f930681e-765a-4419-8b23-53e7fd22dd27 1 3629 156 33 24 3645.5 168 1 Differences between consecutive items 2dfb8b24-23a0-4e7f-90f8-9de669b7de7b Differenced Differenced false 0 3686 156 55 24 3713.5 168 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph 1 Display a set of y-values as a graph 5ea8e379-3ae1-4761-b3c9-60594017133b Quick Graph Quick Graph false 0 d222b852-a7c7-446a-b2c3-92048eda81bb 1 3608 -278 150 150 3608.718 -277.3206 -1 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values d222b852-a7c7-446a-b2c3-92048eda81bb Panel false 0.50209206342697144 2dfb8b24-23a0-4e7f-90f8-9de669b7de7b 1 Double click to edit panel content… 3607 -119 160 255 0 0 0 3607.054 -118.2707 255;255;255;255 true false true false false true c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects 37246f45-9c27-42d1-8b7b-e85ef3a5bce7 5ea8e379-3ae1-4761-b3c9-60594017133b d222b852-a7c7-446a-b2c3-92048eda81bb 3 f1cb25e1-2e37-4828-959b-ca3f4598f4fd Group dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences Compute relative differences for a list of data true dcf909ee-7ac8-47fd-baa9-816a1f6d3cda Relative Differences Relative Differences 2193 153 116 28 2240 167 1 List of data to operate on (numbers or points or vectors allowed) 3d72e32a-0742-43a4-bde2-d78833836680 Values Values false a985a31b-d974-4c49-8102-e823d0c16fff 1 2195 155 33 24 2211.5 167 1 Differences between consecutive items aa1a411f-2321-4881-84bb-32b044a5222d Differenced Differenced false 0 2252 155 55 24 2279.5 167 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph 1 Display a set of y-values as a graph 0008bd0d-dd0f-48ef-8adf-02b8f4cecd1b Quick Graph Quick Graph false 0 0d97a578-7865-4750-ba9a-6c8374247eee 1 2172 -282 150 150 2172.006 -281.0094 -1 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 0d97a578-7865-4750-ba9a-6c8374247eee Panel false 0.50144558469764888 aa1a411f-2321-4881-84bb-32b044a5222d 1 Double click to edit panel content… 2169 -122 157 254 0 0 0 2169.198 -121.4881 255;255;255;255 true false true false false true c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects dcf909ee-7ac8-47fd-baa9-816a1f6d3cda 0008bd0d-dd0f-48ef-8adf-02b8f4cecd1b 0d97a578-7865-4750-ba9a-6c8374247eee 3 8f0a3471-ab58-4f6c-a8fd-3721709b26bc Group dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences Compute relative differences for a list of data true b67cc92d-d107-420d-9a74-5a24d790827c Relative Differences Relative Differences 2008 152 116 28 2055 166 1 List of data to operate on (numbers or points or vectors allowed) caec0dce-1061-4e10-9167-4e306bbe0d73 Values Values false aa1a411f-2321-4881-84bb-32b044a5222d 1 2010 154 33 24 2026.5 166 1 Differences between consecutive items 5c528385-427b-4fcb-8a85-21f2a11919ed Differenced Differenced false 0 2067 154 55 24 2094.5 166 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph 1 Display a set of y-values as a graph 1b56a6ae-3ebb-4d05-a342-535003a1d83e Quick Graph Quick Graph false 0 d0a1af53-2c1f-4e32-88d2-bee9188ea6c6 1 1991 -282 150 150 1991.368 -281.5056 -1 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values d0a1af53-2c1f-4e32-88d2-bee9188ea6c6 Panel false 0.49828327586874366 5c528385-427b-4fcb-8a85-21f2a11919ed 1 Double click to edit panel content… 1988 -122 157 254 0 0 0 1988.554 -121.9843 255;255;255;255 true false true false false true c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects b67cc92d-d107-420d-9a74-5a24d790827c 1b56a6ae-3ebb-4d05-a342-535003a1d83e d0a1af53-2c1f-4e32-88d2-bee9188ea6c6 3 5e44c594-036f-4c4f-8211-a54a7dcf92b7 Group b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object 2015d5b9-f622-4e67-9297-fba288c927aa Relay false 6b86013b-17bf-4325-9dc1-baac00be41cf 1 3978 -1603 40 16 3998 -1595 b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object 92760c67-783d-42a8-a629-6e2241a75848 Relay false 18f9e8cd-78f9-426e-ade4-3796c99c8c38 1 3985 -1583 40 16 4005 -1575 b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object 8bcdb645-a35f-4594-8180-847b70726db5 Relay false 811c2c9f-f7ed-473b-9ff9-5e2488540178 1 3986 -1559 40 16 4006 -1551 b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object 2e089ecf-d152-47eb-9a8a-55517d5698ca Relay false 2ac6bb32-cb33-4e61-9805-60fee380dfae 1 3985 -1542 40 16 4005 -1534 d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve Contains a collection of generic curves true 17d8af39-a49e-44ac-bca0-b9d062e4e6e8 Curve Curve false 2015d5b9-f622-4e67-9297-fba288c927aa 1 4038 -1606 50 24 4063.854 -1594.96 d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve Contains a collection of generic curves true b20042ba-19dc-4b29-98df-909395d7fe57 Curve Curve false 92760c67-783d-42a8-a629-6e2241a75848 1 4043 -1585 50 24 4068.038 -1573.788 d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve Contains a collection of generic curves true ae23b7f4-af8f-4ea6-ac1d-5a7be81e2070 Curve Curve false 8bcdb645-a35f-4594-8180-847b70726db5 1 4045 -1563 50 24 4070.768 -1551.242 d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve Contains a collection of generic curves true 65d2dfd3-a453-4728-b66c-bd74c7730229 Curve Curve false 2e089ecf-d152-47eb-9a8a-55517d5698ca 1 4046 -1527 50 24 4071.721 -1515.902 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number Contains a collection of floating point numbers 24614185-91a3-4fa5-8563-e8bc67616a59 Number Number false 380716a6-5071-4978-96bb-67cc49356929 1 4100 -1842 50 24 4125.468 -1830.599 aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature Evaluate the curvature of a curve at a specified parameter. true 65496d62-65cc-47b4-825c-0a0b586d437a Curvature Curvature 4048 -2042 125 64 4112 -2010 Curve to evaluate 20e11b6d-a13c-4724-bb41-d89da3595603 Curve Curve false 05b78459-e0d6-402d-8302-36b4bc52edd4 1 4050 -2040 50 30 4075 -2025 Parameter on curve domain to evaluate 170b7c7e-a141-4cfd-bc78-6b861aa2a794 Parameter Parameter false 50003dbf-6b00-4c00-83ae-28699de8d8bc 1 4050 -2010 50 30 4075 -1995 Point on curve at {t} f2fbb2f9-b22e-49bd-9cf9-20fab87c8246 Point Point false 0 4124 -2040 47 20 4147.5 -2030 Curvature vector at {t} 2bfcc3e4-b55a-4d77-833b-7df6a0efe70d Curvature Curvature false 0 4124 -2020 47 20 4147.5 -2010 Curvature circle at {t} eff07622-cb14-4e0e-a334-e1abaf6be876 Curvature Curvature false 0 4124 -2000 47 20 4147.5 -1990 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve Divide a curve into equal length segments true 0b0b12b3-38ca-4cee-9557-22b72b052405 Divide Curve Divide Curve 4060 -1952 113 64 4104 -1920 Curve to divide 391046a6-d7f7-4549-8f14-3a65936585d4 Curve Curve false 05b78459-e0d6-402d-8302-36b4bc52edd4 1 4062 -1950 30 20 4077 -1940 Number of segments 6509ce19-5df2-4d89-b10b-a943b80bf215 Count Count false 24614185-91a3-4fa5-8563-e8bc67616a59 1 4062 -1930 30 20 4077 -1920 1 1 {0} 10 Split segments at kinks 04abbb49-26d3-4d30-bcbf-dd451605802e Kinks Kinks false 0 4062 -1910 30 20 4077 -1900 1 1 {0} false 1 Division points 725d8df0-40e0-41fa-9245-4c1b295b05e0 Points Points false 0 4116 -1950 55 20 4143.5 -1940 1 Tangent vectors at division points 4f58e54d-9ec5-4f6e-92ed-3072284d0055 Tangents Tangents false 0 4116 -1930 55 20 4143.5 -1920 1 Parameter values at division points 50003dbf-6b00-4c00-83ae-28699de8d8bc Parameters Parameters false 0 4116 -1910 55 20 4143.5 -1900 d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve Contains a collection of generic curves true 05b78459-e0d6-402d-8302-36b4bc52edd4 Curve Curve false 17d8af39-a49e-44ac-bca0-b9d062e4e6e8 b20042ba-19dc-4b29-98df-909395d7fe57 2 4097 -1816 50 24 4122.518 -1804.209 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc Retrieve the base plane, radius and angle domain of an arc. true 09b0fc1c-144a-45b4-8962-4065d3a22bf2 Deconstruct Arc Deconstruct Arc 4060 -2126 102 64 4094 -2094 Arc or Circle to deconstruct bd404888-9e36-4df1-9f31-fe1a3cde1be7 Arc Arc false eff07622-cb14-4e0e-a334-e1abaf6be876 1 4062 -2124 20 60 4072 -2094 Base plane of arc or circle d34edca5-31cf-47b3-9539-5412e9285071 Base Plane Base Plane false 0 4106 -2124 54 20 4133 -2114 Radius of arc or circle e4ce3b04-8775-4895-8450-943c46906500 Radius Radius false 0 4106 -2104 54 20 4133 -2094 Angle domain (in radians) of arc 4a548155-1ce0-4387-b591-8a1b41648eec Angle Angle false 0 4106 -2084 54 20 4133 -2074 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X Compute one over x. true bc83863a-c981-4606-8cf3-b2a2a8c078a5 One Over X One Over X 4061 -2253 88 28 4104 -2239 Input value 7f94fb21-8548-4259-9e7f-0258300e697e Value Value false e4ce3b04-8775-4895-8450-943c46906500 1 4063 -2251 29 24 4077.5 -2239 Output value 62b304e4-ef74-48d4-ba62-ba264e90fa7a Result Result false 0 4116 -2251 31 24 4131.5 -2239 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph 1 Display a set of y-values as a graph 0f5bf9fd-0e63-4d7e-b133-bb4ea4e9e33f Quick Graph Quick Graph false 0 62b304e4-ef74-48d4-ba62-ba264e90fa7a 1 4053 -2502 150 150 4053.473 -2501.798 -1 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values c77d04dd-7bf0-48f5-a8db-50b3da551b15 Number Slider Number Slider false 0 4008 -1864 198 20 4008.473 -1863.478 0 1 0 256 0 0 40 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line Create a line between two points. true 144c5782-4626-4d4f-8b7c-e1a00fd2d291 Line Line 4061 -2200 102 44 4127 -2178 Line start point 7cb41c81-d90e-4354-9b8e-5f40d02760f7 Start Point Start Point false f2fbb2f9-b22e-49bd-9cf9-20fab87c8246 1 4063 -2198 52 20 4089 -2188 Line end point 9dd662ca-b47b-4e4b-ac12-d2674b32d408 End Point End Point false d34edca5-31cf-47b3-9539-5412e9285071 1 4063 -2178 52 20 4089 -2168 Line segment 2b911d73-c2cb-448c-a07d-82463b1939a0 Line Line false 0 4139 -2198 22 40 4150 -2178 ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication Mathematical multiplication true 3fc1d01a-a578-4a1b-a37b-0346ca10f59a Multiplication Multiplication 4096 -2635 70 44 4121 -2613 2 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 First item for multiplication 214b65d5-8496-42f1-8bef-2430d275afe1 A A true 62b304e4-ef74-48d4-ba62-ba264e90fa7a 1 4098 -2633 11 20 4103.5 -2623 Second item for multiplication 6106b827-de84-463d-9d07-c4d467577df0 B B true d5a493e0-17e4-42cb-974b-c4284f5b1a99 1 4098 -2613 11 20 4103.5 -2603 Result of multiplication 45f72293-9096-457b-8aaa-b8a7e29695a9 Result Result false 0 4133 -2633 31 40 4148.5 -2613 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values d5a493e0-17e4-42cb-974b-c4284f5b1a99 Number Slider Number Slider false 0 4030 -2661 198 20 4030.283 -2660.089 6 1 0 0.5 0 0 0.088888 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.} fe771a08-1f35-4f88-8916-9b6dfef2ec68 Line SDL Line SDL 4072 -2589 110 64 4146 -2557 Line start point 24a09de6-a572-4b50-b777-3a8eb6f02134 Start Start false f2fbb2f9-b22e-49bd-9cf9-20fab87c8246 1 4074 -2587 60 20 4112 -2577 Line tangent (direction) 79dd4f82-726b-4878-970e-80a489664c77 Direction Direction false 2b911d73-c2cb-448c-a07d-82463b1939a0 1 4074 -2567 60 20 4112 -2557 1 1 {0} 0 0 1 Line length 5bd5136a-d1b8-4ca3-860e-9a21d670bcf9 -ABS(X) Length Length false 45f72293-9096-457b-8aaa-b8a7e29695a9 1 4074 -2547 60 20 4112 -2537 1 1 {0} 1 Line segment f2ace8d6-7d5e-4da7-a7e4-5ecb5e5d79e4 Line Line false 0 4158 -2587 22 60 4169 -2557 dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences Compute relative differences for a list of data true 8b85ecf3-7092-4149-b7e6-1bfa84672cfe Relative Differences Relative Differences 4347 -2278 116 28 4394 -2264 1 List of data to operate on (numbers or points or vectors allowed) 67f103a8-8ad0-4f48-b2ab-a99ad0f12a4c Values Values false 454b5773-097c-4778-bdb9-1c97f13711fa 1 4349 -2276 33 24 4365.5 -2264 1 Differences between consecutive items 47315575-68cf-4b58-a87e-ef4a72ee9277 Differenced Differenced false 0 4406 -2276 55 24 4433.5 -2264 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph 1 Display a set of y-values as a graph b302d6af-4016-4518-9fb4-e1db4dfabbe5 Quick Graph Quick Graph false 0 d1979fc6-2d39-44c0-b110-aaa9a7a4edfb 1 4342 -2501 150 150 4342.636 -2500.522 0 ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication Mathematical multiplication true f52e54d7-c07a-42da-9223-9788e7060341 Multiplication Multiplication 4391 -2647 70 44 4416 -2625 2 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 First item for multiplication 5a79ab82-eb09-4fbc-acc2-ff1d428bffaf A A true d1979fc6-2d39-44c0-b110-aaa9a7a4edfb 1 4393 -2645 11 20 4398.5 -2635 Second item for multiplication bc62b8ae-cf6b-4583-a89e-408f7bdd8a3a B B true 3fb239e5-e38e-4479-8639-e29612013d6a 1 4393 -2625 11 20 4398.5 -2615 Result of multiplication a3cc3380-26ef-457c-a5b7-67b60bcf9d46 Result Result false 0 4428 -2645 31 40 4443.5 -2625 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.} true 3f9ba1b6-a21d-463d-a30c-bad601642639 Line SDL Line SDL 4365 -2585 110 64 4439 -2553 Line start point 57c776c3-23f9-47ad-b9f7-67751766051a Start Start false 90ff67a0-31b1-4e96-836c-8b39b5d37c12 1 4367 -2583 60 20 4405 -2573 Line tangent (direction) 9d907c85-5d9c-4479-839b-9a06e901ab09 Direction Direction false f55c3fd5-6768-470b-bb1c-c9ca6ae472e0 1 4367 -2563 60 20 4405 -2553 1 1 {0} 0 0 1 Line length cb75740f-9728-4346-a7c0-56bfb54de469 -ABS(X) Length Length false a3cc3380-26ef-457c-a5b7-67b60bcf9d46 1 4367 -2543 60 20 4405 -2533 1 1 {0} 1 Line segment e9a6995d-30a7-41e5-b196-1b7fc5fb44cc Line Line false 0 4451 -2583 22 60 4462 -2553 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 0c38506f-25cc-43e9-bfb5-175aa2fd33fa Panel false 0.56093490123748779 62b304e4-ef74-48d4-ba62-ba264e90fa7a 1 Double click to edit panel content… 3816 -2560 160 274 0 0 0 3816.682 -2559.516 255;255;255;255 true true true false false true 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. true c9bb7af0-764f-49ef-9532-ff62988e6bdf Evaluate Length Evaluate Length 4378 -2744 132 64 4446 -2712 Curve to evaluate 37b2fb04-ded1-4b88-9387-34cfd29a9347 Curve Curve false e9a6995d-30a7-41e5-b196-1b7fc5fb44cc 1 4380 -2742 54 20 4407 -2732 Length factor for curve evaluation 2ebc4f0b-d891-490e-953f-e15644f64e07 Length Length false 0 4380 -2722 54 20 4407 -2712 1 1 {0} 1 If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) 59abe8b6-f3dc-47bc-8bb9-d5973fc171c1 Normalized Normalized false 0 4380 -2702 54 20 4407 -2692 1 1 {0} true Point at the specified length 6241d4eb-e88f-43f7-abf9-5e840cbe1f40 Point Point false 0 4458 -2742 50 20 4483 -2732 Tangent vector at the specified length 25650239-dbc9-4c06-bd8f-597ff7f096da Tangent Tangent false 0 4458 -2722 50 20 4483 -2712 Curve parameter at the specified length c756e47c-b7c7-4a21-a74d-ab892610b0f8 Parameter Parameter false 0 4458 -2702 50 20 4483 -2692 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate Create an interpolated curve through a set of points. true 06262943-ab63-4b10-aeee-45868acf8643 Interpolate Interpolate 4384 -2846 113 84 4445 -2804 1 Interpolation points 6d31402e-0837-4831-8ab3-14093097589f Vertices Vertices false 6241d4eb-e88f-43f7-abf9-5e840cbe1f40 1 4386 -2844 47 20 4409.5 -2834 Curve degree 82247ba2-339a-402f-9d59-c7fe5d8b3848 Degree Degree false 0 4386 -2824 47 20 4409.5 -2814 1 1 {0} 3 Periodic curve e05374ca-4ec3-4476-bf8e-45f86cd11f90 Periodic Periodic false 0 4386 -2804 47 20 4409.5 -2794 1 1 {0} false Knot spacing (0=uniform, 1=chord, 2=sqrtchord) e9baef2f-8bbf-4b73-ae38-7a7feb8e7343 KnotStyle KnotStyle false 0 4386 -2784 47 20 4409.5 -2774 1 1 {0} 2 Resulting nurbs curve 5a0db04c-f66e-4731-aebe-98084f3b7919 Curve Curve false 0 4457 -2844 38 26 4476 -2830.667 Curve length b8e64c33-e721-407f-b810-6482f731dcb7 Length Length false 0 4457 -2818 38 27 4476 -2804 Curve domain 5ebab822-2a21-4cb1-a66f-9e9fdeef1181 Domain Domain false 0 4457 -2791 38 27 4476 -2777.333 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. true b1f7eb47-b283-4f21-8320-1042508b848e Evaluate Length Evaluate Length 4060 -2746 132 64 4128 -2714 Curve to evaluate 4c2b66bd-1519-4195-bb01-516688ee281a Curve Curve false f2ace8d6-7d5e-4da7-a7e4-5ecb5e5d79e4 1 4062 -2744 54 20 4089 -2734 Length factor for curve evaluation 5378e5a9-0330-433a-a94a-4df38456088c Length Length false 0 4062 -2724 54 20 4089 -2714 1 1 {0} 1 If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) b3d58a93-4a4c-4e43-b44e-04034377dfcb Normalized Normalized false 0 4062 -2704 54 20 4089 -2694 1 1 {0} true Point at the specified length bd91b797-aaa1-4f0a-a757-ce286ac51f0e Point Point false 0 4140 -2744 50 20 4165 -2734 Tangent vector at the specified length 4d2e34a9-aecf-4798-95fa-de77b5f9745d Tangent Tangent false 0 4140 -2724 50 20 4165 -2714 Curve parameter at the specified length 4d1a602d-5fb2-4532-94d1-5bf00bb470a0 Parameter Parameter false 0 4140 -2704 50 20 4165 -2694 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate Create an interpolated curve through a set of points. 90e21cba-efb3-49f0-88fd-0098622a71a2 Interpolate Interpolate 4073 -2837 113 84 4134 -2795 1 Interpolation points 7e74de7d-90b8-4a39-99b5-57a9213c3493 Vertices Vertices false bd91b797-aaa1-4f0a-a757-ce286ac51f0e 1 4075 -2835 47 20 4098.5 -2825 Curve degree 80ddedd0-0f4a-45f2-9fb8-da4d47128515 Degree Degree false 0 4075 -2815 47 20 4098.5 -2805 1 1 {0} 3 Periodic curve 1dc74064-9cb0-4f85-bb10-e20f7b703895 Periodic Periodic false 0 4075 -2795 47 20 4098.5 -2785 1 1 {0} false Knot spacing (0=uniform, 1=chord, 2=sqrtchord) 2e9a46fa-c293-445f-bd74-d359936e59b8 KnotStyle KnotStyle false 0 4075 -2775 47 20 4098.5 -2765 1 1 {0} 2 Resulting nurbs curve 2703edc7-875c-4c85-b3b7-6889f6fe339b Curve Curve false 0 4146 -2835 38 26 4165 -2821.667 Curve length a3fb5967-2cea-42ca-bc91-961c32dc1bd7 Length Length false 0 4146 -2809 38 27 4165 -2795 Curve domain 864aa061-8dec-426f-9f2d-7de1d9e91b95 Domain Domain false 0 4146 -2782 38 27 4165 -2768.333 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values dedb18f6-2489-4571-b0f0-6107ad656b4d Panel false 0.11061841249465942 d1979fc6-2d39-44c0-b110-aaa9a7a4edfb 1 Double click to edit panel content… 4521 -2586 160 274 0 0 0 4521.646 -2585.513 255;255;255;255 true true true false false true 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number Contains a collection of floating point numbers a2bcb853-2dd5-41c2-bd45-a37832f5a58a Number Number false 380716a6-5071-4978-96bb-67cc49356929 1 4389 -1822 50 24 4414.63 -1810.422 aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature Evaluate the curvature of a curve at a specified parameter. true 580017d6-0baf-4815-80cb-c40f7afca229 Curvature Curvature 4362 -2044 125 64 4426 -2012 Curve to evaluate 5a3de4ee-5e6f-44a3-b851-4e51f11c7f6f Curve Curve false f6b0ba01-ac2b-4a94-a1ff-ed8925cfdb0c 1 4364 -2042 50 30 4389 -2027 Parameter on curve domain to evaluate 0afad4f5-0ed8-47fe-9f46-3490769b1ba6 Parameter Parameter false 5db79d3b-9b78-4ad4-97ac-63223b0da082 1 4364 -2012 50 30 4389 -1997 Point on curve at {t} 04d2db3e-2551-4e07-8db2-19783cd47f50 Point Point false 0 4438 -2042 47 20 4461.5 -2032 Curvature vector at {t} 537970a6-8324-4e93-aa3d-7774c594b0d9 Curvature Curvature false 0 4438 -2022 47 20 4461.5 -2012 Curvature circle at {t} ed44b38d-5f7e-4779-ac5b-b5320be5b851 Curvature Curvature false 0 4438 -2002 47 20 4461.5 -1992 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve Divide a curve into equal length segments true 9235f1c2-d8f4-43b0-b5c8-4d5bd86f886a Divide Curve Divide Curve 4375 -1964 113 64 4419 -1932 Curve to divide 10fd311d-ee8e-40c5-a28b-6df7dad28866 Curve Curve false f6b0ba01-ac2b-4a94-a1ff-ed8925cfdb0c 1 4377 -1962 30 20 4392 -1952 Number of segments c7081f74-9735-4b86-9677-e84bc519a847 Count Count false a2bcb853-2dd5-41c2-bd45-a37832f5a58a 1 4377 -1942 30 20 4392 -1932 1 1 {0} 10 Split segments at kinks 7f4533be-23b7-482a-9d00-357bbd391c20 Kinks Kinks false 0 4377 -1922 30 20 4392 -1912 1 1 {0} false 1 Division points be3f7070-1d78-4fd3-b14c-1afc02d7ef90 Points Points false 0 4431 -1962 55 20 4458.5 -1952 1 Tangent vectors at division points 1ea64ec4-567a-4a95-9cb7-4b2c1634aedb Tangents Tangents false 0 4431 -1942 55 20 4458.5 -1932 1 Parameter values at division points 5db79d3b-9b78-4ad4-97ac-63223b0da082 Parameters Parameters false 0 4431 -1922 55 20 4458.5 -1912 d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve Contains a collection of generic curves true f6b0ba01-ac2b-4a94-a1ff-ed8925cfdb0c Curve Curve false 17d8af39-a49e-44ac-bca0-b9d062e4e6e8 b20042ba-19dc-4b29-98df-909395d7fe57 2 4395 -1794 50 24 4420.404 -1782.577 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc Retrieve the base plane, radius and angle domain of an arc. true 68347974-590b-4408-86d8-db71952ae2e4 Deconstruct Arc Deconstruct Arc 4371 -2122 102 64 4405 -2090 Arc or Circle to deconstruct 9d87f3d9-5e69-4ece-ac55-489fbfef6a69 Arc Arc false ed44b38d-5f7e-4779-ac5b-b5320be5b851 1 4373 -2120 20 60 4383 -2090 Base plane of arc or circle 718789b8-4934-4ea3-9f01-05434ce7bf7d Base Plane Base Plane false 0 4417 -2120 54 20 4444 -2110 Radius of arc or circle 5102b93f-514f-419d-980e-d1321cd7c949 Radius Radius false 0 4417 -2100 54 20 4444 -2090 Angle domain (in radians) of arc 8b74cca8-00fa-4dc3-9ecc-d6d0ab260d66 Angle Angle false 0 4417 -2080 54 20 4444 -2070 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X Compute one over x. true ae43c2ce-251f-46d8-8f58-c9d64366c78e One Over X One Over X 4372 -2243 88 28 4415 -2229 Input value 5565c2bc-e82a-4a11-a5dc-19899b8dba9b Value Value false 5102b93f-514f-419d-980e-d1321cd7c949 1 4374 -2241 29 24 4388.5 -2229 Output value 454b5773-097c-4778-bdb9-1c97f13711fa Result Result false 0 4427 -2241 31 24 4442.5 -2229 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values c790fddd-81b5-46ac-bc0f-6b128068238b Number Slider Number Slider false 0 4310 -1846 198 20 4310.629 -1845.847 0 1 0 256 0 0 29 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line Create a line between two points. true a5285a83-3116-48e3-b6f0-63fbf247f9c3 Line Line 4368 -2192 102 44 4434 -2170 Line start point 391ec8f6-6afa-442d-9018-cb41f563d126 Start Point Start Point false 04d2db3e-2551-4e07-8db2-19783cd47f50 1 4370 -2190 52 20 4396 -2180 Line end point 202b24cb-a1bf-4059-9545-3d476cb2f2c6 End Point End Point false 718789b8-4934-4ea3-9f01-05434ce7bf7d 1 4370 -2170 52 20 4396 -2160 Line segment f55c3fd5-6768-470b-bb1c-c9ca6ae472e0 Line Line false 0 4446 -2190 22 40 4457 -2170 c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects 24614185-91a3-4fa5-8563-e8bc67616a59 65496d62-65cc-47b4-825c-0a0b586d437a 0b0b12b3-38ca-4cee-9557-22b72b052405 05b78459-e0d6-402d-8302-36b4bc52edd4 09b0fc1c-144a-45b4-8962-4065d3a22bf2 bc83863a-c981-4606-8cf3-b2a2a8c078a5 0f5bf9fd-0e63-4d7e-b133-bb4ea4e9e33f c77d04dd-7bf0-48f5-a8db-50b3da551b15 144c5782-4626-4d4f-8b7c-e1a00fd2d291 3fc1d01a-a578-4a1b-a37b-0346ca10f59a d5a493e0-17e4-42cb-974b-c4284f5b1a99 fe771a08-1f35-4f88-8916-9b6dfef2ec68 0c38506f-25cc-43e9-bfb5-175aa2fd33fa b1f7eb47-b283-4f21-8320-1042508b848e 90e21cba-efb3-49f0-88fd-0098622a71a2 15 28f5691d-7f5b-41e7-944d-2f5d964be7ae Group c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects 8b85ecf3-7092-4149-b7e6-1bfa84672cfe b302d6af-4016-4518-9fb4-e1db4dfabbe5 f52e54d7-c07a-42da-9223-9788e7060341 1b71d7f4-3039-4d6a-9b48-b65ea7c3daab 3f9ba1b6-a21d-463d-a30c-bad601642639 c9bb7af0-764f-49ef-9532-ff62988e6bdf 06262943-ab63-4b10-aeee-45868acf8643 dedb18f6-2489-4571-b0f0-6107ad656b4d a2bcb853-2dd5-41c2-bd45-a37832f5a58a 580017d6-0baf-4815-80cb-c40f7afca229 9235f1c2-d8f4-43b0-b5c8-4d5bd86f886a f6b0ba01-ac2b-4a94-a1ff-ed8925cfdb0c 68347974-590b-4408-86d8-db71952ae2e4 ae43c2ce-251f-46d8-8f58-c9d64366c78e c790fddd-81b5-46ac-bc0f-6b128068238b a5285a83-3116-48e3-b6f0-63fbf247f9c3 16 71353d71-bb86-48b1-90e1-02de9ee818a8 Group dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences Compute relative differences for a list of data true b2892f3f-beee-4acc-a700-7eef895c20cc Relative Differences Relative Differences 4785 -2272 116 28 4832 -2258 1 List of data to operate on (numbers or points or vectors allowed) d3b71599-4e2c-4727-9ba4-f479bb418ea1 Values Values false ead831d4-9a35-442f-b087-9552edaaf9c7 1 4787 -2270 33 24 4803.5 -2258 1 Differences between consecutive items 0b607e88-c01e-47e8-bb85-25ecdc4fc07e Differenced Differenced false 0 4844 -2270 55 24 4871.5 -2258 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph 1 Display a set of y-values as a graph 8acb8da9-8a71-42d5-bb53-685404585ba1 Quick Graph Quick Graph false 0 e89e9ecb-31d5-4da9-88d2-45c97e4dd895 1 4770 -2532 150 150 4770.024 -2531.672 -1 ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication Mathematical multiplication true f885fe33-58cf-4592-b3e4-92d6463726af Multiplication Multiplication 4808 -2638 70 44 4833 -2616 2 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 First item for multiplication 240f403a-b94d-47cd-944b-dc321c71de0e A A true e89e9ecb-31d5-4da9-88d2-45c97e4dd895 1 4810 -2636 11 20 4815.5 -2626 Second item for multiplication b0dc8de3-503b-4d64-b8ce-9c03c8820c95 B B true fdc15e80-2376-4a82-a36c-d6f6b055189b 1 4810 -2616 11 20 4815.5 -2606 Result of multiplication d4023562-ca73-4431-b094-1c02d2be863d Result Result false 0 4845 -2636 31 40 4860.5 -2616 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values fdc15e80-2376-4a82-a36c-d6f6b055189b Number Slider Number Slider false 0 4736 -2652 198 20 4736.229 -2651.812 6 1 0 16 0 0 9.996405 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.} true e9f4e58f-fa1b-4308-9ff1-981b4b295de4 Line SDL Line SDL 4789 -2583 110 64 4863 -2551 Line start point 671729e7-8a6b-43a0-8bef-84e5ad126947 Start Start false ffddbe9d-2260-4c8b-b010-6b3139c74b78 1 4791 -2581 60 20 4829 -2571 Line tangent (direction) c265dcf5-9ea4-43ef-9223-dc012de7952a Direction Direction false 86f3f081-d11b-4841-a25c-e6cdc41de1e1 1 4791 -2561 60 20 4829 -2551 1 1 {0} 0 0 1 Line length 5057eb6b-5976-4293-acaa-d769262eed2c -ABS(X) Length Length false d4023562-ca73-4431-b094-1c02d2be863d 1 4791 -2541 60 20 4829 -2531 1 1 {0} 1 Line segment 2d999aec-8af8-4928-b3c4-76236b958947 Line Line false 0 4875 -2581 22 60 4886 -2551 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. true a3bd958c-6273-468b-bfcf-57e2ec139954 Evaluate Length Evaluate Length 4802 -2742 132 64 4870 -2710 Curve to evaluate 16eca065-31f9-4048-909f-b645d3e524c1 Curve Curve false 2d999aec-8af8-4928-b3c4-76236b958947 1 4804 -2740 54 20 4831 -2730 Length factor for curve evaluation 62ba40d2-92b8-441f-84f2-acb9198f55d6 Length Length false 0 4804 -2720 54 20 4831 -2710 1 1 {0} 1 If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) 1568caaa-7e7d-4134-b0f5-876435d023ce Normalized Normalized false 0 4804 -2700 54 20 4831 -2690 1 1 {0} true Point at the specified length 5495358b-d752-4cbc-ba57-abbf65de1fbc Point Point false 0 4882 -2740 50 20 4907 -2730 Tangent vector at the specified length e45663b7-103b-43a1-9ef9-27996d8de5c6 Tangent Tangent false 0 4882 -2720 50 20 4907 -2710 Curve parameter at the specified length 7b80180f-569e-4d76-a94a-d663b8d3b6f0 Parameter Parameter false 0 4882 -2700 50 20 4907 -2690 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate Create an interpolated curve through a set of points. true 47bdb401-d65e-4560-b425-215c56a3abdd Interpolate Interpolate 4808 -2844 113 84 4869 -2802 1 Interpolation points 2473120e-a925-40a9-9ae2-6e62cc333e66 Vertices Vertices false 5495358b-d752-4cbc-ba57-abbf65de1fbc 1 4810 -2842 47 20 4833.5 -2832 Curve degree 6e0e9873-5ec1-45cd-b8b2-cf0fca1831ca Degree Degree false 0 4810 -2822 47 20 4833.5 -2812 1 1 {0} 3 Periodic curve 02bcd526-d328-4007-bfba-b0406dd71014 Periodic Periodic false 0 4810 -2802 47 20 4833.5 -2792 1 1 {0} false Knot spacing (0=uniform, 1=chord, 2=sqrtchord) 3d33e03a-661b-4c15-ab3e-24f3acdeaa7e KnotStyle KnotStyle false 0 4810 -2782 47 20 4833.5 -2772 1 1 {0} 2 Resulting nurbs curve 2b3f4056-176a-4a24-bd60-e8f390290566 Curve Curve false 0 4881 -2842 38 26 4900 -2828.667 Curve length f2035d3a-c123-40df-a3ce-1a5dc5da796d Length Length false 0 4881 -2816 38 27 4900 -2802 Curve domain 69ac4299-caa9-47a3-8e7f-dc083fd7c7d3 Domain Domain false 0 4881 -2789 38 27 4900 -2775.333 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values e265c5b0-82b5-47fc-8dbf-058f54be1af3 Panel false 0 e89e9ecb-31d5-4da9-88d2-45c97e4dd895 1 Double click to edit panel content… 4979 -2599 160 274 0 0 0 4979.779 -2598.879 255;255;255;255 true true true false false true 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number Contains a collection of floating point numbers b30f2b0f-5050-42f7-a970-24bab3a4e226 Number Number false 380716a6-5071-4978-96bb-67cc49356929 1 4815 -1819 50 24 4840.137 -1807.783 aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature Evaluate the curvature of a curve at a specified parameter. true f56c81ff-eca8-4d60-9fec-b48e2bf7204e Curvature Curvature 4780 -2010 125 64 4844 -1978 Curve to evaluate e0d3692d-6e96-4472-b242-777a59156d37 Curve Curve false cbbfb653-5eea-4ec5-8c54-927e8ab70166 1 4782 -2008 50 30 4807 -1993 Parameter on curve domain to evaluate 569e1c7f-2246-42f4-a79e-ecd05bd2b2a7 Parameter Parameter false c21440f6-efda-4c7c-b4c2-e4676bf8d3f0 1 4782 -1978 50 30 4807 -1963 Point on curve at {t} 1b1389d8-d7c3-42ea-9693-3998ca641912 Point Point false 0 4856 -2008 47 20 4879.5 -1998 Curvature vector at {t} c327e5cb-6835-4491-b546-b36ff747a706 Curvature Curvature false 0 4856 -1988 47 20 4879.5 -1978 Curvature circle at {t} db918ea3-61ea-4955-a0a8-0e3b357ade1f Curvature Curvature false 0 4856 -1968 47 20 4879.5 -1958 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve Divide a curve into equal length segments true a5b4d353-6db9-487d-b8b7-cf111abdbefc Divide Curve Divide Curve 4796 -1933 113 64 4840 -1901 Curve to divide d92d4d44-ce92-4b6e-8bd6-a39adf40d12d Curve Curve false cbbfb653-5eea-4ec5-8c54-927e8ab70166 1 4798 -1931 30 20 4813 -1921 Number of segments 09efc75d-2edd-42a9-bd85-4fd84c4fd3f6 Count Count false b30f2b0f-5050-42f7-a970-24bab3a4e226 1 4798 -1911 30 20 4813 -1901 1 1 {0} 10 Split segments at kinks 2921def4-7db6-46e7-b2fb-905580887d7f Kinks Kinks false 0 4798 -1891 30 20 4813 -1881 1 1 {0} false 1 Division points 8deaf13c-ca3f-4eb7-8b38-9626c4067590 Points Points false 0 4852 -1931 55 20 4879.5 -1921 1 Tangent vectors at division points 125bccb9-b499-4b50-85c5-7581cde7e820 Tangents Tangents false 0 4852 -1911 55 20 4879.5 -1901 1 Parameter values at division points c21440f6-efda-4c7c-b4c2-e4676bf8d3f0 Parameters Parameters false 0 4852 -1891 55 20 4879.5 -1881 d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve Contains a collection of generic curves true cbbfb653-5eea-4ec5-8c54-927e8ab70166 Curve Curve false 242c4148-9214-4bff-8534-d255fe9857a8 1 4820 -1791 50 24 4845.911 -1779.938 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc Retrieve the base plane, radius and angle domain of an arc. true cb2a991b-9194-48d2-b86f-b28e15f6e5d6 Deconstruct Arc Deconstruct Arc 4800 -2081 102 64 4834 -2049 Arc or Circle to deconstruct 9df67b6f-098c-49f5-936c-dcf6e535611f Arc Arc false db918ea3-61ea-4955-a0a8-0e3b357ade1f 1 4802 -2079 20 60 4812 -2049 Base plane of arc or circle 093a71c8-f9ce-4c1a-8106-43876b316be0 Base Plane Base Plane false 0 4846 -2079 54 20 4873 -2069 Radius of arc or circle 7955181f-4b66-428b-8888-7d2b91aea03f Radius Radius false 0 4846 -2059 54 20 4873 -2049 Angle domain (in radians) of arc 0cddff04-fc6f-4bc9-bdd0-d3e1d7f0743e Angle Angle false 0 4846 -2039 54 20 4873 -2029 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X Compute one over x. true 726714bf-a532-4598-b71c-751c5b0de664 One Over X One Over X 4807 -2205 88 28 4850 -2191 Input value cc86df03-30e6-4e03-9336-e0ac7133e989 Value Value false 7955181f-4b66-428b-8888-7d2b91aea03f 1 4809 -2203 29 24 4823.5 -2191 Output value 118b4d1c-3c11-4520-8a55-5b4f92b96894 Result Result false 0 4862 -2203 31 24 4877.5 -2191 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values 41a81557-ae26-4b4c-95c0-89dc8e24bba6 Number Slider Number Slider false 0 4736 -1844 198 20 4736.136 -1843.208 0 1 0 256 0 0 29 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line Create a line between two points. true 17443e9c-05b6-4a61-b68a-080b072fb31e Line Line 4793 -2155 102 44 4859 -2133 Line start point a76dd29a-3ccd-412e-97bc-c958028851ef Start Point Start Point false 1b1389d8-d7c3-42ea-9693-3998ca641912 1 4795 -2153 52 20 4821 -2143 Line end point a90a12c3-1ca3-49c4-80e2-d5770dbca560 End Point End Point false 093a71c8-f9ce-4c1a-8106-43876b316be0 1 4795 -2133 52 20 4821 -2123 Line segment 86f3f081-d11b-4841-a25c-e6cdc41de1e1 Line Line false 0 4871 -2153 22 40 4882 -2133 c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects b2892f3f-beee-4acc-a700-7eef895c20cc 8acb8da9-8a71-42d5-bb53-685404585ba1 f885fe33-58cf-4592-b3e4-92d6463726af fdc15e80-2376-4a82-a36c-d6f6b055189b e9f4e58f-fa1b-4308-9ff1-981b4b295de4 a3bd958c-6273-468b-bfcf-57e2ec139954 47bdb401-d65e-4560-b425-215c56a3abdd e265c5b0-82b5-47fc-8dbf-058f54be1af3 b30f2b0f-5050-42f7-a970-24bab3a4e226 f56c81ff-eca8-4d60-9fec-b48e2bf7204e a5b4d353-6db9-487d-b8b7-cf111abdbefc cbbfb653-5eea-4ec5-8c54-927e8ab70166 cb2a991b-9194-48d2-b86f-b28e15f6e5d6 726714bf-a532-4598-b71c-751c5b0de664 41a81557-ae26-4b4c-95c0-89dc8e24bba6 17443e9c-05b6-4a61-b68a-080b072fb31e 16 fa5d3b59-adda-49ac-9d68-5f6a592fef40 Group dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences Compute relative differences for a list of data true 9dcb0cb3-f7ac-4274-991d-8c6ed5982784 Relative Differences Relative Differences 4790 -2237 116 28 4837 -2223 1 List of data to operate on (numbers or points or vectors allowed) 4c493ac2-1444-414f-9cc5-7e256a78c4ea Values Values false 118b4d1c-3c11-4520-8a55-5b4f92b96894 1 4792 -2235 33 24 4808.5 -2223 1 Differences between consecutive items ead831d4-9a35-442f-b087-9552edaaf9c7 Differenced Differenced false 0 4849 -2235 55 24 4876.5 -2223 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number Contains a collection of floating point numbers 380716a6-5071-4978-96bb-67cc49356929 Number Number false 26176fe6-0f24-4ba0-acbe-e954a969b70c 1 4334 -1697 50 24 4359.966 -1685.464 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values 26176fe6-0f24-4ba0-acbe-e954a969b70c Number Slider Number Slider false 0 4258 -1729 198 20 4258.55 -1728.643 0 1 0 1024 0 0 256 dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences Compute relative differences for a list of data true 73ee5e15-5547-4bb6-84ca-1b2fb4b56837 Relative Differences Relative Differences 5203 -2267 116 28 5250 -2253 1 List of data to operate on (numbers or points or vectors allowed) da28d880-cff2-419b-9e8a-1fa327524be8 Values Values false 55f43da7-c0e5-4ef8-9892-86abf60c4bf5 1 5205 -2265 33 24 5221.5 -2253 1 Differences between consecutive items 849d4c87-e4b4-43a8-a637-e4413d79f7a8 Differenced Differenced false 0 5262 -2265 55 24 5289.5 -2253 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph 1 Display a set of y-values as a graph 58fe9d71-f841-47f0-819d-1e1fb6158c00 Quick Graph Quick Graph false 0 51ba1196-8744-47ff-b209-6fa41c932572 1 5189 -2520 150 150 5189.927 -2519.031 -1 ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication Mathematical multiplication true b9a455ad-e638-44e9-ab48-b9f430e57bea Multiplication Multiplication 5223 -2645 70 44 5248 -2623 2 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 First item for multiplication 6a8b0027-970e-4813-995c-e758e8aa255f A A true 51ba1196-8744-47ff-b209-6fa41c932572 1 5225 -2643 11 20 5230.5 -2633 Second item for multiplication e47d7047-2293-477d-a2d9-f0e1922f0591 B B true e7be2341-3fe5-4e1c-8870-8209821dc353 1 5225 -2623 11 20 5230.5 -2613 Result of multiplication 4adb6898-2dc9-4d90-8f78-8c1049d30056 Result Result false 0 5260 -2643 31 40 5275.5 -2623 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values e7be2341-3fe5-4e1c-8870-8209821dc353 Number Slider Number Slider false 0 5154 -2663 198 20 5154.041 -2662.811 6 1 0 16 0 0 11.450938 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.} true 2ac95bb6-ee8a-4408-8f72-8d755529e11b Line SDL Line SDL 5205 -2599 110 64 5279 -2567 Line start point c44be3ca-7c36-44d9-ab06-04bee168c48a Start Start false 5bef1dbb-e2f0-40ee-b959-50dd960b9bdc 1 5207 -2597 60 20 5245 -2587 Line tangent (direction) 11de3f49-7e13-4745-b050-c144a04adee1 Direction Direction false 270d47b0-6a96-4109-9946-7db0bdf18035 1 5207 -2577 60 20 5245 -2567 1 1 {0} 0 0 1 Line length 59062c33-aab1-48ff-8cfb-77a0c4eca586 -ABS(X) Length Length false 4adb6898-2dc9-4d90-8f78-8c1049d30056 1 5207 -2557 60 20 5245 -2547 1 1 {0} 1 Line segment 6c8eb0e7-dc87-4d07-939d-b71c63f6a401 Line Line false 0 5291 -2597 22 60 5302 -2567 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. true c64b0b64-d1c2-4dda-88a0-b19444f58dd5 Evaluate Length Evaluate Length 5218 -2746 132 64 5286 -2714 Curve to evaluate 543b6363-545f-4c8a-a6d9-ed09797f97b1 Curve Curve false 6c8eb0e7-dc87-4d07-939d-b71c63f6a401 1 5220 -2744 54 20 5247 -2734 Length factor for curve evaluation ba5cddad-799d-443e-ac97-8fe9c8cdc8b7 Length Length false 0 5220 -2724 54 20 5247 -2714 1 1 {0} 1 If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) 8a8a12b1-876b-405e-b95d-408f5e34a982 Normalized Normalized false 0 5220 -2704 54 20 5247 -2694 1 1 {0} true Point at the specified length 00b363a9-7333-433d-9304-4d5faa61e7c5 Point Point false 0 5298 -2744 50 20 5323 -2734 Tangent vector at the specified length 01b80fce-0002-40e8-a533-043483d735fa Tangent Tangent false 0 5298 -2724 50 20 5323 -2714 Curve parameter at the specified length 3b970b12-5880-4e38-a9dd-2ea78b8082fd Parameter Parameter false 0 5298 -2704 50 20 5323 -2694 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate Create an interpolated curve through a set of points. true f937c8d2-47a7-4d75-8fcd-18bc0c148ed5 Interpolate Interpolate 5224 -2848 113 84 5285 -2806 1 Interpolation points 86373abb-f6dd-4a24-bd9b-d9178b8123f5 Vertices Vertices false 00b363a9-7333-433d-9304-4d5faa61e7c5 1 5226 -2846 47 20 5249.5 -2836 Curve degree e18a685f-52e5-4b3e-9edb-8f75f641b422 Degree Degree false 0 5226 -2826 47 20 5249.5 -2816 1 1 {0} 3 Periodic curve f622793c-b7fe-492c-bcaf-1a49b969d116 Periodic Periodic false 0 5226 -2806 47 20 5249.5 -2796 1 1 {0} false Knot spacing (0=uniform, 1=chord, 2=sqrtchord) 75dd041c-dba5-48f4-9298-76207a2abb8e KnotStyle KnotStyle false 0 5226 -2786 47 20 5249.5 -2776 1 1 {0} 2 Resulting nurbs curve 7c5a3f3c-5e56-4dbb-a306-c8b3ac72d652 Curve Curve false 0 5297 -2846 38 26 5316 -2832.667 Curve length cc31f82b-445d-4265-9270-eebc194bd6b7 Length Length false 0 5297 -2820 38 27 5316 -2806 Curve domain dfac4013-9c4a-41f1-b13f-838735899773 Domain Domain false 0 5297 -2793 38 27 5316 -2779.333 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values bb478f0d-9d63-40c4-965a-3e2153877cc6 Panel false 0 51ba1196-8744-47ff-b209-6fa41c932572 1 Double click to edit panel content… 5388 -2600 160 274 0 0 0 5388.227 -2599.042 255;255;255;255 true true true false false true 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number Contains a collection of floating point numbers d35b179e-5119-474a-bdff-df306b4953b5 Number Number false 380716a6-5071-4978-96bb-67cc49356929 1 5230 -1823 50 24 5255.363 -1811.027 aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature Evaluate the curvature of a curve at a specified parameter. true a421e276-2e08-41c6-bede-9a7ecffdb83a Curvature Curvature 5217 -2004 125 64 5281 -1972 Curve to evaluate 6ca8560c-e52b-4471-9441-4ade2d198e1e Curve Curve false fd167264-ba72-48e2-b96f-23a14f862b19 1 5219 -2002 50 30 5244 -1987 Parameter on curve domain to evaluate c72a1022-e9eb-47fe-96e9-4cc2d35a62e6 Parameter Parameter false 5eaeaa4d-37c3-47c3-a2e9-75cd40ac9994 1 5219 -1972 50 30 5244 -1957 Point on curve at {t} 0749a083-dfe2-4b59-be6e-a0c2a763cd1b Point Point false 0 5293 -2002 47 20 5316.5 -1992 Curvature vector at {t} 4e6bc5a8-427a-4a95-bd2a-dd7c4363460f Curvature Curvature false 0 5293 -1982 47 20 5316.5 -1972 Curvature circle at {t} cab802e8-3580-43df-b2dc-7e7e08f4fce7 Curvature Curvature false 0 5293 -1962 47 20 5316.5 -1952 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve Divide a curve into equal length segments true 4f1df47a-6d32-4017-8690-6977c0e94651 Divide Curve Divide Curve 5212 -1937 113 64 5256 -1905 Curve to divide df690ea4-f8e4-4cd3-873a-278712a3b8b2 Curve Curve false fd167264-ba72-48e2-b96f-23a14f862b19 1 5214 -1935 30 20 5229 -1925 Number of segments 9a75d043-2b7a-4bab-867f-ee1de42f11f5 Count Count false d35b179e-5119-474a-bdff-df306b4953b5 1 5214 -1915 30 20 5229 -1905 1 1 {0} 10 Split segments at kinks 21a4f2d6-6774-4ff7-92fe-69917ff81137 Kinks Kinks false 0 5214 -1895 30 20 5229 -1885 1 1 {0} false 1 Division points a73c4e77-b050-4c7f-9c1d-c52144cdc517 Points Points false 0 5268 -1935 55 20 5295.5 -1925 1 Tangent vectors at division points 81b5e227-5fa9-4e23-8391-335f1758e620 Tangents Tangents false 0 5268 -1915 55 20 5295.5 -1905 1 Parameter values at division points 5eaeaa4d-37c3-47c3-a2e9-75cd40ac9994 Parameters Parameters false 0 5268 -1895 55 20 5295.5 -1885 d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve Contains a collection of generic curves true fd167264-ba72-48e2-b96f-23a14f862b19 Curve Curve false 242c4148-9214-4bff-8534-d255fe9857a8 1 5236 -1795 50 24 5261.137 -1783.182 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc Retrieve the base plane, radius and angle domain of an arc. true af201ebd-88ca-4da4-8ab7-eb3351b9888a Deconstruct Arc Deconstruct Arc 5216 -2085 102 64 5250 -2053 Arc or Circle to deconstruct 22be2713-ddef-47f8-b13e-572a3d558dcd Arc Arc false cab802e8-3580-43df-b2dc-7e7e08f4fce7 1 5218 -2083 20 60 5228 -2053 Base plane of arc or circle 17a07136-27e9-452b-8f31-d22ce8ee193c Base Plane Base Plane false 0 5262 -2083 54 20 5289 -2073 Radius of arc or circle 2e12c35d-525e-4eb7-a98f-4b026725f695 Radius Radius false 0 5262 -2063 54 20 5289 -2053 Angle domain (in radians) of arc 8f3b751a-87c0-4262-9f39-d700ed35f7ba Angle Angle false 0 5262 -2043 54 20 5289 -2033 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X Compute one over x. true 50eae438-c910-44dc-ac55-7b276df20386 One Over X One Over X 5218 -2189 88 28 5261 -2175 Input value 3e6c77aa-4e63-4928-9472-b046752d38e1 Value Value false 2e12c35d-525e-4eb7-a98f-4b026725f695 1 5220 -2187 29 24 5234.5 -2175 Output value 7318a8f1-c5a6-4d7e-a587-bc34958eed13 Result Result false 0 5273 -2187 31 24 5288.5 -2175 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values ac19e456-3b2a-4e85-9d48-0135ccc5af8c Number Slider Number Slider false 0 5151 -1847 198 20 5151.362 -1846.452 0 1 0 256 0 0 29 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line Create a line between two points. true 013bb490-14d2-45bf-aa4d-bcb9bfa9ced8 Line Line 5209 -2159 102 44 5275 -2137 Line start point 017eb842-3825-4299-8cc5-33f6eca839f0 Start Point Start Point false 0749a083-dfe2-4b59-be6e-a0c2a763cd1b 1 5211 -2157 52 20 5237 -2147 Line end point 330eb5ef-40a5-4fc3-887a-3273e990512a End Point End Point false 17a07136-27e9-452b-8f31-d22ce8ee193c 1 5211 -2137 52 20 5237 -2127 Line segment 270d47b0-6a96-4109-9946-7db0bdf18035 Line Line false 0 5287 -2157 22 40 5298 -2137 c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects 73ee5e15-5547-4bb6-84ca-1b2fb4b56837 58fe9d71-f841-47f0-819d-1e1fb6158c00 b9a455ad-e638-44e9-ab48-b9f430e57bea e7be2341-3fe5-4e1c-8870-8209821dc353 2ac95bb6-ee8a-4408-8f72-8d755529e11b c64b0b64-d1c2-4dda-88a0-b19444f58dd5 f937c8d2-47a7-4d75-8fcd-18bc0c148ed5 bb478f0d-9d63-40c4-965a-3e2153877cc6 d35b179e-5119-474a-bdff-df306b4953b5 a421e276-2e08-41c6-bede-9a7ecffdb83a 4f1df47a-6d32-4017-8690-6977c0e94651 fd167264-ba72-48e2-b96f-23a14f862b19 af201ebd-88ca-4da4-8ab7-eb3351b9888a 50eae438-c910-44dc-ac55-7b276df20386 ac19e456-3b2a-4e85-9d48-0135ccc5af8c 013bb490-14d2-45bf-aa4d-bcb9bfa9ced8 16 66926ef3-9666-43d4-b213-4bffc87f2f3f Group dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences Compute relative differences for a list of data true 62273e81-5d8d-4db2-b708-f7ac3009e513 Relative Differences Relative Differences 5201 -2241 116 28 5248 -2227 1 List of data to operate on (numbers or points or vectors allowed) eb016353-8453-46cd-a8f8-e9a71024e3f0 Values Values false f15092d7-49d4-43fc-9c90-242f16c94747 1 5203 -2239 33 24 5219.5 -2227 1 Differences between consecutive items 55f43da7-c0e5-4ef8-9892-86abf60c4bf5 Differenced Differenced false 0 5260 -2239 55 24 5287.5 -2227 dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences Compute relative differences for a list of data true 60c2cbf2-448f-41e3-a1b2-a0c8e1e262a9 Relative Differences Relative Differences 5193 -2215 116 28 5240 -2201 1 List of data to operate on (numbers or points or vectors allowed) 25164003-2db7-445f-a3ed-ba52c86e7ea3 Values Values false 7318a8f1-c5a6-4d7e-a587-bc34958eed13 1 5195 -2213 33 24 5211.5 -2201 1 Differences between consecutive items f15092d7-49d4-43fc-9c90-242f16c94747 Differenced Differenced false 0 5252 -2213 55 24 5279.5 -2201 d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve Contains a collection of generic curves true 242c4148-9214-4bff-8534-d255fe9857a8 Curve Curve false 0 4333 -1669 50 24 4358.148 -1657.862 dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences Compute relative differences for a list of data true 497dcb0a-f4bf-440a-b0e8-b4aac5e9bba8 Relative Differences Relative Differences 5622 -2292 116 28 5669 -2278 1 List of data to operate on (numbers or points or vectors allowed) 1dfed4a9-b12c-4355-b113-f884820577bf Values Values false 090e8dbb-4842-4a13-b69d-909ddcb3adcd 1 5624 -2290 33 24 5640.5 -2278 1 Differences between consecutive items 6dff4ab7-25dd-455d-83bc-3a701ff8924f Differenced Differenced false 0 5681 -2290 55 24 5708.5 -2278 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph 1 Display a set of y-values as a graph 7daf04aa-0d0d-4ee3-bbfc-a7cff0e3edcd Quick Graph Quick Graph false 0 6dff4ab7-25dd-455d-83bc-3a701ff8924f 1 5597 -2490 150 150 5597.24 -2489.808 -1 ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication Mathematical multiplication true 513af13a-c90a-4aef-a0a9-229ce814b0f4 Multiplication Multiplication 5637 -2621 70 44 5662 -2599 2 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 First item for multiplication 1abcd0ba-a71e-422a-a363-d9504d0e1331 A A true 6dff4ab7-25dd-455d-83bc-3a701ff8924f 1 5639 -2619 11 20 5644.5 -2609 Second item for multiplication c31f72be-06a8-4d72-9b98-bbe68aa9e11d B B true 86f63aab-6548-46b6-8a94-9f6dc8ad05a1 1 5639 -2599 11 20 5644.5 -2589 Result of multiplication c5fdc14b-43a1-4b8e-808b-0c8c9a3b094c Result Result false 0 5674 -2619 31 40 5689.5 -2599 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values 86f63aab-6548-46b6-8a94-9f6dc8ad05a1 Number Slider Number Slider false 0 5566 -2642 198 20 5566.525 -2641.342 6 1 0 4 0 0 4 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.} true 326dddf9-c5cc-4f04-b825-e9f0cd122f18 Line SDL Line SDL 5619 -2575 110 64 5693 -2543 Line start point 6b26b7c5-d1e4-4d33-b392-167c6fbe9afe Start Start false 367a44f5-8cf1-4b36-8cf9-1cec902f5e7b 1 5621 -2573 60 20 5659 -2563 Line tangent (direction) 05840bea-95fd-44df-aa64-2ec6066b97b6 Direction Direction false 0832dd57-2948-4740-8763-9d7a7e3a5f0b 1 5621 -2553 60 20 5659 -2543 1 1 {0} 0 0 1 Line length 4ce3a86e-fd3e-4176-9639-0327b401127e -ABS(X) Length Length false c5fdc14b-43a1-4b8e-808b-0c8c9a3b094c 1 5621 -2533 60 20 5659 -2523 1 1 {0} 1 Line segment a0e59a1e-9c2b-404b-bb6b-f757b5b3eba3 Line Line false 0 5705 -2573 22 60 5716 -2543 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. true b2b6ccc2-7360-4477-976d-93a53351e0c9 Evaluate Length Evaluate Length 5632 -2734 132 64 5700 -2702 Curve to evaluate c2c9a196-4bbf-4734-8b04-2b4b40598288 Curve Curve false a0e59a1e-9c2b-404b-bb6b-f757b5b3eba3 1 5634 -2732 54 20 5661 -2722 Length factor for curve evaluation 3360aa89-78e6-41fb-bfd0-439a4825e25b Length Length false 0 5634 -2712 54 20 5661 -2702 1 1 {0} 1 If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) ee50d081-1b64-4062-9491-28d8b1fa4ebb Normalized Normalized false 0 5634 -2692 54 20 5661 -2682 1 1 {0} true Point at the specified length 27b5c7bc-7cca-4495-8b96-4bb7dd780cd1 Point Point false 0 5712 -2732 50 20 5737 -2722 Tangent vector at the specified length 547f2a6e-f807-449f-a72c-fa9b2a44cb89 Tangent Tangent false 0 5712 -2712 50 20 5737 -2702 Curve parameter at the specified length 9db69c8c-08b7-45f9-9adc-bfa6e33ff213 Parameter Parameter false 0 5712 -2692 50 20 5737 -2682 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate Create an interpolated curve through a set of points. true 3fdd8494-36fb-460b-8234-2cc113c8d6f7 Interpolate Interpolate 5638 -2836 113 84 5699 -2794 1 Interpolation points 3512cba8-2490-44f9-8676-03a4147f991a Vertices Vertices false 27b5c7bc-7cca-4495-8b96-4bb7dd780cd1 1 5640 -2834 47 20 5663.5 -2824 Curve degree 74b21ef7-6ca2-4b4b-be05-1e53728dc386 Degree Degree false 0 5640 -2814 47 20 5663.5 -2804 1 1 {0} 3 Periodic curve 40048582-df17-48b9-967b-3f977330e5e0 Periodic Periodic false 0 5640 -2794 47 20 5663.5 -2784 1 1 {0} false Knot spacing (0=uniform, 1=chord, 2=sqrtchord) 88c1bcca-7a71-4180-889b-f761b687fa86 KnotStyle KnotStyle false 0 5640 -2774 47 20 5663.5 -2764 1 1 {0} 2 Resulting nurbs curve f149ec23-8d09-4ee2-b304-bc0821030d5d Curve Curve false 0 5711 -2834 38 26 5730 -2820.667 Curve length ef664933-031d-460a-94fc-c7c199b66103 Length Length false 0 5711 -2808 38 27 5730 -2794 Curve domain 34e9c802-2fd2-42d8-830e-7e94eb801758 Domain Domain false 0 5711 -2781 38 27 5730 -2767.333 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 81853495-cae5-4962-b7b3-90179e8671e2 Panel false 0 6dff4ab7-25dd-455d-83bc-3a701ff8924f 1 Double click to edit panel content… 5777 -2573 160 274 0 0 0 5777.447 -2572.404 255;255;255;255 true true true false false true 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number Contains a collection of floating point numbers d9f47135-4f11-47d6-8df5-516451eb22b5 Number Number false 380716a6-5071-4978-96bb-67cc49356929 1 5645 -1809 50 24 5670.431 -1797.313 aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature Evaluate the curvature of a curve at a specified parameter. true bf565e9e-b484-4a50-8e2d-2c0b920f04e4 Curvature Curvature 5610 -2002 125 64 5674 -1970 Curve to evaluate 8bbd39fb-6a3b-45cf-a8c5-6e52aa762e2f Curve Curve false 3c453084-5350-448a-b055-af469684b361 1 5612 -2000 50 30 5637 -1985 Parameter on curve domain to evaluate 0ef13f5a-9249-4a27-9170-f6f9b5277657 Parameter Parameter false d054c6c4-70fe-4af8-9a08-21f4e2613d76 1 5612 -1970 50 30 5637 -1955 Point on curve at {t} 367a44f5-8cf1-4b36-8cf9-1cec902f5e7b Point Point false 0 5686 -2000 47 20 5709.5 -1990 Curvature vector at {t} fea8dc43-1d23-44be-ab9a-0fe87b993c50 Curvature Curvature false 0 5686 -1980 47 20 5709.5 -1970 Curvature circle at {t} b6447e1a-8841-4041-82a5-0dd3cc661c36 Curvature Curvature false 0 5686 -1960 47 20 5709.5 -1950 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve Divide a curve into equal length segments true 313f311f-9c52-42e1-b70b-75e14285270b Divide Curve Divide Curve 5626 -1925 113 64 5670 -1893 Curve to divide caec8c90-c684-40c3-863a-2d7f2b68405e Curve Curve false 3c453084-5350-448a-b055-af469684b361 1 5628 -1923 30 20 5643 -1913 Number of segments 629e6432-1634-458e-b773-94f7318e289a Count Count false d9f47135-4f11-47d6-8df5-516451eb22b5 1 5628 -1903 30 20 5643 -1893 1 1 {0} 10 Split segments at kinks 65daa46d-f922-4338-8397-ab7433ab7d02 Kinks Kinks false 0 5628 -1883 30 20 5643 -1873 1 1 {0} false 1 Division points 551c58fe-b13d-4543-b220-2ee9a49419d1 Points Points false 0 5682 -1923 55 20 5709.5 -1913 1 Tangent vectors at division points 342c060f-a349-449c-a249-8c8ff0284b8a Tangents Tangents false 0 5682 -1903 55 20 5709.5 -1893 1 Parameter values at division points d054c6c4-70fe-4af8-9a08-21f4e2613d76 Parameters Parameters false 0 5682 -1883 55 20 5709.5 -1873 d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve Contains a collection of generic curves true 3c453084-5350-448a-b055-af469684b361 Curve Curve false 242c4148-9214-4bff-8534-d255fe9857a8 1 5651 -1781 50 24 5676.206 -1769.468 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc Retrieve the base plane, radius and angle domain of an arc. true bab2137a-45e5-44f4-b9e4-5c536353c1ea Deconstruct Arc Deconstruct Arc 5630 -2073 102 64 5664 -2041 Arc or Circle to deconstruct df856ed2-8b3e-4dac-9896-8f1122f0cce3 Arc Arc false b6447e1a-8841-4041-82a5-0dd3cc661c36 1 5632 -2071 20 60 5642 -2041 Base plane of arc or circle bce58227-624d-466a-b028-54ba84d4a246 Base Plane Base Plane false 0 5676 -2071 54 20 5703 -2061 Radius of arc or circle 77fc74b5-b7b7-4804-b052-293eb6addbf8 Radius Radius false 0 5676 -2051 54 20 5703 -2041 Angle domain (in radians) of arc b6ec259f-3cac-46c1-93b4-6b7a127f573a Angle Angle false 0 5676 -2031 54 20 5703 -2021 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X Compute one over x. true bac0064b-8de4-445e-b11b-65851d4f45a9 One Over X One Over X 5636 -2164 88 28 5679 -2150 Input value 518dc2f9-e2f0-483c-8ef6-f97b4411e15c Value Value false 77fc74b5-b7b7-4804-b052-293eb6addbf8 1 5638 -2162 29 24 5652.5 -2150 Output value dfe4162f-ec3c-4286-8558-a6ccf61bdf68 Result Result false 0 5691 -2162 31 24 5706.5 -2150 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values ef969a0e-a990-4b73-84c0-35b4cb6cc9b4 Number Slider Number Slider false 0 5566 -1833 198 20 5566.43 -1832.738 0 1 0 256 0 0 29 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line Create a line between two points. true 1a3f86c7-3d53-433e-9a66-c7d2f76394b3 Line Line 5630 -2130 102 44 5696 -2108 Line start point 4621037b-d27e-41de-8f6b-648ab934971c Start Point Start Point false 367a44f5-8cf1-4b36-8cf9-1cec902f5e7b 1 5632 -2128 52 20 5658 -2118 Line end point 604dfdd8-9f41-404a-becb-d1af1c60f45b End Point End Point false bce58227-624d-466a-b028-54ba84d4a246 1 5632 -2108 52 20 5658 -2098 Line segment 0832dd57-2948-4740-8763-9d7a7e3a5f0b Line Line false 0 5708 -2128 22 40 5719 -2108 c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects 497dcb0a-f4bf-440a-b0e8-b4aac5e9bba8 7daf04aa-0d0d-4ee3-bbfc-a7cff0e3edcd 513af13a-c90a-4aef-a0a9-229ce814b0f4 86f63aab-6548-46b6-8a94-9f6dc8ad05a1 326dddf9-c5cc-4f04-b825-e9f0cd122f18 b2b6ccc2-7360-4477-976d-93a53351e0c9 3fdd8494-36fb-460b-8234-2cc113c8d6f7 81853495-cae5-4962-b7b3-90179e8671e2 d9f47135-4f11-47d6-8df5-516451eb22b5 bf565e9e-b484-4a50-8e2d-2c0b920f04e4 313f311f-9c52-42e1-b70b-75e14285270b 3c453084-5350-448a-b055-af469684b361 bab2137a-45e5-44f4-b9e4-5c536353c1ea bac0064b-8de4-445e-b11b-65851d4f45a9 ef969a0e-a990-4b73-84c0-35b4cb6cc9b4 1a3f86c7-3d53-433e-9a66-c7d2f76394b3 16 85dc4cb9-51c9-4fc7-8f07-332ab9734cce Group dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences Compute relative differences for a list of data true 1dc74ee4-dd7b-4d22-94f3-f806d9a9dcc9 Relative Differences Relative Differences 5622 -2268 116 28 5669 -2254 1 List of data to operate on (numbers or points or vectors allowed) a065e477-5536-47e5-b5ac-10ea2ea59f01 Values Values false 30962981-9ec3-4321-87d9-df747341a26d 1 5624 -2266 33 24 5640.5 -2254 1 Differences between consecutive items 090e8dbb-4842-4a13-b69d-909ddcb3adcd Differenced Differenced false 0 5681 -2266 55 24 5708.5 -2254 dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences Compute relative differences for a list of data true 53e2df98-24a9-45b0-a97c-5e1469b6e8c1 Relative Differences Relative Differences 5623 -2236 116 28 5670 -2222 1 List of data to operate on (numbers or points or vectors allowed) cbabb51a-81f5-4e6a-a5e7-fe391da35507 Values Values false b22d0142-f883-4e26-935e-ae6bc8393193 1 5625 -2234 33 24 5641.5 -2222 1 Differences between consecutive items 30962981-9ec3-4321-87d9-df747341a26d Differenced Differenced false 0 5682 -2234 55 24 5709.5 -2222 dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences Compute relative differences for a list of data true 68c8c19a-3361-431d-801b-668bc7ec784d Relative Differences Relative Differences 5621 -2209 116 28 5668 -2195 1 List of data to operate on (numbers or points or vectors allowed) 56a0bfca-e85d-427c-b41a-872223e7c692 Values Values false dfe4162f-ec3c-4286-8558-a6ccf61bdf68 1 5623 -2207 33 24 5639.5 -2195 1 Differences between consecutive items b22d0142-f883-4e26-935e-ae6bc8393193 Differenced Differenced false 0 5680 -2207 55 24 5707.5 -2195 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number Contains a collection of floating point numbers dceee6f1-8769-4163-ae9d-af91135b1332 Number Number false 380716a6-5071-4978-96bb-67cc49356929 1 4102 -2938 50 24 4127.412 -2926.936 aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature Evaluate the curvature of a curve at a specified parameter. true 8f087f76-279b-462a-bfba-b79946efc860 Curvature Curvature 4056 -3137 125 64 4120 -3105 Curve to evaluate 704191b8-dd63-42ec-88e3-bfce4e437227 Curve Curve false 45ab2323-6ab7-46dd-8052-c979ecc1da5d 1 4058 -3135 50 30 4083 -3120 Parameter on curve domain to evaluate 259f3c46-2531-4e5b-90aa-a2185df0a303 Parameter Parameter false a6c71985-0943-4134-a21f-fb94bfd097c7 1 4058 -3105 50 30 4083 -3090 Point on curve at {t} c742f540-96ff-4bf6-acbe-076af399caf7 Point Point false 0 4132 -3135 47 20 4155.5 -3125 Curvature vector at {t} af91c900-5787-4888-80b8-b69626d3898c Curvature Curvature false 0 4132 -3115 47 20 4155.5 -3105 Curvature circle at {t} 8cad7833-6566-42dd-8f46-6aaf2413113c Curvature Curvature false 0 4132 -3095 47 20 4155.5 -3085 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve Divide a curve into equal length segments true 9c0b5c36-1a0e-47bf-9978-2144423b0117 Divide Curve Divide Curve 4061 -3049 113 64 4105 -3017 Curve to divide 066268f8-05d1-4b91-81aa-4ff74537b095 Curve Curve false 45ab2323-6ab7-46dd-8052-c979ecc1da5d 1 4063 -3047 30 20 4078 -3037 Number of segments 1feb696a-edf1-4266-8a94-dc50056ae5b3 Count Count false dceee6f1-8769-4163-ae9d-af91135b1332 1 4063 -3027 30 20 4078 -3017 1 1 {0} 10 Split segments at kinks ff739057-b658-4a50-80f6-1f63bb3e55d2 Kinks Kinks false 0 4063 -3007 30 20 4078 -2997 1 1 {0} false 1 Division points db271ad2-72d2-4a2a-959f-5005c6651d55 Points Points false 0 4117 -3047 55 20 4144.5 -3037 1 Tangent vectors at division points 8ca92396-8e11-42b4-8ccd-db61d17cc3d7 Tangents Tangents false 0 4117 -3027 55 20 4144.5 -3017 1 Parameter values at division points a6c71985-0943-4134-a21f-fb94bfd097c7 Parameters Parameters false 0 4117 -3007 55 20 4144.5 -2997 d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve Contains a collection of generic curves true 45ab2323-6ab7-46dd-8052-c979ecc1da5d Curve Curve false 2703edc7-875c-4c85-b3b7-6889f6fe339b 1 4099 -2912 50 24 4124.463 -2900.545 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc Retrieve the base plane, radius and angle domain of an arc. true fa99c369-5780-4cde-a97c-ed444c4a08d4 Deconstruct Arc Deconstruct Arc 4061 -3223 102 64 4095 -3191 Arc or Circle to deconstruct cf1c6af9-e605-4811-b8dd-6efcdabcb71c Arc Arc false 8cad7833-6566-42dd-8f46-6aaf2413113c 1 4063 -3221 20 60 4073 -3191 Base plane of arc or circle 7390ea67-2449-412a-9723-0944cea9d181 Base Plane Base Plane false 0 4107 -3221 54 20 4134 -3211 Radius of arc or circle 0db3bfc3-42cb-4f4b-bd01-853cfd883bee Radius Radius false 0 4107 -3201 54 20 4134 -3191 Angle domain (in radians) of arc 3c972180-7387-4b78-b9f8-a206366bdecf Angle Angle false 0 4107 -3181 54 20 4134 -3171 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X Compute one over x. true c9e775a3-a3dd-4879-9304-77d06ac8e156 One Over X One Over X 4062 -3350 88 28 4105 -3336 Input value d6bf2e53-1f94-4d14-b532-f07e332cd83d Value Value false 0db3bfc3-42cb-4f4b-bd01-853cfd883bee 1 4064 -3348 29 24 4078.5 -3336 Output value dc9ab047-e373-4dde-bbe9-149534935f2e Result Result false 0 4117 -3348 31 24 4132.5 -3336 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph 1 Display a set of y-values as a graph 66181823-88e1-45bf-bf0f-8d445eb22f47 Quick Graph Quick Graph false 0 dc9ab047-e373-4dde-bbe9-149534935f2e 1 4055 -3517 150 150 4055.417 -3516.879 -1 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values 49975087-8f7b-4a3a-a54d-489d52d8698f Number Slider Number Slider false 0 4010 -2960 198 20 4010.417 -2959.815 0 1 0 256 0 0 42 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line Create a line between two points. true 2835ce05-6e6f-4459-a9be-3b068917ddd3 Line Line 4067 -3291 102 44 4133 -3269 Line start point b0820e5f-4549-4d82-9391-716aeb0e9510 Start Point Start Point false c742f540-96ff-4bf6-acbe-076af399caf7 1 4069 -3289 52 20 4095 -3279 Line end point af2c922c-33db-4d2c-836b-5088931eff99 End Point End Point false 7390ea67-2449-412a-9723-0944cea9d181 1 4069 -3269 52 20 4095 -3259 Line segment 841a1be5-75fa-407e-8ddd-c2f7bc943eaa Line Line false 0 4145 -3289 22 40 4156 -3269 ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication Mathematical multiplication true bc039cf9-dbf4-4a67-9248-064cbbff33ad Multiplication Multiplication 4093 -3653 70 44 4118 -3631 2 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 First item for multiplication 87c4d0b2-a64e-45e5-b9d2-031acf34290b A A true dc9ab047-e373-4dde-bbe9-149534935f2e 1 4095 -3651 11 20 4100.5 -3641 Second item for multiplication b2b9f97c-4869-4ec1-a1e7-25fb33f60dd6 B B true daade0dc-ab8b-43f8-9164-341b5be4e748 1 4095 -3631 11 20 4100.5 -3621 Result of multiplication 6b7f9b49-4424-46fd-acc5-74efbd1b1bdc Result Result false 0 4130 -3651 31 40 4145.5 -3631 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values daade0dc-ab8b-43f8-9164-341b5be4e748 Number Slider Number Slider false 0 4032 -3676 198 20 4032.228 -3675.17 6 1 0 0.5 0 0 0.043994 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.} true d62f103e-63a8-407d-ab6d-59725b6478f6 Line SDL Line SDL 4075 -3600 110 64 4149 -3568 Line start point f6f804ea-6d12-4956-bb2a-4e17f382fd82 Start Start false bd91b797-aaa1-4f0a-a757-ce286ac51f0e 1 4077 -3598 60 20 4115 -3588 Line tangent (direction) 1e1f194f-5a8e-4d3e-9ab5-93a16dd59d0f Direction Direction false 2b911d73-c2cb-448c-a07d-82463b1939a0 1 4077 -3578 60 20 4115 -3568 1 1 {0} 0 0 1 Line length 1e4f6a23-7f49-44a3-8948-0acf83086115 -ABS(X) Length Length false 6b7f9b49-4424-46fd-acc5-74efbd1b1bdc 1 4077 -3558 60 20 4115 -3548 1 1 {0} 1 Line segment 59b71fdc-2a11-4627-b6cb-45a151170a48 Line Line false 0 4161 -3598 22 60 4172 -3568 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 8257b1fe-404a-4ec0-9c86-a3b8395b3760 Panel false 0 dc9ab047-e373-4dde-bbe9-149534935f2e 1 Double click to edit panel content… 3886 -3581 160 274 0 0 0 3886.928 -3580.061 255;255;255;255 true true true false false true 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. true 7e7d9a2e-2757-4207-ab4d-40bbf40755ec Evaluate Length Evaluate Length 4055 -3760 132 64 4123 -3728 Curve to evaluate 06b1e90c-eaa6-4f32-b00c-2ef1579a3d0f Curve Curve false 59b71fdc-2a11-4627-b6cb-45a151170a48 1 4057 -3758 54 20 4084 -3748 Length factor for curve evaluation bb877d60-0b3e-4ccb-878d-84b9db7d69fb Length Length false 0 4057 -3738 54 20 4084 -3728 1 1 {0} 1 If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) 985a62b1-d7a2-41d4-a017-a7dd291cede2 Normalized Normalized false 0 4057 -3718 54 20 4084 -3708 1 1 {0} true Point at the specified length c796fe50-d5f0-4d3f-abd2-21aee8053248 Point Point false 0 4135 -3758 50 20 4160 -3748 Tangent vector at the specified length e34314a5-f8fd-411e-8815-8e525f1e01a5 Tangent Tangent false 0 4135 -3738 50 20 4160 -3728 Curve parameter at the specified length 0911f35c-1fda-4a6a-b38d-7cbd73717d03 Parameter Parameter false 0 4135 -3718 50 20 4160 -3708 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate Create an interpolated curve through a set of points. true 42ca9f47-23f7-40d3-9278-429edb120a9a Interpolate Interpolate 4066 -3863 113 84 4127 -3821 1 Interpolation points 96b1fa6d-374a-4957-81bc-743279f6dc52 Vertices Vertices false c796fe50-d5f0-4d3f-abd2-21aee8053248 1 4068 -3861 47 20 4091.5 -3851 Curve degree 082e0c17-35dd-4b5b-8725-a12c0045f7e3 Degree Degree false 0 4068 -3841 47 20 4091.5 -3831 1 1 {0} 3 Periodic curve c6d359d9-b8ec-420c-a6fa-9abed8660d38 Periodic Periodic false 0 4068 -3821 47 20 4091.5 -3811 1 1 {0} false Knot spacing (0=uniform, 1=chord, 2=sqrtchord) 3359f86c-5eb3-479e-910c-2f2f9bc10e42 KnotStyle KnotStyle false 0 4068 -3801 47 20 4091.5 -3791 1 1 {0} 2 Resulting nurbs curve d801f9b5-fc17-4138-b354-a94649e84da4 Curve Curve false 0 4139 -3861 38 26 4158 -3847.667 Curve length d580e727-8c47-4618-998f-d287f6a06c20 Length Length false 0 4139 -3835 38 27 4158 -3821 Curve domain 39a9a096-4286-40b3-86b4-c220fcb669f6 Domain Domain false 0 4139 -3808 38 27 4158 -3794.333 c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects dceee6f1-8769-4163-ae9d-af91135b1332 8f087f76-279b-462a-bfba-b79946efc860 9c0b5c36-1a0e-47bf-9978-2144423b0117 45ab2323-6ab7-46dd-8052-c979ecc1da5d fa99c369-5780-4cde-a97c-ed444c4a08d4 c9e775a3-a3dd-4879-9304-77d06ac8e156 66181823-88e1-45bf-bf0f-8d445eb22f47 49975087-8f7b-4a3a-a54d-489d52d8698f 2835ce05-6e6f-4459-a9be-3b068917ddd3 bc039cf9-dbf4-4a67-9248-064cbbff33ad daade0dc-ab8b-43f8-9164-341b5be4e748 d62f103e-63a8-407d-ab6d-59725b6478f6 8257b1fe-404a-4ec0-9c86-a3b8395b3760 7e7d9a2e-2757-4207-ab4d-40bbf40755ec 42ca9f47-23f7-40d3-9278-429edb120a9a 15 169f79a6-89e8-4caf-ba75-4428b4de6c01 Group e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. 3684e74a-b0d6-49d8-b5e8-72436322e5a0 Move Move 4625 -1937 126 44 4687 -1915 Base geometry f71587f4-a230-4f5c-aad2-bac9d2e7ef65 Geometry Geometry true f625a577-ac0c-459d-804b-4502dce2f3f6 1 4627 -1935 48 20 4651 -1925 Translation vector 182804ed-136f-4aa8-9afe-bc1a08d0b6d3 Motion Motion false 0 4627 -1915 48 20 4651 -1905 1 1 {0} 0 -2.5 0 Translated geometry dc0e55a6-36f3-433c-913b-84e1c001dd79 Geometry Geometry false 0 4699 -1935 50 20 4724 -1925 Transformation data 6f9fb052-22c0-4e98-85e5-c161dab6f0bb Transform Transform false 0 4699 -1915 50 20 4724 -1905 b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object 90ff67a0-31b1-4e96-836c-8b39b5d37c12 Relay false ab393a6d-c7f1-4010-88c4-5d6646cc3a13 1 4558 -2143 40 16 4578 -2135 b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object ffddbe9d-2260-4c8b-b010-6b3139c74b78 Relay false eeeb4f1b-80af-4406-97fe-82aa08c8b441 1 5023 -2066 40 16 5043 -2058 e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. true 6f653570-3931-4ea8-89ee-3a4cae6ebb09 Move Move 4974 -1987 126 44 5036 -1965 Base geometry 48860b53-3778-41a8-aa77-9d3e28d20fae Geometry Geometry true 1b1389d8-d7c3-42ea-9693-3998ca641912 1 4976 -1985 48 20 5000 -1975 Translation vector adde0e48-8aa4-481d-8145-c4603d89aacd Motion Motion false 0 4976 -1965 48 20 5000 -1955 1 1 {0} 0 2.5 0 Translated geometry eeeb4f1b-80af-4406-97fe-82aa08c8b441 Geometry Geometry false 0 5048 -1985 50 20 5073 -1975 Transformation data 9c6b60c9-224d-4cb0-9945-d1c1a236acd5 Transform Transform false 0 5048 -1965 50 20 5073 -1955 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers Remap numbers into a new numeric domain true 0fcc7a63-edc5-4fca-adf6-9a46e4262912 Remap Numbers Remap Numbers 4771 -2399 103 64 4820 -2367 Value to remap d436bbe8-88f5-4f94-ab3b-7b0c2668f64b Value Value false 0b607e88-c01e-47e8-bb85-25ecdc4fc07e 1 4773 -2397 35 20 4790.5 -2387 Source domain 1f1ce8f3-2492-4907-8c0b-05e07ba126bd Source Source false 231d2b75-9c1f-4921-a08e-4d634e27b6ff 1 4773 -2377 35 20 4790.5 -2367 1 1 {0} 0 1 Target domain 285a3284-90b3-4c79-8e9e-d183879e9224 Target Target false 0 4773 -2357 35 20 4790.5 -2347 1 1 {0} -1 1 Remapped number 147da30f-0da8-4be9-bd51-cc75ee9d9317 Mapped Mapped false 0 4832 -2397 40 30 4852 -2382 Remapped and clipped number a455015b-4447-4833-a4b5-9f89e55ee510 Clipped Clipped false 0 4832 -2367 40 30 4852 -2352 f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds Create a numeric domain which encompasses a list of numbers. true 74253064-4f70-4e62-9eeb-842f54b1cb8f Bounds Bounds 4776 -2313 110 28 4834 -2299 1 Numbers to include in Bounds 7dafe317-a262-4e85-b1bf-2a21a4d94ec5 Numbers Numbers false 0b607e88-c01e-47e8-bb85-25ecdc4fc07e 1 4778 -2311 44 24 4800 -2299 Numeric Domain between the lowest and highest numbers in {N} 231d2b75-9c1f-4921-a08e-4d634e27b6ff Domain Domain false 0 4846 -2311 38 24 4865 -2299 b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object e89e9ecb-31d5-4da9-88d2-45c97e4dd895 Relay false 0b607e88-c01e-47e8-bb85-25ecdc4fc07e 1 4913 -2354 40 16 4933 -2346 b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object d1979fc6-2d39-44c0-b110-aaa9a7a4edfb Relay false 47315575-68cf-4b58-a87e-ef4a72ee9277 1 4396 -2308 40 16 4416 -2300 e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. true 9c4ec2a0-ae4f-441e-8a1b-1875c5baa027 Move Move 4996 -1898 126 44 5058 -1876 Base geometry 24103a1b-77ec-450c-8cdc-0a660eacf9d4 Geometry Geometry true cbbfb653-5eea-4ec5-8c54-927e8ab70166 1 4998 -1896 48 20 5022 -1886 Translation vector f6e1f00e-cadd-4df9-81a3-68f0fc82e573 Motion Motion false 0 4998 -1876 48 20 5022 -1866 1 1 {0} 0 2.5 0 Translated geometry 63d1bced-21e1-4ef7-b796-414ccb0d2a52 Geometry Geometry false 0 5070 -1896 50 20 5095 -1886 Transformation data fefa7919-e464-4a29-80c9-b1cdfa721b3d Transform Transform false 0 5070 -1876 50 20 5095 -1866 b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object 5bef1dbb-e2f0-40ee-b959-50dd960b9bdc Relay false 710061f0-d297-4ef6-85f7-83dd175287a8 1 5465 -2062 40 16 5485 -2054 e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. true 6eb9abd8-8bea-4201-91b9-2844b566f269 Move Move 5386 -1998 126 44 5448 -1976 Base geometry 928249b8-432a-4ab9-b6d6-69687978eb53 Geometry Geometry true 0749a083-dfe2-4b59-be6e-a0c2a763cd1b 1 5388 -1996 48 20 5412 -1986 Translation vector 9caa17c6-dd61-463e-ba47-8b79d5b15246 Motion Motion false 0 5388 -1976 48 20 5412 -1966 1 1 {0} 0 3.5 0 Translated geometry 710061f0-d297-4ef6-85f7-83dd175287a8 Geometry Geometry false 0 5460 -1996 50 20 5485 -1986 Transformation data 4e31faac-9729-4444-8c6c-1a13e1a71cce Transform Transform false 0 5460 -1976 50 20 5485 -1966 e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. true f58bc0bb-642a-49a0-82af-bfb15a2c23e5 Move Move 5392 -1917 126 44 5454 -1895 Base geometry 6893e257-45ef-4c91-961c-c96c64da6884 Geometry Geometry true fd167264-ba72-48e2-b96f-23a14f862b19 1 5394 -1915 48 20 5418 -1905 Translation vector 97f2416e-0b17-4759-9628-4c2c60a9ee2f Motion Motion false 0 5394 -1895 48 20 5418 -1885 1 1 {0} 0 3.5 0 Translated geometry bff33342-d88f-4698-a31a-ed6968a28926 Geometry Geometry false 0 5466 -1915 50 20 5491 -1905 Transformation data 68c75edf-954a-4a28-a65c-e5ba4a7da942 Transform Transform false 0 5466 -1895 50 20 5491 -1885 b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object 51ba1196-8744-47ff-b209-6fa41c932572 Relay false 849d4c87-e4b4-43a8-a637-e4413d79f7a8 1 5334 -2300 40 16 5354 -2292 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers Remap numbers into a new numeric domain true 760e113c-76a7-4062-bbad-56b7eef541d8 Remap Numbers Remap Numbers 5201 -2371 103 64 5250 -2339 Value to remap 52912bc1-2a84-4903-a215-56ad770f0d79 Value Value false 849d4c87-e4b4-43a8-a637-e4413d79f7a8 1 5203 -2369 35 20 5220.5 -2359 Source domain 845d5870-a7e5-4996-96d3-c5daa4f64c56 Source Source false 2f6e65e7-b1c9-416f-a051-faae366d0c1f 1 5203 -2349 35 20 5220.5 -2339 1 1 {0} 0 1 Target domain bd9869fb-429e-4e89-85cf-477af9de0f84 Target Target false 0 5203 -2329 35 20 5220.5 -2319 1 1 {0} -1 1 Remapped number e7c395f4-deff-4bfd-ac07-c67328e3dd2a Mapped Mapped false 0 5262 -2369 40 30 5282 -2354 Remapped and clipped number 20bbd59f-8e44-45fd-97f4-62ceeb455093 Clipped Clipped false 0 5262 -2339 40 30 5282 -2324 f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds Create a numeric domain which encompasses a list of numbers. true 14e41cfa-9ae0-4a96-83c0-2ed55c1f4884 Bounds Bounds 5199 -2297 110 28 5257 -2283 1 Numbers to include in Bounds 22ef4e27-d8c4-4075-b731-59740e69e484 Numbers Numbers false 849d4c87-e4b4-43a8-a637-e4413d79f7a8 1 5201 -2295 44 24 5223 -2283 Numeric Domain between the lowest and highest numbers in {N} 2f6e65e7-b1c9-416f-a051-faae366d0c1f Domain Domain false 0 5269 -2295 38 24 5288 -2283 dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve Construct a nurbs curve from control points. true cf1e9685-e599-4c61-97af-5101b7f367ed Nurbs Curve Nurbs Curve 3932 -3842 106 64 3986 -3810 1 Curve control points 2654ec50-9764-4578-8511-8b49ccd43a92 Vertices Vertices false c796fe50-d5f0-4d3f-abd2-21aee8053248 1 3934 -3840 40 20 3954 -3830 Curve degree 520b2eef-ebc2-4417-abc3-70dc52f5af01 Degree Degree false 0 3934 -3820 40 20 3954 -3810 1 1 {0} 11 Periodic curve ec3bc8dc-b423-4712-9ada-b7cf0e58a82a Periodic Periodic false 0 3934 -3800 40 20 3954 -3790 1 1 {0} false Resulting nurbs curve 4c4d1c35-f31a-4ab9-9a80-6371e97bea7a Curve Curve false 0 3998 -3840 38 20 4017 -3830 Curve length 4db53ac7-260c-427f-9b96-783b33b56d2e Length Length false 0 3998 -3820 38 20 4017 -3810 Curve domain 314c9aa5-6127-4a74-999e-a0e4f22c18a9 Domain Domain false 0 3998 -3800 38 20 4017 -3790 dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve Construct a nurbs curve from control points. true cb44bd22-2fc3-4bfd-89e1-9205d74d06ad Nurbs Curve Nurbs Curve 3937 -2829 106 64 3991 -2797 1 Curve control points 7acc6637-9736-45a5-b5ec-9440d551b86d Vertices Vertices false bd91b797-aaa1-4f0a-a757-ce286ac51f0e 1 3939 -2827 40 20 3959 -2817 Curve degree d9092425-b230-4a97-891f-81d119496256 Degree Degree false 0 3939 -2807 40 20 3959 -2797 1 1 {0} 11 Periodic curve 8868c2de-a897-4415-baaf-bf49e051a18c Periodic Periodic false 0 3939 -2787 40 20 3959 -2777 1 1 {0} false Resulting nurbs curve 42058ef4-cc1d-4859-a48a-db236aac7079 Curve Curve false 0 4003 -2827 38 20 4022 -2817 Curve length d3721109-6ce6-4267-92de-19423348553f Length Length false 0 4003 -2807 38 20 4022 -2797 Curve domain c4083321-fecc-497e-a53b-a651a29459a3 Domain Domain false 0 4003 -2787 38 20 4022 -2777 dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve Construct a nurbs curve from control points. true 320397b8-f401-4162-996f-e3de15665c76 Nurbs Curve Nurbs Curve 4533 -2845 106 64 4587 -2813 1 Curve control points 6ccc2773-86f5-44cd-a708-13a83b9a6935 Vertices Vertices false 6241d4eb-e88f-43f7-abf9-5e840cbe1f40 1 4535 -2843 40 20 4555 -2833 Curve degree e7dbf102-45d9-444a-bcbb-4ced1df2d763 Degree Degree false 0 4535 -2823 40 20 4555 -2813 1 1 {0} 11 Periodic curve ee537c37-2e5d-49a1-b94f-99aa49dbae29 Periodic Periodic false 0 4535 -2803 40 20 4555 -2793 1 1 {0} false Resulting nurbs curve 790e823a-40f3-4194-a342-f28ffd4ea2d6 Curve Curve false 0 4599 -2843 38 20 4618 -2833 Curve length cdcbb8b0-f499-4098-adf0-84eebc9b9355 Length Length false 0 4599 -2823 38 20 4618 -2813 Curve domain 98557500-404c-469c-a46e-6a89b86d4bf1 Domain Domain false 0 4599 -2803 38 20 4618 -2793 dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve Construct a nurbs curve from control points. true ea26f109-9dcb-4d6e-9464-98eb70a41251 Nurbs Curve Nurbs Curve 4966 -2838 106 64 5020 -2806 1 Curve control points f3bbf428-e390-4529-9220-5faa269ff116 Vertices Vertices false 5495358b-d752-4cbc-ba57-abbf65de1fbc 1 4968 -2836 40 20 4988 -2826 Curve degree b6415502-d025-400a-adba-9e2644ab3683 Degree Degree false 0 4968 -2816 40 20 4988 -2806 1 1 {0} 11 Periodic curve 8917963c-1a5b-4199-b1b8-06ff3164bed1 Periodic Periodic false 0 4968 -2796 40 20 4988 -2786 1 1 {0} false Resulting nurbs curve eae25d73-4a99-4715-9e77-cd5d27b67bdd Curve Curve false 0 5032 -2836 38 20 5051 -2826 Curve length 6b354006-7514-49ba-aa28-48d203af46cc Length Length false 0 5032 -2816 38 20 5051 -2806 Curve domain b01c8ff4-98bc-420d-8809-947d53cdd7ba Domain Domain false 0 5032 -2796 38 20 5051 -2786 dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve Construct a nurbs curve from control points. true c203089a-16b9-420a-a051-44d8927e39cf Nurbs Curve Nurbs Curve 5390 -2842 106 64 5444 -2810 1 Curve control points 56464b4a-4c34-40aa-989d-dc278f70f3fc Vertices Vertices false 00b363a9-7333-433d-9304-4d5faa61e7c5 1 5392 -2840 40 20 5412 -2830 Curve degree f6b6b228-a23a-4cd6-aaf3-3f24694a6ae6 Degree Degree false 0 5392 -2820 40 20 5412 -2810 1 1 {0} 11 Periodic curve 80426cc7-7f28-4243-9235-e30dd3d09ce7 Periodic Periodic false 0 5392 -2800 40 20 5412 -2790 1 1 {0} false Resulting nurbs curve 3447ca1b-94e6-40bd-8a67-f447d80d0340 Curve Curve false 0 5456 -2840 38 20 5475 -2830 Curve length 7e38e627-d89d-4dee-abe5-c01e28b6dac8 Length Length false 0 5456 -2820 38 20 5475 -2810 Curve domain a4b98a7f-00eb-4359-94d2-716207d49159 Domain Domain false 0 5456 -2800 38 20 5475 -2790 dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve Construct a nurbs curve from control points. true 6b2a5389-fc90-4e84-a6d2-cf3d0ed6e654 Nurbs Curve Nurbs Curve 5828 -2830 106 64 5882 -2798 1 Curve control points 0d330acd-5436-485a-8cd1-748f78c3573f Vertices Vertices false 27b5c7bc-7cca-4495-8b96-4bb7dd780cd1 1 5830 -2828 40 20 5850 -2818 Curve degree 1bfd6332-5706-4a90-9624-0ae66110e899 Degree Degree false 0 5830 -2808 40 20 5850 -2798 1 1 {0} 11 Periodic curve a20e588c-c756-44eb-83cc-d50f95e8a37e Periodic Periodic false 0 5830 -2788 40 20 5850 -2778 1 1 {0} false Resulting nurbs curve 0b4c8a78-c3b1-43cf-942d-b765eff9246b Curve Curve false 0 5894 -2828 38 20 5913 -2818 Curve length be601555-a252-4d86-b00e-9efbbe0b34fa Length Length false 0 5894 -2808 38 20 5913 -2798 Curve domain aa01aa06-4d86-4cce-8be8-ec241e671385 Domain Domain false 0 5894 -2788 38 20 5913 -2778 f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror Mirror an object. true ea6fdc6a-a6b0-451d-8f43-a272f9328348 Mirror Mirror 4609 -2089 126 44 4671 -2067 Base geometry c0307e72-7b9f-41ac-b176-24ca6034d0f7 Geometry Geometry true e9a6995d-30a7-41e5-b196-1b7fc5fb44cc 5a0db04c-f66e-4731-aebe-98084f3b7919 2 4611 -2087 48 20 4635 -2077 Mirror plane 484659e9-0cd1-48b8-8058-7a7c9365eacb Plane Plane false 7329602d-b3cf-4827-a886-200eb4084465 1 4611 -2067 48 20 4635 -2057 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Mirrored geometry f625a577-ac0c-459d-804b-4502dce2f3f6 Geometry Geometry false 0 4683 -2087 50 20 4708 -2077 Transformation data 2d22a142-d393-438a-8098-7962d40abdfe Transform Transform false 0 4683 -2067 50 20 4708 -2057 fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point Contains a collection of three-dimensional points true ab393a6d-c7f1-4010-88c4-5d6646cc3a13 Point Point false 04d2db3e-2551-4e07-8db2-19783cd47f50 1 4527 -2040 50 24 4552.96 -2028.825 8cc3a196-f6a0-49ea-9ed9-0cb343a3ae64 XZ Plane World XZ plane. true 9b908cad-8426-4571-b327-c427550ac582 XZ Plane XZ Plane 4639 -2004 86 28 4683 -1990 Origin of plane c9b4825d-2434-478b-a2aa-317355165ed1 Origin Origin false 0 4641 -2002 30 24 4656 -1990 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 World XZ plane 7329602d-b3cf-4827-a886-200eb4084465 Plane Plane false 0 4695 -2002 28 24 4709 -1990 e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. true 91ecb2db-5289-4949-a3f7-86ac15c29b5a Move Move 4607 -1810 126 44 4669 -1788 Base geometry ade1fb3a-ce22-46b3-b147-4c487343e26e Geometry Geometry true 5e2ef9b1-4a23-49d6-9e75-6a946fbb652e 1 4609 -1808 48 20 4633 -1798 Translation vector 2f3fd314-f490-4c97-b534-d6a1d838653a Motion Motion false 0 4609 -1788 48 20 4633 -1778 1 1 {0} 0 -2.5 0 Translated geometry 5ab32ef5-fc16-451a-a7aa-197c4903fdd9 Geometry Geometry false 0 4681 -1808 50 20 4706 -1798 Transformation data 36d1aa62-c6af-435b-8d50-26c2d2c9b07a Transform Transform false 0 4681 -1788 50 20 4706 -1778 f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror Mirror an object. true 4b003676-71fa-4607-9f33-8e49010ec757 Mirror Mirror 4496 -1794 126 44 4558 -1772 Base geometry 729cb864-bf5d-4554-9793-ab862e305dbd Geometry Geometry true 3d0f49af-5322-45e7-b318-474a599b770a 1 4498 -1792 48 20 4522 -1782 Mirror plane 8b3509ed-9544-4cc7-9f03-98963084e029 Plane Plane false 7329602d-b3cf-4827-a886-200eb4084465 1 4498 -1772 48 20 4522 -1762 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Mirrored geometry 5e2ef9b1-4a23-49d6-9e75-6a946fbb652e Geometry Geometry false 0 4570 -1792 50 20 4595 -1782 Transformation data 542b5a29-e049-487d-8efc-1bb38a2cd0b3 Transform Transform false 0 4570 -1772 50 20 4595 -1762 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number Contains a collection of floating point numbers de21e635-6aaa-4e28-abd5-b37bd51c917d Number Number false 380716a6-5071-4978-96bb-67cc49356929 1 3075 -1870 50 24 3100.792 -1858.321 aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature Evaluate the curvature of a curve at a specified parameter. true 32cf615a-a587-4435-bfbd-69f850b90d86 Curvature Curvature 3023 -2070 125 64 3087 -2038 Curve to evaluate 123e0a02-8369-4dbd-b503-5b3521a24f9b Curve Curve false e930277b-25cc-4425-a0e6-ebe78a446c2f 1 3025 -2068 50 30 3050 -2053 Parameter on curve domain to evaluate 4246bea6-650f-49d0-9858-5ef87aefe50e Parameter Parameter false 7825aeca-0e69-471d-9c18-ee330125507e 1 3025 -2038 50 30 3050 -2023 Point on curve at {t} e4218d04-f49a-4376-8756-14d9eb01343b Point Point false 0 3099 -2068 47 20 3122.5 -2058 Curvature vector at {t} a2726bea-342e-4b4c-9a8d-346c59e34b07 Curvature Curvature false 0 3099 -2048 47 20 3122.5 -2038 Curvature circle at {t} df755ca7-6865-498c-9fab-fd461553647d Curvature Curvature false 0 3099 -2028 47 20 3122.5 -2018 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve Divide a curve into equal length segments true 2dded4d0-f109-49e6-b334-2b4161c90504 Divide Curve Divide Curve 3035 -1980 113 64 3079 -1948 Curve to divide 7d4065aa-2168-49de-804a-4f17f9336b77 Curve Curve false e930277b-25cc-4425-a0e6-ebe78a446c2f 1 3037 -1978 30 20 3052 -1968 Number of segments 38786008-0923-426f-b962-406de4e5e69c Count Count false de21e635-6aaa-4e28-abd5-b37bd51c917d 1 3037 -1958 30 20 3052 -1948 1 1 {0} 10 Split segments at kinks a4e08c73-ebbf-461f-874a-a124a95ed129 Kinks Kinks false 0 3037 -1938 30 20 3052 -1928 1 1 {0} false 1 Division points 7a9aacc9-3993-4643-a4f2-490b0652531c Points Points false 0 3091 -1978 55 20 3118.5 -1968 1 Tangent vectors at division points 216c765e-7b53-468d-9ffc-2badfb716467 Tangents Tangents false 0 3091 -1958 55 20 3118.5 -1948 1 Parameter values at division points 7825aeca-0e69-471d-9c18-ee330125507e Parameters Parameters false 0 3091 -1938 55 20 3118.5 -1928 d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve Contains a collection of generic curves true e930277b-25cc-4425-a0e6-ebe78a446c2f Curve Curve false 65d2dfd3-a453-4728-b66c-bd74c7730229 1 3072 -1843 50 24 3097.843 -1831.931 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc Retrieve the base plane, radius and angle domain of an arc. true b94a2070-951f-4e92-8b42-4edfed8d60c8 Deconstruct Arc Deconstruct Arc 3035 -2154 102 64 3069 -2122 Arc or Circle to deconstruct b3648b94-bf51-49f0-82be-f51e7d67885b Arc Arc false df755ca7-6865-498c-9fab-fd461553647d 1 3037 -2152 20 60 3047 -2122 Base plane of arc or circle f55b13e1-071e-4a1e-b400-21f401b2bb8a Base Plane Base Plane false 0 3081 -2152 54 20 3108 -2142 Radius of arc or circle a3e8b18b-8ccb-4f7f-bc1b-6b63f5fe877b Radius Radius false 0 3081 -2132 54 20 3108 -2122 Angle domain (in radians) of arc bc38871a-57ea-45d0-b05d-70b2b01f9902 Angle Angle false 0 3081 -2112 54 20 3108 -2102 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X Compute one over x. true 59d92540-d2dd-4659-9bd1-86610b0aa184 One Over X One Over X 3036 -2281 88 28 3079 -2267 Input value 2538ad3a-2b5e-4cc9-aaab-347497b299bd Value Value false a3e8b18b-8ccb-4f7f-bc1b-6b63f5fe877b 1 3038 -2279 29 24 3052.5 -2267 Output value 7fad7d30-eebe-446d-a2d8-aaf8d904e3ae Result Result false 0 3091 -2279 31 24 3106.5 -2267 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph 1 Display a set of y-values as a graph 991982df-bf52-4162-86e4-da5a1f6ba2c2 Quick Graph Quick Graph false 0 7fad7d30-eebe-446d-a2d8-aaf8d904e3ae 1 3028 -2530 150 150 3028.797 -2529.521 -1 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values 141dd7db-3330-4bbb-8219-44075ab99593 Number Slider Number Slider false 0 2983 -1892 198 20 2983.797 -1891.2 0 1 0 256 0 0 40 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line Create a line between two points. true 98db6271-3e0a-4218-b324-a9b32b4e17f5 Line Line 3036 -2228 102 44 3102 -2206 Line start point f81b62ac-f7c6-443c-bf4b-d2c11472faff Start Point Start Point false e4218d04-f49a-4376-8756-14d9eb01343b 1 3038 -2226 52 20 3064 -2216 Line end point 504d9a3e-db08-455e-9673-1ac537e1eb08 End Point End Point false f55b13e1-071e-4a1e-b400-21f401b2bb8a 1 3038 -2206 52 20 3064 -2196 Line segment 510e2c40-4698-4ff7-b554-99dbbee30086 Line Line false 0 3114 -2226 22 40 3125 -2206 ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication Mathematical multiplication true d80490e0-ee9e-4f64-8cec-8b5bec34b5ba Multiplication Multiplication 3071 -2663 70 44 3096 -2641 2 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 First item for multiplication acb7d722-f3de-4a16-a892-14215a7faf95 A A true 7fad7d30-eebe-446d-a2d8-aaf8d904e3ae 1 3073 -2661 11 20 3078.5 -2651 Second item for multiplication 609d8533-31de-4baf-94ff-f030393cbe53 B B true 7398ce46-cea9-4ed5-8a6f-1b83a1cac8dd 1 3073 -2641 11 20 3078.5 -2631 Result of multiplication 7707a2d5-98f5-41f6-a818-b0e7856deec1 Result Result false 0 3108 -2661 31 40 3123.5 -2641 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values 7398ce46-cea9-4ed5-8a6f-1b83a1cac8dd Number Slider Number Slider false 0 3005 -2688 198 20 3005.607 -2687.812 6 1 0 0.5 0 0 0.015666 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.} 5e591869-6c13-456e-a079-715a3be4eff1 Line SDL Line SDL 3047 -2617 110 64 3121 -2585 Line start point 6d239a6d-36b6-4046-944b-3dad89b6a0e5 Start Start false e4218d04-f49a-4376-8756-14d9eb01343b 1 3049 -2615 60 20 3087 -2605 Line tangent (direction) 003b40f1-609e-49ef-8844-693c66b6fa73 Direction Direction false 510e2c40-4698-4ff7-b554-99dbbee30086 1 3049 -2595 60 20 3087 -2585 1 1 {0} 0 0 1 Line length f4db603d-e672-43af-aaf1-e58b04a4d282 -ABS(X) Length Length false 7707a2d5-98f5-41f6-a818-b0e7856deec1 1 3049 -2575 60 20 3087 -2565 1 1 {0} 1 Line segment 26768719-7e3a-44c6-96b5-845921a64c46 Line Line false 0 3133 -2615 22 60 3144 -2585 dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences Compute relative differences for a list of data true cd40396a-f011-4df5-b97d-03451dd16f7c Relative Differences Relative Differences 3322 -2306 116 28 3369 -2292 1 List of data to operate on (numbers or points or vectors allowed) b6ed081a-8ce6-4fd9-86b3-d68e4fc7775f Values Values false c6552b48-20d3-4681-af9d-bae0ad18bd9d 1 3324 -2304 33 24 3340.5 -2292 1 Differences between consecutive items d1682a93-c492-4443-8643-5da920b499cc Differenced Differenced false 0 3381 -2304 55 24 3408.5 -2292 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph 1 Display a set of y-values as a graph ebbf7b35-8bfd-4b9f-8685-a892626a8678 Quick Graph Quick Graph false 0 507ca366-75d6-46bd-954e-0b1f27543250 1 3317 -2529 150 150 3317.961 -2528.244 0 ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication Mathematical multiplication true 38538d45-1b82-4d4b-8286-b98678a36a2f Multiplication Multiplication 3364 -2671 70 44 3389 -2649 2 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 First item for multiplication 7c4739e2-f08b-4b4f-a545-38c10230b316 A A true 507ca366-75d6-46bd-954e-0b1f27543250 1 3366 -2669 11 20 3371.5 -2659 Second item for multiplication 54f7d646-ccc0-49c0-a36b-e833f0e9133e B B true 1d9acb2b-7163-4d0f-8344-721572f52ce7 1 3366 -2649 11 20 3371.5 -2639 Result of multiplication b1bdc69b-02da-46ca-92a7-770dc55bfbaf Result Result false 0 3401 -2669 31 40 3416.5 -2649 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.} true b227fc39-e217-483e-9183-03f0460df6f6 Line SDL Line SDL 3340 -2613 110 64 3414 -2581 Line start point 3f43bfcf-ff31-4f43-8298-7cc1d9f82f9a Start Start false e14c28da-2d6f-435e-ab93-f7a41217dbea 1 3342 -2611 60 20 3380 -2601 Line tangent (direction) ed6de01e-a0e0-46bb-be62-086fd7af3f29 Direction Direction false 1e0530cf-b887-420e-8a9d-f37afd049798 1 3342 -2591 60 20 3380 -2581 1 1 {0} 0 0 1 Line length 71549a5b-33de-4942-9a93-a1858c01505e -ABS(X) Length Length false b1bdc69b-02da-46ca-92a7-770dc55bfbaf 1 3342 -2571 60 20 3380 -2561 1 1 {0} 1 Line segment fd95d4a6-706a-42e3-85ed-b263bf32f2f1 Line Line false 0 3426 -2611 22 60 3437 -2581 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 0f9ca5ff-9a8d-456f-8119-882ad656abc9 Panel false 0.56093490123748779 7fad7d30-eebe-446d-a2d8-aaf8d904e3ae 1 Double click to edit panel content… 2792 -2588 160 274 0 0 0 2792.006 -2587.239 255;255;255;255 true true true false false true 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. true 82fd88bf-e192-437b-a61b-6345f20cd827 Evaluate Length Evaluate Length 3353 -2772 132 64 3421 -2740 Curve to evaluate 5d636836-9740-4e05-8b7b-e362521130ad Curve Curve false fd95d4a6-706a-42e3-85ed-b263bf32f2f1 1 3355 -2770 54 20 3382 -2760 Length factor for curve evaluation b5aa28fe-2f94-48df-a739-199ee92d8850 Length Length false 0 3355 -2750 54 20 3382 -2740 1 1 {0} 1 If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) 2e3e9cd3-e18e-42f4-8c36-e690647eaf4f Normalized Normalized false 0 3355 -2730 54 20 3382 -2720 1 1 {0} true Point at the specified length 28723672-2fb2-41e6-8929-2605ba9e3583 Point Point false 0 3433 -2770 50 20 3458 -2760 Tangent vector at the specified length 8623b7f9-2df3-449a-8e3f-0bf4ed8ca254 Tangent Tangent false 0 3433 -2750 50 20 3458 -2740 Curve parameter at the specified length 3bd8a23d-bba2-4c62-8436-7db28919665c Parameter Parameter false 0 3433 -2730 50 20 3458 -2720 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate Create an interpolated curve through a set of points. true 6bc30dba-c44f-45cd-9b17-ed1ee3ce7829 Interpolate Interpolate 3359 -2874 113 84 3420 -2832 1 Interpolation points 4d1e7723-fcff-4d40-9245-2553728e9930 Vertices Vertices false 28723672-2fb2-41e6-8929-2605ba9e3583 1 3361 -2872 47 20 3384.5 -2862 Curve degree 28e2c764-30a8-4608-ba2b-72a48f00b17a Degree Degree false 0 3361 -2852 47 20 3384.5 -2842 1 1 {0} 3 Periodic curve 3bad0560-b229-40f7-ad25-2db2209921d7 Periodic Periodic false 0 3361 -2832 47 20 3384.5 -2822 1 1 {0} false Knot spacing (0=uniform, 1=chord, 2=sqrtchord) 35008128-5299-4be1-9177-ac182a2aa702 KnotStyle KnotStyle false 0 3361 -2812 47 20 3384.5 -2802 1 1 {0} 2 Resulting nurbs curve 8f240d61-fe30-44aa-aafe-677914e9440f Curve Curve false 0 3432 -2872 38 26 3451 -2858.667 Curve length e28b5ca4-0968-4da4-a04a-53e5d49799ac Length Length false 0 3432 -2846 38 27 3451 -2832 Curve domain 4d0bed38-afbc-4027-a323-3ac5eb91f2e6 Domain Domain false 0 3432 -2819 38 27 3451 -2805.333 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. true a687447d-3c7b-4108-ad6c-6ff9eaf430ab Evaluate Length Evaluate Length 3035 -2774 132 64 3103 -2742 Curve to evaluate 9c6d98bf-2022-4acf-9d91-e90a825d7a9d Curve Curve false 26768719-7e3a-44c6-96b5-845921a64c46 1 3037 -2772 54 20 3064 -2762 Length factor for curve evaluation 42b07acc-5da4-443f-b485-404949e53071 Length Length false 0 3037 -2752 54 20 3064 -2742 1 1 {0} 1 If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) 03519eb9-699a-42fb-8004-98dcb25becaf Normalized Normalized false 0 3037 -2732 54 20 3064 -2722 1 1 {0} true Point at the specified length 06da97ce-ea81-488f-916d-8d5f88ad5003 Point Point false 0 3115 -2772 50 20 3140 -2762 Tangent vector at the specified length a093ec58-fa94-4c26-aa07-74e399ec1f67 Tangent Tangent false 0 3115 -2752 50 20 3140 -2742 Curve parameter at the specified length 2991f081-c550-4ee6-b012-3f7b0d877cd9 Parameter Parameter false 0 3115 -2732 50 20 3140 -2722 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate Create an interpolated curve through a set of points. 98f2dcaa-d3e9-43cf-a52b-2c1e89d58bd8 Interpolate Interpolate 3048 -2865 113 84 3109 -2823 1 Interpolation points 993bf2ab-9832-45aa-86b3-a1bec47ec162 Vertices Vertices false 06da97ce-ea81-488f-916d-8d5f88ad5003 1 3050 -2863 47 20 3073.5 -2853 Curve degree fe49333d-f95f-4f0f-a9ec-a1d18831274f Degree Degree false 0 3050 -2843 47 20 3073.5 -2833 1 1 {0} 3 Periodic curve 08843b2f-236f-4c84-98a3-b164fb959064 Periodic Periodic false 0 3050 -2823 47 20 3073.5 -2813 1 1 {0} false Knot spacing (0=uniform, 1=chord, 2=sqrtchord) 1e152a96-519a-4fe9-b017-b5bad0fefcb8 KnotStyle KnotStyle false 0 3050 -2803 47 20 3073.5 -2793 1 1 {0} 2 Resulting nurbs curve dbac0008-a429-494c-84b7-0b79922ad700 Curve Curve false 0 3121 -2863 38 26 3140 -2849.667 Curve length d8b300c1-5206-43c3-aff1-48ce9db66941 Length Length false 0 3121 -2837 38 27 3140 -2823 Curve domain 5ab697c2-29fd-46b0-91b0-6b293b4e52eb Domain Domain false 0 3121 -2810 38 27 3140 -2796.333 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 3e606012-fcc6-40c4-a954-327ef19a5ba1 Panel false 0.11061841249465942 507ca366-75d6-46bd-954e-0b1f27543250 1 Double click to edit panel content… 3496 -2614 160 274 0 0 0 3496.97 -2613.235 255;255;255;255 true true true false false true 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number Contains a collection of floating point numbers f3cbbd19-41c5-4adb-bc13-371cb497134c Number Number false 380716a6-5071-4978-96bb-67cc49356929 1 3364 -1850 50 24 3389.954 -1838.144 aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature Evaluate the curvature of a curve at a specified parameter. true e997cfdc-c32d-4e45-9e64-2f2bc6ac3579 Curvature Curvature 3337 -2072 125 64 3401 -2040 Curve to evaluate d39e214e-7e10-4602-ba1a-6ec4fd8fe3e3 Curve Curve false cf319aba-1ff8-4088-915f-48b04efc8656 1 3339 -2070 50 30 3364 -2055 Parameter on curve domain to evaluate 2860edef-b6da-4127-babd-da29a8ae29c1 Parameter Parameter false 63f59cdf-e717-4c6c-90d1-5da5f4aa4e93 1 3339 -2040 50 30 3364 -2025 Point on curve at {t} 05744414-d89d-44d0-95a6-be11b5036c3f Point Point false 0 3413 -2070 47 20 3436.5 -2060 Curvature vector at {t} e908e831-8904-4e70-9109-326a74e899d6 Curvature Curvature false 0 3413 -2050 47 20 3436.5 -2040 Curvature circle at {t} 06006335-007d-4ca4-a1d0-3556c0792a5c Curvature Curvature false 0 3413 -2030 47 20 3436.5 -2020 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve Divide a curve into equal length segments true ad0f7d08-93f6-49b2-ab96-66aa71b7e3c6 Divide Curve Divide Curve 3350 -1992 113 64 3394 -1960 Curve to divide 64c4d968-b749-40ad-8e33-5886d6ec9d51 Curve Curve false cf319aba-1ff8-4088-915f-48b04efc8656 1 3352 -1990 30 20 3367 -1980 Number of segments 673ce74b-44dc-46e3-b64f-263300dacff3 Count Count false f3cbbd19-41c5-4adb-bc13-371cb497134c 1 3352 -1970 30 20 3367 -1960 1 1 {0} 10 Split segments at kinks c14741e7-7ea6-4adc-a454-16d7fd2f14a1 Kinks Kinks false 0 3352 -1950 30 20 3367 -1940 1 1 {0} false 1 Division points 250d87af-7caf-4380-b613-0a1035b7fa44 Points Points false 0 3406 -1990 55 20 3433.5 -1980 1 Tangent vectors at division points 51bc5869-868d-4735-aa17-c15cdc297c51 Tangents Tangents false 0 3406 -1970 55 20 3433.5 -1960 1 Parameter values at division points 63f59cdf-e717-4c6c-90d1-5da5f4aa4e93 Parameters Parameters false 0 3406 -1950 55 20 3433.5 -1940 d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve Contains a collection of generic curves true cf319aba-1ff8-4088-915f-48b04efc8656 Curve Curve false 65d2dfd3-a453-4728-b66c-bd74c7730229 1 3370 -1822 50 24 3395.728 -1810.299 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc Retrieve the base plane, radius and angle domain of an arc. true 246362d1-e708-4925-90b0-b7bd165c3b38 Deconstruct Arc Deconstruct Arc 3346 -2150 102 64 3380 -2118 Arc or Circle to deconstruct 58578774-913a-4b30-8f0c-ce403da61a16 Arc Arc false 06006335-007d-4ca4-a1d0-3556c0792a5c 1 3348 -2148 20 60 3358 -2118 Base plane of arc or circle 7aeeca48-f8db-4748-ac74-cc5c30c26cb6 Base Plane Base Plane false 0 3392 -2148 54 20 3419 -2138 Radius of arc or circle a18aadd8-3306-46f0-99b5-471d834b979e Radius Radius false 0 3392 -2128 54 20 3419 -2118 Angle domain (in radians) of arc 2797968f-b21a-43e6-a8a4-e3a4d48f4b4b Angle Angle false 0 3392 -2108 54 20 3419 -2098 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X Compute one over x. true 1379b92b-5e9f-4fb7-9ca6-3eb3ccdb67fd One Over X One Over X 3347 -2271 88 28 3390 -2257 Input value b8616632-ed30-419c-9b9e-8672fbff6c5e Value Value false a18aadd8-3306-46f0-99b5-471d834b979e 1 3349 -2269 29 24 3363.5 -2257 Output value c6552b48-20d3-4681-af9d-bae0ad18bd9d Result Result false 0 3402 -2269 31 24 3417.5 -2257 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider Numeric slider for single values 445a26e5-4ca5-477b-81a6-21eb5ecdb8c3 Number Slider Number Slider false 0 3285 -1874 198 20 3285.953 -1873.569 0 1 0 256 0 0 29 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line Create a line between two points. true a829bde7-d5c7-4ceb-aaba-e8d41c258e55 Line Line 3343 -2220 102 44 3409 -2198 Line start point 6130f358-73ea-4f9b-85d2-fc4f919bf2f9 Start Point Start Point false 05744414-d89d-44d0-95a6-be11b5036c3f 1 3345 -2218 52 20 3371 -2208 Line end point 77d423d9-56a9-4be9-a9a9-c0ebdc5da56e End Point End Point false 7aeeca48-f8db-4748-ac74-cc5c30c26cb6 1 3345 -2198 52 20 3371 -2188 Line segment 1e0530cf-b887-420e-8a9d-f37afd049798 Line Line false 0 3421 -2218 22 40 3432 -2198 c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects de21e635-6aaa-4e28-abd5-b37bd51c917d 32cf615a-a587-4435-bfbd-69f850b90d86 2dded4d0-f109-49e6-b334-2b4161c90504 e930277b-25cc-4425-a0e6-ebe78a446c2f b94a2070-951f-4e92-8b42-4edfed8d60c8 59d92540-d2dd-4659-9bd1-86610b0aa184 991982df-bf52-4162-86e4-da5a1f6ba2c2 141dd7db-3330-4bbb-8219-44075ab99593 98db6271-3e0a-4218-b324-a9b32b4e17f5 d80490e0-ee9e-4f64-8cec-8b5bec34b5ba 7398ce46-cea9-4ed5-8a6f-1b83a1cac8dd 5e591869-6c13-456e-a079-715a3be4eff1 0f9ca5ff-9a8d-456f-8119-882ad656abc9 a687447d-3c7b-4108-ad6c-6ff9eaf430ab 98f2dcaa-d3e9-43cf-a52b-2c1e89d58bd8 15 c469f1d9-e254-4219-bf6b-13842468e3db Group c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects cd40396a-f011-4df5-b97d-03451dd16f7c ebbf7b35-8bfd-4b9f-8685-a892626a8678 38538d45-1b82-4d4b-8286-b98678a36a2f a8372b88-1672-459b-a7da-a192fbd36151 b227fc39-e217-483e-9183-03f0460df6f6 82fd88bf-e192-437b-a61b-6345f20cd827 6bc30dba-c44f-45cd-9b17-ed1ee3ce7829 3e606012-fcc6-40c4-a954-327ef19a5ba1 f3cbbd19-41c5-4adb-bc13-371cb497134c e997cfdc-c32d-4e45-9e64-2f2bc6ac3579 ad0f7d08-93f6-49b2-ab96-66aa71b7e3c6 cf319aba-1ff8-4088-915f-48b04efc8656 246362d1-e708-4925-90b0-b7bd165c3b38 1379b92b-5e9f-4fb7-9ca6-3eb3ccdb67fd 445a26e5-4ca5-477b-81a6-21eb5ecdb8c3 a829bde7-d5c7-4ceb-aaba-e8d41c258e55 1d9acb2b-7163-4d0f-8344-721572f52ce7 17 eafee094-9bb6-40df-a944-f09f03793f3f Group e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. af54ebdf-612f-4ca7-a048-7d80d31c8a29 Move Move 3600 -1965 126 44 3662 -1943 Base geometry 53402775-743e-4520-b2c4-53a15348e6cd Geometry Geometry true 5b688b31-8b19-48eb-9d50-116d02e22067 1 3602 -1963 48 20 3626 -1953 Translation vector 7db12938-cb2e-4b61-822d-9a5910132a06 Motion Motion false 0 3602 -1943 48 20 3626 -1933 1 1 {0} 0 -2.5 0 Translated geometry 30f8adbb-2a1a-457f-ae3e-c838274b8629 Geometry Geometry false 0 3674 -1963 50 20 3699 -1953 Transformation data 9cde570b-b779-44bd-9149-b927486c3ba6 Transform Transform false 0 3674 -1943 50 20 3699 -1933 b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object e14c28da-2d6f-435e-ab93-f7a41217dbea Relay false f46eaa21-083b-4260-8163-000668e8eb5f 1 3533 -2171 40 16 3553 -2163 b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object 507ca366-75d6-46bd-954e-0b1f27543250 Relay false d1682a93-c492-4443-8643-5da920b499cc 1 3371 -2336 40 16 3391 -2328 dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve Construct a nurbs curve from control points. true 3429d809-f31b-4c13-9d4f-0c748eeb1afb Nurbs Curve Nurbs Curve 2912 -2857 106 64 2966 -2825 1 Curve control points 6cf300d4-7a74-44e1-b0a2-3fc0b087b29b Vertices Vertices false 06da97ce-ea81-488f-916d-8d5f88ad5003 1 2914 -2855 40 20 2934 -2845 Curve degree 5eb7147d-7623-4629-b2b1-64631a6b1e78 Degree Degree false 0 2914 -2835 40 20 2934 -2825 1 1 {0} 11 Periodic curve 74d2ee6f-8fa2-43f9-b20d-97c9d2a89890 Periodic Periodic false 0 2914 -2815 40 20 2934 -2805 1 1 {0} false Resulting nurbs curve 264bcd42-5895-4900-b75e-a791f86f4278 Curve Curve false 0 2978 -2855 38 20 2997 -2845 Curve length 8a2c5feb-972f-421b-ae4d-162c356f16c6 Length Length false 0 2978 -2835 38 20 2997 -2825 Curve domain a5c46074-78fd-4716-a2f5-21e83786980d Domain Domain false 0 2978 -2815 38 20 2997 -2805 dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve Construct a nurbs curve from control points. true 061f5015-d9a1-495b-b3f8-6e1f495d3be8 Nurbs Curve Nurbs Curve 3508 -2873 106 64 3562 -2841 1 Curve control points f544b720-0398-4945-a519-88af3efcfc74 Vertices Vertices false 28723672-2fb2-41e6-8929-2605ba9e3583 1 3510 -2871 40 20 3530 -2861 Curve degree 4fe84945-5101-46bc-8ce1-fed20307ebcf Degree Degree false 0 3510 -2851 40 20 3530 -2841 1 1 {0} 11 Periodic curve eb2af904-35e6-4ead-9a20-cea9b2e7760c Periodic Periodic false 0 3510 -2831 40 20 3530 -2821 1 1 {0} false Resulting nurbs curve 48ccaefd-64ef-4e1e-a06e-229154874fb7 Curve Curve false 0 3574 -2871 38 20 3593 -2861 Curve length ea77be82-6cdf-4343-8e28-4d6202c489aa Length Length false 0 3574 -2851 38 20 3593 -2841 Curve domain e16ab665-c780-440e-91b4-212acb4de07b Domain Domain false 0 3574 -2831 38 20 3593 -2821 f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror Mirror an object. true 9296abb3-72f4-4f04-817a-5d9483827ed5 Mirror Mirror 3584 -2117 126 44 3646 -2095 Base geometry cae8163a-8c8a-4820-9257-588177cea42e Geometry Geometry true fd95d4a6-706a-42e3-85ed-b263bf32f2f1 8f240d61-fe30-44aa-aafe-677914e9440f 2 3586 -2115 48 20 3610 -2105 Mirror plane 212d5779-f14d-4a9f-859b-a8560b5606c0 Plane Plane false e2fcd531-6a2e-4a66-9510-0d61f34f1246 1 3586 -2095 48 20 3610 -2085 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Mirrored geometry 5b688b31-8b19-48eb-9d50-116d02e22067 Geometry Geometry false 0 3658 -2115 50 20 3683 -2105 Transformation data 85dfc12b-092f-4a6f-8a4c-0b6554fbab2a Transform Transform false 0 3658 -2095 50 20 3683 -2085 fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point Contains a collection of three-dimensional points true f46eaa21-083b-4260-8163-000668e8eb5f Point Point false 05744414-d89d-44d0-95a6-be11b5036c3f 1 3503 -2068 50 24 3528.284 -2056.547 8cc3a196-f6a0-49ea-9ed9-0cb343a3ae64 XZ Plane World XZ plane. true 69590587-7f41-40ad-94ef-c915337763c0 XZ Plane XZ Plane 3569 -2005 86 28 3613 -1991 Origin of plane ee8778a0-d975-4baa-bd2f-5b0da3b8d1d7 Origin Origin false 0 3571 -2003 30 24 3586 -1991 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 World XZ plane e2fcd531-6a2e-4a66-9510-0d61f34f1246 Plane Plane false 0 3625 -2003 28 24 3639 -1991 e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. 20aeac62-cf79-4c32-8a54-0a0db2210f7d Move Move 4117 -1671 126 44 4179 -1649 true Base geometry c4b4942e-4785-4325-9f19-5c65fa24b7cc Geometry Geometry true ba79df4c-1c5e-4e2c-b523-c093bcf2b9b9 1 4119 -1669 48 20 4143 -1659 true Translation vector bccde90f-2e07-4c79-8f58-f5ed32d2be74 Motion Motion false 0 4119 -1649 48 20 4143 -1639 true 1 1 {0} 0 -2.5 0 Translated geometry f5a06a08-74d2-4a73-b01e-28145c4838ac Geometry Geometry false 0 4191 -1669 50 20 4216 -1659 true Transformation data b850a1d9-438f-4ffe-87b1-f7d14ab12930 Transform Transform false 0 4191 -1649 50 20 4216 -1639 true f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror Mirror an object. true 3b08b94c-f71a-4b8e-8a4a-707afb88291a Mirror Mirror 3944 -1702 126 44 4006 -1680 Base geometry 36747176-271a-48af-9f23-1a1836d1c26b Geometry Geometry true 3d0f49af-5322-45e7-b318-474a599b770a 1 3946 -1700 48 20 3970 -1690 Mirror plane 0a956574-87af-4710-96c2-3893f9b2ae45 Plane Plane false e2fcd531-6a2e-4a66-9510-0d61f34f1246 1 3946 -1680 48 20 3970 -1670 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Mirrored geometry ba79df4c-1c5e-4e2c-b523-c093bcf2b9b9 Geometry Geometry false 0 4018 -1700 50 20 4043 -1690 Transformation data 088b5f68-2ef1-4e32-bb93-5cb05eed6fd8 Transform Transform false 0 4018 -1680 50 20 4043 -1670 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box Solve oriented geometry bounding boxes. true c605fd5d-b41f-4c72-bf5e-c66699d24d84 Bounding Box Bounding Box true 3023 -2968 88 44 3076 -2946 1 Geometry to contain 97d2b8f4-ddb6-4968-a59c-dcc5a7db920f Content Content false dbac0008-a429-494c-84b7-0b79922ad700 1 3025 -2966 39 20 3044.5 -2956 BoundingBox orientation plane true bb94186c-4ee2-4778-a008-f87df6eaccac Plane Plane false 0 3025 -2946 39 20 3044.5 -2936 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Aligned bounding box in world coordinates 89cfa0ad-4667-4267-ab22-0871715abd8a Box Box false 0 3088 -2966 21 20 3098.5 -2956 Bounding box in orientation plane coordinates true b74b11b5-4882-49b0-8cad-e1bd4f37dd28 Box Box false 0 3088 -2946 21 20 3098.5 -2936 db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box Deconstruct a box into its constituent parts. true 56e08ffb-412c-4e42-83bd-a474144155e4 Deconstruct Box Deconstruct Box 3131 -2987 77 84 3166 -2945 Base box d09ae504-0fcc-4e0e-af60-7f3a9344e74b Box Box false 89cfa0ad-4667-4267-ab22-0871715abd8a 1 3133 -2985 21 80 3143.5 -2945 Box plane 26b9c723-0a2d-44a3-8b9b-ef99cc1b45f8 Plane Plane false 0 3178 -2985 28 20 3192 -2975 {x} dimension of box 425905a0-42f9-47fb-9584-710b1353ca30 X X false 0 3178 -2965 28 20 3192 -2955 {y} dimension of box 66084c2a-214c-43aa-a7da-86163041d682 Y Y false 0 3178 -2945 28 20 3192 -2935 {z} dimension of box 4fcb0347-f43e-4e61-b383-6b7a7b674307 Z Z false 0 3178 -2925 28 20 3192 -2915 dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences Compute relative differences for a list of data true 5271f309-30e3-459e-9d10-8cdddb970b35 Relative Differences Relative Differences 3291 -2941 116 28 3338 -2927 1 List of data to operate on (numbers or points or vectors allowed) 7928e060-6adb-451d-9d02-4858ebf20515 Values Values false 4e2a0838-2836-48bb-8fa6-da95aab31634 bd3437ea-ef52-4581-a2a7-7a4245020463 2 3293 -2939 33 24 3309.5 -2927 1 Differences between consecutive items be81f05f-957d-41ef-a03f-70ddd3a83ecc Differenced Differenced false 0 3350 -2939 55 24 3377.5 -2927 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. true 91a791bf-1171-46a7-9b82-b95299dc708e Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct Domain 3221 -2991 92 44 3273 -2969 Base domain ddfc5694-66aa-4e59-aa08-8b1162d3ce36 Domain Domain false 66084c2a-214c-43aa-a7da-86163041d682 1 3223 -2989 38 40 3242 -2969 Start of domain 4e2a0838-2836-48bb-8fa6-da95aab31634 Start Start false 0 3285 -2989 26 20 3298 -2979 End of domain bd3437ea-ef52-4581-a2a7-7a4245020463 End End false 0 3285 -2969 26 20 3298 -2959 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item 0 Retrieve a specific item from a list. true 88a790fc-a9a5-4cee-b475-d037e8e3b053 List Item List Item 3378 -3024 80 64 3420 -2992 3 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2e3ab970-8545-46bb-836c-1c11e5610bce cb95db89-6165-43b6-9c41-5702bc5bf137 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 Base list 28f1f040-ede0-4c14-89a5-0a03bc96cc8b List List false be81f05f-957d-41ef-a03f-70ddd3a83ecc 1 3380 -3022 28 20 3394 -3012 Item index da72a177-ffcd-46a4-81b9-4656ed0655ed Index Index false 0 3380 -3002 28 20 3394 -2992 1 1 {0} 1 Wrap index to list bounds 9f31b8e9-d225-49f8-8261-0ac31a70a0dd Wrap Wrap false 0 3380 -2982 28 20 3394 -2972 1 1 {0} false Item at {i'} 81210bd1-a169-4326-a705-59f86fc065a2 false Item Item false 0 3432 -3022 24 60 3444 -2992 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 2d81694a-fe99-48b2-8b3c-5bc88dbca4c3 Panel false 0 81210bd1-a169-4326-a705-59f86fc065a2 1 Double click to edit panel content… 3488 -2985 152 35 0 0 0 3488.272 -2984.933 255;255;255;255 false false true false false true 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box Solve oriented geometry bounding boxes. true f974d7ef-d578-4b36-86fa-be2980f0e8da Bounding Box Bounding Box true 3225 -3144 88 44 3278 -3122 1 Geometry to contain db24ee5b-7286-472b-a429-b7956e7d7736 Content Content false 30f8adbb-2a1a-457f-ae3e-c838274b8629 1 3227 -3142 39 20 3246.5 -3132 BoundingBox orientation plane true a589ed92-d942-465f-88b5-628060170060 Plane Plane false 0 3227 -3122 39 20 3246.5 -3112 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Aligned bounding box in world coordinates 43902697-9c37-4903-9869-f9ad411e4f75 Box Box false 0 3290 -3142 21 20 3300.5 -3132 Bounding box in orientation plane coordinates true 1c810584-d9ce-47c9-ba66-7dd55473a0ab Box Box false 0 3290 -3122 21 20 3300.5 -3112 db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box Deconstruct a box into its constituent parts. true ca4f47da-7754-47b5-8dbe-ffaa539e2a41 Deconstruct Box Deconstruct Box 3333 -3163 77 84 3368 -3121 Base box 8a4be514-c5dd-48be-b2f0-1cf9b96abbe8 Box Box false 43902697-9c37-4903-9869-f9ad411e4f75 1 3335 -3161 21 80 3345.5 -3121 Box plane 2aba7963-652f-47e1-9cc2-24315aeb8fce Plane Plane false 0 3380 -3161 28 20 3394 -3151 {x} dimension of box f43db928-38e9-4f58-aa26-4b292fdc4a58 X X false 0 3380 -3141 28 20 3394 -3131 {y} dimension of box 7020d6e9-c829-4b62-97b6-79641e3273ed Y Y false 0 3380 -3121 28 20 3394 -3111 {z} dimension of box adaf5b1b-7947-4792-abb7-694902100913 Z Z false 0 3380 -3101 28 20 3394 -3091 dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences Compute relative differences for a list of data true 25ea6639-357d-4334-998c-41880e9b6013 Relative Differences Relative Differences 3493 -3117 116 28 3540 -3103 1 List of data to operate on (numbers or points or vectors allowed) 91ce9143-ca60-42c3-9fe4-57cc14b9e9dd Values Values false ece7baa4-a05a-4870-9a7c-56f21a4e0683 0b794558-7222-4284-9461-0de8d3145a1b 2 3495 -3115 33 24 3511.5 -3103 1 Differences between consecutive items 54a6063c-4c83-4aff-91d4-e361ac5db746 Differenced Differenced false 0 3552 -3115 55 24 3579.5 -3103 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. true 5a6ccec3-aea8-473d-ba28-756512c0ae65 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct Domain 3423 -3167 92 44 3475 -3145 Base domain e84ceb79-c02e-481d-b1ee-06f0617f1cac Domain Domain false 7020d6e9-c829-4b62-97b6-79641e3273ed 1 3425 -3165 38 40 3444 -3145 Start of domain ece7baa4-a05a-4870-9a7c-56f21a4e0683 Start Start false 0 3487 -3165 26 20 3500 -3155 End of domain 0b794558-7222-4284-9461-0de8d3145a1b End End false 0 3487 -3145 26 20 3500 -3135 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item 0 Retrieve a specific item from a list. true b3d74eb2-cfff-4ce9-87a0-85f9d1834edf List Item List Item 3580 -3200 62 64 3622 -3168 3 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2e3ab970-8545-46bb-836c-1c11e5610bce cb95db89-6165-43b6-9c41-5702bc5bf137 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 Base list dcb995ab-20dd-481d-9a2e-d54c4f6c604b List List false 54a6063c-4c83-4aff-91d4-e361ac5db746 1 3582 -3198 28 20 3596 -3188 Item index 99b620ba-786e-4082-9281-88cebc1302d5 Index Index false 0 3582 -3178 28 20 3596 -3168 1 1 {0} 1 Wrap index to list bounds c961fe52-5b78-424f-ad3c-9a6adb246dc5 Wrap Wrap false 0 3582 -3158 28 20 3596 -3148 1 1 {0} false Item at {i'} c48a723e-1bde-464d-ad7b-8a7224496b22 false Item i false 0 3634 -3198 6 60 3637 -3168 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values a693915c-c207-4cc4-a1dd-bccaa31808ba Panel false 0 c48a723e-1bde-464d-ad7b-8a7224496b22 1 Double click to edit panel content… 3672 -3159 152 35 0 0 0 3672.447 -3158.345 255;255;255;255 false false true false false true 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division Mathematical division true 1ca8dab2-5ee1-4145-bde8-0c4dc4cb5e9d Division Division 3612 -3062 70 44 3637 -3040 Item to divide (dividend) 925927d4-6a7f-465e-b60f-039754282903 A A false a693915c-c207-4cc4-a1dd-bccaa31808ba 1 3614 -3060 11 20 3619.5 -3050 Item to divide with (divisor) 39b68e3c-5237-43f6-b891-2d225dbe8a8f B B false 2d81694a-fe99-48b2-8b3c-5bc88dbca4c3 1 3614 -3040 11 20 3619.5 -3030 The result of the Division 06bfbf02-69cc-4903-bea8-364c2e340314 Result Result false 0 3649 -3060 31 40 3664.5 -3040 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values fa425a40-1dde-4906-82d9-e06aaf7ef5c2 Panel false 0 06bfbf02-69cc-4903-bea8-364c2e340314 1 Double click to edit panel content… 3713 -3074 152 23 0 0 0 3713.302 -3073.684 255;255;255;255 false false true false false true 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers 1d9acb2b-7163-4d0f-8344-721572f52ce7 Digit Scroller Digit Scroller false 0 12 Digit Scroller 1 0.99055972270 3273 -2688 250 20 3273.594 -2687.29 6f93d366-919f-4dda-a35e-ba03dd62799b Sort List Sort a list of numeric keys. true e583236f-ab64-43b2-8bdd-253fd95e1df1 Sort List Sort List 4416 -3063 134 44 4475 -3041 2 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 List of sortable keys 181effd0-433b-45cb-a5d1-3030466f7244 Keys Keys false 3670a8a9-c0e2-4aa4-af58-727f01ac294a 1 4418 -3061 45 20 4440.5 -3051 1 Optional list of values to sort synchronously 906b8fe1-35eb-4615-8e26-e010728fdefe Values A Values A true bc252563-2028-4cde-8811-c7973400960b 1 4418 -3041 45 20 4440.5 -3031 1 Sorted keys 42af57b9-c728-4e8e-9394-996709eae9ff Keys Keys false true 0 4487 -3061 61 20 4509.5 -3051 1 Synchronous values in A 91026ff2-77db-40b8-9609-048fb46da7cf Values A Values A false true 0 4487 -3041 61 20 4509.5 -3031 c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length Measure the length of a curve. true f0fe473e-b194-494d-b66f-4ae8933a70d8 Length Length 4313 -3054 92 28 4357 -3040 Curve to measure 0a8e58f9-c2cd-4b81-b4a3-0f0ea14fda26 Curve Curve false bc252563-2028-4cde-8811-c7973400960b 1 4315 -3052 30 24 4330 -3040 Curve length 3670a8a9-c0e2-4aa4-af58-727f01ac294a Length Length false 0 4369 -3052 34 24 4386 -3040 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values faa28e50-f6d8-4b9a-a26e-6183e76c91b2 Panel false 0 1814adb0-926c-4d52-ad28-85310e9084c8 1 Double click to edit panel content… 4707 -3237 160 274 0 0 0 4707.417 -3236.797 255;255;255;255 true true true false false true b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object bc252563-2028-4cde-8811-c7973400960b Relay false e9a6995d-30a7-41e5-b196-1b7fc5fb44cc 1 4357 -2967 40 16 4377 -2959 6f93d366-919f-4dda-a35e-ba03dd62799b Sort List Sort a list of numeric keys. true d3c5499b-13f0-4323-ac84-944f95d06c15 Sort List Sort List 4431 -2936 134 44 4490 -2914 2 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 List of sortable keys a1ed489d-611e-44f8-a99b-9c2c3d949419 Keys Keys false e802414c-6f90-44e5-a7bd-024331adddd6 1 4433 -2934 45 20 4455.5 -2924 1 Optional list of values to sort synchronously 80132a94-0d87-4bee-9852-7fda1b368772 Values Values A Values A true 927bfec1-6e94-4381-bc5e-d76fe50c29d4 1 4433 -2914 45 20 4455.5 -2904 1 Sorted keys 920690a5-0d5f-4956-95e3-6093b540a52b Keys Keys false true 0 4502 -2934 61 20 4524.5 -2924 1 Synchronous values in Values A adc9ab09-3f1b-415f-b9b2-08cf9976be84 Values Values A Values A false true 0 4502 -2914 61 20 4524.5 -2904 c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length Measure the length of a curve. true 2f34cd6b-905b-4283-ac37-de5ea02cbadd Length Length 4305 -2938 92 28 4349 -2924 Curve to measure 96ceb309-2ab0-4cad-a927-80d38fc884fd Curve Curve false 927bfec1-6e94-4381-bc5e-d76fe50c29d4 1 4307 -2936 30 24 4322 -2924 Curve length e802414c-6f90-44e5-a7bd-024331adddd6 Length Length false 0 4361 -2936 34 24 4378 -2924 b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object 927bfec1-6e94-4381-bc5e-d76fe50c29d4 Relay false f2ace8d6-7d5e-4da7-a7e4-5ecb5e5d79e4 1 4344 -2876 40 16 4364 -2868 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 2b9bccd0-ae02-4365-b377-6fd662dd6a5d Panel false 0 54974404-2502-43bb-bdfc-a609a5c651fe 1 Double click to edit panel content… 4702 -3000 160 274 0 0 0 4702.412 -2999.734 255;255;255;255 true true true false false true 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division Mathematical division true 400d93df-45d4-4e02-b91e-262b243aa90a Division Division 4609 -3016 70 44 4634 -2994 Item to divide (dividend) a00e9515-9ecc-47ea-8a97-a8958ea8d969 A A false 42af57b9-c728-4e8e-9394-996709eae9ff 1 4611 -3014 11 20 4616.5 -3004 Item to divide with (divisor) f64c2cfe-3ae8-4f8c-89f8-24b43ea28919 B B false 920690a5-0d5f-4956-95e3-6093b540a52b 1 4611 -2994 11 20 4616.5 -2984 The result of the Division fdb7ca5b-386a-4712-a460-dc1c32b81e8a Result Result false 0 4646 -3014 31 40 4661.5 -2994 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values d5df4772-04bd-4531-a87d-0e2d66aac18b Panel false 0.5026543140411377 fdb7ca5b-386a-4712-a460-dc1c32b81e8a 1 Double click to edit panel content… 4823 -3123 160 274 0 0 0 4823.876 -3122.772 255;255;255;255 true true true false false true 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item 0 Retrieve a specific item from a list. true cb8c5d50-54e8-4e8c-a196-24eb854efd87 List Item List Item 4578 -3138 80 64 4620 -3106 3 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2e3ab970-8545-46bb-836c-1c11e5610bce cb95db89-6165-43b6-9c41-5702bc5bf137 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 Base list 4b9f5b8b-ff28-48b1-a97e-d6be62c8aef9 List List false 91026ff2-77db-40b8-9609-048fb46da7cf 1 4580 -3136 28 20 4594 -3126 Item index d2e11b0e-32ba-47b0-84e4-ffa1c78e8720 Index Index false 0 4580 -3116 28 20 4594 -3106 1 1 {0} 0 Wrap index to list bounds 33f1182d-4373-471e-a705-806804709dcf Wrap Wrap false 0 4580 -3096 28 20 4594 -3086 1 1 {0} false Item at {i'} 1814adb0-926c-4d52-ad28-85310e9084c8 false Item Item false 0 4632 -3136 24 60 4644 -3106 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item 0 Retrieve a specific item from a list. true 2b77dcdf-ce57-4868-9a4e-48e3fc9f5e5a List Item List Item 4600 -2916 62 64 4642 -2884 3 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2e3ab970-8545-46bb-836c-1c11e5610bce cb95db89-6165-43b6-9c41-5702bc5bf137 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 Base list 1d18c396-583f-45eb-9b94-010699002a19 List List false adc9ab09-3f1b-415f-b9b2-08cf9976be84 1 4602 -2914 28 20 4616 -2904 Item index df338200-ce20-430d-b69b-d66afef1e7b8 Index Index false 0 4602 -2894 28 20 4616 -2884 1 1 {0} 0 Wrap index to list bounds d8a4ef94-c986-4267-b16f-7c941f30d435 Wrap Wrap false 0 4602 -2874 28 20 4616 -2864 1 1 {0} false Item at {i'} 54974404-2502-43bb-bdfc-a609a5c651fe false Item i false 0 4654 -2914 6 60 4657 -2884 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers 3fb239e5-e38e-4479-8639-e29612013d6a Digit Scroller Digit Scroller false 0 12 Digit Scroller 1 4.41160231920 4313 -2665 250 20 4313.214 -2664.783 3cadddef-1e2b-4c09-9390-0e8f78f7609f Merge Merge a bunch of data streams 5262b612-4a2f-4510-8d3d-4ed7803669e0 Merge Merge 4006 -1452 91 64 4036 -1420 3 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2 Data stream 1 b5833f58-3a64-47b8-a498-1e4918092b07 false Data 1 D1 true 2703edc7-875c-4c85-b3b7-6889f6fe339b 1 4008 -1450 16 20 4016 -1440 2 Data stream 2 dbf9a285-dc04-4d0f-8712-45e6fb5c9e02 false Data 2 D2 true dc0e55a6-36f3-433c-913b-84e1c001dd79 1 4008 -1430 16 20 4016 -1420 2 Data stream 3 43eb723c-6798-4db0-9b78-c71ee69e3ce2 false Data 3 D3 true 0 4008 -1410 16 20 4016 -1400 2 Result of merge 634039be-8264-44eb-8fac-91a35384e38e 1 Result Result false 0 4048 -1450 47 60 4063.5 -1420 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box Solve oriented geometry bounding boxes. true 642a33c0-2799-4d68-bb2b-da1bf8ccc058 Bounding Box Bounding Box true 4131 -1425 88 44 4184 -1403 1 Geometry to contain beb7f73d-d7fc-4297-8280-695ea38f9671 Content Content false 634039be-8264-44eb-8fac-91a35384e38e 1 4133 -1423 39 20 4152.5 -1413 BoundingBox orientation plane true 68b37adc-105d-4714-bd52-b5e0faabff20 Plane Plane false 0 4133 -1403 39 20 4152.5 -1393 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Aligned bounding box in world coordinates 0a25ea0a-1d20-4037-9f7b-df6cab59f946 Box Box false 0 4196 -1423 21 20 4206.5 -1413 Bounding box in orientation plane coordinates true e466facc-29b5-4cf7-b741-1df9f321e1b8 Box Box false 0 4196 -1403 21 20 4206.5 -1393 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