# PROGRAM-WIDE PARAMETERS GO HERE # PATH - working path for files, leave it alone unless you NEED to change it # PING_TIME - the interval that peers will ping the master, and re-try registraion # - how often the Master maintenance loop runs # MAX_MISSED - how many pings are missed before we give up and re-register # - number of times the master maintenance loop runs before de-registering a peer # # ACLs: # # Access Control Lists are a very powerful tool for administering your system. # But they consume packet processing time. Disable them if you are not using them. # But be aware that, as of now, the configuration stanzas still need the ACL # sections configured even if you're not using them. # # REGISTRATION ACLS ARE ALWAYS USED, ONLY SUBSCRIBER AND TGID MAY BE DISABLED!!! # # The 'action' May be PERMIT|DENY # Each entry may be a single radio id, or a hypenated range (e.g. 1-2999) # Format: # ACL = 'action:id|start-end|,id|start-end,....' # --for example-- # SUB_ACL: DENY:1,1000-2000,4500-60000,17 # # ACL Types: # REG_ACL: peer radio IDs for registration (only used on HBP master systems) # SUB_ACL: subscriber IDs for end-users # TGID_TS1_ACL: destination talkgroup IDs on Timeslot 1 # TGID_TS2_ACL: destination talkgroup IDs on Timeslot 2 # # ACLs may be repeated for individual systems if needed for granularity # Global ACLs will be processed BEFORE the system level ACLs # Packets will be matched against all ACLs, GLOBAL first. If a packet 'passes' # All elements, processing continues. Packets are discarded at the first # negative match, or 'reject' from an ACL element. # # If you do not wish to use ACLs, set them to 'PERMIT:ALL' # TGID_TS1_ACL in the global stanza is used for OPENBRIDGE systems, since all # traffic is passed as TS 1 between OpenBridges [GLOBAL] PATH: ./ PING_TIME: 10 MAX_MISSED: 3 USE_ACL: True REG_ACL: PERMIT:ALL SUB_ACL: DENY:1 TGID_TS1_ACL: PERMIT:ALL TGID_TS2_ACL: PERMIT:ALL GEN_STAT_BRIDGES: False ALLOW_NULL_PASSPHRASE: False ANNOUNCEMENT_LANGUAGE: en_GB # NOT YET WORKING: NETWORK REPORTING CONFIGURATION # Enabling "REPORT" will configure a socket-based reporting # system that will send the configuration and other items # to a another process (local or remote) that may process # the information for some useful purpose, like a web dashboard. # # REPORT - True to enable, False to disable # REPORT_INTERVAL - Seconds between reports # REPORT_PORT - TCP port to listen on if "REPORT_NETWORKS" = NETWORK # REPORT_CLIENTS - comma separated list of IPs you will allow clients # to connect on. Entering a * will allow all. # # ****FOR NOW MUST BE TRUE - USE THE LOOPBACK IF YOU DON'T USE THIS!!!**** [REPORTS] REPORT: True REPORT_INTERVAL: 60 REPORT_PORT: 4321 REPORT_CLIENTS: # SYSTEM LOGGER CONFIGURAITON # This allows the logger to be configured without chaning the individual # python logger stuff. LOG_FILE should be a complete path/filename for *your* # system -- use /dev/null for non-file handlers. # LOG_HANDLERS may be any of the following, please, no spaces in the # list if you use several: # null # console # console-timed # file # file-timed # syslog # LOG_LEVEL may be any of the standard syslog logging levels, though # as of now, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING and CRITICAL are the only ones # used. # [LOGGER] LOG_FILE: /tmp/hblink.log LOG_HANDLERS: console-timed LOG_LEVEL: DEBUG LOG_NAME: HBlink # DOWNLOAD AND IMPORT SUBSCRIBER, PEER and TGID ALIASES # Ok, not the TGID, there's no master list I know of to download # This is intended as a facility for other applcations built on top of # HBlink to use, and will NOT be used in HBlink directly. # STALE_DAYS is the number of days since the last download before we # download again. Don't be an ass and change this to less than a few days. [ALIASES] TRY_DOWNLOAD: True PATH: ./ PEER_FILE: peer_ids.json SUBSCRIBER_FILE: subscriber_ids.json TGID_FILE: talkgroup_ids.json PEER_URL: https://www.radioid.net/static/rptrs.json SUBSCRIBER_URL: https://www.radioid.net/static/users.json STALE_DAYS: 7 #Read further repeater configs from MySQL [MYSQL] USE_MYSQL: False USER: hblink PASS: mypassword DB: hblink SERVER: PORT: 3306 TABLE: repeaters # OPENBRIDGE INSTANCES - DUPLICATE SECTION FOR MULTIPLE CONNECTIONS # OpenBridge is a protocol originall created by DMR+ for connection between an # IPSC2 server and Brandmeister. It has been implemented here at the suggestion # of the Brandmeister team as a way to legitimately connect HBlink to the # Brandemiester network. # It is recommended to name the system the ID of the Brandmeister server that # it connects to, but is not necessary. TARGET_IP and TARGET_PORT are of the # Brandmeister or IPSC2 server you are connecting to. PASSPHRASE is the password # that must be agreed upon between you and the operator of the server you are # connecting to. NETWORK_ID is a number in the format of a DMR Radio ID that # will be sent to the other server to identify this connection. # other parameters follow the other system types. # # ACLs: # OpenBridge does not 'register', so registration ACL is meaningless. # OpenBridge passes all traffic on TS1, so there is only 1 TGID ACL. # Otherwise ACLs work as described in the global stanza [OBP-TEST] MODE: OPENBRIDGE ENABLED: False IP: PORT: 62044 NETWORK_ID: 1 PASSPHRASE: mypass TARGET_IP: TARGET_PORT: 62044 USE_ACL: True SUB_ACL: DENY:1 TGID_ACL: PERMIT:ALL # MASTER INSTANCES - DUPLICATE SECTION FOR MULTIPLE MASTERS # HomeBrew Protocol Master instances go here. # IP may be left blank if there's one interface on your system. # Port should be the port you want this master to listen on. It must be unique # and unused by anything else. # Repeat - if True, the master repeats traffic to peers, False, it does nothing. # # MAX_PEERS -- maximun number of peers that may be connect to this master # at any given time. This is very handy if you're allowing hotspots to # connect, or using a limited computer like a Raspberry Pi. # # ACLs: # See comments in the GLOBAL stanza [G9XYZ] MODE: MASTER ENABLED: False REPEAT: True MAX_PEERS: 1 EXPORT_AMBE: False IP: PORT: 54001 PASSPHRASE: passw0rd GROUP_HANGTIME: 5 USE_ACL: True REG_ACL: DENY:1 SUB_ACL: DENY:1 TGID_TS1_ACL: PERMIT:ALL TGID_TS2_ACL: PERMIT:ALL DEFAULT_UA_TIMER: 10 SINGLE_MODE: True VOICE_IDENT: True TS1_STATIC: TS2_STATIC: DEFAULT_REFLECTOR: 0 # PEER INSTANCES - DUPLICATE SECTION FOR MULTIPLE PEERS # There are a LOT of errors in the HB Protocol specifications on this one! # MOST of these items are just strings and will be properly dealt with by the program # The TX & RX Frequencies are 9-digit numbers, and are the frequency in Hz. # Latitude is an 8-digit unsigned floating point number. # Longitude is a 9-digit signed floating point number. # Height is in meters # Setting Loose to True relaxes the validation on packets received from the master. # This will allow HBlink to connect to a non-compliant system such as XLXD, DMR+ etc. # # ACLs: # See comments in the GLOBAL stanza [REPEATER-1] MODE: PEER ENABLED: False LOOSE: False EXPORT_AMBE: False IP: PORT: 54001 MASTER_IP: MASTER_PORT: 54000 PASSPHRASE: homebrew CALLSIGN: W1ABC RADIO_ID: 312000 RX_FREQ: 449000000 TX_FREQ: 444000000 TX_POWER: 25 COLORCODE: 1 SLOTS: 1 LATITUDE: 38.0000 LONGITUDE: -095.0000 HEIGHT: 75 LOCATION: Anywhere, USA DESCRIPTION: This is a cool repeater URL: www.w1abc.org SOFTWARE_ID: 20170620 PACKAGE_ID: MMDVM_HBlink GROUP_HANGTIME: 5 OPTIONS: USE_ACL: True SUB_ACL: DENY:1 TGID_TS1_ACL: PERMIT:ALL TGID_TS2_ACL: PERMIT:ALL [XLX-1] MODE: XLXPEER ENABLED: False LOOSE: True EXPORT_AMBE: False IP: PORT: 54002 MASTER_IP: MASTER_PORT: 62030 PASSPHRASE: passw0rd CALLSIGN: W1ABC RADIO_ID: 312000 RX_FREQ: 449000000 TX_FREQ: 444000000 TX_POWER: 25 COLORCODE: 1 SLOTS: 1 LATITUDE: 38.0000 LONGITUDE: -095.0000 HEIGHT: 75 LOCATION: Anywhere, USA DESCRIPTION: This is a cool repeater URL: www.w1abc.org SOFTWARE_ID: 20170620 PACKAGE_ID: MMDVM_HBlink GROUP_HANGTIME: 5 XLXMODULE: 4004 USE_ACL: True SUB_ACL: DENY:1 TGID_TS1_ACL: PERMIT:ALL TGID_TS2_ACL: PERMIT:ALL