Network : fix for ifconfig command and for getting network rates

This commit is contained in:
ShevAbam 2014-11-11 18:37:32 +01:00
parent f71fb5bfc1
commit 258e0edbaa

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@ -1,25 +1,40 @@
require 'Utils/Misc.class.php';
$datas = array();
$datas = array();
$network = array();
if (!(exec('/sbin/ifconfig |awk -F \'[/ |: ]\' \'{print $1}\' |sed -e \'/^$/d\'', $getInterfaces)))
$ifconfig = trim(shell_exec('which ifconfig'));
if (!(exec($ifconfig.' |awk -F \'[/ |: ]\' \'{print $1}\' |sed -e \'/^$/d\'', $getInterfaces)))
$datas[] = array('interface' => 'N.A', 'ip' => 'N.A');
exec('/sbin/ifconfig | awk \'/inet / {print $2}\' | cut -d \':\' -f2', $getIps);
foreach ($getInterfaces as $name)
$ip = null;
exec($ifconfig.' '.$name.' | awk \'/inet / {print $2}\' | cut -d \':\' -f2', $ip);
foreach ($getInterfaces as $key => $interface)
if (!isset($ip[0]))
$ip[0] = '';
$network[] = array(
'name' => $name,
'ip' => $ip[0],
foreach ($network as $interface)
// Get transmit and receive datas by interface
exec('cat /sys/class/net/'.$interface.'/statistics/tx_bytes', $getBandwidth_tx);
exec('cat /sys/class/net/'.$interface.'/statistics/rx_bytes', $getBandwidth_rx);
exec('cat /sys/class/net/'.$interface['name'].'/statistics/tx_bytes', $getBandwidth_tx);
exec('cat /sys/class/net/'.$interface['name'].'/statistics/rx_bytes', $getBandwidth_rx);
$datas[] = array(
'interface' => $interface,
'ip' => $getIps[$key],
'interface' => $interface['name'],
'ip' => $interface['ip'],
'transmit' => Misc::getSize($getBandwidth_tx[0]),
'receive' => Misc::getSize($getBandwidth_rx[0]),