0x61, 0x62 and 0x63 have been mostly decoded. Still don’t know what all
of the pieces do, but know what they’re for finally!
This will mean big things for log.py as I figure out the details.
Also gently nudged potential users to remember this is a VOLUNTEER project with 1.1 developers... and the 1 part is a novice programmer at best. Also, a reminder (again here) that this software is NOT for commercial use.
Incorrect decodeing of determination of the peer-list. As it turns out,
the packet indicates the length of the list, not the number of peers.
So, take that value / 11 (length of a peer entry) for the number of
peers. Thanks to Hans for pointing this out!
I tried to better explain the communcations with masters and peers by
adding flowcharts to document the states, timers and counters
associated with establishing and maintaining the relationships.
Added new datatypes (and changed the names on some that were figured
out). Fixed the master registration timing issue so that registrations
are attempted repeatedly until there is a reply, then keep-alives start.