Vojtěch Sajdl 4b62701974
Fix #21 - ability to change title
Add define("TITLE", "<title>") to your config.php file if you're updating and want to use this feature.
2018-03-10 00:32:06 +01:00

46 lines
1.9 KiB

//This is config file, please be careful
//You can change these:
define("NAME", '##name##'); //Website name
define("TITLE", "##title##");
define("WEB_URL", "##url##"); //Used for links
define("MAILER_NAME", "##mailer##"); //Mailer name
define("MAILER_ADDRESS", "##mailer_email##"); //Mailer address
define("INSTALL_OVERRIDE", false);
define("DEFAULT_LANGUAGE", "en_GB");
$negotiator = new LocaleNegotiator(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE);
if (!isset($_SESSION['locale'])||isset($_GET['lang']))
$override = ((isset($_GET['lang']))?$_GET['lang']:null);
$best_match = $negotiator->negotiate($override);
$_SESSION['locale'] = $best_match;
setlocale(LC_ALL, $_SESSION['locale'].".UTF-8");
setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, $_SESSION['locale'].".UTF-8");
bindtextdomain("server-status", __DIR__ . "/locale/");
bind_textdomain_codeset("server-status", "utf-8");
//Database connection
$mysqli = new mysqli("##server##","##user##","##password##","##database##");
if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {
printf(_("Connection failed: %s\n"), $mysqli->connect_error);
//This should later be translatable, maybe find a better solution?
$statuses = array(_("Major outage"), _("Minor outage"), _("Planned maintenance"), _("Operational") );
$classes = array("danger", "warning", "primary", "success" );
$icons = array("fa fa-times", "fa fa-exclamation", "fa fa-info", "fa fa-check" );
$some = array(_("Some systems are experiencing major outages"), _("Some systems are experiencing minor outages"), _("Some systems are under maintenance"));
$all = array(_("Our systems are experiencing major outages."), _("Our systems are experiencing minor outages"), _("Our systems are under maintenance"), _("All systems operational"));
$permissions = array(_("Super admin"), _("Admin"), _("Editor"));