#!/usr/bin/env python # ############################################################################### # Copyright (C) 2016 Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ############################################################################### # This is a sample application to bridge traffic between IPSC systems. it uses # one required (bridge_rules.py) and one optional (known_bridges.py) additional # configuration files. Both files have their own documentation for use. # # "bridge_rules" contains the IPSC network, Timeslot and TGID matching rules to # determine which voice calls are bridged between IPSC systems and which are # not. # # "known_bridges" contains DMR radio ID numbers of known bridges. This file is # used when you want bridge.py to be "polite" or serve as a backup bridge. If # a known bridge exists in either a source OR target IPSC network, then no # bridging between those IPSC systems will take place. This behavior is # dynamic and updates each keep-alive interval (main configuration file). # For faster failover, configure a short keep-alive time and a low number of # missed keep-alives before timout. I recommend 5 sec keep-alive and 3 missed. # That gives a worst-case scenario of 15 seconds to fail over. Recovery will # typically happen with a single "blip" in the transmission up to about 5 # seconds. # # While this file is listed as Beta status, K0USY Group depends on this code # for the bridigng of it's many repeaters. We consider it reliable, but you # get what you pay for... as usual, no guarantees. # # Use to make test strings: #print('PKT:', "\\x".join("{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in _data)) from __future__ import print_function from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet import task from binascii import b2a_hex as ahex from time import time from importlib import import_module import sys from dmr_utils.utils import hex_str_3, hex_str_4, int_id from dmrlink import IPSC, systems, config_reports from ipsc.ipsc_const import BURST_DATA_TYPE __author__ = 'Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2013 - 2016 Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS and the K0USY Group' __credits__ = 'Adam Fast, KC0YLK; Dave Kierzkowski, KD8EYF; Steve Zingman, N4IRS; Mike Zingman, N4IRR' __license__ = 'GNU GPLv3' __maintainer__ = 'Cort Buffington, N0MJS' __email__ = 'n0mjs@me.com' # Minimum time between different subscribers transmitting on the same TGID # TS_CLEAR_TIME = .2 # Import Bridging rules # Note: A stanza *must* exist for any IPSC configured in the main # configuration file and listed as "active". It can be empty, # but it has to exist. # def build_rules(_bridge_rules): try: rule_file = import_module(_bridge_rules) logger.info('Bridge rules file found and rules imported') except ImportError: sys.exit('Bridging rules file not found or invalid') # Convert integer GROUP ID numbers from the config into hex strings # we need to send in the actual data packets. # for _ipsc in rule_file.RULES: for _rule in rule_file.RULES[_ipsc]['GROUP_VOICE']: _rule['SRC_GROUP'] = hex_str_3(_rule['SRC_GROUP']) _rule['DST_GROUP'] = hex_str_3(_rule['DST_GROUP']) _rule['SRC_TS'] = _rule['SRC_TS'] _rule['DST_TS'] = _rule['DST_TS'] for i, e in enumerate(_rule['ON']): _rule['ON'][i] = hex_str_3(_rule['ON'][i]) for i, e in enumerate(_rule['OFF']): _rule['OFF'][i] = hex_str_3(_rule['OFF'][i]) _rule['TIMEOUT']= _rule['TIMEOUT']*60 _rule['TIMER'] = time() + _rule['TIMEOUT'] if _ipsc not in CONFIG['SYSTEMS']: sys.exit('ERROR: Bridge rules found for an IPSC network not configured in main configuration') for _ipsc in CONFIG['SYSTEMS']: if _ipsc not in rule_file.RULES: sys.exit('ERROR: Bridge rules not found for all IPSC network configured') return rule_file.RULES # Import List of Bridges # This is how we identify known bridges. If one of these is present # and it's mode byte is set to bridge, we don't # def build_bridges(_known_bridges): try: bridges_file = import_module(_known_bridges) logger.info('Known bridges file found and bridge ID list imported ') return bridges_file.BRIDGES except ImportError: logger.critical('\'known_bridges.py\' not found - backup bridge service will not be enabled') return [] # Import subscriber ACL # ACL may be a single list of subscriber IDs # Global action is to allow or deny them. Multiple lists with different actions and ranges # are not yet implemented. def build_acl(_sub_acl): try: acl_file = import_module(_sub_acl) for i, e in enumerate(acl_file.ACL): acl_file.ACL[i] = hex_str_3(acl_file.ACL[i]) logger.info('ACL file found and ACL entries imported') ACL_ACTION = acl_file.ACL_ACTION ACL = acl_file.ACL_ACTION except ImportError: logger.info('ACL file not found or invalid - all subscriber IDs are valid') ACL_ACTION = 'NONE' ACL = [] # Depending on which type of ACL is used (PERMIT, DENY... or there isn't one) # define a differnet function to be used to check the ACL global allow_sub if ACL_ACTION == 'PERMIT': def allow_sub(_sub): if _sub in ACL: return True else: return False elif ACL_ACTION == 'DENY': def allow_sub(_sub): if _sub not in ACL: return True else: return False else: def allow_sub(_sub): return True return ACL # Run this every minute for rule timer updates def rule_timer_loop(): logger.debug('(ALL IPSC) Rule timer loop started') _now = time() for _network in RULES: for _rule in RULES[_network]['GROUP_VOICE']: if _rule['TO_TYPE'] == 'ON': if _rule['ACTIVE'] == True: if _rule['TIMER'] < _now: _rule['ACTIVE'] = False logger.info('(%s) Rule timout DEACTIVATE: Rule name: %s, Target IPSC: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', _network, _rule['NAME'], _rule['DST_NET'], _rule['DST_TS'], int_id(_rule['DST_GROUP'])) else: timeout_in = _rule['TIMER'] - _now logger.info('(%s) Rule ACTIVE with ON timer running: Timeout eligible in: %ds, Rule name: %s, Target IPSC: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', _network, timeout_in, _rule['NAME'], _rule['DST_NET'], _rule['DST_TS'], int_id(_rule['DST_GROUP'])) elif _rule['TO_TYPE'] == 'OFF': if _rule['ACTIVE'] == False: if _rule['TIMER'] < _now: _rule['ACTIVE'] = True logger.info('(%s) Rule timout ACTIVATE: Rule name: %s, Target IPSC: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', _network, _rule['NAME'], _rule['DST_NET'], _rule['DST_TS'], int_id(_rule['DST_GROUP'])) else: timeout_in = _rule['TIMER'] - _now logger.info('(%s) Rule DEACTIVE with OFF timer running: Timeout eligible in: %ds, Rule name: %s, Target IPSC: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', _network, timeout_in, _rule['NAME'], _rule['DST_NET'], _rule['DST_TS'], int_id(_rule['DST_GROUP'])) else: logger.debug('Rule timer loop made no rule changes') class bridgeIPSC(IPSC): def __init__(self, _name, _config, _logger, _bridges): IPSC.__init__(self, _name, _config, _logger) self.BRIDGES = _bridges if self.BRIDGES: self._logger.info('(%s) Initializing backup/polite bridging', self._system) self.BRIDGE = False else: self.BRIDGE = True self._logger.info('Initializing standard bridging') self.IPSC_STATUS = { 1: {'RX_GROUP':'\x00', 'TX_GROUP':'\x00', 'RX_TIME':0, 'TX_TIME':0, 'RX_SRC_SUB':'\x00', 'TX_SRC_SUB':'\x00'}, 2: {'RX_GROUP':'\x00', 'TX_GROUP':'\x00', 'RX_TIME':0, 'TX_TIME':0, 'RX_SRC_SUB':'\x00', 'TX_SRC_SUB':'\x00'} } self.last_seq_id = '\x00' self.call_start = 0 # Setup the backup/polite bridging maintenance loop (based on keep-alive timer) def startProtocol(self): IPSC.startProtocol(self) if self.BRIDGES: self._bridge_presence = task.LoopingCall(self.bridge_presence_loop) self._bridge_presence_loop = self._bridge_presence.start(self._local['ALIVE_TIMER']) # This is the backup/polite bridge maintenance loop def bridge_presence_loop(self): self._logger.debug('(%s) Bridge presence loop initiated', self._system) _temp_bridge = True for peer in self.BRIDGES: _peer = hex_str_4(peer) if _peer in self._peers.keys() and (self._peers[_peer]['MODE_DECODE']['TS_1'] or self._peers[_peer]['MODE_DECODE']['TS_2']): _temp_bridge = False self._logger.debug('(%s) Peer %s is an active bridge', self._system, int_id(_peer)) if _peer == self._master['RADIO_ID'] \ and self._master['STATUS']['CONNECTED'] \ and (self._master['MODE_DECODE']['TS_1'] or self._master['MODE_DECODE']['TS_2']): _temp_bridge = False self._logger.debug('(%s) Master %s is an active bridge',self._system, int_id(_peer)) if self.BRIDGE != _temp_bridge: self._logger.info('(%s) Changing bridge status to: %s', self._system, _temp_bridge ) self.BRIDGE = _temp_bridge #************************************************ # CALLBACK FUNCTIONS FOR USER PACKET TYPES #************************************************ # def group_voice(self, _src_sub, _dst_group, _ts, _end, _peerid, _data): # Check for ACL match, and return if the subscriber is not allowed if allow_sub(_src_sub) == False: self._logger.warning('(%s) Group Voice Packet ***REJECTED BY ACL*** From: %s, IPSC Peer %s, Destination %s', self._system, int_id(_src_sub), int_id(_peerid), int_id(_dst_group)) return # Process the packet self._logger.debug('(%s) Group Voice Packet Received From: %s, IPSC Peer %s, Destination %s', self._system, int_id(_src_sub), int_id(_peerid), int_id(_dst_group)) _burst_data_type = _data[30] # Determine the type of voice packet this is (see top of file for possible types) _seq_id = _data[5] now = time() # Mark packet arrival time -- we'll need this for call contention handling for rule in RULES[self._system]['GROUP_VOICE']: _target = rule['DST_NET'] # Shorthand to reduce length and make it easier to read _status = systems[_target].IPSC_STATUS # Shorthand to reduce length and make it easier to read # This is the primary rule match to determine if the call will be routed. if (rule['SRC_GROUP'] == _dst_group and rule['SRC_TS'] == _ts and rule['ACTIVE'] == True) and (self.BRIDGE == True or systems[_target].BRIDGE == True): # # BEGIN CONTENTION HANDLING # # If this is an inter-DMRlink trunk, this isn't necessary if RULES[self._system]['TRUNK'] == False: # The rules for each of the 4 "ifs" below are listed here for readability. The Frame To Send is: # From a different group than last RX from this IPSC, but it has been less than Group Hangtime # From a different group than last TX to this IPSC, but it has been less than Group Hangtime # From the same group as the last RX from this IPSC, but from a different subscriber, and it has been less than TS Clear Time # From the same group as the last TX to this IPSC, but from a different subscriber, and it has been less than TS Clear Time # The "continue" at the end of each means the next iteration of the for loop that tests for matching rules # if ((rule['DST_GROUP'] != _status[rule['DST_TS']]['RX_GROUP']) and ((now - _status[rule['DST_TS']]['RX_TIME']) < RULES[self._system]['GROUP_HANGTIME'])): if _burst_data_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['VOICE_HEAD']: self._logger.info('(%s) Call not bridged to TGID%s, target active or in group hangtime: IPSC: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', self._system, int_id(rule['DST_GROUP']), _target, rule['DST_TS'], int_id(_status[rule['DST_TS']]['RX_GROUP'])) continue if ((rule['DST_GROUP'] != _status[rule['DST_TS']]['TX_GROUP']) and ((now - _status[rule['DST_TS']]['TX_TIME']) < RULES[self._system]['GROUP_HANGTIME'])): if _burst_data_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['VOICE_HEAD']: self._logger.info('(%s) Call not bridged to TGID%s, target in group hangtime: IPSC: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', self._system, int_id(rule['DST_GROUP']), _target, rule['DST_TS'], int_id(_status[rule['DST_TS']]['TX_GROUP'])) continue if (rule['DST_GROUP'] == _status[rule['DST_TS']]['RX_GROUP']) and ((now - _status[rule['DST_TS']]['RX_TIME']) < TS_CLEAR_TIME): if _burst_data_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['VOICE_HEAD']: self._logger.info('(%s) Call not bridged to TGID%s, matching call already active on target: IPSC: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', self._system, int_id(rule['DST_GROUP']), _target, rule['DST_TS'], int_id(_status[rule['DST_TS']]['RX_GROUP'])) continue if (rule['DST_GROUP'] == _status[rule['DST_TS']]['TX_GROUP']) and (_src_sub != _status[rule['DST_TS']]['TX_SRC_SUB']) and ((now - _status[rule['DST_TS']]['TX_TIME']) < TS_CLEAR_TIME): if _burst_data_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['VOICE_HEAD']: self._logger.info('(%s) Call not bridged for subscriber %s, call bridge in progress on target: IPSC: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s SUB: %s', self._system, int_id(_src_sub), _target, rule['DST_TS'], int_id(_status[rule['DST_TS']]['TX_GROUP']), int_id(_status[rule['DST_TS']]['TX_SRC_SUB'])) continue # # END CONTENTION HANDLING # # # BEGIN FRAME FORWARDING # # Make a copy of the payload _tmp_data = _data # Re-Write the IPSC SRC to match the target network's ID _tmp_data = _tmp_data.replace(_peerid, self._CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][_target]['LOCAL']['RADIO_ID']) # Re-Write the destination Group ID _tmp_data = _tmp_data.replace(_dst_group, rule['DST_GROUP']) # Re-Write IPSC timeslot value _call_info = int_id(_data[17:18]) if rule['DST_TS'] == 1: _call_info &= ~(1 << 5) elif rule['DST_TS'] == 2: _call_info |= 1 << 5 _call_info = chr(_call_info) _tmp_data = _tmp_data[:17] + _call_info + _tmp_data[18:] # Re-Write DMR timeslot value # Determine if the slot is present, so we can translate if need be if _burst_data_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['SLOT1_VOICE'] or _burst_data_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['SLOT2_VOICE']: _slot_valid = True else: _slot_valid = False # Re-Write timeslot if necessary... if _slot_valid: if rule['DST_TS'] == 1: _burst_data_type = BURST_DATA_TYPE['SLOT1_VOICE'] elif rule['DST_TS'] == 1: _burst_data_type = BURST_DATA_TYPE['SLOT2_VOICE'] _tmp_data = _tmp_data[:30] + _burst_data_type + _tmp_data[31:] # Send the packet to all peers in the target IPSC systems[_target].send_to_ipsc(_tmp_data) # # END FRAME FORWARDING # # Set values for the contention handler to test next time there is a frame to forward _status[_ts]['TX_GROUP'] = rule['DST_GROUP'] _status[_ts]['TX_TIME'] = now _status[_ts]['TX_SRC_SUB'] = _src_sub # Mark the group and time that a packet was recieved for the contention handler to use later self.IPSC_STATUS[_ts]['RX_GROUP'] = _dst_group self.IPSC_STATUS[_ts]['RX_TIME'] = now # # BEGIN IN-BAND SIGNALING BASED ON TGID & VOICE TERMINATOR FRAME # # Activate/Deactivate rules based on group voice activity -- PTT or UA for you c-Bridge dorks. # This will ONLY work for symmetrical rules!!! # Action happens on key up if _burst_data_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['VOICE_HEAD']: if self.last_seq_id != _seq_id: self.last_seq_id = _seq_id self.call_start = time() self._logger.info('(%s) GROUP VOICE START: CallID: %s PEER: %s, SUB: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', self._system, int_id(_seq_id), int_id(_peerid), int_id(_src_sub), _ts, int_id(_dst_group)) # Action happens on un-key if _burst_data_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['VOICE_TERM']: if self.last_seq_id == _seq_id: self.call_duration = time() - self.call_start self._logger.info('(%s) GROUP VOICE END: CallID: %s PEER: %s, SUB: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s Duration: %.2fs', self._system, int_id(_seq_id), int_id(_peerid), int_id(_src_sub), _ts, int_id(_dst_group), self.call_duration) else: self._logger.warning('(%s) GROUP VOICE END WITHOUT MATCHING START: CallID: %s PEER: %s, SUB: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', self._system, int_id(_seq_id), int_id(_peerid), int_id(_src_sub), _ts, int_id(_dst_group),) # Iterate the rules dictionary for rule in RULES[self._system]['GROUP_VOICE']: _target = rule['DST_NET'] # TGID matches a rule source, reset its timer if _ts == rule['SRC_TS'] and _dst_group == rule['SRC_GROUP'] and ((rule['TO_TYPE'] == 'ON' and (rule['ACTIVE'] == True)) or (rule['TO_TYPE'] == 'OFF' and rule['ACTIVE'] == False)): rule['TIMER'] = now + rule['TIMEOUT'] self._logger.info('(%s) Source group transmission match for rule \"%s\". Reset timeout to %s', self._system, rule['NAME'], rule['TIMER']) # Scan for reciprocal rules and reset their timers as well. for target_rule in RULES[_target]['GROUP_VOICE']: if target_rule['NAME'] == rule['NAME']: target_rule['TIMER'] = now + target_rule['TIMEOUT'] self._logger.info('(%s) Reciprocal group transmission match for rule \"%s\" on IPSC \"%s\". Reset timeout to %s', self._system, target_rule['NAME'], _target, rule['TIMER']) # TGID matches an ACTIVATION trigger if _dst_group in rule['ON']: # Set the matching rule as ACTIVE rule['ACTIVE'] = True rule['TIMER'] = now + rule['TIMEOUT'] self._logger.info('(%s) Primary Bridge Rule \"%s\" changed to state: %s', self._system, rule['NAME'], rule['ACTIVE']) # Set reciprocal rules for other IPSCs as ACTIVE for target_rule in RULES[_target]['GROUP_VOICE']: if target_rule['NAME'] == rule['NAME']: target_rule['ACTIVE'] = True target_rule['TIMER'] = now + target_rule['TIMEOUT'] self._logger.info('(%s) Reciprocal Bridge Rule \"%s\" in IPSC \"%s\" changed to state: %s', self._system, target_rule['NAME'], _target, rule['ACTIVE']) # TGID matches an DE-ACTIVATION trigger if _dst_group in rule['OFF']: # Set the matching rule as ACTIVE rule['ACTIVE'] = False self._logger.info('(%s) Bridge Rule \"%s\" changed to state: %s', self._system, rule['NAME'], rule['ACTIVE']) # Set reciprocal rules for other IPSCs as ACTIVE _target = rule['DST_NET'] for target_rule in RULES[_target]['GROUP_VOICE']: if target_rule['NAME'] == rule['NAME']: target_rule['ACTIVE'] = False self._logger.info('(%s) Reciprocal Bridge Rule \"%s\" in IPSC \"%s\" changed to state: %s', self._system, target_rule['NAME'], _target, rule['ACTIVE']) # # END IN-BAND SIGNALLING # def group_data(self, _src_sub, _dst_sub, _ts, _end, _peerid, _data): self._logger.debug('(%s) Group Data Packet Received From: %s, IPSC Peer %s, Destination %s', self._system, int_id(_src_sub), int_id(_peerid), int_id(_dst_sub)) for target in RULES[self._system]['GROUP_DATA']: if self.BRIDGE == True or systems[target].BRIDGE == True: _tmp_data = _data # Re-Write the IPSC SRC to match the target network's ID _tmp_data = _tmp_data.replace(_peerid, self._CONFIG[target]['LOCAL']['RADIO_ID']) # Send the packet to all peers in the target IPSC systems[target].send_to_ipsc(_tmp_data) def private_data(self, _src_sub, _dst_sub, _ts, _end, _peerid, _data): self._logger.debug('(%s) Private Data Packet Received From: %s, IPSC Peer %s, Destination %s', self._system, int_id(_src_sub), int_id(_peerid), int_id(_dst_sub)) for target in RULES[self._system]['PRIVATE_DATA']: if self.BRIDGE == True or systems[target].BRIDGE == True: _tmp_data = _data # Re-Write the IPSC SRC to match the target network's ID _tmp_data = _tmp_data.replace(_peerid, self._CONFIG[target]['LOCAL']['RADIO_ID']) # Send the packet to all peers in the target IPSC systems[target].send_to_ipsc(_tmp_data) if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse import os import signal from dmr_utils.utils import try_download, mk_id_dict import dmrlink_log import dmrlink_config # Change the current directory to the location of the application os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))) # CLI argument parser - handles picking up the config file from the command line, and sending a "help" message parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', action='store', dest='CFG_FILE', help='/full/path/to/config.file (usually dmrlink.cfg)') cli_args = parser.parse_args() if not cli_args.CFG_FILE: cli_args.CFG_FILE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+'/dmrlink.cfg' # Call the external routine to build the configuration dictionary CONFIG = dmrlink_config.build_config(cli_args.CFG_FILE) # Call the external routing to start the system logger logger = dmrlink_log.config_logging(CONFIG['LOGGER']) config_reports(CONFIG) logger.info('DMRlink \'bridge.py\' (c) 2013-2015 N0MJS & the K0USY Group - SYSTEM STARTING...') # Shut ourselves down gracefully with the IPSC peers. def sig_handler(_signal, _frame): logger.info('*** DMRLINK IS TERMINATING WITH SIGNAL %s ***', str(_signal)) for system in systems: this_ipsc = systems[system] logger.info('De-Registering from IPSC %s', system) de_reg_req_pkt = this_ipsc.hashed_packet(this_ipsc._local['AUTH_KEY'], this_ipsc.DE_REG_REQ_PKT) this_ipsc.send_to_ipsc(de_reg_req_pkt) reactor.stop() # Set signal handers so that we can gracefully exit if need be for sig in [signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGQUIT]: signal.signal(sig, sig_handler) # Build the routing rules file RULES = build_rules('bridge_rules') # Build list of known bridge IDs BRIDGES = build_bridges('known_bridges') # Build the Access Control List ACL = build_acl('sub_acl') # INITIALIZE AN IPSC OBJECT (SELF SUSTAINING) FOR EACH CONFIGUED IPSC for system in CONFIG['SYSTEMS']: if CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['LOCAL']['ENABLED']: systems[system] = bridgeIPSC(system, CONFIG, logger, BRIDGES) reactor.listenUDP(CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['LOCAL']['PORT'], systems[system], interface=CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['LOCAL']['IP']) # INITIALIZE THE REPORTING LOOP IF CONFIGURED if CONFIG['REPORTS']['REPORT_NETWORKS']: reporting_loop = config_reports(CONFIG) reporting = task.LoopingCall(reporting_loop, logger) reporting.start(CONFIG['REPORTS']['REPORT_INTERVAL']) # INITIALIZE THE REPORTING LOOP IF CONFIGURED rule_timer = task.LoopingCall(rule_timer_loop) rule_timer.start(60) reactor.run()