Gateway changes

This commit is contained in:
Mike Zingman 2015-11-26 19:25:23 -05:00
parent f5f9e14349
commit a77061e21b
3 changed files with 154 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -16,7 +16,9 @@ from bitstring import BitArray
import sys
import cPickle as pickle
from dmrlink import IPSC, NETWORK, networks, logger, int_id, hex_str_3
from dmrlink import IPSC, NETWORK, networks, logger, int_id, hex_str_3, get_info, talkgroup_ids, subscriber_ids
import socket
import ConfigParser
__author__ = 'Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2015 Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS and the K0USY Group'
@ -32,12 +34,56 @@ try:
except ImportError:
sys.exit('IPSC message types file not found or invalid')
def ByteToHex( byteStr ):
return ''.join( [ "%02X " % ord(x) for x in byteStr ] ).strip()
_debug = False
_outToFile = False
_outToUDP = True
#_gateway = ""
_gateway = ""
_gateway_port = 1234
_tg_filter = [2,3,13,3174,3777215,3100,9,9998,3112] #set this to the tg to monitor
_no_tg = -99
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
for sec in config.sections():
for key, val in config.items(sec):
print( '%s="%s"' % (key, val) )
_debug = config.get(sec, '_debug')
_outToFile = config.get(sec, '_outToFile')
_outToUDP = config.get(sec, '_outToUDP')
_gateway = config.get(sec, '_gateway')
_gateway_port = config.get(sec, '_gateway_port')
_tgs = config.get(sec, '_tg_filter')
_tg_filter = map(int, _tgs.split(','))
sys.exit('Configuration file \''+_configFile+'\' is not a valid configuration file! Exiting...')
if _outToFile == True:
f = open('ambe.bin', 'wb')
if _outToUDP == True:
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
class ambeIPSC(IPSC):
_currentTG = _no_tg
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
IPSC.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.CALL_DATA = []
self._currentTG = _no_tg
print('DMRLink ambe server')
print('Send UDP frames to gateway {}:{}'.format(_gateway, _gateway_port))
@ -53,20 +99,90 @@ class ambeIPSC(IPSC):
_ambe_frame2 = _ambe_frames[50:99]
_ambe_frame3 = _ambe_frames[100:149]
_tg_id = int_id(_dst_sub)
if _tg_id in _tg_filter: #All TGs
_dst_sub = get_info(int_id(_dst_sub), talkgroup_ids)
if _payload_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['VOICE_HEAD']:
print('Voice Transmission Start')
if self._currentTG == _no_tg:
if _ts: _ts = 2
else: _ts = 1
_src_sub = get_info(int_id(_src_sub), subscriber_ids)
print('Voice Transmission Start on TS {} and TG {} ({}) from {}'.format(_ts, _dst_sub, _tg_id, _src_sub))
self._currentTG = _tg_id
if self._currentTG != _tg_id:
print('Transmission in progress, will not decode stream on TG {}'.format(_tg_id))
if _payload_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['VOICE_TERM']:
if self._currentTG == _tg_id:
print('Voice Transmission End')
self._currentTG = _no_tg
if _payload_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['SLOT1_VOICE']:
if self._currentTG == _tg_id:
if _debug == True:
print('Frame 1:', _ambe_frame1.bytes)
print('Frame 2:', _ambe_frame2.bytes)
print('Frame 3:', _ambe_frame3.bytes)
print('Frame 1:', ByteToHex(_ambe_frame1.tobytes()))
print('Frame 2:', ByteToHex(_ambe_frame2.tobytes()))
print('Frame 3:', ByteToHex(_ambe_frame3.tobytes()))
if _outToFile == True:
f.write( _ambe_frame1.tobytes() )
f.write( _ambe_frame2.tobytes() )
f.write( _ambe_frame3.tobytes() )
if _outToUDP == True:
sock.sendto(_ambe_frame1.tobytes(), (_gateway, _gateway_port))
sock.sendto(_ambe_frame2.tobytes(), (_gateway, _gateway_port))
sock.sendto(_ambe_frame3.tobytes(), (_gateway, _gateway_port))
if _payload_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['SLOT2_VOICE']:
if self._currentTG == _tg_id:
if _debug == True:
print('Frame 1:', _ambe_frame1.bytes)
print('Frame 2:', _ambe_frame2.bytes)
print('Frame 3:', _ambe_frame3.bytes)
print('Frame 1:', ByteToHex(_ambe_frame1.tobytes()))
print('Frame 2:', ByteToHex(_ambe_frame2.tobytes()))
print('Frame 3:', ByteToHex(_ambe_frame3.tobytes()))
if _outToFile == True:
f.write( _ambe_frame1.tobytes() )
f.write( _ambe_frame2.tobytes() )
f.write( _ambe_frame3.tobytes() )
if _outToUDP == True:
sock.sendto(_ambe_frame1.tobytes(), (_gateway, _gateway_port))
sock.sendto(_ambe_frame2.tobytes(), (_gateway, _gateway_port))
sock.sendto(_ambe_frame3.tobytes(), (_gateway, _gateway_port))
if _payload_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['VOICE_HEAD']:
_dst_sub = get_info(int_id(_dst_sub), talkgroup_ids)
print('Ignored Voice Transmission Start on TS {} and TG {}'.format(_ts, _dst_sub))
import thread
# Define a function for the thread
def remote_control(port):
s = socket.socket() # Create a socket object
host = socket.gethostname() # Get local machine name
s.bind((host, port)) # Bind to the port
s.listen(5) # Now wait for client connection.
print('listening on port ', host, port)
while True:
c, addr = s.accept() # Establish connection with client.
print( 'Got connection from', addr )
tgs = c.recv(1024)
if tgs:
_tg_filter = map(int, tgs.split(','))
print( 'New TGs=', _tg_filter )
c.close() # Close the connection
thread.start_new_thread( remote_control, (1235, ) )
print( "Error: unable to start thread" )
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -286,11 +286,18 @@ subscriber_ids = {}
peer_ids = {}
talkgroup_ids = {}
# with open(PATH+'subscriber_ids.csv', 'rU') as subscriber_ids_csv:
# subscribers = csv.reader(subscriber_ids_csv, dialect='excel', delimiter=',')
# for row in subscribers:
# subscriber_ids[int(row[1])] = (row[0])
#except ImportError:
# logger.warning('subscriber_ids.csv not found: Subscriber aliases will not be available')
with open(PATH+'subscriber_ids.csv', 'rU') as subscriber_ids_csv:
with open(PATH+'subscriber_idsxxx.csv', 'rU') as subscriber_ids_csv:
subscribers = csv.reader(subscriber_ids_csv, dialect='excel', delimiter=',')
for row in subscribers:
subscriber_ids[int(row[1])] = (row[0])
subscriber_ids[int(row[0])] = (row[1])
except ImportError:
logger.warning('subscriber_ids.csv not found: Subscriber aliases will not be available')

View File

@ -1 +1,11 @@
Worldwide,1 Local,2 North America,3 T6-DCI Bridge,3100 Kansas Statewide,3120 Missouri,3129 Massachussetts,3125 Midwest,3169 Northeast,3172
Worldwide,1 Local,2 North America,3
Worldwide English,13
TAC 310,310
DCI Bridge 2,3100 DCI 1,3160
Midwest,3169 Northeast,3172
Kansas Statewide,3120 Massachussetts,3125 Missouri,3129
DCI Comm 1,3777215
Echo Server,9998
1 Worldwide Worldwide,1 Local,2 North America,3 1 Local 2 North America 3 T6-DCI Bridge 3100 Kansas Statewide 3120 Missouri 3129 Massachussetts 3125 Midwest 3169 Northeast 3172
2 DMRPlus,9
3 Worldwide English,13
4 TAC 310,310
5 DCI Bridge 2,3100 DCI 1,3160
6 Midwest,3169 Northeast,3172
7 Southeast,3174
8 Flordia,3112
9 Kansas Statewide,3120 Massachussetts,3125 Missouri,3129
10 DCI Comm 1,3777215
11 Echo Server,9998