0 2 2 1 0 7 4bd1434d-9d16-4e4a-a842-25ca9de0a3c4 Shaded 1 255;196;196;196 26;158;158;158 638193007867473880 XHG...ⵙᗱᗴⵙ✤ⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙߦⵙ◯ⵙ옷ⵙߦⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙᕤᕦⵙ◯ⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙᗩⵙ옷ⵙᔓᔕⵙ⊚ⵙ◌ⵙ⊚ⵙ◌ⵙ⊚ⵙ◌ⵙ⚪ⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙ⚪ⵙ◌ⵙ⊚ⵙ◌ⵙ⊚ⵙ◌ⵙ⊚ⵙᔓᔕⵙ옷ⵙᗩⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙ◯ⵙᕤᕦⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙߦⵙ옷ⵙ◯ⵙߦⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙ✤ⵙᗱᗴⵙ...GHX 0 779 1958 1.101905 0 0 4 Meshedit2000, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [uto] 14601aeb-b64f-9304-459d-d5d06df91218 MeshEdit Components NGonGh, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Petras Vestartas 20563e24-568f-4f4f-b61b-71a1781ef92f NGon 2.3.0 Mesh Pipe, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null cc201624-ce0d-d105-495c-210b876cef63 Mesh Pipe WeaverBird.Gh.CommonSdk, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Piacentino a4634196-add1-8181-6e78-09a045132c7c Weaverbird 186 3581f42a-9592-4549-bd6b-1c0fc39d067b Construct Point Construct a point from {xyz} coordinates. true a40186ec-62e8-4ece-8618-5833962df7ee Construct Point Construct Point 1058 763 129 64 1140 795 {x} coordinate 35e3d448-2ef0-4cfe-adc4-12e6046ebf92 X coordinate X coordinate false 2ddffea6-dc2a-4122-966e-6c58191b465e 1 1060 765 65 20 1094 775 1 1 {0} 0 {y} coordinate 3b8bf707-35a5-456c-b41c-5ef0bbfa333e Y coordinate Y coordinate false cb14ec8d-ba11-4891-9e4a-a73d42346bf5 1 1060 785 65 20 1094 795 1 1 {0} 0 {z} coordinate b90634ab-1b05-4335-b4c1-af34929c6454 Z coordinate Z coordinate false 0 1060 805 65 20 1094 815 1 1 {0} 0 Point coordinate 2d1a86fe-8d49-4ad6-87ca-625512631b67 Point Point false 0 1155 765 30 60 1171.5 795 9445ca40-cc73-4861-a455-146308676855 Range Create a range of numbers. true def239a6-316b-4a89-86c8-c9f55b849297 Range Range 1071 893 110 44 1129 915 Domain of numeric range 34546b12-7ebb-402f-918e-3ec81ec41c5c Domain Domain false 0 1073 895 41 20 1095 905 1 1 {0} -1 0 Number of steps 16322de0-3474-4482-b3e7-412203e66b92 Steps Steps false 94d3ea17-5f8e-40e0-b510-650f155fdd9e 1 1073 915 41 20 1095 925 1 1 {0} 10 1 Range of numbers 2ddffea6-dc2a-4122-966e-6c58191b465e Range Range false 0 1144 895 35 40 1163 915 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers 94d3ea17-5f8e-40e0-b510-650f155fdd9e Digit Scroller false 0 12 11 256.0 669 1061 250 20 669.4374 1061.15 9df5e896-552d-4c8c-b9ca-4fc147ffa022 Expression Evaluate an expression (1-(O*1-0)^2)^(600.5/256/19.48046875)*(1-.65625)+.65625 true 57de15cb-fb24-4c44-b934-b29d9f0986a8 Expression Expression 873 846 507 28 1129 860 1 ba80fd98-91a1-4958-b6a7-a94e40e52bdb 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 Expression variable 1fff3908-a566-4cc6-99b5-e04f8986ea41 Variable O O true 2ddffea6-dc2a-4122-966e-6c58191b465e 1 875 848 14 24 883.5 860 Result of expression cb14ec8d-ba11-4891-9e4a-a73d42346bf5 Result false 0 1369 848 9 24 1375 860 3581f42a-9592-4549-bd6b-1c0fc39d067b Construct Point Construct a point from {xyz} coordinates. true 10fa4b0a-100b-4bc8-b7b9-f4a22620cbe0 Construct Point Construct Point 432 763 129 64 514 795 {x} coordinate 859de888-a54d-488e-aa1b-0d8a272f7388 X coordinate X coordinate false 6a50e93a-73b9-4dd6-b893-1dfd5df034d3 1 434 765 65 20 468 775 1 1 {0} 0 {y} coordinate a294231b-83e1-4632-a3ff-c82ce4c87af8 Y coordinate Y coordinate false 1fd61f21-2bb3-4334-a721-7b27f4bbae8d 1 434 785 65 20 468 795 1 1 {0} 0 {z} coordinate b42a7bc5-b391-4930-ab52-401bf3daf1a5 Z coordinate Z coordinate false 0 434 805 65 20 468 815 1 1 {0} 0 Point coordinate f6984ff9-49f0-44c8-9183-d0e50405c4ba Point Point false 0 529 765 30 60 545.5 795 9445ca40-cc73-4861-a455-146308676855 Range Create a range of numbers. true ae201538-8672-435f-9773-9b9236d38608 Range Range 441 893 110 44 499 915 Domain of numeric range 6b2e896a-796e-4e35-83f5-68b3ca2944b2 Domain Domain false 0 443 895 41 20 465 905 1 1 {0} -2 -1 Number of steps c313fb83-6d0d-4837-80b8-a2ff43ad1d2e Steps Steps false 94d3ea17-5f8e-40e0-b510-650f155fdd9e 1 443 915 41 20 465 925 1 1 {0} 10 1 Range of numbers 6a50e93a-73b9-4dd6-b893-1dfd5df034d3 Range Range false 0 514 895 35 40 533 915 9df5e896-552d-4c8c-b9ca-4fc147ffa022 Expression Evaluate an expression 1-((1-(-O*1-2)^2)^(600.5/256/19.48046875)*(.65625)+(1-.65625)) true 92106962-0679-4179-9820-9a2dee0d012e Expression Expression 214 846 565 28 499 860 1 ba80fd98-91a1-4958-b6a7-a94e40e52bdb 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 Expression variable 104d6054-dfd4-4824-aa82-78abe9a96ebc Variable O O true 6a50e93a-73b9-4dd6-b893-1dfd5df034d3 1 216 848 14 24 224.5 860 Result of expression 1fd61f21-2bb3-4334-a721-7b27f4bbae8d Result false 0 768 848 9 24 774 860 7376fe41-74ec-497e-b367-1ffe5072608b Curvature Graph Draws Rhino Curvature Graphs. true 4be0b94e-f7cf-47db-9614-5691a52601e7 true Curvature Graph Curvature Graph 792 562 71 64 849 594 Curve for Curvature graph display true d5e27b9c-9876-478e-b08a-e228e265b467 true Curve Curve false c0dde4d8-65b8-45d9-a1cd-77dcd82e6695 1 794 564 40 20 815.5 574 Sampling density of the Graph 5978b4f1-988a-441d-a072-e77178b6193a true Density Density false 0 794 584 40 20 815.5 594 1 1 {0} 1 Scale of graph 4ad9061a-03c6-46c1-ad2f-b7f2ead5b72e true Scale Scale false 54d549e0-4559-467f-a7c1-5b22540d444d 1 794 604 40 20 815.5 614 1 1 {0} 105 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers 54d549e0-4559-467f-a7c1-5b22540d444d Digit Scroller false 0 12 11 87.0 685 626 250 20 685.7662 626.3736 75eb156d-d023-42f9-a85e-2f2456b8bcce Interpolate (t) Create an interpolated curve through a set of points with tangents. true dd61c05a-e8c4-4c4f-b6eb-741892411d5e Interpolate (t) Interpolate (t) 1043 652 144 84 1129 694 1 Interpolation points bef55f82-5fd1-4b50-9389-6a3c876c49cc Vertices Vertices false 2d1a86fe-8d49-4ad6-87ca-625512631b67 1 1045 654 69 20 1081 664 Tangent at start of curve 875b10a0-5029-40b1-9ead-1d3b035a3e3c Tangent Start Tangent Start false 0 1045 674 69 20 1081 684 1 1 {0} 0 1 0 Tangent at end of curve c3e19d48-2e2e-45bb-8c0e-f9d994e606d8 Tangent End Tangent End false 0 1045 694 69 20 1081 704 1 1 {0} 1 0 0 Knot spacing (0=uniform, 1=chord, 2=sqrtchord) d16a847f-8723-401d-9b81-63e255b9fa9d KnotStyle KnotStyle false 0 1045 714 69 20 1081 724 1 1 {0} 1 Resulting nurbs curve 4a398433-5406-49cd-9fcf-38bdabf23ced Curve Curve false 0 1144 654 41 26 1166 667.3333 Curve length 1efe694b-f245-4c48-b547-faaed19b488b Length Length false 0 1144 680 41 27 1166 694 Curve domain af4bf496-3f11-46eb-b261-0790c21eecc7 Domain Domain false 0 1144 707 41 27 1166 720.6666 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers 06030b19-b71e-468a-a630-a40287e155a4 Digit Scroller false 0 12 11 91.0 1274 795 250 20 1274.343 795 d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve Contains a collection of generic curves true a70f25b5-a18f-484d-86d6-4686168470e3 Curve Curve false 4a398433-5406-49cd-9fcf-38bdabf23ced 1 1087 565 50 24 1112.411 577.0858 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve Divide a curve into equal length segments true db4cdf6d-7389-44ee-932d-a74d8afa6d69 Divide Curve Divide Curve 1056 430 125 64 1106 462 Curve to divide fda5acce-3216-4e05-9f3f-b8a6158b8009 Curve Curve false a70f25b5-a18f-484d-86d6-4686168470e3 1 1058 432 33 20 1076 442 Number of segments aabd4324-2577-4864-9d96-39e01d2e266a Count Count false c27f0da3-a5bd-40fb-9eb5-47f6235a6def 1 1058 452 33 20 1076 462 1 1 {0} 10 Split segments at kinks f25d9279-1a57-4a85-a937-f0d545fa3eb0 Kinks Kinks false 0 1058 472 33 20 1076 482 1 1 {0} false 1 Division points c3226031-ad33-41cc-86f3-858c3ed79507 Points Points false 0 1121 432 58 20 1151.5 442 1 Tangent vectors at division points 1e1daec6-3100-4bbd-95fe-494c57d28e06 Tangents Tangents false 0 1121 452 58 20 1151.5 462 1 Parameter values at division points aa47368a-9b29-48bd-a605-22c25965ab62 Parameters Parameters false 0 1121 472 58 20 1151.5 482 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers c27f0da3-a5bd-40fb-9eb5-47f6235a6def Digit Scroller false 0 12 11 128.0 685 525 250 20 685.6895 525.6309 75eb156d-d023-42f9-a85e-2f2456b8bcce Interpolate (t) Create an interpolated curve through a set of points with tangents. true 66cdf100-6d16-4e9b-9b9b-274ef74f5f70 Interpolate (t) Interpolate (t) 1043 346 144 84 1129 388 1 Interpolation points 7209d495-1f66-4f95-9312-bd778092eea1 Vertices Vertices false c3226031-ad33-41cc-86f3-858c3ed79507 1 1045 348 69 20 1081 358 Tangent at start of curve 384199a5-c431-49e2-bf9e-0adda919e21c Tangent Start Tangent Start false 0 1045 368 69 20 1081 378 1 1 {0} 0 1 0 Tangent at end of curve b1d5c5b3-cc6b-4736-aaf6-7c3d3c834717 Tangent End Tangent End false 0 1045 388 69 20 1081 398 1 1 {0} 1 0 0 Knot spacing (0=uniform, 1=chord, 2=sqrtchord) 4bf5869d-932f-4163-a43a-c844d56d0188 KnotStyle KnotStyle false 0 1045 408 69 20 1081 418 1 1 {0} 1 Resulting nurbs curve c0dde4d8-65b8-45d9-a1cd-77dcd82e6695 Curve Curve false 0 1144 348 41 26 1166 361.3333 Curve length 8fb21347-fdd6-4a8a-95d0-749e163b87d7 Length Length false 0 1144 374 41 27 1166 388 Curve domain c61265e4-75e7-40fa-a266-84d28b208425 Domain Domain false 0 1144 401 41 27 1166 414.6667 75eb156d-d023-42f9-a85e-2f2456b8bcce Interpolate (t) Create an interpolated curve through a set of points with tangents. true a42cb39c-2d40-4019-b5b0-e269e39cc62e Interpolate (t) Interpolate (t) 412 652 160 84 514 694 1 Interpolation points a84a2424-d235-4262-94c3-dc3eb2a816e2 Vertices Vertices false true f6984ff9-49f0-44c8-9183-d0e50405c4ba 1 414 654 85 20 466 664 Tangent at start of curve af19dd1a-1aad-4fc1-8c4f-af3c442d4e28 Tangent Start Tangent Start false 0 414 674 85 20 466 684 1 1 {0} 0 1 0 Tangent at end of curve 5ab9df00-7ede-4c23-bf98-a3b2fd672ffb Tangent End Tangent End false 0 414 694 85 20 466 704 1 1 {0} 1 0 0 Knot spacing (0=uniform, 1=chord, 2=sqrtchord) ae2653fe-e60b-4487-b869-a5396cf0043b KnotStyle KnotStyle false 0 414 714 85 20 466 724 1 1 {0} 1 Resulting nurbs curve 0d53f657-b510-4591-94d0-e9f6de71b2d9 Curve Curve false 0 529 654 41 26 551 667.3333 Curve length d67d88d6-b21e-44c0-a31a-e9051873263a Length Length false 0 529 680 41 27 551 694 Curve domain 4432682e-2bc2-4dff-b637-ff3ed5c16673 Domain Domain false 0 529 707 41 27 551 720.6666 d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve Contains a collection of generic curves true 18c146fd-8520-43af-9b18-f8973f415dd4 Curve Curve false 0d53f657-b510-4591-94d0-e9f6de71b2d9 1 473 565 50 24 498.2396 577.2124 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve Divide a curve into equal length segments true e400af90-83bf-4a6b-b51d-7c2ed4594c1b Divide Curve Divide Curve 441 456 125 64 491 488 Curve to divide 82f51b47-ac19-4740-8c16-e0cee1cec0f9 Curve Curve false 18c146fd-8520-43af-9b18-f8973f415dd4 1 443 458 33 20 461 468 Number of segments 56df6eff-c691-466e-96ec-bf2ee7614aaa Count Count false c27f0da3-a5bd-40fb-9eb5-47f6235a6def 1 443 478 33 20 461 488 1 1 {0} 10 Split segments at kinks 2b526001-4041-4759-b474-8090dd4e1b47 Kinks Kinks false 0 443 498 33 20 461 508 1 1 {0} false 1 Division points 5365d111-daf8-47bd-975e-bab911cb6f46 Points Points false 0 506 458 58 20 536.5 468 1 Tangent vectors at division points 13a03eb8-71f3-4562-9ab3-d6c982075788 Tangents Tangents false 0 506 478 58 20 536.5 488 1 Parameter values at division points 73da9643-a0ac-44f2-849a-f0f01ea1429e Parameters Parameters false 0 506 498 58 20 536.5 508 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers 388665ec-5a49-4400-8aae-61b423c3eae7 Digit Scroller false 0 12 11 4.0 346 545 250 20 346.264 545.0858 75eb156d-d023-42f9-a85e-2f2456b8bcce Interpolate (t) Create an interpolated curve through a set of points with tangents. true 1573cc5f-5f3c-403d-b266-f444ad1641ee Interpolate (t) Interpolate (t) 422 349 144 84 508 391 1 Interpolation points bc75d27e-9c8b-4c10-a9cf-25693f2426ac Vertices Vertices false 5365d111-daf8-47bd-975e-bab911cb6f46 1 424 351 69 20 460 361 Tangent at start of curve 7440ecd8-c9f2-416e-956b-02850b217a2a Tangent Start Tangent Start false 0 424 371 69 20 460 381 1 1 {0} 0 1 0 Tangent at end of curve bbfe4abb-de3b-4da9-a39f-16594c771a44 Tangent End Tangent End false 0 424 391 69 20 460 401 1 1 {0} 1 0 0 Knot spacing (0=uniform, 1=chord, 2=sqrtchord) ea5df62e-736f-477e-b377-4dcf47613ba2 KnotStyle KnotStyle false 0 424 411 69 20 460 421 1 1 {0} 1 Resulting nurbs curve 0c295e01-66fe-449e-9af2-0b9d9d6e8512 Curve Curve false 0 523 351 41 26 545 364.3333 Curve length 105526ea-c304-496b-92a9-4ee1aec6001f Length Length false 0 523 377 41 27 545 391 Curve domain 3b776297-c6b5-4415-acf0-e1b7e0c80b2c Domain Domain false 0 523 404 41 27 545 417.6667 a9a8ebd2-fff5-4c44-a8f5-739736d129ba C# Script A C#.NET scriptable component 25 71 true 307a3008-d0eb-48f8-8bc5-a8179b0487c3 C# Script C# true 0 double tmin = double.MaxValue; double tmax = double.MinValue; double t0 = 0, t1 = 0; int samples = C.SpanCount * 100; for (int i = 0; i <= samples; i++) { double t = (double) i / samples; t = C.Domain.ParameterAt(t); Vector3d curvature = C.CurvatureAt(t); double length = curvature.Length; if (length < tmin) { tmin = length; t0 = t; } if (length > tmax) { tmax = length; t1 = t; } } Cmin = t0; Cmax = t1; Pmin = C.PointAt(t0); Pmax = C.PointAt(t1); 1337 150 81 104 1368 202 1 84fa917c-1ed8-4db3-8be1-7bdc4a6495a2 5 3ede854e-c753-40eb-84cb-b48008f14fd4 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 true Script Variable C 5696621e-6129-4de0-bd38-67c95409df90 C C true 0 true 72f4bbf8-40cf-4593-b5fb-73aef3040ab9 1 9ba89ec2-5315-435f-a621-b66c5fa2f301 1339 152 14 100 1347.5 202 1 Print, Reflect and Error streams d2034258-526f-4199-ac49-afc3680791ab out out false 0 1383 152 33 20 1401 162 Output parameter Cmax 216f2286-f475-4f6f-8c92-561e53dbcf9e Cmax Cmax false 0 1383 172 33 20 1401 182 Output parameter Cmin 07e23eae-b69e-45fd-9ed2-83500cdf264c Cmin Cmin false 0 1383 192 33 20 1401 202 Output parameter Pmax e10abfca-969d-49f6-a18b-63802bb76dca Pmax Pmax false 0 1383 212 33 20 1401 222 Output parameter Pmin 2086e6ed-6194-4715-87e7-e1d8be4e9f64 Pmin Pmin false 0 1383 232 33 20 1401 242 fc6979e4-7e91-4508-8e05-37c680779751 Evaluate Curve Evaluate a curve at the specified parameter. true d96ef4c6-3612-4914-9913-bd2543f0f42b true Evaluate Curve Eval 1501 150 62 64 1532 182 Curve to evaluate 43d09136-9531-4e56-bc30-b9e1882da69e true Curve C false 72f4bbf8-40cf-4593-b5fb-73aef3040ab9 1 1503 152 14 30 1511.5 167 Parameter on curve domain to evaluate 49f93ab9-8c45-4293-af9b-0a1a3c95d073 true Parameter t false 216f2286-f475-4f6f-8c92-561e53dbcf9e 1 1503 182 14 30 1511.5 197 Point on the curve at {t} 113d565f-f40c-417e-99dd-74115612c240 true Point P false 0 1547 152 14 20 1555.5 162 Tangent vector at {t} 883032ad-26d1-4feb-898f-5b19a88d0738 true Tangent T false 0 1547 172 14 20 1555.5 182 Angle (in Radians) of incoming vs. outgoing curve at {t} 21a8576d-e67e-4cd1-8d4b-cddb4eda1b96 true Angle A false 0 1547 192 14 20 1555.5 202 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve Divide a curve into equal length segments true d7ed8699-12ed-4c2a-a1bd-856d51509e55 Divide Curve Divide Curve 1058 126 125 64 1108 158 Curve to divide 0a526cc9-c7ad-4a65-a326-f7f54d35e1d9 Curve Curve false 72f4bbf8-40cf-4593-b5fb-73aef3040ab9 1 1060 128 33 20 1078 138 Number of segments 46fd2fee-f99b-4082-91c9-0bc2a5be63f1 Count Count false 031f4be9-2d7d-4915-8749-66e7348f5536 1 1060 148 33 20 1078 158 1 1 {0} 10 Split segments at kinks 298b467d-69d1-40aa-9b54-64c80cf9771d Kinks Kinks false 0 1060 168 33 20 1078 178 1 1 {0} false 1 Division points 4b786dab-3a00-46a0-a989-4405aece4ec5 Points Points false 0 1123 128 58 20 1153.5 138 1 Tangent vectors at division points 67cf9044-1ec1-4739-8175-486d3b312d95 Tangents Tangents false 0 1123 148 58 20 1153.5 158 1 Parameter values at division points aae8eba9-2722-4116-8982-d1c388596a7d Parameters Parameters false 0 1123 168 58 20 1153.5 178 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers b2548e22-2208-4e68-9368-00dca3bd2a11 Digit Scroller false 0 12 11 6.0 601 430 250 20 d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve Contains a collection of generic curves true 72f4bbf8-40cf-4593-b5fb-73aef3040ab9 Curve Curve false c0dde4d8-65b8-45d9-a1cd-77dcd82e6695 1 1087 294 50 24 1112 306.5511 1 1 {0;0;0} -1 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00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 71b5b089-500a-4ea6-81c5-2f960441a0e8 PolyLine Create a polyline connecting a number of points. true 534cf786-2fe0-4b74-8225-fbd8331733f7 PolyLine PolyLine 1053 50 118 44 1113 72 1 Polyline vertex points ed2ccd35-9d98-4644-8d04-aab1cae2ba50 Vertices Vertices false 4b786dab-3a00-46a0-a989-4405aece4ec5 1 1055 52 43 20 1078 62 Close polyline 525edad2-c215-4808-8437-fd300e2a06c6 Closed Closed false 0 1055 72 43 20 1078 82 1 1 {0} false Resulting polyline 47e107f0-96ad-4486-93c7-f0d9a61810ac Polyline Polyline false 0 1128 52 41 40 1150 72 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve Divide a curve into equal length segments true 43abedde-32f2-4fc1-a041-481c16b813ec Divide Curve Divide Curve 441 126 125 64 491 158 Curve to divide e9278153-c0e6-41e1-b04f-7656dd2baa37 Curve Curve false a5baca00-1c1f-41d3-ae0a-d4880ed46faa 1 443 128 33 20 461 138 Number of segments 1d62a554-c483-4cee-b76f-0d8e4eea79ff Count Count false 031f4be9-2d7d-4915-8749-66e7348f5536 1 443 148 33 20 461 158 1 1 {0} 10 Split segments at kinks 49a2eaf6-7dc1-4ece-ab43-e005a96d9ecc Kinks Kinks false 0 443 168 33 20 461 178 1 1 {0} false 1 Division points e1b56da6-c003-4651-a7c7-4c4f7c0e377e Points Points false 0 506 128 58 20 536.5 138 1 Tangent vectors at division points f6398f83-cd5c-4e1c-8e86-35771a4102e4 Tangents Tangents false 0 506 148 58 20 536.5 158 1 Parameter values at division points a245047d-a34d-4fd6-be32-318343e66b21 Parameters Parameters false 0 506 168 58 20 536.5 178 d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve Contains a collection of generic curves true a5baca00-1c1f-41d3-ae0a-d4880ed46faa Curve Curve false 0c295e01-66fe-449e-9af2-0b9d9d6e8512 1 470 295 50 24 495.1106 307.1318 1 1 {0;0;0} -1 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 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 71b5b089-500a-4ea6-81c5-2f960441a0e8 PolyLine Create a polyline connecting a number of points. true 58986205-1a5e-497e-9759-092e2b27c8ac PolyLine PolyLine 436 50 118 44 496 72 1 Polyline vertex points aac760fb-34db-4c20-8e74-f6c038eb23d7 Vertices Vertices false e1b56da6-c003-4651-a7c7-4c4f7c0e377e 1 438 52 43 20 461 62 Close polyline 6f627081-2538-4e3e-ab15-ec099704e01a Closed Closed false 0 438 72 43 20 461 82 1 1 {0} false Resulting polyline ce462eeb-e708-4f5d-b36b-77cdcd328ecb Polyline Polyline false 0 511 52 41 40 533 72 aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature Evaluate the curvature of a curve at a specified parameter. true 5f3209d8-c19c-44e7-a129-628e2dae189e Curvature Curvature 1298 62 137 64 1368 94 Curve to evaluate 914fa2ae-b5ef-4bd8-8fac-bba4e42acec6 Curve Curve false 72f4bbf8-40cf-4593-b5fb-73aef3040ab9 1 1300 64 53 30 1328 79 Parameter on curve domain to evaluate 897f8851-f559-4204-bc67-038195c92867 Parameter Parameter false 216f2286-f475-4f6f-8c92-561e53dbcf9e 1 1300 94 53 30 1328 109 Point on curve at {t} f2ba51cf-4352-414c-b20e-1954fa145ab3 Point Point false 0 1383 64 50 20 1409.5 74 Curvature vector at {t} 8b4c2989-cffe-4db0-890d-ca22161472ee Curvature Curvature false 0 1383 84 50 20 1409.5 94 Curvature circle at {t} d932d379-72ee-4775-9d8c-43a495caf408 Curvature Curvature false 0 1383 104 50 20 1409.5 114 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc Retrieve the base plane, radius and angle domain of an arc. true 6407c59d-7814-4600-8144-7e162e7335e1 Deconstruct Arc Deconstruct Arc 1298 -111 114 64 1338 -79 Arc or Circle to deconstruct f193a787-e474-4614-9eb6-71c56f076356 Arc Arc false d932d379-72ee-4775-9d8c-43a495caf408 1 1300 -109 23 60 1313 -79 Base plane of arc or circle d8c5ac50-73af-41c6-b148-ee1961f714be Base Plane Base Plane false 0 1353 -109 57 20 1383 -99 Radius of arc or circle 7c82ee6e-d50b-447f-a0f7-cfe492b31287 Radius Radius false 0 1353 -89 57 20 1383 -79 Angle domain (in radians) of arc d2363410-bee4-41c2-80e5-609722ee0cbb Angle Angle false 0 1353 -69 57 20 1383 -59 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. true 7efae310-a201-4e9b-a0fb-46e59a2ac2d7 Evaluate Length Evaluate Length 290 229 144 64 364 261 Curve to evaluate 51c4be98-433a-4348-87c0-b70e85aa7a78 Curve Curve false a5baca00-1c1f-41d3-ae0a-d4880ed46faa 1 292 231 57 20 322 241 Length factor for curve evaluation 92f770c0-fb8a-492d-b706-3ea39e3071d5 Length Length false 0 292 251 57 20 322 261 1 1 {0} 1 If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) 9b192bac-7c5f-4c2c-ad6f-cf0fb3cddf1a Normalized Normalized false 0 292 271 57 20 322 281 1 1 {0} true Point at the specified length 828610f1-4157-48bc-85cc-ea524bfdc957 Point Point false 0 379 231 53 20 407 241 Tangent vector at the specified length 8112f2f0-e777-4d63-a780-29bf40e49b72 Tangent Tangent false 0 379 251 53 20 407 261 Curve parameter at the specified length 61f700b2-d5d6-4619-9473-3f0660ec86dd Parameter Parameter false 0 379 271 53 20 407 281 f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror Mirror an object. true 337ab94e-79d1-4c56-9ea2-5f80e17d8d0f Mirror Mirror 701 -164 138 44 769 -142 Base geometry 524b7721-f3a0-48c4-806e-cea4fad394d1 Geometry Geometry true d1a1e0fa-9308-4f0a-b865-690966394002 1 703 -162 51 20 730 -152 Mirror plane 03c729ce-7826-4ff3-b3ff-0ad57404728c Plane Plane false dbd2e451-74f1-4cee-be43-58d4045f3ce3 1 703 -142 51 20 730 -132 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Mirrored geometry 19192c6f-aabc-4035-9a28-cba6e51cb36c Geometry Geometry false 0 784 -162 53 20 812 -152 Transformation data f9005f50-3f55-43c1-aea5-44280cbf13d4 Transform Transform false 0 784 -142 53 20 812 -132 fad344bc-09b1-4855-a2e6-437ef5715fe3 YZ Plane World YZ plane. true 7d0d1464-a206-43a7-890a-3c36187df23b YZ Plane YZ Plane 277 162 98 28 327 176 Origin of plane 4afbefc8-43fa-4833-9a35-262aad1b6fb8 Origin Origin false 828610f1-4157-48bc-85cc-ea524bfdc957 1 279 164 33 24 297 176 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 World YZ plane dbd2e451-74f1-4cee-be43-58d4045f3ce3 Plane Plane false 0 342 164 31 24 359 176 3cadddef-1e2b-4c09-9390-0e8f78f7609f Merge Merge a bunch of data streams true 4fc13641-9d99-4da4-af01-3462d402ad35 Merge Merge 733 -14 87 64 769 18 3 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2 Data stream 1 92330fd7-064e-4e7f-9b0d-d4ee5b84d7ec false Data 1 D1 true 47e107f0-96ad-4486-93c7-f0d9a61810ac 1 735 -12 19 20 746 -2 2 Data stream 2 b37bee96-6375-4835-87bb-8f015112ec7a false Data 2 D2 true ce462eeb-e708-4f5d-b36b-77cdcd328ecb 1 735 8 19 20 746 18 2 Data stream 3 9124f949-c8a7-4c2a-a632-90b67c2142ae false Data 3 D3 true 0 735 28 19 20 746 38 2 Result of merge d1a1e0fa-9308-4f0a-b865-690966394002 Result Result false 0 784 -12 34 60 802.5 18 3cadddef-1e2b-4c09-9390-0e8f78f7609f Merge Merge a bunch of data streams true d490e63f-79ab-4010-929e-3da2d2162045 Merge Merge 733 -240 87 64 769 -208 3 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2 Data stream 1 c79ee2e9-2c65-4990-9df6-f3d1250af4a9 false Data 1 D1 true d1a1e0fa-9308-4f0a-b865-690966394002 1 735 -238 19 20 746 -228 2 Data stream 2 c7581ce1-e585-4d9a-835c-5bbe76652b96 false Data 2 D2 true 19192c6f-aabc-4035-9a28-cba6e51cb36c 1 735 -218 19 20 746 -208 2 Data stream 3 545db774-23fc-4334-83e3-270f069f5210 false Data 3 D3 true 0 735 -198 19 20 746 -188 2 Result of merge 3b728d00-2e83-4460-b67e-6b97698a47e4 Result Result false 0 784 -238 34 60 802.5 -208 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves Join as many curves as possible true 67c28e71-14f8-4d18-b83a-975dff4ffed6 Join Curves Join Curves 726 -348 118 44 789 -326 1 Curves to join a286d688-a48b-4894-a0ca-743aa999135c Curves Curves false 3b728d00-2e83-4460-b67e-6b97698a47e4 1 728 -346 46 20 752.5 -336 Preserve direction of input curves 2cf1bdbf-8353-4b7b-b773-b32f0582c5fb Preserve Preserve false 0 728 -326 46 20 752.5 -316 1 1 {0} false 1 Joined curves and individual curves that could not be joined. 8f7d494a-048e-493c-a62f-4d814df1022c Curves Curves false 0 804 -346 38 40 824.5 -326 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line Create a line between two points. true ad60007a-3068-4092-ba70-dae2d3e921e7 Line Line 382 -425 114 44 454 -403 Line start point dbd3dfaa-53d1-492b-a68a-caf06486851e Start Point Start Point false 0 384 -423 55 20 413 -413 1 1 {0} 1 0 0 Line end point 20bf6883-d99b-4984-99cb-55e0101f8e65 End Point End Point false 0 384 -403 55 20 413 -393 1 1 {0} 1 1 0 Line segment 70cb6970-1e8f-41a5-92f3-0d3cad97ec66 Line Line false 0 469 -423 25 40 483 -403 cdee962f-4202-456b-a1b4-f3ed9aa0dc29 Revolution Create a surface of revolution. true 0434daae-bf42-48ba-9796-fc5669b54e1f Revolution Revolution 733 -445 116 64 791 -413 Profile curve c94eb891-9b59-4858-9d12-7f8872073129 Curve Curve false 8f7d494a-048e-493c-a62f-4d814df1022c 1 735 -443 41 20 757 -433 Revolution axis e42d4067-ebbb-458b-ac9f-6bbcab7370ae Axis Axis false dd6e4f7a-214e-4b55-a1fc-153bfe2cdd86 1 735 -423 41 20 757 -413 Angle domain (in radians) 74470e76-12bb-482d-b7b6-00e434c1b236 Domain Domain false e54be132-55a4-44fb-8370-301b778e1bbe 1 735 -403 41 20 757 -393 1 1 {0} 0 0.785398163397448 Brep representing the revolution result. 67a108cc-afe3-41cd-8dde-aeea04b7a1ca Surface Surface false 0 806 -443 41 60 828 -413 c3f9cea5-6fd4-4db5-959b-08cd08ed9fe1 Simple Mesh Create a mesh that represents a Brep as simply as possible true f9cec739-2fdb-40cd-94be-7fcac18c939c Simple Mesh Simple Mesh 741 -493 93 28 786 -479 Brep to mesh, only breps with triangle or quad faces are supported. b4938bb0-77f1-4029-b409-3d8c77a44846 Brep Brep false 67a108cc-afe3-41cd-8dde-aeea04b7a1ca 1 743 -491 28 24 758.5 -479 Mesh 61855b17-4d62-4e48-ae07-c5906f8125bc Mesh Mesh false 0 801 -491 31 24 818 -479 95992b33-89e1-4d36-bd35-2754a11af21e Consecutive Domains Create consecutive domains from a list of numbers true 70dac276-5c91-4d81-8af8-650a5b69d279 Consecutive Domains Consecutive Domains 525 -348 127 44 589 -326 1 Numbers for consecutive domains db15ace2-296c-4a23-865f-074280e60bc9 Numbers Numbers false 1b33aab9-8e73-400f-860d-ee47e7773c5d 1 527 -346 47 20 552 -336 1 5 {0} 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 If True, values are added to a sum-total a5cfc64b-2915-466c-9a4a-79a9fec059b2 Additive Additive false 0 527 -326 47 20 552 -316 1 1 {0} false 1 Domains describing the spaces between the numbers e54be132-55a4-44fb-8370-301b778e1bbe Domains Domains false 0 604 -346 46 40 628.5 -326 9445ca40-cc73-4861-a455-146308676855 Range Create a range of numbers. true 7a784e8b-51f2-460a-ae6e-3ec8f8f12bd1 Range Range 310 -269 126 44 384 -247 Domain of numeric range eeb27ad4-1c5c-4b74-94db-35d5d284ec32 Domain Domain false 0 312 -267 57 20 350 -257 1 1 {0} 0.75 1 Number of steps 4fed0b13-1ef9-4553-a792-ca9f1f1cb7cb X/4 Steps Steps false d9e37f64-e684-4e4b-b465-14d8fcc28b1b 1 312 -247 57 20 350 -237 1 1 {0} 4 1 Range of numbers f6b9c8fb-6494-4ad7-8774-df8dd8064049 Range Range false 0 399 -267 35 40 418 -247 ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication Mathematical multiplication true 642e36a6-db4c-4d52-a117-225f07c6ec60 Multiplication Multiplication 388 -342 82 44 419 -320 2 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 First item for multiplication f8f4db8f-ff4d-4563-8735-0b8c93d86bb9 A A true f6b9c8fb-6494-4ad7-8774-df8dd8064049 1 390 -340 14 20 398.5 -330 Second item for multiplication b605d3c0-e421-428f-b4a4-d5dafa6311f4 B B true 0 390 -320 14 20 398.5 -310 1 1 {0} Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Number 6.2831853071795862 Result of multiplication 1b33aab9-8e73-400f-860d-ee47e7773c5d Result Result false 0 434 -340 34 40 452.5 -320 ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication Mathematical multiplication true 2ca68c5d-3d22-42d3-9517-3a6d4d195e2c Multiplication Multiplication 820 85 82 44 851 107 2 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 First item for multiplication 2bedbc2d-fc89-4fc7-bfe5-02d403418e31 A A true 7df07b87-82ec-44cd-a25d-2dda674823e8 1 822 87 14 20 830.5 97 Second item for multiplication 4e17d673-8dd8-409e-accc-8651ede918e0 B B true 2c8e632c-bfbf-4875-8f28-60732f64e444 1 822 107 14 20 830.5 117 1 1 {0} Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Number 0.125 Result of multiplication d9e37f64-e684-4e4b-b465-14d8fcc28b1b Result Result false 0 866 87 34 40 884.5 107 78fed580-851b-46fe-af2f-6519a9d378e0 Power Raise a value to a power. true 260ac3aa-218a-4cb3-9f75-35972e5f7d08 Power Power 645 349 82 44 676 371 The item to be raised 5def3665-3def-472f-8885-9fb5a1ff566d A A false 0 647 351 14 20 655.5 361 1 1 {0} Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Integer 2 The exponent 9b6b0cc0-39db-43a9-8f70-9ef04da3e70f B B false b2548e22-2208-4e68-9368-00dca3bd2a11 1 647 371 14 20 655.5 381 A raised to the B power 1146ed4a-a616-4d01-879a-cd10c84898c7 Result Result false 0 691 351 34 40 709.5 371 f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror Mirror an object. true 29b7bb84-02d5-48c0-a5c9-a7538c7c2613 Mirror Mirror 958 -392 138 44 1026 -370 Base geometry 81431df4-ad9f-4bf9-8140-f7b4d0bb831f Geometry Geometry true 8f7d494a-048e-493c-a62f-4d814df1022c 1 960 -390 51 20 987 -380 Mirror plane 41bdf1e1-ec5e-4d44-b84e-42a7b6843d51 Plane Plane false f3cf37f3-c7f8-4332-97ad-295f26c13b60 1 960 -370 51 20 987 -360 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Mirrored geometry ca9699e1-7a8f-487a-be8b-f501969fda05 Geometry Geometry false 0 1041 -390 53 20 1069 -380 Transformation data ff850f65-7bbd-4f9e-80fe-08c8baa624e7 Transform Transform false 0 1041 -370 53 20 1069 -360 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. true 873a4447-bbcc-4928-b0c9-ee508015bf95 Evaluate Length Evaluate Length 966 -208 144 64 1040 -176 Curve to evaluate 3e21976e-1238-4d95-92d4-e13ef4e17d00 Curve Curve false 0 968 -206 57 20 998 -196 1 1 {0;0;0;0;0} -1 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 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Length factor for curve evaluation c119f7f1-18ff-4404-996c-d49067c6d698 Length Length false 0 968 -186 57 20 998 -176 1 1 {0} 0 If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) cb621f5f-69e7-43b7-81b3-899e073a21c4 Normalized Normalized false 0 968 -166 57 20 998 -156 1 1 {0} true Point at the specified length b411ece6-aafe-4bde-bf1b-fb6207fb0ec7 Point Point false 0 1055 -206 53 20 1083 -196 Tangent vector at the specified length b9a34c1e-904b-483c-8662-70170f847986 Tangent Tangent false 0 1055 -186 53 20 1083 -176 Curve parameter at the specified length 4416a8ab-6c41-4e9f-bd65-1281628b88a2 Parameter Parameter false 0 1055 -166 53 20 1083 -156 fad344bc-09b1-4855-a2e6-437ef5715fe3 YZ Plane World YZ plane. true 6fb6c238-88ef-48cf-9ac1-16cc4f3ef8d7 YZ Plane YZ Plane 990 -327 98 28 1040 -313 Origin of plane 282d3446-20c9-45c4-8eee-5219b6338cec Origin Origin false b411ece6-aafe-4bde-bf1b-fb6207fb0ec7 1 992 -325 33 24 1010 -313 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 World YZ plane f3cf37f3-c7f8-4332-97ad-295f26c13b60 Plane Plane false 0 1055 -325 31 24 1072 -313 3cadddef-1e2b-4c09-9390-0e8f78f7609f Merge Merge a bunch of data streams true c3ea09b6-0e62-45e5-b0e3-b66232af2dd1 Merge Merge 985 -445 87 64 1021 -413 3 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2 Data stream 1 48879655-27c7-4579-894c-87a87c75e408 false Data 1 D1 true 8f7d494a-048e-493c-a62f-4d814df1022c 1 987 -443 19 20 998 -433 2 Data stream 2 68333e5f-e328-41ab-a8b4-11e43fe70eb4 false Data 2 D2 true ca9699e1-7a8f-487a-be8b-f501969fda05 1 987 -423 19 20 998 -413 2 Data stream 3 3d879756-26e0-4a6b-a96e-99a8e9e67636 false Data 3 D3 true 0 987 -403 19 20 998 -393 2 Result of merge c4aef289-e526-4078-81ad-813a804fe673 Result Result false 0 1036 -443 34 60 1054.5 -413 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves Join as many curves as possible true 10d4762c-8fe7-4d2e-8f83-a660a4908d8e Join Curves Join Curves 981 -493 118 44 1044 -471 1 Curves to join f912df58-a154-49ae-bfc2-dd6672390fe6 Curves Curves false c4aef289-e526-4078-81ad-813a804fe673 1 983 -491 46 20 1007.5 -481 Preserve direction of input curves 4fc60700-7e87-4a11-af19-6b40ec219c93 Preserve Preserve false 0 983 -471 46 20 1007.5 -461 1 1 {0} false 1 Joined curves and individual curves that could not be joined. 08f23692-7898-43b3-b8df-1bba6943441f Curves Curves false 0 1059 -491 38 40 1079.5 -471 b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate Rotate an object in a plane. true ead0bd98-7748-48d8-9dd7-4b7937283cb7 Rotate Rotate 958 -565 138 64 1026 -533 Base geometry 2eb28f6b-0666-4f88-857e-957f6c7f0da3 Geometry Geometry true 08f23692-7898-43b3-b8df-1bba6943441f 1 960 -563 51 20 987 -553 Rotation angle in radians 8cb3531e-96a3-4f7c-8f93-5002c5a6c6a8 Angle Angle false 0 false 960 -543 51 20 987 -533 1 1 {0} -1.5707963267948966 Rotation plane 3c24dd89-4fac-471e-ac3b-f0a4eddab979 Plane Plane false f3cf37f3-c7f8-4332-97ad-295f26c13b60 1 960 -523 51 20 987 -513 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Rotated geometry bdab871d-3787-4419-8c12-f944565fd6e3 Geometry Geometry false 0 1041 -563 53 30 1069 -548 Transformation data 43f2f13c-be8a-49ff-9546-f214e94aac15 Transform Transform false 0 1041 -533 53 30 1069 -518 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box Solve oriented geometry bounding boxes. true 2684c961-d7f9-44dc-a058-bc5a30182f75 Bounding Box Bounding Box true 981 -716 100 44 1040 -694 1 Geometry to contain 10065b4a-d29f-4e51-aa60-aada4c36e35b Content Content false bdab871d-3787-4419-8c12-f944565fd6e3 1 983 -714 42 20 1005.5 -704 BoundingBox orientation plane true 073c63b0-5793-4531-a9a5-deb6442232b4 Plane Plane false 0 983 -694 42 20 1005.5 -684 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Aligned bounding box in world coordinates 97200bc8-0e8a-4062-8e4c-8710884813e1 Box Box false 0 1055 -714 24 20 1068.5 -704 Bounding box in orientation plane coordinates true ede5d018-a0ed-4c9e-9417-d11c58381f94 Box Box false 0 1055 -694 24 20 1068.5 -684 db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box Deconstruct a box into its constituent parts. true 3dfda07a-7a45-4c87-a17f-40b09b53c0c0 Deconstruct Box Deconstruct Box 985 -800 89 84 1026 -758 Base box e03ae479-d9b5-4bc1-b23d-126366dc3d0d Box Box false 97200bc8-0e8a-4062-8e4c-8710884813e1 1 987 -798 24 80 1000.5 -758 Box plane 65bdb9cc-7791-441a-afdb-4431a8ecd8b1 Plane Plane false 0 1041 -798 31 20 1058 -788 {x} dimension of box a74e7a43-5a39-4483-be02-288a025ab545 X X false 0 1041 -778 31 20 1058 -768 {y} dimension of box c1a34448-119b-4d2f-974f-e4593b775f60 Y Y false 0 1041 -758 31 20 1058 -748 {z} dimension of box e11f93f0-ee5a-4d11-8f5c-7ad0ee32bf0a Z Z false 0 1041 -738 31 20 1058 -728 e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. true d21871b7-8fc5-4a63-b8ab-41836b9ca7a8 Move Move 539 -425 138 44 607 -403 Base geometry 70dd3e59-ac15-4f55-ae8e-f7f176b672bd Geometry Geometry true 70cb6970-1e8f-41a5-92f3-0d3cad97ec66 1 541 -423 51 20 568 -413 Translation vector 2162c793-bfc5-4606-b021-9420c2c7e67c Motion Motion false 0 541 -403 51 20 568 -393 1 1 {0} -1 0 0 Translated geometry dd6e4f7a-214e-4b55-a1fc-153bfe2cdd86 Geometry Geometry false 0 622 -423 53 20 650 -413 Transformation data 34f1ea99-493a-4f78-8d25-9ab4873303a2 Transform Transform false 0 622 -403 53 20 650 -393 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. true a35c3229-c389-41aa-8e6a-8259772f8f92 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct Domain 982 -844 104 44 1040 -822 Base domain c3a564d7-30ee-4194-95ed-2a33eee939a7 Domain Domain false a74e7a43-5a39-4483-be02-288a025ab545 1 984 -842 41 40 1006 -822 Start of domain 0648390a-89bb-426c-9129-b29c4eed9c0d Start Start false 0 1055 -842 29 20 1071 -832 End of domain 53e1ab5e-1f87-4f2e-aae8-54ec1f1eb6fc End End false 0 1055 -822 29 20 1071 -812 56b92eab-d121-43f7-94d3-6cd8f0ddead8 Vector XYZ Create a vector from {xyz} components. true c6ba886d-243d-4b55-b890-0cb605272014 Vector XYZ Vector XYZ 1141 -1666 155 64 1242 -1634 Vector {x} component 1c4b1431-ba1b-407b-a6a9-f32e74785e88 X component X component false 0 1143 -1664 84 20 1194.5 -1654 1 1 {0} 0 Vector {y} component 2a6f607c-6d8d-41e1-bfde-e5862bf1dedd Y component Y component false 0 1143 -1644 84 20 1194.5 -1634 1 1 {0} 0 Vector {z} component ab58e373-9ec8-41ca-94fc-9b68e0c1c25e X-1 Z component Z component false c5761c5f-9b91-4774-8696-88335c20addb 1 1143 -1624 84 20 1194.5 -1614 1 1 {0} 0 Vector construct accd8e85-fa81-45a7-8df3-a1f9648a0ce9 Vector Vector false 0 1257 -1664 37 30 1277 -1649 Vector length de5084ac-ac6e-4db2-9e8e-6b2d18149f8b Length Length false 0 1257 -1634 37 30 1277 -1619 e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. true d7ba2220-3277-43c0-9b63-ee28b49341a2 Move Move 1169 -1152 138 44 1237 -1130 Base geometry 8e7a3c75-1689-4e5e-ac64-6f7bbc9476c4 Geometry Geometry true 6d2e81ce-4fbd-40c9-8bd0-7a9933213209 1 1171 -1150 51 20 1198 -1140 Translation vector 31c99959-d905-4d1a-8243-5b0d2fe0aa0f Motion Motion false accd8e85-fa81-45a7-8df3-a1f9648a0ce9 1 1171 -1130 51 20 1198 -1120 1 1 {0} 0 0 10 Translated geometry 04cfa955-0284-4d8a-90c9-81fc5f9eb799 Geometry Geometry false 0 1252 -1150 53 20 1280 -1140 Transformation data 555f9124-49a7-45f1-aa70-e3cea9ccc830 Transform Transform false 0 1252 -1130 53 20 1280 -1120 c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects ead0bd98-7748-48d8-9dd7-4b7937283cb7 1 be733a73-7e59-4646-b8ab-1ac6032dd6ea Group b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate Rotate an object in a plane. true 48622e9c-4cfb-4b03-bbbe-c60a81adac3a Rotate Rotate 1153 -481 138 64 1221 -449 Base geometry 725f900c-3e33-4c55-a6c6-3eba8dd297e4 Geometry Geometry true bdab871d-3787-4419-8c12-f944565fd6e3 1 1155 -479 51 20 1182 -469 Rotation angle in radians 5edd6780-a61f-44a2-b0d1-87845a7ac3d4 Angle Angle false 0 false 1155 -459 51 20 1182 -449 1 1 {0} -1.5707963267948966 Rotation plane 088eea6f-d8c4-4898-bc35-9d7482868d99 Plane Plane false e6705311-fabc-4e02-9412-7eeb3a0596f4 1 1155 -439 51 20 1182 -429 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Rotated geometry bca24139-6f31-4420-8e40-67e724cc8f7c Geometry Geometry false 0 1236 -479 53 30 1264 -464 Transformation data 03dc7f38-8c89-403c-94d3-28a600974226 Transform Transform false 0 1236 -449 53 30 1264 -434 8cc3a196-f6a0-49ea-9ed9-0cb343a3ae64 XZ Plane World XZ plane. true f8039ae6-7e33-4fd2-8eb2-c89030d8fada XZ Plane XZ Plane 1183 -409 98 28 1233 -395 Origin of plane 49d86ea5-ec1e-4277-b4f7-bc790d2dda55 Origin Origin false b411ece6-aafe-4bde-bf1b-fb6207fb0ec7 1 1185 -407 33 24 1203 -395 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 World XZ plane e6705311-fabc-4e02-9412-7eeb3a0596f4 Plane Plane false 0 1248 -407 31 24 1265 -395 b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate Rotate an object in a plane. true 7fb1ba45-2517-4f5b-8523-65b40f552499 Rotate Rotate 1153 -590 138 64 1221 -558 Base geometry 65a5e828-8351-48f7-9288-ae3396ca93b3 Geometry Geometry true bca24139-6f31-4420-8e40-67e724cc8f7c 1 1155 -588 51 20 1182 -578 Rotation angle in radians 39da81fd-a3a4-4ca1-9658-417f929fd295 Angle Angle false 0 false 1155 -568 51 20 1182 -558 1 1 {0} -1.5707963267948966 Rotation plane 09109f2d-a415-432c-af61-411fc0d2802d Plane Plane false 1194d39b-0649-4d0c-aacb-b7f28b2fe927 1 1155 -548 51 20 1182 -538 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Rotated geometry 008dccaa-fcbd-410e-9ea0-bc3ee54a3a3e Geometry Geometry false 0 1236 -588 53 30 1264 -573 Transformation data 01d9ddcb-a7c5-43da-b5aa-728c21a9400e Transform Transform false 0 1236 -558 53 30 1264 -543 17b7152b-d30d-4d50-b9ef-c9fe25576fc2 XY Plane World XY plane. true 0e559d0f-9bd1-4b3e-967c-2218d19ee3ca XY Plane XY Plane 1183 -526 98 28 1233 -512 Origin of plane ea1eef33-2075-4aea-8b85-ad72ea437810 Origin Origin false b411ece6-aafe-4bde-bf1b-fb6207fb0ec7 1 1185 -524 33 24 1203 -512 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 World XY plane 1194d39b-0649-4d0c-aacb-b7f28b2fe927 Plane Plane false 0 1248 -524 31 24 1265 -512 934ede4a-924a-4973-bb05-0dc4b36fae75 Vector 2Pt Create a vector between two points. true b76104b5-47cc-4f34-a0bc-c89398ea5dde Vector 2Pt Vector 2Pt 1396 -498 112 64 1454 -466 Base point 83e38bc2-9e24-41ac-a6b7-105094ce9afd Point A Point A false b411ece6-aafe-4bde-bf1b-fb6207fb0ec7 1 1398 -496 41 20 1420 -486 Tip point f2792417-d0e5-461b-94bd-0045528e18a3 Point B Point B false 64ff2503-8786-40aa-b8d3-decce1cbec6a 1 1398 -476 41 20 1420 -466 Unitize output dcfa8a77-4101-48f0-a494-c80694040340 Unitize Unitize false 0 1398 -456 41 20 1420 -446 1 1 {0} false Vector 698703ba-040a-4f43-96e2-1b5b43590506 Vector Vector false 0 1469 -496 37 30 1489 -481 Vector length de48d638-b16e-4d33-b2a9-2965903c8753 Length Length false 0 1469 -466 37 30 1489 -451 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. true 2fc31c85-0246-439f-a40f-3831b272410f Evaluate Length Evaluate Length 714 -1403 144 64 788 -1371 Curve to evaluate cdb6bf3f-36cc-4d0b-b899-e82dcf1f5163 Curve Curve false 8f7d494a-048e-493c-a62f-4d814df1022c 1 716 -1401 57 20 746 -1391 Length factor for curve evaluation b1af7eb8-21bb-4ee0-b5a1-a7c8ad97dd0d Length Length false 0 716 -1381 57 20 746 -1371 1 1 {0} 0 If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) 5f2d59ae-2251-4fc8-bcf3-7ce3c70367a3 Normalized Normalized false 0 716 -1361 57 20 746 -1351 1 1 {0} true Point at the specified length 64ff2503-8786-40aa-b8d3-decce1cbec6a Point Point false 0 803 -1401 53 20 831 -1391 Tangent vector at the specified length 29ae3431-b13e-4d81-937e-cf9305d85302 Tangent Tangent false 0 803 -1381 53 20 831 -1371 Curve parameter at the specified length c318f93f-40da-46ff-b3e0-cbb31efcd7e2 Parameter Parameter false 0 803 -1361 53 20 831 -1351 e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. true af2b23f7-93a3-40b3-b602-d38dd9c653a2 Move Move 1143 -746 138 44 1211 -724 Base geometry 4e715024-6342-4a9e-8565-6d5f599fe886 Geometry Geometry true 008dccaa-fcbd-410e-9ea0-bc3ee54a3a3e 1 1145 -744 51 20 1172 -734 Translation vector 5dbe4c2d-b3ea-43cd-aa14-316017f62469 Motion Motion false 698703ba-040a-4f43-96e2-1b5b43590506 1 1145 -724 51 20 1172 -714 1 1 {0} 0 0 10 Translated geometry 6f2f0543-2074-452e-82bf-46778b0565bf Geometry Geometry false 0 1226 -744 53 20 1254 -734 Transformation data c9ee1439-583f-4a69-82c0-2cd4bd7b598a Transform Transform false 0 1226 -724 53 20 1254 -714 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 Scale Scale an object uniformly in all directions. true abb5d972-a684-43a1-b017-465aa3049bd6 Scale Scale 1081 -914 138 64 1149 -882 Base geometry 3e84dc97-c7e1-40ec-a595-fce91e57777f Geometry Geometry true 6f2f0543-2074-452e-82bf-46778b0565bf 1 1083 -912 51 20 1110 -902 Center of scaling f7bb2c78-6d99-494b-b8e7-b0d04779f7fd Center Center false 64ff2503-8786-40aa-b8d3-decce1cbec6a 1 1083 -892 51 20 1110 -882 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 Scaling factor b1149903-b485-4590-90d2-0fd47fad66d6 Factor Factor false 7bc17849-d788-4b7e-a691-0a96078f6805 1 1083 -872 51 20 1110 -862 1 1 {0} 0.5 Scaled geometry a3243e93-47f4-44f2-a9da-94350563d698 Geometry Geometry false 0 1164 -912 53 30 1192 -897 Transformation data 355840b7-8a36-4c8f-b284-bddbf7880af1 Transform Transform false 0 1164 -882 53 30 1192 -867 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division Mathematical division true 6fa4869d-ab18-4d3b-a88c-527a2cd58584 Division Division 1169 -836 82 44 1200 -814 Item to divide (dividend) 6d3a19b5-d52e-4622-9fc7-225508c410c3 A A false 7c82ee6e-d50b-447f-a0f7-cfe492b31287 1 1171 -834 14 20 1179.5 -824 Item to divide with (divisor) 658770a5-f229-43b9-a594-d97c688ad6af B B false 53e1ab5e-1f87-4f2e-aae8-54ec1f1eb6fc 1 1171 -814 14 20 1179.5 -804 The result of the Division 7bc17849-d788-4b7e-a691-0a96078f6805 Result Result false 0 1215 -834 34 40 1233.5 -814 bb6666e7-d0f4-41ec-a257-df2371619f13 Sweep1 Create a sweep surface with one rail curve. true 691bf597-a12f-4ef9-8cde-5a5df0ee8480 Sweep1 Sweep1 1184 -1022 107 64 1246 -990 Rail curve f85c2383-b217-4405-a9f1-5f35ae9402cf Rail Rail false df9887e2-3319-42c7-97b5-44758e2ae784 1 1186 -1020 45 20 1210 -1010 1 Section curves d5830758-e5e0-4151-9651-2c3078c66f75 Sections Sections false a3243e93-47f4-44f2-a9da-94350563d698 1 1186 -1000 45 20 1210 -990 Kink miter type (0=None, 1=Trim, 2=Rotate) d47f82a0-d0d1-4328-b544-a3773d6a4d97 Miter Miter false 0 1186 -980 45 20 1210 -970 1 1 {0} 2 1 Resulting Brep 8d35c614-4879-419c-9488-1a16f55b4cd1 Brep Brep false 0 1261 -1020 28 60 1276.5 -990 c3f9cea5-6fd4-4db5-959b-08cd08ed9fe1 Simple Mesh Create a mesh that represents a Brep as simply as possible true 1fe9a402-dbde-4120-844e-327c723681c1 Simple Mesh Simple Mesh 1187 -1076 93 28 1232 -1062 Brep to mesh, only breps with triangle or quad faces are supported. d3cd76da-7cd4-4675-90d8-b2f2b20b3deb Brep Brep false 8d35c614-4879-419c-9488-1a16f55b4cd1 1 1189 -1074 28 24 1204.5 -1062 Mesh 6d2e81ce-4fbd-40c9-8bd0-7a9933213209 Mesh Mesh false 0 1247 -1074 31 24 1264 -1062 ccfd6ba8-ecb1-44df-a47e-08126a653c51 Curve Domain Measure and set the curve domain true be30cf01-176f-4829-9e79-0a04ce49e085 Curve Domain Curve Domain 1375 -909 116 44 1433 -887 Curve to measure/modify 961c8cd4-93be-4980-aa62-3f23c226374c Curve Curve false a3243e93-47f4-44f2-a9da-94350563d698 1 1377 -907 41 20 1399 -897 Optional domain, if omitted the curve will not be modified. 111ea0aa-910c-4538-a903-00014d739326 Domain Domain true 0 1377 -887 41 20 1399 -877 Curve with new domain. 6e139937-24a6-4335-a243-917b7eba47f0 Curve Curve false 0 1448 -907 41 20 1470 -897 Domain of original curve. 6d835271-450d-47c9-8f83-ca719f4be1f5 Domain Domain false 0 1448 -887 41 20 1470 -877 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. true af3678f3-8231-458a-b71b-8a32e0088c89 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct Domain 1387 -958 104 44 1445 -936 Base domain 2c55aec5-60cb-469b-bef1-e728c7e7a2ad Domain Domain false 6d835271-450d-47c9-8f83-ca719f4be1f5 1 1389 -956 41 40 1411 -936 Start of domain 65d67f3d-0368-4cf1-b05e-45028a138523 Start Start false 0 1460 -956 29 20 1476 -946 End of domain 8ab1fd11-968d-491c-8329-65304c22412c End End false 0 1460 -936 29 20 1476 -926 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division Mathematical division true c16d70e8-509f-436f-ba3d-94fc80d217c9 Division Division 1402 -1004 82 44 1433 -982 Item to divide (dividend) 918baabc-70bf-496a-a1dc-1bf4636f8253 A A false 8ab1fd11-968d-491c-8329-65304c22412c 1 1404 -1002 14 20 1412.5 -992 Item to divide with (divisor) d4bc63c9-c416-4dcc-b521-e7d0e26e0f6a B B false 0 1404 -982 14 20 1412.5 -972 1 1 {0} Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Integer 2 The result of the Division e6b15b61-c031-41cb-baa0-2ac26a407a67 Result Result false 0 1448 -1002 34 40 1466.5 -982 d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf Construct Domain Create a numeric domain from two numeric extremes. true dcbb7baf-fffe-4599-9417-ec85ab09a0c1 Construct Domain Construct Domain 1375 -1048 140 44 1457 -1026 Start value of numeric domain df8d38cb-426d-4cad-a8be-c459f02c769c Domain start Domain start false 65d67f3d-0368-4cf1-b05e-45028a138523 1 1377 -1046 65 20 1411 -1036 1 1 {0} 0 End value of numeric domain ef1c584b-0ff4-47ca-b507-2e46f58abbfc Domain end Domain end false e6b15b61-c031-41cb-baa0-2ac26a407a67 1 1377 -1026 65 20 1411 -1016 1 1 {0} 1 Numeric domain between {A} and {B} d2029a48-a3d5-4179-a879-cd0c21bee410 Domain Domain false 0 1472 -1046 41 40 1494 -1026 429cbba9-55ee-4e84-98ea-876c44db879a Sub Curve Construct a curve from the sub-domain of a base curve. true dd8782b6-2e45-41ec-9140-4c0ecc573d90 Sub Curve Sub Curve 1387 -1108 124 44 1461 -1086 Base curve ff0f95c9-9473-440a-a6c2-f24ffc1c3bbc Base curve Base curve false 6e139937-24a6-4335-a243-917b7eba47f0 1 1389 -1106 57 20 1419 -1096 Sub-domain to extract 991dd3bd-6f25-4b6f-83f9-2a1dde2fcc78 Domain Domain false d2029a48-a3d5-4179-a879-cd0c21bee410 1 1389 -1086 57 20 1419 -1076 Resulting sub curve be709d30-964e-43e7-8b57-247169e3b765 Curve Curve false 0 1476 -1106 33 40 1494 -1086 cdee962f-4202-456b-a1b4-f3ed9aa0dc29 Revolution Create a surface of revolution. true 1039b4e0-cadc-4629-ab9e-b8752914624c Revolution Revolution 1399 -1349 116 64 1457 -1317 Profile curve 15251c00-45d0-476d-a845-b7babe337e23 Curve Curve false be709d30-964e-43e7-8b57-247169e3b765 1 1401 -1347 41 20 1423 -1337 Revolution axis 6aaa48bf-7ea0-48c9-8557-e5ccb4cb260e Axis Axis false 925f814d-ed17-4561-bbef-547ce1769a46 1 1401 -1327 41 20 1423 -1317 Angle domain (in radians) 2308f01f-29d9-466a-82d2-10898bb6cddf Domain Domain false 4fb4ac88-1369-40c3-848d-eb5623a0580d 1 1401 -1307 41 20 1423 -1297 1 1 {0} 0 0.785398163397448 Brep representing the revolution result. 0aa3ef41-e7ee-4e03-9c02-bef69d564487 Surface Surface false 0 1472 -1347 41 60 1494 -1317 c3f9cea5-6fd4-4db5-959b-08cd08ed9fe1 Simple Mesh Create a mesh that represents a Brep as simply as possible true 004ef90e-3111-4f82-b54e-237c18c50e25 Simple Mesh Simple Mesh 1409 -1425 93 28 1454 -1411 Brep to mesh, only breps with triangle or quad faces are supported. aaeb3254-95fd-47ad-8383-6b4191d59d7c Brep Brep false 0aa3ef41-e7ee-4e03-9c02-bef69d564487 1 1411 -1423 28 24 1426.5 -1411 Mesh 91dff07e-ea00-48c4-8104-fc7c2bba02f9 Mesh Mesh false 0 1469 -1423 31 24 1486 -1411 95992b33-89e1-4d36-bd35-2754a11af21e Consecutive Domains Create consecutive domains from a list of numbers true 698cebdf-03f9-42e7-9686-f5d43d0023d2 Consecutive Domains Consecutive Domains 1388 -1255 127 44 1452 -1233 1 Numbers for consecutive domains c0c3d5a1-904c-414a-8cda-3b833787ff10 Numbers Numbers false 88bbe45e-96d6-43c4-8673-5d59c907f507 1 1390 -1253 47 20 1415 -1243 1 5 {0} 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 If True, values are added to a sum-total 60b091b6-0359-4139-ad88-476bde932cc7 Additive Additive false 0 1390 -1233 47 20 1415 -1223 1 1 {0} false 1 Domains describing the spaces between the numbers 4fb4ac88-1369-40c3-848d-eb5623a0580d Domains Domains false 0 1467 -1253 46 40 1491.5 -1233 ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication Mathematical multiplication true f4c4ba92-f92a-4d53-b602-8b3ab568d8f3 Multiplication Multiplication 1388 -1190 82 44 1419 -1168 2 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 First item for multiplication 6c9482bf-eb15-4b50-8c80-a7741104c28f A A true c160fabd-ff96-46c6-87c7-c29b210ab0b7 1 1390 -1188 14 20 1398.5 -1178 Second item for multiplication 4bf9e027-77c7-4e54-bcb4-88db6c60bdec B B true 0 1390 -1168 14 20 1398.5 -1158 1 1 {0} Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Number 3.1415926535897931 Result of multiplication 88bbe45e-96d6-43c4-8673-5d59c907f507 Result Result false 0 1434 -1188 34 40 1452.5 -1168 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.} true 2ec2bfb6-1e69-42ae-8163-23f3afbfabf4 Line SDL Line SDL 1182 -1275 106 64 1246 -1243 Line start point c6158e1a-3bc0-4fa4-b5bc-d64e0cad9746 Start Start false 64ff2503-8786-40aa-b8d3-decce1cbec6a 1 1184 -1273 47 20 1209 -1263 Line tangent (direction) ca5b1000-d472-49ea-93b1-4abf4cc06ea0 Direction Direction false 0 1184 -1253 47 20 1209 -1243 1 1 {0} 0 -1 0 Line length 4568ab69-bd60-4fc0-8fdd-303cc69101db Length Length false 0 1184 -1233 47 20 1209 -1223 1 1 {0} 1 Line segment 925f814d-ed17-4561-bbef-547ce1769a46 Line Line false 0 1261 -1273 25 60 1275 -1243 f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror Mirror an object. true bdb47225-6da2-48e5-9581-575bb7e4d19f true Mirror Mirror 1384 -1485 138 44 1452 -1463 Base geometry 1624bfb9-a6e2-41f5-bb60-1e8bae204bd4 true Geometry Geometry true 91dff07e-ea00-48c4-8104-fc7c2bba02f9 1 1386 -1483 51 20 1413 -1473 Mirror plane d602c8b3-048a-4445-a9f5-59c3867853a6 true Plane Plane false 0 1386 -1463 51 20 1413 -1453 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Mirrored geometry aa0b85c4-ee6a-4f29-b71f-1e45876f7da7 true Geometry Geometry false 0 1467 -1483 53 20 1495 -1473 Transformation data 6bf5c7b2-1e47-48df-9319-35f7cb3ae511 true Transform Transform false 0 1467 -1463 53 20 1495 -1453 3cadddef-1e2b-4c09-9390-0e8f78f7609f Merge Merge a bunch of data streams true 9e368c3f-df11-4c83-ae0b-aaa26008744b Merge Merge 1402 -1569 103 84 1438 -1527 4 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2 Data stream 1 94688099-a92e-42bd-89be-4197991fe965 false Data 1 D1 true 91dff07e-ea00-48c4-8104-fc7c2bba02f9 1 1404 -1567 19 20 1415 -1557 2 Data stream 2 63c8bad7-7da6-4cf1-b8fc-2be37e8028fb false Data 2 D2 true 6d2e81ce-4fbd-40c9-8bd0-7a9933213209 1 1404 -1547 19 20 1415 -1537 2 Data stream 3 aad5ba77-3550-4a39-8eb7-82e2c69fc8d9 false Data 3 D3 true aa0b85c4-ee6a-4f29-b71f-1e45876f7da7 1 1404 -1527 19 20 1415 -1517 2 Data stream 4 936fd8c5-4f12-4825-8435-6d51da97754c false Data 4 D4 true 0 1404 -1507 19 20 1415 -1497 2 Result of merge ebcc19b6-1600-4dc1-8801-f592ab4c5ae8 1 Result Result false 0 1453 -1567 50 80 1471.5 -1527 4bc9dbbf-fec8-4348-a3af-e33e7edc8e7b Mesh Join Join a set of meshes into a single mesh true 75ad6a26-cf2e-4908-8d06-3d9a642ec9f2 Mesh Join Mesh Join 1396 -1615 106 28 1454 -1601 1 Meshes to join 7a95bc47-b1f3-4928-8710-23594c6e0b53 Meshes Meshes false ebcc19b6-1600-4dc1-8801-f592ab4c5ae8 1 1398 -1613 41 24 1420 -1601 Mesh join result ee6c1d43-3cf9-4cc5-872e-cb3fe42e2de2 Mesh Mesh false 0 1469 -1613 31 24 1486 -1601 fca5ad7e-ecac-401d-a357-edda0a251cbc Polar Array Create a polar array of geometry. true 3885f2f5-09f1-4485-b731-93746a9a637e true Polar Array Polar Array 1364 -1894 138 84 1432 -1852 Base geometry dc6dfc1a-ac05-4559-941a-66e197a4f518 true Geometry Geometry true 04cfa955-0284-4d8a-90c9-81fc5f9eb799 1 1366 -1892 51 20 1393 -1882 Polar array plane aceb7480-b267-4de5-a35f-b0fc540e17ff true Plane Plane false e6705311-fabc-4e02-9412-7eeb3a0596f4 1 1366 -1872 51 20 1393 -1862 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Number of elements in array. c348a38d-35a7-4ff0-b650-d1371e8e47bb true Count Count false 0 1366 -1852 51 20 1393 -1842 1 1 {0} 4 Sweep angle in radians (counter-clockwise, starting from plane x-axis) f991c7ee-2d10-43ac-a132-bdb45b49fdc0 true Angle Angle false 0 false 1366 -1832 51 20 1393 -1822 1 1 {0} 6.2831853071795862 1 Arrayed geometry 657d5aef-7449-401d-b364-ac2215d738e5 true Geometry Geometry false 0 1447 -1892 53 40 1475 -1872 1 Transformation data 2807270a-af52-466e-9010-972e963c2888 true Transform Transform false 0 1447 -1852 53 40 1475 -1832 c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects 873a4447-bbcc-4928-b0c9-ee508015bf95 1 b598887d-e54c-4dd4-9693-dfe22ef7d767 Group 0 9445ca40-cc73-4861-a455-146308676855 Range Create a range of numbers. true d8fefdbf-bab0-4cbf-b039-f9b6098506b4 Range Range 961 -85 126 44 1035 -63 Domain of numeric range 0d0eda76-c189-449f-82eb-92f5ac32d4d2 Domain Domain false 0 963 -83 57 20 1001 -73 1 1 {0} 1 2 Number of steps 99f681a4-b667-4a5e-a48e-c3c8d91f947e X/2 Steps Steps false d9e37f64-e684-4e4b-b465-14d8fcc28b1b 1 963 -63 57 20 1001 -53 1 1 {0} 4 1 Range of numbers c160fabd-ff96-46c6-87c7-c29b210ab0b7 Range Range false 0 1050 -83 35 40 1069 -63 ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication Mathematical multiplication true bed4dff4-5710-4e21-9853-4b4c947c0a9f Multiplication Multiplication 792 319 82 44 823 341 2 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 First item for multiplication 97a6517f-0041-4565-84d4-0a507ae8aa01 A A true 1146ed4a-a616-4d01-879a-cd10c84898c7 1 794 321 14 20 802.5 331 Second item for multiplication cf037890-54dc-423e-ab78-fd8a4ee49eeb B B true 0 794 341 14 20 802.5 351 1 1 {0} Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Number 0.125 Result of multiplication 031f4be9-2d7d-4915-8749-66e7348f5536 Result Result false 0 838 321 34 40 856.5 341 3cadddef-1e2b-4c09-9390-0e8f78f7609f Merge Merge a bunch of data streams true c30be1c9-ad2d-48a1-bd12-5e269b1e6232 Merge Merge 1377 -1958 103 64 1413 -1926 3 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2 Data stream 1 840cbd2b-3fd0-44cf-a97d-68c7f755bddf false Data 1 D1 true 61855b17-4d62-4e48-ae07-c5906f8125bc 1 1379 -1956 19 20 1390 -1946 2 Data stream 2 e3bbcfa4-e249-4dc1-b0dc-4ef7f4e407e4 false Data 2 D2 true 657d5aef-7449-401d-b364-ac2215d738e5 1 1379 -1936 19 20 1390 -1926 2 Data stream 3 d513f75d-1415-4d43-9054-ac3ac8b55ce5 false Data 3 D3 true 0 1379 -1916 19 20 1390 -1906 2 Result of merge dca306a2-2008-43f8-b7bf-75ceab31f504 1 Result Result false 0 1428 -1956 50 60 1446.5 -1926 4bc9dbbf-fec8-4348-a3af-e33e7edc8e7b Mesh Join Join a set of meshes into a single mesh true f6343629-9633-4324-8e81-28520259db1d Mesh Join Mesh Join 1374 -2008 106 28 1432 -1994 1 Meshes to join f63bf14d-5874-49b7-b9a6-e09c1963040e Meshes Meshes false dca306a2-2008-43f8-b7bf-75ceab31f504 1 1376 -2006 41 24 1398 -1994 Mesh join result fd5dcddb-18a9-44a0-a971-08284471a131 Mesh Mesh false 0 1447 -2006 31 24 1464 -1994 c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects 0434daae-bf42-48ba-9796-fc5669b54e1f f9cec739-2fdb-40cd-94be-7fcac18c939c 2 1e9768f7-f6c6-44d8-9fec-867eed2c33a1 Group 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box Solve oriented geometry bounding boxes. true d8ded422-4c1e-433b-8d3a-e9dee61a7f9c Bounding Box Bounding Box true 976 -1146 100 44 1035 -1124 1 Geometry to contain d9eeb6f8-1972-40bd-84ff-b40a22570fe2 Content Content false 0aa3ef41-e7ee-4e03-9c02-bef69d564487 1 978 -1144 42 20 1000.5 -1134 BoundingBox orientation plane true 43fdbe32-2969-4513-8704-68df8b7b9da0 Plane Plane false 0 978 -1124 42 20 1000.5 -1114 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Aligned bounding box in world coordinates 61aa5be2-1026-4737-8244-1ce886ddcb9b Box Box false 0 1050 -1144 24 20 1063.5 -1134 Bounding box in orientation plane coordinates true d2f5fbcf-765f-4cb9-adfa-ee5cd2bde289 Box Box false 0 1050 -1124 24 20 1063.5 -1114 db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box Deconstruct a box into its constituent parts. true 754b16ce-c570-47f7-b1ad-740c018cd4cf Deconstruct Box Deconstruct Box 996 -1295 89 84 1037 -1253 Base box 4524ed6b-6485-42ec-b69a-f0921f5b6bd7 Box Box false 61aa5be2-1026-4737-8244-1ce886ddcb9b 1 998 -1293 24 80 1011.5 -1253 Box plane 008cf91b-ffed-43a5-8d29-57cab9e0c37c Plane Plane false 0 1052 -1293 31 20 1069 -1283 {x} dimension of box 6ed70e76-29f8-4f53-98a1-a10d8a959af8 X X false 0 1052 -1273 31 20 1069 -1263 {y} dimension of box e452195d-75a5-4e2f-8723-a2fcbea27332 Y Y false 0 1052 -1253 31 20 1069 -1243 {z} dimension of box 157e269f-f7b9-4413-ba55-1032a0e81e67 Z Z false 0 1052 -1233 31 20 1069 -1223 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. true 699af84e-8fc8-43f9-890e-59074887fcfd Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct Domain 985 -1339 104 44 1043 -1317 Base domain bd563ea5-d4d1-42cf-955f-cf3ed25bd6d2 Domain Domain false 157e269f-f7b9-4413-ba55-1032a0e81e67 1 987 -1337 41 40 1009 -1317 Start of domain 17b51710-4628-4dc6-b913-5bdad17f3409 Start Start false 0 1058 -1337 29 20 1074 -1327 End of domain 96fb45e0-aa7a-474c-9052-bd537783d6ee End End false 0 1058 -1317 29 20 1074 -1307 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 Subtraction Mathematical subtraction true 9484f14b-aeb3-4893-959e-8e0991ae10bc Subtraction Subtraction 1198 -1512 82 44 1229 -1490 2 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 First operand for subtraction cffcc0a2-8c25-44ec-a19f-ece1fbe11bb6 A A true 0648390a-89bb-426c-9129-b29c4eed9c0d 1 1200 -1510 14 20 1208.5 -1500 Second operand for subtraction 53b7ef5c-effe-4827-884a-82fcc123717e B B true 96fb45e0-aa7a-474c-9052-bd537783d6ee 1 1200 -1490 14 20 1208.5 -1480 Result of subtraction c5761c5f-9b91-4774-8696-88335c20addb Result Result false 0 1244 -1510 34 40 1262.5 -1490 ccfd6ba8-ecb1-44df-a47e-08126a653c51 Curve Domain Measure and set the curve domain true d256b088-4540-44bb-9542-775700e1bc8c true Curve Domain Curve Domain 1399 -585 116 44 1457 -563 Curve to measure/modify 0bb32d59-cc01-40f7-a0a7-03a7e1179925 true Curve Curve false bdab871d-3787-4419-8c12-f944565fd6e3 1 1401 -583 41 20 1423 -573 Optional domain, if omitted the curve will not be modified. b95e7745-5fac-4b92-abae-ff83b9f00602 true Domain Domain true 0 1401 -563 41 20 1423 -553 Curve with new domain. 97edbed9-2bae-4289-94cc-a0b3929136fb true Curve Curve false 0 1472 -583 41 20 1494 -573 Domain of original curve. 64d89ace-b786-41e0-9eac-7a92709fc6ac true Domain Domain false 0 1472 -563 41 20 1494 -553 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. true c2a2d98b-0af2-4295-9d0a-017714be8d1c true Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct Domain 1411 -634 104 44 1469 -612 Base domain fbf0f72f-c4a9-44b6-8634-38ec76d41878 true Domain Domain false 64d89ace-b786-41e0-9eac-7a92709fc6ac 1 1413 -632 41 40 1435 -612 Start of domain b7b91dc9-a25f-475c-b648-de9f9635b27f true Start Start false 0 1484 -632 29 20 1500 -622 End of domain 5c7c5099-3383-4dcf-afc9-5bb2f6fda2a8 true End End false 0 1484 -612 29 20 1500 -602 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division Mathematical division true a8930f8d-fe4a-4577-a4cf-ee622eee09bb true Division Division 1426 -680 82 44 1457 -658 Item to divide (dividend) 42f92199-0b84-41e1-acd3-5df7744adaaa true A A false 5c7c5099-3383-4dcf-afc9-5bb2f6fda2a8 1 1428 -678 14 20 1436.5 -668 Item to divide with (divisor) 37dcdff2-6a1d-427d-b28d-7b8e9b0a1b2c true B B false 0 1428 -658 14 20 1436.5 -648 1 1 {0} Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Integer 2 The result of the Division 0cb36dad-e541-4fc9-9957-6b72eb771c13 true Result Result false 0 1472 -678 34 40 1490.5 -658 d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf Construct Domain Create a numeric domain from two numeric extremes. true 22642970-8406-453b-8881-b2006d3cbd42 true Construct Domain Construct Domain 1399 -724 140 44 1481 -702 Start value of numeric domain 36d966f9-66a6-44d0-ba4f-13afe579299b true Domain start Domain start false b7b91dc9-a25f-475c-b648-de9f9635b27f 1 1401 -722 65 20 1435 -712 1 1 {0} 0 End value of numeric domain 05670fe6-643a-44c2-bb41-cbd07e9db126 true Domain end Domain end false 0cb36dad-e541-4fc9-9957-6b72eb771c13 1 1401 -702 65 20 1435 -692 1 1 {0} 1 Numeric domain between {A} and {B} 0d2f3ab3-baa6-4970-91b9-36c94485f6a8 true Domain Domain false 0 1496 -722 41 40 1518 -702 429cbba9-55ee-4e84-98ea-876c44db879a Sub Curve Construct a curve from the sub-domain of a base curve. true a96acea0-14b5-47dc-b07b-bcf62cdc1f61 true Sub Curve Sub Curve 1367 -781 124 44 1441 -759 Base curve ccc28226-c8a1-4c4a-b948-9ae9745e07e2 true Base curve Base curve false 97edbed9-2bae-4289-94cc-a0b3929136fb 1 1369 -779 57 20 1399 -769 Sub-domain to extract c9346ac0-46a7-4335-9abc-69ee631839df true Domain Domain false 0d2f3ab3-baa6-4970-91b9-36c94485f6a8 1 1369 -759 57 20 1399 -749 Resulting sub curve 30d8ce57-a90d-4e24-9a68-dd987bff4cb9 true Curve Curve false 0 1456 -779 33 40 1474 -759 f1f51397-fc4b-44cf-b4b0-0ab80a80a6e1 14601aeb-b64f-9304-459d-d5d06df91218 Mesh WeldVertices Merge identical or vertices in threshold range true 82180408-e2a0-4cda-bc87-d3cea2b5f97c Mesh WeldVertices Mesh WeldVertices -572 -1592 165 44 -507 -1570 The open or closed mesh true 6c612f9b-2229-4e13-91d3-752dc7ee20bd Mesh Mesh false d9bebccb-59b6-4f91-9008-2b30bba5477a 1 -570 -1590 48 20 -544.5 -1580 Weld threshold value for Vertices 3192be6f-b492-4510-9217-f6b91a34416e tolerance tolerance true 0 -570 -1570 48 20 -544.5 -1560 1 1 {0} 5.9604644775390625E-08 1 Print, Reflect and Error Streams e2ca81d1-47f4-49a2-b968-a00acd76a0c1 RuntimeMessage RuntimeMessage false 0 -492 -1590 83 20 -449 -1580 The constructed mesh ad2b32a7-ed32-4625-8d41-80ba9c186564 Mesh Mesh false 0 -492 -1570 83 20 -449 -1560 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.} true a5e9e152-5724-4a51-a726-f6b17256d54c Line SDL Line SDL 1450 -1754 106 64 1514 -1722 Line start point 4b226273-7b2c-472a-b4ee-c727c8752dac Start Start false 0 1452 -1752 47 20 1477 -1742 1 1 {0} 0 1 0 Line tangent (direction) b2067057-8b5a-4043-a8af-03a7d598a5f2 Direction Direction false 0 1452 -1732 47 20 1477 -1722 1 1 {0} -2.8125 0 -2.8125 Line length 5fdb5d32-cfd8-4fb5-bc5d-bc21a739f793 Length Length false 0 1452 -1712 47 20 1477 -1702 1 1 {0} 8 Line segment 97ea1382-748a-45cd-b01a-6c971e5bfa83 Line Line false 0 1529 -1752 25 60 1543 -1722 4bc9dbbf-fec8-4348-a3af-e33e7edc8e7b Mesh Join Join a set of meshes into a single mesh true 766c46fb-1f67-45c0-a44a-ce98eba87485 Mesh Join Mesh Join 1614 -1212 106 28 1672 -1198 1 Meshes to join 67829a5a-5f24-4818-9ac1-a1683a4c981d Meshes Meshes false 04cfa955-0284-4d8a-90c9-81fc5f9eb799 1 1616 -1210 41 24 1638 -1198 Mesh join result e6772a4f-48c1-4cc1-8016-c4245d20e610 Mesh Mesh false 0 1687 -1210 31 24 1704 -1198 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers b9ee9eb3-f519-409c-8764-6b1447ee1f4c Digit Scroller Digit Scroller false 0 12 Digit Scroller 11 16.0 1864 -1404 250 20 1864.839 -1403.137 e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. true 8abd4070-d6bc-47c7-bfdc-dfeb7490e196 true Move Move 1676 -1797 138 44 1744 -1775 Base geometry 4819dcf9-f03b-4dc2-88ac-9fe83bb8ad51 true Geometry Geometry true e6772a4f-48c1-4cc1-8016-c4245d20e610 1 1678 -1795 51 20 1705 -1785 Translation vector cc16f059-f209-4efe-ad4a-51ff308ed166 true Motion Motion false accd8e85-fa81-45a7-8df3-a1f9648a0ce9 1 1678 -1775 51 20 1705 -1765 1 1 {0} 0 0 10 Translated geometry 2d768b6b-6c8e-44f9-a0d3-f494bbc269db true Geometry Geometry false 0 1759 -1795 53 20 1787 -1785 Transformation data c9f0bae3-89e3-4bcb-b9ac-0f022f14f423 true Transform Transform false 0 1759 -1775 53 20 1787 -1765 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. true 9bb25861-6dd9-4032-8004-1ca655c1a1ac Evaluate Length Evaluate Length 1614 -1082 144 64 1688 -1050 Curve to evaluate 337c0d9a-68bb-4ffa-aaa5-2077222d7907 Curve Curve false be709d30-964e-43e7-8b57-247169e3b765 1 1616 -1080 57 20 1646 -1070 Length factor for curve evaluation 81b5fb00-1612-4e4c-950c-83fc4c0c1ed9 Length Length false 0 1616 -1060 57 20 1646 -1050 1 1 {0} 0 If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) f9d8a55b-994f-48a1-ae64-4b453ebb10d1 Normalized Normalized false 0 1616 -1040 57 20 1646 -1030 1 1 {0} true Point at the specified length 4e8c6e2a-87e0-4495-b75e-f593bbaed13b Point Point false 0 1703 -1080 53 20 1731 -1070 Tangent vector at the specified length 4c62744f-26f5-454e-acdb-7460279dd40d Tangent Tangent false 0 1703 -1060 53 20 1731 -1050 Curve parameter at the specified length ce322b74-96a0-4c7e-bd61-b160f362f0ba Parameter Parameter false 0 1703 -1040 53 20 1731 -1030 845527a6-5cea-4ae9-a667-96ae1667a4e8 Polygon Create a polygon with optional round edges. true d6c5ad2e-8890-4478-9ed4-ca837831024b Polygon Polygon 728 -610 138 84 806 -568 Polygon base plane e67b49a5-94b6-49dd-b872-caed845b8b3c Plane Plane false e6705311-fabc-4e02-9412-7eeb3a0596f4 1 730 -608 61 20 762 -598 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Radius of polygon (distance from center to tip). a304973b-cf55-4ef4-9b82-31e3792dd417 Radius Radius false 53e1ab5e-1f87-4f2e-aae8-54ec1f1eb6fc 1 730 -588 61 20 762 -578 1 1 {0} 3 Number of segments ed39a3f3-65a7-4ac6-ae8c-6c6d9858a351 Segments Segments false d9e37f64-e684-4e4b-b465-14d8fcc28b1b 1 730 -568 61 20 762 -558 1 1 {0} 6 Polygon corner fillet radius ee8387ae-003b-43d9-b07f-04747d8f10e7 Fillet Radius Fillet Radius false 0 730 -548 61 20 762 -538 1 1 {0} 0 Polygon 2cb45b93-c035-4093-b641-a0354671e7ce Polygon Polygon false 0 821 -608 43 40 844 -588 Length of polygon curve 868864dd-9fef-4133-8294-2f4474c63044 Length Length false 0 821 -568 43 40 844 -548 845527a6-5cea-4ae9-a667-96ae1667a4e8 Polygon Create a polygon with optional round edges. true 6df3c0eb-34c6-4588-aaf5-ac0cd6cde59b Polygon Polygon 1158 -1423 138 84 1236 -1381 Polygon base plane c1086ef6-c664-48d8-b2bc-56e906f539b9 Plane Plane false 31d041ae-24a3-49a1-9f7b-0d8e4bbd01dc 1 1160 -1421 61 20 1192 -1411 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Radius of polygon (distance from center to tip). 01ea519c-0a8c-4cc8-bd19-a37cf3f142d6 Radius Radius false 96fb45e0-aa7a-474c-9052-bd537783d6ee 1 1160 -1401 61 20 1192 -1391 1 1 {0} 3 Number of segments bb8d7d49-d176-407b-973a-b51b288f8d1e Segments Segments false d9e37f64-e684-4e4b-b465-14d8fcc28b1b 1 1160 -1381 61 20 1192 -1371 1 1 {0} 6 Polygon corner fillet radius 2e081645-9a75-433d-a890-6b03a16c1e7b Fillet Radius Fillet Radius false 0 1160 -1361 61 20 1192 -1351 1 1 {0} 0 Polygon 4cbd8170-3811-493f-991f-c6f858dfac01 Polygon Polygon false 0 1251 -1421 43 40 1274 -1401 Length of polygon curve ba7581de-5680-440f-8b4a-be41142b1665 Length Length false 0 1251 -1381 43 40 1274 -1361 8cc3a196-f6a0-49ea-9ed9-0cb343a3ae64 XZ Plane World XZ plane. true 78675338-a7ba-4182-b38a-40bf0647ae5a XZ Plane XZ Plane 978 -1397 98 28 1028 -1383 Origin of plane d7e33d90-c8f2-4973-9446-d76b04b5b67c Origin Origin false 64ff2503-8786-40aa-b8d3-decce1cbec6a 1 980 -1395 33 24 998 -1383 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 World XZ plane 31d041ae-24a3-49a1-9f7b-0d8e4bbd01dc Plane Plane false 0 1043 -1395 31 24 1060 -1383 c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects 004ef90e-3111-4f82-b54e-237c18c50e25 6df3c0eb-34c6-4588-aaf5-ac0cd6cde59b 2 40bab698-45e8-4b28-b341-f426b1887719 Group c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects f9cec739-2fdb-40cd-94be-7fcac18c939c d6c5ad2e-8890-4478-9ed4-ca837831024b 2 779c00f6-0a11-4c4e-b2e8-1ade2a2b065f Group ccfd6ba8-ecb1-44df-a47e-08126a653c51 Curve Domain Measure and set the curve domain true 1c36caa3-86ad-4aa9-bab0-428d3e79babc Curve Domain Curve Domain 938 -1507 116 44 996 -1485 Curve to measure/modify dd8d6dc4-201e-4d19-915e-32be424aff62 Curve Curve false 4cbd8170-3811-493f-991f-c6f858dfac01 1 940 -1505 41 20 962 -1495 Optional domain, if omitted the curve will not be modified. 94794626-1460-4655-812b-d0605d53a678 Domain Domain true 0 940 -1485 41 20 962 -1475 Curve with new domain. 11ad3dbd-3f49-4cee-a4ab-c28d7bcaccc6 Curve Curve false 0 1011 -1505 41 20 1033 -1495 Domain of original curve. ed9d2637-07d1-45e4-9dfe-2f5b5320e7d0 Domain Domain false 0 1011 -1485 41 20 1033 -1475 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. true 2c92beca-1647-4cf4-b1e6-89ae0b5ab923 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct Domain 950 -1556 104 44 1008 -1534 Base domain ca38e679-3f25-43fa-bba4-c1de031a1cd5 Domain Domain false ed9d2637-07d1-45e4-9dfe-2f5b5320e7d0 1 952 -1554 41 40 974 -1534 Start of domain 01b94b3e-8b67-455f-9259-d0613297ac6f Start Start false 0 1023 -1554 29 20 1039 -1544 End of domain 4450502c-ce0d-4d48-bc6e-38af4a4171fe End End false 0 1023 -1534 29 20 1039 -1524 d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf Construct Domain Create a numeric domain from two numeric extremes. true 084c2788-f8ba-40d7-9911-a51163a6cad3 Construct Domain Construct Domain 918 -1602 156 44 1016 -1580 Start value of numeric domain e694f8a2-3ebb-4bcc-9673-f8bcbcf74b05 X/4 Domain start Domain start false 4450502c-ce0d-4d48-bc6e-38af4a4171fe 1 920 -1600 81 20 970 -1590 1 1 {0} 0 End value of numeric domain 4f2b09f7-a383-4a17-ae7a-2aef3dbfe199 3*X/4 Domain end Domain end false 4450502c-ce0d-4d48-bc6e-38af4a4171fe 1 920 -1580 81 20 970 -1570 1 1 {0} 1 Numeric domain between {A} and {B} 6c721e15-20e3-4bf7-be41-6e2f2cda4912 Domain Domain false 0 1031 -1600 41 40 1053 -1580 429cbba9-55ee-4e84-98ea-876c44db879a Sub Curve Construct a curve from the sub-domain of a base curve. true eed2be04-1c6c-4d06-95b1-613e3928692e Sub Curve Sub Curve 934 -1646 124 44 1008 -1624 Base curve f56662b1-9dc3-4d04-90da-7cdce0fdceed Base curve Base curve false 11ad3dbd-3f49-4cee-a4ab-c28d7bcaccc6 1 936 -1644 57 20 966 -1634 Sub-domain to extract c0ba3cc4-57ce-4552-8e34-2f43cb638323 Domain Domain false 6c721e15-20e3-4bf7-be41-6e2f2cda4912 1 936 -1624 57 20 966 -1614 Resulting sub curve 389b55a3-5ac3-4f6a-8010-357a41d3f3d4 Curve Curve false 0 1023 -1644 33 40 1041 -1624 ccfd6ba8-ecb1-44df-a47e-08126a653c51 Curve Domain Measure and set the curve domain true 41953be2-78c6-4c60-a242-71cf71709efd Curve Domain Curve Domain 718 -697 116 44 776 -675 Curve to measure/modify 27988cb3-3115-43e0-96f6-23c50e6823ee Curve Curve false 2cb45b93-c035-4093-b641-a0354671e7ce 1 720 -695 41 20 742 -685 Optional domain, if omitted the curve will not be modified. 81c5eddc-2b67-486f-9678-75204edac360 Domain Domain true 0 720 -675 41 20 742 -665 Curve with new domain. ce1aa5e5-0d07-490a-a059-cbc7c20be35d Curve Curve false 0 791 -695 41 20 813 -685 Domain of original curve. 52152095-1c74-406f-ab5f-b169f28b83aa Domain Domain false 0 791 -675 41 20 813 -665 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. true 2f6ed9d6-ca97-421f-8fce-f17e4c0c34d0 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct Domain 730 -746 104 44 788 -724 Base domain 6852c24e-0a0f-4bf5-813e-58a34757128f Domain Domain false 52152095-1c74-406f-ab5f-b169f28b83aa 1 732 -744 41 40 754 -724 Start of domain e1944cbc-5ca3-4aa5-9c38-45df02eabb0a Start Start false 0 803 -744 29 20 819 -734 End of domain 0646d7f2-dede-4c43-be20-6408523c0919 End End false 0 803 -724 29 20 819 -714 d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf Construct Domain Create a numeric domain from two numeric extremes. true 986550d1-3600-4edf-8b2a-3780107bed88 Construct Domain Construct Domain 698 -792 156 44 796 -770 Start value of numeric domain 4df610d9-4435-467b-aafa-ef687455be06 2*X/4 Domain start Domain start false 0646d7f2-dede-4c43-be20-6408523c0919 1 700 -790 81 20 750 -780 1 1 {0} 0 End value of numeric domain 72327b5d-eea2-47fa-87b6-ee4720dfd04c 3*X/4 Domain end Domain end false 0646d7f2-dede-4c43-be20-6408523c0919 1 700 -770 81 20 750 -760 1 1 {0} 1 Numeric domain between {A} and {B} c4abd63f-8a41-4707-9235-b9965f238fc5 Domain Domain false 0 811 -790 41 40 833 -770 429cbba9-55ee-4e84-98ea-876c44db879a Sub Curve Construct a curve from the sub-domain of a base curve. true 8cbb23ec-cf3c-449f-b345-24720d1d3977 Sub Curve Sub Curve 714 -836 124 44 788 -814 Base curve 47a4fa81-6181-4669-abe8-723597ae7b4d Base curve Base curve false ce1aa5e5-0d07-490a-a059-cbc7c20be35d 1 716 -834 57 20 746 -824 Sub-domain to extract c7352b16-175c-436e-a0e9-80c4266b2bae Domain Domain false c4abd63f-8a41-4707-9235-b9965f238fc5 1 716 -814 57 20 746 -804 Resulting sub curve 6d6c4ebc-b2bc-48ad-add5-6b1518768eb8 Curve Curve false 0 803 -834 33 40 821 -814 e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. true 148cfc50-befb-44c6-bfe0-1f22a705b7d8 Move Move 928 -1690 138 44 996 -1668 Base geometry ff112be8-2102-430e-8194-6fec34f7d195 Geometry Geometry true 389b55a3-5ac3-4f6a-8010-357a41d3f3d4 1 930 -1688 51 20 957 -1678 Translation vector 5138c9c1-bf8e-4b78-aecf-e723b52646cd Motion Motion false accd8e85-fa81-45a7-8df3-a1f9648a0ce9 1 930 -1668 51 20 957 -1658 1 1 {0} 0 0 10 Translated geometry 2d5e0953-f5f7-4d9e-a50e-6fb1a87f72fa Geometry Geometry false 0 1011 -1688 53 20 1039 -1678 Transformation data 8a7cd954-9f2c-4adc-b36f-1046f3f3a246 Transform Transform false 0 1011 -1668 53 20 1039 -1658 e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. true 94334620-c9f3-409c-a71b-71822a54e0c2 Move Move 1720 -1681 138 44 1788 -1659 Base geometry 5faffeea-8497-4dc1-9ed1-97633def7955 Geometry Geometry true ee6c1d43-3cf9-4cc5-872e-cb3fe42e2de2 1 1722 -1679 51 20 1749 -1669 Translation vector 03fc15d9-b9f6-4ea7-ba2c-cfcac212e567 Motion Motion false accd8e85-fa81-45a7-8df3-a1f9648a0ce9 1 1722 -1659 51 20 1749 -1649 1 1 {0} 0 0 10 Translated geometry a9a5a637-f7a0-4e3d-80ca-5f0c5fb677b9 Geometry Geometry false 0 1803 -1679 53 20 1831 -1669 Transformation data 94b16845-832d-4b3e-9033-78743b5a7627 Transform Transform false 0 1803 -1659 53 20 1831 -1649 1a38d325-98de-455c-93f1-bca431bc1243 Offset Curve Offset a curve with a specified distance. true 0019a522-a530-488b-b1fc-5fbcaf2603d6 Offset Curve Offset Curve 741 -958 112 84 803 -916 Curve to offset 6d66b1f0-9fae-4c20-a244-143b0f93cbae Curve Curve false 30e72d8f-fe6e-4c27-8535-ccc63515007e 1 743 -956 45 20 767 -946 Offset distance e7841732-652e-462f-8647-f9c0cf5e86eb Distance Distance false 96fb45e0-aa7a-474c-9052-bd537783d6ee 1 743 -936 45 20 767 -926 1 1 {0} 2 Plane for offset operation c6ee8aa3-1f45-4a09-ba38-2ba571d9b019 Plane Plane true 0 743 -916 45 20 767 -906 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Corner type flag. Possible values: none = 0 sharp = 1 round = 2 smooth = 3 chamfer = 4 af575bb8-b19c-4570-af7c-f0305c958930 Corners Corners false 0 743 -896 45 20 767 -886 1 1 {0} 1 1 Resulting offsets 4a2aba89-fdaa-40d8-b7ec-6df5f993dab2 Curve Curve false 0 818 -956 33 80 836 -916 e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. true 0200f5a9-e205-42cb-a402-9390281de559 Move Move 680 -1036 138 44 748 -1014 Base geometry 5b0cc3f6-5a45-4a83-8115-7a85a808a84f Geometry Geometry true 4a2aba89-fdaa-40d8-b7ec-6df5f993dab2 1 682 -1034 51 20 709 -1024 Translation vector 1cd66538-6081-41ea-a8d4-ef38998e4257 Motion Motion false accd8e85-fa81-45a7-8df3-a1f9648a0ce9 1 682 -1014 51 20 709 -1004 1 1 {0} 0 0 10 Translated geometry 0547bd1a-b949-4e8b-af98-389d366fd707 Geometry Geometry false 0 763 -1034 53 20 791 -1024 Transformation data 18a1c501-6052-4b9c-80b7-028fb6ea35a4 Transform Transform false 0 763 -1014 53 20 791 -1004 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. true 4ff244e9-35a9-443f-8442-983dfdcc5f58 Evaluate Length Evaluate Length 650 -1156 144 64 724 -1124 Curve to evaluate 8089f7ad-02ce-43bf-87d8-3d99569f47c5 Curve Curve false 0547bd1a-b949-4e8b-af98-389d366fd707 1 652 -1154 57 20 682 -1144 Length factor for curve evaluation 0fa3a854-8d74-4098-b990-5a950c025f8e Length Length false 0 652 -1134 57 20 682 -1124 1 1 {0} 1 If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) c75ebdef-4c0d-4054-97da-75d0d879dcc1 Normalized Normalized false 0 652 -1114 57 20 682 -1104 1 1 {0} true Point at the specified length f84653cf-0cd3-4150-9b77-630af5cc9406 Point Point false 0 739 -1154 53 20 767 -1144 Tangent vector at the specified length aa1d64ba-7801-49f7-9498-829d83132272 Tangent Tangent false 0 739 -1134 53 20 767 -1124 Curve parameter at the specified length 4bb8ca72-abc8-4593-a840-e2b5055465df Parameter Parameter false 0 739 -1114 53 20 767 -1104 c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group 1 255;255;255;255 A group of Grasshopper objects d6c5ad2e-8890-4478-9ed4-ca837831024b 41953be2-78c6-4c60-a242-71cf71709efd 2f6ed9d6-ca97-421f-8fce-f17e4c0c34d0 986550d1-3600-4edf-8b2a-3780107bed88 8cbb23ec-cf3c-449f-b345-24720d1d3977 5 516a4180-fb50-47ea-8eaf-7aac048c12be Group 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. true 32646f55-055b-4950-85f0-b0226bb9d2f0 Evaluate Length Evaluate Length 650 -1231 144 64 724 -1199 Curve to evaluate 7c1b61f0-e1f1-4f62-ae91-0a5e59a1af68 Curve Curve false 6d6c4ebc-b2bc-48ad-add5-6b1518768eb8 1 652 -1229 57 20 682 -1219 Length factor for curve evaluation ae853e57-5d27-4300-a12f-e5e8b3e9f571 Length Length false 0 652 -1209 57 20 682 -1199 1 1 {0} 1 If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) dfbf8f78-533a-42d0-af7a-61ad4705c224 Normalized Normalized false 0 652 -1189 57 20 682 -1179 1 1 {0} true Point at the specified length 9b95f5c5-eb06-4811-998a-ba28982cdc85 Point Point false 0 739 -1229 53 20 767 -1219 Tangent vector at the specified length 1a3b343c-184c-41d6-8303-ac19aeb19570 Tangent Tangent false 0 739 -1209 53 20 767 -1199 Curve parameter at the specified length 58ac2f79-f43a-4727-bb22-309a54fb8e9b Parameter Parameter false 0 739 -1189 53 20 767 -1179 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line Create a line between two points. true 0bb814c6-ba49-4678-9f83-a3f8e59b1910 Line Line 834 -1300 114 44 906 -1278 Line start point ee72ee03-ce4a-44dd-a34d-8a7ddc701d4f Start Point Start Point false f84653cf-0cd3-4150-9b77-630af5cc9406 1 836 -1298 55 20 865 -1288 Line end point 7e801874-f3f6-48c2-95e2-148f6f1a8061 End Point End Point false 9b95f5c5-eb06-4811-998a-ba28982cdc85 1 836 -1278 55 20 865 -1268 Line segment 45365532-ea2c-4d29-a876-d884396e070d Line Line false 0 921 -1298 25 40 935 -1278 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. true 946b29b1-ecb5-4ae2-aa0f-769d2e4cf44e Evaluate Length Evaluate Length 952 -649 144 64 1026 -617 Curve to evaluate 0f47262f-da13-41d8-a0dc-b85a8a0e7c8a Curve Curve false bdab871d-3787-4419-8c12-f944565fd6e3 1 954 -647 57 20 984 -637 Length factor for curve evaluation e6820e28-c24c-4f95-9f63-8641a6dede32 Length Length false 0 954 -627 57 20 984 -617 1 1 {0} 0.5 If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) 4a3a729b-3031-46c7-95cb-dd229cc2a3b7 Normalized Normalized false 0 954 -607 57 20 984 -597 1 1 {0} true Point at the specified length 2453b68c-e845-4ce6-84df-1b863716a884 Point Point false 0 1041 -647 53 20 1069 -637 Tangent vector at the specified length b72535c9-8e05-45ba-9e0e-0def7df9abdd Tangent Tangent false 0 1041 -627 53 20 1069 -617 Curve parameter at the specified length 5ee13602-bd2d-4ece-8e7f-d5bd0de5dbc4 Parameter Parameter false 0 1041 -607 53 20 1069 -597 b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate Rotate an object in a plane. true 56b20c84-e982-4047-9deb-ccc1b7aac38f Rotate Rotate 478 -856 138 64 546 -824 Base geometry f302a589-d989-46f8-b532-549ea014400c Geometry Geometry true 8f7d494a-048e-493c-a62f-4d814df1022c 1 480 -854 51 20 507 -844 Rotation angle in radians 9abce6fd-0a80-4d8d-84fb-52b8939a6283 Angle Angle false 0 false 480 -834 51 20 507 -824 1 1 {0} -1.5707963267948966 Rotation plane 68a581e7-1b71-4f89-a6d6-a22ca88aa43a Plane Plane false f3cf37f3-c7f8-4332-97ad-295f26c13b60 1 480 -814 51 20 507 -804 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Rotated geometry 30e72d8f-fe6e-4c27-8535-ccc63515007e Geometry Geometry false 0 561 -854 53 30 589 -839 Transformation data 065af669-ddf4-46fb-b3d2-c70dd8d2fcfe Transform Transform false 0 561 -824 53 30 589 -809 22990b1f-9be6-477c-ad89-f775cd347105 Flip Curve Flip a curve using an optional guide curve. true 29678700-b3f7-4e5d-9f98-64678e6e77ce Flip Curve Flip Curve 516 -918 100 44 566 -896 Curve to flip c41a8aaa-4df6-4a89-b01f-3aeb9288e8a2 Curve Curve false 30e72d8f-fe6e-4c27-8535-ccc63515007e 1 518 -916 33 20 536 -906 Optional guide curve 891bcf34-b80f-4198-9a53-60f773441a86 Guide Guide true 0 518 -896 33 20 536 -886 Flipped curve 64cad9c5-f48b-4e7e-b494-465a50dd9bc9 Curve Curve false 0 581 -916 33 20 599 -906 Flip action 2e6c5824-b7f6-4717-9bcd-bc2176972be1 Flag Flag false 0 581 -896 33 20 599 -886 3cadddef-1e2b-4c09-9390-0e8f78f7609f Merge Merge a bunch of data streams true 91bcf9a8-a7fe-4b86-9dba-46f9667620fe Merge Merge 123 -1167 87 104 159 -1115 5 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2 Data stream 1 9fb5b9ef-dbc9-456f-ac35-0e815cb3adcb false Data 1 D1 true 2d5e0953-f5f7-4d9e-a50e-6fb1a87f72fa 1 125 -1165 19 20 136 -1155 2 Data stream 2 28c1d853-1108-4839-a275-3f4f2e61fd1a false Data 2 D2 true 0547bd1a-b949-4e8b-af98-389d366fd707 1 125 -1145 19 20 136 -1135 2 Data stream 3 e2cb4b83-7ac1-4097-8833-a51f35e9a89e false Data 3 D3 true 45365532-ea2c-4d29-a876-d884396e070d 1 125 -1125 19 20 136 -1115 2 Data stream 4 d7642f53-c285-4139-96af-6cc1e323a7ce false Data 4 D4 true c3fab5f7-5909-4e1f-aac0-f19c1315d66a 1 125 -1105 19 20 136 -1095 2 Data stream 5 a4e6ad3b-a86c-4f20-b275-16aef09f6d8c false Data 5 D5 true 0 125 -1085 19 20 136 -1075 2 Result of merge 269fb509-c5eb-4133-89f8-cdef1fbb8d4b Result Result false 0 174 -1165 34 100 192.5 -1115 f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror Mirror an object. true 3603bf96-aa6b-4f0b-9e5c-f80360d3a405 Mirror Mirror 229 -1071 138 44 297 -1049 Base geometry 062a9ad6-094a-4363-8748-37e501a397ef Geometry Geometry true 269fb509-c5eb-4133-89f8-cdef1fbb8d4b 1 231 -1069 51 20 258 -1059 Mirror plane 1218d43e-cfb9-46f8-9aec-510edc54f91b Plane Plane false 0 231 -1049 51 20 258 -1039 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.707106781186547 0 0.707106781186548 Mirrored geometry 1499d0ba-d47f-4faf-8bda-15d4b81dfe22 Geometry Geometry false 0 312 -1069 53 20 340 -1059 Transformation data 816c2a1e-b9e8-45d8-a332-077e3fa7d38b Transform Transform false 0 312 -1049 53 20 340 -1039 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. true de6f7fe7-eafe-46ec-9859-beaf43a83788 Evaluate Length Evaluate Length 852 -1779 144 64 926 -1747 Curve to evaluate ee31dec9-7dfa-46b1-8191-f697d3a74587 Curve Curve false 2d5e0953-f5f7-4d9e-a50e-6fb1a87f72fa 1 854 -1777 57 20 884 -1767 Length factor for curve evaluation 009c677d-42a7-4007-ba5e-f2a5da526796 Length Length false 0 854 -1757 57 20 884 -1747 1 1 {0} 1 If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) 1557e565-f256-4a8e-9c35-f19a410a2edb Normalized Normalized false 0 854 -1737 57 20 884 -1727 1 1 {0} true Point at the specified length 574ee958-0728-40ad-aa88-916c4836b9c3 Point Point false 0 941 -1777 53 20 969 -1767 Tangent vector at the specified length 17fb8351-80ee-49a7-9be9-9dc2c928c6d6 Tangent Tangent false 0 941 -1757 53 20 969 -1747 Curve parameter at the specified length 935be2ba-ec10-406a-8ade-c9b1628c8e68 Parameter Parameter false 0 941 -1737 53 20 969 -1727 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.} true 5516c98c-91e9-42cc-8206-8416b322748f Line SDL Line SDL 170 -920 122 64 250 -888 Line start point 3bd0a754-adc0-4627-aacb-d1fe5a40535d Start Start false 574ee958-0728-40ad-aa88-916c4836b9c3 1 172 -918 63 20 213 -908 Line tangent (direction) e1e3db5b-2769-4419-a7b9-b1416571aa87 Direction Direction false 0 172 -898 63 20 213 -888 1 1 {0} -3.8125 0 0 Line length 0e8380f3-d5f7-4eaf-a897-732070b6b4a5 X*2+1 Length Length false 96fb45e0-aa7a-474c-9052-bd537783d6ee 1 172 -878 63 20 213 -868 1 1 {0} 1 Line segment c3fab5f7-5909-4e1f-aac0-f19c1315d66a Line Line false 0 265 -918 25 60 279 -888 3cadddef-1e2b-4c09-9390-0e8f78f7609f Merge Merge a bunch of data streams true 018e0c34-2990-49d9-9296-0685377bd380 Merge Merge -26 -1322 103 84 10 -1280 4 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2 Data stream 1 1d242d8d-c113-4e01-bfee-44190751cdc7 false Data 1 D1 true 6d6c4ebc-b2bc-48ad-add5-6b1518768eb8 1 -24 -1320 19 20 -13 -1310 2 Data stream 2 e69069c9-6d47-4d72-b431-a094c5714fb7 false Data 2 D2 true 269fb509-c5eb-4133-89f8-cdef1fbb8d4b 1 -24 -1300 19 20 -13 -1290 2 Data stream 3 ed254e79-b4e5-4f1a-bf4b-d293dd1c3e94 false Data 3 D3 true 0a0f5022-2553-413a-b480-68883c2657cf 1 -24 -1280 19 20 -13 -1270 2 Data stream 4 f59971d9-e386-4bcd-a225-5a7ccc72debf false Data 4 D4 true 0 -24 -1260 19 20 -13 -1250 2 Result of merge ad9c9d44-aca9-4b51-b9ed-33c368b5626c 1 Result Result false 0 25 -1320 50 80 43.5 -1280 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves Join as many curves as possible true 0f409299-c916-4762-b836-1b84499fd62e Join Curves Join Curves -1046 -1003 118 44 -983 -981 1 Curves to join b312015e-53d6-4199-8027-cead5ba3d191 Curves Curves false ad9c9d44-aca9-4b51-b9ed-33c368b5626c 1 -1044 -1001 46 20 -1019.5 -991 Preserve direction of input curves 339a4a61-919c-4fc5-a395-986269046e21 Preserve Preserve false 0 -1044 -981 46 20 -1019.5 -971 1 1 {0} false 1 Joined curves and individual curves that could not be joined. a69ebcc7-16b9-4c23-9646-06702e5512c2 Curves Curves false 0 -968 -1001 38 40 -947.5 -981 92044ffc-0168-4ee5-9af7-b278aa048d59 20563e24-568f-4f4f-b61b-71a1781ef92f From Polylines Create Mesh from polylines and adds NGons properties true 9dfc4373-9cba-49a1-82a7-38509fb8cde2 false From Polylines From Polylines -946 -894 103 28 -891 -880 1 Polylines or Curves cfa43350-2eea-409d-90ab-cb317972a278 Curves Curves false a69ebcc7-16b9-4c23-9646-06702e5512c2 1 -944 -892 38 24 -923.5 -880 Mesh 1f7b4920-1b69-4646-b774-27bdf5250046 Mesh Mesh false 0 -876 -892 31 24 -859 -880 e02b3da5-543a-46ac-a867-0ba6b0a524de Faces 1 Faces of mesh object 7399f0da-6b11-45d4-952e-80485ecc2a41 Faces Faces false 0 142 -1512 50 24 167.6916 -1500.04 1 1 {0} 0 1 2 3 22990b1f-9be6-477c-ad89-f775cd347105 Flip Curve Flip a curve using an optional guide curve. true 32d96e3f-1f5c-4fb5-97b4-1e8a663ecb3a Flip Curve Flip Curve 293 -1148 100 44 343 -1126 Curve to flip 347dd8c9-d556-42d8-8754-d57cb4b099ed Curve Curve false 1499d0ba-d47f-4faf-8bda-15d4b81dfe22 1 295 -1146 33 20 313 -1136 Optional guide curve 86908f3f-2030-46e9-a81e-ac69d25ce462 Guide Guide true 0 295 -1126 33 20 313 -1116 Flipped curve 0a0f5022-2553-413a-b480-68883c2657cf Curve Curve false 0 358 -1146 33 20 376 -1136 Flip action 7642e020-8724-4a7c-8999-fdcdc66d4157 Flag Flag false 0 358 -1126 33 20 376 -1116 1a17d3f0-c8f8-4ee9-8dab-ea1c29db6a49 Quad Remesh Perform quad-remeshing on a shape. true 24e4ea0d-743f-47a6-9eaf-d1b5263a5030 true Quad Remesh Quad Remesh 273 -1435 137 64 333 -1403 Mesh to operate on bf277fac-a8d4-4892-b95e-2922433d5caa true Mesh Mesh false 1f7b4920-1b69-4646-b774-27bdf5250046 1 275 -1433 43 20 298 -1423 1 Guide curves 12e6fcd3-a189-4649-abb1-77301ca7ec77 true Guides Guides true a69ebcc7-16b9-4c23-9646-06702e5512c2 1 275 -1413 43 20 298 -1403 Remeshing settings d4fe00ab-cd0c-49dd-9a27-c5e1b223c321 true Settings Settings false ea31b7ec-a7b8-4577-9a5b-e2cf033cf3df 1 275 -1393 43 20 298 -1383 1 1 {0} true 50 true 0 false 0 0 2000 Resulting mesh with quad faces only. 0caf80a3-e2a0-4328-a9ee-456cdcd2cd9b true Quad result Quad result false 0 348 -1433 60 60 379.5 -1403 f562505b-4c49-49d1-932d-c8804b3fcec6 Quad Remesh Settings Create setting for Quad-remeshing. true 07d266e8-1e03-4158-8506-b5f938fdc6c1 Quad Remesh Settings Quad Remesh Settings -26 -1512 154 144 68 -1440 Number of quads to aim for in the result. 0d3c8866-2e15-4f7b-b1b6-c5dd296b553b Target Count Target Count false bcee3e83-f467-40ce-8334-61b9992de1e0 1 -24 -1510 77 20 16 -1500 1 1 {0} 1000 A number in the range [0, 100] controlling how the quad sizes change depending on curvature. f8303a67-8c3f-4614-88c5-324fb1c43b8a Adaptive Size Adaptive Size false 0 -24 -1490 77 20 16 -1480 1 1 {0} 100 True if the number of quads is allowed to be higher for high-curvature areas. a99e0632-c9f6-4711-a76f-e505290dfc26 Adaptive Count Adaptive Count false 0 -24 -1470 77 20 16 -1460 1 1 {0} true Detect and retain hard edges in the input mesh. 1409f8e6-8cc5-4b5a-a04b-b1896b15a16a Hard Edges Hard Edges false 0 -24 -1450 77 20 16 -1440 1 1 {0} false Detect and retain brep-face boundary edges (0=Off, 1=Smart, 2=Strict). 114b4c66-4111-447d-b9f8-e073817b75a6 Seam Edges Seam Edges false 0 -24 -1430 77 20 16 -1420 1 1 {0} 0 Symmetry axis (0=none, 1=X, 2=Y, 3=Z). 2fd2f85a-adb0-4eb7-966a-9dd3d1d40387 Symmetry Symmetry false 0 -24 -1410 77 20 16 -1400 1 1 {0} 0 Guide curve influence. (0=approximate, 1=edge-ring, 2=edge-loop). 3fcc18bc-ed43-47a5-96d2-31ba18ea389e Guide Curves Guide Curves false 0 -24 -1390 77 20 16 -1380 1 1 {0} 2 Quad-remesher settings ea31b7ec-a7b8-4577-9a5b-e2cf033cf3df Settings Settings false 0 83 -1510 43 140 106 -1440 1a38d325-98de-455c-93f1-bca431bc1243 Offset Curve Offset a curve with a specified distance. true 343c0b85-249f-4852-8f98-0e59e087f979 Offset Curve Offset Curve 386 -1677 112 84 448 -1635 Curve to offset cf254cc6-2eac-40ad-a79d-b37176d6b5ee Curve Curve false 30e72d8f-fe6e-4c27-8535-ccc63515007e 1 388 -1675 45 20 412 -1665 Offset distance f4c717fc-a0fe-4234-a296-80101559cded Distance Distance false 17b51710-4628-4dc6-b913-5bdad17f3409 1 388 -1655 45 20 412 -1645 1 1 {0} 2 Plane for offset operation 70a147a2-039f-4d75-a134-8295d032f555 Plane Plane true 0 388 -1635 45 20 412 -1625 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Corner type flag. Possible values: none = 0 sharp = 1 round = 2 smooth = 3 chamfer = 4 e2987670-db75-4133-a2db-b275b6aa9a1d Corners Corners false 0 388 -1615 45 20 412 -1605 1 1 {0} 1 1 Resulting offsets 10f0c7b4-eb82-4e50-9c8c-925c66b7e24c Curve Curve false 0 463 -1675 33 80 481 -1635 e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. true 8c12a394-a9b5-4362-8e5b-85b6cc916953 Move Move 557 -1646 138 44 625 -1624 Base geometry 70afb412-00f8-4336-aabc-b0b7c2124304 Geometry Geometry true 10f0c7b4-eb82-4e50-9c8c-925c66b7e24c 1 559 -1644 51 20 586 -1634 Translation vector a435af0b-75bf-4716-b727-03ffa0cfeaf9 Motion Motion false accd8e85-fa81-45a7-8df3-a1f9648a0ce9 1 559 -1624 51 20 586 -1614 1 1 {0} 0 0 10 Translated geometry d16af149-eab7-4372-b9b7-b5af582dc7f0 Geometry Geometry false 0 640 -1644 53 20 668 -1634 Transformation data 719a2139-18e1-404b-8153-c430afad83ed Transform Transform false 0 640 -1624 53 20 668 -1614 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points Extract the end points of a curve. true 0a664c47-cd38-40ff-8c35-c0e459acd4ae End Points End Points 386 -1734 96 44 436 -1712 Curve to evaluate e8f9916d-43b0-4db5-b035-0ee44973f97f Curve Curve false d16af149-eab7-4372-b9b7-b5af582dc7f0 1 388 -1732 33 40 406 -1712 Curve start point 0c2c2213-bf12-494e-bd56-10604586335d Start Start false 0 451 -1732 29 20 467 -1722 Curve end point 705ecadd-6175-432f-9479-588e2fb3e4cf End End false 0 451 -1712 29 20 467 -1702 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line Create a line between two points. true ee3ddb4f-d421-47db-a633-f044953541eb Line Line 536 -1778 114 44 608 -1756 Line start point c5a0bf1c-f371-4dd4-bfed-c50e6dad091b Start Point Start Point false 0c2c2213-bf12-494e-bd56-10604586335d 1 538 -1776 55 20 567 -1766 Line end point daf7cc38-45b7-4dd5-adfa-1a544492b727 End Point End Point false 705ecadd-6175-432f-9479-588e2fb3e4cf 1 538 -1756 55 20 567 -1746 Line segment 7558cc96-42d5-49b4-ae9e-fbbc4683d993 Line Line false 0 623 -1776 25 40 637 -1756 3cadddef-1e2b-4c09-9390-0e8f78f7609f Merge Merge a bunch of data streams true d76a9f3c-81ff-4f13-8894-623d6ffff168 Merge Merge 681 -1741 87 64 717 -1709 3 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2 Data stream 1 ba5d513f-0852-4056-a235-78b9c1219f6d false Data 1 D1 true 7558cc96-42d5-49b4-ae9e-fbbc4683d993 1 683 -1739 19 20 694 -1729 2 Data stream 2 00ed523f-2b73-43fa-9393-0e2287b8318a false Data 2 D2 true d16af149-eab7-4372-b9b7-b5af582dc7f0 1 683 -1719 19 20 694 -1709 2 Data stream 3 a08eae74-919a-48f0-8c3b-543b4041fc9e false Data 3 D3 true 0 683 -1699 19 20 694 -1689 2 Result of merge 676fe349-81ec-4422-885a-b2e42d947aef Result Result false 0 732 -1739 34 60 750.5 -1709 92044ffc-0168-4ee5-9af7-b278aa048d59 20563e24-568f-4f4f-b61b-71a1781ef92f From Polylines Create Mesh from polylines and adds NGons properties true 36aa7a40-990e-40c6-8c62-b0ff4a287d71 false From Polylines From Polylines -205 -687 103 28 -150 -673 1 Polylines or Curves a757fbc6-8ac6-4079-b646-636111c4a470 Curves Curves false fc14f464-b4ea-4d98-b427-4eccda03c0d7 1 -203 -685 38 24 -182.5 -673 Mesh bb24d414-67ed-4235-b280-82d540644b7f Mesh Mesh false 0 -135 -685 31 24 -118 -673 3cadddef-1e2b-4c09-9390-0e8f78f7609f Merge Merge a bunch of data streams true 12de1666-23e8-451f-97e8-4e7a1888cba2 Merge Merge -677 -1003 103 124 -641 -941 6 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2 Data stream 1 bd4e0364-e6c9-49a8-af55-34637c2b0280 false Data 1 D1 true 61855b17-4d62-4e48-ae07-c5906f8125bc 1 -675 -1001 19 20 -664 -991 2 Data stream 2 6f05f380-aa7d-4882-b22d-0fe94ddd9b32 false Data 2 D2 true c894537f-d113-4f99-b82f-4dffb9083cfe 1 -675 -981 19 20 -664 -971 2 Data stream 3 3c3451b8-71ce-4931-a528-d0ea07b595e4 false Data 3 D3 true 04cfa955-0284-4d8a-90c9-81fc5f9eb799 1 -675 -961 19 20 -664 -951 2 Data stream 4 dd7b8f22-3f3b-42e8-a5d2-7bc0d1f326be false Data 4 D4 true dd97e06d-76ed-449e-a8f1-ee6e5245dc0d 1 -675 -941 19 20 -664 -931 2 Data stream 5 5a22d23a-bc3d-488d-b2ce-539e4eef804f false Data 5 D5 true ad929c92-ada6-47f0-9443-780975a91054 1 -675 -921 19 20 -664 -911 2 Data stream 6 9c03d1ea-61fa-40d4-8691-86d467a1c1d7 false Data 6 D6 true 0 -675 -901 19 20 -664 -891 2 Result of merge c77883cc-2704-45ff-b927-48a5c09f6b3d 1 Result Result false 0 -626 -1001 50 120 -607.5 -941 e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. true b2ef38a1-2fae-4fc0-b66c-a9385a9ee478 Move Move 1556 -1300 138 44 1624 -1278 Base geometry 8c14f042-0f64-46a4-8c68-d4b6d4cdb7d7 Geometry Geometry true 91dff07e-ea00-48c4-8104-fc7c2bba02f9 1 1558 -1298 51 20 1585 -1288 Translation vector 9987ee33-dcfb-4952-b7e8-15b4125c28bf Motion Motion false accd8e85-fa81-45a7-8df3-a1f9648a0ce9 1 1558 -1278 51 20 1585 -1268 1 1 {0} 0 0 10 Translated geometry 5c2eac32-6774-4398-8a35-2aaf7ec3f2aa Geometry Geometry false 0 1639 -1298 53 20 1667 -1288 Transformation data 40746eff-90b8-4334-9244-33c63e6f9b45 Transform Transform false 0 1639 -1278 53 20 1667 -1268 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X Compute one over x. true d9d0d165-5e5a-48b3-b8ac-53ed347ee8b0 One Over X One Over X 627 103 100 28 676 117 Input value 699a558d-4f77-43eb-b1c1-552edb94759d Value Value false cd133c98-10e2-4d1d-b7cc-d2e1bb057a8b 1 629 105 32 24 646.5 117 Output value 2c8e632c-bfbf-4875-8f28-60732f64e444 Result Result false 0 691 105 34 24 709.5 117 78fed580-851b-46fe-af2f-6519a9d378e0 Power Raise a value to a power. true c33070ef-d86b-4744-ba87-a5f3bfdfa12c Power Power 672 131 82 44 703 153 The item to be raised 0a1cae53-0dae-40c8-b5ec-f00eb4983170 A A false 0 674 133 14 20 682.5 143 1 1 {0} Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Integer 2 The exponent 1e89ff0a-6565-4376-b2f9-9f10fe2b317e B B false 89886ac7-19a1-4441-9427-5c29e0c4aaf0 1 674 153 14 20 682.5 163 A raised to the B power cd133c98-10e2-4d1d-b7cc-d2e1bb057a8b Result Result false 0 718 133 34 40 736.5 153 f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror Mirror an object. true 1f9bf808-1b9d-42c5-8c4f-29266933e4bb Mirror Mirror 255 -629 138 44 323 -607 Base geometry b09ab306-2a1c-4d68-9344-e7b03bcfb542 Geometry Geometry true dd97e06d-76ed-449e-a8f1-ee6e5245dc0d 1 257 -627 51 20 284 -617 Mirror plane f4de9366-ff3f-4019-8114-57a758e3ba3f Plane Plane false 0 257 -607 51 20 284 -597 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.707106781186547 0 0.707106781186548 Mirrored geometry ad929c92-ada6-47f0-9443-780975a91054 Geometry Geometry false 0 338 -627 53 20 366 -617 Transformation data 4421e611-42bf-4fb9-b089-3ddb6cdbcc02 Transform Transform false 0 338 -607 53 20 366 -597 3cadddef-1e2b-4c09-9390-0e8f78f7609f Merge Merge a bunch of data streams true 9f4ee8c9-6b27-4854-9f03-bfaf0df29ca7 Merge Merge 83 -687 87 84 119 -645 4 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2 Data stream 1 66bbaadd-05db-496e-a6d3-2b324fb0c063 false Data 1 D1 true 04cfa955-0284-4d8a-90c9-81fc5f9eb799 1 85 -685 19 20 96 -675 2 Data stream 2 065125ca-b167-4b56-845b-94f9a1ed4d32 false Data 2 D2 true aad8b053-0d12-44dd-b5e2-2b5a0ea1ff28 1 85 -665 19 20 96 -655 2 Data stream 3 38bfe924-dc6b-4a5f-87e3-927aa5beff7a false Data 3 D3 true 5c2eac32-6774-4398-8a35-2aaf7ec3f2aa 1 85 -645 19 20 96 -635 2 Data stream 4 6bbdbe55-092a-4a97-9e37-dc24223c0cd2 false Data 4 D4 true 0 85 -625 19 20 96 -615 2 Result of merge dd97e06d-76ed-449e-a8f1-ee6e5245dc0d Result Result false 0 134 -685 34 80 152.5 -645 4bc9dbbf-fec8-4348-a3af-e33e7edc8e7b Mesh Join Join a set of meshes into a single mesh true 89204f73-e7f5-4e85-85be-e1ded76b4025 Mesh Join Mesh Join -609 -1083 106 28 -551 -1069 1 Meshes to join cc2fdddf-16fb-4b84-8dd1-24bc1c64cd9b Meshes Meshes false c77883cc-2704-45ff-b927-48a5c09f6b3d 1 -607 -1081 41 24 -585 -1069 Mesh join result 3221ea73-a71a-4111-a526-b7f7bde328f5 Mesh Mesh false 0 -536 -1081 31 24 -519 -1069 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel A panel for custom notes and text values 56320f40-815e-4aee-9907-af635c09fd62 Panel false 0 deb38b27-5504-4d15-9008-0209a9c4b825 1 Double click to edit panel content… 764 474 202 20 0 0 0 764.7745 474 255;0;244;124 false false true false false true 4eb1f874-d395-43a5-9871-afc65026e179 cc201624-ce0d-d105-495c-210b876cef63 Mesh Sweep Create a mesh sweep with one rail curve. true 5bacd0b1-6be3-4700-8130-101b819e7d14 Mesh Sweep Mesh Sweep 1614 -929 134 124 1700 -867 Any type of curve 90f3ca84-e08d-4a52-8d69-49c8d581ee09 Rail curve Rail curve false df9887e2-3319-42c7-97b5-44758e2ae784 1 1616 -927 69 20 1652 -917 Any type of curve 741c78d1-c26c-44d2-ab68-88c15b851a03 Section curve Section curve false a3243e93-47f4-44f2-a9da-94350563d698 1 1616 -907 69 20 1652 -897 Accuracy defined by angle b50210f9-7220-42b9-afe8-990b64d03196 Accuracy Accuracy false 0 1616 -887 69 20 1652 -877 1 1 {0} 0.000244140625 Cap ends baffdb2c-b2d5-42bb-bfb9-69c4d3dd3d97 Cap Cap false 0 1616 -867 69 20 1652 -857 1 1 {0} false Try to orient section automatically a350a313-c137-48ff-ac08-5333175854c1 Autoorient Autoorient false 0 1616 -847 69 20 1652 -837 1 1 {0} true Autooriented profile rotation 7f130543-91b2-4cfe-876a-752a81a8edfd Rotation Rotation false 0 1616 -827 69 20 1652 -817 1 1 {0} -1.5707963267948966 Resulting mesh 279cbdd7-5f74-49de-bf21-32d8a3a2ad53 Mesh Mesh false 0 1715 -927 31 120 1732 -867 b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object df9887e2-3319-42c7-97b5-44758e2ae784 Relay false 64cad9c5-f48b-4e7e-b494-465a50dd9bc9 1 1041 -976 40 16 1061 -968 78fed580-851b-46fe-af2f-6519a9d378e0 Power Raise a value to a power. true d58774f0-4410-42c9-98ae-d235adbf7f75 Power Power 851 154 82 44 882 176 The item to be raised 81738753-e405-4b9f-8e25-ea4848a197fc A A false 0 853 156 14 20 861.5 166 1 1 {0} Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Integer 2 The exponent aa320a47-5bd4-4b6a-9828-d34826959671 B B false b2548e22-2208-4e68-9368-00dca3bd2a11 1 853 176 14 20 861.5 186 A raised to the B power 7df07b87-82ec-44cd-a25d-2dda674823e8 Result Result false 0 897 156 34 40 915.5 176 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box Solve oriented geometry bounding boxes. true b5442f46-151c-4613-9029-01177c5d196f Bounding Box Bounding Box true 1796 -825 100 44 1855 -803 1 Geometry to contain fc7fecaf-1223-4f4e-ae9c-1b92795b9ae3 Content Content false 279cbdd7-5f74-49de-bf21-32d8a3a2ad53 1 1798 -823 42 20 1820.5 -813 BoundingBox orientation plane true 575b7c5f-9ae0-45d8-a699-91a17d3a5a8d Plane Plane false 0 1798 -803 42 20 1820.5 -793 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Aligned bounding box in world coordinates 76b373dc-afcb-4ba4-9ed1-65c6d412c012 Box Box false 0 1870 -823 24 20 1883.5 -813 Bounding box in orientation plane coordinates true 0051dd9d-3c9e-4d8f-be83-c7ea81a284e8 Box Box false 0 1870 -803 24 20 1883.5 -793 db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box Deconstruct a box into its constituent parts. true 531ab876-c031-4f29-8d3e-f70c8868d7a1 Deconstruct Box Deconstruct Box 1807 -909 89 84 1848 -867 Base box bd9227a6-14a3-493d-9727-4c6952a55637 Box Box false 76b373dc-afcb-4ba4-9ed1-65c6d412c012 1 1809 -907 24 80 1822.5 -867 Box plane 3ee501f3-6035-4cf5-91b8-718ab0e08fe1 Plane Plane false 0 1863 -907 31 20 1880 -897 {x} dimension of box 5b32e95e-af9e-4226-aa94-25b4ca360fc8 X X false 0 1863 -887 31 20 1880 -877 {y} dimension of box 08cc02d7-6ace-4fce-988c-e4a77575f3aa Y Y false 0 1863 -867 31 20 1880 -857 {z} dimension of box b70712c4-8682-4058-ab42-6a390491fbe9 Z Z false 0 1863 -847 31 20 1880 -837 e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. true d5c269a3-308c-42c0-b199-25838c5223a7 Move Move 1962 -1048 138 44 2030 -1026 Base geometry cb4e2fed-442a-4622-9c95-444a25c76a3f Geometry Geometry true 279cbdd7-5f74-49de-bf21-32d8a3a2ad53 1 1964 -1046 51 20 1991 -1036 Translation vector 326bf7f6-853b-4f20-b5b9-884ee81e7fdd Motion Motion false fb6930eb-0a49-4776-85b5-704e18953d1d 1 1964 -1026 51 20 1991 -1016 1 1 {0} 0 0 10 Translated geometry 1215ca7d-1d3f-48f7-b00a-0241b3f5450a Geometry Geometry false 0 2045 -1046 53 20 2073 -1036 Transformation data 0086648e-0af2-4454-a9fa-7cd6c25416bf Transform Transform false 0 2045 -1026 53 20 2073 -1016 56b92eab-d121-43f7-94d3-6cd8f0ddead8 Vector XYZ Create a vector from {xyz} components. true d3f8d247-849a-48bd-802d-07b819d3714a Vector XYZ Vector XYZ 1962 -1004 155 64 2063 -972 Vector {x} component f94f59f0-cd56-495d-b78f-aff90e7d63bd X component X component false 0 1964 -1002 84 20 2015.5 -992 1 1 {0} 0 Vector {y} component f9762046-7066-4f03-b2b2-c021b3593c26 -X/2 Y component Y component false 896346f5-3384-4e1e-841d-2a23eb237921 1 1964 -982 84 20 2015.5 -972 1 1 {0} 0 Vector {z} component dbeeca5d-6827-43f9-acb3-5b4d95e6454a Z component Z component false 0 1964 -962 84 20 2015.5 -952 1 1 {0} 0 Vector construct fb6930eb-0a49-4776-85b5-704e18953d1d Vector Vector false 0 2078 -1002 37 30 2098 -987 Vector length 97b52dc8-c81e-4b12-af01-f5cc8916679b Length Length false 0 2078 -972 37 30 2098 -957 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. true 0d996108-4c8a-40d5-83d1-cd7fd3287462 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct Domain 1783 -1024 104 44 1841 -1002 Base domain 1b28e597-429a-4404-be9c-1877bffe7536 Domain Domain false 08cc02d7-6ace-4fce-988c-e4a77575f3aa 1 1785 -1022 41 40 1807 -1002 Start of domain 3470b749-1585-4df1-a8d2-9b27f563ae4d Start Start false 0 1856 -1022 29 20 1872 -1012 End of domain 37d61d36-c234-4e9e-83ee-97aed72b33ce End End false 0 1856 -1002 29 20 1872 -992 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 Subtraction Mathematical subtraction true d34319c2-63ba-41c2-94f9-50a0ae9f4628 Subtraction Subtraction 1796 -1068 82 44 1827 -1046 2 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 First operand for subtraction b43a1a24-638c-4f23-b898-0adbbc99fa3a A A true 37d61d36-c234-4e9e-83ee-97aed72b33ce 1 1798 -1066 14 20 1806.5 -1056 Second operand for subtraction eae898c3-a7e0-4587-8b5f-4d48166918ef B B true 3470b749-1585-4df1-a8d2-9b27f563ae4d 1 1798 -1046 14 20 1806.5 -1036 Result of subtraction 896346f5-3384-4e1e-841d-2a23eb237921 Result Result false 0 1842 -1066 34 40 1860.5 -1046 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers 9074feea-67ad-4b3b-9b64-bdc7e273ad15 Digit Scroller false 0 12 11 6.0 596 273 250 20 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 Subtraction Mathematical subtraction true bd8ea5da-df6a-4800-9ead-3980ecfce25b Subtraction Subtraction 933 293 82 44 964 315 2 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 First operand for subtraction 8ec5ad89-dc9c-4e58-84a8-880216554570 A A true b2548e22-2208-4e68-9368-00dca3bd2a11 1 935 295 14 20 943.5 305 Second operand for subtraction 1f33d617-6e84-4741-807a-998e1ba211e3 B B true 9074feea-67ad-4b3b-9b64-bdc7e273ad15 1 935 315 14 20 943.5 325 Result of subtraction 89886ac7-19a1-4441-9427-5c29e0c4aaf0 Result Result false 0 979 295 34 40 997.5 315 b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object deb38b27-5504-4d15-9008-0209a9c4b825 Relay false b36e620e-9bd0-4fb1-9673-7ec18c00a512 1 -178 -1412 40 16 -158 -1404 f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror Mirror an object. true a7d99f95-3a8f-4305-a5f7-cde9f9c849bb Mirror Mirror -419 -1198 138 44 -351 -1176 Base geometry 835b6b5e-3a55-4492-9464-95b98d4be3ca Geometry Geometry true 3221ea73-a71a-4111-a526-b7f7bde328f5 1 -417 -1196 51 20 -390 -1186 Mirror plane 3ccccfe7-f50c-4d95-8ced-c2432ed206da Plane Plane false 0 -417 -1176 51 20 -390 -1166 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Mirrored geometry 7c7ac5cb-4b21-4224-a324-6d3703b55d5e Geometry Geometry false 0 -336 -1196 53 20 -308 -1186 Transformation data d31762b7-fd27-4c44-996d-d0dbfa2349f4 Transform Transform false 0 -336 -1176 53 20 -308 -1166 3cadddef-1e2b-4c09-9390-0e8f78f7609f Merge Merge a bunch of data streams true 51a3f80c-6f34-4251-a7f5-3b8f9ac2a27b Merge Merge -367 -1281 87 64 -331 -1249 3 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2 Data stream 1 16577b78-d169-408d-823e-e40211d747f0 false Data 1 D1 true 3221ea73-a71a-4111-a526-b7f7bde328f5 1 -365 -1279 19 20 -354 -1269 2 Data stream 2 9ea5cf94-fe50-478a-8d22-69f180e6246f false Data 2 D2 true 7c7ac5cb-4b21-4224-a324-6d3703b55d5e 1 -365 -1259 19 20 -354 -1249 2 Data stream 3 5f59d340-9db5-477a-80d0-1b5112b59df1 false Data 3 D3 true 0 -365 -1239 19 20 -354 -1229 2 Result of merge ca14231d-7875-420b-a94f-92b49ede350c Result Result false 0 -316 -1279 34 60 -297.5 -1249 f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror Mirror an object. true e156fd74-004f-4868-a2d6-374c9f6937d8 Mirror Mirror -407 -1355 138 44 -339 -1333 Base geometry 172d498c-d8fa-421f-b408-7bb31d4f6e5e Geometry Geometry true ca14231d-7875-420b-a94f-92b49ede350c 1 -405 -1353 51 20 -378 -1343 Mirror plane f50397ad-60a3-4d96-93e1-3567732cae65 Plane Plane false 0 -405 -1333 51 20 -378 -1323 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 Mirrored geometry 2fe7f270-bfb2-420a-ab80-ec8a8abe4857 Geometry Geometry false 0 -324 -1353 53 20 -296 -1343 Transformation data 1769c9bf-1a14-4e1d-a24e-a23387cb3cf1 Transform Transform false 0 -324 -1333 53 20 -296 -1323 3cadddef-1e2b-4c09-9390-0e8f78f7609f Merge Merge a bunch of data streams true 31fd56aa-2417-4e73-a4b5-cc017b2ed538 Merge Merge -518 -1386 87 64 -482 -1354 3 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 2 Data stream 1 207af0d3-2409-4f79-8dad-fbd0790120dd false Data 1 D1 true ca14231d-7875-420b-a94f-92b49ede350c 1 -516 -1384 19 20 -505 -1374 2 Data stream 2 d1b1dcac-9d52-49b2-8c64-80884faa4358 false Data 2 D2 true 2fe7f270-bfb2-420a-ab80-ec8a8abe4857 1 -516 -1364 19 20 -505 -1354 2 Data stream 3 08741f9b-db85-44e7-ba18-7a9f23b75518 false Data 3 D3 true 0 -516 -1344 19 20 -505 -1334 2 Result of merge e5672c93-ff59-4ccb-a1bd-83f2172f9722 Result Result false 0 -467 -1384 34 60 -448.5 -1354 4bc9dbbf-fec8-4348-a3af-e33e7edc8e7b Mesh Join Join a set of meshes into a single mesh true 1f38aefb-1a87-42c0-8709-844604a21a1a Mesh Join Mesh Join -843 -1309 106 28 -785 -1295 1 Meshes to join cf0e141f-7d9d-4573-af56-1df302e21ed3 Meshes Meshes false e5672c93-ff59-4ccb-a1bd-83f2172f9722 1 -841 -1307 41 24 -819 -1295 Mesh join result 9c51fdf8-ec87-4ece-9f99-28137d3a4338 Mesh Mesh false 0 -770 -1307 31 24 -753 -1295 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers bcee3e83-f467-40ce-8334-61b9992de1e0 Digit Scroller Digit Scroller false 0 12 Digit Scroller 11 8192.0 -138 -1592 250 20 -137.3799 -1591.873 9266a2bb-918f-4675-9c91-f67d0dd33eac Quadrangulate Quadrangulate as many triangles as possible in a mesh true 50834b72-d8e2-4307-856c-3abb6bdd0f91 Quadrangulate Quadrangulate -893 -1147 100 64 -843 -1115 Mesh to quadrangulate 6efecffe-c059-429b-a79e-af8b80a4ff4a Mesh Mesh false a69ebcc7-16b9-4c23-9646-06702e5512c2 1 -891 -1145 33 20 -873 -1135 Angle threshold. Triangles that exceed this kink-angle will not be merged. ded3d817-626b-4d48-a036-d46d64dc3272 Angle Angle false 0 -891 -1125 33 20 -873 -1115 1 1 {0} 0 Ratio threshold. Quads that have a ratio (shortest diagonal/longest diagonal) that exceed the threshold, will not be considered. b41ccaa6-6a66-4af2-a81c-7d953258b1ab Ratio Ratio false 0 -891 -1105 33 20 -873 -1095 1 1 {0} 0 Quadrangulated mesh (not all triangles are guaranteed to be converted). c894537f-d113-4f99-b82f-4dffb9083cfe Mesh Mesh false 0 -828 -1145 33 30 -810 -1130 Number of triangles that were quadrangulated 59dede9b-73b2-4f05-aca7-879954694203 Count Count false 0 -828 -1115 33 30 -810 -1100 9266a2bb-918f-4675-9c91-f67d0dd33eac Quadrangulate Quadrangulate as many triangles as possible in a mesh true 0cef1c0b-be8a-4286-b7d4-dcbc3aa685d3 Quadrangulate Quadrangulate -72 -536 100 64 -22 -504 Mesh to quadrangulate a614c2cc-a1c8-46d6-8ea2-fd110ae63295 Mesh Mesh false 86d41cc0-ed03-4f9c-9e9b-580fd592f24d 1 -70 -534 33 20 -52 -524 Angle threshold. Triangles that exceed this kink-angle will not be merged. 159f628b-cdc2-47f4-8003-f758b660e9aa Angle Angle false 0 -70 -514 33 20 -52 -504 1 1 {0} 0 Ratio threshold. Quads that have a ratio (shortest diagonal/longest diagonal) that exceed the threshold, will not be considered. 6ef07635-b38d-4f29-8b82-fe3fd333c75d Ratio Ratio false 0 -70 -494 33 20 -52 -484 1 1 {0} 0 Quadrangulated mesh (not all triangles are guaranteed to be converted). aad8b053-0d12-44dd-b5e2-2b5a0ea1ff28 Mesh Mesh false 0 -7 -534 33 30 11 -519 Number of triangles that were quadrangulated 49eef63d-37eb-4e05-aa66-00d78ee42194 Count Count false 0 -7 -504 33 30 11 -489 b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object fc14f464-b4ea-4d98-b427-4eccda03c0d7 Relay false 676fe349-81ec-4422-885a-b2e42d947aef 1 -142 -731 40 16 -122 -723 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 Scale Scale an object uniformly in all directions. 67e9b280-e96c-456a-8057-ff60e411ae9e Scale Scale -367 -1552 138 64 -299 -1520 Base geometry fe3c3c32-f246-4501-8fb3-e570e5dd1b09 Geometry Geometry true ad2b32a7-ed32-4625-8d41-80ba9c186564 1 -365 -1550 51 20 -338 -1540 Center of scaling ca9ad275-2017-4d08-815d-7cc407b19e0b Center Center false 0 -365 -1530 51 20 -338 -1520 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 Scaling factor d591a157-4fc3-4613-a311-6d9b59043346 Factor Factor false f04d4614-25bc-4412-8359-c1516775aebd 1 -365 -1510 51 20 -338 -1500 1 1 {0} 0.5 Scaled geometry b36e620e-9bd0-4fb1-9673-7ec18c00a512 Geometry Geometry false 0 -284 -1550 53 30 -256 -1535 Transformation data 7873e093-9303-4c31-be17-7b63ab9df4c6 Transform Transform false 0 -284 -1520 53 30 -256 -1505 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box Solve oriented geometry bounding boxes. true 65e2ca74-123c-4463-8f55-e7e13b88b45a Bounding Box Bounding Box true -697 -1540 100 44 -638 -1518 1 Geometry to contain adb1a897-91d3-41b5-9899-4752cdd1f7fb Content Content false d9bebccb-59b6-4f91-9008-2b30bba5477a 1 -695 -1538 42 20 -672.5 -1528 BoundingBox orientation plane true c427e24a-6c18-4f90-9691-371a133c8002 Plane Plane false 0 -695 -1518 42 20 -672.5 -1508 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Aligned bounding box in world coordinates c79bb3b0-b783-4d40-80cf-b41dd0f17814 Box Box false 0 -623 -1538 24 20 -609.5 -1528 Bounding box in orientation plane coordinates true f7d3a235-d452-4b30-9989-cb8cce0d6f0e Box Box false 0 -623 -1518 24 20 -609.5 -1508 db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box Deconstruct a box into its constituent parts. true 146cbd5e-5ea1-475b-8d8a-06c337873f09 Deconstruct Box Deconstruct Box -709 -1635 89 84 -668 -1593 Base box 6cee878f-f3e5-4343-88ac-b8ee7c97b71f Box Box false c79bb3b0-b783-4d40-80cf-b41dd0f17814 1 -707 -1633 24 80 -693.5 -1593 Box plane 4f254c60-27a0-4008-a76c-2be5274dc528 Plane Plane false 0 -653 -1633 31 20 -636 -1623 {x} dimension of box c7b0c03f-ee39-4c7d-9045-a5acb3fe2fa5 X X false 0 -653 -1613 31 20 -636 -1603 {y} dimension of box 706fa541-4218-431a-af74-bb4a700f0fe7 Y Y false 0 -653 -1593 31 20 -636 -1583 {z} dimension of box 67d87d23-0872-49d1-94e5-af906b972081 Z Z false 0 -653 -1573 31 20 -636 -1563 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. true 2be266f1-789e-4217-a316-38aff3069efc Deconstruct Domain Deconstruct Domain -724 -1680 120 44 -666 -1658 Base domain ef3f3349-7e3a-4f52-8ff8-8c124fd3199f Domain Domain false c7b0c03f-ee39-4c7d-9045-a5acb3fe2fa5 1 -722 -1678 41 40 -700 -1658 Start of domain 12b9ddad-773e-46ad-b90e-e1fc68f10c62 ABS(X) Start Start false 0 -651 -1678 45 20 -635 -1668 End of domain 34e357f9-92d9-44ec-8de0-42f467be467a End End false 0 -651 -1658 45 20 -635 -1648 a0d62394-a118-422d-abb3-6af115c75b25 Addition Mathematical addition true e2a1ffc1-db16-411d-a144-26876f81299c Addition Addition -724 -1745 82 44 -693 -1723 2 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 1 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 First item for addition f9783a92-c0f2-4efe-80b8-f66ef59e829e A A true 12b9ddad-773e-46ad-b90e-e1fc68f10c62 1 -722 -1743 14 20 -713.5 -1733 Second item for addition a1b9075a-85b4-4364-8934-17c0eb17b294 B B true 34e357f9-92d9-44ec-8de0-42f467be467a 1 -722 -1723 14 20 -713.5 -1713 Result of addition 7c424e85-3e16-4f93-97c8-1f8ad6e36079 Result Result false 0 -678 -1743 34 40 -659.5 -1723 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X Compute one over x. true 9f59b6fe-d42e-4925-8060-7b73f869bb1a One Over X One Over X -699 -1784 100 28 -650 -1770 Input value 5383588f-434c-4379-ad57-99d15df16cd5 Value Value false 7c424e85-3e16-4f93-97c8-1f8ad6e36079 1 -697 -1782 32 24 -679.5 -1770 Output value f04d4614-25bc-4412-8359-c1516775aebd Result Result false 0 -635 -1782 34 24 -616.5 -1770 e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. true eebb8a77-4560-4294-828d-8aec57fc7e24 Move Move -862 -1376 138 44 -794 -1354 Base geometry 6d181d3b-e91c-4b06-86ee-8d1d2c7bacde Geometry Geometry true 9c51fdf8-ec87-4ece-9f99-28137d3a4338 1 -860 -1374 51 20 -833 -1364 Translation vector b92fb8de-edef-43cc-a7d1-50030a5b496d Motion Motion false 0 -860 -1354 51 20 -833 -1344 1 1 {0} 0 -1 0 Translated geometry f58c4d0a-318f-4ce5-8faf-5f105b94bf4e Geometry Geometry false 0 -779 -1374 53 20 -751 -1364 Transformation data b65d322f-61fa-455d-b3e3-899c83602993 Transform Transform false 0 -779 -1354 53 20 -751 -1344 b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay 2 A wire relay object d9bebccb-59b6-4f91-9008-2b30bba5477a Relay false 4bdd0f37-78e5-49cb-ab09-455f145b3ecb 1 -585 -1431 40 16 -565 -1423 b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate Rotate an object in a plane. true 235442cc-5bc2-4948-9692-a238de7c6bd6 Rotate Rotate -862 -1455 138 64 -794 -1423 Base geometry 0c0b80be-74c1-40df-a7e9-e49ab54d6736 Geometry Geometry true f58c4d0a-318f-4ce5-8faf-5f105b94bf4e 1 -860 -1453 51 20 -833 -1443 Rotation angle in radians 8c95da03-175b-47b5-8850-8b5624605a0a Angle Angle false 0 false -860 -1433 51 20 -833 -1423 1 1 {0} -1.5707963267948966 Rotation plane 7c2083de-700b-4c3e-b379-a00b7d66ec66 Plane Plane false 0 -860 -1413 51 20 -833 -1403 1 1 {0} 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Rotated geometry 4bdd0f37-78e5-49cb-ab09-455f145b3ecb Geometry Geometry false 0 -779 -1453 53 30 -751 -1438 Transformation data 9e4d533b-e52c-4ad5-be2d-9a2e8b15a7b5 Transform Transform false 0 -779 -1423 53 30 -751 -1408 4098ec7a-819a-4ced-9eee-86835d7e21c9 a4634196-add1-8181-6e78-09a045132c7c Weaverbird's Catmull-Clark Subdivision Calculates the type of mesh-based recursive subdivision described by Edwin Catmull and Jim Clark, at first in their 1978 paper. The resulting mesh always consists of quad faces. Provided by Weaverbird 0 true df569b73-9e9c-4efa-bcb6-2d43c7e93e22 true Weaverbird's Catmull-Clark Subdivision Weaverbird's Catmull-Clark Subdivision -928 -810 241 64 -806 -778 1 The open or closed mesh, or closed curves list, to subdivide 43484e4d-5493-4431-ba1b-d01aa4326273 true Mesh/Curves Mesh/Curves false 1f7b4920-1b69-4646-b774-27bdf5250046 1 -926 -808 105 20 -872 -798 The number of subdividing iterations for each face 921466c3-4c69-458d-9c8e-8aaa327f1723 true Level Level true 0 -926 -788 105 20 -872 -778 1 1 {0} 1 Defines how to treat the naked edges 0: Fixed. Naked edges will not move or be modified. 1: Smooth. The naked edge will tend toward a spline. 2: Corner Fixed. Corners (2-sided vertices) will be fixed, while other naked vertices will tend toward a spline. d1455bdc-0df9-4c77-b2c5-4c3690c7bdb3 true Smooth Naked Edges Smooth Naked Edges true 0 -926 -768 105 20 -872 -758 1 1 {0} 0 The mesh after the subdividing process 9332fa59-68c6-4443-90f8-238533f18ba3 true Output Mesh/Curves Output Mesh/Curves false 0 -791 -808 102 60 -738.5 -778 4098ec7a-819a-4ced-9eee-86835d7e21c9 a4634196-add1-8181-6e78-09a045132c7c Weaverbird's Catmull-Clark Subdivision Calculates the type of mesh-based recursive subdivision described by Edwin Catmull and Jim Clark, at first in their 1978 paper. The resulting mesh always consists of quad faces. Provided by Weaverbird 0 true 78b8d772-38df-4129-a4bb-4ab0b69b8239 true Weaverbird's Catmull-Clark Subdivision Weaverbird's Catmull-Clark Subdivision -213 -629 241 64 -91 -597 1 The open or closed mesh, or closed curves list, to subdivide f7f092a1-8669-4687-90b0-fe1e05342556 true Mesh/Curves Mesh/Curves false bb24d414-67ed-4235-b280-82d540644b7f 1 -211 -627 105 20 -157 -617 The number of subdividing iterations for each face 42ba09d1-d2c5-4786-95a0-4cb5d0451985 true Level Level true 0 -211 -607 105 20 -157 -597 1 1 {0} 1 Defines how to treat the naked edges 0: Fixed. Naked edges will not move or be modified. 1: Smooth. The naked edge will tend toward a spline. 2: Corner Fixed. Corners (2-sided vertices) will be fixed, while other naked vertices will tend toward a spline. d26579bf-6ad5-4fc1-b168-63d3db3a9f16 true Smooth Naked Edges Smooth Naked Edges true 0 -211 -587 105 20 -157 -577 1 1 {0} 0 The mesh after the subdividing process 3891a919-a1bf-40a9-a629-6bea3b8dcaae true Output Mesh/Curves Output Mesh/Curves false 0 -76 -627 102 60 -23.5 -597 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves Join as many curves as possible true 8a79f483-5b52-4785-8ac8-c33b69424c03 Join Curves Join Curves -239 -516 118 44 -176 -494 1 Curves to join d57af7ac-374c-47d1-900f-cf2ba553ca95 Curves Curves false fc14f464-b4ea-4d98-b427-4eccda03c0d7 1 -237 -514 46 20 -212.5 -504 Preserve direction of input curves b0c535e7-c492-4f9a-b77f-f951631be4ef Preserve Preserve false 0 -237 -494 46 20 -212.5 -484 1 1 {0} false 1 Joined curves and individual curves that could not be joined. 86d41cc0-ed03-4f9c-9e9b-580fd592f24d Curves Curves false 0 -161 -514 38 40 -140.5 -494 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