from bitarray import bitarray from itertools import islice class readAMBE: def __init__(self, lang,path): self.lang = lang self.path = path self.prefix = path+lang def _make_bursts(self,data): it = iter(data) for i in range(0, len(data), 108): yield bitarray([k for k in islice(it, 108)] ) #Read indexed files def readfiles(self): _AMBE_LENGTH = 9 indexDict = {} try: with open(self.prefix+'.indx') as index: for line in index: (voice,start,length) = line.split() indexDict[voice] = [int(start) * _AMBE_LENGTH ,int(length) * _AMBE_LENGTH] index.close() except IOError: return False ambeBytearray = {} _wordBitarray = bitarray(endian='big') _wordBADict = {} try: with open(self.prefix+'.ambe','rb') as ambe: for _voice in indexDict:[_voice][0]) _wordBitarray.frombytes([_voice][1])) #108 _wordBADict[_voice] = [] pairs = 1 _lastburst = '' for _burst in self._make_bursts(_wordBitarray): #Not sure if we need to pad or not? Seems to make little difference. if len(_burst) < 108: pad = (108 - len(_burst)) for i in range(0,pad,1): _burst.append(False) if pairs == 2: _wordBADict[_voice].append([_lastburst,_burst]) _lastburst = '' pairs = 1 next else: pairs = pairs + 1 _lastburst = _burst _wordBitarray.clear() ambe.close() except IOError: return False _wordBADict['silence'] = ([ [bitarray('101011000000101010100000010000000000001000000000000000000000010001000000010000000000100000000000100000000000'), bitarray('001010110000001010101000000100000000000010000000000000000000000100010000000100000000001000000000001000000000')] ]) return _wordBADict #Read a single ambe file from the audio directory def readSingleFile(self,filename): ambeBytearray = {} _wordBitarray = bitarray(endian='little') _wordBA= [] try: with open(self.path+filename,'rb') as ambe: _wordBitarray.frombytes( #108 _wordBA = [] pairs = 1 _lastburst = '' for _burst in self._make_bursts(_wordBitarray): #Not sure if we need to pad or not? Seems to make little difference. if len(_burst) < 108: pad = (108 - len(_burst)) for i in range(0,pad,1): _burst.append(False) if pairs == 2: _wordBA.append([_lastburst,_burst]) _lastburst = '' pairs = 1 next else: pairs = pairs + 1 _lastburst = _burst _wordBitarray.clear() ambe.close() except IOError: return(False) return(_wordBA) if __name__ == '__main__': test = readAMBE('en_GB','./Audio/') print(test.readfiles()) print(test.readSingleFile('44xx.ambe'))