from __future__ import print_function from cPickle import load from pprint import pprint from time import ctime from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet import task from binascii import b2a_hex as h # This is the only user-configuration necessary # Tell the program where the pickle file is # Tell the program how often to print a report stat_file = '../dmrlink_stats.pickle' frequency = 30 def int_id(_hex_string): return int(h(_hex_string), 16) def read_dict(): try: with open(stat_file, 'rb') as file: NETWORK = load(file) return NETWORK except IOError as detail: print('I/O Error: {}'.format(detail)) except EOFError: print('EOFError') def print_stats(): NETWORK = read_dict() if NETWORK != "None": print('NETWORK STATISTICS REPORT:', ctime()) for ipsc in NETWORK: stat = NETWORK[ipsc]['MASTER']['STATUS'] master = NETWORK[ipsc]['LOCAL']['MASTER_PEER'] print(ipsc) if master: print(' MASTER Information:') print(' RADIO ID: {} (self)'.format(str(int_id(NETWORK[ipsc]['LOCAL']['RADIO_ID'])).rjust(8,'0'))) else: print(' MASTER Information:') print(' RADIO ID: {} CONNECTED: {}, KEEP ALIVES: SENT {} RECEIVED {} MISSED {}'.format(\ str(int_id(NETWORK[ipsc]['MASTER']['RADIO_ID'])).rjust(8,'0'),\ stat['CONNECTED'],stat['KEEP_ALIVES_SENT'],\ stat['KEEP_ALIVES_RECEIVED'],\ stat['KEEP_ALIVES_MISSED'])) print(' PEER Information:') if master: for peer in NETWORK[ipsc]['PEERS']: stat = NETWORK[ipsc]['PEERS'][peer]['STATUS'] print(' RADIO ID: {} CONNECTED: {}, KEEP ALIVES: RECEIVED {}'.format(\ str(int_id(peer)).rjust(8,'0'),\ stat['CONNECTED'],\ stat['KEEP_ALIVES_RECEIVED'])) else: for peer in NETWORK[ipsc]['PEERS']: stat = NETWORK[ipsc]['PEERS'][peer]['STATUS'] if peer == NETWORK[ipsc]['LOCAL']['RADIO_ID']: print(' RADIO ID: {} (self)'.format(str(int_id(peer)).rjust(8,'0'))) else: print(' RADIO ID: {} CONNECTED: {}, KEEP ALIVES: SENT {} RECEIVED {} MISSED {}'.format(\ str(int_id(peer)).rjust(8,'0'),\ stat['CONNECTED'],\ stat['KEEP_ALIVES_SENT'],\ stat['KEEP_ALIVES_RECEIVED'],\ stat['KEEP_ALIVES_MISSED'])) print() print() if __name__ == '__main__': output_stats = task.LoopingCall(print_stats) output_stats.start(frequency)