# PROGRAM-WIDE PARAMETERS GO HERE # PATH - working path for files, leave it alone unless you NEED to change it # PING_TIME - the interval that clients will ping the master, and re-try registraion # - how often the Master maintenance loop runs # MAX_MISSED - how many pings are missed before we give up and re-register # - number of times the master maintenance loop runs before de-registering a client [GLOBAL] PATH: ./ PING_TIME: 5 MAX_MISSED: 3 # LOGGING CONFIGURATION # Should be self explanatory. See Python logging module for more information # Several convenient handlers have been pre-configured, check out the module # hb_log.py to see them [LOGGER] LOG_FILE: /tmp/hblink.log LOG_HANDLERS: console-timed LOG_LEVEL: DEBUG LOG_NAME: HBlink # MASTER INSTANCES - DUPLICATE SECTION FOR MULTIPLE MASTERS # HomeBrew Protocol Master instances go here. # IP may be left blank if there's one interface on your system. # Port should be the port you want this master to listen on. It must be unique # and unused by anything else. # Repeat - if True, the master repeats traffic to clients, False, it does nothing. [MASTER-1] MODE: MASTER ENABLED: True REPEAT: True IP: PORT: 54000 PASSPHRASE: s3cr37w0rd # CLIENT INSTANCES - DUPLICATE SECTION FOR MULTIPLE CLIENTS # There are a LOT of errors in the HB Protocol specifications on this one! # MOST of these items are just strings and will be properly dealt with by the program # The TX & RX Frequencies are 9-digit numbers, and are the frequency in Hz. # Latitude is an 8-digit unsigned floating point number. # Longitude is a 9-digit signed floating point number. # Height is in meters [REPEATER-1] MODE: CLIENT ENABLED: True IP: PORT: 54001 MASTER_IP: MASTER_PORT: 54000 PASSPHRASE: homebrew CALLSIGN: W1ABC RADIO_ID: 312000 RX_FREQ: 449000000 TX_FREQ: 444000000 TX_POWER: 25 COLORCODE: 1 SLOTS: 1 LATITUDE: 38.0000 LONGITUDE: -095.0000 HEIGHT: 75 LOCATION: Anywhere, USA DESCRIPTION: This is a cool repeater URL: www.w1abc.org SOFTWARE_ID: HBlink PACKAGE_ID: v0.1