/* * Copyright (C) 2018,2020 by Jonathan Naylor G4KLX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "GPSHandler.h" #include "Utils.h" #include #include #include #include const unsigned char NXDN_DATA_TYPE_GPS = 0x06U; const unsigned int NXDN_DATA_LENGTH = 20U; const unsigned int NXDN_DATA_MAX_LENGTH = 16U * NXDN_DATA_LENGTH; CGPSHandler::CGPSHandler(const std::string& callsign, const std::string& suffix, CAPRSWriter* writer) : m_callsign(callsign), m_writer(writer), m_data(NULL), m_length(0U), m_source(), m_suffix(suffix) { assert(!callsign.empty()); assert(writer != NULL); m_data = new unsigned char[NXDN_DATA_MAX_LENGTH]; reset(); } CGPSHandler::~CGPSHandler() { delete[] m_data; } void CGPSHandler::processHeader(const std::string& source) { reset(); m_source = source; } void CGPSHandler::processData(const unsigned char* data) { assert(data != NULL); CUtils::dump(4U, "processData GPS Data", data, 21U); ::memcpy(m_data + m_length, data + 1U, NXDN_DATA_LENGTH); m_length += NXDN_DATA_LENGTH; // The packet frame number and block number are zero to indicate the last section of the // data transmission. if (data[0U] == 0x00U) { bool ret = processIcom(); if (!ret) processKenwood(); reset(); } } void CGPSHandler::processEnd() { reset(); } void CGPSHandler::reset() { ::memset(m_data, 0x00U, NXDN_DATA_MAX_LENGTH); m_length = 0U; m_source.clear(); } bool CGPSHandler::processIcom() { if (m_data[0U] != NXDN_DATA_TYPE_GPS) return false; if (::memcmp(m_data + 1U, "$G", 2U) != 0) return false; if (::strchr((char*)(m_data + 1U), '*') == NULL) return false; // From here onwards we have something that looks like Icom GPS data if (!checkXOR()) return true; if (::memcmp(m_data + 4U, "RMC", 3U) != 0) { CUtils::dump("Unhandled NMEA sentence", (unsigned char*)(m_data + 1U), m_length - 1U); return true; } // Parse the $GxRMC string into tokens char* pRMC[20U]; ::memset(pRMC, 0x00U, 20U * sizeof(char*)); unsigned int nRMC = 0U; char* p = NULL; char* d = (char*)(m_data + 1U); while ((p = ::strtok(d, ",\r\n")) != NULL && nRMC < 20U) { pRMC[nRMC++] = p; d = NULL; } // Is there any position data? if (pRMC[3U] == NULL || pRMC[4U] == NULL || pRMC[5U] == NULL || pRMC[6U] == NULL || ::strlen(pRMC[3U]) == 0U || ::strlen(pRMC[4U]) == 0U || ::strlen(pRMC[5U]) == 0 || ::strlen(pRMC[6U]) == 0) return true; // Is it a valid GPS fix? if (::strcmp(pRMC[2U], "A") != 0) return true; double latitude = ::atof(pRMC[3U]); double longitude = ::atof(pRMC[5U]); std::string source = m_source; if (!m_suffix.empty()) { source.append("-"); source.append(m_suffix.substr(0U, 1U)); } char output[300U]; if (pRMC[7U] != NULL && pRMC[8U] != NULL && ::strlen(pRMC[7U]) > 0U && ::strlen(pRMC[8U]) > 0U) { int bearing = ::atoi(pRMC[8U]); int speed = ::atoi(pRMC[7U]); ::sprintf(output, "%s>APDPRS,NXDN*,qAR,%s:!%07.2lf%s/%08.2lf%sr%03d/%03d Icom IDAS via MMDVM", source.c_str(), m_callsign.c_str(), latitude, pRMC[4U], longitude, pRMC[6U], bearing, speed); } else { ::sprintf(output, "%s>APDPRS,NXDN*,qAR,%s:!%07.2lf%s/%08.2lf%sr Icom IDAS via MMDVM", source.c_str(), m_callsign.c_str(), latitude, pRMC[4U], longitude, pRMC[6U]); } m_writer->write(output); return true; } bool CGPSHandler::checkXOR() const { char* p1 = ::strchr((char*)m_data, '$'); char* p2 = ::strchr((char*)m_data, '*'); unsigned char res = 0U; for (char* q = p1 + 1U; q < p2; q++) res ^= *q; char buffer[10U]; ::sprintf(buffer, "%02X", res); return ::memcmp(buffer, p2 + 1U, 2U) == 0; } bool CGPSHandler::processKenwood() { enum { GPS_FULL, GPS_SHORT, GPS_VERY_SHORT } type; switch (m_data[0U]) { case 0x00U: if (m_length < 38U) return false; type = GPS_FULL; break; case 0x01U: if (m_length < 17U) return false; type = GPS_SHORT; break; case 0x02U: if (m_length < 15U) return false; type = GPS_VERY_SHORT; break; default: return true; } CUtils::dump("Kenwood GPS Data", m_data, m_length); unsigned char UTCss = m_data[3U] & 0x3FU; unsigned char UTCmm = ((m_data[3U] & 0xC0U) >> 6) | ((m_data[4U] & 0x0FU) << 2); unsigned char UTChh = ((m_data[5U] & 0x01U) << 4) | ((m_data[4U] & 0xF0U) >> 4); LogMessage("UTC hh:%u mm:%u ss:%u", UTChh, UTCmm, UTCss); unsigned char UTCday = 0x1FU; unsigned char UTCmonth = 0x0FU; unsigned char UTCyear = 0x7FU; if (type == GPS_FULL) { UTCday = m_data[17U] & 0x1FU; UTCmonth = ((m_data[17U] & 0xE0U) >> 5) | ((m_data[18U] & 0x01U) << 4); UTCyear = (m_data[18U] & 0xFEU) >> 1; LogMessage("UTC dd:%u mm:%u yy:%u", UTCday, UTCmonth, UTCyear); } unsigned char north = 'N'; unsigned int latAfter = 0x7FFFU; unsigned int latBefore = 0xFFFFU; unsigned char east = 'E'; unsigned int lonAfter = 0x7FFFU; unsigned int lonBefore = 0xFFFFU; if (type == GPS_VERY_SHORT) { north = (m_data[7U] & 0x01U) == 0x00U ? 'N' : 'S'; latAfter = ((m_data[7U] & 0xFEU) >> 1) | (m_data[8U] << 7); latBefore = (m_data[10U] << 8) | m_data[9U]; east = (m_data[11U] & 0x01U) == 0x00U ? 'E' : 'W'; lonAfter = ((m_data[11U] & 0xFEU) >> 1) | (m_data[12U] << 7); lonBefore = (m_data[13U] << 8) | m_data[13U]; } else { north = (m_data[9U] & 0x01U) == 0x00U ? 'N' : 'S'; latAfter = ((m_data[9U] & 0xFEU) >> 1) | (m_data[10U] << 7); latBefore = (m_data[12U] << 8) | m_data[11U]; east = (m_data[13U] & 0x01U) == 0x00U ? 'E' : 'W'; lonAfter = ((m_data[13U] & 0xFEU) >> 1) | (m_data[14U] << 7); lonBefore = (m_data[16U] << 8) | m_data[15U]; } LogMessage("Latitude: %u . %u %c", latBefore, latAfter, north); LogMessage("Longitude: %u . %u %c", lonBefore, lonAfter, east); if (latAfter == 0x7FFFU || latBefore == 0xFFFFU || lonAfter == 0x7FFFU || lonBefore == 0xFFFFU) return true; unsigned int course = 0xFFFFU; unsigned int speedBefore = 0x3FFU; unsigned int speedAfter = 0x0FU; if (type == GPS_FULL) { course = (m_data[23U] << 4) | (m_data[24U] & 0x0FU); speedBefore = ((m_data[25U] & 0xF0U) << 2) | (m_data[26U] & 0x3FU); speedAfter = m_data[25U] & 0x0FU; } std::string source = m_source; if (!m_suffix.empty()) { source.append("-"); source.append(m_suffix.substr(0U, 1U)); } char output[300U]; if (course != 0xFFFFU && speedBefore != 0x3FFU && speedAfter != 0x0FU) { ::sprintf(output, "%s>APDPRS,NXDN*,qAR,%s:!%04u.%02u%c/%05u.%02u%cr%03d/%03d Kenwood NEXEDGE via MMDVM", source.c_str(), m_callsign.c_str(), latBefore, latAfter / 100U, north, lonBefore, lonAfter / 100U, east, course / 10U, speedBefore); } else { ::sprintf(output, "%s>APDPRS,NXDN*,qAR,%s:!%04u.%02u%c/%05u.%02u%cr Kenwood NEXEDGE via MMDVM", source.c_str(), m_callsign.c_str(), latBefore, latAfter / 100U, north, lonBefore, lonAfter / 100U, east); } LogMessage("Kenwood APRS message = %s", output); // m_writer->write(output); return true; }