{% if _table['SETUP']['LASTHEARD'] == True %} {% include 'lastheard.html' %} {% endif %}
 .: HBLink status :.  {% if _table['MASTERS']|length >0 %} {% for _master in _table['MASTERS'] %} {% for _client, _cdata in _table['MASTERS'][_master]['PEERS'].items() %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
HB Protocol
Master Systems
Callsign (DMR Id)
Time Connected Slot Source Subscriber Destination
{{ _cdata['CALLSIGN'] }} (Id: {{ _client }}) {% if _cdata['RX_FREQ'] == 'N/A' and _cdata['TX_FREQ'] == 'N/A' %}    IP Network
{% else %}    RX: {{ _cdata['RX_FREQ'] }}
   TX: {{ _cdata['TX_FREQ'] }}
{% endif %}    Type/Slot: {{ _cdata['SLOTS'] }}
   Soft_Ver: {{_cdata['SOFTWARE_ID'] }}
   Hardware: {{_cdata['PACKAGE_ID'] }}

{{ _cdata['CONNECTED'] }} TS1 {{ _cdata[1]['SUB'] }} {{ _cdata[1]['DEST'] }}
TS2 {{ _cdata[2]['SUB'] }} {{ _cdata[2]['DEST'] }}
{% else %}
Waiting for data from the HBLink server ...
{% endif %} {% if _table['PEERS']|length >0 %}
{% for _peer, _pdata in _table['PEERS'].items() %} {% endfor %}
HB Protocol
Peer Systems
Callsign (DMR Id)
Slot Source Subscriber Destination
{{ _peer}}
Mode: {{ _table['PEERS'][_peer]['MODE'] }}
{{_table['PEERS'][_peer]['CALLSIGN']}}(Id: {{ _table['PEERS'][_peer]['RADIO_ID'] }})   Linked Time Slot: {{ _table['PEERS'][_peer]['SLOTS'] }}

{{ _table['PEERS'][_peer]['STATS']['CONNECTED'] }}
{{ _table['PEERS'][_peer]['STATS']['PINGS_SENT'] }} / {{ _table['PEERS'][_peer]['STATS']['PINGS_ACKD'] }} / {{ _table['PEERS'][_peer]['STATS']['PINGS_SENT'] - _table['PEERS'][_peer]['STATS']['PINGS_ACKD'] }}
TS1 {{ _pdata[1]['SUB'] }} {{ _pdata[1]['DEST'] }}
TS2 {{ _pdata[2]['SUB'] }} {{ _pdata[2]['DEST'] }}
{% endif %} {% if _table['OPENBRIDGES']|length >0 %}
{% for _openbridge in _table['OPENBRIDGES'] %} {% endfor %}
OpenBridge Systems Network ID Active Calls
{{ _openbridge}}
Net ID: {{ _table['OPENBRIDGES'][_openbridge]['NETWORK_ID'] }}
{% for entry in _table['OPENBRIDGES'][_openbridge]['STREAMS'] %}({{ _table['OPENBRIDGES'][_openbridge]['STREAMS'][entry][0] }} | {{ _table['OPENBRIDGES'][_openbridge]['STREAMS'][entry][1] }} >> {{ _table['OPENBRIDGES'][_openbridge]['STREAMS'][entry][2] }}) {% endfor %}
{% endif %}