2016-09-13 16:30:01 -05:00

77 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This work is licensed under the Creative Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
# 3.0 Unported License.To view a copy of this license, visit
# http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to
# Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
# California, 94041, USA.
import logging
from logging.config import dictConfig
# Does anybody read this stuff? There's a PEP somewhere that says I should do this.
__author__ = 'Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2016 Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS and the K0USY Group'
__credits__ = 'Colin Durbridge, G4EML, Steve Zingman, N4IRS; Mike Zingman, N4IRR; Jonathan Naylor, G4KLX; Hans Barthen, DL5DI; Torsten Shultze, DG1HT'
__license__ = 'Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported'
__maintainer__ = 'Cort Buffington, N0MJS'
__email__ = 'n0mjs@me.com'
def config_logging(_logger):
'version': 1,
'disable_existing_loggers': False,
'filters': {
'formatters': {
'verbose': {
'format': '%(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(module)s %(process)d %(thread)d %(message)s'
'timed': {
'format': '%(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(message)s'
'simple': {
'format': '%(levelname)s %(message)s'
'syslog': {
'format': '%(name)s (%(process)d): %(levelname)s %(message)s'
'handlers': {
'null': {
'class': 'logging.NullHandler'
'console': {
'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
'formatter': 'simple'
'console-timed': {
'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
'formatter': 'timed'
'file': {
'class': 'logging.FileHandler',
'formatter': 'simple',
'filename': _logger['LOG_FILE'],
'file-timed': {
'class': 'logging.FileHandler',
'formatter': 'timed',
'filename': _logger['LOG_FILE'],
'syslog': {
'class': 'logging.handlers.SysLogHandler',
'formatter': 'syslog',
'loggers': {
_logger['LOG_NAME']: {
'handlers': _logger['LOG_HANDLERS'].split(','),
'level': _logger['LOG_LEVEL'],
'propagate': True,
return logging.getLogger(_logger['LOG_NAME'])