from __future__ import print_function from twisted.internet.protocol import DatagramProtocol from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet import task import argparse import binascii import hmac import hashlib # Data structure for holding IPSC information NETWORK = { 'IPSC1': { 'LOCAL': { 'DESCRIPTION': 'IPSC Network #1', 'MODE': b'\x6A', 'FLAGS': b'\x00\x00\x80\xDC', 'PORT': 50001, 'RADIO_ID': binascii.unhexlify('00000001'), 'AUTH_KEY': binascii.unhexlify('0000000000000000000000000000000000000001') }, 'MASTER': { 'IP': '', 'MODE': b'\x6A', 'PORT': 50000, 'RADIO_ID': '', }, 'PEERS': [ # each list entry will be a dictionary for IP, RADIO ID and PORT #{'IP': '', 'PORT': 50000, 'RADIO_ID': b'\x00\x00\x00\xFF'}, ] }, 'IPSC2': { 'LOCAL': { 'DESCRIPTION': 'IPSC Network #1', 'MODE': b'\x6A', 'FLAGS': b'\x00\x00\x80\xDC', 'PORT': 50002, 'RADIO_ID': binascii.unhexlify('00000002'), 'AUTH_KEY': binascii.unhexlify('0000000000000000000000000000000000000022') }, 'MASTER': { 'IP': '', 'MODE': b'\x6A', 'PORT': 50000, 'RADIO_ID': '', }, 'PEERS': [ # each list entry will be a dictionary for IP, RADIO ID and PORT #{'IP': '', 'PORT': 50000, 'RADIO_ID': b'\x00\x00\x00\xFF'}, ] }, 'IPSC3': { 'LOCAL': { 'DESCRIPTION': 'IPSC Network #1', 'MODE': b'\x6A', 'FLAGS': b'\x00\x00\x80\xDC', 'PORT': 50003, 'RADIO_ID': binascii.unhexlify('00000003'), 'AUTH_KEY': binascii.unhexlify('0000000000000000000000000000000000000333') }, 'MASTER': { 'IP': '', 'MODE': b'\x6A', 'PORT': 50000, 'RADIO_ID': '', }, 'PEERS': [ # each list entry will be a dictionary for IP, RADIO ID and PORT #{'IP': '', 'PORT': 50000, 'RADIO_ID': b'\x00\x00\x00\xFF'}, ] }, 'IPSC4': { 'LOCAL': { 'DESCRIPTION': 'IPSC Network #1', 'MODE': b'\x6A', 'FLAGS': b'\x00\x00\x80\xDC', 'PORT': 50004, 'RADIO_ID': binascii.unhexlify('00000004'), 'AUTH_KEY': binascii.unhexlify('0000000000000000000000000000000000004444') }, 'MASTER': { 'IP': '', 'MODE': b'\x6A', 'PORT': 50000, 'RADIO_ID': '', }, 'PEERS': [ # each list entry will be a dictionary for IP, RADIO ID and PORT #{'IP': '', 'PORT': 50000, 'RADIO_ID': b'\x00\x00\x00\xFF'}, ] } } # Known IPSC Message Types RDAC_CTL = b'\x70' GROUP_VOICE = b'\x80' GROUP_DATA = b'\x83' PVT_DATA = b'\x84' RPT_WAKE_UP = b'\x85' MASTER_REG_REQ = b'\x90' # FROM peer TO master MASTER_REG_REPLY = b'\x91' # FROM master TO peer PEER_LIST_REQ = b'\x92' PEER_LIST_REPLY = b'\x93' PEER_REG_REQUEST = b'\x94' # Peer registration request PEER_REG_REPLY = b'\x95' # Peer registration reply MASTER_ALIVE_REQ = b'\x96' # FROM peer TO master MASTER_ALIVE_REPLY = b'\x97' # FROM master TO peer PEER_ALIVE_REQ = b'\x98' # Peer keep alive request PEER_ALIVE_REPLY = b'\x99' # Peer keep alive reply # IPSC Version Information IPSC_OP_VER = b'\x04\x03' # 0x04, 0x03 -- seems to be current version of IPSC IPSC_OLD_VER = b'\x04\x00' # 0x04, 0x02 -- oldest version of IPSC suppoerted IPSC_VER = IPSC_OP_VER + IPSC_OLD_VER def hashed_packet(key, data): hash = binascii.unhexlify((,data,hashlib.sha1)).hexdigest()[:20]) return (data + hash) def print_peer_list(_ipsc_network): print('\t', _ipsc_network['LOCAL']['DESCRIPTION']) for dictionary in _ipsc_network['PEERS']: hex_address = dictionary['IP'] hex_port = dictionary['PORT'] hex_radio_id = dictionary['RADIO_ID'] hex_mode = dictionary['MODE'] address = [int(hex_address[0:2], 16), int(hex_address[2:4], 16), int(hex_address[4:6], 16), int(hex_address[6:8], 16)] port = int(hex_port, 16) radio_id = int(hex_radio_id, 16) print ('\t', address[0],address[1],address[2],address[3], sep='.', end='\t') print (port, radio_id, sep=':', end=' ') print ("IPSC Mode:", hex_mode) print() class IPSC(DatagramProtocol): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 1: self._config = args[0] args = () self.TS_FLAGS = (self._config['LOCAL']['MODE'] + self._config['LOCAL']['FLAGS']) self.MASTER_REG_REQ_PKT = (MASTER_REG_REQ + self._config['LOCAL']['RADIO_ID'] + self.TS_FLAGS + IPSC_VER) self.MASTER_ALIVE_PKT = (MASTER_ALIVE_REQ + self._config['LOCAL']['RADIO_ID'] + self.TS_FLAGS + IPSC_VER) self.PEER_LIST_REQ_PKT = (PEER_LIST_REQ + self._config['LOCAL']['RADIO_ID']) self.PEER_REG_REPLY_PKT = (PEER_REG_REPLY + self._config['LOCAL']['RADIO_ID'] + IPSC_VER) self.PEER_ALIVE_REQ_PKT = (PEER_ALIVE_REQ + self._config['LOCAL']['RADIO_ID'] + self.TS_FLAGS) self.PEER_ALIVE_REPLY_PKT = (PEER_ALIVE_REPLY + self._config['LOCAL']['RADIO_ID'] + self.TS_FLAGS) else: print("Unexpected arguments found.") def masterKeepalive(self): master_alive_packet = hashed_packet(self._config['LOCAL']['AUTH_KEY'], self.MASTER_ALIVE_PKT) self.transport.write(master_alive_packet, (self._config['MASTER']['IP'], self._config['MASTER']['PORT'])) print("->> Master Keep Alive Sent To:\t", self._config['MASTER']['IP'],":", self._config['MASTER']['PORT'], "\n") def startProtocol(self): print ("*** config: %s" % self._config) print () print ("*** Starting up IPSC Client and Registering to the Master ***") reg_packet = hashed_packet(self._config['LOCAL']['AUTH_KEY'], self.MASTER_REG_REQ_PKT) self.transport.write(reg_packet, (self._config['MASTER']['IP'], self._config['MASTER']['PORT'])) print ("->> Sending Registration to Master:\t", self._config['MASTER']['IP'],":", self._config['MASTER']['PORT'], "\tFrom:", binascii.b2a_hex(self._config['LOCAL']['RADIO_ID']), "\n") # self._call = task.LoopingCall(self.masterKeepalive) self._loop = self._call.start(6) def datagramReceived(self, data, (host, port)): dest_ip = self._config['MASTER']['IP'] dest_port = self._config['MASTER']['PORT'] #print "received %r from %s:%d" % (binascii.b2a_hex(data), host, port) _packettype = (data[0:1]) if (_packettype == MASTER_REG_REQ): print("<<- Registration Packet Recieved\n") elif (_packettype == MASTER_REG_REPLY): print("<<- Master Registration Reply From:\t", host,":",port) master_alive_packet = hashed_packet(self._config['LOCAL']['AUTH_KEY'], self.MASTER_ALIVE_PKT) self.transport.write(master_alive_packet, (host, port)) print("->> Master Keep Alive Sent To:\t", host,":",port, "\n") # the only time we need to ask for the peer list is after we've registered to the master peer_list_req_packet = hashed_packet(self._config['LOCAL']['AUTH_KEY'], self.PEER_LIST_REQ_PKT) self.transport.write(peer_list_req_packet, (host, port)) print("->> Peer List Reqested from Master:\t", host,":",port, "\n") #print binascii.b2a_hex(peer_list_req_packet) elif (_packettype == PEER_REG_REQUEST): print("<<- Peer Registration Request From:\t", host,":",port) peer_reg_reply_packet = hashed_packet(self._config['LOCAL']['AUTH_KEY'], self.PEER_REG_REPLY_PKT) self.transport.write(peer_reg_reply_packet, (host, port)) print("->> Peer Registration Reply Sent To:\t", host,":",port,"\n") #print host, port #print binascii.b2a_hex(peer_reg_reply_packet) elif (_packettype == PEER_ALIVE_REQ): print("<<- Received Peer Keep Alive From:\t", host,":",port) peer_alive_req_packet = hashed_packet(self._config['LOCAL']['AUTH_KEY'], self.PEER_ALIVE_REQ_PKT) peer_alive_reply_packet = hashed_packet(self._config['LOCAL']['AUTH_KEY'], self.PEER_ALIVE_REPLY_PKT) self.transport.write(peer_alive_reply_packet, (host, port)) print("->> Sent Peer Keep Alive Reply To:\t\t", host,":",port,) self.transport.write(peer_alive_req_packet, (host, port)) print("->> Sent Peer Keep Alive Request To:\t\t", host,":",port, "\n") #print binascii.b2a_hex(peer_alive_req_packet) elif (_packettype == MASTER_ALIVE_REPLY): print("<<- Keep Alive Recieved from Master:\t", host,":",port, "\n") elif (_packettype == PEER_ALIVE_REPLY): print("<<- Keep Alive Recieved from Peer:\t", host,":",port, "\n") elif (_packettype == RDAC_CTL): print("<<- RDAC and/or Control Packet From:\t", host,":",port, "\n") elif (_packettype == PEER_LIST_REPLY): print("<<- The Peer List has been Received from Master:\t", host,":",port) _num_peers = int(str(int(binascii.b2a_hex(data[5:7]), 16))[1:]) print(' There are', _num_peers, 'peers in this IPSC Network') for i in range(7, (_num_peers*11)+7, 11): self._config['PEERS'].append({ 'RADIO_ID': binascii.b2a_hex(data[i:i+4]), 'IP': binascii.b2a_hex(data[i+4:i+8]), 'PORT': binascii.b2a_hex(data[i+8:i+10]), 'MODE': binascii.b2a_hex(data[i+10:i+11]) }) print_peer_list(self._config) print() else: packet_type = binascii.b2a_hex(_packettype) print("<<- Recieved Unprocessed Type", packet_type, "From:\t", host,":",port,"\n") if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Start an IPSC client.") parser.add_argument('-n', '--network', required=False) args = parser.parse_args() if is not None: if in NETWORK: print("Connecting to %s" % reactor.listenUDP(NETWORK[]['LOCAL']['PORT'], IPSC(NETWORK[])) else: print("%s is not a configured ISPC network." % exit() else: # connect to all print("No network supplied, connecting to all networks.") for ipsc_network in NETWORK: reactor.listenUDP(NETWORK[ipsc_network]['LOCAL']['PORT'], IPSC(NETWORK[ipsc_network]))