Update libs:

- jquery to 3.2.1
- jquery.growl to 1.3.5
- jquery.timeago to 1.6.7
- bootstrap to 3.4.1
This commit is contained in:
Richard Schwab 2020-05-11 07:07:02 +02:00
parent 7294b356dd
commit 184247c4ab
8 changed files with 225 additions and 168 deletions

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* jQuery Growl
* Copyright 2015 Kevin Sylvestre
* 1.3.3
* 1.3.5
.ontop, #growls-default, #growls-tl, #growls-tr, #growls-bl, #growls-br, #growls-tc, #growls-bc, #growls-cc, #growls-cl, #growls-cr {
z-index: 50000;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

js/vendor/jquery-3.5.1.min.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,30 +1,45 @@
var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.1.0
(function() {
(function () {
jQuery Growl
Copyright 2015 Kevin Sylvestre
"use strict";
var $, Animation, Growl;
$ = jQuery;
Animation = (function() {
class Animation {
static transition($el) {
var el, ref, result, type;
el = $el[0];
ref = this.transitions;
for (type in ref) {
result = ref[type];
if (el.style[type] != null) {
return result;
Animation = function () {
var Animation = function () {
function Animation() {
_classCallCheck(this, Animation);
_createClass(Animation, null, [{
key: "transition",
value: function transition($el) {
var el, ref, result, type;
el = $el[0];
ref = this.transitions;
for (type in ref) {
result = ref[type];
if (el.style[type] != null) {
return result;
return Animation;
Animation.transitions = {
"webkitTransition": "webkitTransitionEnd",
@ -34,16 +49,24 @@
return Animation;
Growl = function () {
var Growl = function () {
_createClass(Growl, null, [{
key: "growl",
value: function growl() {
var settings = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
Growl = (function() {
class Growl {
static growl(settings = {}) {
return new Growl(settings);
return new Growl(settings);
function Growl() {
var settings = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
_classCallCheck(this, Growl);
constructor(settings = {}) {
this.render = this.render.bind(this);
this.bind = this.bind.bind(this);
this.unbind = this.unbind.bind(this);
@ -67,139 +90,170 @@
initialize(location) {
var id;
id = 'growls-' + location;
return $('body:not(:has(#' + id + '))').append('<div id="' + id + '" />');
render() {
var $growl;
$growl = this.$growl();
if (this.settings.fixed) {
} else {
_createClass(Growl, [{
key: "initialize",
value: function initialize(location) {
var id;
id = 'growls-' + location;
return $('body:not(:has(#' + id + '))').append('<div id="' + id + '" />');
bind($growl = this.$growl()) {
$growl.on("click", this.click);
if (this.settings.delayOnHover) {
$growl.on("mouseenter", this.mouseEnter);
$growl.on("mouseleave", this.mouseLeave);
}, {
key: "render",
value: function render() {
var $growl;
$growl = this.$growl();
if (this.settings.fixed) {
} else {
return $growl.on("contextmenu", this.close).find(`.${this.settings.namespace}-close`).on("click", this.close);
}, {
key: "bind",
value: function bind() {
var $growl = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : this.$growl();
unbind($growl = this.$growl()) {
$growl.off("click", this.click);
if (this.settings.delayOnHover) {
$growl.off("mouseenter", this.mouseEnter);
$growl.off("mouseleave", this.mouseLeave);
$growl.on("click", this.click);
if (this.settings.delayOnHover) {
$growl.on("mouseenter", this.mouseEnter);
$growl.on("mouseleave", this.mouseLeave);
return $growl.on("contextmenu", this.close).find("." + this.settings.namespace + "-close").on("click", this.close);
return $growl.off("contextmenu", this.close).find(`.${this.settings.namespace}-close`).off("click", this.close);
}, {
key: "unbind",
value: function unbind() {
var $growl = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : this.$growl();
mouseEnter(event) {
var $growl;
$growl = this.$growl();
return $growl.stop(true, true);
mouseLeave(event) {
return this.waitAndDismiss();
click(event) {
if (this.settings.url != null) {
$growl.off("click", this.click);
if (this.settings.delayOnHover) {
$growl.off("mouseenter", this.mouseEnter);
$growl.off("mouseleave", this.mouseLeave);
return $growl.off("contextmenu", this.close).find("." + this.settings.namespace + "-close").off("click", this.close);
}, {
key: "mouseEnter",
value: function mouseEnter(event) {
var $growl;
$growl = this.$growl();
return $growl.stop(true, true);
}, {
key: "mouseLeave",
value: function mouseLeave(event) {
return this.waitAndDismiss();
}, {
key: "click",
value: function click(event) {
if (this.settings.url != null) {
return window.open(this.settings.url);
}, {
key: "close",
value: function close(event) {
var $growl;
return window.open(this.settings.url);
$growl = this.$growl();
return $growl.stop().queue(this.dismiss).queue(this.remove);
close(event) {
var $growl;
$growl = this.$growl();
return $growl.stop().queue(this.dismiss).queue(this.remove);
cycle() {
var $growl;
$growl = this.$growl();
return $growl.queue(this.present).queue(this.waitAndDismiss());
waitAndDismiss() {
var $growl;
$growl = this.$growl();
return $growl.delay(this.settings.duration).queue(this.dismiss).queue(this.remove);
present(callback) {
var $growl;
$growl = this.$growl();
return this.animate($growl, `${this.settings.namespace}-incoming`, 'out', callback);
dismiss(callback) {
var $growl;
$growl = this.$growl();
return this.animate($growl, `${this.settings.namespace}-outgoing`, 'in', callback);
remove(callback) {
return typeof callback === "function" ? callback() : void 0;
animate($element, name, direction = 'in', callback) {
var transition;
transition = Animation.transition($element);
$element[direction === 'in' ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'](name);
$element[direction === 'in' ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](name);
if (callback == null) {
}, {
key: "cycle",
value: function cycle() {
var $growl;
$growl = this.$growl();
return $growl.queue(this.present).queue(this.waitAndDismiss());
if (transition != null) {
$element.one(transition, callback);
} else {
}, {
key: "waitAndDismiss",
value: function waitAndDismiss() {
var $growl;
$growl = this.$growl();
return $growl.delay(this.settings.duration).queue(this.dismiss).queue(this.remove);
$growls(location) {
var base;
if (this.$_growls == null) {
this.$_growls = [];
}, {
key: "present",
value: function present(callback) {
var $growl;
$growl = this.$growl();
return this.animate($growl, this.settings.namespace + "-incoming", 'out', callback);
return (base = this.$_growls)[location] != null ? base[location] : base[location] = $('#growls-' + location);
}, {
key: "dismiss",
value: function dismiss(callback) {
var $growl;
$growl = this.$growl();
return this.animate($growl, this.settings.namespace + "-outgoing", 'in', callback);
}, {
key: "remove",
value: function remove(callback) {
return typeof callback === "function" ? callback() : void 0;
}, {
key: "animate",
value: function animate($element, name) {
var direction = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 'in';
var callback = arguments[3];
$growl() {
return this.$_growl != null ? this.$_growl : this.$_growl = $(this.html());
var transition;
transition = Animation.transition($element);
$element[direction === 'in' ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'](name);
$element[direction === 'in' ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](name);
if (callback == null) {
if (transition != null) {
$element.one(transition, callback);
} else {
}, {
key: "$growls",
value: function $growls(location) {
var base;
if (this.$_growls == null) {
this.$_growls = [];
return (base = this.$_growls)[location] != null ? base[location] : base[location] = $('#growls-' + location);
}, {
key: "$growl",
value: function $growl() {
return this.$_growl != null ? this.$_growl : this.$_growl = $(this.html());
}, {
key: "html",
value: function html() {
return this.container(this.content());
}, {
key: "content",
value: function content() {
return "<div class='" + this.settings.namespace + "-close'>" + this.settings.close + "</div>\n<div class='" + this.settings.namespace + "-title'>" + this.settings.title + "</div>\n<div class='" + this.settings.namespace + "-message'>" + this.settings.message + "</div>";
}, {
key: "container",
value: function container(content) {
return "<div class='" + this.settings.namespace + " " + this.settings.namespace + "-" + this.settings.style + " " + this.settings.namespace + "-" + this.settings.size + "'>\n " + content + "\n</div>";
html() {
return this.container(this.content());
return Growl;
content() {
return `<div class='${this.settings.namespace}-close'>${this.settings.close}</div>\n<div class='${this.settings.namespace}-title'>${this.settings.title}</div>\n<div class='${this.settings.namespace}-message'>${this.settings.message}</div>`;
container(content) {
return `<div class='${this.settings.namespace} ${this.settings.namespace}-${this.settings.style} ${this.settings.namespace}-${this.settings.size}'>\n ${content}\n</div>`;
Growl.settings = {
namespace: 'growl',
@ -212,16 +266,19 @@
return Growl;
this.Growl = Growl;
$.growl = function(options = {}) {
$.growl = function () {
var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
return Growl.growl(options);
$.growl.error = function(options = {}) {
$.growl.error = function () {
var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
var settings;
settings = {
title: "Error!",
@ -230,7 +287,9 @@
return $.growl($.extend(settings, options));
$.growl.notice = function(options = {}) {
$.growl.notice = function () {
var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
var settings;
settings = {
title: "Notice!",
@ -239,7 +298,9 @@
return $.growl($.extend(settings, options));
$.growl.warning = function(options = {}) {
$.growl.warning = function () {
var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
var settings;
settings = {
title: "Warning!",
@ -247,5 +308,4 @@
return $.growl($.extend(settings, options));

View File

@ -3,15 +3,15 @@
* updating fuzzy timestamps (e.g. "4 minutes ago" or "about 1 day ago").
* @name timeago
* @version 1.6.1
* @requires jQuery v1.2.3+
* @version 1.6.7
* @requires jQuery >=1.5.0 <4.0
* @author Ryan McGeary
* @license MIT License - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* For usage and examples, visit:
* http://timeago.yarp.com/
* Copyright (c) 2008-2017, Ryan McGeary (ryan -[at]- mcgeary [*dot*] org)
* Copyright (c) 2008-2019, Ryan McGeary (ryan -[at]- mcgeary [*dot*] org)
(function (factory) {
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
settings: {
refreshMillis: 60000,
allowPast: true,
allowFuture: true,
allowFuture: false,
localeTitle: false,
cutoff: 0,
autoDispose: true,
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
prefixFromNow: null,
suffixAgo: "ago",
suffixFromNow: "from now",
inPast: 'any moment now',
inPast: "any moment now",
seconds: "less than a minute",
minute: "about a minute",
minutes: "%d minutes",

View File

@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ class Template{
</div><!--/row -->
</div><!--/container -->
<script src="<?php echo WEB_URL;?>/js/vendor/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="<?php echo WEB_URL;?>/js/vendor/jquery-3.5.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="<?php echo WEB_URL;?>/js/vendor/jquery.timeago.js"></script>
<script src="<?php echo WEB_URL;?>/locale/<?php echo $_SESSION['locale'];?>/jquery.timeago.js"></script>
<?php if ($admin){?>
@ -175,4 +175,4 @@ class Template{