# This file contains an example Flask-User application. # To keep the example simple, we are applying some unusual techniques: # - Placing everything in one file # - Using class-based configuration (instead of file-based configuration) # - Using string-based templates (instead of file-based templates) from flask import Flask, render_template_string, request, make_response, jsonify, render_template, Markup from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from flask_user import login_required, UserManager, UserMixin, user_registered, roles_required from flask_login import current_user from wtforms import StringField, SubmitField import requests import base64, hashlib from dmr_utils3.utils import int_id, bytes_4 from config import * import ast import json import datetime, time from flask_babelex import Babel import libscrc import random try: from gen_script_template import gen_script except: pass script_links = {} def gen_passphrase(dmr_id): _new_peer_id = bytes_4(int(str(dmr_id)[:7])) calc_passphrase = base64.b64encode(bytes.fromhex(str(hex(libscrc.ccitt((_new_peer_id) + append_int.to_bytes(2, 'big') + bytes.fromhex(str(hex(libscrc.posix((_new_peer_id) + append_int.to_bytes(2, 'big'))))[2:].zfill(8)))))[2:].zfill(4)) + (_new_peer_id) + append_int.to_bytes(2, 'big') + bytes.fromhex(str(hex(libscrc.posix((_new_peer_id) + append_int.to_bytes(2, 'big'))))[2:].zfill(8))) print(calc_passphrase) if use_short_passphrase == True: return str(calc_passphrase)[-9:-1] elif use_short_passphrase ==False: return str(calc_passphrase)[2:-1] # Query radioid.net for list of IDs def get_ids(callsign): try: url = "https://www.radioid.net" response = requests.get(url+"/api/dmr/user/?callsign=" + callsign) result = response.json() # id_list = [] id_list = {} for i in result['results']: id_list[i['id']] = '' return str(id_list) except: return '' # Return string in NATO phonetics def convert_nato(string): d_nato = { 'A': 'ALPHA', 'B': 'BRAVO', 'C': 'CHARLIE', 'D': 'DELTA', 'E': 'ECHO', 'F': 'FOXTROT', 'G': 'GOLF', 'H': 'HOTEL', 'I': 'INDIA', 'J': 'JULIETT','K': 'KILO', 'L': 'LIMA', 'M': 'MIKE', 'N': 'NOVEMBER','O': 'OSCAR', 'P': 'PAPA', 'Q': 'QUEBEC', 'R': 'ROMEO', 'S': 'SIERRA', 'T': 'TANGO', 'U': 'UNIFORM', 'V': 'VICTOR', 'W': 'WHISKEY', 'X': 'X-RAY', 'Y': 'YANKEE', 'Z': 'ZULU', '0': 'zero(0)', '1': 'one(1)', '2': 'two(2)', '3': 'three(3)', '4': 'four(4)', '5': 'five(5)', '6': 'six(6)', '7': 'seven(7)', '8': 'eight(8)', '9': 'nine(9)', 'a': 'alpha', 'b': 'bravo', 'c': 'charlie', 'd': 'delta', 'e': 'echo', 'f': 'foxtrot', 'g': 'golf', 'h': 'hotel', 'i': 'india', 'j': 'juliett','k': 'kilo', 'l': 'lima', 'm': 'mike', 'n': 'november','o': 'oscar', 'p': 'papa', 'q': 'quebec', 'r': 'romeo', 's': 'sierra', 't': 'tango', 'u': 'uniform', 'v': 'victor', 'w': 'whiskey', 'x': 'x-ray', 'y': 'yankee', 'z': 'Zulu'} ns = '' for c in string: try: ns = ns + d_nato[c] + ' ' except: ns = ns + c + ' ' return ns # Class-based application configuration class ConfigClass(object): """ Flask application config """ # Flask settings SECRET_KEY = 'HFJGKSDGHFJKDFSGHJGFHJ' # Flask-SQLAlchemy settings SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = db_location # File-based SQL database SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS = False # Avoids SQLAlchemy warning # Flask-User settings USER_APP_NAME = title # Shown in and email templates and page footers USER_ENABLE_EMAIL = False # Disable email authentication USER_ENABLE_USERNAME = True # Enable username authentication USER_REQUIRE_RETYPE_PASSWORD = True # Simplify register form USER_ENABLE_CHANGE_USERNAME = False # Setup Flask-User def create_app(): """ Flask application factory """ # Create Flask app load app.config app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(__name__+'.ConfigClass') # Initialize Flask-BabelEx babel = Babel(app) # Initialize Flask-SQLAlchemy db = SQLAlchemy(app) # Define the User data-model. # NB: Make sure to add flask_user UserMixin !!! class User(db.Model, UserMixin): __tablename__ = 'users' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) active = db.Column('is_active', db.Boolean(), nullable=False, server_default='1') # User authentication information. The collation='NOCASE' is required # to search case insensitively when USER_IFIND_MODE is 'nocase_collation'. username = db.Column(db.String(100, collation='NOCASE'), nullable=False, unique=True) password = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False, server_default='') email_confirmed_at = db.Column(db.DateTime()) # User information first_name = db.Column(db.String(100, collation='NOCASE'), nullable=False, server_default='') last_name = db.Column(db.String(100, collation='NOCASE'), nullable=False, server_default='') dmr_ids = db.Column(db.String(100, collation='NOCASE'), nullable=False, server_default='') # Define the relationship to Role via UserRoles roles = db.relationship('Role', secondary='user_roles') # Define the Role data-model class Role(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'roles' id = db.Column(db.Integer(), primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.String(50), unique=True) # Define the UserRoles association table class UserRoles(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'user_roles' id = db.Column(db.Integer(), primary_key=True) user_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('users.id', ondelete='CASCADE')) role_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('roles.id', ondelete='CASCADE')) user_manager = UserManager(app, db, User) # Create all database tables db.create_all() if not User.query.filter(User.username == 'admin').first(): user = User( username='admin', email_confirmed_at=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), password=user_manager.hash_password('admin'), ) user.roles.append(Role(name='Admin')) user.roles.append(Role(name='User')) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() ## from flask_user.forms import RegisterForm ## class CustomRegisterForm(RegisterForm): ## # Add a country field to the Register form ## call = StringField(('Callsign')) ## ## # Customize the User profile form: ## from flask_user.forms import EditUserProfileForm ## class CustomUserProfileForm(EditUserProfileForm): ## # Add a country field to the UserProfile form ## call = StringField(('Callsign')) ## ## # Customize Flask-User ## class CustomUserManager(UserManager): ## ## def customize(self, app): ## ## # Configure customized forms ## self.RegisterFormClass = CustomRegisterForm ## #self.UserProfileFormClass = CustomUserProfileForm ## # NB: assign: xyz_form = XyzForm -- the class! ## # (and not: xyz_form = XyzForm() -- the instance!) ## # Setup Flask-User and specify the User data-model #user_manager = CustomUserManager(app, db, User) # Query radioid.net for list of DMR IDs, then add to DB @user_registered.connect_via(app) def _after_user_registered_hook(sender, user, **extra): edit_user = User.query.filter(User.username == user.username).first() edit_user.dmr_ids = get_ids(user.username) db.session.commit() # The Home page is accessible to anyone @app.route('/') def home_page(): content = Markup('The HTML String') # String-based templates ## return render_template_string(""" ## {% extends "flask_user_layout.html" %} ## {% block content %} ##

Home page




Sign in


Home page (accessible to anyone)


Member page (login required)


Sign out

## {% endblock %} ## """) return render_template('index.html', markup_content = content) @app.route('/generate_passphrase/pi-star', methods = ['GET']) @login_required def gen_pi_star(): try: u = current_user ## print(u.username) id_dict = ast.literal_eval(u.dmr_ids) #u = User.query.filter_by(username=user).first() ## print(user_id) ## print(request.args.get('mode')) ## if request.args.get('mode') == 'generated': content = '''

Pi-Star Instructions


1: Log into your Pi-Star device.
2: Change to Read-Write mode of the device by issuing the command:


3a: Change to the root user by issuing the command:

sudo su -

3b: Now type pwd and verify you get a return indicating you are in the /root directory. If you are in the wrong directory, it is because you're not following the instructions and syntax above! This is a show stopper, and your attempt to load the files correctly, will fail !

4: Issue one of the commands below for the chosen DMR ID:

Note: Link can be used only once. To run the script again, simply reload the page and paste a new command into the command line.

''' for i in id_dict.items(): #if i[1] == '': link_num = str(random.randint(1,99999999)).zfill(8) + str(time.time()) + str(random.randint(1,99999999)).zfill(8) script_links[i[0]] = link_num content = content + '''\n

DMR ID: ''' + str(i[0]) + ''':

bash <(curl -s "''' + str(url) + '/get_script?dmr_id=' + str(i[0]) + '&number=' + str(link_num) + '''")


''' #else: # content = content + '''\n


''' content = content + '''\n'

5: When asked for server ports, use the information above to populate the correct fields.
6: Reboot your Pi-Star device


''' except: content = Markup('No DMR IDs found or other error.') #return str(content) return render_template('flask_user_layout.html', markup_content = Markup(content)) @app.route('/generate_passphrase', methods = ['GET']) @login_required def gen(): try: #content = Markup('The HTML String') #user_id = request.args.get('user_id') u = current_user ## print(u.username) id_dict = ast.literal_eval(u.dmr_ids) #u = User.query.filter_by(username=user).first() ## print(user_id) ## print(request.args.get('mode')) ## if request.args.get('mode') == 'generated': print(id_dict) content = '\n' for i in id_dict.items(): if i[1] == '': link_num = str(random.randint(1,99999999)).zfill(8) + str(time.time()) + str(random.randint(1,99999999)).zfill(8) script_links[i[0]] = link_num #print(script_links) content = content + '''\n

Your passphrase for ''' + str(i[0]) + ''':

Copy and paste: ''' + str(gen_passphrase(int(i[0]))) + '''

Phonetically spelled: ''' + convert_nato(str(gen_passphrase(int(i[0])))) + '''


''' elif i[1] == 0: content = content + '''

Your passphrase for ''' + str(i[0]) + ''':

Copy and paste: ''' + legacy_passphrase + '''

Phonetically spelled: ''' + convert_nato(legacy_passphrase) + '''


''' else: content = content + '''

Your passphrase for ''' + str(i[0]) + ''':

Copy and paste: ''' + str(i[1]) + '''

Phonetically spelled: ''' + convert_nato(str(i[1])) + '''


''' #content = content + '\n\n' + str(script_links[i[0]]) except: content = Markup('No DMR IDs found or other error.') #return str(content) return render_template('view_passphrase.html', markup_content = Markup(content)) # The Members page is only accessible to authenticated users via the @login_required decorator @app.route('/members') @login_required # User must be authenticated def member_page(): # String-based templates ## return render_template_string(""" ## {% extends "flask_user_layout.html" %} ## {% block content %} ##

Members page




Sign in


Home page (accessible to anyone)


Member page (login required)


Sign out

## {% endblock %} ## """) content = 'Mem only' return render_template('flask_user_layout.html', markup_content = content) # The Admin page requires an 'Admin' role. @app.route('/edit_user', methods=['POST', 'GET']) @roles_required('Admin') # Use of @roles_required decorator def admin_page(): #print(request.args.get('callsign')) ## if request.method == 'POST' and request.form.get('callsign'): ## #result = request.json ## callsign = request.form.get('callsign') ## u = User.query.filter_by(username=callsign).first() ## content = u.dmr_ids if request.method == 'POST' and request.args.get('callsign') and request.form.get('user_status'): edit_user = User.query.filter(User.username == request.args.get('callsign')).first() if request.form.get('user_status') != edit_user.active: if request.form.get('user_status') == "True": edit_user.active = True content = '''

User ''' + request.args.get('callsign') + ''' has been enabled.

''' if request.form.get('user_status') == "False": edit_user.active = False content = '''

User ''' + request.args.get('callsign') + ''' has been disabled.

''' if request.form.get('username') != edit_user.username: print(request.form.get('username')) #print(edit_user.username) print('new uname') edit_user.username = request.form.get('username') if request.form.get('dmr_ids') != edit_user.dmr_ids: edit_user.dmr_ids = request.form.get('dmr_ids') content = '''

Changed authentication settings for user: ''' + request.args.get('callsign') + '''

''' db.session.commit() #edit_user = User.query.filter(User.username == request.args.get('callsign')).first() elif request.method == 'POST' and request.form.get('callsign') and not request.form.get('user_status'): # and request.form.get('user_status') : callsign = request.form.get('callsign') u = User.query.filter_by(username=callsign).first() content = '''


''' else: content = '''


''' # content = 'no found' ## return render_template_string(""" ## {% extends "flask_user_layout.html" %} ## {% block content %} ##

{%trans%}Admin Page{%endtrans%}




{%trans%}Sign in{%endtrans%}


{%trans%}Home Page{%endtrans%} (accessible to anyone)


{%trans%}Member Page{%endtrans%} (login_required: member@example.com / Password1)


{%trans%}Admin Page{%endtrans%} (role_required: admin@example.com / Password1')


{%trans%}Sign out{%endtrans%}

## {% endblock %} ## """) return render_template('flask_user_layout.html', markup_content = Markup(content)) @app.route('/get_script') def get_script(): dmr_id = int(request.args.get('dmr_id')) number = float(request.args.get('number')) #print(type(script_links[dmr_id])) u = User.query.filter(User.dmr_ids.contains(request.args.get('dmr_id'))).first() #print(u.dmr_ids) if authorized_peer(dmr_id)[1] == '': passphrase = gen_passphrase(dmr_id) elif authorized_peer(dmr_id)[1] == 0: passphrase = legacy_passphrase elif authorized_peer(dmr_id)[1] != '' or authorized_peer(dmr_id)[1] != 0: passphrase = authorized_peer(dmr_id)[1] #try: if dmr_id in script_links and number == float(script_links[dmr_id]): script_links.pop(dmr_id) return str(gen_script(dmr_id, passphrase)) #except: #else: #content = 'Link used or other error.' #return content #return render_template('flask_user_layout.html', markup_content = content, logo = logo) def authorized_peer(peer_id): try: u = User.query.filter(User.dmr_ids.contains(str(peer_id))).first() login_passphrase = ast.literal_eval(u.dmr_ids) return [u.is_active, login_passphrase[peer_id]] except: return [False] @app.route('/test') def test_peer(): u = User.query.filter_by(username='kf7eel').first() ## u = User.query.filter(User.dmr_ids.contains('3153591')).first() ## #tu = User.query.all() ## #tu = User.query().all() #### print((tu.dmr_ids)) #### #print(tu.dmr_ids) #### return str(tu.dmr_ids) #str(get_ids('kf7eel')) ## login_passphrase = ast.literal_eval(u.dmr_ids) ## print('|' + login_passphrase[3153591] + '|') ## #print(u.dmr_ids) ## #tu.dmr_ids = 'jkgfldj' ## #db.session.commit() ## return str(u.dmr_ids) ## u = User.query.filter(User.dmr_ids.contains('3153591')).first() ## #tu = User.query.all() ## #tu = User.query().all() #### print((tu.dmr_ids)) #### #print(tu.dmr_ids) #### return str(tu.dmr_ids) #str(get_ids('kf7eel')) ## print(u) ## login_passphrase = ast.literal_eval(u.dmr_ids) ## ## #tu.dmr_ids = 'jkgfldj' ## #db.session.commit() ## return str([u.is_active, login_passphrase[3153591]]) #edit_user = User.query.filter(User.username == 'bob').first() #edit_user.active = False #db.session.commit() print((current_user.has_roles('Admin'))) u.roles.append(Role(name='Admin')) print((current_user.has_roles('Admin'))) #db.session.commit() db.session.add(u) db.session.commit() return str(current_user.roles) @app.route('/add_admin', methods=['POST', 'GET']) @roles_required('Admin') def add_admin(): if request.method == 'GET': content = '''


''' elif request.method == 'POST' and request.form.get('username'): if not User.query.filter(User.username == request.form.get('username')).first(): user = User( username='admin', email_confirmed_at=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), password=user_manager.hash_password(request.form.get('password')), ) user.roles.append(Role(name='Admin')) user.roles.append(Role(name='User')) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() content = 'Created user ' + str(request.form.get('username')) else: content = 'Created user ' + str(request.form.get('Error')) return render_template('flask_user_layout.html', markup_content = Markup(content)) @app.route('/auth', methods=['POST']) def auth(): hblink_req = request.json #print((hblink_req)) if hblink_req['secret'] in shared_secrets: if authorized_peer(hblink_req['id'])[0]: if authorized_peer(hblink_req['id'])[1] == 0: response = jsonify( allow=True, mode='legacy', ) elif authorized_peer(hblink_req['id'])[1] == '': # normal response = jsonify( allow=True, mode='normal', ) elif authorized_peer(hblink_req['id'])[1] != '' or authorized_peer(hblink_req['id'])[1] != 0: response = jsonify( allow=True, mode='override', value=auth_dict[hblink_req['id']] ) if authorized_peer(hblink_req['id'])[0] == False: response = jsonify( allow=False) else: message = jsonify(message='Authentication error') response = make_response(message, 401) return response return app if __name__ == '__main__': app = create_app() app.run(debug = True, port=ums_port, host=ums_host)