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2015-03-24 12:06:42 -04:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
# 3.0 Unported License.To view a copy of this license, visit
# or send a letter to
# Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
# California, 94041, USA.
# This is a sample applicaiton that dumps all raw AMBE+2 voice frame data
# It is useful for things like, decoding the audio stream with a DVSI dongle, etc.
from __future__ import print_function
from twisted.internet import reactor
from binascii import b2a_hex as h
from bitstring import BitArray
2015-03-24 12:06:42 -04:00
2015-11-27 14:57:13 -05:00
import sys, socket, ConfigParser, thread, traceback
2015-03-24 12:06:42 -04:00
import cPickle as pickle
2015-11-26 19:25:23 -05:00
from dmrlink import IPSC, NETWORK, networks, logger, int_id, hex_str_3, get_info, talkgroup_ids, subscriber_ids
2015-03-24 12:06:42 -04:00
__author__ = 'Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2015 Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS and the K0USY Group'
2015-05-13 11:01:02 -04:00
__credits__ = 'Adam Fast, KC0YLK; Robert Garcia, N5QM'
2015-03-24 12:06:42 -04:00
__license__ = 'Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported'
__maintainer__ = 'Cort Buffington, N0MJS'
__version__ = '0.1a'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'pre-alpha'
2015-03-24 12:06:42 -04:00
from ipsc.ipsc_message_types import *
except ImportError:
sys.exit('IPSC message types file not found or invalid')
2015-11-27 14:57:13 -05:00
# ambeIPSC class,
2015-11-27 14:57:13 -05:00
class ambeIPSC(IPSC):
2015-11-26 19:25:23 -05:00
2015-11-27 14:57:13 -05:00
_debug = False
_outToFile = False
_outToUDP = True
#_gateway = ""
_gateway = ""
_gateway_port = 1234
_remote_control_port = 1235
_tg_filter = [2,3,13,3174,3777215,3100,9,9998,3112] #set this to the tg to monitor
_no_tg = -99
_sock = -1;
2015-11-26 19:25:23 -05:00
2015-03-24 12:06:42 -04:00
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
IPSC.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.CALL_DATA = []
2015-11-27 14:57:13 -05:00
# Define default values for operation. These will be overridden by the .cfg file if found
self._currentTG = self._no_tg
self._sequenceNr = 0
2015-11-26 19:25:23 -05:00
2015-11-27 14:57:13 -05:00
print('DMRLink ambe server')
# Open output sincs
if self._outToFile == True:
f = open('ambe.bin', 'wb')
print('Opening output file: ambe.bin')
if self._outToUDP == True:
self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
print('Send UDP frames to DMR gateway {}:{}'.format(self._gateway, self._gateway_port))
thread.start_new_thread( self.remote_control, (self._remote_control_port, ) )
print( "Error: unable to start thread" )
# Utility function to convert bytes to string of hex values (for debug)
2015-11-27 17:51:44 -05:00
def ByteToHex( self, byteStr ):
2015-11-27 14:57:13 -05:00
return ''.join( [ "%02X " % ord(x) for x in byteStr ] ).strip()
# Now read the configuration file and parse out the values we need
def readConfigFile(self, configFileName):
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
for sec in config.sections():
for key, val in config.items(sec):
if self._debug == True:
print( '%s="%s"' % (key, val) )
self._debug = (config.get(sec, '_debug') == "True")
self._outToFile = (config.get(sec, '_outToFile') == "True")
self._outToUDP = (config.get(sec, '_outToUDP') == "True")
self._gateway = config.get(sec, '_gateway')
self._gateway_port = int(config.get(sec, '_gateway_port'))
_tgs = config.get(sec, '_tg_filter')
self._tg_filter = map(int, _tgs.split(','))
sys.exit('Configuration file \''+configFileName+'\' is not a valid configuration file! Exiting...')
2015-03-24 12:06:42 -04:00
def group_voice(self, _network, _src_sub, _dst_sub, _ts, _end, _peerid, _data):
_payload_type = _data[30:31]
2015-05-13 11:01:02 -04:00
# _ambe_frames = _data[33:52]
_ambe_frames = BitArray('0x'+h(_data[33:52]))
_ambe_frame1 = _ambe_frames[0:49]
_ambe_frame2 = _ambe_frames[50:99]
_ambe_frame3 = _ambe_frames[100:149]
2015-03-24 15:22:03 -04:00
2015-11-26 19:25:23 -05:00
_tg_id = int_id(_dst_sub)
2015-11-27 14:57:13 -05:00
if _tg_id in self._tg_filter: #All TGs
2015-11-26 19:25:23 -05:00
_dst_sub = get_info(int_id(_dst_sub), talkgroup_ids)
if _payload_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['VOICE_HEAD']:
2015-11-27 14:57:13 -05:00
if self._currentTG == self._no_tg:
2015-11-26 19:25:23 -05:00
_src_sub = get_info(int_id(_src_sub), subscriber_ids)
print('Voice Transmission Start on TS {} and TG {} ({}) from {}'.format("2" if _ts else "1", _dst_sub, _tg_id, _src_sub))
2015-11-26 19:25:23 -05:00
self._currentTG = _tg_id
if self._currentTG != _tg_id:
print('Transmission in progress, will not decode stream on TG {}'.format(_tg_id))
if self._currentTG == _tg_id:
if _payload_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['VOICE_TERM']:
2015-11-26 19:25:23 -05:00
print('Voice Transmission End')
2015-11-27 14:57:13 -05:00
self._currentTG = self._no_tg
if _payload_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['SLOT1_VOICE']:
2015-11-27 14:57:13 -05:00
self.outputFrames(_ambe_frames, _ambe_frame1, _ambe_frame2, _ambe_frame3)
if _payload_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['SLOT2_VOICE']:
2015-11-27 14:57:13 -05:00
self.outputFrames(_ambe_frames, _ambe_frame1, _ambe_frame2, _ambe_frame3)
2015-11-26 19:25:23 -05:00
if _payload_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['VOICE_HEAD']:
_dst_sub = get_info(int_id(_dst_sub), talkgroup_ids)
print('Ignored Voice Transmission Start on TS {} and TG {}'.format("2" if _ts else "1", _dst_sub))
2015-11-26 19:25:23 -05:00
2015-11-27 14:57:13 -05:00
def outputFrames(self, _ambe_frames, _ambe_frame1, _ambe_frame2, _ambe_frame3):
if self._debug == True:
print('Frame 1:', self.ByteToHex(_ambe_frame1.tobytes()))
print('Frame 2:', self.ByteToHex(_ambe_frame2.tobytes()))
print('Frame 3:', self.ByteToHex(_ambe_frame3.tobytes()))
2015-11-26 19:25:23 -05:00
2015-11-27 14:57:13 -05:00
if self._outToFile == True:
f.write( _ambe_frame1.tobytes() )
f.write( _ambe_frame2.tobytes() )
f.write( _ambe_frame3.tobytes() )
2015-11-26 19:25:23 -05:00
2015-11-27 14:57:13 -05:00
if self._outToUDP == True:
self._sock.sendto(_ambe_frame1.tobytes(), (self._gateway, self._gateway_port))
self._sock.sendto(_ambe_frame2.tobytes(), (self._gateway, self._gateway_port))
self._sock.sendto(_ambe_frame3.tobytes(), (self._gateway, self._gateway_port))
2015-11-26 19:25:23 -05:00
2015-11-27 14:57:13 -05:00
# Define a function for the thread
# Use netcat to dynamically change the TGs that are forwarded to Allstar
# echo "x,y,z" | nc 1235
def remote_control(self, port):
s = socket.socket() # Create a socket object
host = socket.gethostname() # Get local machine name
s.bind((host, port)) # Bind to the port
s.listen(5) # Now wait for client connection.
print('Remote control is listening on:', host, port)
while True:
c, addr = s.accept() # Establish connection with client.
print( 'Got connection from', addr )
tgs = c.recv(1024)
if tgs:
self._tg_filter = map(int, tgs.split(','))
print( 'New TGs=', self._tg_filter )
c.close() # Close the connection
2015-11-26 19:25:23 -05:00
2015-03-24 12:06:42 -04:00
if __name__ == '__main__':'DMRlink \'\' (c) 2015 N0MJS & the K0USY Group - SYSTEM STARTING...')
for ipsc_network in NETWORK:
if NETWORK[ipsc_network]['LOCAL']['ENABLED']:
networks[ipsc_network] = ambeIPSC(ipsc_network)
reactor.listenUDP(NETWORK[ipsc_network]['LOCAL']['PORT'], networks[ipsc_network], interface=NETWORK[ipsc_network]['LOCAL']['IP'])