thnilsen ea582aeed6 Fix bug notifications not being sent.
The code to handle sending of notification was missing. This change
makes two different options available on how notifications will be
handled which will be controlled by CRON_SERVER_IP config option.

 - If CRON_SERVER_IP is set, the server with the given IP should
   call URL ../admin/?task=cron every x minutes. If the config
   is left empty, the notification will be called once the
   incident has  been saved. (The latter meothod might cause
   server timeout if there are large numbers of subscribers!)

Other minor changes:

 - Removed old commented code

 - Removed call to syslog used for debugging
2020-08-15 21:09:57 +02:00

198 lines
7.8 KiB

require_once(__DIR__ . "/queue.php");
* Class that encapsulates everything that can be done with notifications
class Notification
public $status_id = null;
public $servicenames = "";
public $serviceids = "";
public $type = 0;
public $time = 0;
public $text = "";
public $title = "";
public $status = "";
* Generate an array of servicenames and service IDs affected by a given incident
* @param int $status_id The incident to query
* @return boolean
public function populate_impacted_services($status_id)
global $mysqli;
if (! empty($status_id)) {
// Fetch services names for use in email
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT, FROM services INNER JOIN services_status on = services_status.service_id WHERE services_status.status_id = ?");
$stmt->bind_param("i", $status_id);
$query = $stmt->get_result();
$arrServicesNames = array();
$arrServicesId = array();
while ($result = $query->fetch_assoc()) {
$arrServicesNames[] = $result['name'];
$arrServicesId[] = (int) $result['id'];
$this->status_id = $status_id;
$this->servicenames = implode(",", $arrServicesNames);
$this->serviceids = implode(",", $arrServicesId);
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Loop over the list of subscribers to notify depending on impacted service(s) and
* call the differnet notification handles.
* @return void
public function notify_subscribers()
global $mysqli;
// Fetch list of unique subscribers for given service
// Direct inclusion of variable without using prepare justified by the fact that
// this->serviceids are not user submitted
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT subscriberIDFK FROM services_subscriber WHERE serviceIDFK IN (" . $this->serviceids . ")";
$query = $mysqli->query($sql);
// Create the queue tasks for email/telegram notifications
$queue = new Queue();
$queue->status = $queue->all_status['populating'];
$queue->user_id = $_SESSION['user'];
$arr_data = array();
$arr_data = $this->prepare_email(); // Make up the base message and subject for email
$queue->type_id = $queue->all_type_id['notify_email'];
$queue->template_data1 = $arr_data['subject'];
$queue->template_data2 = $arr_data['body'];
$task_id_email = $queue->add_task();
//syslog(1, "queue email: ". $task_id_email);
$arr_email = array();
$arr_data = $this->prepare_telegram();
$queue->type_id = $queue->all_type_id['notify_telegram'];
$queue->template_data1 = null;
$queue->template_data2 = $arr_data['body'];
$task_id_telegram = $queue->add_task();
//syslog(1, "queue telegram: ". $task_id_telegram);
$arr_telegram = array();
while ($subscriber = $query->fetch_assoc()) {
// Fetch list of subscriber details for already found subscriber IDs
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT typeID FROM subscribers WHERE subscriberID = ? AND active=1");
$stmt->bind_param("i", $subscriber['subscriberIDFK']);
$subscriberQuery = $stmt->get_result();
while ($subscriberData = $subscriberQuery->fetch_assoc()) {
$typeID = $subscriberData['typeID']; // Telegram = 1, email = 2
// Handle telegram
if ($typeID == 1 && SUBSCRIBE_TELEGRAM) {
$arr_telegram[] = $subscriber['subscriberIDFK'];
// Handle email
if ($typeID == 2 && SUBSCRIBE_EMAIL) {
$arr_email[] = $subscriber['subscriberIDFK'];
$queue->task_id = $task_id_telegram;
$queue->add_notification($arr_telegram); // Add array of Telegram users to the notification queue list
$queue->task_id = $task_id_email;
$queue->add_notification($arr_email); // Add array of Email users to the notification queue list
* Sends Telegram notification message using their web api.
* @param string $userID The Telegram userid to send to
* @param string $firstname The users firstname
* @param string $msg Body of message
* @return boolean true = Sent / False = failed
public function submit_queue_telegram($userID, $firstname, $msg)
// TODO Handle limitations (Max 30 different subscribers per second)
// TODO Error handling
$msg = sprintf($msg, $firstname);
$tg_message = array('text' => $msg, 'chat_id' => $userID, 'parse_mode' => 'HTML');
$json = @file_get_contents("" . TG_BOT_API_TOKEN . "/sendMessage?" . http_build_query($tg_message) );
$response = json_decode($json, true);
if (!is_array($response) || ! array_key_exists("ok", $response) || $response['ok'] != 1 ) {
return false;
return true;
* Sends email notifications to a subscriber.
* Function depends on Parsedown and Mailer class being loaded.
* @param String $userID The email address to send to
* @param String $uthkey Users token for managing subscription
* @return void
public function submit_queue_email($subscriber, $subject, $msg)
// TODO Error handling
$mailer = new Mailer();
if ( ! $mailer->send_mail($subscriber, $subject, $msg, true) ) {
return false;
return true;
public function prepare_email(){
$Parsedown = new Parsedown();
$str_mail = file_get_contents("../libs/templates/email_status_update.html");
$str_mail = str_replace("%name%", NAME, $str_mail);
// $smtp_mail = str_replace("%email%", $userID, $smtp_mail);
$str_mail = str_replace("%url%", WEB_URL, $str_mail);
$str_mail = str_replace("%service%", $this->servicenames, $str_mail);
$str_mail = str_replace("%status%", $this->status, $str_mail);
$str_mail = str_replace("%time%", date("c", $this->time), $str_mail);
$str_mail = str_replace("%comment%", $Parsedown->setBreaksEnabled(true)->text($this->text), $str_mail);
//$str_mail = str_replace("%token%", $token, $str_mail);
$str_mail = str_replace("%service_status_update_from%", _("Service status update from"), $str_mail);
$str_mail = str_replace("%services_impacted%", _("Service(s) Impacted"), $str_mail);
$str_mail = str_replace("%status_label%", _("Status"), $str_mail);
$str_mail = str_replace("%time_label%", _("Time"), $str_mail);
$str_mail = str_replace("%manage_subscription%", _("Manage subscription"), $str_mail);
$str_mail = str_replace("%unsubscribe%", _("Unsubscribe"), $str_mail);
$str_mail = str_replace("%powered_by%", _("Powered by"), $str_mail);
$subject = _('Status update from') . ' - ' . NAME . ' [ ' . $this->status . ' ]';
$val = array();
$val['subject'] = $subject;
$val['body'] = $str_mail;
return $val;
public function prepare_telegram(){
$msg = _("Hi #s!\nThere is a status update for service(s): %s\nThe new status is: %s\nTitle: %s\n\n%s\n\n<a href='%s'>View online</a>");
$val['body'] = sprintf($msg, $this->servicenames, $this->status, $this->title, $this->text, WEB_URL);
return $val;