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Monitoring system
Install package:
sudo apt-get install rrdtool -y
Change scripts to execute:
chmod +x /opt/HBMonv2/sysinfo/cpu.sh
chmod +x /opt/HBMonv2/sysinfo/grap.sh
chmod +x /opt/HBMonv2/sysinfo/rrd-db.sh
Run script create database
cd /opt/HBMonv2/sysinfo
Edit file
Setup temperature depend of your computer
On raspberry pi or PC you can use sensors package to get temperature CPU
If not avilable set:
For VPS set:
Optional display network traffic
Instal package mrtg and snmp
sudo apt-get install mrtg snmp snmpd -y
Edit file
and set as below
rocommunity public localhost
#rocommunity public default -V systemonly
#rocommunity6 public default -V systemonly
Restart snmpd
systemctl restart snmpd
Create config for mrtg:
cfgmaker -zero-speed=10000 public@localhost > /etc/mrtg.cfg
Please edit /etc/mrtg.cfg and change diretory to store image change WorkDir to:
put below lines in section your netrwork card
and replace localhost_2 to your name network card as result cfgmaker generate in mrtg.cfg
XSize[localhost_2]: 600
Options[localhost_2]: growright, bits
Unscaled[localhost_2]: d
Tune MaxBytes value for exmample 50000 to set vertical scale graph
Please edit template file where is which graph you are want display /opt/HBMonv2/templates/sysinfo_template.html
and check / verify name of img from mrtg: <img alt="" src="/img/mrtg/localhost_2-day.png" />