/* * Copyright (C) 2015,2016,2017,2018 by Jonathan Naylor G4KLX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "Conf.h" #include "Log.h" #include #include #include #include const int BUFFER_SIZE = 500; enum SECTION { SECTION_NONE, SECTION_GENERAL, SECTION_INFO, SECTION_ID_LOOKUP, SECTION_VOICE, SECTION_LOG, SECTION_APRS_FI, SECTION_NETWORK, SECTION_MOBILE_GPS }; CConf::CConf(const std::string& file) : m_file(file), m_callsign(), m_suffix(), m_rptAddress(), m_rptPort(0U), m_myPort(0U), m_rptDebug(false), m_daemon(false), m_rxFrequency(0U), m_txFrequency(0U), m_power(0U), m_latitude(0.0F), m_longitude(0.0F), m_height(0), m_name(), m_description(), m_lookupName(), m_lookupTime(0U), m_voiceEnabled(true), m_voiceLanguage("en_GB"), m_voiceDirectory(), m_logFilePath(), m_logFileRoot(), m_aprsEnabled(false), m_aprsServer(), m_aprsPort(0U), m_aprsPassword(), m_aprsSuffix(), m_aprsDescription(), m_networkPort(0U), m_networkHosts1(), m_networkHosts2(), m_networkReloadTime(0U), m_networkParrotAddress(""), m_networkParrotPort(0U), m_networkNXDN2DMRAddress(""), m_networkNXDN2DMRPort(0U), m_networkStartup(9999U), m_networkInactivityTimeout(0U), m_networkDebug(false), m_mobileGPSEnabled(false), m_mobileGPSAddress(), m_mobileGPSPort(0U) { } CConf::~CConf() { } bool CConf::read() { FILE* fp = ::fopen(m_file.c_str(), "rt"); if (fp == NULL) { ::fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open the .ini file - %s\n", m_file.c_str()); return false; } SECTION section = SECTION_NONE; char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; while (::fgets(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, fp) != NULL) { if (buffer[0U] == '#') continue; if (buffer[0U] == '[') { if (::strncmp(buffer, "[General]", 9U) == 0) section = SECTION_GENERAL; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[Info]", 6U) == 0) section = SECTION_INFO; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[Id Lookup]", 11U) == 0) section = SECTION_ID_LOOKUP; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[Voice]", 7U) == 0) section = SECTION_VOICE; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[Log]", 5U) == 0) section = SECTION_LOG; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[aprs.fi]", 9U) == 0) section = SECTION_APRS_FI; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[Network]", 9U) == 0) section = SECTION_NETWORK; else if (::strncmp(buffer, "[Mobile GPS]", 12U) == 0) section = SECTION_MOBILE_GPS; else section = SECTION_NONE; continue; } char* key = ::strtok(buffer, " \t=\r\n"); if (key == NULL) continue; char* value = ::strtok(NULL, "\r\n"); if (section == SECTION_GENERAL) { if (::strcmp(key, "Callsign") == 0) { // Convert the callsign to upper case for (unsigned int i = 0U; value[i] != 0; i++) value[i] = ::toupper(value[i]); m_callsign = value; } else if (::strcmp(key, "Suffix") == 0) { // Convert the callsign to upper case for (unsigned int i = 0U; value[i] != 0; i++) value[i] = ::toupper(value[i]); m_suffix = value; } else if (::strcmp(key, "RptAddress") == 0) m_rptAddress = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "RptPort") == 0) m_rptPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "LocalPort") == 0) m_myPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Debug") == 0) m_rptDebug = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "Daemon") == 0) m_daemon = ::atoi(value) == 1; } else if (section == SECTION_INFO) { if (::strcmp(key, "TXFrequency") == 0) m_txFrequency = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "RXFrequency") == 0) m_rxFrequency = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Power") == 0) m_power = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Latitude") == 0) m_latitude = float(::atof(value)); else if (::strcmp(key, "Longitude") == 0) m_longitude = float(::atof(value)); else if (::strcmp(key, "Height") == 0) m_height = ::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Name") == 0) m_name = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "Description") == 0) m_description = value; } else if (section == SECTION_ID_LOOKUP) { if (::strcmp(key, "Name") == 0) m_lookupName = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "Time") == 0) m_lookupTime = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); } else if (section == SECTION_VOICE) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enabled") == 0) m_voiceEnabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "Language") == 0) m_voiceLanguage = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "Directory") == 0) m_voiceDirectory = value; } else if (section == SECTION_LOG) { if (::strcmp(key, "FilePath") == 0) m_logFilePath = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "FileRoot") == 0) m_logFileRoot = value; } else if (section == SECTION_APRS_FI) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_aprsEnabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "Server") == 0) m_aprsServer = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "Port") == 0) m_aprsPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Password") == 0) m_aprsPassword = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "Suffix") == 0) m_aprsSuffix = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "Description") == 0) m_aprsDescription = value; } else if (section == SECTION_NETWORK) { if (::strcmp(key, "Port") == 0) m_networkPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "HostsFile1") == 0) m_networkHosts1 = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "HostsFile2") == 0) m_networkHosts2 = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "ReloadTime") == 0) m_networkReloadTime = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "ParrotAddress") == 0) m_networkParrotAddress = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "ParrotPort") == 0) m_networkParrotPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "NXDN2DMRAddress") == 0) m_networkNXDN2DMRAddress = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "NXDN2DMRPort") == 0) m_networkNXDN2DMRPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Startup") == 0) m_networkStartup = (unsigned short)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "InactivityTimeout") == 0) m_networkInactivityTimeout = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); else if (::strcmp(key, "Debug") == 0) m_networkDebug = ::atoi(value) == 1; } else if (section == SECTION_MOBILE_GPS) { if (::strcmp(key, "Enable") == 0) m_mobileGPSEnabled = ::atoi(value) == 1; else if (::strcmp(key, "Address") == 0) m_mobileGPSAddress = value; else if (::strcmp(key, "Port") == 0) m_mobileGPSPort = (unsigned int)::atoi(value); } } ::fclose(fp); return true; } std::string CConf::getCallsign() const { return m_callsign; } std::string CConf::getSuffix() const { return m_suffix; } std::string CConf::getRptAddress() const { return m_rptAddress; } unsigned int CConf::getRptPort() const { return m_rptPort; } unsigned int CConf::getMyPort() const { return m_myPort; } bool CConf::getRptDebug() const { return m_rptDebug; } bool CConf::getDaemon() const { return m_daemon; } unsigned int CConf::getRxFrequency() const { return m_rxFrequency; } unsigned int CConf::getTxFrequency() const { return m_txFrequency; } unsigned int CConf::getPower() const { return m_power; } float CConf::getLatitude() const { return m_latitude; } float CConf::getLongitude() const { return m_longitude; } int CConf::getHeight() const { return m_height; } std::string CConf::getName() const { return m_name; } std::string CConf::getDescription() const { return m_description; } std::string CConf::getLookupName() const { return m_lookupName; } unsigned int CConf::getLookupTime() const { return m_lookupTime; } bool CConf::getVoiceEnabled() const { return m_voiceEnabled; } std::string CConf::getVoiceLanguage() const { return m_voiceLanguage; } std::string CConf::getVoiceDirectory() const { return m_voiceDirectory; } std::string CConf::getLogFilePath() const { return m_logFilePath; } bool CConf::getAPRSEnabled() const { return m_aprsEnabled; } std::string CConf::getAPRSServer() const { return m_aprsServer; } unsigned int CConf::getAPRSPort() const { return m_aprsPort; } std::string CConf::getAPRSPassword() const { return m_aprsPassword; } std::string CConf::getAPRSSuffix() const { return m_aprsSuffix; } std::string CConf::getAPRSDescription() const { return m_aprsDescription; } std::string CConf::getLogFileRoot() const { return m_logFileRoot; } unsigned int CConf::getNetworkPort() const { return m_networkPort; } std::string CConf::getNetworkHosts1() const { return m_networkHosts1; } std::string CConf::getNetworkHosts2() const { return m_networkHosts2; } unsigned int CConf::getNetworkReloadTime() const { return m_networkReloadTime; } std::string CConf::getNetworkParrotAddress() const { return m_networkParrotAddress; } unsigned int CConf::getNetworkParrotPort() const { return m_networkParrotPort; } std::string CConf::getNetworkNXDN2DMRAddress() const { return m_networkNXDN2DMRAddress; } unsigned int CConf::getNetworkNXDN2DMRPort() const { return m_networkNXDN2DMRPort; } unsigned short CConf::getNetworkStartup() const { return m_networkStartup; } unsigned int CConf::getNetworkInactivityTimeout() const { return m_networkInactivityTimeout; } bool CConf::getNetworkDebug() const { return m_networkDebug; } bool CConf::getMobileGPSEnabled() const { return m_mobileGPSEnabled; } std::string CConf::getMobileGPSAddress() const { return m_mobileGPSAddress; } unsigned int CConf::getMobileGPSPort() const { return m_mobileGPSPort; }