/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014,2016,2017,2018,2020 by Jonathan Naylor G4KLX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "APRSWriter.h" #include "Log.h" #include #include #include #include CAPRSWriter::CAPRSWriter(const std::string& callsign, const std::string& suffix, const std::string& address, unsigned short port, bool debug) : m_idTimer(1000U), m_callsign(callsign), m_debug(debug), m_txFrequency(0U), m_rxFrequency(0U), m_latitude(0.0F), m_longitude(0.0F), m_height(0), m_desc(), m_symbol(), m_aprsAddr(), m_aprsAddrLen(0U), m_aprsSocket() #if defined(USE_GPSD) ,m_gpsdEnabled(false), m_gpsdAddress(), m_gpsdPort(), m_gpsdData() #endif { assert(!callsign.empty()); assert(!address.empty()); assert(port > 0U); if (!suffix.empty()) { m_callsign.append("-"); m_callsign.append(suffix.substr(0U, 1U)); } if (CUDPSocket::lookup(address, port, m_aprsAddr, m_aprsAddrLen) != 0) m_aprsAddrLen = 0U; } CAPRSWriter::~CAPRSWriter() { } void CAPRSWriter::setInfo(unsigned int txFrequency, unsigned int rxFrequency, const std::string& desc, const std::string& symbol) { m_txFrequency = txFrequency; m_rxFrequency = rxFrequency; m_desc = desc; m_symbol = symbol; } void CAPRSWriter::setStaticLocation(float latitude, float longitude, int height) { m_latitude = latitude; m_longitude = longitude; m_height = height; } void CAPRSWriter::setGPSDLocation(const std::string& address, const std::string& port) { #if defined(USE_GPSD) assert(!address.empty()); assert(!port.empty()); m_gpsdEnabled = true; m_gpsdAddress = address; m_gpsdPort = port; #endif } bool CAPRSWriter::open() { if (m_aprsAddrLen == 0U) { LogError("Unable to resolve the address of the APRS Gateway"); return false; } #if defined(USE_GPSD) if (m_gpsdEnabled) { int ret = ::gps_open(m_gpsdAddress.c_str(), m_gpsdPort.c_str(), &m_gpsdData); if (ret != 0) { LogError("Error when opening access to gpsd - %d - %s", errno, ::gps_errstr(errno)); return false; } ::gps_stream(&m_gpsdData, WATCH_ENABLE | WATCH_JSON, NULL); LogMessage("Connected to GPSD"); } #endif bool ret = m_aprsSocket.open(m_aprsAddr); if (!ret) return false; LogMessage("Opened connection to the APRS Gateway"); m_idTimer.setTimeout(60U); m_idTimer.start(); return true; } void CAPRSWriter::write(const char* data) { assert(data != NULL); if (m_debug) LogDebug("APRS ==> %s", data); m_aprsSocket.write((unsigned char*)data, (unsigned int)::strlen(data), m_aprsAddr, m_aprsAddrLen); } void CAPRSWriter::clock(unsigned int ms) { m_idTimer.clock(ms); #if defined(USE_GPSD) if (m_gpsdEnabled) { if (m_idTimer.hasExpired()) { sendIdFrameMobile(); m_idTimer.start(); } } else { #endif if (m_idTimer.hasExpired()) { sendIdFrameFixed(); m_idTimer.setTimeout(20U * 60U); m_idTimer.start(); } #if defined(USE_GPSD) } #endif } void CAPRSWriter::close() { m_aprsSocket.close(); #if defined(USE_GPSD) if (m_gpsdEnabled) { ::gps_stream(&m_gpsdData, WATCH_DISABLE, NULL); ::gps_close(&m_gpsdData); } #endif } void CAPRSWriter::sendIdFrameFixed() { // Default values aren't passed on if (m_latitude == 0.0F && m_longitude == 0.0F) return; char desc[200U]; if (m_txFrequency != 0U) { float offset = float(int(m_rxFrequency) - int(m_txFrequency)) / 1000000.0F; ::sprintf(desc, "MMDVM Voice %.5LfMHz %c%.4lfMHz%s%s", (long double)(m_txFrequency) / 1000000.0F, offset < 0.0F ? '-' : '+', ::fabs(offset), m_desc.empty() ? "" : ", ", m_desc.c_str()); } else { ::sprintf(desc, "MMDVM Voice%s%s", m_desc.empty() ? "" : ", ", m_desc.c_str()); } const char* band = "4m"; if (m_txFrequency >= 1200000000U) band = "1.2"; else if (m_txFrequency >= 420000000U) band = "440"; else if (m_txFrequency >= 144000000U) band = "2m"; else if (m_txFrequency >= 50000000U) band = "6m"; else if (m_txFrequency >= 28000000U) band = "10m"; double tempLat = ::fabs(m_latitude); double tempLong = ::fabs(m_longitude); double latitude = ::floor(tempLat); double longitude = ::floor(tempLong); latitude = (tempLat - latitude) * 60.0 + latitude * 100.0; longitude = (tempLong - longitude) * 60.0 + longitude * 100.0; char lat[20U]; ::sprintf(lat, "%07.2lf", latitude); char lon[20U]; ::sprintf(lon, "%08.2lf", longitude); std::string server = m_callsign; std::string symbol = m_symbol; size_t pos = server.find_first_of('-'); if (pos == std::string::npos) server.append("-S"); else server.append("S"); if (symbol.empty()) symbol.append("D&"); char output[500U]; ::sprintf(output, "%s>APDG04,TCPIP*,qAC,%s:!%s%c%c%s%c%c/A=%06.0f%s %s\r\n", m_callsign.c_str(), server.c_str(), lat, (m_latitude < 0.0F) ? 'S' : 'N', symbol[0], lon, (m_longitude < 0.0F) ? 'W' : 'E', symbol[1], float(m_height) * 3.28F, band, desc); if (m_debug) LogDebug("APRS ==> %s", output); write(output); } #if defined(USE_GPSD) void CAPRSWriter::sendIdFrameMobile() { if (!::gps_waiting(&m_gpsdData, 0)) return; #if GPSD_API_MAJOR_VERSION >= 7 if (::gps_read(&m_gpsdData, NULL, 0) <= 0) return; #else if (::gps_read(&m_gpsdData) <= 0) return; #endif if (m_gpsdData.status != STATUS_FIX) return; bool latlonSet = (m_gpsdData.set & LATLON_SET) == LATLON_SET; bool altitudeSet = (m_gpsdData.set & ALTITUDE_SET) == ALTITUDE_SET; bool velocitySet = (m_gpsdData.set & SPEED_SET) == SPEED_SET; bool bearingSet = (m_gpsdData.set & TRACK_SET) == TRACK_SET; if (!latlonSet) return; float rawLatitude = float(m_gpsdData.fix.latitude); float rawLongitude = float(m_gpsdData.fix.longitude); #if GPSD_API_MAJOR_VERSION >= 9 float rawAltitude = float(m_gpsdData.fix.altMSL); #else float rawAltitude = float(m_gpsdData.fix.altitude); #endif float rawVelocity = float(m_gpsdData.fix.speed); float rawBearing = float(m_gpsdData.fix.track); char desc[200U]; if (m_txFrequency != 0U) { float offset = float(int(m_rxFrequency) - int(m_txFrequency)) / 1000000.0F; ::sprintf(desc, "MMDVM Voice %.5LfMHz %c%.4lfMHz%s%s", (long double)(m_txFrequency) / 1000000.0F, offset < 0.0F ? '-' : '+', ::fabs(offset), m_desc.empty() ? "" : ", ", m_desc.c_str()); } else { ::sprintf(desc, "MMDVM Voice%s%s", m_desc.empty() ? "" : ", ", m_desc.c_str()); } const char* band = "4m"; if (m_txFrequency >= 1200000000U) band = "1.2"; else if (m_txFrequency >= 420000000U) band = "440"; else if (m_txFrequency >= 144000000U) band = "2m"; else if (m_txFrequency >= 50000000U) band = "6m"; else if (m_txFrequency >= 28000000U) band = "10m"; double tempLat = ::fabs(rawLatitude); double tempLong = ::fabs(rawLongitude); double latitude = ::floor(tempLat); double longitude = ::floor(tempLong); latitude = (tempLat - latitude) * 60.0 + latitude * 100.0; longitude = (tempLong - longitude) * 60.0 + longitude * 100.0; char lat[20U]; ::sprintf(lat, "%07.2lf", latitude); char lon[20U]; ::sprintf(lon, "%08.2lf", longitude); std::string server = m_callsign; std::string symbol = m_symbol; size_t pos = server.find_first_of('-'); if (pos == std::string::npos) server.append("-S"); else server.append("S"); if (symbol.empty()) symbol.append("D&"); char output[500U]; ::sprintf(output, "%s>APDG03,TCPIP*,qAC,%s:!%s%c%c%s%c%c", m_callsign.c_str(), server.c_str(), lat, (rawLatitude < 0.0F) ? 'S' : 'N', symbol[0], lon, (rawLongitude < 0.0F) ? 'W' : 'E',symbol[0]); if (bearingSet && velocitySet) ::sprintf(output + ::strlen(output), "%03.0f/%03.0f", rawBearing, rawVelocity * 0.539957F); if (altitudeSet) ::sprintf(output + ::strlen(output), "/A=%06.0f", float(rawAltitude) * 3.28F); ::sprintf(output + ::strlen(output), "%s %s\r\n", band, desc); if (m_debug) LogDebug("APRS ==> %s", output); write(output); } #endif