Cort Buffington d4b51fd08f Prepare for Dynamic Rule Changes
Change the name of the rules read from the file, then copy it to
“RULES” after processing. This will allow us to modify RULES on the
fly, while keeping the “original” - This is a hook to add dynamic rule
2015-05-17 11:19:19 -05:00

241 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
# 3.0 Unported License.To view a copy of this license, visit
# or send a letter to
# Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
# California, 94041, USA.
# This is a sample application to bridge traffic between IPSC networks. it uses
# one required ( and one optional ( additional
# configuration files. Both files have their own documentation for use.
# "bridge_rules" contains the IPSC network, Timeslot and TGID matching rules to
# determine which voice calls are bridged between IPSC networks and which are
# not.
# "known_bridges" contains DMR radio ID numbers of known bridges. This file is
# used when you want to be "polite" or serve as a backup bridge. If
# a known bridge exists in either a source OR target IPSC network, then no
# bridging between those IPSC networks will take place. This behavior is
# dynamic and updates each keep-alive interval (main configuration file).
# For faster failover, configure a short keep-alive time and a low number of
# missed keep-alives before timout. I recommend 5 sec keep-alive and 3 missed.
# That gives a worst-case scenario of 15 seconds to fail over. Recovery will
# typically happen with a single "blip" in the transmission up to about 5
# seconds.
# While this file is listed as Beta status, K0USY Group depends on this code
# for the bridigng of it's many repeaters. We consider it reliable, but you
# get what you pay for... as usual, no guarantees.
from __future__ import print_function
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet import task
from binascii import b2a_hex as h
from time import time
import sys
from dmrlink import IPSC, NETWORK, networks, dmr_nat, logger, hex_str_3, hex_str_4, int_id
__author__ = 'Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS and the K0USY Group'
__credits__ = 'Adam Fast, KC0YLK, Dave K, and he who wishes not to be named'
__license__ = 'Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported'
__version__ = '0.28b'
__maintainer__ = 'Cort Buffington, N0MJS'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'beta'
# Constants for this application
'VOICE_HEAD': '\x01',
'VOICE_TERM': '\x02',
'SLOT1_VOICE': '\x0A',
'SLOT2_VOICE': '\x8A'
# Import Bridging rules
# Note: A stanza *must* exist for any IPSC configured in the main
# configuration file and listed as "active". It can be empty,
# but it has to exist.
from bridge_rules import RULES as RULES_FILE'Bridge rules file found and rules imported')
except ImportError:
sys.exit('Bridging rules file not found or invalid')
# Convert integer GROUP ID numbers from the config into hex strings
# we need to send in the actual data packets.
for _ipsc in RULES_FILE:
for _rule in RULES_FILE[_ipsc]['GROUP_VOICE']:
_rule['SRC_GROUP'] = hex_str_3(_rule['SRC_GROUP'])
_rule['DST_GROUP'] = hex_str_3(_rule['DST_GROUP'])
_rule['SRC_TS'] = _rule['SRC_TS'] - 1
_rule['DST_TS'] = _rule['DST_TS'] - 1
if _ipsc not in NETWORK:
sys.exit('ERROR: Bridge rules found for an IPSC network not configured in main configuration')
for _ipsc in NETWORK:
if _ipsc not in RULES_FILE:
sys.exit('ERROR: Bridge rules not found for all IPSC network configured')
# Import List of Bridges
# This is how we identify known bridges. If one of these is present
# and it's mode byte is set to bridge, we don't
from known_bridges import BRIDGES'Known bridges file found and bridge ID list imported ')
except ImportError:
logger.critical('\'\' not found - backup bridge service will not be enabled')
class bridgeIPSC(IPSC):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
IPSC.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
if BRIDGES:'Initializing backup/polite bridging')
self.BRIDGE = False
self.BRIDGE = True'Initializing standard bridging')
self.IPSC_STATUS = {
'TS1': {'RX_GROUP':'\x00', 'TX_GROUP':'\x00', 'RX_TIME':0, 'TX_TIME':0, 'RX_SRC_SUB':'\x00', 'TX_SRC_SUB':'\x00'},
'TS2': {'RX_GROUP':'\x00', 'TX_GROUP':'\x00', 'RX_TIME':0, 'TX_TIME':0, 'RX_SRC_SUB':'\x00', 'TX_SRC_SUB':'\x00'}
# Setup the backup/polite bridging maintenance loop (based on keep-alive timer)
def startProtocol(self):
self._bridge_presence = task.LoopingCall(self.bridge_presence_loop)
self._bridge_presence_loop = self._bridge_presence.start(self._local['ALIVE_TIMER'])
# This is the backup/polite bridge maintenance loop
def bridge_presence_loop(self):
_temp_bridge = True
for peer in BRIDGES:
_peer = hex_str_4(peer)
if _peer in self._peers.keys() and (self._peers[_peer]['MODE_DECODE']['TS_1'] or self._peers[_peer]['MODE_DECODE']['TS_2']):
_temp_bridge = False
logger.debug('(%s) Peer %s is an active bridge', self._network, int_id(_peer))
if _peer == self._master['RADIO_ID'] \
and self._master['STATUS']['CONNECTED'] \
and (self._master['MODE_DECODE']['TS_1'] or self._master['MODE_DECODE']['TS_2']):
_temp_bridge = False
logger.debug('(%s) Master %s is an active bridge',self._network, int_id(_peer))
if self.BRIDGE != _temp_bridge:'(%s) Changing bridge status to: %s', self._network, _temp_bridge )
self.BRIDGE = _temp_bridge
def group_voice(self, _network, _src_sub, _dst_group, _ts, _end, _peerid, _data):
logger.debug('(%s) Group Voice Packet Received From: %s, IPSC Peer %s, Destination %s', _network, int_id(_src_sub), int_id(_peerid), int_id(_dst_group))
_burst_data_type = _data[30] # Determine the type of voice packet this is (see top of file for possible types)
if _ts == 0:
_TS = 'TS1'
elif _ts == 1:
_TS = 'TS2'
for rule in RULES[_network]['GROUP_VOICE']:
_target = rule['DST_NET'] # Shorthand to reduce length and make it easier to read
_status = networks[_target].IPSC_STATUS # Shorthand to reduce length and make it easier to read
now = time() # Mark packet arrival time -- we'll need this for call contention handling
# Matching for rules is against the Destination Group in the SOURCE packet (SRC_GROUP)
#if rule['SRC_GROUP'] == _dst_group and rule['SRC_TS'] == _ts:
if (rule['SRC_GROUP'] == _dst_group and rule['SRC_TS'] == _ts) and (self.BRIDGE == True or networks[_target].BRIDGE == True):
if ((rule['DST_GROUP'] != _status[_TS]['RX_GROUP']) and ((now - _status[_TS]['RX_TIME']) < RULES[_network]['GROUP_HANGTIME'])):
if _burst_data_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['VOICE_HEAD']:'(%s) Call not bridged, target active or in group hangtime: IPSC %s, %s, TGID%s', _network, _target, _TS, int_id(rule['DST_GROUP']))
if ((rule['DST_GROUP'] != _status[_TS]['TX_GROUP']) and ((now - _status[_TS]['TX_TIME']) < RULES[_network]['GROUP_HANGTIME'])):
if _burst_data_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['VOICE_HEAD']:'(%s) Call not bridged, target in group hangtime: IPSC %s, %s, TGID%s', _network, _target, _TS, int_id(rule['DST_GROUP']))
if (rule['DST_GROUP'] == _status[_TS]['TX_GROUP']) and (_src_sub != _status[_TS]['TX_SRC_SUB']) and ((now - _status[_TS]['TX_TIME']) < TS_CLEAR_TIME):
if _burst_data_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['VOICE_HEAD']:'(%s) Call not bridged, call bridge in progress from %s, target: IPSC %s, %s, TGID%s', _network, int_id(_src_sub), _target, _TS, int_id(rule['DST_GROUP']))
if (rule['DST_GROUP'] == _status[_TS]['RX_GROUP']) and ((now - _status[_TS]['RX_TIME']) < TS_CLEAR_TIME):
if _burst_data_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['VOICE_HEAD']:'(%s) Call not bridged, matching call already active on target: IPSC %s, %s, TGID%s', _network, _target, _TS, int_id(rule['DST_GROUP']))
_tmp_data = _data
# Re-Write the IPSC SRC to match the target network's ID
_tmp_data = _tmp_data.replace(_peerid, NETWORK[_target]['LOCAL']['RADIO_ID'])
# Re-Write the destination Group ID
_tmp_data = _tmp_data.replace(_dst_group, rule['DST_GROUP'])
# Re-Write IPSC timeslot value
_call_info = int_id(_data[17:18])
if rule['DST_TS'] == 0:
_call_info &= ~(1 << 5)
elif rule['DST_TS'] == 1:
_call_info |= 1 << 5
_call_info = chr(_call_info)
_tmp_data = _tmp_data[:17] + _call_info + _tmp_data[18:]
# Re-Write DMR timeslot value
# Determine if the slot is present, so we can translate if need be
if _burst_data_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['SLOT1_VOICE'] or _burst_data_type == BURST_DATA_TYPE['SLOT2_VOICE']:
_slot_valid = True
_slot_valid = False
# Re-Write timeslot if necessary...
if _slot_valid:
if rule['DST_TS'] == 0:
_burst_data_type = BURST_DATA_TYPE['SLOT1_VOICE']
elif rule['DST_TS'] == 1:
_burst_data_type = BURST_DATA_TYPE['SLOT2_VOICE']
_tmp_data = _tmp_data[:30] + _burst_data_type + _tmp_data[31:]
# Calculate and append the authentication hash for the target network... if necessary
_tmp_data = self.hashed_packet(NETWORK[_target]['LOCAL']['AUTH_KEY'], _tmp_data)
# Send the packet to all peers in the target IPSC
_status[_TS]['TX_GROUP'] = _dst_group
_status[_TS]['TX_TIME'] = now
_status[_TS]['TX_SRC_SUB'] = _src_sub
# Mark the group and time that a packet was recieved
self.IPSC_STATUS[_TS]['RX_GROUP'] = _dst_group
self.IPSC_STATUS[_TS]['RX_TIME'] = now
if __name__ == '__main__':'DMRlink \'\' (c) 2013-2015 N0MJS & the K0USY Group - SYSTEM STARTING...')
for ipsc_network in NETWORK:
if NETWORK[ipsc_network]['LOCAL']['ENABLED']:
networks[ipsc_network] = bridgeIPSC(ipsc_network)
reactor.listenUDP(NETWORK[ipsc_network]['LOCAL']['PORT'], networks[ipsc_network], interface=NETWORK[ipsc_network]['LOCAL']['IP'])