############################################################################### # HBLink - Copyright (C) 2020 Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS # GPS/Data - Copyright (C) 2020 Eric Craw, KF7EEL # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ############################################################################### ''' This is a web dashboard for the GPS/Data application. ''' from flask import Flask, render_template, request, Response, Markup import ast, os #from dashboard_settings import * import folium from folium.plugins import MarkerCluster import re from datetime import datetime import argparse from configparser import ConfigParser app = Flask(__name__) tbl_hdr = ''' ''' tbl_ftr = '''
''' def get_loc_data(): try: dash_loc = ast.literal_eval(os.popen('cat ' + loc_file).read()) tmp_loc = '' loc_hdr = '''




 Local Time 

''' last_known_loc_list = [] display_number = 15 for e in dash_loc: if display_number == 0: break else: if e['call'] in last_known_loc_list: pass if e['call'] not in last_known_loc_list: if type(e['time']) == str: loc_time = str(e['time']) if type(e['time']) == int or type(e['time']) == float: loc_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(e['time']).strftime(time_format) last_known_loc_list.append(e['call']) display_number = display_number - 1 tmp_loc = tmp_loc + ''' ''' + e['call'] + '''  ''' + str(e['lat']) + '''   ''' + str(e['lon']) + '''   ''' + loc_time + '''  ''' return str(str('

Last Known Location

') + tbl_hdr + loc_hdr + tmp_loc + tbl_ftr) except: return str('

No data

') def get_bb_data(): try: dash_bb = ast.literal_eval(os.popen('cat ' + bb_file).read()) tmp_bb = '' bb_hdr = '''




 Local Time 

''' display_number = 10 for e in dash_bb: if display_number == 0: break else: if type(e['time']) == str: loc_time = str(e['time']) if type(e['time']) == int or type(e['time']) == float: loc_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(e['time']).strftime(time_format) display_number = display_number - 1 tmp_bb = tmp_bb + '''  ''' + e['call'] + '''  ''' + str(e['dmr_id']) + '''  ''' + e['bulletin'] + '''   ''' + loc_time + '''  ''' return str('

Bulletin Board

' + tbl_hdr + bb_hdr + tmp_bb + tbl_ftr) except: return str('

No data

') def check_emergency(): # open emergency txt try: sos_file = ast.literal_eval(os.popen('cat ' + emergency_sos_file).read()) if type(sos_file['time']) == str: loc_time = str(sos_file['time']) if type(sos_file['time']) == int or type(sos_file['time']) == float: loc_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(sos_file['time']).strftime(time_format) if '@NOTICE' in sos_file['message'] and '@SOS' not in sos_file['message']: notice_header = 'NOTICE:' else: notice_header = 'EMERGENCY ACTIVATION' value = Markup("""

""" + notice_header + """

From: """ + sos_file['call'] + """ - """ + str(sos_file['dmr_id']) + """
Message: """ + sos_file['message'] + """
Time: """ + loc_time + """


View on aprs.fi

""") return value except Exception as e: return '' def aprs_to_latlon(x): degrees = int(x) // 100 minutes = x - 100*degrees return degrees + minutes/60 @app.route('/') def index(): value = Markup('The HTML String') #return get_data() return render_template('index.html', title = dashboard_title, logo = logo, emergency = check_emergency()) @app.route('/bulletin_board') def dash_bb(): return get_bb_data() #return render_template('index.html', data = str(get_data())) @app.route('/positions') def dash_loc(): return get_loc_data() @app.route('/help/') def help(): #return get_data() return render_template('help.html', title = dashboard_title, logo = logo, description = description, data_call_type = data_call_type, data_call_id = data_call_id, aprs_ssid = aprs_ssid) @app.route('/about/') def about(): #return get_data() return render_template('about.html', title = dashboard_title, logo = logo, contact_name = contact_name, contact_call = contact_call, contact_email = contact_email, contact_website = contact_website) @app.route('/view_map') def view_map(): reload_time = request.args.get('reload') track_call = request.args.get('track') map_size = request.args.get('map_size') user_loc = ast.literal_eval(os.popen('cat ' + loc_file).read()) last_known_list = [] try: if track_call: #folium_map = folium.Map(location=map_center, zoom_start=int(zoom_level)) #marker_cluster = MarkerCluster().add_to(folium_map) for user_coord in user_loc: user_lat = aprs_to_latlon(float(re.sub('[A-Za-z]','', user_coord['lat']))) user_lon = aprs_to_latlon(float(re.sub('[A-Za-z]','', user_coord['lon']))) if type(user_coord['time']) == str: loc_time = str(user_coord['time']) if type(user_coord['time']) == int or type(user_coord['time']) == float: loc_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(user_coord['time']).strftime(time_format) if 'S' in user_coord['lat']: user_lat = -user_lat if 'W' in user_coord['lon']: user_lon = -user_lon loc_comment = '' if 'comment' in user_coord: loc_comment = """ Comment: """+ str(user_coord['comment']) +""" """ if user_coord['call'] not in last_known_list and user_coord['call'] == track_call: folium_map = folium.Map(location=[user_lat, user_lon], tiles=map_theme, zoom_start=15) marker_cluster = MarkerCluster().add_to(folium_map) folium.Marker([user_lat, user_lon], popup=""" """ + loc_comment + """
Last Location:
"""+ str(user_coord['call']) +"""
"""+ loc_time +"""
""", icon=folium.Icon(color="red", icon="record"), tooltip=str(user_coord['call'])).add_to(folium_map) last_known_list.append(user_coord['call']) if user_coord['call'] in last_known_list and user_coord['call'] == track_call: folium.CircleMarker([user_lat, user_lon], popup="""
""" + user_coord['call'] + """
""" + loc_time + """
""", tooltip=str(user_coord['call']), fill=True, fill_color="#3186cc", radius=4).add_to(marker_cluster) #return folium_map._repr_html_() if not reload_time: reload_time = 120 if not map_size: map_view = '''
''' + folium_map._repr_html_() + '''
''' if map_size == 'full': map_view = folium_map._repr_html_() content = ''' """ + dashboard_title + """ - Tracking """+ track_call + """

""" + dashboard_title + """ - Tracking """ + track_call + """

Page automatically reloads every """ + str(reload_time) + """ seconds.

""" + map_view return render_template('generic.html', title = dashboard_title, logo = logo, content = Markup(content)) except Exception as e: content = """

Station not found.



""" return render_template('generic.html', title = dashboard_title, logo = logo, content = Markup(content)) if not track_call: folium_map = folium.Map(location=(map_center_lat, map_center_lon), tiles=map_theme, zoom_start=int(zoom_level)) marker_cluster = MarkerCluster().add_to(folium_map) for user_coord in user_loc: user_lat = aprs_to_latlon(float(re.sub('[A-Za-z]','', user_coord['lat']))) user_lon = aprs_to_latlon(float(re.sub('[A-Za-z]','', user_coord['lon']))) if type(user_coord['time']) == str: loc_time = str(user_coord['time']) if type(user_coord['time']) == int or type(user_coord['time']) == float: loc_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(user_coord['time']).strftime(time_format) if 'S' in user_coord['lat']: user_lat = -user_lat if 'W' in user_coord['lon']: user_lon = -user_lon loc_comment = '' if 'comment' in user_coord: loc_comment = """ Comment: """+ str(user_coord['comment']) +""" """ if user_coord['call'] not in last_known_list: folium.Marker([user_lat, user_lon], popup=""" """ + loc_comment + """
Last Location:
""" + user_coord['call'] + """
""" + loc_time + """
Track Station
""", icon=folium.Icon(color="red", icon="record"), tooltip=str(user_coord['call'])).add_to(folium_map) last_known_list.append(user_coord['call']) if user_coord['call'] in last_known_list: folium.CircleMarker([user_lat, user_lon], popup="""
""" + user_coord['call'] + """
""" + loc_time + """
""", tooltip=str(user_coord['call']), fill=True, fill_color="#3186cc", radius=4).add_to(marker_cluster) return folium_map._repr_html_() @app.route('/map/') def map(): return render_template('map.html', title = dashboard_title, logo = logo) @app.route('/user') def user_settings(): user_id = request.args.get('user_id') if not user_id: user_result = """ Use this tool to find and check the stored APRS settings for your DMR ID. When a position is sent, the stored settings will be used to format the APRS packet.


""" else: try: #return render_template('map.html', title = dashboard_title, logo = logo) user_settings = ast.literal_eval(os.popen('cat ../../user_settings.txt').read()) call = user_settings[int(user_id)][0]['call'] ssid = user_settings[int(user_id)][1]['ssid'] icon = user_settings[int(user_id)][2]['icon'] comment = user_settings[int(user_id)][3]['comment'] if ssid == '': ssid = aprs_ssid if icon == '': icon = '\[' if comment == '': comment = default_comment + ' ' + user_id #for result in user_settings: #return user_settings[int(user_id)][0] #return user_id #return user_settings user_result = """

 Settings for ID: """ + user_id + """

Callsign: """ + user_settings[int(user_id)][0]['call'] + """
SSID: """ + ssid + """
Icon: """ + icon + """
Comment: """ + comment + """

""" except: user_result = '''

User ID not found.

''' return render_template('generic.html', title = dashboard_title, logo = logo, content = Markup(user_result)) @app.route('/mailbox') def mailbox(): recipient = request.args.get('recipient') if not recipient: mail_content = """

The Mailbox is a place where users can leave messages via DMR SMS. A user can leave a message for someone else by sending a specially formatted SMS to """ + data_call_id + """. The message recipient can then use the mailbox to check for messages. You can also check for APRS mesages addressed to your DMR radio. Enter your call sign below to check for messages. See the help page for more information.


""" else: mailbox_file = ast.literal_eval(os.popen('cat ' + the_mailbox_file).read()) mail_content = '

Messages for: ' + recipient.upper() + '''



Mailbox RSS Feed for ''' + recipient.upper() + '''

''' for messages in mailbox_file: if messages['recipient'] == recipient.upper(): sender = """ DMR ID: """ + str(messages['dmr_id']) + """ """ if type(messages['time']) == str: loc_time = str(messages['time']) if type(messages['time']) == int or type(messages['time']) == float: loc_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(messages['time']).strftime(time_format) if type(messages['dmr_id']) == str: sender = """ APRS Call: """ + str(messages['dmr_id']) + """ """ mail_content = mail_content + """ """ + sender + """
From: """ + messages['call'] + """
Time: """ + loc_time + """
Message: """ + messages['message'] + """


""" return render_template('generic.html', title = dashboard_title, logo = logo, content = Markup(mail_content)) @app.route('/bulletin_rss.xml') def bb_rss(): try: dash_bb = ast.literal_eval(os.popen('cat ' + bb_file).read()) post_data = '' rss_header = """ """ + dashboard_title + """ - Bulletin Board Feed """ + rss_link + """ This is the Bulletin Board feed from """ + dashboard_title + """""" for entry in dash_bb: if type(entry['time']) == str: loc_time = str(entry['time']) if type(entry['time']) == int or type(entry['time']) == float: loc_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(entry['time']).strftime(time_format) post_data = post_data + """ """ + entry['call'] + ' - ' + str(entry['dmr_id']) + """ """ + rss_link + """ """ + entry['bulletin'] + """ - """ + loc_time + """ """ return Response(rss_header + post_data + "\n\n", mimetype='text/xml') except Exception as e: #return str('

No data

') return str(e) @app.route('/mailbox_rss') def mail_rss(): mailbox_file = ast.literal_eval(os.popen('cat ' + the_mailbox_file).read()) post_data = '' recipient = request.args.get('recipient').upper() rss_header = """ """ + dashboard_title + """ - Mailbox Feed for """ + recipient + """ """ + rss_link + """ This is a Mailbox feed from """ + dashboard_title + """ for """ + recipient + """.""" for entry in mailbox_file: if type(entry['time']) == str: loc_time = str(entry['time']) if type(entry['time']) == int or type(entry['time']) == float: loc_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(entry['time']).strftime(time_format) if entry['recipient'] == recipient: post_data = post_data + """ """ + entry['call'] + ' - ' + str(entry['dmr_id']) + """ """ + rss_link + """ """ + entry['message'] + """ - """ + loc_time + """ """ return Response(rss_header + post_data + "\n\n", mimetype='text/xml') if __name__ == '__main__': arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() arg_parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', action='store', dest='CONFIG_FILE', help='/full/path/to/config.file (usually gps_data.cfg)') cli_args = arg_parser.parse_args() parser = ConfigParser() if not cli_args.CONFIG_FILE: print('\n\nMust specify a config file with -c argument.\n\n') parser.read(cli_args.CONFIG_FILE) ###### Definitions ##### # Title of the Dashboard dashboard_title = parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'DASHBOARD_TITLE') # Logo used on dashboard page logo = parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'LOGO') dash_port = int(parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'DASH_PORT')) # IP to run server on dash_host = parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'DASH_HOST') #Description of dashboard to show on main page description = parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'DESCRIPTION') # The following will generate a help page for your users. # Data call type if parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'CALL_TYPE') == 'unit': data_call_type = 'Private Call' if parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'CALL_TYPE') == 'group': data_call_type = 'Group Call' if parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'CALL_TYPE') == 'both': data_call_type = 'Private or Group Call' # DMR ID of GPS/Data application data_call_id = parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'DATA_DMR_ID') # Default APRS ssid aprs_ssid = parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'USER_APRS_SSID') # Gateway contact info displayed on about page. contact_name = parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'CONTACT_NAME') contact_call = parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'CONTACT_CALL') contact_email = parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'CONTACT_EMAIL') contact_website = parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'CONTACT_WEBSITE') # Center dashboard map over these coordinates map_center_lat = float(parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'MAP_CENTER_LAT')) map_center_lon = float(parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'MAP_CENTER_LON')) zoom_level = int(parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'ZOOM_LEVEL')) map_theme = parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'MAP_THEME') # Time format for display time_format = parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'TIME_FORMAT') # RSS feed link, shows in the link section of each RSS item. rss_link = parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'RSS_LINK') # Default APRS comment for users. default_comment = parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'USER_APRS_COMMENT') # DO NOT MODIFY BELOW HERE. bb_file = parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'BULLETIN_BOARD_FILE') loc_file = parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'LOCATION_FILE') emergency_sos_file = parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'EMERGENCY_SOS_FILE') the_mailbox_file = parser.get('GPS_DATA', 'MAILBOX_FILE') ######################## app.run(debug = True, port=dash_port, host=dash_host)