#!/usr/bin/env python # # This work is licensed under the Creative Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike # 3.0 Unported License.To view a copy of this license, visit # http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to # Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, # California, 94041, USA. from __future__ import print_function # Python modules we need import sys from binascii import b2a_hex as h from bitarray import bitarray from time import time # Debugging functions from pprint import pprint # Twisted is pretty important, so I keep it separate from twisted.internet.protocol import DatagramProtocol from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet import task # Things we import from the main hblink module from hblink import CONFIG, HBMASTER, HBCLIENT, logger, systems, hex_str_3, int_id import dec_dmr import constants as const # Import Bridging rules # Note: A stanza *must* exist for any MASTER or CLIENT configured in the main # configuration file and listed as "active". It can be empty, # but it has to exist. try: from hb_routing_rules import RULES as RULES_FILE logger.info('Routing rules file found and rules imported') except ImportError: sys.exit('Routing rules file not found or invalid') # Convert integer GROUP ID numbers from the config into hex strings # we need to send in the actual data packets. for _system in RULES_FILE: RULES_FILE[_system]['GROUP_HANGTIME'] = RULES_FILE[_system]['GROUP_HANGTIME'] * 1000 for _rule in RULES_FILE[_system]['GROUP_VOICE']: _rule['SRC_GROUP'] = hex_str_3(_rule['SRC_GROUP']) _rule['DST_GROUP'] = hex_str_3(_rule['DST_GROUP']) _rule['SRC_TS'] = _rule['SRC_TS'] _rule['DST_TS'] = _rule['DST_TS'] for i, e in enumerate(_rule['ON']): _rule['ON'][i] = hex_str_3(_rule['ON'][i]) for i, e in enumerate(_rule['OFF']): _rule['OFF'][i] = hex_str_3(_rule['OFF'][i]) if _system not in CONFIG['SYSTEMS']: sys.exit('ERROR: Routing rules found for system not configured main configuration') for _system in CONFIG['SYSTEMS']: if _system not in RULES_FILE: sys.exit('ERROR: Routing rules not found for all systems configured') RULES = RULES_FILE # TEMPORARY DEBUGGING LINE -- TO BE REMOVED LATER #pprint(RULES) # Does anybody read this stuff? There's a PEP somewhere that says I should do this. __author__ = 'Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2016 Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS and the K0USY Group' __credits__ = 'Colin Durbridge, G4EML, Steve Zingman, N4IRS; Mike Zingman, N4IRR; Jonathan Naylor, G4KLX; Hans Barthen, DL5DI; Torsten Shultze, DG1HT' __license__ = 'Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported' __maintainer__ = 'Cort Buffington, N0MJS' __email__ = 'n0mjs@me.com' __status__ = 'pre-alpha' class routerMASTER(HBMASTER): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): HBMASTER.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Status information for the system, TS1 & TS2 # 1 & 2 are "timeslot" # In TX_EMB_LC, 2-5 are burst B-E self.STATUS = { 1: { 'RX_STREAM_ID': '\x00', 'TX_STREAM_ID': '\x00', 'RX_TGID': '\x00', 'TX_TGID': '\x00', 'RX_TIME': time(), 'TX_TIME': time(), 'RX_TYPE': const.HBPF_SLT_VTERM, 'RX_LC': '\x00', 'TX_LC': '\x00', 'TX_EMB_LC': { 2: '\x00', 3: '\x00', 4: '\x00', 5: '\x00', } }, 2: { 'RX_STREAM_ID': '\x00', 'TX_STREAM_ID': '\x00', 'RX_TGID': '\x00', 'TX_TGID': '\x00', 'RX_TIME': time(), 'TX_TIME': time(), 'RX_TYPE': const.HBPF_SLT_VTERM, 'RX_LC': '\x00', 'TX_LC': '\x00', 'TX_EMB_LC': { 2: '\x00', 3: '\x00', 4: '\x00', 5: '\x00', } } } def dmrd_received(self, _radio_id, _rf_src, _dst_id, _seq, _slot, _call_type, _frame_type, _dtype_vseq, _stream_id, _data): pkt_time = time() dmrpkt = _data[20:54] _bits = int_id(_data[15]) if _call_type == 'group': # Is this a new call stream? if (_stream_id != self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_STREAM_ID']): if ((self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_TYPE'] != const.HBPF_SLT_VTERM) or (pkt_time < self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_TIME'] + const.STREAM_TO)): logger.warning('(%s) Packet received with STREAM ID: %s SUB: %s REPEATER: %s TGID %s, SLOT %s collided with existing call', self._master, int_id(_stream_id), int_id(_rf_src), int_id(_radio_id), int_id(_dst_id), _slot) return # This is a new call stream logger.info('(%s) Call stream START with STREAM ID: %s SUB: %s REPEATER: %s TGID %s, SLOT %s', self._master, int_id(_stream_id), int_id(_rf_src), int_id(_radio_id), int_id(_dst_id), _slot) self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_STREAM_ID'] = _stream_id self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_TIME'] = pkt_time self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_TGID'] = _dst_id # If we can, use the LC from the voice header as to keep all options intact if _frame_type == const.HBPF_DATA_SYNC and _dtype_vseq == const.HBPF_SLT_VHEAD: decoded = dec_dmr.voice_head_term(dmrpkt) self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_LC'] = decoded['LC'] # If we don't have a voice header then don't wait to decode it from the Embedded LC # just make a new one from the HBP header. This is good enough, and it saves lots of time else: self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_LC'] = const.LC_OPT + _dst_id + _rf_src for rule in RULES[self._master]['GROUP_VOICE']: _target = rule['DST_NET'] _target_status = systems[_target].STATUS if (rule['SRC_GROUP'] == _dst_id and rule['SRC_TS'] == _slot and rule['ACTIVE'] == True): # BEGIN CONTENTION HANDLING # # The rules for each of the 4 "ifs" below are listed here for readability. The Frame To Send is: # From a different group than last RX from this HBP system, but it has been less than Group Hangtime # From a different group than last TX to this HBP system, but it has been less than Group Hangtime # From the same group as the last RX from this HBP system, but from a different stream ID, and it has been less than TS Clear Time # From the same group as the last TX to this HBP system, but a different stream ID, and it has been less than TS Clear Time # The "continue" at the end of each means the next iteration of the for loop that tests for matching rules # if ((rule['DST_GROUP'] != _target_status[_slot]['RX_TGID']) and ((pkt_time - _status[_slot]['RX_TIME']) < RULES[self._master]['GROUP_HANGTIME'])): if _dtype_vseq == const.HBPF_SLT_VHEAD: logger.info('(%s) Call not bridged, target active or in group hangtime: HBP system %s, %s, TGID%s', self._master, _target,_slot, int_id(rule['DST_GROUP'])) continue if ((rule['DST_GROUP'] != _status[_slot]['TX_GROUP']) and ((pkt_time - _status[_slot]['TX_TIME']) < RULES[self._master]['GROUP_HANGTIME'])): if _dtype_vseq == const.HBPF_SLT_VHEAD: logger.info('(%s) Call not bridged to destination on TGID %s, target in group hangtime: HBP system %s, %s, TGID%s', self._master, int_id(_status[_slot]['TX_GROUP']), _target,_slot, int_id(rule['DST_GROUP'])) continue if (rule['DST_GROUP'] == _status[_slot]['RX_STREAM_ID']) and ((pkt_time - _status[_slot]['RX_TIME']) < const.STREAM_TO): if _dtype_vseq == const.HBPF_SLT_VHEAD: logger.info('(%s) Call not bridged, matching call already active on target: HBP system %s, %s, TGID%s', self._master, _target,_slot, int_id(rule['DST_GROUP'])) continue if (rule['DST_GROUP'] == _status[_slot]['TX_GROUP']) and (_src_sub != _status[_slot]['TX_STREAM_ID']) and ((pkt_time - _status[_slot]['TX_TIME']) < const.STREAM_TO): if _dtype_vseq == const.HBPF_SLT_VHEAD: logger.info('(%s) Call not bridged, call bridge in progress from %s, target: HBP system %s, %s, TGID%s', self._master, int_id(_src_sub), _target,_slot, int_id(rule['DST_GROUP'])) continue # Set values for the contention handler to test next time there is a frame to forward target_status[_slot]['TX_GROUP'] = rule['DST_GROUP'] target_status[_slot]['TX_TIME'] = pkt_time target_status[_slot]['TX_STREAM_ID'] = _stream_id # Handle any necessary re-writes for the destination if rule['SRC_TS'] != rule['DST_TS']: _tmp_bits = _bits ^ 1 << 7 else: _tmp_bits = _bits # MUST TEST FOR NEW STREAM AND IF SO, RE-WRITE THE LC FOR THE TARGET # MUST RE-WRITE DESTINATION TGID IF DIFFERENT # Assemble transmit packet _tmp_data = _data[:8] + rule['DST_GROUP'] + _data[11:15] + chr(_tmp_bits) + _data[16:] # Transmit the packet to the destination system systems[_target].send_system(_tmp_data) logger.debug('(%s) Packet routed to %s system: %s', self._master, CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][_target]['MODE'], _target) # Final actions - Is this a voice terminator? if (_frame_type == const.HBPF_DATA_SYNC) and (_dtype_vseq == const.HBPF_SLT_VTERM) and (self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_TYPE'] != const.HBPF_SLT_VTERM): self.STATUS[_slot]['LC'] = '' logger.info('(%s) Call stream END with STREAM ID: %s SUB: %s REPEATER: %s TGID %s, SLOT %s', self._master, int_id(_stream_id), int_id(_rf_src), int_id(_radio_id), int_id(_dst_id), _slot) # Mark status variables for use later self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_TYPE'] = _dtype_vseq self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_GROUP'] = _dst_group self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_TIME'] = pkt_time class routerCLIENT(HBCLIENT): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): HBCLIENT.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def dmrd_received(self, _radio_id, _rf_src, _dst_id, _seq, _slot, _call_type, _frame_type, _dtype_vseq, _stream_id, _data): return #************************************************ # MAIN PROGRAM LOOP STARTS HERE #************************************************ if __name__ == '__main__': logger.info('HBlink \'hb_router.py\' (c) 2016 N0MJS & the K0USY Group - SYSTEM STARTING...') # HBlink instance creation for system in CONFIG['SYSTEMS']: if CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['ENABLED']: if CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['MODE'] == 'MASTER': systems[system] = routerMASTER(system) elif CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['MODE'] == 'CLIENT': systems[system] = routerCLIENT(system) reactor.listenUDP(CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['PORT'], systems[system], interface=CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['IP']) logger.debug('%s instance created: %s, %s', CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['MODE'], system, systems[system]) reactor.run()