getSetting($mysqli,"name")); define("TITLE", $db->getSetting($mysqli,"title")); define("WEB_URL", $db->getSetting($mysqli,"url")); define("MAILER_NAME", $db->getSetting($mysqli,"mailer")); define("MAILER_ADDRESS", $db->getSetting($mysqli,"mailer_email")); $mailer = new Mailer(); $subscriber = new Subscriber(); $subscription = new Subscriptions(); $boolRegistered = false; if ( isset($_GET['new']) ) { // Form validation for subscribers signing up $message = ""; Template :: render_header(_("Email Subscription")); if (isset($_POST['emailaddress'])) { if (0 == strlen(trim($_POST['emailaddress']))){ $messages[] = _("Email address"); } // Perform DNS domain validation on if ( ! $mailer->verify_domain($_POST['emailaddress']) ) { $messages[] = _("Domain does not apper to be a valid email domain. (Check MX record)"); } if (GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA) { // Validate recaptcha $response = $_POST["g-recaptcha-response"]; $url = ''; $data = array( 'secret' => GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SECRET, 'response' => $_POST["g-recaptcha-response"] ); $options = array( 'http' => array ( 'header' => 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n', 'method' => 'POST', 'content' => http_build_query($data) ) ); $context = stream_context_create($options); $verify = file_get_contents($url, false, $context); $captcha_success = json_decode($verify); if ( $captcha_success->success==false ) { $messages[] = _("reChaptcha validation failed"); } } if ( isset($messages) ) { $message = _("Please check
"); $message .= implode("
", $messages); } } if(isset($_POST['emailaddress']) && empty($message)) { // Check if email is already registered $boolUserExist = false; $subscriber->userID = $_POST['emailaddress']; $subscriber->typeID = 2; // Email $boolUserExist = $subscriber->check_userid_exist(); $url = WEB_URL."/index.php?do=manage&token=".$subscriber->token; if ( ! $boolUserExist ) { // Create a new subscriber as it does not exist $subscriber->add($subscriber->typeID, $_POST['emailaddress']); $url = WEB_URL."/index.php?do=manage&token=".$subscriber->token; // Needed again after adding subscriber since token did not exist before add $msg = sprintf(_("Thank you for registering to receive status updates via email.

Click on the following link to confirm and manage your subcription: %s. New subscriptions must be confirmed within 2 hours"), $url, NAME .' - ' . _("Validate subscription")); } else { if ( ! $subscriber->active ) { // Subscriber is registered, but has not been activated yet... $msg = sprintf(_("Thank you for registering to receive status updates via email.

Click on the following link to confirm and manage your subcription: %s. New subscriptions must be confirmed within 2 hours"), $url, NAME .' - ' . _("Validate subscription")); $subscriber->activate($subscriber->id); } else { // subscriber is registered and active $msg = sprintf(_("Click on the following link to update your existing subscription: %s"), $url, NAME .' - ' . _("Manage subscription")); $subscriber->update($subscriber->id); } } // Show success message $header = _("Thank you for subscribing"); $message = _("You will receive an email shortly with an activation link. Please click on the link to activate and/or manage your subscription."); $constellation->render_success($header, $message, true, WEB_URL, _('Go back')); // Send email about new registration $subject = _('Email subscription registered').' - '.NAME; $mailer->send_mail($_POST['emailaddress'], $subject, $msg); $boolRegistered = true; } // Add a new email subscriber - display form if ( isset($_GET['new']) && (! $boolRegistered) ) { if (!empty($message)) { echo '


'; } $strPostedEmail = (isset($_POST['emailaddress'])) ? $_POST['emailaddress'] : ""; ?>

Privacy Policy'), POLICY_URL); echo $msg; ?>
typeID = 2; //EMAIL if ( $subscriber->is_active_subscriber($_GET['token']) ) { // forward user to subscriber list.... $subscriber->set_logged_in(); header('Location: subscriptions.php'); exit; } else { Template :: render_header(_("Email Subscription")); $header = _("We cannot find a valid subscriber account matching those details"); $message = _("If you have recently subscribed, please make sure you activate the account within two hours of doing so. You are welcome to try and re-subscribe."); $constellation->render_warning($header, $message, true, WEB_URL, _('Go back')); } } else if (isset($_GET['do']) && $_GET['do'] == 'unsubscribe') { // Handle unsubscriptions // TODO This function is universal and should probably live elsewhere?? if (isset($_GET['token'])) { $subscriber->typeID = (int) $_GET['type']; if ( $subscriber->get_subscriber_by_token($_GET['token'])) { $subscriber->delete($subscriber->id); $subscriber->set_logged_off(); Template :: render_header(_("Email Subscription")); $header = _("You have been unsubscribed from our system"); $message = _("We are sorry to see you go. If you want to subscribe again at a later date please feel free to re-subscribe."); $constellation->render_success($header, $message, true, WEB_URL, _('Go back')); } else { // TODO Log token for troubleshooting ? // Cannot find subscriber - show alert Template :: render_header(_("Email Subscription")); $header = _("We are unable to find any valid subscriber detail matching your submitted data!"); $message = _("If you believe this to be an error, please contact the system admininistrator."); $constellation->render_warning($header, $message, true, WEB_URL, _('Go back')); // } } else { // TODO Log $_GET[] for troubleshooting ? $header = _("We are unable to find any valid subscriber detail matching your submitted data!"); $message = _("If you believe this to be an error, please contact the system admininistrator."); $constellation->render_warning($header, $message, true, WEB_URL, _('Go back')); } } Template :: render_footer();