=":"<="; $timestamp = (isset($_GET['timestamp'])&& !$future)?$_GET['timestamp']:time(); $sql = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT *, status.id as status_id FROM status INNER JOIN users ON user_id=users.id WHERE `time` $c ? AND `end_time` $c ? OR (`time`<=? AND `end_time` $c ? ) ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?"); $sql->bind_param("iiiiii",$timestamp, $timestamp, $timestamp, $timestamp, $limit, $offset); $sql->execute(); $query = $sql->get_result(); if ($future && $query->num_rows && !$ajax) { echo "

"._("Planned maintenance")."

"; } else if ($query->num_rows &&!$ajax) { if ($offset) { echo ''; } echo "

"._("Past incidents")."

"; } else if (!$future &&!$ajax) { echo "

"._("No incidents")."

"; } $show = !$future && $query->num_rows==$limit; $limit--; $offset += $limit; if ($query->num_rows){ while(($result = $query->fetch_assoc()) && $limit-->0) { $incident = new Incident($result); $incident->render($admin); } if ($show) { echo '
'._("Load more").'
'; } } } public function render_status($admin = 0){ global $mysqli; $query = $mysqli->query("SELECT id, name FROM services"); $array = array(); if ($query->num_rows){ $timestamp = time(); while($result = $query->fetch_assoc()) { $id = $result['id']; $sql = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT type FROM services_status INNER JOIN status ON services_status.status_id = status.id WHERE service_id = ? AND `time` <= ? AND (`end_time` >= ? OR `end_time`=0) ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 1"); $sql->bind_param("iii", $id, $timestamp, $timestamp); $sql->execute(); $tmp = $sql->get_result(); if ($tmp->num_rows) { $array[] = new Service($result['id'], $result['name'], $tmp->fetch_assoc()['type']); } else{ $array[] = new Service($result['id'], $result['name']); } } echo Service::current_status($array); } else{ $array[] = new Service(0, _("No services"), -1); } if (!$admin) { echo '
'; foreach($array as $service){ $service->render(); } echo '
'; } else{ return $array; } } } $constellation = new Constellation();