/* * Copyright (C) 2016,2017,2018,2020 by Jonathan Naylor G4KLX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "KenwoodNetwork.h" #include "IcomNetwork.h" #include "NXDNNetwork.h" #include "NXDNGateway.h" #include "RptNetwork.h" #include "NXDNLookup.h" #include "Reflectors.h" #include "GPSHandler.h" #include "StopWatch.h" #include "Version.h" #include "Thread.h" #include "Voice.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "Log.h" #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) #include #else #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) const char* DEFAULT_INI_FILE = "NXDNGateway.ini"; #else const char* DEFAULT_INI_FILE = "/etc/NXDNGateway.ini"; #endif #include #include #include #include #include const unsigned char NXDN_TYPE_DCALL_HDR = 0x09U; const unsigned char NXDN_TYPE_DCALL = 0x0BU; const unsigned char NXDN_TYPE_TX_REL = 0x08U; const unsigned short NXDN_VOICE_ID = 9999U; class CStaticTG { public: unsigned short m_tg; sockaddr_storage m_addr; unsigned int m_addrLen; }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { const char* iniFile = DEFAULT_INI_FILE; if (argc > 1) { for (int currentArg = 1; currentArg < argc; ++currentArg) { std::string arg = argv[currentArg]; if ((arg == "-v") || (arg == "--version")) { ::fprintf(stdout, "NXDNGateway version %s\n", VERSION); return 0; } else if (arg.substr(0, 1) == "-") { ::fprintf(stderr, "Usage: NXDNGateway [-v|--version] [filename]\n"); return 1; } else { iniFile = argv[currentArg]; } } } CNXDNGateway* gateway = new CNXDNGateway(std::string(iniFile)); gateway->run(); delete gateway; return 0; } CNXDNGateway::CNXDNGateway(const std::string& file) : m_conf(file), m_writer(NULL), m_gps(NULL) { CUDPSocket::startup(); } CNXDNGateway::~CNXDNGateway() { CUDPSocket::shutdown(); } void CNXDNGateway::run() { bool ret = m_conf.read(); if (!ret) { ::fprintf(stderr, "NXDNGateway: cannot read the .ini file\n"); return; } #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64) bool m_daemon = m_conf.getDaemon(); if (m_daemon) { // Create new process pid_t pid = ::fork(); if (pid == -1) { ::fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't fork() , exiting\n"); return; } else if (pid != 0) { exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } // Create new session and process group if (::setsid() == -1) { ::fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't setsid(), exiting\n"); return; } // Set the working directory to the root directory if (::chdir("/") == -1) { ::fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't cd /, exiting\n"); return; } // If we are currently root... if (getuid() == 0) { struct passwd* user = ::getpwnam("mmdvm"); if (user == NULL) { ::fprintf(stderr, "Could not get the mmdvm user, exiting\n"); return; } uid_t mmdvm_uid = user->pw_uid; gid_t mmdvm_gid = user->pw_gid; // Set user and group ID's to mmdvm:mmdvm if (setgid(mmdvm_gid) != 0) { ::fprintf(stderr, "Could not set mmdvm GID, exiting\n"); return; } if (setuid(mmdvm_uid) != 0) { ::fprintf(stderr, "Could not set mmdvm UID, exiting\n"); return; } // Double check it worked (AKA Paranoia) if (setuid(0) != -1) { ::fprintf(stderr, "It's possible to regain root - something is wrong!, exiting\n"); return; } } } #endif #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64) ret = ::LogInitialise(m_daemon, m_conf.getLogFilePath(), m_conf.getLogFileRoot(), m_conf.getLogFileLevel(), m_conf.getLogDisplayLevel(), m_conf.getLogFileRotate()); #else ret = ::LogInitialise(false, m_conf.getLogFilePath(), m_conf.getLogFileRoot(), m_conf.getLogFileLevel(), m_conf.getLogDisplayLevel(), m_conf.getLogFileRotate()); #endif if (!ret) { ::fprintf(stderr, "NXDNGateway: unable to open the log file\n"); return; } #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64) if (m_daemon) { ::close(STDIN_FILENO); ::close(STDOUT_FILENO); ::close(STDERR_FILENO); } #endif createGPS(); IRptNetwork* localNetwork = NULL; std::string protocol = m_conf.getRptProtocol(); if (protocol == "Kenwood") localNetwork = new CKenwoodNetwork(m_conf.getMyPort(), m_conf.getRptAddress(), m_conf.getRptPort(), m_conf.getDebug()); else localNetwork = new CIcomNetwork(m_conf.getMyPort(), m_conf.getRptAddress(), m_conf.getRptPort(), m_conf.getDebug()); ret = localNetwork->open(); if (!ret) { ::LogFinalise(); return; } CNXDNNetwork remoteNetwork(m_conf.getNetworkPort(), m_conf.getCallsign(), m_conf.getNetworkDebug()); ret = remoteNetwork.open(); if (!ret) { localNetwork->close(); delete localNetwork; ::LogFinalise(); return; } CUDPSocket* remoteSocket = NULL; if (m_conf.getRemoteCommandsEnabled()) { remoteSocket = new CUDPSocket(m_conf.getRemoteCommandsPort()); ret = remoteSocket->open(); if (!ret) { delete remoteSocket; remoteSocket = NULL; } } CReflectors reflectors(m_conf.getNetworkHosts1(), m_conf.getNetworkHosts2(), m_conf.getNetworkReloadTime()); if (m_conf.getNetworkParrotPort() > 0U) reflectors.setParrot(m_conf.getNetworkParrotAddress(), m_conf.getNetworkParrotPort()); if (m_conf.getNetworkNXDN2DMRPort() > 0U) reflectors.setNXDN2DMR(m_conf.getNetworkNXDN2DMRAddress(), m_conf.getNetworkNXDN2DMRPort()); reflectors.load(); CNXDNLookup* lookup = new CNXDNLookup(m_conf.getLookupName(), m_conf.getLookupTime()); lookup->read(); unsigned int rfHangTime = m_conf.getNetworkRFHangTime(); unsigned int netHangTime = m_conf.getNetworkNetHangTime(); CTimer hangTimer(1000U); CTimer pollTimer(1000U, 5U); pollTimer.start(); CStopWatch stopWatch; stopWatch.start(); CVoice* voice = NULL; if (m_conf.getVoiceEnabled()) { voice = new CVoice(m_conf.getVoiceDirectory(), m_conf.getVoiceLanguage(), NXDN_VOICE_ID); bool ok = voice->open(); if (!ok) { delete voice; voice = NULL; } } LogMessage("Starting NXDNGateway-%s", VERSION); unsigned short srcId = 0U; unsigned short dstTG = 0U; bool grp = false; bool currentIsStatic = false; unsigned short currentTG = 0U; unsigned int currentAddrLen = 0U; sockaddr_storage currentAddr; std::vector staticIds = m_conf.getNetworkStatic(); std::vector staticTGs; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = staticIds.cbegin(); it != staticIds.cend(); ++it) { CNXDNReflector* reflector = reflectors.find(*it); if (reflector != NULL) { CStaticTG staticTG; staticTG.m_tg = *it; staticTG.m_addr = reflector->m_addr; staticTG.m_addrLen = reflector->m_addrLen; staticTGs.push_back(staticTG); remoteNetwork.writePoll(staticTG.m_addr, staticTG.m_addrLen, staticTG.m_tg); remoteNetwork.writePoll(staticTG.m_addr, staticTG.m_addrLen, staticTG.m_tg); remoteNetwork.writePoll(staticTG.m_addr, staticTG.m_addrLen, staticTG.m_tg); LogMessage("Statically linked to reflector %u", *it); } } for (;;) { unsigned char buffer[200U]; sockaddr_storage addr; unsigned int addrLen; // From the reflector to the MMDVM unsigned int len = remoteNetwork.readData(buffer, 200U, addr, addrLen); if (len > 0U) { // If we're linked and it's from the right place, send it on if (currentAddrLen > 0U && CUDPSocket::match(currentAddr, addr)) { // Don't pass reflector control data through to the MMDVM if (::memcmp(buffer, "NXDND", 5U) == 0) { unsigned short dstTG = 0U; dstTG |= (buffer[7U] << 8) & 0xFF00U; dstTG |= (buffer[8U] << 0) & 0x00FFU; bool grp = (buffer[9U] & 0x01U) == 0x01U; if (grp && currentTG == dstTG) localNetwork->write(buffer + 10U, len - 10U); hangTimer.start(); } } else if (currentTG == 0U) { bool poll = false; // We weren't really connected yet, but we got a reply from a poll, or some data if ((::memcmp(buffer, "NXDND", 5U) == 0) || (poll = (::memcmp(buffer, "NXDNP", 5U) == 0))) { // Find the static TG that this audio data/poll belongs to for (std::vector::const_iterator it = staticTGs.cbegin(); it != staticTGs.cend(); ++it) { if (CUDPSocket::match(addr, (*it).m_addr)) { currentTG = (*it).m_tg; break; } } if (currentTG > 0U) { currentAddr = addr; currentAddrLen = addrLen; currentIsStatic = true; unsigned short dstTG = 0U; dstTG |= (buffer[7U] << 8) & 0xFF00U; dstTG |= (buffer[8U] << 0) & 0x00FFU; bool grp = (buffer[9U] & 0x01U) == 0x01U; if (grp && currentTG == dstTG && !poll) localNetwork->write(buffer + 10U, len - 10U); LogMessage("Switched to reflector %u due to network activity", currentTG); hangTimer.setTimeout(netHangTime); hangTimer.start(); } } } } // From the MMDVM to the reflector or control data len = localNetwork->read(buffer); if (len > 0U) { // Only process the beginning and ending voice blocks here if ((buffer[0U] == 0x81U || buffer[0U] == 0x83U) && (buffer[5U] == 0x01U || buffer[5U] == 0x08U)) { grp = (buffer[7U] & 0x20U) == 0x20U; srcId = (buffer[8U] << 8) & 0xFF00U; srcId |= (buffer[9U] << 0) & 0x00FFU; dstTG = (buffer[10U] << 8) & 0xFF00U; dstTG |= (buffer[11U] << 0) & 0x00FFU; if (dstTG != currentTG) { if (currentAddrLen > 0U) { std::string callsign = lookup->find(srcId); LogMessage("Unlinking from reflector %u by %s", currentTG, callsign.c_str()); if (!currentIsStatic) { remoteNetwork.writeUnlink(currentAddr, currentAddrLen, currentTG); remoteNetwork.writeUnlink(currentAddr, currentAddrLen, currentTG); remoteNetwork.writeUnlink(currentAddr, currentAddrLen, currentTG); } hangTimer.stop(); } const CStaticTG* found = NULL; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = staticTGs.cbegin(); it != staticTGs.cend(); ++it) { if (dstTG == (*it).m_tg) { found = &(*it); break; } } if (found == NULL) { CNXDNReflector* refl = reflectors.find(dstTG); if (refl != NULL) { currentTG = dstTG; currentAddr = refl->m_addr; currentAddrLen = refl->m_addrLen; currentIsStatic = false; } else { currentTG = dstTG; currentAddrLen = 0U; currentIsStatic = false; } } else { currentTG = found->m_tg; currentAddr = found->m_addr; currentAddrLen = found->m_addrLen; currentIsStatic = true; } // Link to the new reflector if (currentAddrLen > 0U) { std::string callsign = lookup->find(srcId); LogMessage("Switched to reflector %u due to RF activity from %s", currentTG, callsign.c_str()); if (!currentIsStatic) { remoteNetwork.writePoll(currentAddr, currentAddrLen, currentTG); remoteNetwork.writePoll(currentAddr, currentAddrLen, currentTG); remoteNetwork.writePoll(currentAddr, currentAddrLen, currentTG); } hangTimer.setTimeout(rfHangTime); hangTimer.start(); } else { hangTimer.stop(); } if (voice != NULL) { if (currentAddrLen == 0U) voice->unlinked(); else voice->linkedTo(currentTG); } } // If it's the end of the voice transmission, start the voice prompt if ((buffer[0U] == 0x81U || buffer[0U] == 0x83U) && buffer[5U] == 0x08U) { if (voice != NULL) voice->eof(); } } if (m_gps != NULL) { if ((buffer[0U] & 0xF0U) == 0x90U) { switch (buffer[2U] & 0x3FU) { case NXDN_TYPE_DCALL_HDR: { unsigned short srcId = 0U; srcId |= (buffer[5U] << 8) & 0xFF00U; srcId |= (buffer[6U] << 0) & 0x00FFU; std::string callsign = lookup->find(srcId); m_gps->processHeader(callsign); } break; case NXDN_TYPE_DCALL: m_gps->processData(buffer + 3U); break; case NXDN_TYPE_TX_REL: m_gps->processEnd(); break; default: break; } } } // If we're linked and we have a network, send it on if (currentAddrLen > 0U) { remoteNetwork.writeData(buffer, len, srcId, dstTG, grp, currentAddr, currentAddrLen); hangTimer.start(); } } if (voice != NULL) { unsigned int length = voice->read(buffer); if (length > 0U) localNetwork->write(buffer, length); } if (remoteSocket != NULL) { sockaddr_storage addr; unsigned int addrLen; int res = remoteSocket->read(buffer, 200U, addr, addrLen); if (res > 0) { buffer[res] = '\0'; if (::memcmp(buffer + 0U, "TalkGroup", 9U) == 0) { unsigned int tg = ((strlen((char*)buffer + 0U) > 10) ? (unsigned int)::atoi((char*)(buffer + 10U)) : 9999); if (tg != currentTG) { if (currentAddrLen > 0U) { LogMessage("Unlinked from reflector %u by remote command", currentTG); if (!currentIsStatic) { remoteNetwork.writeUnlink(currentAddr, currentAddrLen, currentTG); remoteNetwork.writeUnlink(currentAddr, currentAddrLen, currentTG); remoteNetwork.writeUnlink(currentAddr, currentAddrLen, currentTG); } hangTimer.stop(); } const CStaticTG* found = NULL; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = staticTGs.cbegin(); it != staticTGs.cend(); ++it) { if (tg == (*it).m_tg) { found = &(*it); break; } } if (found == NULL) { CNXDNReflector* refl = reflectors.find(tg); if (refl != NULL) { currentTG = tg; currentAddr = refl->m_addr; currentAddrLen = refl->m_addrLen; currentIsStatic = false; } else { currentTG = tg; currentAddrLen = 0U; currentIsStatic = false; } } else { currentTG = found->m_tg; currentAddr = found->m_addr; currentAddrLen = found->m_addrLen; currentIsStatic = true; } // Link to the new reflector if (currentAddrLen > 0U) { LogMessage("Switched to reflector %u by remote command", currentTG); if (!currentIsStatic) { remoteNetwork.writePoll(currentAddr, currentAddrLen, currentTG); remoteNetwork.writePoll(currentAddr, currentAddrLen, currentTG); remoteNetwork.writePoll(currentAddr, currentAddrLen, currentTG); } hangTimer.setTimeout(rfHangTime); hangTimer.start(); } else { hangTimer.stop(); } if (voice != NULL) { if (currentAddrLen == 0U) voice->unlinked(); else voice->linkedTo(currentTG); } } } else if (::memcmp(buffer + 0U, "status", 6U) == 0) { std::string state = std::string("nxdn:") + ((currentAddrLen > 0) ? "conn" : "disc"); remoteSocket->write((unsigned char*)state.c_str(), (unsigned int)state.length(), addr, addrLen); } else if (::memcmp(buffer + 0U, "host", 4U) == 0) { std::string ref; if (currentAddrLen > 0) { char buffer[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; if (getnameinfo((struct sockaddr*)¤tAddr, currentAddrLen, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV) == 0) { ref = std::string(buffer); } } std::string host = std::string("nxdn:\"") + ((ref.length() == 0) ? "NONE" : ref) + "\""; remoteSocket->write((unsigned char*)host.c_str(), (unsigned int)host.length(), addr, addrLen); } else { CUtils::dump("Invalid remote command received", buffer, res); } } } unsigned int ms = stopWatch.elapsed(); stopWatch.start(); reflectors.clock(ms); localNetwork->clock(ms); if (voice != NULL) voice->clock(ms); hangTimer.clock(ms); if (hangTimer.isRunning() && hangTimer.hasExpired()) { if (currentAddrLen > 0U) { LogMessage("Unlinking from %u due to inactivity", currentTG); if (!currentIsStatic) { remoteNetwork.writeUnlink(currentAddr, currentAddrLen, currentTG); remoteNetwork.writeUnlink(currentAddr, currentAddrLen, currentTG); remoteNetwork.writeUnlink(currentAddr, currentAddrLen, currentTG); } if (voice != NULL) voice->unlinked(); currentAddrLen = 0U; hangTimer.stop(); } currentTG = 0U; } pollTimer.clock(ms); if (pollTimer.isRunning() && pollTimer.hasExpired()) { // Poll the static TGs for (std::vector::const_iterator it = staticTGs.cbegin(); it != staticTGs.cend(); ++it) remoteNetwork.writePoll((*it).m_addr, (*it).m_addrLen, (*it).m_tg); // Poll the dynamic TG if (!currentIsStatic && currentAddrLen > 0U) remoteNetwork.writePoll(currentAddr, currentAddrLen, currentTG); pollTimer.start(); } if (m_writer != NULL) m_writer->clock(ms); if (ms < 5U) CThread::sleep(5U); } delete voice; localNetwork->close(); delete localNetwork; if (remoteSocket != NULL) { remoteSocket->close(); delete remoteSocket; } remoteNetwork.close(); lookup->stop(); if (m_gps != NULL) { m_writer->close(); delete m_writer; delete m_gps; } ::LogFinalise(); } void CNXDNGateway::createGPS() { if (!m_conf.getAPRSEnabled()) return; std::string callsign = m_conf.getCallsign(); std::string rptSuffix = m_conf.getSuffix(); std::string address = m_conf.getAPRSAddress(); unsigned short port = m_conf.getAPRSPort(); std::string suffix = m_conf.getAPRSSuffix(); bool debug = m_conf.getDebug(); m_writer = new CAPRSWriter(callsign, rptSuffix, address, port, debug); unsigned int txFrequency = m_conf.getTxFrequency(); unsigned int rxFrequency = m_conf.getRxFrequency(); std::string desc = m_conf.getAPRSDescription(); m_writer->setInfo(txFrequency, rxFrequency, desc); bool enabled = m_conf.getGPSDEnabled(); if (enabled) { std::string address = m_conf.getGPSDAddress(); std::string port = m_conf.getGPSDPort(); m_writer->setGPSDLocation(address, port); } else { float latitude = m_conf.getLatitude(); float longitude = m_conf.getLongitude(); int height = m_conf.getHeight(); m_writer->setStaticLocation(latitude, longitude, height); } bool ret = m_writer->open(); if (!ret) { delete m_writer; m_writer = NULL; return; } m_gps = new CGPSHandler(callsign, suffix, m_writer); }