Message Types: (1st byte in the payload) REGISTRATION EXCHANGE --------------------- PEER: 90 00 c8 32 68 65 00 00 e0 3c 04 03 04 02 0f 9b 2d d4 d3 af 36 da c2 fe |--SRC ID-| |MODE| | FLAGS | |IPSC VER| |IPSC VER| |-1st 10 bytes of SHA-1 Hash-| 13120104 MASTER: 91 00 04 c2 c0 6a 00 00 80 5d 00 03 04 03 04 00 5c b8 4e e4 7e 44 b6 bb df dd |--SRC ID-| |MODE| | FLAGS ||PEERS||IPSC VER| |IPSC VER| |-1st 10 bytes of SHA-1 Hash-| 312000 ---- PEER: 96 00 c8 32 68 65 00 00 e0 3c 04 03 04 02 45 d0 a9 c9 07 5c 05 ad 50 67 |--SRC ID-| |MODE| | FLAGS | |IPSC VER| |IPSC VER| |-1st 10 bytes of SHA-1 Hash-| 13120104 MASTER: 97 00 04 c2 c0 6a 00 00 80 5d 04 03 04 02 32 c0 f5 d4 02 28 f5 13 48 22 |--SRC ID-| |MODE| | FLAGS | |IPSC VER| |IPSC VER| |-1st 10 bytes of SHA-1 Hash-| 312000 ---- PEER: 92 00 c8 32 68 85 26 37 9b 06 93 9a af dd 08 |--SRC ID-| |-1st 10 bytes of SHA-1 Hash-| MASTER: (This appears to be the peer list) 93 00 04 c2 c0 00 37 00 04 c2 c3 d1 72 71 e9 c3 5a 6a 00 04 c2 c4 6c c8 a4 3d c3 50 6a 00 04 c2 c5 44 67 16 bb c3 5c 6a 00 c8 32 65 a4 71 4c 0c c3 51 6a ...SHA-1 truncated |TPE| |--SRC ID-| |-LEN-| |-PEER ID-| |-PEER IP-| |PRT||MDE| |-PEER ID-| |-PEER IP-| |PRT||MDE| |-PEER ID-| |-PEER IP-| |PRT||MDE| |-PEER ID-| |-PEER IP-| |PRT||MDE| 13120104 44 (4) 3120103 50010 1&2 3120104 50000 1&2 3120105 50012 1&2 13120101 50001 1&2 ------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (c) 2013 Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.