''' Settings for HBNet Web Server. ''' # Database options # Using SQLite is simple and easiest. Comment out this line and uncomment the MySQL # line to use a MySQL/MariaDB server. db_location = 'sqlite:///hbnet.sqlite' # Uncomment and change this line to use a MySQL DB. It is best to start with a fresh # DB without data in it. #db_location = 'mysql+pymysql://DB_USERNAME:DB_PASSWORD@DB_HOST:MySQL_PORT/DB_NAME' # Title of the HBNet Web Service/DMR network title = 'HBNet Web Service' # Port to run server hws_port = 8080 # IP to run server on hws_host = '' # Publicly accessible URL of the web server. THIS IS REQUIRED AND MUST BE CORRECT. url = 'http://localhost:8080' # Replace below with some random string such as an SHA256 secret_key = 'SUPER SECRET LONG KEY' # Default state for newly created user accounts. Setting to False will require # the approval of an admin user before the user can login. default_account_state = True # Legacy passphrase used in hblink.cfg #legacy_passphrase = 'passw0rd' # Passphrase calculation config. If REMOTE_CONFIG is not used in your DMR server config # (hblink.cfg), then the values in section [USER_MANAGER] MUST match the values below. # If REMOTE_CONFIG is enabled, the DMR server (hblink) will automatically use the values below. # These config options affect the generation of user passphrases. # Set to a value between 1 - 99. This value is used in the normal calculation. append_int = 1 # Set to a value between 1 - 99. This value is used for compromised passphrases. burn_int = 5 # Set to a value between 1 - 99 This value is used in the normal calculation. extra_int_1 = 5 # Set to a value between 1 - 99 This value is used in the normal calculation. extra_int_2 = 8 # Set to a length of about 10 characters. extra_1 = 'TeSt' extra_2 = 'DmR4' # Shorten generated passphrases use_short_passphrase = True # Character length of shortened passphrase shorten_length = 6 # How often to pick character from long passphrase when shortening. shorten_sample = 4 # Email settings MAIL_SERVER = 'smtp.gmail.com' MAIL_PORT = 465 MAIL_USE_SSL = True MAIL_USE_TLS = False MAIL_USERNAME = 'app@gmail.com' MAIL_PASSWORD = 'password' MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER = '"' + title + '" ' # User settings settings USER_ENABLE_EMAIL = True USER_ENABLE_USERNAME = True USER_REQUIRE_RETYPE_PASSWORD = True USER_ENABLE_CHANGE_USERNAME = False USER_ENABLE_MULTIPLE_EMAILS = True USER_ENABLE_CONFIRM_EMAIL = True USER_ENABLE_REGISTER = True USER_AUTO_LOGIN_AFTER_CONFIRM = False USER_SHOW_USERNAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST = True # Time format for display on some pages time_format = '%H:%M:%S - %m/%d/%y'