# To provide more readable output from DMRlink with current subscriber and repeater IDs, we download the CSV files from DMR-MARC # If you are going to use this in a cron task, don't run it more then once a day. # It might be good to find alternale a source as a backup. # # wget -O users.csv -q "http://www.dmr-marc.net/cgi-bin/trbo-database/datadump.cgi?table=users&format=csv&header=0" # Options are: # table { users | repeaters } # format { table | csv | csvq | json } # header { 0 | 1 } (only applies to table and csv formats) # id { nnnnnn } (query an individual record) # Get the user IDs. wget -O subscriber_ids.csv -q "http://www.dmr-marc.net/cgi-bin/trbo-database/datadump.cgi?table=users&format=csv&header=0" # Get the peer IDs wget -O peer_ids.csv -q "http://www.dmr-marc.net/cgi-bin/trbo-database/datadump.cgi?table=repeaters&format=csv&header=0"