2016-10-10 20:49:51 -05:00

155 lines
5.2 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This work is licensed under the Creative Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
# 3.0 Unported License.To view a copy of this license, visit
# http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to
# Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
# California, 94041, USA.
from __future__ import print_function
from bitarray import bitarray
import bptc19696
import constants as const
# Does anybody read this stuff? There's a PEP somewhere that says I should do this.
__author__ = 'Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2016 Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS and the K0USY Group'
__credits__ = 'Jonathan Naylor, G4KLX; Ian Wraith'
__license__ = 'Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported'
__maintainer__ = 'Cort Buffington, N0MJS'
__email__ = 'n0mjs@me.com'
def to_bits(_string):
_bits = bitarray(endian='big')
return _bits
# Returns useable LC data - 9 bytes info + 3 bytes RS(12,9) ECC
def lc_data_12(_data):
return _data[4:12]+_data[16:27]+_data[31:42]+_data[46:57]+_data[61:72]+_data[76:87]+_data[91:102]+_data[106:117]+_data[121:132]
# Returns useable LC data - 9 bytes info, no ECC
def lc_data_9(_data):
return _data[4:12]+_data[16:27]+_data[31:42]+_data[46:57]+_data[61:72]+_data[76:87]+_data[91:100]
def voice_head_term(_string):
burst = to_bits(_string)
info = burst[0:98] + burst[166:264]
de_int_info = bptc19696.deinterleave(info)
slot_type = burst[98:108] + burst[156:166]
lc = to_bytes(lc_data_9(de_int_info))
cc = to_bytes(slot_type[0:4])
dtype = to_bytes(slot_type[4:8])
return (lc, cc, dtype)
def voice_sync(_string):
burst = to_bits(_string)
ambe = [0,0,0]
ambe[0] = burst[0:72]
ambe[1] = burst[72:108] + burst[156:192]
ambe[2] = burst[192:264]
return (ambe)
def voice(_string):
burst = to_bits(_string)
ambe = [0,0,0]
ambe[0] = burst[0:72]
ambe[1] = burst[72:108] + burst[156:192]
ambe[2] = burst[192:264]
emb = burst[108:116] + burst[148:156]
embeded = burst[116:148]
cc = (emb[0:4])
# pi = (emb[4:5])
lcss = (emb[5:7])
return (ambe, cc, lcss, embeded)
def to_bytes(_bits):
add_bits = 8 - (len(_bits) % 8)
if add_bits < 8:
for bit in xrange(add_bits):
_string = _bits.tobytes()
return _string
# Used to execute the module directly to run built-in tests
if __name__ == '__main__':
from binascii import b2a_hex as h
from time import time
data_head = '\x2b\x60\x04\x10\x1f\x84\x2d\xd0\x0d\xf0\x7d\x41\x04\x6d\xff\x57\xd7\x5d\xf5\xde\x30\x15\x2e\x20\x70\xb2\x0f\x80\x3f\x88\xc6\x95\xe2'
voice_a = '\xb9\xe8\x81\x52\x61\x73\x00\x2a\x6b\xb9\xe8\x81\x52\x67\x55\xfd\x7d\xf7\x5f\x71\x73\x00\x2a\x6b\xb9\xe8\x81\x52\x61\x73\x00\x2a\x6a'
voice_b = '\xb9\xe8\x81\x52\x61\x73\x00\x2a\x6b\xb9\xe8\x81\x52\x61\x34\xe0\xf0\x60\x69\x11\x73\x00\x2a\x6b\xb9\xe8\x81\x52\x61\x73\x00\x2a\x6a'
voice_c = '\xb9\xe8\x81\x52\x61\x73\x00\x2a\x6b\xb9\xe8\x81\x52\x61\x71\x71\x10\x04\x77\x41\x73\x00\x2a\x6b\xb9\xe8\x81\x52\x61\x73\x00\x2a\x6a'
voice_d = '\xb9\xe8\x81\x52\x61\x73\x00\x2a\x6b\x95\x4b\xe6\x50\x01\x70\xc0\x31\x81\xb7\x43\x10\xb0\x07\x77\xa6\xc6\xcb\x53\x73\x27\x89\x48\x3a'
voice_e = '\x86\x5a\xe7\x61\x75\x55\xb5\x06\x01\xb7\x58\xe6\x65\x11\x51\x75\xa0\xf4\xe0\x71\x24\x81\x50\x01\xff\xf5\xa3\x37\x70\x61\x28\xa7\xca'
voice_f = '\xee\xe7\x81\x75\x74\x61\x4d\xf2\xff\xcc\xf4\xa0\x55\x11\x10\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x24\x30\x59\xe7\xf9\xe9\x08\xa0\x75\x62\x02\xcc\xd6\x22'
voice_term = '\x2b\x0f\x04\xc4\x1f\x34\x2d\xa8\x0d\x80\x7d\xe1\x04\xad\xff\x57\xd7\x5d\xf5\xd9\x65\x01\x2d\x18\x77\xd2\x03\xc0\x37\x88\xdf\x95\xd1'
print('Header Validation:')
t0 = time()
lc = voice_head_term(data_head)
t1 = time()
print(h(lc[0]), h(lc[1]), h(lc[2]))
print(t1-t0, '\n')
print('Voice Burst A Validation:')
t0 = time()
lc = voice_sync(voice_a)
t1 = time()
print(t1-t0, '\n')
print('Voice Burst B Validation:')
t0 = time()
lc = voice(voice_b)
t1 = time()
print(lc[0], h(lc[1]), h(lc[2]), lc[3])
print(t1-t0, '\n')
print('Voice Burst C Validation:')
t0 = time()
lc = voice(voice_c)
t1 = time()
print(lc[0], h(lc[1]), h(lc[2]), lc[3])
print(t1-t0, '\n')
print('Voice Burst D Validation:')
t0 = time()
lc = voice(voice_d)
t1 = time()
print(lc[0], h(lc[1]), h(lc[2]), lc[3])
print(t1-t0, '\n')
print('Voice Burst E Validation:')
t0 = time()
lc = voice(voice_e)
t1 = time()
print(lc[0], h(lc[1]), h(lc[2]), lc[3])
print(t1-t0, '\n')
print('Voice Burst F Validation:')
t0 = time()
lc = voice(voice_f)
t1 = time()
print(lc[0], h(lc[1]), h(lc[2]), lc[3])
print(t1-t0, '\n')
print('Terminator Validation:')
t0 = time()
lc = voice_head_term(voice_term)
t1 = time()
print(h(lc[0]), h(lc[1]), h(lc[2]))