additional pre-routing check added

This commit is contained in:
Cort Buffington 2016-11-08 14:56:11 -06:00
parent a58b076c8a
commit 3b61f091c1

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@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ class routerMASTER(HBMASTER):
self.ts1_state = {
'LTGID': '',
'LPKT_TIME': time(),
'LC': '',
@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ class routerMASTER(HBMASTER):
self.ts2_state = {
'LTGID': '',
'LPKT_TIME': time(),
'LC': '',
@ -111,9 +113,16 @@ class routerMASTER(HBMASTER):
# This is a new call stream
# Check to see if we're in group hangtime before accepting it
if (_dst_id != state['LTGID']) and (pkt_time < state['LPKT_TIME'] + RULE[self._master]['GROUP_HANGTIME']):
logger.warning('(%s) Packet received <FROM> SUB: %s REPEATER: %s <TO> TGID %s, SLOT %s whild in group hangtime for TGID %s', self._master, int_id(_rf_src), int_id(_radio_id), int_id(_dst_id), _slot, int_id(state['LTGID']))
# This is actually a VALID new call stream'(%s) Call stream START <FROM> SUB: %s REPEATER: %s <TO> TGID %s, SLOT %s', self._master, int_id(_rf_src), int_id(_radio_id), int_id(_dst_id), _slot)
state['LSTREAM_ID'] = _stream_id
state['LPKT_TIME'] = pkt_time
state['LTGID'] = _dst_id
# If we can, use the LC from the voice header as to keep all options intact
if _frame_type == const.HBPF_DATA_SYNC and _dtype_vseq == const.HBPF_SLT_VHEAD: