#!/usr/bin/env python # ############################################################################### # Copyright (C) 2016 Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ############################################################################### # This is a sample application that uses the Repeater Call Monitor packets to display events in the IPSC # NOTE: dmrlink.py MUST BE CONFIGURED TO CONNECT AS A "REPEATER CALL MONITOR" PEER!!! # ALSO NOTE, I'M NOT DONE MAKING THIS WORK, SO UNTIL THIS MESSAGE IS GONE, DON'T EXPECT GREAT THINGS. from __future__ import print_function from twisted.internet.protocol import DatagramProtocol from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet import task from binascii import b2a_hex as ahex import datetime import binascii import dmrlink import sys from dmrlink import IPSC, systems from dmr_utils.utils import get_alias, int_id __author__ = 'Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS and the K0USY Group' __credits__ = 'Adam Fast, KC0YLK; Dave Kierzkowski KD8EYF' __license__ = 'GNU GPLv3' __maintainer__ = 'Cort Buffington, N0MJS' __email__ = 'n0mjs@me.com' try: from ipsc.ipsc_const import * except ImportError: sys.exit('IPSC message types file not found or invalid') status = True rpt = True nack = True class rcmIPSC(IPSC): def __init__(self, _name, _config, _logger): IPSC.__init__(self, _name, _config, _logger) #************************************************ # CALLBACK FUNCTIONS FOR USER PACKET TYPES #************************************************ # def call_mon_status(self, _data): if not status: return _source = _data[1:5] _ipsc_src = _data[5:9] _seq_num = _data[9:13] _ts = _data[13] _status = _data[15] # suspect [14:16] but nothing in leading byte? _rf_src = _data[16:19] _rf_tgt = _data[19:22] _type = _data[22] _prio = _data[23] _sec = _data[24] _source = str(int_id(_source)) + ', ' + str(get_alias(_source, peer_ids)) _ipsc_src = str(int_id(_ipsc_src)) + ', ' + str(get_alias(_ipsc_src, peer_ids)) _rf_src = str(int_id(_rf_src)) + ', ' + str(get_alias(_rf_src, subscriber_ids)) if _type == '\x4F' or '\x51': _rf_tgt = 'TGID: ' + str(int_id(_rf_tgt)) + ', ' + str(get_alias(_rf_tgt, talkgroup_ids)) else: _rf_tgt = 'SID: ' + str(int_id(_rf_tgt)) + ', ' + str(get_alias(_rf_tgt, subscriber_ids)) print('Call Monitor - Call Status') print('TIME: ', datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) print('DATA SOURCE: ', _source) print('IPSC: ', self._system) print('IPSC Source: ', _ipsc_src) print('Timeslot: ', TS[_ts]) try: print('Status: ', STATUS[_status]) except KeyError: print('Status (unknown): ', ahex(_status)) try: print('Type: ', TYPE[_type]) except KeyError: print('Type (unknown): ', ahex(_type)) print('Source Sub: ', _rf_src) print('Target Sub: ', _rf_tgt) print() def call_mon_rpt(self, _data): if not rpt: return _source = _data[1:5] _ts1_state = _data[5] _ts2_state = _data[6] _source = str(int_id(_source)) + ', ' + str(get_alias(_source, peer_ids)) print('Call Monitor - Repeater State') print('TIME: ', datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) print('DATA SOURCE: ', _source) try: print('TS1 State: ', REPEAT[_ts1_state]) except KeyError: print('TS1 State (unknown): ', ahex(_ts1_state)) try: print('TS2 State: ', REPEAT[_ts2_state]) except KeyError: print('TS2 State (unknown): ', ahex(_ts2_state)) print() def call_mon_nack(self, _data): if not nack: return _source = _data[1:5] _nack = _data[5] _source = get_alias(_source, peer_ids) print('Call Monitor - Transmission NACK') print('TIME: ', datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) print('DATA SOURCE: ', _source) try: print('NACK Cause: ', NACK[_nack]) except KeyError: print('NACK Cause (unknown): ', ahex(_nack)) print() def repeater_wake_up(self, _data): _source = _data[1:5] _source_name = get_alias(_source, peer_ids) print('({}) Repeater Wake-Up Packet Received: {} ({})' .format(self._system, _source_name, int_id(_source))) if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse import os import sys import signal from dmr_utils.utils import try_download, mk_id_dict import dmrlink_log import dmrlink_config # Change the current directory to the location of the application os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))) # CLI argument parser - handles picking up the config file from the command line, and sending a "help" message parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', action='store', dest='CFG_FILE', help='/full/path/to/config.file (usually dmrlink.cfg)') parser.add_argument('-ll', '--log_level', action='store', dest='LOG_LEVEL', help='Override config file logging level.') parser.add_argument('-lh', '--log_handle', action='store', dest='LOG_HANDLERS', help='Override config file logging handler.') cli_args = parser.parse_args() if not cli_args.CFG_FILE: cli_args.CFG_FILE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+'/dmrlink.cfg' # Call the external routine to build the configuration dictionary CONFIG = dmrlink_config.build_config(cli_args.CFG_FILE) # Call the external routing to start the system logger if cli_args.LOG_LEVEL: CONFIG['LOGGER']['LOG_LEVEL'] = cli_args.LOG_LEVEL if cli_args.LOG_HANDLERS: CONFIG['LOGGER']['LOG_HANDLERS'] = cli_args.LOG_HANDLERS logger = dmrlink_log.config_logging(CONFIG['LOGGER']) logger.info('DMRlink \'rcm.py\' (c) 2013, 2014 N0MJS & the K0USY Group - SYSTEM STARTING...') # ID ALIAS CREATION # Download if CONFIG['ALIASES']['TRY_DOWNLOAD'] == True: # Try updating peer aliases file result = try_download(CONFIG['ALIASES']['PATH'], CONFIG['ALIASES']['PEER_FILE'], CONFIG['ALIASES']['PEER_URL'], CONFIG['ALIASES']['STALE_TIME']) logger.info(result) # Try updating subscriber aliases file result = try_download(CONFIG['ALIASES']['PATH'], CONFIG['ALIASES']['SUBSCRIBER_FILE'], CONFIG['ALIASES']['SUBSCRIBER_URL'], CONFIG['ALIASES']['STALE_TIME']) logger.info(result) # Make Dictionaries peer_ids = mk_id_dict(CONFIG['ALIASES']['PATH'], CONFIG['ALIASES']['PEER_FILE']) if peer_ids: logger.info('ID ALIAS MAPPER: peer_ids dictionary is available') subscriber_ids = mk_id_dict(CONFIG['ALIASES']['PATH'], CONFIG['ALIASES']['SUBSCRIBER_FILE']) if subscriber_ids: logger.info('ID ALIAS MAPPER: subscriber_ids dictionary is available') talkgroup_ids = mk_id_dict(CONFIG['ALIASES']['PATH'], CONFIG['ALIASES']['TGID_FILE']) if talkgroup_ids: logger.info('ID ALIAS MAPPER: talkgroup_ids dictionary is available') # Shut ourselves down gracefully with the IPSC peers. def sig_handler(_signal, _frame): logger.info('*** DMRLINK IS TERMINATING WITH SIGNAL %s ***', str(_signal)) for system in systems: this_ipsc = systems[system] logger.info('De-Registering from IPSC %s', system) de_reg_req_pkt = this_ipsc.hashed_packet(this_ipsc._local['AUTH_KEY'], this_ipsc.DE_REG_REQ_PKT) this_ipsc.send_to_ipsc(de_reg_req_pkt) reactor.stop() # Set signal handers so that we can gracefully exit if need be for sig in [signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGQUIT]: signal.signal(sig, sig_handler) # INITIALIZE AN IPSC OBJECT (SELF SUSTAINING) FOR EACH CONFIGUED IPSC for system in CONFIG['SYSTEMS']: if CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['LOCAL']['ENABLED']: systems[system] = rcmIPSC(system, CONFIG, logger) reactor.listenUDP(CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['LOCAL']['PORT'], systems[system], interface=CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['LOCAL']['IP']) reactor.run()