DMR Homebrew Server with IPSC Bridge =============================== #Dockerfile This Dockerfile packages up these 2 applications: - dmrlink by N0MJS, IPSC_Bridge branch, - hblink by N0MJS, HB_Brige branch, #Config Before you begin, you must edit the configuration files. ##hblink.cfg Defines parameters for homebrew. Master means: open a port and wait for HB clients to connect. Your hotspot (Pi-Star or openSpot, etc) will connect here. The default port is 55555/udp. Docker requires an additional layer of port mapping, so be sure to connect to your exposed port. ##HB_Bridge.cfg Defines AMBE ports for talking to IPSC_Bridge. Also, defines the talkgroup deck. ##dmrlink.cfg Defines parameters for IPSC master and peers. If you have a cBridge, use it as an IPSC master. ##IPSC_Bridge.cfg Settings paired (inverted) from HB_Bridge.cfg. HB_Bridge and IPSC_Bridge will use these 2 ports to communicate. #Build ##Clone a copy of the Dockerfile git clone ##Edit your config files cd HomebrewDocker nano ... ##Build the Dockerfile When you run the following build command, config files are copied into the docker image. Name:Tag can be set to any value you wish. sudo docker build -t HBIPSCDocker:config1 ##Multiple copies or versions Edit config files, and build again, using a different tag. For example, sudo docker build -t HBIPSCDocker:pnwdigital #Run Remember to map exposed ports. sudo docker run -d -p 50001:55555 HBIPSCDocker:config1 sudo docker run -d -p 50002:55555 HBIPSCDocker:pnwdigital #Connect your hotspot Hotspots in MMDVM Server mode may connect to your port 50001 to use config1 bridge settings. Or, connect to 50002 to use pnwdigital bridge settings. #Manage Docker Instances docker ps docker images docker kill #Why Docker? Yes, docker has a learning curve. It may seem unnecessary for you, and perhaps it is in your case. The goal in containerizing the HB+IPSC pair is primarily to simplify running multiple instances on a single server. If you dont care to run multiple instances, then you may always just install these apps directly.