2021-08-03 08:41:47 +02:00

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Monitoring system
You can use and install ezSM tool to monitor your server instead described below method.
The ezSM you can download from: https://www.ezservermonitor.com/
cd /var/www/html
git clone https://github.com/shevabam/ezservermonitor-web.git
mv ezservermonitor-web esm
cd esm/conf/
Edit file esm.config.json and read documentation about configuration: https://www.ezservermonitor.com/esm-web/documentation
Edit file /var/www/html/buttons.html and change link from
<a href="sysinfo.php"><button class="button link">&nbsp;System Info&nbsp;</button></a>
<a target=_blank href="esm/"><button class="button link">&nbsp;System Info&nbsp;</button></a>
or you can add to sysinfo.php below line <?php include_once 'buttons.html'; ?> following html code:
<a target="_blank" href="esm/"><button class="button link">&nbsp;eZ Server Monitor&nbsp;</button></a>
You can put in esm.config.json monitor services like HBMonitor, HBlink like:
"services": {
"show_port": false,
"list": [
"name": "Web Server",
"host": "localhost",
"port": 80,
"protocol": "tcp"
"name": "HBMonitor",
"host": "localhost",
"port": 9000,
"protocol": "tcp"
"name": "HBLink",
"host": "localhost",
"port": 4321,
"protocol": "tcp"
Alternative SYSInfo based on rrdtools and scripts
Below is a description of how to monitor the system using rrdtools and scripts :
Install package:
sudo apt-get install rrdtool -y
Change scripts to execute:
chmod +x /opt/HBMonv2/sysinfo/cpu.sh
chmod +x /opt/HBMonv2/sysinfo/graph.sh
chmod +x /opt/HBMonv2/sysinfo/rrd-db.sh
Run script create database
cd /opt/HBMonv2/sysinfo
Edit file
Setup in WEB_PATH path to your web server html directory
for example /var/www/html or /var/www/html/hbmon
where is located your html files of HBMon
Edit file
Setup in WEB_PATH path to your web server html directory
for example /var/www/html or /var/www/html/hbmon
where is located your html files of HBMon
Setup temperature depend of your computer
On raspberry pi or PC you can use sensors package to get temperature CPU
If you don't want to show temperature on the Pi, comment out the line that gets the temp
Copy file sysinfo-cron to /etc/cron.d/ and restart crontab
/etc/init.d/cron restart
Optional display network traffic
Instal package mrtg and snmp
sudo apt-get install mrtg snmp snmpd -y
Edit file
and set as below
rocommunity public localhost
#rocommunity public default -V systemonly
#rocommunity6 public default -V systemonly
Restart snmpd
systemctl restart snmpd
Create config for mrtg:
cfgmaker -zero-speed=10000 public@localhost > /etc/mrtg.cfg
Please edit /etc/mrtg.cfg and change diretory to store image change WorkDir with
path to your webserver html directory where is html files for HBMon:
Put below lines in section your network card
and replace localhost_2 to your name network card as result cfgmaker generate in mrtg.cfg
XSize[localhost_2]: 600
Options[localhost_2]: growright, bits
Unscaled[localhost_2]: d
Tune MaxBytes value for exmample 50000 to set vertical scale graph
Please edit template file where is which graph you are want display /var/www/html/sysinfo.php
and check / verify name of img from mrtg: <img alt="" src="img/mrtg/localhost_2-day.png" />