/** * WIN System Log Tail / Who's Talking? * * @author Rob Vella KK9ROB * @type {Vue} */ Vue.component('lt-node-link', { template: `{{ node }}`, props: ['node', 'type'], data() { return { urlMap: { 0: '#', 1: 'http://stats.allstarlink.org/nodeinfo.cgi?node=', 2: 'http://www.irlp.net/status/index.php?nodeid=' } } }, methods: { getUrl() { return this.urlMap[this.type] + this.node; } } }); let App = new Vue({ el: '#app', data() { return { enabled: false, intervalTimer: null, fetchEvery: 2000, // uri = 'http://www3.winsystem.org/monitor/ajax-logtail.php' uri: 'fetchData.php', lastData: null, logs: [], nodes: {}, nodeTypeLabels: { 0: 'Unknown', 1: 'Allstar', 2: 'IRLP' }, nodeTypePrefixes: { 'rpt': 1, 'stn': 2 } } }, mounted() { this.toggleTail(); }, methods: { toggleTail() { this.enabled = !this.enabled; if (this.enabled) { this.start(); } else { this.stop(); } }, start() { this.intervalTimer = setInterval(() => { this.fetchLog(); }, this.fetchEvery); this.fetchLog(); }, stop() { clearInterval(this.intervalTimer); }, fetchLog() { // Force re-render component so it updates callsigns & node info this.$forceUpdate(); axios.get(this.uri + '?cmd=log').then(({data}) => { this.lastData = data; this.parseLogData(); this.logs = this.logs.slice(0,500); }); }, getNodeInfo(node, type) { if (typeof this.nodes[type+node] !== "undefined") { let info = this.nodes[type+node]; if (typeof info.callsign === "undefined") return; return `${info.callsign} ${info.desc} ${info.location}`; } else { return ''; } }, parseLogData() { let rows = this.lastData.split("\n"); rows.forEach((v) => { let match = v.match(/([A-Za-z]+ [0-9]+ [0-9]+\:[0-9]+\:[0-9]+) (rpt|stn)([A-Za-z0-9]+) .*? (?:\[(?:via) ([0-9]+))?/); if (!match) return; match[2] = match[3] < 2000 ? 'stn' : match[2]; let type = this.getNodeType(match[2]); this.addEntry( { node: match[3], via: match[4], type: type, typeLabel: this.getNodeTypeLabel(type), info: this.fetchNodeInfo(match[3], type), dateTime: moment(match[1], "MMM DD hh:mm:ss"), } ); }); }, getNodeType(type) { return typeof this.nodeTypePrefixes[type] !== 'undefined' ? this.nodeTypePrefixes[type] : 0; }, getNodeTypeLabel(type) { return this.nodeTypeLabels[type]; }, fetchNodeInfo(node, type) { if (type === 0) return; // Bind it and recurse, fetch it again // if (typeof this.nodes[type][node] === "undefined") { // this.nodes[type][node] = null; // return this.fetchNodeInfo(node, type); if (this.nodes[type+node]) { // Don't even call fetchNode** return this.nodes[type+node]; } axios.get(this.uri + '?cmd=node&type='+type+'&node='+node).then(({data}) => { this.nodes[type+node] = data; }); }, addEntry(log) { // Generate unique ID for this entry log.uniqId = (log.node + log.dateTime.unix()).hashCode(); if (!_.findWhere(this.logs, { uniqId: log.uniqId })) { this.logs.unshift(log); } }, } }); String.prototype.hashCode = function() { let hash = 0; if (this.length === 0) { return hash; } for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { let char = this.charCodeAt(i); hash = ((hash<<5)-hash)+char; hash = hash & hash; // Convert to 32bit integer } return Math.abs(hash); };