# Function to generate a script for Pi-Star that adds MASTER instances and generated passphrases to DMR_Hosts.txt. def gen_script(dmr_id, svr_lst): auth_contents = '' header = ''' ## DMR_hosts.txt, generated by HBNet. ######################################################################################################## ### Name DMR-ID IP/Hostname Password Port # ######################################################################################################## \n''' for i in svr_lst: ## print(i[1]) auth_contents = auth_contents + str(i[0]) + '''\t\t\t\t''' + str(dmr_id) + '''\t''' + i[1] + '''\t\t\t\t''' + i[2] + '''\t\t''' + str(i[3]) + '\n' ## print(header) ## print(auth_contents) ## return header + auth_contents output = ''' #!/usr/bin/python3 import os from pathlib import Path os.chdir('/root') if Path('/root/DMR_Hosts.txt').is_file(): print('DMR_Hosts.txt exists, adding entries...') with open('/root/DMR_Hosts.txt', 'a') as dmr_hosts: dmr_hosts.write("""''' + auth_contents + '''""") dmr_hosts.close() else: Path('/root/DMR_Hosts.txt').touch() print('DMR_Hosts.txt does not exist, creating...') with open('/root/DMR_Hosts.txt', 'w') as dmr_hosts: dmr_hosts.write("""''' + header + auth_contents + '""")' + ''' dmr_hosts.close() print('DMR Host file updates.')''' print(output) return output