#Dockerised IPSC <--> HomeBrew Protocol stack. # #For connecting Motorola repeaters to FreeDMR #NB: If you get strange audio problems, try only #enabling one timelot. This is a known issue #with the current tools. version: '3.3' services: #Duplicate this section for each repeater #do docker-compose down and then docker-compose up -d in this #directory afterwards to stop and start the containers #you may need to do conntrack -F after the restart FreeDMR-IPSC: container_name: FreeDMR-IPSC ports: #IPSC port - left side always stays the same (inside container), right side is #the port you want to present on the outside. #This is automatically mapped - docker uses iptables to do this - '55000:55000/udp' environment: #Configure IPSC side (IPSC_Bridge) #True if we are the master #False if we are connecting to an existing IPSC network - IPSC_MASTER_PEER=True #IP and Port only needed if the above is False - IPSC_MASTER_IP= - IPSC_MASTER_PORT= #Which timeslots to forward - IPSC_TS1=False - IPSC_TS2=True #DMR ID we use to talk to the IPSC network #This should probably be the repeater server's SERVER_ID - IPSC_RADIO_ID=2341 - IPSC_AUTH_KEY= #Configure HBP (repeater) details (HB_Bridge) - HB_CALLSIGN= - HB_RADIO_ID= - HB_RX_FREQ= - HB_TX_FREQ= - HB_TX_POWER= - HB_COLORCODE= - 'HB_LAT=' - 'HB_LON=-' - HB_HEIGHT= - HB_LOCATION= #Put an Options line here to configure static TGs etc - HB_OPTIONS= #Configure Repeater server side (DMRGateway) #Target server - DMRG_TARGET= image: 'hacknix/freedmr-ipsc:latest' #Container will persist over reboots restart: "unless-stopped"