fix template, fix notes bug on admin page

This commit is contained in:
KF7EEL 2021-09-01 13:21:03 -07:00
parent 651ef0b0d2
commit 901b9ee933
2 changed files with 153 additions and 170 deletions

View File

@ -47,58 +47,61 @@ from gen_script_template import gen_script
import os, ast
##import hb_config
from hws.misc_functions import *
from hws.views import *
script_links = {}
active_tgs = {}
ping_list = {}
peer_locations = {}
# Query for list of IDs
def get_ids(callsign):
url = ""
response = requests.get(url+"/api/dmr/user/?callsign=" + callsign)
result = response.json()
## print(result)
# id_list = []
id_list = {}
f_name = result['results'][0]['fname']
l_name = result['results'][0]['surname']
city = str(result['results'][0]['city'] + ', ' + result['results'][0]['state'] + ', ' + result['results'][0]['country'])
city = result['results'][0]['country']
for i in result['results']:
id_list[i['id']] = 0
return str([id_list, f_name, l_name, city])
return str([{}, '', '', ''])
# Return string in NATO phonetics
def convert_nato(string):
d_nato = { 'A': 'ALPHA', 'B': 'BRAVO', 'C': 'CHARLIE', 'D': 'DELTA',
'E': 'ECHO', 'F': 'FOXTROT', 'G': 'GOLF', 'H': 'HOTEL',
'I': 'INDIA', 'J': 'JULIETT','K': 'KILO', 'L': 'LIMA',
'M': 'MIKE', 'N': 'NOVEMBER','O': 'OSCAR', 'P': 'PAPA',
'Q': 'QUEBEC', 'R': 'ROMEO', 'S': 'SIERRA', 'T': 'TANGO',
'U': 'UNIFORM', 'V': 'VICTOR', 'W': 'WHISKEY', 'X': 'X-RAY',
'Y': 'YANKEE', 'Z': 'ZULU', '0': 'zero(0)', '1': 'one(1)',
'2': 'two(2)', '3': 'three(3)', '4': 'four(4)', '5': 'five(5)',
'6': 'six(6)', '7': 'seven(7)', '8': 'eight(8)', '9': 'nine(9)',
'a': 'alpha', 'b': 'bravo', 'c': 'charlie', 'd': 'delta',
'e': 'echo', 'f': 'foxtrot', 'g': 'golf', 'h': 'hotel',
'i': 'india', 'j': 'juliett','k': 'kilo', 'l': 'lima',
'm': 'mike', 'n': 'november','o': 'oscar', 'p': 'papa',
'q': 'quebec', 'r': 'romeo', 's': 'sierra', 't': 'tango',
'u': 'uniform', 'v': 'victor', 'w': 'whiskey', 'x': 'x-ray',
'y': 'yankee', 'z': 'Zulu'}
ns = ''
for c in string:
ns = ns + d_nato[c] + ' '
ns = ns + c + ' '
return ns
### Query for list of IDs
##def get_ids(callsign):
## try:
## url = ""
## response = requests.get(url+"/api/dmr/user/?callsign=" + callsign)
## result = response.json()
#### print(result)
## # id_list = []
## id_list = {}
## f_name = result['results'][0]['fname']
## l_name = result['results'][0]['surname']
## try:
## city = str(result['results'][0]['city'] + ', ' + result['results'][0]['state'] + ', ' + result['results'][0]['country'])
## except:
## city = result['results'][0]['country']
## for i in result['results']:
## id_list[i['id']] = 0
## return str([id_list, f_name, l_name, city])
## except:
## return str([{}, '', '', ''])
### Return string in NATO phonetics
##def convert_nato(string):
## d_nato = { 'A': 'ALPHA', 'B': 'BRAVO', 'C': 'CHARLIE', 'D': 'DELTA',
## 'E': 'ECHO', 'F': 'FOXTROT', 'G': 'GOLF', 'H': 'HOTEL',
## 'I': 'INDIA', 'J': 'JULIETT','K': 'KILO', 'L': 'LIMA',
## 'M': 'MIKE', 'N': 'NOVEMBER','O': 'OSCAR', 'P': 'PAPA',
## 'Q': 'QUEBEC', 'R': 'ROMEO', 'S': 'SIERRA', 'T': 'TANGO',
## 'U': 'UNIFORM', 'V': 'VICTOR', 'W': 'WHISKEY', 'X': 'X-RAY',
## 'Y': 'YANKEE', 'Z': 'ZULU', '0': 'zero(0)', '1': 'one(1)',
## '2': 'two(2)', '3': 'three(3)', '4': 'four(4)', '5': 'five(5)',
## '6': 'six(6)', '7': 'seven(7)', '8': 'eight(8)', '9': 'nine(9)',
## 'a': 'alpha', 'b': 'bravo', 'c': 'charlie', 'd': 'delta',
## 'e': 'echo', 'f': 'foxtrot', 'g': 'golf', 'h': 'hotel',
## 'i': 'india', 'j': 'juliett','k': 'kilo', 'l': 'lima',
## 'm': 'mike', 'n': 'november','o': 'oscar', 'p': 'papa',
## 'q': 'quebec', 'r': 'romeo', 's': 'sierra', 't': 'tango',
## 'u': 'uniform', 'v': 'victor', 'w': 'whiskey', 'x': 'x-ray',
## 'y': 'yankee', 'z': 'Zulu'}
## ns = ''
## for c in string:
## try:
## ns = ns + d_nato[c] + ' '
## except:
## ns = ns + c + ' '
## return ns
# Class-based application configuration
class ConfigClass(object):
@ -662,108 +665,108 @@ def create_app():
# The Home page is accessible to anyone
def home_page():
home_text = Misc.query.filter_by(field_1='home_page').first()
#content = Markup('<strong>Index</strong>')
l_news = News.query.order_by(News.time.desc()).first()
content = '''
<div class="well well-sm" style="text-align: center;"><h3>''' + l_news.subject + '''</h3>
<hr />
<strong>''' + + '''</strong> - <a href="/news/''' + str( + '''"><button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Link</button></a>
<hr />
<div class="well well-sm" style="max-width:900px; word-wrap:break-word;">
''' + l_news.text + '''
content = ''
return render_template('index.html', news = Markup(content), content_block = Markup(home_text.field_2))
def tos_page():
tos_text = Misc.query.filter_by(field_1='terms_of_service').first()
content = tos_text.field_2
return render_template('flask_user_layout.html', markup_content = Markup(content))
def map_page():
f_map = folium.Map(location=center_map, zoom_start=map_zoom)
for l in peer_locations.items():
## folium.Marker([float(l[1][1]), float(l[1][2])], popup='''
##<div class="panel panel-default">
## <div class="panel-heading" style="text-align: center;"><h4>''' + l[1][0] + '''</h4></div>
## <div class="panel-body">
## ''' + l[1][5] + '''
## <hr />
## ''' + l[1][1] + ''', ''' + l[1][2] + '''
## <hr />
## ''' + l[1][3] + '''
## <hr />
## ''' + l[1][4] + '''
## <hr />
## ''' + l[1][6] + '''
## </div>
## # The Home page is accessible to anyone
## @app.route('/')
## def home_page():
## home_text = Misc.query.filter_by(field_1='home_page').first()
## #content = Markup('<strong>Index</strong>')
## try:
## l_news = News.query.order_by(News.time.desc()).first()
## content = '''
##<div class="well well-sm" style="text-align: center;"><h3>''' + l_news.subject + '''</h3>
##<hr />
##<strong>''' + + '''</strong> - <a href="/news/''' + str( + '''"><button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Link</button></a>
##<hr />
##<div class="well well-sm" style="max-width:900px; word-wrap:break-word;">
##''' + l_news.text + '''
## </div>
## '''
## except:
## content = ''
## return render_template('index.html', news = Markup(content), content_block = Markup(home_text.field_2))
## @app.route('/tos')
## def tos_page():
## tos_text = Misc.query.filter_by(field_1='terms_of_service').first()
## content = tos_text.field_2
## return render_template('flask_user_layout.html', markup_content = Markup(content))
## @app.route('/map')
## @login_required
## def map_page():
## print(peer_locations)
## f_map = folium.Map(location=center_map, zoom_start=map_zoom)
## for l in peer_locations.items():
#### folium.Marker([float(l[1][1]), float(l[1][2])], popup='''
####<div class="panel panel-default">
#### <div class="panel-heading" style="text-align: center;"><h4>''' + l[1][0] + '''</h4></div>
#### <div class="panel-body">
#### ''' + l[1][5] + '''
#### <hr />
#### ''' + l[1][1] + ''', ''' + l[1][2] + '''
#### <hr />
#### ''' + l[1][3] + '''
#### <hr />
#### ''' + l[1][4] + '''
#### <hr />
#### ''' + l[1][6] + '''
#### </div>
#### ''', icon=folium.Icon(color="red", icon="record"), tooltip='<strong>' + l[1][0] + '</strong>').add_to(f_map)
## folium.Marker([float(l[1][1]), float(l[1][2])], popup='''
##<table border="1">
##<td>&nbsp;<strong><h4>''' + l[1][0] + '''</strong></h4>&nbsp;</td>
##<table border="1">
##<td style="width: 64.4667px;"><strong>DMR ID:</strong></td>
##<td>&nbsp;''' + str(l[0]) + '''&nbsp;</td>
##<td style="width: 64.4667px;"><strong>Location:</strong></td>
##<td>&nbsp;''' + l[1][5] + '''&nbsp;</td>
##<td style="width: 64.4667px;"><strong>Lat, Lon:</strong></td>
##<td>&nbsp;''' + l[1][1] + ''', ''' + l[1][2] + '''&nbsp;</td>
##<td style="width: 64.4667px;"><strong>Description:</strong></td>
##<td>&nbsp;''' + l[1][4] + '''&nbsp;</td>
##<td style="width: 64.4667px;"><p><strong>URL:</strong></p>
##<td><a href="''' + l[1][3] + '''">&nbsp;''' + l[1][3] + '''&nbsp;</a></td>
##<td style="width: 64.4667px;"><strong>Device:</strong></td>
##<td>&nbsp;''' + l[1][6] + '''&nbsp;</td>
## ''', icon=folium.Icon(color="red", icon="record"), tooltip='<strong>' + l[1][0] + '</strong>').add_to(f_map)
folium.Marker([float(l[1][1]), float(l[1][2])], popup='''
<table border="1">
<td>&nbsp;<strong><h4>''' + l[1][0] + '''</strong></h4>&nbsp;</td>
<table border="1">
<td style="width: 64.4667px;"><strong>DMR ID:</strong></td>
<td>&nbsp;''' + str(l[0]) + '''&nbsp;</td>
<td style="width: 64.4667px;"><strong>Location:</strong></td>
<td>&nbsp;''' + l[1][5] + '''&nbsp;</td>
<td style="width: 64.4667px;"><strong>Lat, Lon:</strong></td>
<td>&nbsp;''' + l[1][1] + ''', ''' + l[1][2] + '''&nbsp;</td>
<td style="width: 64.4667px;"><strong>Description:</strong></td>
<td>&nbsp;''' + l[1][4] + '''&nbsp;</td>
<td style="width: 64.4667px;"><p><strong>URL:</strong></p>
<td><a href="''' + l[1][3] + '''">&nbsp;''' + l[1][3] + '''&nbsp;</a></td>
<td style="width: 64.4667px;"><strong>Device:</strong></td>
<td>&nbsp;''' + l[1][6] + '''&nbsp;</td>
''', icon=folium.Icon(color="red", icon="record"), tooltip='<strong>' + l[1][0] + '</strong>').add_to(f_map)
content = f_map._repr_html_()
return render_template('map.html', markup_content = Markup(content))
def help_page():
return render_template('help.html')
## content = f_map._repr_html_()
## return render_template('map.html', markup_content = Markup(content))
## @app.route('/help')
## def help_page():
## return render_template('help.html')
@app.route('/generate_passphrase/pi-star', methods = ['GET'])
@ -1150,6 +1153,8 @@ def create_app():
if request.form.get('callsign'):
callsign = request.form.get('callsign')
u = User.query.filter_by(username=callsign).first()
if u.notes = None:
user_notes = ''
confirm_link = ''
if u.email_confirmed_at == None:
confirm_link = '''<p style="text-align: center;"><a href="''' + url + '/edit_user?email_verified=true&callsign=' + str(u.username) + '''"><strong>Verify email - <strong>''' + str(u.username) + '''</strong></strong></a></p>\n'''
@ -1281,7 +1286,7 @@ def create_app():
<tr style="height: 51.1667px;">
<td style="height: 51.1667px; text-align: center;">
<label for="message">Notes<br /></label></strong><br /><textarea cols="40" name="notes" rows="5" >''' + str(u.notes) + '''</textarea><br /><br />
<label for="message">Notes<br /></label></strong><br /><textarea cols="40" name="notes" rows="5" >''' + str(user_notes) + '''</textarea><br /><br />

View File

@ -28,28 +28,6 @@
<table id="table_id" class="display">
<th>Column 1</th>
<th>Column 2</th>
<td>Row 1 Data 1</td>
<td>Row 1 Data 2</td>
<td>Row 2 Data 1</td>
<td>Row 2 Data 2</td>
<script type = "text/javascript">
$(document).ready( function () {