var esm = {}; esm.getSystem = function() { $.get('libs/system.php', function(data) { var $box = $('.box#esm-system .box-content tbody'); esm.insertDatas($box, 'system', data); }, 'json'); } esm.getLoad_average = function() { $.get('libs/load_average.php', function(data) { var $box = $('.box#esm-load_average .box-content'); esm.reconfigureGauge($('input#load-average_1', $box), data[0]); esm.reconfigureGauge($('input#load-average_5', $box), data[1]); esm.reconfigureGauge($('input#load-average_15', $box), data[2]); }, 'json'); } esm.getCpu = function() { $.get('libs/cpu.php', function(data) { var $box = $('.box#esm-cpu .box-content tbody'); esm.insertDatas($box, 'cpu', data); }, 'json'); } esm.getMemory = function() { $.get('libs/memory.php', function(data) { var $box = $('.box#esm-memory .box-content tbody'); esm.insertDatas($box, 'memory', data); // Percent bar var $progress = $('.progressbar', $box); $progress .css('width', data.percent_used+'%') .html(data.percent_used+'%') .removeClass('green orange red'); if (data.percent_used <= 50) $progress.addClass('green'); else if (data.percent_used <= 75) $progress.addClass('orange'); else $progress.addClass('red'); }, 'json'); } esm.getSwap = function() { $.get('libs/swap.php', function(data) { var $box = $('.box#esm-swap .box-content tbody'); esm.insertDatas($box, 'swap', data); // Percent bar var $progress = $('.progressbar', $box); $progress .css('width', data.percent_used+'%') .html(data.percent_used+'%') .removeClass('green orange red'); if (data.percent_used <= 50) $progress.addClass('green'); else if (data.percent_used <= 75) $progress.addClass('orange'); else $progress.addClass('red'); }, 'json'); } esm.getDisk = function() { $.get('libs/disk.php', function(data) { var $box = $('.box#esm-disk .box-content tbody'); $box.empty(); for (var line in data) { var bar_class = ''; if (data[line].percent_used <= 50) bar_class = 'green'; else if (data[line].percent_used <= 75) bar_class = 'orange'; else bar_class = 'red'; var html = ''; html += ''; html += ''+data[line].mount+''; html += '
'; html += ''+data[line].free+''; html += ''+data[line].used+''; html += ''+data[line].total+''; html += ''; $box.append(html); } }, 'json'); } esm.getLast_login = function() { $.get('libs/last_login.php', function(data) { var $box = $('.box#esm-last_login .box-content tbody'); $box.empty(); for (var line in data) { var html = ''; html += ''; html += ''+data[line].user+''; html += ''+data[line].host+''; html += ''+data[line].date+''; html += ''; $box.append(html); } }, 'json'); } esm.getNetwork = function() { $.get('libs/network.php', function(data) { var $box = $('.box#esm-network .box-content tbody'); $box.empty(); for (var line in data) { var html = ''; html += ''; html += ''+data[line].interface+''; html += ''+data[line].ip+''; html += ''+data[line].receive+''; html += ''+data[line].transmit+''; html += ''; $box.append(html); } }, 'json'); } esm.getPing = function() { $.get('libs/ping.php', function(data) { var $box = $('.box#esm-ping .box-content tbody'); $box.empty(); for (var line in data) { var html = ''; html += ''; html += ''+data[line].host+''; html += ''+data[line].ping+' ms'; html += ''; $box.append(html); } }, 'json'); } esm.getServices = function() { $.get('libs/services.php', function(data) { var $box = $('.box#esm-services .box-content tbody'); $box.empty(); for (var line in data) { var label_color = data[line].status == 1 ? 'success' : 'error'; var label_status = data[line].status == 1 ? 'online' : 'offline'; var html = ''; html += ''; html += ''+label_status+''; html += ''+data[line].name+''; html += ''+data[line].port+''; html += ''; $box.append(html); } }, 'json'); } esm.getAll = function() { esm.getSystem(); esm.getCpu(); esm.getLoad_average(); esm.getMemory(); esm.getSwap(); esm.getDisk(); esm.getLast_login(); esm.getNetwork(); esm.getPing(); esm.getServices(); } esm.reloadBlock = function(block) { esm.mapping[block](); } esm.insertDatas = function($box, block, datas) { for (var item in datas) { $('#'+block+'-'+item, $box).html(datas[item]); } } esm.reconfigureGauge = function($gauge, newValue) { // Change colors according to the percentages var colors = { green : '#7BCE6C', orange : '#E3BB80', red : '#CF6B6B' }; var color = ''; if (newValue <= 50) color =; else if (newValue <= 75) color =; else color =; $gauge.trigger('configure', { 'fgColor': color, 'inputColor': color, 'fontWeight': 'normal', 'format' : function (value) { return value + '%'; } }); // Change gauge value $gauge.val(newValue).trigger('change'); } esm.mapping = { all: esm.getAll, system: esm.getSystem, load_average: esm.getLoad_average, cpu: esm.getCpu, memory: esm.getMemory, swap: esm.getSwap, disk: esm.getDisk, last_login: esm.getLast_login, network: esm.getNetwork, ping: esm.getPing, services: esm.getServices };