#!/usr/bin/env python # ############################################################################### # Copyright (C) 2020 Simon Adlem, G7RZU # Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ############################################################################### ''' This application, in conjuction with it's rule file (rules.py) will work like a "conference bridge". This is similar to what most hams think of as a reflector. You define conference bridges and any system joined to that conference bridge will both receive traffic from, and send traffic to any other system joined to the same conference bridge. It does not provide end-to-end connectivity as each end system must individually be joined to a conference bridge (a name you create in the configuraiton file) to pass traffic. This program currently only works with group voice calls. ''' # Python modules we need import sys from bitarray import bitarray from time import time,sleep import importlib.util import re # Twisted is pretty important, so I keep it separate from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory, Protocol from twisted.protocols.basic import NetstringReceiver from twisted.internet import reactor, task #We're going to *try* and be thread safe from twisted.python import threadable threadable.init(1) from threading import Semaphore # Things we import from the main hblink module from hblink import HBSYSTEM, OPENBRIDGE, systems, hblink_handler, reportFactory, REPORT_OPCODES, mk_aliases from dmr_utils3.utils import bytes_3, int_id, get_alias, bytes_4 from dmr_utils3 import decode, bptc, const import config from config import acl_build import log from const import * from mk_voice import pkt_gen #from voice_lib import words #Read voices from read_ambe import readAMBE #MySQL from mysql_config import useMYSQL # Stuff for socket reporting import pickle # REMOVE LATER from datetime import datetime # The module needs logging, but handlers, etc. are controlled by the parent import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Does anybody read this stuff? There's a PEP somewhere that says I should do this. __author__ = 'Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS, Forked by Simon Adlem - G7RZU' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS and the K0USY Group, Simon Adlem, G7RZU 2020' __credits__ = 'Colin Durbridge, G4EML, Steve Zingman, N4IRS; Mike Zingman, N4IRR; Jonathan Naylor, G4KLX; Hans Barthen, DL5DI; Torsten Shultze, DG1HT; Jon Lee, G4TSN' __license__ = 'GNU GPLv3' __maintainer__ = 'Simon Adlem G7RZU' __email__ = 'simon@gb7fr.org.uk' # Module gobal varaibles # Timed loop used for reporting HBP status # # REPORT BASED ON THE TYPE SELECTED IN THE MAIN CONFIG FILE def config_reports(_config, _factory): if True: #_config['REPORTS']['REPORT']: def reporting_loop(logger, _server): logger.debug('(REPORT) Periodic reporting loop started') _server.send_config() _server.send_bridge() logger.info('(REPORT) HBlink TCP reporting server configured') report_server = _factory(_config) report_server.clients = [] reactor.listenTCP(_config['REPORTS']['REPORT_PORT'], report_server) reporting = task.LoopingCall(reporting_loop, logger, report_server) reporting.start(_config['REPORTS']['REPORT_INTERVAL']) return report_server # Import Bridging rules # Note: A stanza *must* exist for any MASTER or CLIENT configured in the main # configuration file and listed as "active". It can be empty, # but it has to exist. def make_bridges(_rules): # Convert integer GROUP ID numbers from the config into hex strings # we need to send in the actual data packets. for _bridge in _rules: for _system in _rules[_bridge]: if _system['SYSTEM'] not in CONFIG['SYSTEMS']: sys.exit('ERROR: Conference bridge "{}" references a system named "{}" that is not enabled in the main configuration'.format(_bridge, _system['SYSTEM'])) _system['TGID'] = bytes_3(_system['TGID']) for i, e in enumerate(_system['ON']): _system['ON'][i] = bytes_3(_system['ON'][i]) for i, e in enumerate(_system['OFF']): _system['OFF'][i] = bytes_3(_system['OFF'][i]) _system['TIMEOUT'] = _system['TIMEOUT']*60 if _system['ACTIVE'] == True: _system['TIMER'] = time() + _system['TIMEOUT'] else: _system['TIMER'] = time() # if _bridge[0:1] == '#': # continue for _confsystem in CONFIG['SYSTEMS']: if _confsystem == 'OBP-BM': continue ts1 = False ts2 = False for i,e in enumerate(_rules[_bridge]): if e['SYSTEM'] == _confsystem and e['TS'] == 1: ts1 = True if e['SYSTEM'] == _confsystem and e['TS'] == 2: ts2 = True if _bridge[0:1] != '#': _tmout = CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][_confsystem]['DEFAULT_UA_TIMER'] if ts1 == False: _rules[_bridge].append({'SYSTEM': _confsystem, 'TS': 1, 'TGID': bytes_3(int(_bridge)),'ACTIVE': False,'TIMEOUT': _tmout * 60,'TO_TYPE': 'ON','OFF': [],'ON': [bytes_3(int(_bridge)),],'RESET': [], 'TIMER': time()}) if ts2 == False: _rules[_bridge].append({'SYSTEM': _confsystem, 'TS': 2, 'TGID': bytes_3(int(_bridge)),'ACTIVE': False,'TIMEOUT': _tmout * 60,'TO_TYPE': 'ON','OFF': [],'ON': [bytes_3(int(_bridge)),],'RESET': [], 'TIMER': time()}) else: _tmout = CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][_confsystem]['DEFAULT_UA_TIMER'] if ts2 == False: _rules[_bridge].append({'SYSTEM': _confsystem, 'TS': 2, 'TGID': bytes_3(9),'ACTIVE': False,'TIMEOUT': _tmout * 60,'TO_TYPE': 'ON','OFF': [bytes_3(4000)],'ON': [],'RESET': [], 'TIMER': time()}) return _rules #Make a single bridge - used for on-the-fly UA bridges def make_single_bridge(_tgid,_sourcesystem,_slot): _tgid_s = str(int_id(_tgid)) BRIDGES[_tgid_s] = [] for _system in CONFIG['SYSTEMS']: if _system != 'OBP-BM': _tmout = CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][_system]['DEFAULT_UA_TIMER'] if _system == _sourcesystem: if _slot == 1: BRIDGES[_tgid_s].append({'SYSTEM': _system, 'TS': 1, 'TGID': _tgid,'ACTIVE': True,'TIMEOUT': _tmout * 60,'TO_TYPE': 'ON','OFF': [],'ON': [_tgid,],'RESET': [], 'TIMER': time() +( _tmout * 60)}) BRIDGES[_tgid_s].append({'SYSTEM': _system, 'TS': 2, 'TGID': _tgid,'ACTIVE': False,'TIMEOUT': _tmout * 60,'TO_TYPE': 'ON','OFF': [],'ON': [_tgid,],'RESET': [], 'TIMER': time()}) else: BRIDGES[_tgid_s].append({'SYSTEM': _system, 'TS': 2, 'TGID': _tgid,'ACTIVE': True,'TIMEOUT': _tmout * 60,'TO_TYPE': 'ON','OFF': [],'ON': [_tgid,],'RESET': [], 'TIMER': time() + _tmout * 60}) BRIDGES[_tgid_s].append({'SYSTEM': _system, 'TS': 1, 'TGID': _tgid,'ACTIVE': False,'TIMEOUT': _tmout * 60,'TO_TYPE': 'ON','OFF': [],'ON': [_tgid,],'RESET': [], 'TIMER': time()}) else: BRIDGES[_tgid_s].append({'SYSTEM': _system, 'TS': 1, 'TGID': _tgid,'ACTIVE': False,'TIMEOUT': _tmout * 60,'TO_TYPE': 'ON','OFF': [],'ON': [_tgid,],'RESET': [], 'TIMER': time()}) BRIDGES[_tgid_s].append({'SYSTEM': _system, 'TS': 2, 'TGID': _tgid,'ACTIVE': False,'TIMEOUT': _tmout * 60,'TO_TYPE': 'ON','OFF': [],'ON': [_tgid,],'RESET': [], 'TIMER': time()}) if _system == 'OBP-BM': BRIDGES[_tgid_s].append({'SYSTEM': _system, 'TS': 1, 'TGID': _tgid,'ACTIVE': True,'TIMEOUT': '','TO_TYPE': 'NONE','OFF': [],'ON': [],'RESET': [], 'TIMER': time()}) def make_single_reflector(_tgid,_sourcesystem): _tgid_s = str(int_id(_tgid)) _bridge = '#' + _tgid_s BRIDGES[_bridge] = [] for _system in CONFIG['SYSTEMS']: if _system != 'OBP-BM': _tmout = CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][_system]['DEFAULT_UA_TIMER'] if _system == _sourcesystem: BRIDGES[_bridge].append({'SYSTEM': _system, 'TS': 2, 'TGID': bytes_3(9),'ACTIVE': True,'TIMEOUT': _tmout * 60,'TO_TYPE': 'ON','OFF': [],'ON': [_tgid,],'RESET': [], 'TIMER': time() + (_tmout * 60)}) else: BRIDGES[_bridge].append({'SYSTEM': _system, 'TS': 2, 'TGID': bytes_3(9),'ACTIVE': False,'TIMEOUT': _tmout * 60,'TO_TYPE': 'ON','OFF': [],'ON': [_tgid,],'RESET': [], 'TIMER': time()}) if _system == 'OBP-BM': BRIDGES[_bridge].append({'SYSTEM': _system, 'TS': 1, 'TGID': _tgid,'ACTIVE': True,'TIMEOUT': '','TO_TYPE': 'NONE','OFF': [],'ON': [],'RESET': [], 'TIMER': time()}) # Run this every minute for rule timer updates def rule_timer_loop(): logger.debug('(ROUTER) routerHBP Rule timer loop started') _now = time() for _bridge in BRIDGES: for _system in BRIDGES[_bridge]: if _system['TO_TYPE'] == 'ON': if _system['ACTIVE'] == True: if _system['TIMER'] < _now: _system['ACTIVE'] = False logger.info('(ROUTER) Conference Bridge TIMEOUT: DEACTIVATE System: %s, Bridge: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', _system['SYSTEM'], _bridge, _system['TS'], int_id(_system['TGID'])) else: timeout_in = _system['TIMER'] - _now logger.info('(ROUTER) Conference Bridge ACTIVE (ON timer running): System: %s Bridge: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s, Timeout in: %.2fs,', _system['SYSTEM'], _bridge, _system['TS'], int_id(_system['TGID']), timeout_in) elif _system['ACTIVE'] == False: logger.debug('(ROUTER) Conference Bridge INACTIVE (no change): System: %s Bridge: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', _system['SYSTEM'], _bridge, _system['TS'], int_id(_system['TGID'])) elif _system['TO_TYPE'] == 'OFF': if _system['ACTIVE'] == False: if _system['TIMER'] < _now: _system['ACTIVE'] = True logger.info('(ROUTER) Conference Bridge TIMEOUT: ACTIVATE System: %s, Bridge: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', _system['SYSTEM'], _bridge, _system['TS'], int_id(_system['TGID'])) else: timeout_in = _system['TIMER'] - _now logger.info('(ROUTER) Conference Bridge INACTIVE (OFF timer running): System: %s Bridge: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s, Timeout in: %.2fs,', _system['SYSTEM'], _bridge, _system['TS'], int_id(_system['TGID']), timeout_in) elif _system['ACTIVE'] == True: logger.debug('(ROUTER) Conference Bridge ACTIVE (no change): System: %s Bridge: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', _system['SYSTEM'], _bridge, _system['TS'], int_id(_system['TGID'])) else: logger.debug('(ROUTER) Conference Bridge NO ACTION: System: %s, Bridge: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', _system['SYSTEM'], _bridge, _system['TS'], int_id(_system['TGID'])) if CONFIG['REPORTS']['REPORT']: report_server.send_clients(b'bridge updated') # run this every 10 seconds to trim orphaned stream ids def stream_trimmer_loop(): logger.debug('(ROUTER) Trimming inactive stream IDs from system lists') _now = time() for system in systems: # HBP systems, master and peer if CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['MODE'] != 'OPENBRIDGE': for slot in range(1,3): _slot = systems[system].STATUS[slot] # RX slot check if _slot['RX_TYPE'] != HBPF_SLT_VTERM and _slot['RX_TIME'] < _now - 5: _slot['RX_TYPE'] = HBPF_SLT_VTERM logger.info('(%s) *TIME OUT* RX STREAM ID: %s SUB: %s TGID %s, TS %s, Duration: %.2f', \ system, int_id(_slot['RX_STREAM_ID']), int_id(_slot['RX_RFS']), int_id(_slot['RX_TGID']), slot, _slot['RX_TIME'] - _slot['RX_START']) if CONFIG['REPORTS']['REPORT']: systems[system]._report.send_bridgeEvent('GROUP VOICE,END,RX,{},{},{},{},{},{},{:.2f}'.format(system, int_id(_slot['RX_STREAM_ID']), int_id(_slot['RX_PEER']), int_id(_slot['RX_RFS']), slot, int_id(_slot['RX_TGID']), _slot['RX_TIME'] - _slot['RX_START']).encode(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')) # TX slot check if _slot['TX_TYPE'] != HBPF_SLT_VTERM and _slot['TX_TIME'] < _now - 5: _slot['TX_TYPE'] = HBPF_SLT_VTERM logger.info('(%s) *TIME OUT* TX STREAM ID: %s SUB: %s TGID %s, TS %s, Duration: %.2f', \ system, int_id(_slot['TX_STREAM_ID']), int_id(_slot['TX_RFS']), int_id(_slot['TX_TGID']), slot, _slot['TX_TIME'] - _slot['TX_START']) if CONFIG['REPORTS']['REPORT']: systems[system]._report.send_bridgeEvent('GROUP VOICE,END,TX,{},{},{},{},{},{},{:.2f}'.format(system, int_id(_slot['TX_STREAM_ID']), int_id(_slot['TX_PEER']), int_id(_slot['TX_RFS']), slot, int_id(_slot['TX_TGID']), _slot['TX_TIME'] - _slot['TX_START']).encode(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')) # OBP systems # We can't delete items from a dicationry that's being iterated, so we have to make a temporarly list of entrys to remove later if CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['MODE'] == 'OPENBRIDGE': remove_list = [] for stream_id in systems[system].STATUS: if systems[system].STATUS[stream_id]['LAST'] < _now - 5: remove_list.append(stream_id) for stream_id in remove_list: if stream_id in systems[system].STATUS: _stream = systems[system].STATUS[stream_id] _sysconfig = CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system] logger.info('(%s) *TIME OUT* STREAM ID: %s SUB: %s PEER: %s TGID: %s TS 1 Duration: %.2f', \ system, int_id(stream_id), get_alias(int_id(_stream['RFS']), subscriber_ids), get_alias(int_id(_sysconfig['NETWORK_ID']), peer_ids), get_alias(int_id(_stream['TGID']), talkgroup_ids), _stream['LAST'] - _stream['START']) if CONFIG['REPORTS']['REPORT']: systems[system]._report.send_bridgeEvent('GROUP VOICE,END,RX,{},{},{},{},{},{},{:.2f}'.format(system, int_id(stream_id), int_id(_sysconfig['NETWORK_ID']), int_id(_stream['RFS']), 1, int_id(_stream['TGID']), _stream['LAST'] - _stream['START']).encode(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')) removed = systems[system].STATUS.pop(stream_id) else: logger.error('(%s) Attemped to remove OpenBridge Stream ID %s not in the Stream ID list: %s', system, int_id(stream_id), [id for id in systems[system].STATUS]) def threadIdent(): logger.debug('(IDENT) starting ident thread') reactor.callInThread(ident) def threadedMysql(): logger.debug('(MYSQL) Starting MySQL thread') if not mysql_sema.acquire(blocking = False): logger.debug('(MYSQL) Previous thread is still running (can\'t acquire semaphore). Try next iteration') return reactor.callInThread(mysql_config_check) mysql_sema.release() def ident(): for system in systems: if CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['MODE'] != 'MASTER': continue if CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['VOICE_IDENT'] == True: #We only care about slot 2 - idents go out on slot 2 _slot = systems[system].STATUS[2] #If slot is idle for RX and TX if (_slot['RX_TYPE'] == HBPF_SLT_VTERM) and (_slot['TX_TYPE'] == HBPF_SLT_VTERM): #_stream_id = hex_str_4(1234567) logger.info('(%s) Sending voice ident',system) _say = [words['silence']] _systemcs = re.sub(r'\W+', '', system) _systemcs.upper() for character in _systemcs: _say.append(words[character]) _say.append(words['silence']) #test #_say.append(AMBEobj.readSingleFile('connected.ambe')) speech = pkt_gen(bytes_3(16777215), bytes_3(16777215), bytes_4(16777215), 1, _say) sleep(1) while True: try: pkt = next(speech) except StopIteration: break #Packet every 60ms sleep(0.058) #Twisted is not thread safe. We need to call this in the reactor main thread reactor.callFromThread(systems[system].send_system,pkt) def mysql_config_check(): logger.debug('(MYSQL) Periodic config check') SQLCONFIG = {} if sql.con(): logger.debug('(MYSQL) reading config from database') try: SQLCONFIG = sql.getConfig() except: logger.debug('(MYSQL) problem with SQL query, aborting') sql.close() else: logger.debug('(MYSQL) problem connecting to SQL server, aborting') return for system in SQLCONFIG: if system not in CONFIG['SYSTEMS']: if SQLCONFIG[system]['ENABLED'] == True: logger.debug('(MYSQL) new enabled system %s, starting HBP listener',system) CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system] = SQLCONFIG[system] systems[system] = routerHBP(system, CONFIG, report_server) listeningPorts[system] = reactor.listenUDP(CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['PORT'], systems[system], interface=CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['IP']) else: logger.debug('(MYSQL) new disabled system %s',system) #Do ACL processing # Registration ACLs #SQLCONFIG[system]['REG_ACL'] = acl_build(SQLCONFIG[system]['REG_ACL'], PEER_MAX) # Subscriber and TGID ACLs logger.debug('(MYSQL) building ACLs') for acl in ['SUB_ACL', 'TG1_ACL', 'TG2_ACL']: SQLCONFIG[system][acl] = acl_build(SQLCONFIG[system][acl], ID_MAX) #Add system to bridges logger.debug('(MYSQL) adding new system to static bridges') for _bridge in BRIDGES: ts1 = False ts2 = False for i,e in enumerate(BRIDGES[_bridge]): if e['SYSTEM'] == system and e['TS'] == 1: ts1 = True if e['SYSTEM'] == system and e['TS'] == 2: ts2 = True if _bridge[0:1] != '#': _tmout = SQLCONFIG[system]['DEFAULT_UA_TIMER'] if ts1 == False: BRIDGES[_bridge].append({'SYSTEM': system, 'TS': 1, 'TGID': bytes_3(int(_bridge)),'ACTIVE': False,'TIMEOUT': _tmout * 60,'TO_TYPE': 'ON','OFF': [],'ON': [bytes_3(int(_bridge)),],'RESET': [], 'TIMER': time()}) if ts2 == False: BRIDGES[_bridge].append({'SYSTEM': system, 'TS': 2, 'TGID': bytes_3(int(_bridge)),'ACTIVE': False,'TIMEOUT': _tmout * 60,'TO_TYPE': 'ON','OFF': [],'ON': [bytes_3(int(_bridge)),],'RESET': [], 'TIMER': time()}) else: _tmout = SQLCONFIG[system]['DEFAULT_UA_TIMER'] if ts2 == False: BRIDGES[_bridge].append({'SYSTEM': system, 'TS': 2, 'TGID': bytes_3(9),'ACTIVE': False,'TIMEOUT': _tmout * 60,'TO_TYPE': 'ON','OFF': [bytes_3(4000)],'ON': [],'RESET': [], 'TIMER': time()}) elif SQLCONFIG[system]['ENABLED'] == False and CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['ENABLED'] == True: logger.debug('(MYSQL) %s changed from enabled to disabled, killing HBP listener',system) systems[system].master_dereg() systems[system]._system_maintenance.stop() listeningPorts[system].stopListening() elif CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['ENABLED'] == False and SQLCONFIG[system]['ENABLED'] == True: logger.debug('(MYSQL) %s changed from disabled to enabled, starting HBP listener',system) systems[system] = routerHBP(system, CONFIG, report_server) listeningPorts[system] = reactor.listenUDP(CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['PORT'], systems[system], interface=CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['IP']) logger.debug('(GLOBAL) %s instance created: %s, %s', CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['MODE'], system, systems[system]) elif SQLCONFIG[system]['IP'] != CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['IP'] and CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['ENABLED'] == True: logger.debug('(MYSQL) %s IP binding changed on enabled system, killing HBP listener. Will restart in 1 minute',system) systems[system].master_dereg() systems[system]._system_maintenance.stop() listeningPorts[system].stopListening() SQLCONFIG[system]['ENABLED'] = False elif SQLCONFIG[system]['PORT'] != CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['PORT'] and CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['ENABLED'] == True: logger.debug('(MYSQL) %s Port binding changed on enabled system, killing HBP listener. Will restart in 1 minute',system) systems[system].master_dereg() systems[system]._system_maintenance.stop() listeningPorts[system].stopListening() SQLCONFIG[system]['ENABLED'] = False elif SQLCONFIG[system]['PASSPHRASE'] != CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['PASSPHRASE'] and CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['ENABLED'] == True: logger.debug('(MYSQL) %s Passphrase changed on enabled system. Kicking peers',system) systems[system].master_dereg() #Add MySQL config data to config dict CONFIG['SYSTEMS'].update(SQLCONFIG) SQLCONFIG = {} sql.close() class routerOBP(OPENBRIDGE): def __init__(self, _name, _config, _report): OPENBRIDGE.__init__(self, _name, _config, _report) self.STATUS = {} def dmrd_received(self, _peer_id, _rf_src, _dst_id, _seq, _slot, _call_type, _frame_type, _dtype_vseq, _stream_id, _data): pkt_time = time() dmrpkt = _data[20:53] _bits = _data[15] if _call_type == 'group': # Is this a new call stream? if (_stream_id not in self.STATUS): # This is a new call stream self.STATUS[_stream_id] = { 'START': pkt_time, 'CONTENTION':False, 'RFS': _rf_src, 'TGID': _dst_id, } # If we can, use the LC from the voice header as to keep all options intact if _frame_type == HBPF_DATA_SYNC and _dtype_vseq == HBPF_SLT_VHEAD: decoded = decode.voice_head_term(dmrpkt) self.STATUS[_stream_id]['LC'] = decoded['LC'] # If we don't have a voice header then don't wait to decode the Embedded LC # just make a new one from the HBP header. This is good enough, and it saves lots of time else: self.STATUS[_stream_id]['LC'] = LC_OPT + _dst_id + _rf_src logger.info('(%s) *CALL START* STREAM ID: %s SUB: %s (%s) PEER: %s (%s) TGID %s (%s), TS %s', \ self._system, int_id(_stream_id), get_alias(_rf_src, subscriber_ids), int_id(_rf_src), get_alias(_peer_id, peer_ids), int_id(_peer_id), get_alias(_dst_id, talkgroup_ids), int_id(_dst_id), _slot) if CONFIG['REPORTS']['REPORT']: self._report.send_bridgeEvent('GROUP VOICE,START,RX,{},{},{},{},{},{}'.format(self._system, int_id(_stream_id), int_id(_peer_id), int_id(_rf_src), _slot, int_id(_dst_id)).encode(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')) self.STATUS[_stream_id]['LAST'] = pkt_time for _bridge in BRIDGES: for _system in BRIDGES[_bridge]: if (_system['SYSTEM'] == self._system and _system['TGID'] == _dst_id and _system['TS'] == _slot and _system['ACTIVE'] == True): for _target in BRIDGES[_bridge]: if (_target['SYSTEM'] != self._system) and (_target['ACTIVE']): _target_status = systems[_target['SYSTEM']].STATUS _target_system = self._CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][_target['SYSTEM']] if _target_system['MODE'] == 'OPENBRIDGE': # Is this a new call stream on the target? if (_stream_id not in _target_status): # This is a new call stream on the target _target_status[_stream_id] = { 'START': pkt_time, 'CONTENTION':False, 'RFS': _rf_src, 'TGID': _dst_id, } # Generate LCs (full and EMB) for the TX stream dst_lc = b''.join([self.STATUS[_stream_id]['LC'][0:3], _target['TGID'], _rf_src]) _target_status[_stream_id]['H_LC'] = bptc.encode_header_lc(dst_lc) _target_status[_stream_id]['T_LC'] = bptc.encode_terminator_lc(dst_lc) _target_status[_stream_id]['EMB_LC'] = bptc.encode_emblc(dst_lc) logger.info('(%s) Conference Bridge: %s, Call Bridged to OBP System: %s TS: %s, TGID: %s', self._system, _bridge, _target['SYSTEM'], _target['TS'], int_id(_target['TGID'])) if CONFIG['REPORTS']['REPORT']: systems[_target['SYSTEM']]._report.send_bridgeEvent('GROUP VOICE,START,TX,{},{},{},{},{},{}'.format(_target['SYSTEM'], int_id(_stream_id), int_id(_peer_id), int_id(_rf_src), _target['TS'], int_id(_target['TGID'])).encode(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')) # Record the time of this packet so we can later identify a stale stream _target_status[_stream_id]['LAST'] = pkt_time # Clear the TS bit -- all OpenBridge streams are effectively on TS1 _tmp_bits = _bits & ~(1 << 7) # Assemble transmit HBP packet header _tmp_data = b''.join([_data[:8], _target['TGID'], _data[11:15], _tmp_bits.to_bytes(1, 'big'), _data[16:20]]) # MUST TEST FOR NEW STREAM AND IF SO, RE-WRITE THE LC FOR THE TARGET # MUST RE-WRITE DESTINATION TGID IF DIFFERENT # if _dst_id != rule['DST_GROUP']: dmrbits = bitarray(endian='big') dmrbits.frombytes(dmrpkt) # Create a voice header packet (FULL LC) if _frame_type == HBPF_DATA_SYNC and _dtype_vseq == HBPF_SLT_VHEAD: dmrbits = _target_status[_stream_id]['H_LC'][0:98] + dmrbits[98:166] + _target_status[_stream_id]['H_LC'][98:197] # Create a voice terminator packet (FULL LC) elif _frame_type == HBPF_DATA_SYNC and _dtype_vseq == HBPF_SLT_VTERM: dmrbits = _target_status[_stream_id]['T_LC'][0:98] + dmrbits[98:166] + _target_status[_stream_id]['T_LC'][98:197] if CONFIG['REPORTS']['REPORT']: call_duration = pkt_time - _target_status[_stream_id]['START'] systems[_target['SYSTEM']]._report.send_bridgeEvent('GROUP VOICE,END,TX,{},{},{},{},{},{},{:.2f}'.format(_target['SYSTEM'], int_id(_stream_id), int_id(_peer_id), int_id(_rf_src), _target['TS'], int_id(_target['TGID']), call_duration).encode(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')) # Create a Burst B-E packet (Embedded LC) elif _dtype_vseq in [1,2,3,4]: dmrbits = dmrbits[0:116] + _target_status[_stream_id]['EMB_LC'][_dtype_vseq] + dmrbits[148:264] dmrpkt = dmrbits.tobytes() _tmp_data = b''.join([_tmp_data, dmrpkt]) else: # BEGIN CONTENTION HANDLING # # The rules for each of the 4 "ifs" below are listed here for readability. The Frame To Send is: # From a different group than last RX from this HBSystem, but it has been less than Group Hangtime # From a different group than last TX to this HBSystem, but it has been less than Group Hangtime # From the same group as the last RX from this HBSystem, but from a different subscriber, and it has been less than stream timeout # From the same group as the last TX to this HBSystem, but from a different subscriber, and it has been less than stream timeout # The "continue" at the end of each means the next iteration of the for loop that tests for matching rules # if ((_target['TGID'] != _target_status[_target['TS']]['RX_TGID']) and ((pkt_time - _target_status[_target['TS']]['RX_TIME']) < _target_system['GROUP_HANGTIME'])): if self.STATUS[_stream_id]['CONTENTION'] == False: self.STATUS[_stream_id]['CONTENTION'] = True logger.info('(%s) Call not routed to TGID %s, target active or in group hangtime: HBSystem: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', self._system, int_id(_target['TGID']), _target['SYSTEM'], _target['TS'], int_id(_target_status[_target['TS']]['RX_TGID'])) continue if ((_target['TGID'] != _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_TGID']) and ((pkt_time - _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_TIME']) < _target_system['GROUP_HANGTIME'])): if self.STATUS[_stream_id]['CONTENTION'] == False: self.STATUS[_stream_id]['CONTENTION'] = True logger.info('(%s) Call not routed to TGID%s, target in group hangtime: HBSystem: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', self._system, int_id(_target['TGID']), _target['SYSTEM'], _target['TS'], int_id(_target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_TGID'])) continue if (_target['TGID'] == _target_status[_target['TS']]['RX_TGID']) and ((pkt_time - _target_status[_target['TS']]['RX_TIME']) < STREAM_TO): if self.STATUS[_stream_id]['CONTENTION'] == False: self.STATUS[_stream_id]['CONTENTION'] = True logger.info('(%s) Call not routed to TGID%s, matching call already active on target: HBSystem: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', self._system, int_id(_target['TGID']), _target['SYSTEM'], _target['TS'], int_id(_target_status[_target['TS']]['RX_TGID'])) continue if (_target['TGID'] == _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_TGID']) and (_rf_src != _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_RFS']) and ((pkt_time - _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_TIME']) < STREAM_TO): if self.STATUS[_stream_id]['CONTENTION'] == False: self.STATUS[_stream_id]['CONTENTION'] = True logger.info('(%s) Call not routed for subscriber %s, call route in progress on target: HBSystem: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s, SUB: %s', self._system, int_id(_rf_src), _target['SYSTEM'], _target['TS'], int_id(_target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_TGID']), int_id(_target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_RFS'])) continue # Is this a new call stream? if (_target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_STREAM_ID'] != _stream_id): # Record the DST TGID and Stream ID _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_START'] = pkt_time _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_TGID'] = _target['TGID'] _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_STREAM_ID'] = _stream_id _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_RFS'] = _rf_src _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_PEER'] = _peer_id # Generate LCs (full and EMB) for the TX stream dst_lc = b''.join([self.STATUS[_stream_id]['LC'][0:3], _target['TGID'], _rf_src]) _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_H_LC'] = bptc.encode_header_lc(dst_lc) _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_T_LC'] = bptc.encode_terminator_lc(dst_lc) _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_EMB_LC'] = bptc.encode_emblc(dst_lc) logger.debug('(%s) Generating TX FULL and EMB LCs for HomeBrew destination: System: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', self._system, _target['SYSTEM'], _target['TS'], int_id(_target['TGID'])) logger.info('(%s) Conference Bridge: %s, Call Bridged to HBP System: %s TS: %s, TGID: %s', self._system, _bridge, _target['SYSTEM'], _target['TS'], int_id(_target['TGID'])) if CONFIG['REPORTS']['REPORT']: systems[_target['SYSTEM']]._report.send_bridgeEvent('GROUP VOICE,START,TX,{},{},{},{},{},{}'.format(_target['SYSTEM'], int_id(_stream_id), int_id(_peer_id), int_id(_rf_src), _target['TS'], int_id(_target['TGID'])).encode(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')) # Set other values for the contention handler to test next time there is a frame to forward _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_TIME'] = pkt_time _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_TYPE'] = _dtype_vseq # Handle any necessary re-writes for the destination if _system['TS'] != _target['TS']: _tmp_bits = _bits ^ 1 << 7 else: _tmp_bits = _bits # Assemble transmit HBP packet header _tmp_data = b''.join([_data[:8], _target['TGID'], _data[11:15], _tmp_bits.to_bytes(1, 'big'), _data[16:20]]) # MUST TEST FOR NEW STREAM AND IF SO, RE-WRITE THE LC FOR THE TARGET # MUST RE-WRITE DESTINATION TGID IF DIFFERENT # if _dst_id != rule['DST_GROUP']: dmrbits = bitarray(endian='big') dmrbits.frombytes(dmrpkt) # Create a voice header packet (FULL LC) if _frame_type == HBPF_DATA_SYNC and _dtype_vseq == HBPF_SLT_VHEAD: dmrbits = _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_H_LC'][0:98] + dmrbits[98:166] + _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_H_LC'][98:197] # Create a voice terminator packet (FULL LC) elif _frame_type == HBPF_DATA_SYNC and _dtype_vseq == HBPF_SLT_VTERM: dmrbits = _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_T_LC'][0:98] + dmrbits[98:166] + _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_T_LC'][98:197] if CONFIG['REPORTS']['REPORT']: call_duration = pkt_time - _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_START'] systems[_target['SYSTEM']]._report.send_bridgeEvent('GROUP VOICE,END,TX,{},{},{},{},{},{},{:.2f}'.format(_target['SYSTEM'], int_id(_stream_id), int_id(_peer_id), int_id(_rf_src), _target['TS'], int_id(_target['TGID']), call_duration).encode(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')) # Create a Burst B-E packet (Embedded LC) elif _dtype_vseq in [1,2,3,4]: dmrbits = dmrbits[0:116] + _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_EMB_LC'][_dtype_vseq] + dmrbits[148:264] dmrpkt = dmrbits.tobytes() _tmp_data = b''.join([_tmp_data, dmrpkt, b'\x00\x00']) # Add two bytes of nothing since OBP doesn't include BER & RSSI bytes #_data[53:55] # Transmit the packet to the destination system systems[_target['SYSTEM']].send_system(_tmp_data) #logger.debug('(%s) Packet routed by bridge: %s to system: %s TS: %s, TGID: %s', self._system, _bridge, _target['SYSTEM'], _target['TS'], int_id(_target['TGID'])) # Final actions - Is this a voice terminator? if (_frame_type == HBPF_DATA_SYNC) and (_dtype_vseq == HBPF_SLT_VTERM): call_duration = pkt_time - self.STATUS[_stream_id]['START'] logger.info('(%s) *CALL END* STREAM ID: %s SUB: %s (%s) PEER: %s (%s) TGID %s (%s), TS %s, Duration: %.2f', \ self._system, int_id(_stream_id), get_alias(_rf_src, subscriber_ids), int_id(_rf_src), get_alias(_peer_id, peer_ids), int_id(_peer_id), get_alias(_dst_id, talkgroup_ids), int_id(_dst_id), _slot, call_duration) if CONFIG['REPORTS']['REPORT']: self._report.send_bridgeEvent('GROUP VOICE,END,RX,{},{},{},{},{},{},{:.2f}'.format(self._system, int_id(_stream_id), int_id(_peer_id), int_id(_rf_src), _slot, int_id(_dst_id), call_duration).encode(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')) removed = self.STATUS.pop(_stream_id) logger.debug('(%s) OpenBridge sourced call stream end, remove terminated Stream ID: %s', self._system, int_id(_stream_id)) if not removed: selflogger.error('(%s) *CALL END* STREAM ID: %s NOT IN LIST -- THIS IS A REAL PROBLEM', self._system, int_id(_stream_id)) class routerHBP(HBSYSTEM): def __init__(self, _name, _config, _report): HBSYSTEM.__init__(self, _name, _config, _report) # Status information for the system, TS1 & TS2 # 1 & 2 are "timeslot" # In TX_EMB_LC, 2-5 are burst B-E self.STATUS = { 1: { 'RX_START': time(), 'TX_START': time(), 'RX_SEQ': 0, 'RX_RFS': b'\x00', 'TX_RFS': b'\x00', 'RX_PEER': b'\x00', 'TX_PEER': b'\x00', 'RX_STREAM_ID': b'\x00', 'TX_STREAM_ID': b'\x00', 'RX_TGID': b'\x00\x00\x00', 'TX_TGID': b'\x00\x00\x00', 'RX_TIME': time(), 'TX_TIME': time(), 'RX_TYPE': HBPF_SLT_VTERM, 'TX_TYPE': HBPF_SLT_VTERM, 'RX_LC': b'\x00', 'TX_H_LC': b'\x00', 'TX_T_LC': b'\x00', 'TX_EMB_LC': { 1: b'\x00', 2: b'\x00', 3: b'\x00', 4: b'\x00', } }, 2: { 'RX_START': time(), 'TX_START': time(), 'RX_SEQ': 0, 'RX_RFS': b'\x00', 'TX_RFS': b'\x00', 'RX_PEER': b'\x00', 'TX_PEER': b'\x00', 'RX_STREAM_ID': b'\x00', 'TX_STREAM_ID': b'\x00', 'RX_TGID': b'\x00\x00\x00', 'TX_TGID': b'\x00\x00\x00', 'RX_TIME': time(), 'TX_TIME': time(), 'RX_TYPE': HBPF_SLT_VTERM, 'TX_TYPE': HBPF_SLT_VTERM, 'RX_LC': b'\x00', 'TX_H_LC': b'\x00', 'TX_T_LC': b'\x00', 'TX_EMB_LC': { 1: b'\x00', 2: b'\x00', 3: b'\x00', 4: b'\x00', } } } def dmrd_received(self, _peer_id, _rf_src, _dst_id, _seq, _slot, _call_type, _frame_type, _dtype_vseq, _stream_id, _data): pkt_time = time() dmrpkt = _data[20:53] _bits = _data[15] #Handle private calls (for reflectors) if _call_type == 'unit' and _slot == 2: _int_dst_id = int_id(_dst_id) if (_stream_id != self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_STREAM_ID']): logger.warning('(%s) Reflector: Private call from %s to %s',self._system, int_id(_rf_src), _int_dst_id) #if _int_dst_id >= 4000 and _int_dst_id <= 5000: if _int_dst_id >= 90 and _int_dst_id <= 999999: _bridgename = '#'+ str(_int_dst_id) if _bridgename not in BRIDGES and not (_int_dst_id >= 4000 and _int_dst_id <= 5000): logger.info('(%s) [A] Reflector for TG %s does not exist. Creating as User Activated',self._system, _int_dst_id) make_single_reflector(_dst_id,self._system) if _int_dst_id > 10 and _int_dst_id != 5000: for _bridge in BRIDGES: if _bridge[0:1] != '#': continue for _system in BRIDGES[_bridge]: _dehash_bridge = _bridge[1:] if _system['SYSTEM'] == self._system: # TGID matches a rule source, reset its timer if _slot == _system['TS'] and _dst_id == _system['TGID'] and ((_system['TO_TYPE'] == 'ON' and (_system['ACTIVE'] == True)) or (_system['TO_TYPE'] == 'OFF' and _system['ACTIVE'] == False)): _system['TIMER'] = pkt_time + _system['TIMEOUT'] logger.info('(%s) [B] Transmission match for Reflector: %s. Reset timeout to %s', self._system, _bridge, _system['TIMER']) # TGID matches an ACTIVATION trigger if _int_dst_id == int(_dehash_bridge) and _system['SYSTEM'] == self._system and _slot == _system['TS']: # Set the matching rule as ACTIVE if _system['ACTIVE'] == False: _system['ACTIVE'] = True _system['TIMER'] = pkt_time + _system['TIMEOUT'] logger.info('(%s) [C] Reflector: %s, connection changed to state: %s', self._system, _bridge, _system['ACTIVE']) # Cancel the timer if we've enabled an "OFF" type timeout if _system['TO_TYPE'] == 'OFF': _system['TIMER'] = pkt_time logger.info('(%s) [D] Reflector: %s has an "OFF" timer and set to "ON": timeout timer cancelled', self._system, _bridge) # Reset the timer for the rule if _system['ACTIVE'] == True and _system['TO_TYPE'] == 'ON': _system['TIMER'] = pkt_time + _system['TIMEOUT'] logger.info('(%s) [E] Reflector: %s, timeout timer reset to: %s', self._system, _bridge, _system['TIMER'] - pkt_time) # TGID matches an DE-ACTIVATION trigger #Single TG mode if (_dst_id in _system['OFF'] or _dst_id in _system['RESET'] or (_int_dst_id != int(_dehash_bridge)) and _system['SYSTEM'] == self._system and _slot == _system['TS']): # Set the matching rule as ACTIVE #Single TG mode if _dst_id in _system['OFF'] or _int_dst_id != int(_dehash_bridge) : #if _dst_id in _system['OFF']: if _system['ACTIVE'] == True: _system['ACTIVE'] = False logger.info('(%s) [F] Reflector: %s, connection changed to state: %s', self._system, _bridge, _system['ACTIVE']) # Cancel the timer if we've enabled an "ON" type timeout if _system['TO_TYPE'] == 'ON': _system['TIMER'] = pkt_time logger.info('(%s) [G] Reflector: %s has ON timer and set to "OFF": timeout timer cancelled', self._system, _bridge) # Reset the timer for the rule if _system['ACTIVE'] == False and _system['TO_TYPE'] == 'OFF': _system['TIMER'] = pkt_time + _system['TIMEOUT'] logger.info('(%s) [H] Reflector: %s, timeout timer reset to: %s', self._system, _bridge, _system['TIMER'] - pkt_time) # Cancel the timer if we've enabled an "ON" type timeout if _system['ACTIVE'] == True and _system['TO_TYPE'] == 'ON' and _dst_id in _system['OFF']: _system['TIMER'] = pkt_time logger.info('(%s) [I] Reflector: %s has ON timer and set to "OFF": timeout timer cancelled', self._system, _bridge) if (_frame_type == HBPF_DATA_SYNC) and (_dtype_vseq == HBPF_SLT_VTERM) and (self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_TYPE'] != HBPF_SLT_VTERM): #Speak callsign before message _say = [words['silence']] # _systemcs = re.sub(r'\W+', '', self._system) # _systemcs.upper() # for character in _systemcs: # _say.append(words[character]) # _say.append(words['silence']) #If disconnection called if _int_dst_id == 4000: logger.debug('(%s) Reflector: voice called - 4000 "not linked"', self._system) _say.append(words['notlinked']) _say.append(words['silence']) #If status called elif _int_dst_id == 5000: _active = False for _bridge in BRIDGES: if _bridge[0:1] != '#': continue for _system in BRIDGES[_bridge]: _dehash_bridge = _bridge[1:] if _system['SYSTEM'] == self._system and _slot == _system['TS']: if _system['ACTIVE'] == True: logger.debug('(%s) Reflector: voice called - 5000 status - "linked to %s"', self._system,_dehash_bridge) _say.append(words['silence']) _say.append(words['linked']) _say.append(words['silence']) _say.append(words['2']) _say.append(words['silence']) for num in str(_dehash_bridge): _say.append(words[num]) _active = True break if _active == False: logger.debug('(%s) Reflector: voice called - 5000 status - "not linked"', self._system) _say.append(words['notlinked']) #Speak what TG was requested to link else: logger.debug('(%s) Reflector: voice called (linking) "linked to %s"', self._system,_int_dst_id) _say.append(words['silence']) _say.append(words['linked']) _say.append(words['silence']) _say.append(words['2']) _say.append(words['silence']) for num in str(_int_dst_id): _say.append(words[num]) speech = pkt_gen(bytes_3(9), bytes_3(9), bytes_4(9), 1, _say) #Nested function - see below def sendSpeech(self,speech): sleep(1) while True: try: pkt = next(speech) except StopIteration: break #Packet every 60ms sleep(0.058) #Call the actual packet send in the reactor thread #as it's not thread safe reactor.callFromThread(self.send_system,pkt) #print(len(pkt), pkt[4], pkt) #call speech in a thread as it contains sleep() and hence could block the reactor reactor.callInThread(sendSpeech,self,speech) # Mark status variables for use later self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_PEER'] = _peer_id self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_SEQ'] = _seq self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_RFS'] = _rf_src self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_TYPE'] = _dtype_vseq self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_TGID'] = _dst_id self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_TIME'] = pkt_time self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_STREAM_ID'] = _stream_id #Handle group calls if _call_type == 'group': # Is this a new call stream? if (_stream_id != self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_STREAM_ID']): if (self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_TYPE'] != HBPF_SLT_VTERM) and (pkt_time < (self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_TIME'] + STREAM_TO)) and (_rf_src != self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_RFS']): logger.warning('(%s) Packet received with STREAM ID: %s SUB: %s PEER: %s TGID %s, SLOT %s collided with existing call', self._system, int_id(_stream_id), int_id(_rf_src), int_id(_peer_id), int_id(_dst_id), _slot) return # This is a new call stream self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_START'] = pkt_time logger.info('(%s) *CALL START* STREAM ID: %s SUB: %s (%s) PEER: %s (%s) TGID %s (%s), TS %s', \ self._system, int_id(_stream_id), get_alias(_rf_src, subscriber_ids), int_id(_rf_src), get_alias(_peer_id, peer_ids), int_id(_peer_id), get_alias(_dst_id, talkgroup_ids), int_id(_dst_id), _slot) if CONFIG['REPORTS']['REPORT']: self._report.send_bridgeEvent('GROUP VOICE,START,RX,{},{},{},{},{},{}'.format(self._system, int_id(_stream_id), int_id(_peer_id), int_id(_rf_src), _slot, int_id(_dst_id)).encode(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')) # If we can, use the LC from the voice header as to keep all options intact if _frame_type == HBPF_DATA_SYNC and _dtype_vseq == HBPF_SLT_VHEAD: decoded = decode.voice_head_term(dmrpkt) self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_LC'] = decoded['LC'] # If we don't have a voice header then don't wait to decode it from the Embedded LC # just make a new one from the HBP header. This is good enough, and it saves lots of time else: self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_LC'] = LC_OPT + _dst_id + _rf_src #Create default bridge for unknown TG if int_id(_dst_id) > 10 and (int_id(_dst_id)) not in BRIDGES: logger.info('(%s) Bridge for TG %s does not exist. Creating as User Activated',self._system, int_id(_dst_id)) make_single_bridge(_dst_id,self._system,_slot) for _bridge in BRIDGES: for _system in BRIDGES[_bridge]: if (_system['SYSTEM'] == self._system and _system['TGID'] == _dst_id and _system['TS'] == _slot and _system['ACTIVE'] == True): for _target in BRIDGES[_bridge]: if _target['SYSTEM'] != self._system: if _target['ACTIVE']: _target_status = systems[_target['SYSTEM']].STATUS _target_system = self._CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][_target['SYSTEM']] if _target_system['MODE'] == 'OPENBRIDGE': # Is this a new call stream on the target? if (_stream_id not in _target_status): # This is a new call stream on the target _target_status[_stream_id] = { 'START': pkt_time, 'CONTENTION':False, 'RFS': _rf_src, 'TGID': _dst_id, } # Generate LCs (full and EMB) for the TX stream dst_lc = b''.join([self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_LC'][0:3], _target['TGID'], _rf_src]) _target_status[_stream_id]['H_LC'] = bptc.encode_header_lc(dst_lc) _target_status[_stream_id]['T_LC'] = bptc.encode_terminator_lc(dst_lc) _target_status[_stream_id]['EMB_LC'] = bptc.encode_emblc(dst_lc) logger.info('(%s) Conference Bridge: %s, Call Bridged to OBP System: %s TS: %s, TGID: %s', self._system, _bridge, _target['SYSTEM'], _target['TS'], int_id(_target['TGID'])) if CONFIG['REPORTS']['REPORT']: systems[_target['SYSTEM']]._report.send_bridgeEvent('GROUP VOICE,START,TX,{},{},{},{},{},{}'.format(_target['SYSTEM'], int_id(_stream_id), int_id(_peer_id), int_id(_rf_src), _target['TS'], int_id(_target['TGID'])).encode(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')) # Record the time of this packet so we can later identify a stale stream _target_status[_stream_id]['LAST'] = pkt_time # Clear the TS bit -- all OpenBridge streams are effectively on TS1 _tmp_bits = _bits & ~(1 << 7) # Assemble transmit HBP packet header _tmp_data = b''.join([_data[:8], _target['TGID'], _data[11:15], _tmp_bits.to_bytes(1, 'big'), _data[16:20]]) # MUST TEST FOR NEW STREAM AND IF SO, RE-WRITE THE LC FOR THE TARGET # MUST RE-WRITE DESTINATION TGID IF DIFFERENT # if _dst_id != rule['DST_GROUP']: dmrbits = bitarray(endian='big') dmrbits.frombytes(dmrpkt) # Create a voice header packet (FULL LC) if _frame_type == HBPF_DATA_SYNC and _dtype_vseq == HBPF_SLT_VHEAD: dmrbits = _target_status[_stream_id]['H_LC'][0:98] + dmrbits[98:166] + _target_status[_stream_id]['H_LC'][98:197] # Create a voice terminator packet (FULL LC) elif _frame_type == HBPF_DATA_SYNC and _dtype_vseq == HBPF_SLT_VTERM: dmrbits = _target_status[_stream_id]['T_LC'][0:98] + dmrbits[98:166] + _target_status[_stream_id]['T_LC'][98:197] if CONFIG['REPORTS']['REPORT']: call_duration = pkt_time - _target_status[_stream_id]['START'] systems[_target['SYSTEM']]._report.send_bridgeEvent('GROUP VOICE,END,TX,{},{},{},{},{},{},{:.2f}'.format(_target['SYSTEM'], int_id(_stream_id), int_id(_peer_id), int_id(_rf_src), _target['TS'], int_id(_target['TGID']), call_duration).encode(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')) # Create a Burst B-E packet (Embedded LC) elif _dtype_vseq in [1,2,3,4]: dmrbits = dmrbits[0:116] + _target_status[_stream_id]['EMB_LC'][_dtype_vseq] + dmrbits[148:264] dmrpkt = dmrbits.tobytes() _tmp_data = b''.join([_tmp_data, dmrpkt]) else: # BEGIN STANDARD CONTENTION HANDLING # # The rules for each of the 4 "ifs" below are listed here for readability. The Frame To Send is: # From a different group than last RX from this HBSystem, but it has been less than Group Hangtime # From a different group than last TX to this HBSystem, but it has been less than Group Hangtime # From the same group as the last RX from this HBSystem, but from a different subscriber, and it has been less than stream timeout # From the same group as the last TX to this HBSystem, but from a different subscriber, and it has been less than stream timeout # The "continue" at the end of each means the next iteration of the for loop that tests for matching rules # if ((_target['TGID'] != _target_status[_target['TS']]['RX_TGID']) and ((pkt_time - _target_status[_target['TS']]['RX_TIME']) < _target_system['GROUP_HANGTIME'])): if _frame_type == HBPF_DATA_SYNC and _dtype_vseq == HBPF_SLT_VHEAD and self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_STREAM_ID'] != _stream_id: logger.info('(%s) Call not routed to TGID %s, target active or in group hangtime: HBSystem: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', self._system, int_id(_target['TGID']), _target['SYSTEM'], _target['TS'], int_id(_target_status[_target['TS']]['RX_TGID'])) continue if ((_target['TGID'] != _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_TGID']) and ((pkt_time - _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_TIME']) < _target_system['GROUP_HANGTIME'])): if _frame_type == HBPF_DATA_SYNC and _dtype_vseq == HBPF_SLT_VHEAD and self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_STREAM_ID'] != _stream_id: logger.info('(%s) Call not routed to TGID%s, target in group hangtime: HBSystem: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', self._system, int_id(_target['TGID']), _target['SYSTEM'], _target['TS'], int_id(_target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_TGID'])) continue if (_target['TGID'] == _target_status[_target['TS']]['RX_TGID']) and ((pkt_time - _target_status[_target['TS']]['RX_TIME']) < STREAM_TO): if _frame_type == HBPF_DATA_SYNC and _dtype_vseq == HBPF_SLT_VHEAD and self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_STREAM_ID'] != _stream_id: logger.info('(%s) Call not routed to TGID%s, matching call already active on target: HBSystem: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', self._system, int_id(_target['TGID']), _target['SYSTEM'], _target['TS'], int_id(_target_status[_target['TS']]['RX_TGID'])) continue if (_target['TGID'] == _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_TGID']) and (_rf_src != _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_RFS']) and ((pkt_time - _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_TIME']) < STREAM_TO): if _frame_type == HBPF_DATA_SYNC and _dtype_vseq == HBPF_SLT_VHEAD and self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_STREAM_ID'] != _stream_id: logger.info('(%s) Call not routed for subscriber %s, call route in progress on target: HBSystem: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s, SUB: %s', self._system, int_id(_rf_src), _target['SYSTEM'], _target['TS'], int_id(_target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_TGID']), int_id(_target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_RFS'])) continue # Is this a new call stream? if (_stream_id != self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_STREAM_ID']): # Record the DST TGID and Stream ID _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_START'] = pkt_time _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_TGID'] = _target['TGID'] _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_STREAM_ID'] = _stream_id _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_RFS'] = _rf_src _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_PEER'] = _peer_id # Generate LCs (full and EMB) for the TX stream dst_lc = self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_LC'][0:3] + _target['TGID'] + _rf_src _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_H_LC'] = bptc.encode_header_lc(dst_lc) _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_T_LC'] = bptc.encode_terminator_lc(dst_lc) _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_EMB_LC'] = bptc.encode_emblc(dst_lc) logger.debug('(%s) Generating TX FULL and EMB LCs for HomeBrew destination: System: %s, TS: %s, TGID: %s', self._system, _target['SYSTEM'], _target['TS'], int_id(_target['TGID'])) logger.info('(%s) Conference Bridge: %s, Call Bridged to HBP System: %s TS: %s, TGID: %s', self._system, _bridge, _target['SYSTEM'], _target['TS'], int_id(_target['TGID'])) if CONFIG['REPORTS']['REPORT']: systems[_target['SYSTEM']]._report.send_bridgeEvent('GROUP VOICE,START,TX,{},{},{},{},{},{}'.format(_target['SYSTEM'], int_id(_stream_id), int_id(_peer_id), int_id(_rf_src), _target['TS'], int_id(_target['TGID'])).encode(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')) # Set other values for the contention handler to test next time there is a frame to forward _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_TIME'] = pkt_time _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_TYPE'] = _dtype_vseq # Handle any necessary re-writes for the destination if _system['TS'] != _target['TS']: _tmp_bits = _bits ^ 1 << 7 else: _tmp_bits = _bits # Assemble transmit HBP packet header _tmp_data = b''.join([_data[:8], _target['TGID'], _data[11:15], _tmp_bits.to_bytes(1, 'big'), _data[16:20]]) # MUST TEST FOR NEW STREAM AND IF SO, RE-WRITE THE LC FOR THE TARGET # MUST RE-WRITE DESTINATION TGID IF DIFFERENT # if _dst_id != rule['DST_GROUP']: dmrbits = bitarray(endian='big') dmrbits.frombytes(dmrpkt) # Create a voice header packet (FULL LC) if _frame_type == HBPF_DATA_SYNC and _dtype_vseq == HBPF_SLT_VHEAD: dmrbits = _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_H_LC'][0:98] + dmrbits[98:166] + _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_H_LC'][98:197] # Create a voice terminator packet (FULL LC) elif _frame_type == HBPF_DATA_SYNC and _dtype_vseq == HBPF_SLT_VTERM: dmrbits = _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_T_LC'][0:98] + dmrbits[98:166] + _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_T_LC'][98:197] if CONFIG['REPORTS']['REPORT']: call_duration = pkt_time - _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_START'] systems[_target['SYSTEM']]._report.send_bridgeEvent('GROUP VOICE,END,TX,{},{},{},{},{},{},{:.2f}'.format(_target['SYSTEM'], int_id(_stream_id), int_id(_peer_id), int_id(_rf_src), _target['TS'], int_id(_target['TGID']), call_duration).encode(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')) # Create a Burst B-E packet (Embedded LC) elif _dtype_vseq in [1,2,3,4]: dmrbits = dmrbits[0:116] + _target_status[_target['TS']]['TX_EMB_LC'][_dtype_vseq] + dmrbits[148:264] dmrpkt = dmrbits.tobytes() _tmp_data = b''.join([_tmp_data, dmrpkt, _data[53:55]]) # Transmit the packet to the destination system systems[_target['SYSTEM']].send_system(_tmp_data) #logger.debug('(%s) Packet routed by bridge: %s to system: %s TS: %s, TGID: %s', self._system, _bridge, _target['SYSTEM'], _target['TS'], int_id(_target['TGID'])) # Final actions - Is this a voice terminator? if (_frame_type == HBPF_DATA_SYNC) and (_dtype_vseq == HBPF_SLT_VTERM) and (self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_TYPE'] != HBPF_SLT_VTERM): call_duration = pkt_time - self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_START'] logger.info('(%s) *CALL END* STREAM ID: %s SUB: %s (%s) PEER: %s (%s) TGID %s (%s), TS %s, Duration: %.2f', \ self._system, int_id(_stream_id), get_alias(_rf_src, subscriber_ids), int_id(_rf_src), get_alias(_peer_id, peer_ids), int_id(_peer_id), get_alias(_dst_id, talkgroup_ids), int_id(_dst_id), _slot, call_duration) if CONFIG['REPORTS']['REPORT']: self._report.send_bridgeEvent('GROUP VOICE,END,RX,{},{},{},{},{},{},{:.2f}'.format(self._system, int_id(_stream_id), int_id(_peer_id), int_id(_rf_src), _slot, int_id(_dst_id), call_duration).encode(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')) # # Begin in-band signalling for call end. This has nothign to do with routing traffic directly. # # Iterate the rules dictionary for _bridge in BRIDGES: if _bridge[0:1] == '#': continue for _system in BRIDGES[_bridge]: if _system['SYSTEM'] == self._system: # TGID matches a rule source, reset its timer if _slot == _system['TS'] and _dst_id == _system['TGID'] and ((_system['TO_TYPE'] == 'ON' and (_system['ACTIVE'] == True)) or (_system['TO_TYPE'] == 'OFF' and _system['ACTIVE'] == False)): _system['TIMER'] = pkt_time + _system['TIMEOUT'] logger.info('(%s) [1] Transmission match for Bridge: %s. Reset timeout to %s', self._system, _bridge, _system['TIMER']) # TGID matches an ACTIVATION trigger if (_dst_id in _system['ON'] or _dst_id in _system['RESET']) and _slot == _system['TS']: # Set the matching rule as ACTIVE if _dst_id in _system['ON']: if _system['ACTIVE'] == False: _system['ACTIVE'] = True _system['TIMER'] = pkt_time + _system['TIMEOUT'] logger.info('(%s) [2] Bridge: %s, connection changed to state: %s', self._system, _bridge, _system['ACTIVE']) # Cancel the timer if we've enabled an "OFF" type timeout if _system['TO_TYPE'] == 'OFF': _system['TIMER'] = pkt_time logger.info('(%s) [3] Bridge: %s set to "OFF" with an on timer rule: timeout timer cancelled', self._system, _bridge) # Reset the timer for the rule if _system['ACTIVE'] == True and _system['TO_TYPE'] == 'ON': _system['TIMER'] = pkt_time + _system['TIMEOUT'] logger.info('(%s) [4] Bridge: %s, timeout timer reset to: %s', self._system, _bridge, _system['TIMER'] - pkt_time) # TGID matches an DE-ACTIVATION trigger #Single TG mode if (CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][self._system]['SINGLE_MODE']) == True: if (_dst_id in _system['OFF'] or _dst_id in _system['RESET'] or _dst_id != _system['TGID']) and _slot == _system['TS']: #if (_dst_id in _system['OFF'] or _dst_id in _system['RESET']) and _slot == _system['TS']: # Set the matching rule as ACTIVE #Single TG mode if _dst_id in _system['OFF'] or _dst_id != _system['TGID']: #if _dst_id in _system['OFF']: if _system['ACTIVE'] == True: _system['ACTIVE'] = False logger.info('(%s) [5] Bridge: %s, connection changed to state: %s', self._system, _bridge, _system['ACTIVE']) # Cancel the timer if we've enabled an "ON" type timeout if _system['TO_TYPE'] == 'ON': _system['TIMER'] = pkt_time logger.info('(%s) [6] Bridge: %s set to ON with and "OFF" timer rule: timeout timer cancelled', self._system, _bridge) # Reset the timer for the rule if _system['ACTIVE'] == False and _system['TO_TYPE'] == 'OFF': _system['TIMER'] = pkt_time + _system['TIMEOUT'] logger.info('(%s) [7] Bridge: %s, timeout timer reset to: %s', self._system, _bridge, _system['TIMER'] - pkt_time) # Cancel the timer if we've enabled an "ON" type timeout if _system['ACTIVE'] == True and _system['TO_TYPE'] == 'ON' and _dst_id in _system['OFF']: _system['TIMER'] = pkt_time logger.info('(%s) [8] Bridge: %s set to ON with and "OFF" timer rule: timeout timer cancelled', self._system, _bridge) else: if (_dst_id in _system['OFF'] or _dst_id in _system['RESET']) and _slot == _system['TS']: #if (_dst_id in _system['OFF'] or _dst_id in _system['RESET']) and _slot == _system['TS']: # Set the matching rule as ACTIVE if _dst_id in _system['OFF']: #if _dst_id in _system['OFF']: if _system['ACTIVE'] == True: _system['ACTIVE'] = False logger.info('(%s) [9] Bridge: %s, connection changed to state: %s', self._system, _bridge, _system['ACTIVE']) # Cancel the timer if we've enabled an "ON" type timeout if _system['TO_TYPE'] == 'ON': _system['TIMER'] = pkt_time logger.info('(%s) [10] Bridge: %s set to ON with and "OFF" timer rule: timeout timer cancelled', self._system, _bridge) # Reset the timer for the rule if _system['ACTIVE'] == False and _system['TO_TYPE'] == 'OFF': _system['TIMER'] = pkt_time + _system['TIMEOUT'] logger.info('(%s) [11] Bridge: %s, timeout timer reset to: %s', self._system, _bridge, _system['TIMER'] - pkt_time) # Cancel the timer if we've enabled an "ON" type timeout if _system['ACTIVE'] == True and _system['TO_TYPE'] == 'ON' and _dst_id in _system['OFF']: _system['TIMER'] = pkt_time logger.info('(%s) [12] Bridge: %s set to ON with and "OFF" timer rule: timeout timer cancelled', self._system, _bridge) # # END IN-BAND SIGNALLING # # Mark status variables for use later self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_PEER'] = _peer_id self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_SEQ'] = _seq self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_RFS'] = _rf_src self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_TYPE'] = _dtype_vseq self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_TGID'] = _dst_id self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_TIME'] = pkt_time self.STATUS[_slot]['RX_STREAM_ID'] = _stream_id # # Socket-based reporting section # class bridgeReportFactory(reportFactory): def send_bridge(self): serialized = pickle.dumps(BRIDGES, protocol=2) #.decode("utf-8", errors='ignore') self.send_clients(REPORT_OPCODES['BRIDGE_SND']+serialized) def send_bridgeEvent(self, _data): if isinstance(_data, str): _data = _data.decode('utf-8', error='ignore') self.send_clients(REPORT_OPCODES['BRDG_EVENT']+_data) #************************************************ # MAIN PROGRAM LOOP STARTS HERE #************************************************ if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse import sys import os import signal # Higheset peer ID permitted by HBP PEER_MAX = 4294967295 ID_MAX = 16776415 # Change the current directory to the location of the application os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))) # CLI argument parser - handles picking up the config file from the command line, and sending a "help" message parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', action='store', dest='CONFIG_FILE', help='/full/path/to/config.file (usually hblink.cfg)') parser.add_argument('-r', '--rules', action='store', dest='RULES_FILE', help='/full/path/to/rules.file (usually rules.py)') parser.add_argument('-l', '--logging', action='store', dest='LOG_LEVEL', help='Override config file logging level.') cli_args = parser.parse_args() # Ensure we have a path for the config file, if one wasn't specified, then use the default (top of file) if not cli_args.CONFIG_FILE: cli_args.CONFIG_FILE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+'/hblink.cfg' # Call the external routine to build the configuration dictionary CONFIG = config.build_config(cli_args.CONFIG_FILE) # Ensure we have a path for the rules file, if one wasn't specified, then use the default (top of file) if not cli_args.RULES_FILE: cli_args.RULES_FILE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+'/rules.py' # Start the system logger if cli_args.LOG_LEVEL: CONFIG['LOGGER']['LOG_LEVEL'] = cli_args.LOG_LEVEL logger = log.config_logging(CONFIG['LOGGER']) logger.info('\n\nCopyright (c) 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019\n\tThe Regents of the K0USY Group. All rights reserved.\n') logger.debug('(GLOBAL) Logging system started, anything from here on gets logged') #If MySQL is enabled, read master config from MySQL too if CONFIG['MYSQL']['USE_MYSQL'] == True: logger.debug('(MYSQL) MySQL config enabled') SQLCONFIG = {} sql = useMYSQL(CONFIG['MYSQL']['SERVER'], CONFIG['MYSQL']['USER'], CONFIG['MYSQL']['PASS'], CONFIG['MYSQL']['DB'],logger) if sql.con(): logger.debug('(MYSQL) reading config from database') try: SQLCONFIG = sql.getConfig() #Add MySQL config data to config dict CONFIG['SYSTEMS'].update(SQLCONFIG) sql.close() except: logger.debug('(MYSQL) problem with SQL query, aborting') sql.close() else: logger.debug('(MYSQL) problem connecting to SQL server, aborting') # Set up the signal handler def sig_handler(_signal, _frame): logger.info('(GLOBAL) SHUTDOWN: CONFBRIDGE IS TERMINATING WITH SIGNAL %s', str(_signal)) hblink_handler(_signal, _frame) logger.info('(GLOBAL) SHUTDOWN: ALL SYSTEM HANDLERS EXECUTED - STOPPING REACTOR') reactor.stop() # Set signal handers so that we can gracefully exit if need be for sig in [signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM]: signal.signal(sig, sig_handler) # Create the name-number mapping dictionaries peer_ids, subscriber_ids, talkgroup_ids = mk_aliases(CONFIG) # Import the ruiles file as a module, and create BRIDGES from it spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("module.name", cli_args.RULES_FILE) rules_module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) try: spec.loader.exec_module(rules_module) logger.info('(ROUTER) Routing bridges file found and bridges imported: %s', cli_args.RULES_FILE) except (ImportError, FileNotFoundError): sys.exit('(ROUTER) TERMINATING: Routing bridges file not found or invalid: {}'.format(cli_args.RULES_FILE)) # Build the routing rules file BRIDGES = make_bridges(rules_module.BRIDGES) # INITIALIZE THE REPORTING LOOP if CONFIG['REPORTS']['REPORT']: report_server = config_reports(CONFIG, bridgeReportFactory) else: report_server = None logger.info('(REPORT) TCP Socket reporting not configured') #Read AMBE AMBEobj = readAMBE('en_GB','./Audio/') #global words words = AMBEobj.readfiles() logger.info('(AMBE) Read %s words into voice dict',len(words) - 1) # HBlink instance creation logger.info('(GLOBAL) HBlink \'bridge.py\' -- SYSTEM STARTING...') listeningPorts = {} for system in CONFIG['SYSTEMS']: if CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['ENABLED']: if CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['MODE'] == 'OPENBRIDGE': systems[system] = routerOBP(system, CONFIG, report_server) else: systems[system] = routerHBP(system, CONFIG, report_server) listeningPorts[system] = reactor.listenUDP(CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['PORT'], systems[system], interface=CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['IP']) logger.debug('(GLOBAL) %s instance created: %s, %s', CONFIG['SYSTEMS'][system]['MODE'], system, systems[system]) def loopingErrHandle(failure): logger.error('(GLOBAL) STOPPING REACTOR TO AVOID MEMORY LEAK: Unhandled error in timed loop.\n %s', failure) reactor.stop() # Initialize the rule timer -- this if for user activated stuff rule_timer_task = task.LoopingCall(rule_timer_loop) rule_timer = rule_timer_task.start(60) rule_timer.addErrback(loopingErrHandle) # Initialize the stream trimmer stream_trimmer_task = task.LoopingCall(stream_trimmer_loop) stream_trimmer = stream_trimmer_task.start(5) stream_trimmer.addErrback(loopingErrHandle) # Ident #This runs in a thread so as not to block the reactor ident_task = task.LoopingCall(threadIdent) ident = ident_task.start(900) ident.addErrback(loopingErrHandle) #Mysql config checker #This runs in a thread so as not to block the reactor if CONFIG['MYSQL']['USE_MYSQL'] == True: mysql_sema = Semaphore(value=1) mysql_task = task.LoopingCall(threadedMysql) mysql = mysql_task.start(60) mysql.addErrback(loopingErrHandle) reactor.run()