#!/usr/bin/env python # ############################################################################### # Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS <n0mjs@me.com> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ############################################################################### ''' This is a very simple call/packet router for Homebrew Repeater Protocol. It will forward traffic from any system to all other systems configured in the hblink.py configuration file. It does not check for call contentions or filter TS/TGID combinations. It should really only be used as a proxy to hide multiple Homebrew repater protocol systems behind what appears as a single repeater, hotspot, etc. As is, this program only works with group voice packets. It could work for all of them by removing a few things. IT ONLY WORKS FOR HBP SYSTEMS!!! Using it with OpenBridge or XLX wouldn't make a lot of sense, and has the potential to do bad things. ''' # Python modules we need import sys from bitarray import bitarray from time import time from importlib import import_module from types import ModuleType # Twisted is pretty important, so I keep it separate from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory, Protocol from twisted.protocols.basic import NetstringReceiver from twisted.internet import reactor, task # Things we import from the main hblink module from hblink import HBSYSTEM, OPENBRIDGE, systems, hblink_handler, reportFactory, REPORT_OPCODES, config_reports, mk_aliases, acl_check from dmr_utils3.utils import bytes_3, int_id, get_alias from dmr_utils3 import decode, bptc, const import config import log import const # The module needs logging logging, but handlers, etc. are controlled by the parent import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Does anybody read this stuff? There's a PEP somewhere that says I should do this. __author__ = 'Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS and the K0USY Group' __credits__ = 'Colin Durbridge, G4EML, Steve Zingman, N4IRS; Mike Zingman, N4IRR; Jonathan Naylor, G4KLX; Hans Barthen, DL5DI; Torsten Shultze, DG1HT' __license__ = 'GNU GPLv3' __maintainer__ = 'Cort Buffington, N0MJS' __email__ = 'n0mjs@me.com' __status__ = 'pre-alpha' # Module gobal varaibles class bridgeallSYSTEM(HBSYSTEM): def __init__(self, _name, _config, _report): HBSYSTEM.__init__(self, _name, _config, _report) self._laststrid = '' # Status information for the system, TS1 & TS2 # 1 & 2 are "timeslot" self.STATUS = { 1: { 'RX_START': time(), 'RX_LOSS': 0, 'RX_SEQ': 0, 'RX_RFS': b'\x00', 'TX_RFS': b'\x00', 'RX_STREAM_ID': b'\x00', 'TX_STREAM_ID': b'\x00', 'RX_TGID': b'\x00\x00\x00', 'TX_TGID': b'\x00\x00\x00', 'RX_TIME': time(), 'TX_TIME': time(), 'RX_TYPE': const.HBPF_SLT_VTERM, }, 2: { 'RX_START': time(), 'RX:LOSS': 0, 'RX_SEQ': 0, 'RX_RFS': b'\x00', 'TX_RFS': b'\x00', 'RX_STREAM_ID': b'\x00', 'TX_STREAM_ID': b'\x00', 'RX_TGID': b'\x00\x00\x00', 'TX_TGID': b'\x00\x00\x00', 'RX_TIME': time(), 'TX_TIME': time(), 'RX_TYPE': const.HBPF_SLT_VTERM, } } def dmrd_received(self, _peer_id, _rf_src, _dst_id, _seq, _slot, _call_type, _frame_type, _dtype_vseq, _stream_id, _data): pkt_time = time() dmrpkt = _data[20:53] _bits = _data[15] if _call_type == 'group': # Is this is a new call stream? new_stream = (_stream_id != self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_STREAM_ID']) if new_stream: self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_START'] = pkt_time self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_LOSS'] = 0 self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_SEQ'] = _seq logger.info('(%s) *CALL START* STREAM ID: %s SUB: %s (%s) PEER: %s (%s) TGID %s (%s), TS %s', \ self._system, int_id(_stream_id), get_alias(_rf_src, subscriber_ids), int_id(_rf_src), get_alias(_peer_id, peer_ids), int_id(_peer_id), get_alias(_dst_id, talkgroup_ids), int_id(_dst_id), _slot) else: # This could be much better, it will have errors during roll-over if _seq > (self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_SEQ'] + 1): #print(_seq, self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_SEQ']) self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_LOSS'] += _seq - (self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_SEQ'] + 1) # Final actions - Is this a voice terminator? if (_frame_type == const.HBPF_DATA_SYNC) and (_dtype_vseq == const.HBPF_SLT_VTERM) and (self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_TYPE'] != const.HBPF_SLT_VTERM): call_duration = pkt_time - self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_START'] logger.info('(%s) *CALL END* STREAM ID: %s SUB: %s (%s) PEER: %s (%s) TGID %s (%s), TS %s, Loss: %s, Duration: %s', \ self._system, int_id(_stream_id), get_alias(_rf_src, subscriber_ids), int_id(_rf_src), get_alias(_peer_id, peer_ids), int_id(_peer_id), get_alias(_dst_id, talkgroup_ids), int_id(_dst_id), _slot, self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_LOSS'], call_duration) for _target in self._CONFIG['SYSTEMS']: if _target != self._system: _target_status = systems[_target].STATUS _target_system = self._CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][_target] # BEGIN STANDARD CONTENTION HANDLING # # The rules for each of the 4 "ifs" below are listed here for readability. The Frame To Send is: # From a different group than last RX from this HBSystem, but it has been less than Group Hangtime # From a different group than last TX to this HBSystem, but it has been less than Group Hangtime # From the same group as the last RX from this HBSystem, but from a different subscriber, and it has been less than stream timeout # From the same group as the last TX to this HBSystem, but from a different subscriber, and it has been less than stream timeout # The "continue" at the end of each means the next iteration of the for loop that tests for matching rules # if ((_dst_id != _target_status[_slot]['RX_TGID']) and ((pkt_time - _target_status[_slot]['RX_TIME']) < _target_system['GROUP_HANGTIME'])): if _frame_type == const.HBPF_DATA_SYNC and _dtype_vseq == const.HBPF_SLT_VHEAD and self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_STREAM_ID'] != _stream_id: logger.info('(%s) Call not routed to TGID %s, target active or in group hangtime: HBSystem: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', self._system, int_id(_dst_id), _target, _slot, int_id(_target_status[_slot]['RX_TGID'])) continue if ((_dst_id != _target_status[_slot]['TX_TGID']) and ((pkt_time - _target_status[_slot]['TX_TIME']) < _target_system['GROUP_HANGTIME'])): if _frame_type == const.HBPF_DATA_SYNC and _dtype_vseq == const.HBPF_SLT_VHEAD and self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_STREAM_ID'] != _stream_id: logger.info('(%s) Call not routed to TGID%s, target in group hangtime: HBSystem: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', self._system, int_id(_dst_id), _target, _slot, int_id(_target_status[_slot]['TX_TGID'])) continue if (_dst_id == _target_status[_slot]['RX_TGID']) and ((pkt_time - _target_status[_slot]['RX_TIME']) < const.STREAM_TO): if _frame_type == const.HBPF_DATA_SYNC and _dtype_vseq == const.HBPF_SLT_VHEAD and self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_STREAM_ID'] != _stream_id: logger.info('(%s) Call not routed to TGID%s, matching call already active on target: HBSystem: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', self._system, int_id(_dst_id), _target, _slot, int_id(_target_status[_slot]['RX_TGID'])) continue if (_dst_id == _target_status[_slot]['TX_TGID']) and (_rf_src != _target_status[_slot]['TX_RFS']) and ((pkt_time - _target_status[_slot]['TX_TIME']) < const.STREAM_TO): if _frame_type == const.HBPF_DATA_SYNC and _dtype_vseq == const.HBPF_SLT_VHEAD and self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_STREAM_ID'] != _stream_id: logger.info('(%s) Call not routed for subscriber %s, call route in progress on target: HBSystem: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s, SUB: %s', self._system, int_id(_rf_src), _target, _slot, int_id(_target_status[_slot]['TX_TGID']), int_id(_target_status[_slot]['TX_RFS'])) continue # ACL Processing if self._CONFIG['GLOBAL']['USE_ACL']: if not acl_check(_rf_src, self._CONFIG['GLOBAL']['SUB_ACL']): if _stream_id != _target_status[_slot]['TX_STREAM_ID']: logger.info('(%s) CALL DROPPED ON EGRESS WITH STREAM ID %s FROM SUBSCRIBER %s BY GLOBAL ACL', _target, int_id(_stream_id), int_id(_rf_src)) _target_status[_slot]['TX_STREAM_ID'] = _stream_id continue if _slot == 1 and not acl_check(_dst_id, self._CONFIG['GLOBAL']['TG1_ACL']): if _stream_id != _target_status[_slot]['TX_STREAM_ID']: logger.info('(%s) CALL DROPPED ON EGRESS WITH STREAM ID %s ON TGID %s BY GLOBAL TS1 ACL', _target, int_id(_stream_id), int_id(_dst_id)) _target_status[_slot]['TX_STREAM_ID'] = _stream_id continue if _slot == 2 and not acl_check(_dst_id, self._CONFIG['GLOBAL']['TG2_ACL']): if _stream_id != _target_status[_slot]['TX_STREAM_ID']: logger.info('(%s) CALL DROPPED ON EGRESS WITH STREAM ID %s ON TGID %s BY GLOBAL TS2 ACL', _target, int_id(_stream_id), int_id(_dst_id)) _target_status[_slot]['TX_STREAM_ID'] = _stream_id continue if _target_system['USE_ACL']: if not acl_check(_rf_src, _target_system['SUB_ACL']): if _stream_id != _target_status[_slot]['TX_STREAM_ID']: logger.info('(%s) CALL DROPPED ON EGRESS WITH STREAM ID %s FROM SUBSCRIBER %s BY SYSTEM ACL', _target, int_id(_stream_id), int_id(_rf_src)) _target_status[_slot]['TX_STREAM_ID'] = _stream_id continue if _slot == 1 and not acl_check(_dst_id, _target_system['TG1_ACL']): if _stream_id != _target_status[_slot]['TX_STREAM_ID']: logger.info('(%s) CALL DROPPED ON EGRESS WITH STREAM ID %s ON TGID %s BY SYSTEM TS1 ACL', _target, int_id(_stream_id), int_id(_dst_id)) _target_status[_slot]['TX_STREAM_ID'] = _stream_id continue if _slot == 2 and not acl_check(_dst_id, _target_system['TG2_ACL']): if _stream_id != _target_status[_slot]['TX_STREAM_ID']: logger.info('(%s) CALL DROPPED ON EGRESS WITH STREAM ID %s ON TGID %s BY SYSTEM TS2 ACL', _target, int_id(_stream_id), int_id(_dst_id)) _target_status[_slot]['TX_STREAM_ID'] = _stream_id continue # Record this stuff for later # Is this a new call stream? if new_stream: # Record the DST TGID and Stream ID _target_status[_slot]['TX_START'] = pkt_time _target_status[_slot]['TX_TGID'] = _dst_id _target_status[_slot]['TX_RFS'] = _rf_src _target_status[_slot]['TX_PEER'] = _peer_id _target_status[_slot]['TX_STREAM_ID'] = _stream_id _target_status[_slot]['TX_TIME'] = pkt_time systems[_target].send_system(_data) #logger.debug('(%s) Packet routed to system: %s', self._system, _target) # Mark status variables for use later self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_RFS'] = _rf_src self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_SEQ'] = _seq self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_TYPE'] = _dtype_vseq self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_TGID'] = _dst_id self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_TIME'] = pkt_time self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_STREAM_ID'] = _stream_id #************************************************ # MAIN PROGRAM LOOP STARTS HERE #************************************************ if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse import sys import os import signal from dmr_utils3.utils import try_download, mk_id_dict # Change the current directory to the location of the application os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))) # CLI argument parser - handles picking up the config file from the command line, and sending a "help" message parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', action='store', dest='CONFIG_FILE', help='/full/path/to/config.file (usually hblink.cfg)') parser.add_argument('-l', '--logging', action='store', dest='LOG_LEVEL', help='Override config file logging level.') cli_args = parser.parse_args() # Ensure we have a path for the config file, if one wasn't specified, then use the default (top of file) if not cli_args.CONFIG_FILE: cli_args.CONFIG_FILE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+'/hblink.cfg' # Call the external routine to build the configuration dictionary CONFIG = config.build_config(cli_args.CONFIG_FILE) # Start the system logger if cli_args.LOG_LEVEL: CONFIG['LOGGER']['LOG_LEVEL'] = cli_args.LOG_LEVEL logger = log.config_logging(CONFIG['LOGGER']) logger.info('\n\nCopyright (c) 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019\n\tThe Regents of the K0USY Group. All rights reserved.\n') logger.debug('Logging system started, anything from here on gets logged') # Set up the signal handler def sig_handler(_signal, _frame): logger.info('SHUTDOWN: BRIDGE_ALL IS TERMINATING WITH SIGNAL %s', str(_signal)) hblink_handler(_signal, _frame) logger.info('SHUTDOWN: ALL SYSTEM HANDLERS EXECUTED - STOPPING REACTOR') reactor.stop() # Set signal handers so that we can gracefully exit if need be for sig in [signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT]: signal.signal(sig, sig_handler) # Create the name-number mapping dictionaries peer_ids, subscriber_ids, talkgroup_ids = mk_aliases(CONFIG) # INITIALIZE THE REPORTING LOOP report_server = config_reports(CONFIG, reportFactory) # HBlink instance creation logger.info('HBlink \'bridge_all.py\' -- SYSTEM STARTING...') for system in CONFIG['SYSTEMS']: if CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['ENABLED']: if CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['MODE'] == 'OPENBRIDGE': logger.critical('%s FATAL: Instance is mode \'OPENBRIDGE\', \n\t\t...Which would be tragic for Bridge All, since it carries multiple call\n\t\tstreams simultaneously. bridge_all.py onlyl works with MMDVM-based systems', system) sys.exit('bridge_all.py cannot function with systems that are not MMDVM devices. System {} is configured as an OPENBRIDGE'.format(system)) else: systems[system] = bridgeallSYSTEM(system, CONFIG, report_server) reactor.listenUDP(CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['PORT'], systems[system], interface=CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['IP']) logger.debug('%s instance created: %s, %s', CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['MODE'], system, systems[system]) reactor.run()