############################################################################### # Copyright (C) 2020 Simon Adlem, G7RZU # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ############################################################################### from twisted.internet.protocol import DatagramProtocol from twisted.internet import reactor, task from time import time from dmr_utils3.utils import int_id import random import ipaddress import os from setproctitle import setproctitle # Does anybody read this stuff? There's a PEP somewhere that says I should do this. __author__ = 'Simon Adlem - G7RZU' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) Simon Adlem, G7RZU 2020,2021' __credits__ = 'Jon Lee, G4TSN; Norman Williams, M6NBP; Christian, OA4DOA' __license__ = 'GNU GPLv3' __maintainer__ = 'Simon Adlem G7RZU' __email__ = 'simon@gb7fr.org.uk' def IsIPv4Address(ip): try: ipaddress.IPv4Address(ip) return True except ValueError as errorCode: pass return False def IsIPv6Address(ip): try: ipaddress.IPv6Address(ip) return True except ValueError as errorCode: pass class Proxy(DatagramProtocol): def __init__(self,Master,ListenPort,connTrack,blackList,Timeout,Debug,ClientInfo,DestportStart,DestPortEnd): self.master = Master self.connTrack = connTrack self.peerTrack = {} self.timeout = Timeout self.debug = Debug self.clientinfo = ClientInfo self.blackList = blackList self.destPortStart = DestportStart self.destPortEnd = DestPortEnd self.numPorts = DestPortEnd - DestportStart def reaper(self,_peer_id): if self.debug: print("dead",_peer_id) if self.clientinfo and _peer_id != b'\x00m@\xd7': print(f"Client: ID:{str(int_id(_peer_id)).rjust(9)} IP:{self.peerTrack[_peer_id]['shost'].rjust(15)} Port:{self.peerTrack[_peer_id]['sport']} Removed.") self.transport.write(b'RPTCL'+_peer_id, (self.master,self.peerTrack[_peer_id]['dport'])) self.connTrack[self.peerTrack[_peer_id]['dport']] = False del self.peerTrack[_peer_id] def datagramReceived(self, data, addr): # HomeBrew Protocol Commands DMRD = b'DMRD' DMRA = b'DMRA' MSTCL = b'MSTCL' MSTNAK = b'MSTNAK' MSTPONG = b'MSTPONG' MSTN = b'MSTN' MSTP = b'MSTP' MSTC = b'MSTC' RPTL = b'RPTL' RPTPING = b'RPTPING' RPTCL = b'RPTCL' RPTL = b'RPTL' RPTACK = b'RPTACK' RPTK = b'RPTK' RPTC = b'RPTC' RPTP = b'RPTP' RPTA = b'RPTA' RPTO = b'RPTO' _peer_id = False host,port = addr nowtime = time() Debug = self.debug #If the packet comes from the master if host == self.master: _command = data[:4] if _command == DMRD: _peer_id = data[11:15] elif _command == RPTA: if data[6:10] in self.peerTrack: _peer_id = data[6:10] else: _peer_id = self.connTrack[port] elif _command == MSTN: _peer_id = data[6:10] elif _command == MSTP: _peer_id = data[7:11] elif _command == MSTC: _peer_id = data[5:9] if self.debug: print(data) if _peer_id in self.peerTrack: self.transport.write(data,(self.peerTrack[_peer_id]['shost'],self.peerTrack[_peer_id]['sport'])) # Remove the client after send a MSTN or MSTC packet if _command in (MSTN,MSTC): # Give time to the client for a reply to prevent port reassignment self.peerTrack[_peer_id]['timer'].reset(15) return else: _command = data[:4] if _command == DMRD: # DMRData -- encapsulated DMR data frame _peer_id = data[11:15] elif _command == DMRA: # DMRAlias -- Talker Alias information _peer_id = data[4:8] elif _command == RPTL: # RPTLogin -- a repeater wants to login _peer_id = data[4:8] elif _command == RPTK: # Repeater has answered our login challenge _peer_id = data[4:8] elif _command == RPTC: # Repeater is sending it's configuraiton OR disconnecting if data[:5] == RPTCL: # Disconnect command _peer_id = data[5:9] else: _peer_id = data[4:8] # Configure Command elif _command == RPTO: # options _peer_id = data[4:8] elif _command == RPTP: # RPTPing -- peer is pinging us _peer_id = data[7:11] else: return if _peer_id in self.peerTrack: _dport = self.peerTrack[_peer_id]['dport'] self.peerTrack[_peer_id]['sport'] = port self.peerTrack[_peer_id]['shost'] = host self.transport.write(data, (self.master,_dport)) self.peerTrack[_peer_id]['timer'].reset(self.timeout) if self.debug: print(data) return else: if int_id(_peer_id) in self.blackList: return # Make a list with the available ports _ports_avail = [port for port in self.connTrack if not self.connTrack[port]] if len(_ports_avail) > 0: _dport = random.choice(_ports_avail) else: return self.connTrack[_dport] = _peer_id self.peerTrack[_peer_id] = {} self.peerTrack[_peer_id]['dport'] = _dport self.peerTrack[_peer_id]['sport'] = port self.peerTrack[_peer_id]['shost'] = host self.peerTrack[_peer_id]['timer'] = reactor.callLater(self.timeout,self.reaper,_peer_id) self.transport.write(data, (self.master,_dport)) if self.clientinfo and _peer_id != b'\x00m@\xd7': print(f'New client: ID:{str(int_id(_peer_id)).rjust(9)} IP:{host.rjust(15)} Port:{port}, assigned to port:{_dport}.') if self.debug: print(data) return if __name__ == '__main__': #*** CONFIG HERE *** Master = "" ListenPort = 62031 # '' = all IPv4, '::' = all IPv4 and IPv6 (Dual Stack) ListenIP = '' DestportStart = 54000 DestPortEnd = 54100 Timeout = 30 Stats = False Debug = False ClientInfo = False BlackList = [1234567] #******************* #Set process title early setproctitle(__file__) #If IPv6 is enabled by enivornment variable... if ListenIP == '' and 'FDPROXY_IPV6' in os.environ and bool(os.environ['FDPROXY_IPV6']): ListenIP = '::' CONNTRACK = {} for port in range(DestportStart,DestPortEnd+1,1): CONNTRACK[port] = False #If we are listening IPv6 and Master is an IPv4 IPv4Address #IPv6ify the address. if ListenIP == '::' and IsIPv4Address(Master): Master = '::ffff:' + Master reactor.listenUDP(ListenPort,Proxy(Master,ListenPort,CONNTRACK,BlackList,Timeout,Debug,ClientInfo,DestportStart,DestPortEnd),interface=ListenIP) def loopingErrHandle(failure): print('(GLOBAL) STOPPING REACTOR TO AVOID MEMORY LEAK: Unhandled error innowtimed loop.\n {}'.format(failure)) reactor.stop() def stats(): count = 0 nowtime = time() for port in CONNTRACK: if CONNTRACK[port]: count = count+1 totalPorts = DestPortEnd - DestportStart freePorts = totalPorts - count print("{} ports out of {} in use ({} free)".format(count,totalPorts,freePorts)) if Stats == True: stats_task = task.LoopingCall(stats) statsa = stats_task.start(30) statsa.addErrback(loopingErrHandle) reactor.run()