/* * Copyright (C) 2015-2019 by Jonathan Naylor G4KLX * Copyright (C) 2018,2019 by Andy Uribe CA6JAU * Copyright (C) 2018 by Manuel Sanchez EA7EE * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #if !defined(CONF_H) #define CONF_H #include #include class CConf { public: CConf(const std::string& file); ~CConf(); bool read(); // The YSF Network section std::string getCallsign() const; std::string getSuffix() const; std::string getDstAddress() const; unsigned int getDstPort() const; std::string getLocalAddress() const; unsigned int getLocalPort() const; bool getEnableWiresX() const; bool getRemoteGateway() const; unsigned int getHangTime() const; bool getWiresXMakeUpper() const; unsigned char getFICHCallSign() const; unsigned char getFICHCallMode() const; unsigned char getFICHFrameTotal() const; unsigned char getFICHMessageRoute() const; unsigned char getFICHVOIP() const; unsigned char getFICHDataType() const; unsigned char getFICHSQLType() const; unsigned char getFICHSQLCode() const; unsigned char* getYsfDT1(); unsigned char* getYsfDT2(); char* getYsfRadioID(); bool getDaemon() const; // The Info section unsigned int getRxFrequency() const; unsigned int getTxFrequency() const; unsigned int getPower() const; float getLatitude() const; float getLongitude() const; int getHeight() const; std::string getLocation() const; std::string getDescription() const; std::string getURL() const; // The DMR Network section unsigned int getDMRId() const; std::string getDMRXLXFile() const; std::string getDMRXLXModule() const; unsigned int getDMRXLXReflector() const; unsigned int getDMRDstId() const; bool getDMRPC() const; std::string getDMRNetworkAddress() const; unsigned int getDMRNetworkPort() const; unsigned int getDMRNetworkLocal() const; std::string getDMRNetworkPassword() const; std::string getDMRNetworkOptions() const; bool getDMRNetworkDebug() const; bool getDMRNetworkJitterEnabled() const; unsigned int getDMRNetworkJitter() const; bool getDMRNetworkEnableUnlink() const; unsigned int getDMRNetworkIDUnlink() const; bool getDMRNetworkPCUnlink() const; std::string getDMRTGListFile() const; // The DMR Id section std::string getDMRIdLookupFile() const; unsigned int getDMRIdLookupTime() const; bool getDMRDropUnknown() const; // The Log section unsigned int getLogDisplayLevel() const; unsigned int getLogFileLevel() const; std::string getLogFilePath() const; std::string getLogFileRoot() const; // The aprs.fi section bool getAPRSEnabled() const; std::string getAPRSServer() const; unsigned int getAPRSPort() const; std::string getAPRSPassword() const; std::string getAPRSCallsign() const; std::string getAPRSAPIKey() const; unsigned int getAPRSRefresh() const; std::string getAPRSDescription() const; private: std::string m_file; std::string m_callsign; std::string m_suffix; std::string m_dstAddress; unsigned int m_dstPort; std::string m_localAddress; unsigned int m_localPort; bool m_enableWiresX; bool m_remoteGateway; unsigned int m_hangTime; bool m_wiresXMakeUpper; unsigned char m_fichCallSign; unsigned char m_fichCallMode; unsigned char m_fichFrameTotal; unsigned char m_fichMessageRoute; unsigned char m_fichVOIP; unsigned char m_fichDataType; unsigned char m_fichSQLType; unsigned char m_fichSQLCode; unsigned char m_ysfDT1[10U]; unsigned char m_ysfDT2[10U]; char m_ysfRadioID[5]; bool m_daemon; unsigned int m_rxFrequency; unsigned int m_txFrequency; unsigned int m_power; float m_latitude; float m_longitude; int m_height; std::string m_location; std::string m_description; std::string m_url; unsigned int m_dmrId; std::string m_dmrXLXFile; std::string m_dmrXLXModule; unsigned int m_dmrXLXReflector; unsigned int m_dmrDstId; bool m_dmrPC; std::string m_dmrNetworkAddress; unsigned int m_dmrNetworkPort; unsigned int m_dmrNetworkLocal; std::string m_dmrNetworkPassword; std::string m_dmrNetworkOptions; bool m_dmrNetworkDebug; bool m_dmrNetworkJitterEnabled; unsigned int m_dmrNetworkJitter; bool m_dmrNetworkEnableUnlink; unsigned int m_dmrNetworkIDUnlink; bool m_dmrNetworkPCUnlink; std::string m_dmrTGListFile; std::string m_dmrIdLookupFile; unsigned int m_dmrIdLookupTime; bool m_dmrDropUnknown; unsigned int m_logDisplayLevel; unsigned int m_logFileLevel; std::string m_logFilePath; std::string m_logFileRoot; bool m_aprsEnabled; std::string m_aprsServer; unsigned int m_aprsPort; std::string m_aprsPassword; std::string m_aprsCallsign; std::string m_aprsAPIKey; unsigned int m_aprsRefresh; std::string m_aprsDescription; }; #endif