################################################ # ambe_audio configuration file. ################################################ # DEFAULTS - General settings. These values are #inherited in each subsequent section (defined by section value). [DEFAULTS] debug = False # Debug output for each VOICE frame outToFile = False # Write each AMBE frame to a file called ambe.bin outToUDP = True # Send each AMBE frame to the _sock object (turn on/off DMRGateway operation) gateway = # IP address of DMRGateway app toGatewayPort = 31000 # Port DMRGateway is listening on for AMBE frames to decode remoteControlPort = 31002 # Port that ambe_audio is listening on for remote control commands fromGatewayPort = 31003 # Port to listen on for AMBE frames to transmit to all peers gatewayDmrId = 0 # id to use when transmitting from the gateway tgFilter = 9 # A list of TG IDs to monitor. All TGs will be passed to DMRGateway txTg = 9 # TG to use for all frames received from DMRGateway -> IPSC txTs = 2 # Slot to use for frames received from DMRGateway -> IPSC # # The section setting defines the current section to use. By default, the ‘ENABLED’ section in dmrlink.cfg is used. # Any values in the named section override the values from the DEFAULTS section. For example, if the BM section # has a value for gatewayDmrId it would override the value above. Only one section should be set here. Think # of this as an easy way to switch between several different configurations with a single line. # #section = BM # Use BM section values #section = Sandbox # Use SANDBOX section values [BM] # BrandMeister tgFilter = 3100,31094 # A list of TG IDs to monitor. All TGs will be passed to DMRGateway txTg = 3100 # TG to use for all frames received from DMRGateway -> IPSC txTs = 2 # Slot to use for frames received from DMRGateway -> IPSC [BM2] # Alternate BM configuration tgFilter = 31094 txTg = 31094 txTs = 2 [Sandbox] # DMR MARC sandbox network tgFilter = 3120 txTg = 3120 txTs = 2 [Sandbox2] # DMR MARC sandbox network tgFilter = 1 txTg = 1 txTs = 1 [N4IRS] # N4IRS/INAD network tgFilter = 1,2,3,13,3174,3777215,3100,9,9998,3112,3136,310,311,312,9997 txTg = 9998 txTs = 2