// define table row titels
echo " Date | Time (local) | Slot | TG | TG Name | Callsign (DMR-Id) | Name | Length (min:s) | Source | System |
// define location and name of logfile
// best practise is write logfile in the directory where this php script is saved because some php installations have problems to read files outside the webserver directories
$handle = fopen("/opt/HBmonitor/log/lastheard.log","r");
// import to array
while (($data = fgetcsv ($handle)) !==false)
$log_time[] = $data[0];
$transmit_timer[] = $data[1];
$calltype[] = $data[2];
$event[] = $data[3];
$system[] = $data[4];
$src_id[] = $data[5];
$src_name[] = $data[6];
$ts[] = $data[7];
$tg[] = $data[8];
$tgname[] = $data[9];
$user_id[] = $data[10];
$user_call[] = $data[11];
$user_name[] = $data[12];
// define some macros for table output
$s = "";
$s_r = " | ";
$s_m = " | ";
// output to html table from the newest entry to the oldest
for ($i=count($log_time)-1; $i >= 0; $i--)
// prepare date string for output in european format
$split_date = substr($log_time[$i],0,10);
$date_eu = explode("-", $split_date);
$ts[$i] = substr($ts[$i],-1);
$tg[$i] = substr($tg[$i],2);
// define special character convert for number zero - we write calls with number zero with this character in logs in Germany
$src_name[$i] = str_replace("0","Ø",$src_name[$i]);
if (substr($user_call[$i],2,1)=="0") { $user_call[$i] = str_replace("0","Ø",$user_call[$i]); }
// thats a special thing for an Id comes without DMR-Id from PEGASUS project - it means we need to convert to "NoCall" thats for calls from source ECHOLINK
if ($user_id[$i]=="1234567") {$user_call[$i] = "*NoCallsign*"; $user_id[$i]="-";}
// output table
echo " | ".$s.' '.$date_eu[2].".".$date_eu[1].".".$date_eu[0].$s.substr($log_time[$i],11,5).$s.$ts[$i].$s.''.$tg[$i].''.$s.''.$tgname[$i].''.$s.''.$user_call[$i]." (".$user_id[$i].")".$s.TRIM($user_name[$i]).$s.date('H:i', mktime(0,round($transmit_timer[$i]))).$s.$src_name[$i].$s.$system[$i]."
echo "\n