negotiate($override); $_SESSION['locale'] = $best_match; setlocale(LC_ALL, $_SESSION['locale'].".UTF-8"); bindtextdomain("server-status", __DIR__ . "/locale/"); bind_textdomain_codeset($_SESSION['locale'], "utf-8"); textdomain("server-status"); } if (isset($_POST['server'])) { $mysqli = new mysqli($_POST['server'],$_POST['dbuser'],$_POST['dbpassword'],$_POST['database']); if ($mysqli->connect_errno) { $message .= sprintf(_("Connection failed: %s\n"), $mysqli->connect_error); } if (isset($_POST['url']) && filter_var($_POST['url'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) === false) { $message .= _("Please set valid url!"); } //Ostatní má checky existence ve funkci pro pridani if (0 == strlen(trim($_POST['servername']))){ $messages[] = _("Server name"); } if (0 == strlen(trim($_POST['url']))){ $messages[] = _("Url"); } if (0 == strlen(trim($_POST['mailer']))){ $messages[] = _("Mailer name"); } if (0 == strlen(trim($_POST['title']))){ $messages[] = _("Title"); } if (0 == strlen(trim($_POST['mailer_email']))){ $messages[] = _("Mailer email"); } if (0 == strlen(trim($_POST['server']))){ $messages[] = _("Database server"); } if (0 == strlen(trim($_POST['database']))){ $messages[] = _("Database name"); } if (0 == strlen(trim($_POST['dbuser']))){ $messages[] = _("Database user"); } if (0 == strlen(trim($_POST['dbpassword']))) { $messages[] = _("Database password"); } if (isset($messages)) { $message .= _("Please enter"); $message .= implode(", ", $messages); } } if(isset($_POST['server']) && empty($message)) { define("MAILER_NAME", $_POST['mailer']); define("MAILER_ADDRESS", $_POST['mailer_email']); define("INSTALL_OVERRIDE", true); //No need to include config, as we have connection from testing it... :) //There may be better way to do this... $sql = file_get_contents("install.sql"); $array = explode(";", $sql); foreach ($array as $value) { $val = trim($value); if (empty($val)) { continue; } $q_res = $mysqli->query($value); if ($q_res === false) { $message = sprintf(_("Error while creating database. Please check permission for your account or MYSQL version.
Error: %s"), $mysqli->error); break; } } if (empty($message)) { require_once("classes/constellation.php"); User::add(); } if (empty($message)) { //Create config $config = file_get_contents("config.php.template"); $config = str_replace("##name##", $_POST['servername'], $config); $config = str_replace("##title##", $_POST['title'], $config); $config = str_replace("##url##", $_POST['url'], $config); $config = str_replace("##mailer##", $_POST['mailer'], $config); $config = str_replace("##mailer_email##", $_POST['mailer_email'], $config); $config = str_replace("##server##", $_POST['server'], $config); $config = str_replace("##database##", $_POST['database'], $config); $config = str_replace("##user##", $_POST['dbuser'], $config); $config = str_replace("##password##", $_POST['dbpassword'], $config); $config = str_replace("##name##", $_POST['servername'], $config); $config = str_replace("##policy_name##", $_POST['policy_name'], $config); $config = str_replace("##address##", $_POST['address'], $config); $config = str_replace("##policy_mail##", $_POST['policy_mail'], $config); $config = str_replace("##policy_phone##", $_POST['policy_phone'],$config); $config = str_replace("##who_we_are##", $_POST['who_we_are'], $config); $policy_url_conf = ( ! empty($_POST['policy_url']) ) ? $_POST['policy_url'] : POLICY_URL; $config = str_replace("##policy_url##", $policy_url_conf, $config); $config = str_replace("##tg_bot_token##", $_POST['tgtoken'], $config); $config = str_replace("##tg_bot_username##", $_POST['tgbot'], $config); $policy = str_replace("##name##", $fullname, $policy); file_put_contents("config.php", $config); file_put_contents("policy.php", $policy); unlink("config.php.template"); unlink("install.sql"); unlink(__FILE__); header("Location: ".WEB_URL); } } Template::render_header(_("Install")); ?>

MINIMUM_PHP_VERSION if (strnatcmp(phpversion(), MINIMUM_PHP_VERSION) >= 0) { $preq_phpver = $preq_ok; } // Test for mysqlnd precense. The mysqlnd driver provides some extra functions that is not available // if the plain mysql package is installed, and mysqli_get_client_stats is one of them. This is documented // on the PHP site at // This test is also discussed at if ( function_exists('mysqli_get_client_stats') ) { $preq_mysqlnd = $preq_ok; } // Check if we have access to write to location if ( is_writable(__DIR__) ) { $preq_writedir = $preq_ok; } ?> - without the trailing slash), so we can mail users link for forgotten password etc...");?>
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